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Sharrock Photographic Researcher Robin Chittenden Art Consultants Robert Gillmor and Alan Harris Volume 93 2000 BB 2000 Ltd ISSN 0007-0335 Editorial Staff Dr J.T. R. Sharrock (Managing Editor), David Christie (Assistant Editor), Mrs Frances Bucknell (Personal Assistant to Dr Sharrock) Rarities Committee Dr Colin Bradshaw (Chairman), Paul Harvey, John McLoughlinJo,h n Martin, Doug Page, Adam Rowlands, K. D. Shaw, Dr Jimmy Steele, Andy Stoddart, Reg Thorpe & Grahame Walbridge; Ian Lewington (Museum Consultant); John Marchant (Archivist); Peter Fraser (Statistician); Michael J. Rogers (Hon Secretary). Behaviour Notes Panel Dr C.J. Bibby, lan Dawson, Dr J.J. M. Flegg, Prof I. Newton FRS, Dr M.A. Ogilvie, Dr J.T. R. Sharrock, Dr K. E. L. Simmons & Dr Angela Turner (Co-ordinator). Identification Notes Panel Dr Colin Bradshaw, Dr R. J. Chandler, R.A. Hume,T. P. Inskipp, P. G. Lansdown, S.C. Madge, I.S. Robertson & K. E. Vinicombe (Co-ordinator). Index to volume 93 Compiled by M.A. Ogilvie Entries are in single list with reference to: (1) every significant mention of each species, not only in titles, but also within the text of papers, notes and letters, including all those appearing in such lists as the ‘Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1998’, major mentions of those in ‘News and Comment’, but excluding those in ‘Recent reports’, requests and reviews. Where species appear both in ‘The ornithological year 1998’ and in the ‘Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1998’, however, only the latter inclusion is listed; (2) scientific nomenclature under generic name only and following The ‘British Birds’ List of Birds of the Western Palearctic (1997); (3) authors of all papers, notes, reviews and letters, and photographers; papers and notes are referred to by their titles, other contributions as ‘letter on’, ‘review of’, etc.; (4) a few subject headings, e.g.‘Announcements'’, ‘Breeding’ ,‘Field characters’ ,‘Food and feeding behaviour’, ‘News and comment’, ‘Rarities Committee’ ‘Recent reports’, and ‘Voice’; (5) ‘Reviews’ and ‘Short reviews’, which are listed together in alphabetical order of authors reviewed Accentor, Alpine, photograph, 300, plate 193; Amazon, Blue-fronted, status in Valencia, 340-1 European Bird Report, 418 Amazona aestiva, see Amazon, Blue-fronted ——., Black-throated, European Bird Report, 418 Ananian, Vasil Y., National Correspondent, ——., Radde’s, European Bird Report, 418 European Bird Report, 415-27 ——., Siberian, European Bird Report, 418 Anas acuta, see Pintail, Northern Accipiter gentilis, see Goshawk, Northern —— americana, see Wigeon, American —— nisus, see Sparrowhawk, Eurasian —— crecca, see Teal, Common Acrocephalus agricola, see Warbler, Paddyfield —— discors, see Teal, Blue-winged —— arundinaceus, see Warbler, Great Reed —— penelope, see Wigeon, Eurasian —— dumetorum, see Warbler, Blyth’s Reed platyrbynchos, see Mallard griseldis, see Warbler, Basra Reed —— querquedula, see Garganey melanopogon, see Warbler, Moustached —— rubripes, see Duck, American Black orientalis, see Warbler, Oriental Reed —— strepera, see Gadwall —— paludicola, see Warbler, Aquatic Andrewartha, Terry, 6th equal place, Bird palustris, see Warbler, Marsh Photograph of the Year 2000, of Blue Tit, scirpaceus, see Warbler, Reed 285, plate 176 Actitis bypoleucos, see Sandpiper, Common Announcements: 51-2; 54; 254; 347; 507; 573 macularia, see Sandpiper, Spotted Anser albifrons, see Goose, White-fronted Aegolius funereus, sce Owl, Tengmalm’s —— anser, see Goose, Greylag Aegypius monachus, see Vulture, Monk —— brachyrbynchus, see Goose, Pink-footed Agapornis personatus, see Lovebird, Yellow- —— caerulescens, see