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British Journal of Educational Technology INDEX Volume 36: Januarij-Novernber 2005 This index is a combined list of authors and reviewers (shown in bold), titles (shown in italic) and subjects of all articles and Colloquium contributions contained in Volume 35. Interspersed with these are the reviewers and first-named authors/editors (bold), titles (italic) and main subjects of books reviewed (excluding those listed as ‘Also receiv'ed’). Hntries cite page numbers only: the pagination of each issue was as follows: Number 1 (January) 1-129 Number 2 (March) 131-356 Number 3 (May) 357-581 Number 4 (July) 58 3-705 Number 5 (September) 707-930 Number 6 (November) 9 31-1096 The Acillhtr/i PBL nuxkl (review) action research 71.1085-6. •Anderson, Terry (review) 578-9 1091-2 111-12 Aaron, Mandie 1051-4 Action research for iiiiprovirifi .Andriessen, lerry (review) academic staff 509. 10 56. practice (review) 575-6 1047 1085-6 annotation tools 758-9.760-1. and e-learning materials The action research cpihlebook 767-8 509-10 (review) 1091-2 Appleyard, Rob 669-71 expectations of laptop active learning 519 Arfiiiinfi to learn (review) programmes 521-2 activity theory 457-8 575-6 performance of 10 57—48 adult education 719 argumentation 575-6 and videoconferencing 808. Ager, Richard (review) Ashton, Helen S. 771-87 811-16 545 Asperger's Syndrome 741 accent reduction software Alghazo, Iman 1084-5 adult-facilitatcxl group work 505-14 AHert, lleidrun 114-5 with children with access to computers 510. 517. Alonso.Fernando 217-55 74 5-5 5 622-5 Altun, Arif 517-26 assessment 627 accountancy, e-learning course Anchored Instruction 219 computer-aided 587-96, 505-4 .Anderson, Alan |. 915-17 771. 772-5.966-8 148 Index to Volume 36 versus paper-based 773, Book reviewing in the B]BT: a Chappell. Dominic 425-38 774. 78()-l surveg of BJETs referees' Checklist and context-hound formative 350-1,619.624, and writers' views evaluations of online 625 897-905 learning in higher of information resources books, attitudes to as learning education 881-95 959 tools compared w'ith Chee, Tan Seng 159-76 peer 826-32 computers 85-90 chemistry, assessment of of quality of research Bostock, Stephen 347-8 teaching in secondary 362-75 Brand-Gruwel, Saskia 673-6 school 773. 774, summative 587-96 Brescia, William 1090-1 776-8 assignments, submission and Brett. Paul 281-92 Cher Ping, Lim 546-7 marking 669-71 Bridge, Pete 669-71 Cheung, Waiman 2 37-5 3 asynchronous learning networks broadband-enabled learning Children, plag, and computers in 442-5, 696-7 525-36, 805-16 pre-school education Attitudes and confidence towards Broadband videoconferencing as a 145-57 computers and books as tool for learner-centred children with disabilities. ICT learninff tools: a cross- distance learning in group work w'ith sectional stud;/ of student higher education 739-53 cohorts 85-91 805-20 Christian-Carter, Judith Audience's judgernents of speakers Brophy, |ere (review') 546-7 698-9 who use multimedia as a browsing behaviour 48-9 Christie. Bruce 477-99 presentation aid: a Brynmor Jones Report (1965) Chuang, llsueh-Hua contribution to training 711-13.715 869-80 and assessment 477-99 Building an evaluation culture and Chuang. Shih-Chyneh Aykin, Nuray (review) 923-4 evidence base for e- 97-100 learning in three Hong Clark, Judy 347, 926 Barbour, Michael 1055-8 Kong universities Coaching skills (review) 1090-1 Barker, Michelle 19-51 599-614 codetermined interactions model Barr, David (review) 576-7 Building learning communities: of learning 162,166, Barton, Roy (review') 545-6 foundations for good 168-9, 170-1, 172-5 Baskin, Colin 19-31 practice 615-28 cognition 75, 1075 Battersby, Diana 696-7, Burt, Cordon 55 3-4 use of pictorial language 1075-6 business education 351, hll-'i 911-13 Baume, Carole (review) 924 Butler, Rebecca P. (review) Cognition, education and