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British Journal of Educational Technology January-September1995: Vol 27 Index PDF

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British Journal of Educational Technology INDEX Volume 26: January-September 1995 This index is a combined list of authors (shown in bold), titles (shown in italic) and subjects of all articles and Colloquium contributions contained in Volume 26. Interspersed with these are the first-named authors/editors (bold), titles (italic) and main subjects of books reviewed (excluding those listed as ‘Also received’). Entries cite page numbers only: the paginat ion of each issue was as follows: Number 1 January) 1-80 Number 2 (May) 81-160 Number 3 (September) 161-240 academic staff Barbados 229 Colloqium appraisal 234-235 Barnes, David (review) 232-233 CAL feedback 57-58 development 30-41, 73. 234-235 Bamett, Ronald (review) 155-156 children's attitudes to computers see also teachers, tutors Berge, Z L (ed) (review) 233-234 149-151 Achieving Quality Learning in Higher books collaboration and problem solving Education (review) 238-240 printed versus electronic form in science using IT 227-228 algorithms 236 166-178 computer assessment of psychology Andersen. Peter (ed) (review) 155 British Telecom Education Service 132 undergraduates 152-153 Animated Algorithms (review) 236 Brown. Sally (reviews) 66. 234-235 food and drink in the computer animation 125. 128, 236 browsing 172-174 room 55-56 Ashcroft, Kate (review) 232 Bruner 141-142 gender issues and learning tech¬ Assess your own Teaching Quality Bulgaria 109-121 nologies 218-219 (review) 2 34-2 3 5 business studies 84-93 Hypermedia development with Assessing Learners in Higher Education rapid prototyping 59-61 (review) 66 interactive video-bas^ modelling assessment Canada 59-61 to teach social skills 62-65 GiWCJs 66 Canale, Ric 84-93 OU Institute of Educational Tech¬ higher education 66-67 CD-I 94. 98. 103 nology 5 year plan 216-217 trainee teachers 30-41 CD-ROM 74. 84-93, 94-108, 127, OU International Centre for Dis¬ use of computers 152-153 179-189. 225-226, 229- tance Learning 229-231 see also tests 231,236 resource-based learning 225-226 audio 16-29, 33. 123, 128, 227-228 child development 141-148 self-instructional material 222- audio-visual systems 16-29 classroom behaviour 62-65 224 Australia 84-93, 149-151 cognitive theory 141-148 student learning 220-221 authoring systems 70-71, 122-130, Cognitive theory and the use of computers commerce 200-202 in the primary classroom 141- open learning 223 Azevedo, Roger 57-58 148 Committee for Advancement of Uni¬ collaborative learning 131-140, 205- versity Teaching (Australia) Bain, Alan 62-65 215, 227-228, 237-238 92 i 76 Index to Volume 26 Commonwealth countries 229-231 Metrognomes Music 147 counselling 235-236 Australia 84-93. 149-151 Miace 49 Counselling: Issues and Approaches in Barbados 229 Microkurs 109-121 Education (review) 235-236 Canada 59-61 Mips 49 course design 94-108 India 229 More 170 course structure 236-237 New Zealand 5-15, 55-56 MS-DOS 98. 103 Cowie, Helen (review) 235-236 communication Newsnet 132 Cox, Bill (review) 66-67 asynchronous 205-215, 238 Paintbrush 124 collaborative learning 131-140, Pups 49 databases 146-147. 166-178. 229- 205-215. 227-228 (Quadratic 48. 51 231. 240 computer mediated 233-234 Quest 147 design European pupils 240 Reading adventures in Oz 147 instructional materials 59-61, 73 gender differences 218-219 Reading Maze 146 Designing for Learning - Effectiveness networks 131-140. 156-157 Spelunx 146 with Efficiency (review) 68- technology 218-219 Superbook 173 69 competence 155-156 SuperSolvers: Gizmos and gadgets desk top publishing 125, 167. 175, Computer as Medium (review) 155 146 240 computer assisted learning 42-54. Thinkin' things 145 developing countries 229-231 57-58. 109-121. 122- Thinking games 146 Developing Student Capability through 130. 131-140 TTP47 Modular Courses (review) computer based learning 16-29. 57- VideoBlaster 126 236-237 58. 166-178. 190-204. West 48 didactic models 100-102 240 Windows 98, 100. 103, 104. digitised speech 16-29 Computer Based Learning (review) 240 126-127 discovery learning 42-54. 