Goose, Snow collared —— fabalis, see Goose, Bean Aix sponsa, see Duck, Wood —— indicus, see Goose, Bar-headed Alauda gulgula, see Lark, Oriental Sky Anthropoides virgo, see Crane, Demoiselle Albatross, Black-browed, European Bird Report, Anthus campestris, see Pipit, Tawny 115; identification and ageing at sea, 263-76, ——- cervinus, see Pipit, Red-throated plates 147-70; photographs, 355, plates 210- godlewskii, see Pipit, Blyth’s 11; correction, 650 —— gustavi, see Pipit, Pechora ——, Wandering, photograph, 261, plate 146 hbodgsoni, see Pipit, Olive-backed Albatrosses, mortality due to fishing, 260-2, plate ——— novaeseelandiae, see Pipit, Richard's 146 —— petrosus, see Pipit, Rock Alca torda, see Razorbill —— pratensis, see Pipit, Meadow Alcedo atthis, see Kingfisher, Common —— rubescens, see Pipit, Buff-bellied Alectoris rufa, see Partridge, Red-legged —— trivialis, see Pipit, Tree Alopochen aegyptiacus, see Goose, Egyptian Apus affinis, see Swift, Little British Birds Index to volume 93 651 apus, see Swift, Common plate 314;o f Dark-throated Thrush, 553, plate caffer, see Swift, White-rumped 332; of Iberian Chiffchaff, 559, plate 339; of pallidus, see Swift, Pallid Swainson’s Thrush, 647, plate 365 Aquila chrysaetos, see Eagle, Golden Berg, Hans-Martin, National Correspondent, —— clanga, see Eagle, Spotted European Bird Report, 114-28 —— nipalensis, see Eagle, Steppe Bhalerao, Julian V., photograph of Pallid Swift, —— pomarina, see Eagle, Lesser Spotted 484, plate 283; of Pied Wheatear, 550, plate —— rapax, see Eagle, Tawny 328 Aratinga erythrogenis, see Parakeet, Red-masked Bibby, Colin, more than enough exotics?, 2-3 ——— nenday, see Parakeet, Nenday Bird Illustrator of the Year 2000, 333-9; award Ardea goliath, see Heron, Goliath presentation, 463, plate 255 melanocephala, see Heron, Black-headed Bird Photograph of the Year 2000, 280-7, plates ——- purpurea, see Heron, Purple 171-9; award presentation, 463, plate 254 Ardeola ralloides, see Heron, Squacco Bittern, American, separation from Great Bittern, Ashforth, Mike, photograph of Iceland Gull, 160, 132-4, plates 81, 83, 86-7; accepted records, plate 94 517 Asio capensis, see Owl, Marsh ——., Great, habitat creation, 50; European Bird flammeus, see Owl, Short-eared Report, 116; separation from American Avery, Mark, letter on farms: for birds or for Bittern, 132-4, plates 82, 84-5; British food?, 278; on Ruddy Ducks and other aliens, breeding records in 1998, 363-4; increasing 500 numbers, 409 Avocet, British breeding records in 1998, 377-8; ——, Little, accepted records, 517 summary for 1999, 472, 476-7 Blackbird, male brooding young, 399; summary Aythya affinis, see Scaup, Lesser for 1999, 481 —— collaris, see Duck, Ring-necked Blackcap, summary for 1999, 472-3, 476, 478 —— ferina, see Pochard, Common Blackstart, European Bird Report, 419 —— nyroca, see Duck, Ferruginous Bluetail, Red-flanked, European Bird Report, 419; —— valisineria, see Canvasback photographs, 482, plates 279-80; accepted records, 548-9, plates 326-7 Baha El Din, Sherif, and Baha El Din, Mindy, Bluethroat, British summering records in 1998, National Correspondents, European Bird 386; European Bird Report, 419, plate 238; Report, 415-27 summary for 1999, 474; numbers in Britain Baker, Jeff, review of Chapman: The Hobby, 295 in 1998, 621-2 Barnett, Philip, House Sparrows repeatedly Bobolink, accepted records, 564, plate 343; robbing Common Starlings, 203 photograph, 648, plate 366 Barthel, Peter E., National Correspondent, Bobwhite, Northern, British breeding records in European Bird Report, 415-27 1998, 432 Bartramia longicauda, see Sandpiper, Upland Bombycilla cedrorum, see Waxwing, Cedar Baston, Bill, photograph of Great White Egret, garrulus, see Waxwing, Bohemian 