Baume, David (review) 924—5 1079 communication BBC 720-1 technologfi (review) Beavers, Cliff E. 771-87 Cabrero, A. 107-9 1075 behaviourism 218,494-5 Cabrero, F.J. 107-9 cognitive theory 219, 480, 494 Bell, Malcolm 643-56 Campbell, Mark 501-12 Cohen, Sophia (review) Bell, Wendy 645-56 capability 68-9, 74-9 547 Billig, Shelley II. 987-1003 Cannell, Pete 928-9, 1078-9 collaboration 6,20, 54,230. Blackboard (virtual learning Carr-Chelman, Alison (review) 1089-90 environment) 643-56, 69 3^ annotation tools 757-70 669 Caspi, Avner 1 37-44 design of computer rooms A blended approach to learning: Centres for Excellence in 28 5-4. 288-91 added value and lessons Teaching and Learning effect on self-regulation learnt from students' use (CETL) 98 5-4 467-8.473-4 of computer-based Challenge 98; sustaining the work effect on W'eb-search materials for neurological of a regional technologg behaviour 466-74 analgsis 839-49 integration initiative environments for 28 3-91. blended learning 217-35.478, 987-1003 629.6 32-3.636, 840-1.846-8 Challenging research in problem- 673-6 in the workplace 726, based learning (review) Internet use 242-5.657-8, 727-34 928-9 662-3 Index to Volume 36 149 in 3D virtual worlds 445, Factors that influence faculty using Fault Tree 448-9 members’ uptake and Analysis? 1051-4 in work-based learning 729, continued use of course System failure: a comparison 732 management systems of electronic and paper- Collis, Betty 725-38, 1071-3 based assignment. 1035-49 Failure—the key to marking and feedback Colloquia understanding success 669-71 Applying reflection and 665-7 Teaching evolution using moderation in an Failure and success factors of visual simulations asynchronous educational ICT 563-6 computer-supported projects: a group Teaching of the physical and collaborative learning concept mapping technical bases of environment in approach 681^ imaging diagnosis using campus-based higher From telematics to web-based: a multimedia education 673-6 the progression of application Assessing motivational factors distance education in (Macromedia Director): in educational Newfoundland and the opinion of the technology: the case of Labrador 1055-8 students 107-9 building a web site as Implementation profile Time and implementing course assignment inventory: comparing change 1063-5 93-5 K-12, higher education The use of online forums to The correlation between and business 1059-61 support inquiry in a epistemological beliefs An innovative, interactive. PBL environment: and preferences toward self-instructional online observations from a Internet-based learning alternative to replace a work-in-progress environments 97- face-to-face respiratory 919-21 100 control practical 3 3 5-7 The use of palmtop Critiquing Theory of Planned l^earning from the online computers for learning: Behaviour as a method learners 569-74 a review of the to assess teachers’ Living learning theory literature 567-8 technology integration through My Fair Lidy Collyer, Jenny 477-99 attitudes 331-4 101-5 communication skills 495- Desktop video-assisted music A model for integrating 6 teaching and learning. instructional Communication theory: media, new opportunities for technology into higher technoloyy and society design and delivery education 327-9 (review) 1083 915-17 New technology in learning: communities of practice Do we plan the journey or a decade’s experience in 159-61, 166, 1032 read the compass? An a business school scaffolding approach to argument for preparing 677-9 161-6, 168-75 educational Pedagogies for teaching about competency 69, 74-9 technologists to lead puberty on CD-ROM for in computer education organisational change student teachers 69-70, 79-81 1067-70 339-43 competency based training The effect of introducing The politics of virtual 69-70 computers on children’s learning environments: Competency, capability, complexity problem-solving skills in environmental