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British Journal of Anaesthesia CONTENTS JULY CLINICAI INVESTIGATIONS EDITORIAL 204 Effects of subanaesthetic sevoflurane on ventilation. | Response to acute and sustained hypercapnia in humans l The paediatric patient J. J. Pandit, J. Manning-Fox, K. L. Dorringtoann d D. J. Hatch and J. M. Hunter P. A. Robbins THE PAEDIATRIC PATIENT Effects of subanaesthetic sevoflurane on ventilation 3 Medical assessment of the paediatric patient Response to acute and sustained hypoxia in humans A. E. Black J. J. Pandit, J. Manning-Fox, K. L. Dorringtoann d 16 ‘Preoperative preparation and premedication P. A. Robbins C. J. Cote Segregation of malignant hyperthermia, central core New i.v. agents disease and chromosome 19 markers C. S. T. Aun J. L. Curran, W. J. Hall, P. J. Halsall, P. M. Hopkins New inhalation agents in paediatric anaesthesia D. E. Iles, A. F. Markham, S. H. McCall, R. L. Robinson D. J. Hatch S. P. West, L. R. Bridges and F. R. Ellis Low-flow anaesthesia in infants and children Closed-loop control of propofol anaesthesia G. H. Meakin G. N. C. Kenny and H. Mantzaridis Neuromuscular blocking agents in paediatric anaesthesia lopographical anatomy of the lumbar epidural region: an D. M. Fisher in vivo study using computerized axial tomography Local and regional anaesthesia in children G. R. Harrison T. C. K. Brown, R. L. Eyres and R. J. McDougall Acute pain induces an instant increase in natural killer Equipment and monitoring in paediatric anaesthesia cell cytotoxicity in humans and this response is abolished P. D. Booker by local anaesthesia Modern day-case anaesthesia for children J. Greisen, M. Hokland, T. Grofte P. O. Hansen L. J. Brennan T. S. Jensen, H. Vilstrup and E Tonnesen Postoperative nausea and vomiting in paediatric patients Dose-dependency of intra-articular morphine analgesi: J. B. Rose and M. F. Watcha R. Likar, S. Kapral, H. Steinkellner, C. Stein and Prevention and control of pain in children N. S. Morton M Se hdfe / Paediatric trauma Analgesia after intracranial surgery: a double-blind, E. H. Dykes prospective comparison of codeine and tramadol Paediatric intensive care H. M. Jeffrey, P. Chariton, D. J. Mellor, E Moss and N. R. Bennett M. Vucevic 157 Resuscitation Pharmacodynamic interaction of eltanolone and alfentanil D. A. Zideman during lower abdominal surgery in female patients ABSTRACTS M. J. Mertens, J. Vuyk, K. Parivar, F. H. M. Engbers 4. G. L. Burm andJ . G. Bovill 169P Proceedings of the Anaesthetic Research Society, Aberdeen Meeting, March 25-26, 1999 Rectal paracetamol has a significant morphine-sparing CORRESPONDENCE effect after hysterectomy 192 Low-dose combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labour T. F. Cobby, I. M. Crighton, K. Kyriakides and G. J. Hobbs 193 Mixing of propofol and lidocaine 194 Avoiding movement at laryngeal mask airway insertion Low-dose clonidine infusion during labour M. R. Tremlett, P. J. Kelly, J. Parkins, D. Hughes and BOOK REVIEWS N. Redfern 196 Handbook of Critical Care Pre-existing medical conditions as predictors of adverse 196 Final FRCA Mock Papers: True/False Questions, events in day-case surgery Comprehensive Answers and References F. Chung, G. Mezei and D. Tong Low-dose esmolol bolus reduces seizure duration during electroconvulsive therapy: a double-blind, placebo- AUGUST controlled study EDITORIALS W. W. van den Broek, A. F. G. Leentjens, P. G. H 199 I: Influence of low-dose anaesthetic agents on ventilatory Mulder, A. Kusuma and J. A. Bruijn control: where do we stand? Tactile evaluation of