468, plate 260 Bond, Chris, photograph of Great Skua, 467, plate Batten, L.A., Iberian Chiffchaff in Greater 258; of Pied-billed Grebe, 515, plate 307; of London: new to Britain and Ireland, 329-32 Slender-billed Gull, 536, plate 318 Baumanis, Janis, National Correspondent, Boon, Chris R., short review, 460 European Bird Report, 114-28, 415-27 Botaurus lentiginosus, see Bittern, American Baxter, P.A.A., photograph of Collared Flycatcher, stellaris, see Bittern, Great 560, plate 340 Bottomley James Brian, obituary, 200-1, plate 114 Bee-eater, Blue-cheeked, European Bird Report, ——,J. B. & S., photograph of American Bittern, 127-8, 416 133, plate 82 ——., European, numbers in Britain in 1998, 613- ——,, Sheila, obituary, 200-1, plate 114 15 Bourne,W . R. P., letter on birds and fog, 456; on ——, Little Green, European Bird Report, 127 conservation, taxonomy, nomenclature and Bellingham, Gary, photograph of Iceland Gull, gadfly petrels, 571; on early studies of 215, plate 126; of Ross’s Gull, 216, plate 128; migration, 643-4 of Alpine Accentor, 300, plate 193; of Purple Bowey, Keith, Common Bullfinches nesting in Swamp-hen, 444, plate 248; of Dark-throated disturbed site, 399; nest-building by Mute Thrush, 471, plate 264; of Radde’s Warbler, Swans apparently in response to heavy rain, 480, plate 276; of Wryneck, 509, plate 303; of 289 Greenish Warbler, 510, plate 304; of King Bowman, Neil, 5th place, Bird Photograph of the Eider, 525, plate 311; of American Coot, 528, Year 2000, of Turtle Dove, 284, plate 175; 652 British Birds Index to volume 93 photograph of Ring Ouzel, 473, plate 267 ——., Reed, summary for 1999, 475 Brachyrampbhus marmoratus, see Murrelet, ——., Rustic, European Bird Report, 427; Marbled accepted records, 563 Bradshaw, Colin, the occurrence of Moustached ——., Snow, photograph, 216, plate 129; British Warbler in Britain, 29-38, plates 28-9; letter breeding records in 1998, 393 on separating Acrocepbalus and Hippolais ——, Yellow-breasted, European Bird Report, warblers, 277; review of MacKinnon & 427; accepted records, 563-4, plate 342 Phillipps: A Field Guide to the Birds of Burbinus oedicnemus, see Stone-curlew China, 459; identification of autumn Burn, Hilary, review of Jackson: Dictionary of Isabelline Wheatears, 488-92, plates 288-92 Bird Artists of the World, 103 Brambling, summary for 1999, 471 Burton, Robert, short review, 151 Branall, H. D., photograph of European Suslik, Bustard, Houbara, European Bird Report, 121 142, plate 89 ——, Little, European Bird Report, 121 Branta bernicla, see Goose, Brent Buteo buteo, see Buzzard, Common canadensis, see Goose, Canada —— lagopus, see Buzzard, Rough-legged —— leucopsis, see Goose, Barnacle —— rufinus, see Buzzard, Long-legged ruficollis, see Goose, Red-breasted Buxton, Ian, National Correspondent, European Breeding: Mute Swan, 289; Eurasian Bird Report, 415-27 Sparrowhawk, 40-1; Golden Eagle, 41-2; Buzzard, Common, feeding on apple, 90; Peregrine Falcon, 44; House Martin, nests European Bird Report, 120; range expansion falling, 43; Common Stonechat, 288; Song in Britain, 242-8; letter on soaring on flat Thrush, 146-7 wings, 644 Brenchley, Anne, see Wright, Malcolm, et al. ——. Long-legged, European Bird Report, 120 Brerton, Tom, see Roper, Paul, et al. ——., Rough-legged, numbers in Britain in 1998 ‘British Birds’ Best Annual Bird Report Awards, 600-1 129-31 ‘British Birds’ Best Bird Book of the Year, 494-5 Cairina moschata, see Duck, Muscovy British List: changes announced, 107 Calandrella acutirostris, see Lark, Hume's Brooks, Richard, photograph of Red Kite, 305, —— brachydactyla, see Lark, Short-toed plate 194 Calcarius lapponicus, see Longspur, Lapland Bryant, Jon, letter on single-observer records Calidris