change. utiJ iufnffuuts. ..vlorifig science 907-9 conflict, and e-learning a new model for Kmphasising pictorial 685-91 conceptualising end-user language in cognition Strong statements about weak computer education 911-13 relationships 553-7 67-84 The ethical limitations of Swinging from a tree: can the complexity theory 71,72—4 online grading systems process of technology Computer Assisted Language 559-61 integration be improved learning 1079-80 r 150 Index to Volume 36 computer-assisted learning 217 content, management of Developinp innovation in online health sciences 365-75 453-63 learninp (review) languages 305-7, 1079-80 conversational interaction 116-17 phonemes 537-40, 540-50 166-7 Developiiifi new technolopies for computer education 67-84 copyright 1079 noting children (review) computer failure 589-90,595 Copiirifiht for teachers and 1092-3 disaster recovery 591,596 librarians (review) De Winter, James 345-6 computer-mediated peer 1079 Dewiyanti, Silvia 673-6 discourses 821-2, Cortes Pascual, \I.Pilar dialogue 166-7 825-35 (review) 577 and distance education computer-supported Couperthwaite, John 615-28, 138-44 collaborative learning 839-49 influence on achievement 673-6, 759, 1089-90 Course Management Systems 18 5-i. 187. 189-90 Computer-supported collaborative 1036, 1071-5 Dialogue: a theoretical framework leaniinfi in liicilier Cowan, |ohn 1 1 5-6, 576-7, for distance education education (review) 69 5-4, 924-5, 1075, instructional sgstems 1089-90 1089-90 1 57-44 computers 1076 Crawley, Frank 331-4 Diaz, Karen R. (review) 348- attitudes to, as learning tools Creatinn an information-rich 9 85-90 learnhui environment to Dickey, Michele D. 4 39-51 children’s use of 145-56 enhance desiipi student digital libraries 408. 630. 63 5, home access to, and learninfi: challenges and 960 mathematical approaches 629-42 views on usability of 408-19 achievement 32 5, Creating preat schools (review) digital repositories, support for 324-5 1076-7 design learning 630, Computers and 2D fieometric Crebbin, Wendy (review) 636-7. 638 learniufi of Turkish fourth 925-6 digital resources 427-8. 545, and fifth f/rades 317-26 cultural tools 1009-14 629-30 Computers and education (review) curriculum theory 119 accessing 622-3, 626 352 evaluation of 958-70 Computers, curriculum and Dabbagh, Nada 5-18 lecturers' views on role of cultural chatuie (review) Davies, Alison 615-28, 428.452.436 1075-6 8 39-49 management of 455-6 5 Computers on wheels: an Davies, |o 657-6 5 quality of 430-1 alternative to ‘each one de Corte, Erik (review) 547-8 re-use of 53. 54-9, 636-7, /iH,s one' 1017-34 Deeson, Erie 1 1 5-4, 549-50, 960. 967 computing, learning and 699-700.701-2. 924. students' expectations of help teaching 926-7 925-6. 1076-7 with 432-4 Concannon, Fiona 501-12 design 117-18 digital video technology 870, concept maps 46, 194—5 for usability 418. 419 873-8 effects on problem-solving Desifpi criteria for work-based Dinevski, Dejan 56 3-6 performance 19 8-202 learninfi: Merrill's First discussion boards 509, 797. conllict 685-91 I’rinciples of Instruction 801 conceptual, in computer- expanded 725-58 discussion forums 920-1 mediated design engineering 6 50-1. distance learning 554,555 communication 825, 6 32-7 generations of 885-8 829-50 design knowledge framew(>rk learner support 789-805. constructivism 189-90, 219, 6 30-1 1078-9 340, 871-2, 876 The desifpi wap (review) 117-18 telematics 1055-6 Internet and 247 Dettori, Giuliana 345, 577. theoretical framework for learning environments 1087-8 instructional systems 440-1 Developitifi and validatinp multiple- 137-44 s(K'ial 219, 8 54, 872, 920 choice test items (review) videoconferencing 39 7-40 5. use of multimedia 494 1081-2 805-16 i-. Index to Volume 36 151 virtual worlds 44()-9 Engestrbm. Yrjo 4 5 3-6 3 Furlonger, Clare 349-50 web-based 1056-8 Enhancing staff and educational further education Do two heads search better than development (review) computer-aided assessment on»f Effects of student 924-5 773. 