fade of the train-of-four and double- A. Dahan and L. Teppema burst stimulation using the anaesthetist’s non-dominant 202 Il: Magnesium: quo vadis? hand M. F. M. James Y. Saitoh, Y. Narumi, Y. Fujii and M. Ueki British Journal of Anaesthesia 279 Low-dose succinylcholine facilitates laryngeal mask SEPTEMBER airway insertion during thiopental anaesthesia {. Yoshino, Y. Hashimoto, J. Hirashima, T. Hakoda, EDITORIAL R. Yamada and M. Uchiyama 369 Realizing visions J. Richardson LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS 284 Morphological correlates of the differential responses of CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS muscles to vecuronium 72 Effects of dexmedetomidine on isoflurane requirements C. Ibebunjo, C. B. Srikant and F. Donati in healthy volunteers. 1: Pharmacodynamic and 292 Relaxant effect of propofol on the airway in dogs pharmacokinetic interactions Z. P. Khan, 1. T. Munday, R. M. Jones, C. Thornton, K. Hirota, T. Sato, Y. Hashimoto, E. Hashiba, T. Kudo, H. Ishihara and A. Matsuki T. G. Mant and D. Amin 296 A novel model of aspiration in young and old guinea-pigs Effects of dexmedetomidine on isoflurane requirements in using LacZ gene transduction of adenovirus vector healthy volunteers. 2: Auditory and somatosensory evoked responses S. Teramoto, H. Matsui, E. Ohga, T. Ishii, T. Matsuse and Y. Ouchi C. Thornton, M. A. Lucas, D. E. F Newton, C. J. Dore and R. M. Jones REVIEW ARTICLE A prospective, randomized comparison of preoperative 302 Magnesium: physiology and pharmacology and continuous balanced epidural or paravertebral W. J. Fawcett, E. J. Haxby and D. A. Male bupivacaine on post-thoracotomy pain, pulmonary function and stress responses SHORT COMMUNICATIONS J. Richardson, S. Sabanathan, J. Jones, R. D. Shah, 321 Effects of inhaled nitric oxide 10 ppm in spontaneously S. Cheema and A. J. Mearns breathing horses anaesthetized with halothane Postoperative analgesia with i.v. patient-controlled L. E. Young, D. J. Marlin, R. M.M cMurphy, K. Walsh morphine: effect of adding ketamine and P. M. Dixon G. Adriaenssens, K. M. Vermeyen, V. L. H. Hoffmann, Mitochondrial redox state in the critically ill E. Mertens and H. F. Adriaensen K. A. Yassen, H. F. Galley, A. Lee and N. R. Webster A potential mechanism of propofol-induced pain on Effect of i.v. furosemide on pelvic urinary oxygen tension injection based on studies using nafamostat mesilate M. Nakane and H. Iwama in humans P. M. Tolley, A. Purcell and S. N. Bolsin Acoustic monitoring of intraoperative neuromuscular Pro-coagulant effect of in vitro haemodilution is not block inhibited by aspirin A. Dascalu, E. Geller, Y. Moalem, M. Manoah, S. Enay IT. G. Ruttmann and M. F. M. James and Z. Rudick Effects of i.v. anaesthetic agents on the chemotaxis of Double-blind comparison of sevoflurane vs propofol and eosinophils in vitro succinylcholine for tracheal intubation in children W. Krumholz, O. Abdulle, J. Knecht and G. Hempelmann A. J. Thwaites, S. Edmends, A. A. Tomlinson, J. B. Kendall and 1. Smith Allergy to anaesthetizing agents in Spain E. Tamayo, M. Perez, J. I. Gomez and F. J. Alvarez LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Residual neuromuscular block caused by pancuronium 415 Desflurane and isoflurane improve neurological outcome after cardiac surgery after incomplete cerebral ischaemia in rats C. Van Oldenbeek, P. Knowles and N. J. N. Harper K. Engelhard, C. Werner, W. Reeker, H. Lu, O. Post-tetanic count and train-of-four responses during Mollenberg, L. Mielke and E. Kochs neuromuscular block produced by vecuronium and