acuminata, see Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed unjust treatment?, 45-6 —— alpina, see Dunlin Bubo bubo, see Owl, Eagle —— bairdii, see Sandpiper, Baird’s Bubutlcus ibis, see Egret, Cattie —— ferruginea, see Sandpiper, Curlew Bucanetes githagineus, see Finch, Trumpeter — fuscicollis, see Sandpiper, White-rumped Bucephala albeola, see Bufflehead —— maritima, see Sandpiper, Purple clangula, see Goldeneye, Common ——- melanotos, see Sandpiper, Pectoral —— islandica, see Goldeneye, Barrow’s —— minutilla, see Sandpiper, Least Budgerigar, status in Valencia, 340-1 —— pusilla, see Sandpiper, Semipalmated Bufflehead, European Bird Report, 119; accepted —— subminuta, see Stint, Long-toed records, 525 —— temminckii, see Stint, Temminck’s Bulbul, White-cheeked, European Bird Report, Callion, John, review of Mitchell: Birds of the 418 Lake District, 295 Bullfinch, Common, nesting in disturbed site, 399 Callonetta leucopbrys, see Teal, Ringed Bunting, Black-faced, photograph, 300, plate 192; Calonectris diomedea, see Shearwater, Cory’s accepted records, 563 —— leucomelas, see Shearwater, Streaked ——, Black-headed, photograph, 356, plate 214; Cannings, Phil, letter on the raptor menace European Bird Report, 427; accepted origins and mistaken identities, 643 records, 560 Cantelo, John, letter on reliability of single- ——., Chestnut, photograph, 355, plate 208 observer and multi-observer records, 343 ——., Cirl, British breeding records in 1998, 393 Canvasback, photograph, 160, plate 96; accepted ——., Grey-necked, European Bird Report, 427 records, 523 ——., Little, identification, 157-8, plate 90; Carduelis carduelis, see Goldfinch photograph, 216, plate 130; numbers in chloris, see Greenfinch Britain in 1998, 640-1 —— flammea, see Redpoll, Common ——., Meadow, photograph, 216, plate 127 —— hornemanni, see Redpoll, Arctic ——., Ortolan, numbers in Britain in 1998, 639-40 spinus, see Siskin ——, Pallas’s Reed, European Bird Report, 427 Carl Zeiss Award, winning photographs, 496-8, , Pine, European Bird Report, 427 plates 294-9 British Birds Index to volume 93 653 Carpodacus erythrinus, see Rosefinch, Common Chordeiles minor, see Nighthawk, Common roseus, see Rosefinch, Pallas’s Chough, Red-billed, the return to England, 249- Carter, Ian, review of Clark: A Field Guide to the 52; letter on report of occurrence in Raptors of Europe, the Middle East and London, 342; British breeding records in North Africa, 206 1998, 391-2 ——, ——,, and Grice, Phil, studies of re- Chrysolopbus amberstiae, see Pheasant, Lady established Red Kites in England, 304-22, Ambherst’s plates 194-202, and colour plate —— pictus, see Pheasant, Golden Catharacta maccormicki, see Skua, South Polar Ciconia ciconia, see Stork, White skua, see Skua, Great nigra, see Stork, Black Catharus fuscescens, see Veery Cinclus cinclus, see Dipper guttatus, see Thrush, Hermit Cinnyricinclus leucogaster, see Starling, Violet- —— ustulatus, see Thrush, Swainson’s backed Catley, Graham P., photograph of Common Circaetus gallicus, see Eagle, Short-toed Chiffchaff, 212, plate 116; song and call of a Circus aeruginosus, see Harrier, Marsh ‘Siberian Chiffchaff’, 456 cyaneus, see Harrier, Hen Cawkell, Harry, obituary, 106 macrourus, see Harrier, Pallid Cercomela melanura, see Blackstart pPygargus, see Harrier, Montagu’s Cercotrichas galactotes, see Scrub-robin, Rufous- Cisticola juncidis, see Cisticola, Zitting tailed Cisticola, Zitting, photograph, 298, plate 186; Cettia cetti, see Warbler, Cetti’s identification, 568, plate 344 Chaetura pelagica, see Swift, Chimney Clamator glandarius, see Cuckoo, Great Chandler, R. J., editorial: a new era for British Spotted Birds, 302 Clangula byemalis, see Duck, Long-tailed ——,R.J., see Paton, V.S., et al. Clarke, Roger, see