774. 778-83 collaboration on web Enhancing teaching in higher managed learning search behaviour and education (review) environments 644-5. search outcomes 1082-3 648-50 465-75 Ensminger, David C. 327-9. Futures of education II (review) Doinfi educational research 1059-61 1089 (review) 118-19 epistemology, and learning Doinfi quantitative research in preferences on Internet Gardenfors, Peter (review) education with SPSS 97-100 1075 (review) 35 5-4 essay writing 189-90 Garland. Kate 85-91 D'Silva, Reginald 1071-3 evaluation 599-600. 601-1 5. Genesis: the Brgnmor Jones Report Dyer, Robert 1079 841. 884-5. 888 711-23 effectiveness of 205-16. George, Nancy A. 354 e lljcarning project 599-600, 600-1 Gilbert, Nigel (review) 1080-1 605-15 evolution, teaching using visual Gilbert. Patricia K. 5-18 e-learning see online learning simulations 563-6 Glenzer, Holly 101-5 E-learninq strategies: how to get Evolution of a laptop universitg: a Global perspectives on e-Iearning implementation and case studfi 515-24 (review) 693-4 deliverg right first time The exercise of the object: issues in globalisation of IT 92 3-4 (review) 352-3 resource reusabilitg and Goldman, Juliette D.G. early years education 1087-8 reuse 33-41 339-43 computers and play 145-56 Exiey, Kate (review) 577-8 good practice 218.518-20. use of ICT 147, 149-50, expansive learning theory 458 626 1092-3 Gorsky, Paul 137-44 educational development 924-5 Eacilitating problem-based learning grading systems, ethical educational research 118-19 (review) 927-8 limitations online knowledge management Eallows, Stephen (review) 559-61 583-93 6^4-5 Graetz, Kenneth .A. 51 3-24 educational technology Fault Tree Analysis 1051-3 Graff, iVlartin 657-63 1005-10 Eenwick, T.j. (review) 112-1 3 Grant, Michael \I. 1017-34 inlluence of Brynmor jones Ferdig, Richard E. 580-1 Graube, Gabriele (review) Report 711-22 Fine, Bethann 331^ 113-14 educational thinking objectives flexible learning 846. 886 Grierson. Hilary 629—12 340 Floreen. Patrik 757-70 group work 20-1, 22. 24-5 EDllCOSM system 758, 760-1, Flynn, Antoinette 501-12 with children with Asperger’s 767-8 Ford. Nigel 255-80 Syndrome 740-1, Kduards, Abigail (review) Eormative research on an earlg 745-53 926 stage of the sgstemic in online learning 24-30 Effective learning and teaching in change process in a small see also collaboration computing (review) school district 9 57-56 groupware 629,652-5 Foster, Geoff 205-16 Guidance System for Effective practice with e-learning Fotos, Sandra (review) 'I'ransforming (review) 697-8 1079-80 Education 9 59-42. Effects of ICT group work on A framework for fostering a 944. 946-7. 95 5 interactions and social communitfi of practice: Guo. She-Sen 911-15 acceptance of a primarg scaffolding learners pupil with Asperger's through an evolving Haab. Melissa 327-9 H Sqndrome 759-55 continuum 159-76 Haladyna. Thomas M. (review) ■ r.llis, Allan 67-84.915-17 Friesen, Norm 112-3 1081-2 H email 678, 796-7. 799 Fulda, Joseph S. 559-61 Hall, Kathy (review) 350-1 H embedded support devices 47-9 funding 994-5. 1001. 1018 Hannan. Andrew 975-85 - ■. JTL-----.... 152 Index to Volume 36 Hartley, James 348-9, 577-8. How to structure online discussions innovation 116-17.685-90, 695-6, 897-905. for meaningful discourse: 975 923-4, 1092-3 a case studg 5-18 in higher education 975-84 Hartley, Peter (review) Huang, Wayne 237-5 3 implementation process 1082-3 Hudson Report (1971) 715-16 997-1002. 