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1949 BRITANNICA BOOK OF THE YEAR A Record of the March of Events of 1948 1949 BRITANNICA BOOK OF THE YEAR • Prepared Under the Editorial Direction of Walter Yust, Editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica PUBLISHED BY ENCYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNICA, INC. CHICAGO • TORONTO • LONDON COPYRIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1949 BY ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, INC. COPYRIGHT UNDER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT UNION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER PAN AMERICAN COPYRIGHT CONVENTIONS BY ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, INC. Britannica Book of the Year (Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) The editor of the Britannica Book of the Year acknowledges with gratitude the privilege of using 36 pictures from Life. Acknowledgments of the copyright owner- ship of all illustrations may be found on the following three pages. the editor TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations and Acknowledgment of Copyright . V • • • Introduction ...... • . Vlll Editors and Contributors .... • ix Calendar, 1949 ..... • . xxii Calendar of Events, 1948 .... • I Britannica Book of the Year . • 17 The Present and Its Roots in the Past: A Survey • • 783 Index ....... • • 793 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Acknowledgment of Copyright is to be found in the Parentheses. Asterisks denote Illustrations from Life) A bdullah ibn Hussein (Wide World). 6 Architecture—Continued Baseball Accidents Co-operative apartments (Photo by Ezra Stol¬ Disputed world series play (Wide World) . . 105 Rescuing a window-washer (Acme).19 ler— Pictorial Services; Leonard Schultze & Boston Red Sox v. N.Y. Yankees (New York Adams, Sherman (Courtesy, Republiran Party Associates, architects).65 Herald Tribune Photo by Don Rice). . . 107 of New Hampshire; photo by Fabian Bach- Private home in California (Courtesy, Mot¬ Basketball rach).507 ley Baer; Jon Konigshofer, designer and Olympic semifinals (Acme).109 Advertising builder; Thomas D. Church, landscape Beard, Charles A, (Wide World).523 U.S. Treasury advertisement (Courtesy, The architect).65 Beardsley, William S. (Courtesy, Republican U.S. Treasury Dept, and The Advertising Container Corp. of America plant (Photo by Party of Iowa; photo by Tyler Studios) . . 394 Council).. • • 20 Lionel Freedman—Pictorial Services; The Belgium, Ernest Bevin broadcasting from Health advertisement (Courtesy, General Mills, Ballinger Co., architects-engineers; Walter (Acme).112 Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.).21 Gropius, consultant architect).65 Benes, Eduard (Wide World).523 Agricultural Research Administration Argentina, demonstration for Pres. Peron of Ben-Gurion, David (Wide World). 3 Wheat harvest in experimental field (U.S.D.A. (Acme).67 Ben-Gurion, David, visiting Haganah troops Photo by Osborne).24 Armies of the World (International).113 Agriculture Basic training at Fort Dix (Wide World) . . 72 Bentley, Elizabeth (Wide World).10 Corn detasseler (Alfred Eisenstaedt—Pix from Art Exhibitions Berlin Publix).25 “Portrait of a Man” (Gossaert) (Raymond & Noncommunist rally (Acme).115 Wheat harvest in Italy (Dmitri Kessel)*. . . 27 Raymond, Inc.).76 Open-air newscast (P. G. Lutz from Black Overflow of wheat (Wide World).29 Astronomy Star).115 Aircraft manufacture of B-SOA’s (Courtesy, Boe¬ Comet Honda-Bernasconi (Science Service) . 