Watson, Mark ——,R.J., see SharrockJ,.T . R., et al. Clasper, Brian, photograph of Rosy Starling, 356, Chapman, David, photograph of Ring-billed Gull, plate 217; of Blyth’s Reed Warbler, 555, plate 111, plate 72 335; of Yellow-breasted Bunting, 563, plate Charadrius alexandrinus, see Plover, Kentish 342 asiaticus, see Plover, Caspian Clayton, Nick, photograph of Pectoral Sandpiper, —— dubius, see Plover, Little Ringed 508, plate 302 —— leschenaultii, see Plover, Greaier Sand Clements, Rob, range expansion of the Common ——— mongolus, see Plover, Lesser Sand Buzzard in Britain, 242-8 —— morinellus, see Dotterel Coccyzus americanus, see Cuckoo, Yellow-billed vociferus, see Plover, Killdeer Cockatiel, status in Valencia, 340-1 Charleton, Phil, Tawny Owl eating Roe Deer Cole, Dan, winner, Bird Illustrator of the Year carrion, 145 2000, 333-9 Chiffchaff, Common, identification, 212, plate Colinus virginianus, see Bobwhite, Northern 116; photograph of Siberian race P c. tristis, Collinson, Martin, short review, 207; review of 214, plate 123; European Bird Report, 423; Johnston: Scotland’s Nature in Trust, 208; song and call of probable bird of Siberian twitching and taxonomy, 414 race Pc. tristis, 456; summary for 1999, 471-2 Collinson, Tony G., photograph of American , Iberian, in Greater London: new to Britain Black Tern, 56, plate 39; of Short-toed Lark, and Ireland, 329-32; European Bird Report, 298, plate 184; of Black-faced Bunting, 300, 423; accepted records, 559-60, plate 339 plate 192; of Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 480, plate Chittenden, Robin, photograph of Black-throated 275; of Red-flanked Bluetail, 482, plate 280; Diver, 53, plate 31; of Desert Wheatear, 55, of Chimney Swift, 541, plate 322; of plate 34; of Arctic C. b. exilipes and Mealy Isabelline Shrike, 561, plate 341; of Solitary Redpolls C. £f lammea, 70-1, 76, plates 42-3, Sandpiper, 574, plate 346 61; letter on the commercialisation of Combridge, Peter, letter on Honey-buzzards in ornithology, 150; photograph of Slavonian southern England, 100-1; Great Skua Grebe, 219, plate 131; of Slender-billed Gull, apparently killing Little Egret, 144; letter on 298, plate 185; of Dotterel, 510, plate 305; of Common Buzzards soaring on flat wings, Bohemian Waxwing, 585, plate 362 644 ——, ——, see Sharrock, J.T. R., et al. Conservation research news: 28; 202; 344-5; 434 Chlamydotis undulata, see Bustard, Houbara ConzemiusTo,m , minutes of the 5th conference Chlidonias bybridus, see Tern, Whiskered of European Rarities Committees, 86-8, plate leucopterus, see Tern, White-winged Black 65; National Correspondent, European Bird —— niger, see Tern, Black Report, 114-28, 415-27 654 British Birds Index to volume 93 Cooper, John, keeping albatrosses off the hook, —— cygnus, see Swan, Whooper 260-2, plate 146 —— olor, see Swan, Mute Cooper, Linda, photograph of Marbled Murrelet, 194, plate 113 Danko, Stefan, photograph of Saker Falcon, 141 Coot, American, accepted records, 528, plate 314 plate 88 ——, Common, European Bird Report, 121 Davies, Colin, adult Mallards repeatedly diving, ——., Red-knobbed, European Bird Report, 121 90 Coracias garrulus, see Roller, European , and Sharrock, J.T. R., European Bird Cormorant, Great, exploiting fish concentrations Report, passerines, 415-27, plates 237-41 caused by heavy rain, 39 ——., see Sharrock, J.T. R. ——., Pygmy, European Bird Report, 116 Dawson, lan, review of Sacchi et al.: Where to Corrections: 347; 650 Watch Birds in Switzerland, 207 Corvus dauuricus, see Jackdaw, Daurian de Juana, Eduardo, National Correspondent, —— monedula, see Jackdaw, Eurasian European Bird Report, 114-28, 415-27 —— splendens, see Crow, House review of Rebane: Where to Watch Birds in Coturnix