Relaxation by sevoflurane, desflurane and halothane in infusion of nicardipine the isolated guinea-pig trachea via inhibition of Y. Saitoh, Y. Narumi and Y. Fujii cholinergic neurotransmission C. U. Wiklund, S. Lim, U. Lindsten and S. G. E. Lindahl CASE REPORTS Role of inhaled nitric oxide in ischaemia—reperfusion 343 Emergency repair of incidentally diagnosed ascending injury in the perfused rabbit lung aortic aneurysm immediately after Caesarean section Y. Ishibe, R. Liu, M. Ueda, K. Mori and N. Miura E. Ecknauer, D. Schmidlin, R. Jenni and E. R. Schmid Thermal and mechanical antinociceptive action of spinal Effect of haemorrhage on plasma propofol concentrations vs peripherally administered clonidine in the rat inflamed in a patient undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation knee joint model R. J. Turner, P. C. A. Kam, I. Ramzan and M. B. Santilli H. Buerkle, M. Schdpsmeier, C. Bantel, M. A. E. Marcus, Detection of an epileptic mirror focus after oral R. Wiisten and H. Van Aken application of clonidine Inflammation of the rat urinary bladder is associated with H. Schmitt, K. Druschky, C. Hummel and H. Stefan a referred thermal hyperalgesia which is nerve growth factor dependent CORRESPONDENCE S. I. Jaggar, H. C. F. Scott and A. S. C. Rice BOOK REVIEWS Analgesic effect of intrathecal desipramine on carrageenan-induced thermal hyperalgesia in the rat ERRATUM T. Kawamata, K. Omote, M. Kawamata and A. Namiki British Journal of Anaesthesia REVIEW ARTICLE K. Nitahara, T. Sakuragi, M. Matsuyaamnad K. Dan 453 Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents in anaesthesia 501 Fatal nefopam overdose T. Engelhardt and N. R. Webster S. C. Urwin and H. S. Smith SHORT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 461 Etomidate and the osteocalcin response to gynaecological §03 In vitro and in vivo assessment of the Ventrak surgery 1550/Capnogard E. O'Leary, Y. Lam, 4. E. Bryant, J. M. Burrin and 1265 for single breath carbon dioxide analysis in ne G. M. Hall U. Wenzel, R. R. Wauer, M. H Wagner and Solvent for etomidate may cause pain and adverse effects J ’ J G. Schmalisch A. W. Doenicke, M. F. Roizen, R. Hoernecke, W Loren and P. Ostwald ABSTRACTS Effects of propofol on extracellular acidification rates in S11P Proceedings of the Anaesthetic Research Society primary cortical cell cultures: application of silicon Plymouth Meeting. July 8—9. 1999 microphysiometry to anaesthesia 53] CORRESPONDENCI M. Abrahams, H. Eriksson, K. Bjérnstrém and C. Eintrei BOOK REVIEWS Neither nociceptin nor its receptor are present in human synovial fluid or tissue ERRATUM N. Kumar, D. Smart, 8. Mason, A. 7 McKnight, D. J. Rowbotham and D. G. Lambert Pre-ischaemic administration of procaine suppresses ischaemic glutamate release and reduces neuronal damage in the gerbil hippocampus Of TOBER N. Adachi, J. Chen, K. Nakanishi and T. Arai EDITORIALS Comparison of pentastarch and Hartmann’s solution for §47 I: Cost effectiveness of general anaesthesia: inhalation volume preloading in spinal anaesthesia for elective Caesarean section G. W. G. French, J. B. White, S. J.H owell and M. Popat ] ( izier and D. Kettle Re-evaluation of appropriate size of the laryngeal mask Il: Less is more using systolic pressure variation to airway assess hypovolaemia T. Asai, K. Murao, H. Yukawa and K. Shingeu M.D. Stoneham Influence of neuromuscular block, mode of ventilation CAL INVESTIGATIONS and respiratory cycle on pharyngeal mucosal pressures with the laryngeal mask airway Ventilatory frequency variability in spontaneously C. Keller and J. Brimacombe