79 Children watching air lift operations (Inter¬ ing Airplane Co.). 51 Atomic Energy national) .115 Airport, Germans building a new (H. G. Walker) * 33 Atomic pile at Brookhaven (Science Illustrated Traffic inspection point (Wide World). ... 115 Alabama, demonstration for Gov. Thurmond in Photo by Dick Wolters).81 Templehof airport during night air lift opera¬ (Acme).55 Scientific road show (Ralph Morse)* .... 81 tions (Wide World).17 Alberta, dismantling a refinery for transport to Generator in Belgian laboratory (Wide World) 81 Bernadette, Count Folke (Wide World) .... 10 (Courtesy, Imperial Oil, Ltd.) ...... 57 Water treatment plant at Harwell (Wide Bonner, John W. (Courtesy, John W. Bonner; American citizens abroad in Italy (Dmitri Kessel) * 43 World).81 photo by DeWalt Studio).473 American Federation of Labor Attlee, Cement (Wide World). 2 Book Publishing Strike at the N.Y. Stock Exchange (Press Austin, Warren (Wide World). 3 Authors of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Association, Inc.). 44 Australia, immigrants to (Wide World) . . . , 85 (Wallace Kirkland) *.123 American Legion, Pres. Truman addressing mem¬ Austrians scanning missing persons notices (Kos- Bowles, Chester (Courtesy, Chester Bowles; photo bers of (Wide World).45 mos from Black Star).87 by Louis Roushon).212 American Literature Automobile Industry Boxing match for world middleweight title (Wide Scene from All the King's Men (Herbert Gehr) * 47 Press preview (Wide World).89 World) . ..125 Anglers at ice fishing contest of winter carnival in The Italian Cisitalia (Wide World).90 Brazil, child polio victim in (Dmitri Kessel) *. . 127 Minnesota (Press Association, Inc.) .... 52 Aviation, Civil Bridge, wreckage of the Cologne-Deutz (Courtesy, Anthropology, Ruth Benedict, late professor of Crew members of a record flight (Wide World) 91 D. B. Steinman).131 (Science Illustrated Photo by Dick Wolters). 55 The "Southern Cross” (Acme).93 Brill, A. A. (International).523 Arabia, clearing a path for an oil pipe line in Aviation, Military Browning, Gordon (Courtesy, Headquarters of (Acme).57 The YB-49 (Courtesy, Northrop Aircraft, Inc.) 95 Governor-Elect Gordon Browning, Tennes¬ Archaeology The Bell X-1 (U.S. Air Force Photo, Washing¬ see; Nashville Tennessean Photo by Robert Diggings in Panama (Courtesy, National Geo¬ ton, D.C.).95 C. Holt, Jr.).694 graphic Society).59 Lockheed P2V-2s (Official U.S. Navy Photo). 95 Building and Construction Industry Marble torso uncovered in Athens (Courtesy, Consolidated-Vultee B-36 (U.S. Air Force Volunteer building project (Wide World) . . 141 American School of Classical Studies at Photo, Washington, D.C.).95 Sheets of “plimber” (Acme).143 Athens).60 Fairchild C-82 Packet (Courtesy, Fairchild Bulgarian youth labour brigade (Czechopress Excavations in Iraq (Oriental Institute from Engine and Airplane Corp.; photo by Dan from Black Star).144 Wide World).61 Frankforter).95 Bundle, Ralph J. (Wide World).11 Architecture Vampire Ills (Wide World).98 Burma, flag raising ceremony in Union of (Press University of Miami (Photo by Ezra Stoller— B Association, Inc.). . . ..145 Pictorial Services; Robert Law Weed & Asso¬ acterial virus heads (Courtesy, James Hillier, Business Review ciates, architects; Marion I. Manley, asso¬ Stuart Mudd and Andrew G. Smith) . . . 100 Workers made idle in Detroit (Courtesy, The De¬ ciate) .65 Barkley, Alben W, (Press Association, Inc.) . . 