coturnix, see Quail, Common North & East Spain, 461 Crab-plover, European Bird Report, 121 Delichon urbica, see Martin, House Crake, Baillon’s, photograph, 474, plate 268; Dendrocopos leucotos, see Woodpecker, White accepted records, 527-8, plate 313 backed —., Corn, European Bird Report, 121; British major, see Woodpecker, Great Spotted breeding records in 1998, 376-7 Dendroica cerulea, see Warbler, Cerulean ——, Sora, photograph, 112, plate 77 coronata, see Warbler, Yellow-rumped ——., Spotted, British breeding records in 1998, — palmarum, see Warbler, Palm 376; photograph, 467, plate 259; numbers in striata, see Warbler, Blackpoll Britain in 1998, 602-3 des Forges, Grahame, obituary, 402-3, plate 226 Crane, Common, European Bird Report, 121; Dickson, R. C., Common Kestrel robbing Eurasian photograph, 160, plate 95; British breeding Sparrowhawk, 42 records in 1998, 377; numbers in Britain in Dickson, Wendy, photograph of Sooty 1998, 603-4 Shearwater, 109, plate 69 ——, Demoiselle, European Bird Report, 121 “5 , and Scott, Bob, news and comment Crex crex, see Crake, Corn see News and comment Cromack, David, see Sharrock, J.T. R., et al Dierschke, Jochen, National Correspondent Crossbill, Common, British breeding records in European Bird Report, 415-27 1998, 392 Diomedea exulans, see Albatross, Wandering ——., Parrot, British breeding records in 1998, melanopbris, see Albatross, Black-browed 392; European Bird Report, 425 —— spp., see Albatrosses ——., Scottish, British breeding records in 1998, Dipper, European Bird Report, 418 392 Diver, Black-throated, identification, 53-4, plate ——,Two-barred, European Bird Report, 425; 31; European Bird Report, 115; British accepted records, 562 breeding records in 1998, 361-2 Crow, House, European Bird Report, 424 , Great Northern, European Bird Report Crozier, Jacqueline, National Correspondent, 115;summary for 1999, 470 European Bird Report, 114-28, 415-27 , Red-throated, British breeding records in Cuckoo, Common, summary for 1999, 475 1998, 361 ——., Great Spotted, photographs, 258, plates ——,White-billed, European Bird Report, 115 139-40; accepted records, 540 accepted records, 515 ——, Oriental, European Bird Report, 127 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, see Bobolink ——., Yellow-billed, photograph, 480, plate 275; Dolphin, Alan K., Eurasian Sparrowhawks accepted records, 540, plate 321 repeatedly using same nest, 40-1 Cuculus canorus, see Cuckoo, Common Dorolova,A., National Correspondent, European —— saturatus, see Cuckoo, Oriental Bird Report, 415-27 Curlew, Eurasian, capturing and killing Pied Dotterel, European Bird Report, 121; British Wagtail, 399 breeding records in 1998, 379; photograph, ——,, Slender-billed, observation protocol, 49; 510, plate 305 European Bird Report, 123 Dove, African Collared, European Bird Report, Cyanoliseus patagonus, see Parakeet, Burrowing 126 Cygnus atratus, see Swan, Black ——., Collared, European Bird Report, 126-7 —— buccinater, see Swan, Trumpeter ——., Laughing, European Bird Report, i27 columbianus, see Swan, Tundra ——, Mourning, photograph, 55, plate 40; British Birds Index to volume 93 655 accepted records, 539 European Bird Report, 119; British breeding ——., Namaqua, European Bird Report, 127 records in 1998, 369-70; summary for 1999, ——,, Oriental Turtle, European Bird Report, 127 485 , Turtle, photograph, 284, plate 175 Earp, Mike, letter on swamp-hen or swamphen, Dowitcher, Long-billed, European Bird Report, 343 123; accepted records, 533 Editorial: a new era for British Birds, 302;Tim , Short-billed, photographs, 477, plates 270-1 Sharrock: an appreciation, 578-9, plate 352 Dromas ardeola, see Crab-plover Egret, Cattle, European Bird Report, 116; Dryocopus martius, see Woodpecker, Black