breathing anaesthetized subjects D. Galletly and P. Larsen Cisatracurium neuromuscular block at the adductor pollicis and the laryngeal adductor muscles in humans \ multicentre comparison of the costs of anaesthesia with K. S. Kim, C. W. Chung and W. J. Shin sevoflurane or propofol Augmentation of vecuronium-induced neuromuscular I. Smith, P. A. Terhoeve, D. Hennart, P. Feiss block during sevoflurane anaesthesia: comparison with M. Harmer, J. L. Pourriaantd I. A. T. Johnson balanced anaesthesia using propofol or midazolam Compound A does not accumulate during closed circuit T. Suzuki, K.M unakata, N. Watanabe, N. Katsumata, sevoflurane anaesthesia with the Physioflex S. Saeki and §. Ogawa W. Funk, M. Gruber, W. Jakob and J.H obbhahn CASE REPORTS Comparison of sevoflurane—nitrous oxide and propofol—alfentanil—nitrous oxide anaesthesia for 488 Living related donor liver transplantation in a patient with minor gynaecological surgery severe aortic stenosis K. Nelskyld, K. Korttilaan d A. Yli-Hankala T. Adachi, M. Murakawa, N. Uetsuki and H. Segawa Burst suppression or isoelectric encephalogram for cerebral Autotransfusion performed on a patient with cis AB blood protection: evidence from metabolic suppression studies group S. Kawahito, H. Kitahata, H. Kimura, K. Tanaka P. W. Doyle and B. F. Matta and S. Oshita Benzodiazepines and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly Cardiovascular collapse associated with extreme iatrogenic PEEPi in patients with obstructive airways L. S. Rasmussen, A. Steentoft, H. Rasmussen disease P. A. Kristensen, J. T. Moller and the ISPOCD group L. E. Connery, M. J. Deignan, M. W. Gujer Midazolam premedication and thiopental induction of and M. G. Richardson anaesthesia: interactions at multiple end-points Unusual consequences of heroin overdose: O. H. G. Wilder-Smith, P. A. Ravussin, L. A. Decosterd. rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, paraplegia and P. A. Desplanadnd B. Bissonnette hypercalcaemia Use of tranexamic acid for an effective blood R. Kumar, D. M. West, M. Jingree and A. S. Laurence conservation strategy after total knee arthroplasty Response to vecuronium in a patient with 4. J. Jansen, S. Andreica, M. Claeys, J. D’Haese, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy F. Camu and K. Jochmans British Journal of Anaesthesia 602 Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on serum procalcitonin 670 Combined spinal—epidural in the obstetric patient with and C-reactive protein concentrations Harrington rods assisted by ultrasonography 4. Aouifi, V. Piriou, P. Blanc, H. Bouvier, O. Bastien, S. T. Yeo and R. French P. Chiari, R. Rousson, R. Evans and J. J. Lehot Ropivacaine and bupivacaine for long-term epidural Effect of tropisetron on vomiting during patient-controlled infusion in a small child analgesia in children B. Gustorff, P. Lierz, P. Felleiter, T.H . Knocke, D. Allen, C. Jorgensen and C. Sims K. Hoerauf and H. G. Kress Comparison of ondansetron and cyclizine for prevention COMMENTARY of nausea and vomiting after day-case gynaecological 675 A rough guide to molecular biology laparoscopy H. F. Galley and N. R. Webster J. M. Cholwill, W. Wright, G. J. Hobbs and J. Curran The intubating laryngeal mask airway compared with 682 CORRESPONDENCE direct laryngoscopy M. S. Avidan, A. Harvey, N. Chitkara andJ . Ponte 691 BOOK REVIEWS LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS 618 Arterial to inspired partial pressure ratio of halothane, NOVEMBER isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane in rats \. Holdcroft, D. Bose, S. M. Sapsed-Byrne, D. Ma EDITORIALS and G. G. Lockwood 693 I: Measuring sedation in the ICU: guidelines on the Effects of propofol on vascular reactivity in isolated scales? aortae from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive D. Rosser and J. Bion rats 695 II: Orexins: a new family of neuropeptides \. Boillot, P. Laurant, A. Berthelot and F. Barale D. Smart Measurements of systolic time intervals using a CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS transoesophageal pulsed echo-Doppler J.