106 3-5 Harwood, Ian 587-97 human-centred informatics sustainability of 987-8, Hase, Stewart 67-84 580-1 991-4, 995 Havelock. Bruce 987-1003 Humanizing information Instructional Management Hawkridge, David 118-9 technology (review) Systems 455-6 health sciences 107-9 580-1 An instructional model for web- computer-assisted learning Hung, David 159-76 based e-learning 365-75 hypermedia, course to identify education with a blended interactive self-instruction learning styles 4 3- learning process approach online as alternative to 53 il7-35 practicals 335-7 hypertext 219 Integrated e-learning (review) learning communities 698-9 615-27 ItT (information and Integrating injbrmation technology use of computer-based communications into the teacher education resources 8 39-48 technology) 21-2. curriculum (review) hearing-impaired students, 702-3, 1010-14 1093-4 computer-aided concept mapping in Intelligence and technology phonemes training educational projects (review) 1077-8 537-50 681-4 interaction 166-7,657-8. Hedberg. John G. 1 59-76. evaluation of 841 661-3, 809-10 379-95. 1077-8. and group skills development in computer group work 1088-9. 1089 24-30 743. 745-9. 752-3 help systems 205-16 individual differences in guided 152-4. 155 Hendriks, Maaikr 681-4 embracing 178-9. one-to-many 811-12 Higgins, Steve 851-67 188-9. 241, 505-8. one-to-one 812-15 higher education 24-30. 511 one-to-some 815-14 178-91. 502-3. model for educational change online 797, 801-2 882-94. 1082-3 with 1014-15 some-to-some 814-15 integrating instructional in primary schools 345 see also collaboration technology 327-9 ICT—integrating computers in interactive multimedia 1088-9 quality issues 694-5 teaching (review) Interactive multimedia in education re-use of learning resources 576-7 and training (review) 313-19 implementation of change, time 1088-9 see also academic staff: and 1063-5 interactive storybooks 57-65 universities Implementation Profile interactive whiteboards, pupils’ Hills, Howard (review) 695-6 Inventory 1059-61 views of 851-66 Hiltz, Starr R. (review) 696-7 Implementing virtual teams interactivity 479-80. 56 3 Hoadley, Christopher 957-74 (review) 926 Internet 179,218.882-3 Holmes, David (review) 108 3 Improving students' pronunciation courses available on 88 3-4 Holtham, Clive 677-9 throufih accent reduction in distance education 795-6 Hosie, Peter 881-95 software 303-16 information-seeking on Hoskins, Sherria L. 1 77-92 Individual preferences in e-learning 465-74 Hourigan, Triona 425-38 (review) 695-6 searching skills 270-1. How can acatleinics slaii in control? Information and communications 425-6 1035-49 technology in primary students’ access to and use How to he a /treat online teacher schools (rev’iew) 345 of 428-32, 79 3-5. (review) 700-1 Innovating in hi/iher education: 801 How to plan and niana/ie an e- contexts for change in use in secondary school learning programme learning technology teaching 255-74 (review) 701-2 975-85 use in universities 237-49 Index to Volume 36 153 wcb-based self-instruction Klein, Gillian (review) 1085 approaches to 282-3 J35-7 knowledge 6. 380-3 through computer play Internet environments for science acquisition techniques 823. 151-5 education (review) 826-30, 8 34-5 through experience 112-13 1086-7 management of 379. with interactive whiteboards Investinatinft the medium effect in 382-9 3, 960 857-65 computer-aided A knowledge management stages of 221-2 assessment of school technologg architecture use of dialogue 139-44 chemistni and college for educational research see also online learning computing national organisations: scaffolding Learning and teaching for business examinations 771-87 research projects and (review) 351 An investigation into students' use workflow processing Learning and teaching with of a computer-based social 379-95 technologg (review) learning space: lessons for knowledge portal 388-9 3 702-3 facilitating collaborative knowledge structures 6 3 5-6 learning communities 219. approaches to learning Kokol, Marko 563-6 615-27 281-92 Kokol, Peter 56 3-6 learning environments 161, Ion, William |. 629-42 Kolmos, Anette (review) 164-5.347-8,440-1 Ip. Barry 361-77 578-9 managing content in Irons, Alastair (review) 926-7 Koohang, Alex 407-23 453-63 Issues in the adoption of Korabinski, Athol A. 771-87 virtual 643-56.685-90 broadband-enabled Koshy, Valsa (review) 1085-6 learning objects 21. 