accepted records, 518-9, plate 309 Dubois, Philippe J., National Correspondent, ——., Great White, European Bird Report, 117; European Bird Report, 114-28, 415-27 photograph, 468, plate 260; accepted Duck, American Black, photograph, 111, plate 73; records, 519 European Bird Report, 118; accepted ——, Little, European Bird Report, 116-17; records, 522 apparently killed by Great Skua, 144; British , Ferruginous, identification and its status in breeding records in 1998, 364; summary for Britain and Ireland, 4-21, plates 1-25; 1999, 476 accepted records, 523; numbers in Britain in ——., Western Reef, European Bird Report, 116 1998, 596-7 Egretta alba, see Egret, Great White ——, Harlequin, accepted records, 525 - garzetta, see Egret, Little ——., Long-tailed, European Bird Report, 118 —- gularis, see Egret, Western Reef , Muscovy, British breeding records in 1998, Eider, King, photograph, 259, plate 144; accepted 430 records, 524-5 ——, Ring-necked, European Bird Report, 118; ——, Spectacled, European Bird Report, 118 photograph, 259, plate 145; numbers in ——, Steller’s, European Bird Report, 118 Britain in 1998, 596 Elanus caeruleus, see Kite, Black-shouldered ——,, Ruddy, European Bird Report, 119; letters Elkins, Norman, see Nightingale, Barry on control, 394-6, 500, plates 218-9; letter on Elliott, Martin, review of Dunn: The Small Gulls whether the same species as White-headed of North America (video), 296 Duck, 396-8 Emberiza aureola, see Bunting, Yellow-breasted ——, White-headed, European Bird Report, 119; —— buchanani, see Bunting, Grey-necked letter on whether the same species as Ruddy —— cioides, see Bunting, Meadow Duck, 396-8 —— cirlus, see Bunting, Cirl ——, Wood, British breeding records in 1998, —— hortulana, see Bunting, Ortolan 431 —— leucocephalos, see Bunting, Pine Dunlin, summary for 1999, 476 —— melanocephala, see Bunting, Black-headed Dunn, P.J., photographs of probable Arctic —— pallasi, see Bunting, Pallas’s Reed Redpoll C. b. exilipes, 72,74, plates 47,54 —— pusilla, see Bunting, Little Dymond, Nick, review of Thibault & Bonaccorsi: —— rustica, see Bunting, Rustic The Birds of Corsica: BOU Checklist No. 17, —— rutila, see Bunting, Chestnut 151; photograph of Greater Sand Plover, 181, —— schoeniclus, see Bunting, Reed plate 106; of Lesser Sand Plover, 181, plate - spodocephala, see Bunting, Black-faced 107 Eremophila alpestris, see Lark, Horned Eremopterix nigriceps, see Sparrow-lark, Black- Eagle, Booted, combined mobbing of Northern crowned Goshawk with Marsh Harrier and Common ——. signata, see Sparrow-lark, Chestnut-headed Kestrel, 89; European Bird Report, 120; Eriksen, Hanne & Jens, photographs of Lesser photographs, 485, plates 285-6 Sand Plover, 170, 172, 180, 183, plates 97, ——., Golden, apparently laying at roost sites, 41- 100, 104, 108; of Greater Sand Plover, 172, 2; juvenile ‘attacked’ by sheep, 42; British 180, plates 101, 103 breeding records in 1998, 372 Eriksen, Jens, 3rd equal place, Bird Photograph of ——, Lesser Spotted, European Bird Report, 120 the Year 2000, of Steppe Eagle, 284, plate ——, Short-toed, photographs, 55, 479, plates 35- 174 6, 273; identification, 346, plate 204; Erithacus rubecula, see Robin accepted records, 526, plate 312 Estrilda astrild, see Waxbill, Common ——, Spotted, European Bird Report, 120 European Bird Report, non-passerines, including ——, Steppe, European Bird Report, 120; near-passerines, 114-28, plates 78-80; photograph, 284, plate 174 passerines, 415-27, plates 237-41 ——,, Tawny, European Bird Report, 120 European Rarities Committees, minutes of the ——,, White-tailed, photograph, 112, plate 76; 5th conference, 86-8, plate 65 656 British Birds Index to volume 93

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