-P. Tournadre, R. Muchada, S. Lansiaux 698 The Brussels sedation scale: use of a simple clinical and D. Chassard sedation scale can avoid excessive sedation in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in the intensive care REVIEW ARTICLE unit O. Detriche, J. Berré, J. Massaut and J.-L. Vincent 637 Adverse effects of cannabis and cannabinoids C. H. Ashton Haemodynamic effects of diaspirin crosslinked haemoglobin (DCLHb) given before abdominal aortic SHORT COMMUNICATIONS aneurysm surgery M. A. Garrioch, J. H. McClure and J.A . W. Wildsmith 650 Comparison of breathing methods for inhalation induction of anaesthesia High frequency jet ventilation and gas trapping K. Guracha Boru and G. B. Drummond D. R. Spackman, N. Kellow, S. A. White, P. T. Seed and R. O. Feneck Effect of a remifentanil bolus dose on the cardiovascular response to emergence from anaesthesia and tracheal Effect of omitting regular ACE inhibitor medication extubation before cardiac surgery on haemodynamic variables and vasoactive drug requirements M. A. Shajar, J. P. Thompson, A. P. Hall, N. A. P. Leslie and A. J. Fox D. W. Pigott, C. Nagle, K. Allman, S. Westaby and R. D. Evans Bacterial contamination of needles used for spinal and Haemodynamic effects of rapacuronium in adults with epidural anaesthesia coronary artery or valvular disease C. Raedler, C. Lass-Flérl, F. Piihringer, Ch. Kolbitsch, K. C. McCourt, P. Elliott, R. K. Mirakhur, W. Lingnau and A. Benzer T. J. McMurray, A. S. Phillips and D. Cochrane Effect of itraconazole on the pharmacokinetics of Antagonism of rapacuronium using edrophonium or bupivacaine enantiomers in healthy volunteers neostigmine: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics V. J. Palkama, P. J. Neuvonen and K. T. Olkkola K. G. Mills, P. M. C. Wright, B. J. Pollard, J. M. Scott, Sensory hyperinnervation after neonatal skin wounding: J. P. Hing, G. Danjoux and J. M. Hunter effect of bupivacaine sciatic nerve block Sevoflurane anaesthesia causes a transient decrease in J. De Lima, D. Alvares, D. J. Hatch and M. Fitzgerald aquaporin-2 and impairment of urine concentration Propofol anaesthesia in mice is potentiated by muscimol K. Morita, F. Otsuka, T. Ogura, M. Takeuchi, S. and reversed by bicuculline Mizobuchi, T. Yamauchi, H. Makino and M. Hirakawa M. Irifune, M. Sugimura, T. Takarada, K. Maeoka, The Haldane effect—an alternative explanation for Y. Shimizu, T. Dohi, T. Nishikawa and M. Kawahara increasing gastric mucosal PCO, gradients S. M. Jakob, P. Kosonen, E. Ruokonen, I. Parviainen and REPORTS J. Takala Pulmonary haemorrhage after percutaneous paravertebral Continuous auditory monitoring—how much information Lb lock. do we register? P. W. Thomas, D. J. Sanders and R. G. Berrisford R. M. Craven and A. K. McIndoe British Journal Comparison of 0.25% S(—)-bupivacaine with 0.25% CORRESPONDENCI RS-bupivacaine for epidural analgesia in labour D. Burke, D. J. Henderson, A. M. Simpson BOOK REVIEWS K. A. Faccenda, L. M. M. Morrison, E. M. McGrad\ G. A. McLeod and J. Bannister Comparison of low-dose epidural with combined