CC ff50ni>imT0 10^ i>2 0.) e - ) K//u^'/ur/ J OF THE sji^^"rTiJKv:>:(]E?<^r. THE HONDURAS A L M A N A CS iFor the Pear ot <©ur 3lor^ m CALCULATED TO THE MERIDIAN OF BELIZE, /( Latitude 17„29„36 North. Longitude 88„02„00 West. Published by Authority of the Legislative Assembly • 1829. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE MONDAY, 5th MARCH, 1827. •* That the thanks of this RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, Meeting, be given to the Gentlemen, who have hither to conducted the compilation, and publication, of the ; and they are hereby requested HONDURAS ALMANACK to accept the same accordingly,—and should the sub scription not be adequate to the expense, that this shall make good the deficiency." PUBLIC