14 troit Times; photo by James L. McGarrigle) 147 LrST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VI C alifornia, paraplegic student at the University Costello. John .A. (Wide World). 3 Greece—Continued of (Johnny Florea)*.152 Cowherd. Barney (Courtesy, The Louisville .Army commandos {Picture Post Photo by Bert Canada Courier-Journal and Times).512 Hardy—Pix from Publix).345 Oil leakage at Edmonton (Wide World) . . . 154 Crane, .A. G. (Courtesy. .A. G. Crane).775 Political trial {Picture Post Photo by Bert Prime Minister St. Laurent (International). . 155 Cuban police evicting students (Press .Associa¬ Hardy—Pix from Publix).345 ■Atomic plant at Chalk River (Press .Associa¬ tion. Inc.).221 Griffith. D. W. (Wide World).526 tion, Inc.).157 Cycling H Canal, clearance work on the Corinth (Dmitri Vacationists and their bicycles (Mark Kauff¬ awaii, new hospital in (Courtesy. Triplet Gen¬ Kessel)*.159 man)*.223 eral Hospital).351 Cancer Czechoslovakia Hiss. Alger (Wide World). 15 Dr. S. C. Harvey {Science Illustraled Photo by Mass meeting in Prague (.Acme).225 Hoffman. Paul G. (Wide World). 6 Jack Manning).161 Swearing in of new cabinet (Press -Association. Horse Racing Cartographic workers (Courtesy, National Geo¬ Inc.).225 Citation at Belmont park (Wide World). . . 357 graphic Society).163 Voluntary exiles (Press .Association. Inc.) . . 225 Hospitals Cartoons Czechs mourning Jan Masaryk (International) 225 The Sloan-Kettering institute (Courtesy. "Actors and Pupoets”.332 Memorial Hospital Center; photo by A. F. ".April 18. 1948”.401 Qam. the French Castillon (Acme).227 Sozio).359 ".Another Topsy—Just Growed?”.148 Dance Housing project in Puerto Rico (Wide World) . 361 "Best View He’s Had in 16 Years".621 Classical Symphony (National Film Board of Hughes, Charles Evans (Wide World).526 “Cominform Meeting".668 Canada, Ottawa).228 Hungarian caricature of the “Voice of America” “Crow!".707 Fall River Legend (Courtesy, Ballet Theatre; (International)*.364 Exchange rates.283 photo by Louis Melangon).229 “In 'Uncle Joe's' Pocket".757 Deaf children in a London school {Picture Post— I ce Skating "It's Good to Have it for a While. .Anyway". 688 Pix from Publix).231 * Barbara Ann Scott (Press -Association, Inc.). 367 "Of All the Impudence".138 Democracy Immigrants en route to South -Africa {Picture Post "Martyrs of Humanity".78 Open hand vote in Switzerland (Owen from Photo by Merlyn Severn—Pi.x from Publix). 369 “Move Over!".597 Black Star).237 India “Report From the Cold War".82 Dever, Paul A. (Courtesy. Paul .A. Dever; photo Spectators watching British troops leave (Stro- “Sixteen in a Circle” (Sovfoto).280 by Fabian Ilachrach).449 nachs from Black Star).372 Soviet foreign policy.714 Dewey. Thomas E. (Wide World). 7 Funeral of Mohandas K. Gandhi (European). 373 Soviet production (Sovfoto).716 Dewey, Thomas E., demonstration for (Gjon Infantile paralysis victim (James Whitmore)* . 377 “State of the Union”.685 Mili)*. . 242 Interior decoration designs, prize winning {The "This is Getting Embarrassing!”.238 Disasters New York Times Studio).380 "Uneasy Path”.206 Japanese fleeing earthquake (Carl Mydans)* . 245 International Conference of American States, ses¬ "Versatile Volga Boatman”.230 sion of the (Press As.sociation, Inc.).... 