DECEMBER spinal—epidural analgesia for labour M. Dresner, J. Bamber, C. Calow, J. Freeman EDITORIALS and P. Charlton 829 I: Lung protective ventilatory strategies—will thes: Metoclopramide in the prevention of postoperative nausea prevail in the next millennium? and vomiting: a quantitative systematic review of B. F. Keogh and C. J. Bateman randomized, placebo-controlled studies Il: Why we need large randomized studies in anaesthesia I. Henzi, B. Walder and M. R. Trameér P. S. Myles Dexamethasone reduces nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS J. J. Wang, S. T. Ho, Y. H. Liu, S. C. Lee, Y. C. Liu, Y. C. Liao and C. M. Ho Effects of hyperoxia and hypocapnia on regional venous oxygen saturation in the primary visual cortex in Hospital admission after day-case gynaecological conscious humans laparoscopy C. Kolbitsch, M. Schocke. C. Hérmann, 1. H. Loren B. Hedayati and S. Fea C. Kremser, R. Ellineer, F. Zschieener, S. Felbe LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS F. Aichner and A. Benze1 780 Effects of tramadol on minimum alveolar concentration Effects of target-controlled infusion of propofol on the (MAC) of isoflurane in rats transient hyperaemic response and carbon dioxide reactivity in the middle cerebral artery M. H. de Wolff. H {. Leathe? and P I Woute rs 784 Catecholaminergic activity and 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine J. M. Harrison, K. J. Girling and R. P. Mahajan monophosphate concentrations in the right ventricle after Gram stain of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the early acute and chronic morphine administration in the rat diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia M. V. Milanés, T. Fuente, M. T. Marin and M. L. Laorden B. Allaouchiche, H. Jaumain, D. Chassard and P. Boulétreau REVIEW ARTICLE Perioperative myocardial ischaemia, heart rate and 789 Ultrasound: an emerging role in anaesthesia and intensive arrhythmia in patients undergoing thoracotomy: an care observational study A. Hatfield andA . Bodenham J. Groves, N. D. Edwards, B. Carr and K. M. Sherr) SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Malignant hyperthermia causing Gly2435Arg mutation 801 Oxygen administration and explicit memory: no of the ryanodine receptor facilitates ryanodine-induced improvement found in healthy volunteers calcium release in myotubes H. L. Dimpel, J. R. Sneyd, H. Sanders and I. Dennis H. Brinkmeier, J. Kriimer, R. Krimer, P. A. lai Evalution of pressure changes in a new design tracheal C. Baur, F. Lehmann-Horn and R. Riidel tube cuff, the Portex Soft Seal, during nitrous oxide Rapacuronium for modified rapid sequence induction in anaesthesia elective Caesarean section: neuromuscular blocking B. Al-Shaikh, M. Jones and F. Baldwin effects and safety compared with succinylcholine, and Posterior epidural space depth: safety of the loss of placental transfer resistance and hanging drop techniques E. 1. Abouleish, T. 8. Abboud, G. Bikhazi, C. A. Kenaan V. L. H. Hoffmann, M. P. Vercauteren, J.-P. Vreugde, L. Mroz, J. Zhu and J. Lee G. H. Hans, H. C. Coppejans and H. A. Adriaensen Combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labour Self-prepared heparinized syringes for measuring ionized comparison of two doses of intrathecal bupivacaine with magnesium in critical care patients fentanyl J. Chantler and D. J. A. Cox B. B. Lee, W. D. Nean Kee, V. Y. S. Hung and Ondansetron and droperidol in the prevention of E. L. Y. Wong postoperative nausea and vomiting Interscalene brachial plexus anaesthesia with 0.5%, G. Bugedo, J. Gonzalez, C. Asenjo, J. C. De