179-189 computer engineering 109-121 Young Math 147 discussion 205-215 | computer languages (authoring, pro- Zug’s Adventures on Eco-Island distance learning 30-41, 69-70. 94- | gramming. etc.) 147 108. 205-215. 218-219. assembly 109-121 Computer supported collaborative learning 222-224. 229-231. 233- HyperWriter 70-71 in schools: a distributed 234 Logo 142-143. 147 approach 131-140 Mathematica 200 computers education as entertainment 166-178 Stella 200 collaborative learning 131-140. educational publishing 166-178 Working Model 200 205-215.237-238 educational technology 73-74 computer mediated communication conferencing 205-215. 233-234 Educator's Guide to Electronic Network- 233-234 desk top publishing 125 ing (review) 156-157 i Computer Mediated Communication and distribute systems 132 electronic media 166-178. 227-228 the Online Classroom, vols. 1- environment 55-56 Enhancing educational software with 3 (review) 233-234 higher education 109-121, 152- audio 16-29 computer software 153 equal opportunities 218-219 choice and use 74 home 149-151 European Community 222 engineering 94-108 interface 51-52. 104 exams 66, 152-153 mc^elling 200-201 Macintosh 103, 104 see also assessment use of sound 16-29 messages 205-215 eye movements while copying 5-15 specific programs, systems, data- modems 212 bases, etc.: networks 131-140. 156-157. feedback 57-58 Act 49 233-234 finance Algebra Tutor 49 online courses 205-215 management of multimedia pro- Bushrangers 147 personal 99. 103. 122-130 duction 84-93 Caves of Mr Seudo 146 programming 109-121 Forcheri, Paola 42-54 Cicile 132-133 pupil attitudes 149-151 further education Color Box 125 simulation 122-130 staff appraisal 234-235 CorelDraw 124-125. 129 teacher attitudes 133 teaching and learning 232 The Cruncher 145 use in schools 131-140. 141- Diits 46. 48. 50 148. 149-151 Gardner, John 30-41 Earthlab 132 Computers in Teaching Initiative 91 gender differences Emma 45. 48 Concordia University, Montreal 59-61 attitudes to computers 149-151 Enigma 45-46 conferences use of technology 218-219 Pacemaker 147 Designing for Learning. Glasgow. Giodano, Daniela 59-61 Geometry Tutor 47, 49, 51 1993 68-69 Gloor, Peter (review) 236 HyperReader 70 conferencing 205-215. 233-234. GNVQs 66 Images Incorporated 125 237-238 see also NVQs Inspiration 170 copying speed 5-15 graphics 71. 124-125, 128 Integration Kid 50-51 correspondence courses 205-215 Kid Pix 147 cosmetic science 223 Harry, Keith 229-231 Lotus Improv 147 cost effectiveness Hawkridge, David 216-217 Mathpert 46 Open University publications Henderson, William 131-140 Mentoniezh 46 166-167 Henry, Jane (review) 67-68 Index to Volume 26 77 higher education Jenkins A (ed) (review) 236-237 Managing Teaching and Learning in assessment 66, 152-153 Further and Higher Education colleges and universities as infor¬ Kirkup, GiU 218-219 (review) 232 mation providers 166-178 Knight, Bruce Allen 141-148 Mann, Bruce 16-29 competence 155-156 Knight, Cecily 141-148 Marinov, Milko 109-121 computers 109-121, 152-153 knowledge mark-up systems 169-171 effect of open learning 166-178 competence 155-156 Mason, Robin 225-226 finance 84-93 declarative 109-121 Materials Production in Open and Distance language skills 5-15 learning quality 238-240 Learning (review) 69-70 multimedia production 84-93 learning theories 141-148, 179- mathematics 42-54 new technology 220-221 189 McConnell, David (review) 237-238 psychology 152-153 knowledge-based systems 42-54, McNally, Helena 30-41 quality assurance 238-240 109-121 media science 5-15 Knowledge based systems for teaching and adaptive 179-189 staff appraisal 234-235 learning maths 42-54 design 94-108 students 5-15, 152-153, 218- Koper, Rob 94-108 electronic 166-178 219 Kurshan, Btirbara (review) 156-157 ncurative 179-189 teaching 66-67, 232 selection 94-108 language women 157-158, 218-219 see also interactive media, multi- skills 5-15 Hoey, Chris (ed) (review) 68-69 media see also computer languages hypermedia 59-61, 166-178 Melbourne, University of 84-93 Laurillard, Diana 179-189 hypertext 166-178, 179-189, 236 mentors 30-41 learners HyperWriter 3.1 (review) 70-71 microscopes 199-200 attention 16-29 microworlds 143 learning