454—6 learning 525-36 Kowch, Eugene G. 1067-70 reusability 3 3-9,960-1 Issue Web (re v ie w) 348-9 Kravitz, Noah (review) 579 Learning on the Net (review) It's installe... now get on with it! Kurhila, Jaakko 757-70 70 3-4 Looking begond the Learning online (review) 115-16 software to the cultural l,ab^;Future project 458-62 learning preferences 695-6 change 643-56 Lam, Paul 599-614 learning styles, identification of language education 303-4. 4 3-53 Jacobs, Gabriel 361-77 1080 learning theory 101-5 lanes, Diane P. 703-4 accent reduction software Learning through experience leanneau, Catherine 425- 305-14 (review) 112-13 38 use of computers 576-7 Learning together online (review) Jorhems. Wim 673-6,698-9 use of digital video 696-7 (review) technology 869-78 Lee, Jia-llsung 821-37 John Lggleston: a vision for todag laptop programmes 514-2 3. Lee, Youngmin 19 3-203 (review) 1085 1017, 1018-33 legal education, problem-based Johnson. Mike 11 3-4, 578-9, Latchem, Colin 352. 665-7, learning in 919-21 697-8. 702-3 700-1. 1082-3. Lehmann, Kay Johnson Joseph, Roberto 9 37-56 1091-2, 109 3-4 (review) 700-1 Juanes, J.A. 107-9 Lay, Ytin-Long 5 37-51 Levy, Philippa 255-80 Juster, Neal 629-42 Lazonder, Ard W. 465-75 Lewis, Elton 120 leadership 992-3. 995-6, Lewis, Lynda 739-55 Kahn, Peter (review) 924-5 1067-9 Lewis, Roger (review) 701-2 Kaye, Roland (review) 351 communities of practice 161. lifelong learning 114-15 Kearsley, Greg (review) 167-75 Li/ilearning in action (review) ^ 699-700 laptop programmes 516-17 114-15 Kenny, Robert I', (review) in schools 1076-7 Lim, Cynthia 919-21 1083- 4 learner-centred learning 759. Lindlield, Helen 615-28, Kerr. Stephen T. 1005-16 764, 808-9. 10 31 839-49 Kinrheloe, Joe L. (review) in distance education Lindsay, Roger 1 17.353-4. 1084- 5 809-14 1080-1 Kirchner. Paul 575-6. learning 20. 74. 1 17. 217-18. Linn, Marcia C. (review) 1086-7 220 1086-7 ! t 154 Index to Volume 36 lJUlejohn. Allison 629-42 Minasian-Batmanian, Laura neural networks 45-6 l.iu, C'hen-Chung 821-37 3 35-7 representing browsing l.lamas-Nistal, Martin (review) Mishra, Sanjaya 116-7, behaviour 48-54 552 569-74. 579-80. New perspectives on CALL for Lo, |ia-|iunn 43-55 926-7. 108 3-4, second languaiie Longtvorih, Norman (review) 1088-9 (review) classrooms (review) 114-15 Morgan, Harry (review) 11 7 1079-80 Lopez. (Icnovcva 217-35 Morphiiuj imac/es: a potential tool NicoL David 629-42 Lynch, Maggie (review) for teachimi word Nijhuis, (lerard G. 10 5 5-49 115-16 recognition to children Nokelainen, Petri 757-70 with severe learnituj Noyes, |an 85-91 MacKenzie, Norman 711-2 5 difficulties 29 3-301 nursing journals, papers Mac.Naughton. (llenda Morrison, D. (review) 352-3 concerned with (review) 1087-8 Motivatinci students to learn computer-assisted iMacromedia Director 108 (review) 346-7 learning 366. 568-9, Madden, Andrew 255-80 motivation 179. 188. 546-7, 571. 374 Maitland. Amanda 57-66 624-5, 627. 859 Makimi formative assessment work Motivation and ahilitii: which O'Donoghue, John 1085 (review) 350-1 students use online Oelkers, liirgen (review) 1089 Malcolm, Mary 3 5^ 1 learniiifi and what Olkun, Sinan 317-26 management 1047-8 influence does it have on Ondracek, James 407-2 3 of learning environment their achievement.' online assignment submission 650-1 177-92 and management Manafiimi content in e-learninci Muijs, Daniel (review) 35 5—4 669-71 environment 45 5-6 5 multimedia online discussions 612.657. Manafiinii educational development presentations using 478. 661-2. 797 projects (review) 924 480-1, 482-4. 479-80 in learning communities Mandarin, computer-aided audience ratings 484-9 3. 62 5-4. 626 phonemes training in 497 structuring for meaningful 5 38.5 39, 540-50 training in use of 49 3-5 discourse 6. 