la Cuadra, A. 0.75% or 1% ropivacaine: a double-blind comparison Gajardo, L. Castillo, H. Munoz and J. Dagnino with 2% mepivacaine A. Casati, G. Fanelli, G. Aldegheri, M. Berti, CASE REPORTS E. Colnaghi, V. Cedrati and G. Torri 815 Development of rapid atrial fibrillation with a wide QRS Effect of oral and i.v. tenoxicam in postoperative pain complex after neostigmine in a patient with intermittent Wolff—Parkinson—White syndrome after total knee replacement T. Kadoya, A. Seto, K. Aoyama and I. Takenaka K. A. Eggers, B. J. Jenkins and I. Power Paravertebral block in the management of liver capsule Asymptomatic intranasal abnormalities influencing the pain after blunt trauma choice of nostril for nasotracheal intubation H. Hall and A. Leach J. E. Smith and A. P. Reid British Journal of Anaesthesia 887 Improving the shape and compliance characteristics of a 962 Malposition of the epiglottis after tracheal intubation via high-volume, low-pressure cuff improves tracheal seal the intubating laryngeal mask P. J. Young and M. C. Blunt I. Takenaka, K. Aoyama, E. Nagaoka, A. Seto, K. Niijima and T. Kadoya LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS 890 Variables used to set PEEP in the lung lavage model are 964 CORRESPONDENCE poorly related 976 BOOK REVIEWS M. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A. J. Hediund, K. A. Nordgren, G. A. Wegenius, A. M. Markstrém, J. Guttmann and 980 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 U. H. Sjéstrand Different effects of dopamine and dopexamine on the isolated perfused rat kidney K. Kirchhoff, M. Leuwer, P. Thum, A. Bornscheuearn d S. Piepenbrock Effect of propofol on reperfusion injury after regional ischaemia in the isolated rat heart D. Ebel, W. Schlack, T. Comfére, B. Preckel and V. Thdmer 909 Effects of tramadol stereoisomers on norepinephrine efflux and uptake in the rat locus coeruleus measured by real time voltammetry D. M. Halfpenny, L. F. Callado, S. E. Hopwood, T. A. Bamighade, R. M. Langford and J. A. Stamford REVIEW ARTICLE 916 Development of academic anaesthesia in the UK up to the end of 1998 J. F. Nunn SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 933 Antiemetic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery: comparison of metoclopramide and ondansetron D. K. Woodward, K. M. Sherry and D. Harrison Aerobic, anaerobic and combination estimates of cerebral hypoperfusion during and after cardiac surgery S. A. Millar, R. P. Alston, M. J. Souter and P. J. D. Andrews Supralaryngeal tubeless combined high-frequency jet ventilation for laser surgery of the larynx and trachea G. Ihra, C. Hieber, C. Schabernig, P. Kraincuk, S. Adel, W. Pléchl and A. Aloy Influence of sex on cerebrospinal fluid density in adults E. Schiffer, E. Van Gessel and Z. Gamulin Inhibitory effect of clonidine on ketamine-induced norepinephrine release from the medial prefrontal cortex In rats I. Kubota, K. Hirota, H. Yoshida, S. Takahashi, H. Ohkawa, N. Anzawa, T. Kushikata and A. Matsuki Effects of a nitric oxide scavenger, carboxy-PTIO, on isoflurane MAC and cerebellar nitric oxide synthase activity in rats T.-Y. Chen, C.-L. Chang, C.-C. Tseng and J.-T. Cheng REPORTS Perinatal management of a neonate with airway obstruction caused by rhabdomyosarcoma of the tongue V. S. Skelton and A. Goodwin Epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section in a patient with severe Takayasu’s disease K. Henderson and P. Fludder 960 Percussion—a new way to diagnose a pneumothorax R. Winter and D. Smethurst

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