images models and modelling collaborative 131-140, 205- multimedia as imaginative didactic 100-102 215,227-228, 237-238 resource 190-204 emulation 200-201 computer supported 131-140, relationship to sound 16-29 knowledge domain 109-121 237-238 Imagining with multimedia 190-204 problem solving in maths 45 dialogue 42-54 Implementing Computer Supported Coop¬ spreadsheets 240 discovery-based 42-54, 179-189 erative Learning (review) video-based 62-65 effect of new technology in higher 237-238 see also simulation education 220-221 India 229 modular courses 236-237 environment 173 industry Molfino, Maria Teresa 42-54 feedback studies 57-58 open learning 223 multimedia gender differences 218-219 inequalities in education 218-219 authoring 70-71, 200-202 needs and styles 166-178 informatics 156-157 courseware development 94-108, Pask’s conversational model 192- information 216-217 195 processing 5-15 demo CD-ROM 74 problem solving42-54, 158-159 provision 229-231 discovery learning 179-189 processes 42-54, 179-189 retrieval 166-178 educational publishing 166-178, quality 238-240 information technology 190-204, 216-217 resource-based 225-226 218-219, 225-226, 227- higher education 220-221 social situation 55-56 228, 232-233, 240 imaginative teaching and learning with sound 16-29 Initial experiences of creating multimedia 190-204 learning difficulties 232-233 computer simulations to replace interactive 84-93,155,190-204 learning resources 72, 225-226 pharmacology practicals 122- logical pages 166-178 130 lecturers production 84-93 appraisal 234-235 IN-SErvice Training 30-41 Multimedia and the changing experience of Lefrere, Paul 166-178 instructional design 59-61, 73, 94- the learner 179-189 Lewis, David 122-130 108, 222-224 Limits of Competence - Knowledge. instructional technology 16-29, 73- National Council for Educational Tech¬ Higher Education and Society 74 nology 30-41 (review) 155-156 intelligence National Curriculum 232-233 Lockwood, Fred 222-224, (ed) child development 141-148 Navassardian, Sima 109-121 (review) 69-70 interactive media networks 131-140, 156-157, 233- logical pages 166-178 CD-I 94, 98, 103 234 Logical pages: revolutionising the use of multimedia 84-93, 155, 190- New Zealand 5-15, 55-56 print for teaching.' 166-178 204 Nightingale, Peggy (review) 238-240 Lunneborg, Patricia (review) 157-158 production 84-93 note-taking 5-15 Luton, University of 152-153 video 30-41, 62-65 Ntergaid Inc (revdew) 70-71 Internet 73, 156-157, 220-221, MacFarlane, Alistair 163-165 NVQs155-156 229-231, 238 Mahalski, Pauline A 5-15 see also GNVQs Investigation on the quality and efficiency management of instructive computer-aided multimedia production 84-93 online courses 205-215 training 109-121 Managing Continuous Improvement open learning 69-70,1'52-153,166- IT for All (review) 232-233 Project 84-93 178, 218-219, 222-224 78 Index to Volume 26 Open University 161-231 (special needs 232-233 students issue) pastoral care 235-236 Bulgarian technical universities Institute of Educational Technol¬ response to teacher’s questions 109-121 ogy 205-215. 216-217, 62-65 capability 236-237 229-231 computer engineering 109-121 International Centre for Distance quality computerised assessment 152- Learning 229-231 assurance 216-217, 238-240 153 mixed media courses 166-167 initial teacher training 30-41 counselling 235-236 online courses 205-215 disabled 216-217 quality assurance 216-217 radio 73 disadvantaged 216-217 research 216-217 Ravenscroft Audio Video Environment expectations 220-221 women students 157-158. 218- 25 gender differences 218-219 219 reading graduates 227 Open University of the Netherlands logical pages 166-178 information revolution 220-221 94-108 spi^ 5-15 interaction via online courses optical character recognition 169 resource-based learning 225-226 205-215 Otago Polytechnic 55-56 Rowntree, Derek 205-215 learning quality 238-240 Otago University 5-15 modular courses 236-237 OU Women: Undoing Educational Scanlon, Eileen 227-228 note-taking 5-15 Obstacles (review) 157-158 schools Open University 157-158. 218- overhead projector transparencies 5- see primary education, secondary 219,225-226, 227-228 15 education, teacher training pastoral care 235-236 Overseas Development Administration science 5-15, 74. 