8-9. Manrique, Daniel 217-55 multiple-choice tests 1081 -2 10-17 Margaryan, Anoush 725-38 Murphy, Llizabeth 525-36 online learning 115-16.178. Martin. Marie 597-405 Murray, Liam 425-58 218, 2 30-4. 569-74, Mason, Robin 694-5 music teaching 701-4 mathematics 317-18.773 use of broadband-enabled asynchronous learning computers and 319-2 5 learning 526-56 networks 696-7 Mcdill, Lou 629-42 use of desktop video 91 5 collaboration in 466-74. McNaught. Carmel 599-614 Musiedrid 526-56 657-8. 662-5 McPherson. Maggie (review) Muthukumar 379-95 effectiveness of 178-81. 11(1-17 Mwanza. Daisy 45 5-6 3 185-91 1 McV'ay, Clloria ). 51 5-24 evaluation of 599-601. medical education, use of Nagra, las 281-92 601-1 3. 882-5, multimedia resources Naidu, Som (review) 702-5 888-94 1 107-9 Nelson. David VV. 19 3-20 3 individual preferences 695-6 memetics 1008, 1009, Nelson. Harold (review) instructional model 221-51 1014-15 117-18 measu res of 181-2. 185 metacognition 229-50. 85 5-9. Netcourse 966-8 need for appropriate skills 865-6 Netskills 426.429,4 54-7 426-37 1 metadata 391.454-5, 960-1 Setskills and the current state of theory and practice 111-12 learning object 455-6, beliefs and problems in strategies for 352-3 460-2 student learninii: an students' views on quality Miettinen, Miikka 757-70 assessment and and benelits of 505-12 1 Miller, David 255-80 recommendations Online learning (review) 1 Milne, Sarah 1079-80 425-38 699-700 I 1 i / 1 Index to Volume 36 155 Online tutorial support in open ami Preferences for Internet Learning Qualitii teaching and learning distance learninp: Environment Survey (review) 925-6 students' perceptions 98-9 quantitative research 5 5 3^ 789-804 presentations 477-8 Open University 717 use of multimedia 478. Ramsay, Jill 615-28. 839^9 creation of 714-15 480-1.482-98 Ravitz, |ason 957-74 Opi’fiCoHrseVVare (MIT) 883-4 Primarif pupils' recall of interactive Real learning (review) 117 Opie. Clive (review) 118-19 ston/books on CD-ROM: Reber, Rolf 9 3-5 Oster, Anat 907-9 inconsiderate interactive Reconsidering science learning features and forpettinp (review) 120 Paas, Fred 681-4 57-66 Reeder. Kenneth 1071-3 palmtop computers 567-8 primary schools 345 Reigeluth, Charles M. Panda. Santosh (review) foreign language teaching 937-56 354 869-78 Relan, Anju 927-8 Parry, Jo 350-1 interactive storybooks research 118-19,362^, participation models 162, 57-65 385-93 168-9, 170. 173 interactive whiteboards computer-assisted learning PASS-IT (Project for Assessments 851-66 and 364-75 in Scotland using Pritchard. Alan (review) formative 942-6 Information 703-4 interdisciplinary 361-2 Technology) 771-2. problem-based learning 161, quantitative 353-4 773, 78 5-4 164-5, 578-9 in social sciences 579-80 pedagogical principles 218-21 facilitating 927-8 Research Assessment Exercise 1 peer assessment, with knowledge research in 928-9 364 1 acquisition techniques use of online forums 919-21 influence on teaching and E 826-32 professional development 347. learning 979. 980. peer discourses, supported by 651-3 982 computer-mediated integration of technology Research methods in the social communication 99 3-4. 996. 997-8 sciences (review) 821-2. 825-35 review of online resources 579-80 peer learning, online activities 958-71 resource repositories 34,384. 616-17. 618. 622, videoconferencing 400-1 388.960 62 3. 625-6. 626-7 Promptinp conceptual resources 454. 629-30 Performance in e-learninp: online understandinif with see also digital resources participation and student computer-mediated peer Rethinking learner support in (trades 657-6 3 discourse and knowledpe distance education Perris, Kirk 789-804 acquisition techniques (review) 1078-9 Personal Performance Support 821-37 reviews 897 Tool 1043-7 Pronunciation Power 308-12 inBJET 897-904 Phelps. Renata 67-84 Proposirifi a framework to assess as professional development phonemestraining 537-50 Internet usaqe in 961-6. 968. 