122-130, 223, resource-based learning 225-226 229 227-228 student-teacher dialogue 42-54 secondary education women 72. 157-158, 218-219 Papert 142-144. 148 collaborative learning 131-140, study skills 225-226 Pask 192-195 227-228 Supporting school-based initial teacher pastoral care 235-236 science 227 training with interactive video Pavlova, Raina 109-121 use of computers 131-140 30-41 pharmacology 122-130 self-instruction 222-224 physics 227 Sewell, Robert 122-130 teacher training 30-41 Piaget 142-143 simulation teachers pol5rtechnics emulation 200-201 appraisal 234-235 see higher education games 146-147 attitudes to computers 133 Porras, Laura Helena 59-61 pharmacology 122-130 guiding discovery learning 179- post testing 57-58 teaching exprience 30-41 189 Practical Pointers for University Teachers see also models initial training 30-41 (reviews) 66-67 Skilbeck, Malcom (review) IN-SErvice Training 30-41 primary education skills mentors 30-41 Australia 149-151 computing 212 placement 30-41 learning theories 141-148 discussion 213 role in class 141-148, 179-189 use of computers 141-148, 149- interactive 213 staff development 30-41 151 literacy 213 teaching print 5-15, 166-178 mathematical 42-54 effect of new technology 220-221 Pritchett. Norma 152-153 social 62-65 higher education 66-67, 220- problem solving 42-54, 158-159. study 225-226 221 227-228 time management 213 projects 67-68 Producing professional interactive multi- writing 234 science 74 media: project management social services styles 30-41 issues 84-93 open learning 223 Teaching and learning online: a corre¬ PROFIL 94-108 Soden, Rebecca (review) 158-159 spondence education for the PROFIL: a method for the development of sound 16-29, 33.123,128. 227-228 21st century? 205-215 multimedia courseware 94- speech Teaching and Learning Technologies 108 compared with text 16-29 Programme 91 Project CHILD 144-145 digitised 16-29 Teaching Problem-Solving in Vocational project management 84-93 staff development 30-41, 73, 234-235 Education (review) 158-159 project work 67-68 Standard Generalised Markup Lan¬ Teaching through Projects (review) 67- prototyping 59-61, 105-106 guage 169-171, 174 68 psychology 152-153 statistical analysis Technical Universities, Rousse and publishing 166-178 feedback in CAL 57-58 Sofia 109-121 pupils learning through knowledge- technology attitudes to computers 149-151 based systems 109-121 influence on learning 179-189, behaviour 62-65 text layout affecting student 190-204. 220-221 collaborative learning 131-140 copying skills 5-15 televesion 73 counselling 235-236 Stevens, Robert 122-130 tests gender differences 149-151 Structured Sound Function model 16- interactive 152-153 learning di£Bculties 232-233 29 multiple choise 152-153 Index to Volume 26 79 post testing 57-58 Underwood, Jean (ed) (review) 240 with different content and Spielberger State Trait Anxiety United Nations University 229 layout 5-15 152-153 universities Wills, San^a 84-93 see also assessment see higher education and under women’s education 72, 157-158, text name of university 218-219 compared with speech 16-29 word processing 147-240 design and layout 5-15 Victorian Education Foundation (Aus¬ World Wide Web 169, 171, 225-226. printed versus electronic form tralia) 84-93 229-231, 238 166-178 video writing writing 71-72 computer based 197-202 computer aided 175 textbook design 174 interactive 30-41, 62-65 multiform 171 Thorpe. Mary 220-221 links 227-228 skills 234 Tomlinson. Helen 131-140 multimedia 125-127 speed 5-15 Tonfoni, Graziella (review) 71-72 recording 62-65, 72 student essays 175 training visualisation 71-72 text 71-72 computer aided 109-121 Vocational Quest (review) 158 Writing as a Visual Art (review) 71-72 multimedia 84-93 vocational training 66. 155-156, teacher 30-41 158-159 Yelland, Nicola 149-151 tutoring systems 109-121 tutors Waddick, John 55-56 Zakrzewski, Stan 152-153 online courses 205-215 Welsh School of Pharmacy 122-130 role as facilitators 232 Whalley, Peter 190-204 staff development 30-41 What happens when students copy notes

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