969 Pinar, William F. (review) universitii education: an Rich. Martin b77-9 119 empirical investiqation Richardson, John T. 555-7 Plannimi and nianaiiement in from a student's Richter, Christoph 114—5 distance education perspective 237-5 3 Ring fenced research: the case of (review) 354 Provenzo. Eugene F. (review) computer-assisted play, with computers 147, 1075-6 learning in health 149-56 sciences 361-77 Plowman, Lydia 145-57 quality 694-5.888-92.925-6. Roberts, Tim S. (review) 1 Porter, Barry F,. 1063-5 980, 981 1089-90 ^ Potter, Allison 1017-34 of research 362-75 Rodriguez-Conde. M.|. H Powerful learninfi environments Qualitii issues in ICT-hased higher 107-9 1 (review) 547-8 education (review) Rogers, Jenny (review) ■ praclicals 3 5S-7 694-5 1()9()-1 i' 1 156 Index to Volume 36 Rosenbusch. Marcia Harmon Sheehy, Kieron 293-301 views on laptop programme 869-80 Shu, Pai-Chuan 43-55 520-1 Ross. Steven M. 1017-34 simulation 1080-1 willingness to embrace Rushby, Nick 351 models of 161-2, 163, learning technologies 168-9. 172, 173 178-9. 180-91, Sagor, Richard (review) teaching evolution using 505-8. 511 1091-2 563-6 Studying at a distance (review) Savill-Smith, Carol 567-8 Simulation for the social scientist * 355 Savin-Baden. Maggi (review) (review) 1080-1 Sugar, William 331-4 927-8. 928-9 Siraj-Blatchford, |ohn support for online learning scaffolding 135. 161-75. 873. (review) 1092-3 240-1. 246. 504. 877-8 Small group teaching (review) 508-9, 510,653 Scanlon. Eileen (review) 577-8 in distance education 120 Smith, Glenn 517-26 789-803, 1078-9 Schibeci, Renato 881-95 Smith, Heather 851-67 for laptop users 517 Schlechty, Phillip C. (review) Smyth, Robyn 119, 355, 579. technical 99 3-4, 1028, 1076-7 805-20. 1081, 1082. 1031 science education 120,345-6. 1085-6 in use of technology 995-7, 349-50, 907-9. Snyder, Kimberlee D. 51 3-24 1031 1086- 7 social context cues 21. 28. Supporting change and scholarship assessment of. in secondary 30 through review of online schools 773. 774. social history of technology resources in professional 776-8 1009 development settings Seabrook, |an 352-3 socio-economic status, 957-74 secondary schools relationship to student Surry, Daniel W. 327-9 assessment of science achievement 318-19, sustainability 987-8 teaching 773. 774. 522-5 of teacher technology 776-8 software testing, using user integration 990-4. teaching national It'T dyads 205-16 995.997-1002 strategy 349-50 Somekh, Bridget (review) teaching science with ICT 579-80 Tail, Alan (review) 1078-9 120, 345-6. 907-9 special needs 7 39-5 3 Talbot, Christine (review) 355 use of Internet in teaching videoconferencing 400 teacher education 161,1084-5. 255-74 Speech Viewer 306-7 109 3-4 videoconferencing in A Ixvel Stephen, Christine 145-57 collaborative learning 673-6 courses 398-9 Sternberg, Robert J. (review) resource evaluation 961-2 Seeiiui is helicviiuf: the role of 1077-8 teaching about puberty 3 39, vitleoeon ferenei lui i n Stoyanov, Slavi 681 -4 341-3 distance learnini/ strong statements 553-7 use of digital video 397-405 students technology 870-1, Seferoglu, Gdige 30 5-16 access to and use of Internet 873-8 self-assessment 181-2, 185 79 3-5. 801 see also professional self-reflection 687-9 approaches to learning development Sehvyn, Neil 108 3 282-3 teachers 700-1 Seng, Koh Thiam 1 59-76 attitudes to online learning attitudes to use of ICT in Shaping earhj childhood (review) 428-31, 505-12. classrooms 266-72, 1087- 8 62 3-6, 796-9 273. 331-2 A shared document-based expectations of support integration of technology annotation tool to support 4 51^. 794-803 331-3, 806-7, 877-8. learner-centred IT skills 246-7.434-7.622. 990-1002. 1030 collaborative learning 62 3. 1028-9 training in videoconferencing 757-70 use of computers for self- 403 shared workspaces 629.63 3, study 281-9. 794-5. use of digital video 636. 638 798-9 technology 869-78

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