383 "Vicious Circle”.416 rastern Orthodox Churches, leaders of the in- International Court of Justice, U.N. (ABC Press "We're carrying out the Czech People's Front “ dependent (Sovfoto).251 Service from Black Star).387 program".226 Education International Trade "We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful German medical students (Foto Relang from Automobile conveyor in British plant {Picture wizard of U.S.".278 Black Star).255 Post Photo by Raymond Kleboe—Pix from "Whew—1”.260 British essay winners (Reuterphoto from Euro¬ Publix).391 "Yesterday—and Today”.360 pean) .255 Irrigation, Israeli farmland reclaimed by {Science Carvel, Elbert N. (Courtesy, Elbert X, Carvel; Human Growth (Courtesy, The E. C. Brown Illustrated Photo by Jerry Cooke).399 photo by The Waller Studio).235 Trust Fund and the University of Oregon, Italy Cattle feeding (Acme).165 sponsors; photo by Eddie Albert Productions) 255 Wall slogan (Paul Pietzsch from Black Star). 403 Chambers, Whittaker (Wide World).15 U.N. nursery school (Official United Nations Crowd listening to Father Lombardi (Paul Charles, Prince (Acme).15 Photo; courtesy. Department of Public In¬ Pietzsch from Black Star).403 Charts formation) .255 Infantry and motorized units massed in Rome .Air force, proposed U.S. 70-group (.Adapted Egyptian army buglers (Wide World).259 (Wide World).403 from a New York Times chart).94 Eisenhower. Dwight D. (Wide World). 2 Hillside cave dwellings (Wide World) .... 403 Combat strength (U.S.S.R., U.S.. Great Britain Eisenstein, Sergei (International).523 and France).73 Electrical Industries Japan Consumer credit, U.S.213 "Cold lab” (Press Association, Inc.).263 ** Tokyo police (.Acme).405 Cotton crop, U.S.219 Welding generator frame sections (Courtesy, Workers drying salt (Acme).406 Displaced persons, resettlement of (Courtesy, General Electric Co.).264 Jet-propelled North -American F-86-A (U.S. -Air The New York Times).616 Eliot, Thomas Stearns (Acme). 15 Force Photo. Washington. D.C.).407 Durable and nondurable goods, industrial pro¬ Electronic detector (Courtesy, Westinghouse Jinnah, Mohammed Ali (Wide World).526 duction, U.S.149 Electric Corp.).267 Juliana, Queen (Wide World).11 European Recovery program, allocation of Elizabeth, Princess, with her infant son (Wide U.S. funds.279 World).269 ^oreans voting (U.S. Army Photo).412 Farm income, gross. U.S.30 Entomology Food production, U.S. 28 Fog of sprayed DDT (George Silk)*.274 Gold production, world.337 Exchange post for soviet currency in Berlin (Kos- I about Unions Hog-corn price ratios, U.S.354 mos from Black Star).281 ^ Jack Paley (International).414 Job discrimination, bases of, U.S.193 Lament, Thomas W. (Wide World).526 l.abour force trends. U.S.168 rascism Langlie, -Arthur B. (Courtesy, Republican Party Newspaper advertising linage. U.S.22 r Sir Oswald Mosley {Picture Post Photo by- of Washington; photo by Beaudin Photos) '. 759 Petroleum production, world.561 Charles Hewitt—Pix from Publix) .... 287 Lausche, Frank J. (Courtesy. Democratic Party Postal revenue and expenditures, U.S.581 Fashion and Dress of Ohio).538 Prices of all foods. U.S. retail.307 Fitted and belted coats (Courtesy, Harper’s Law Prices, wholesale and consumers’. U.S. . . . 587 Bazaar; photo by Leslie Gill).288 Hungarian priests on trial (Wide World). . . 419 Silver production, world.647 Cardigan jacket (Courtesy, Harper's Bazaar; Lee. J. Bracken (Courtesy, Republican Partv of Steel production, U.S.397 photo by Genevieve Naylor).288 Utah).. 740 Stocks, sales and prices of, U.S.".671 The “walkaway” skirt (Courtesy, Harper’s Lehar, Franz (Wide World).S3o Stocks, trading in, U.S.672 Bazaar; photo by Genevieve Naylor) . . . 288 Leper colonist in Japan (Wide World).424 Veterans in all hospitals, U.S.748 The lamp-shade dress (Courtesy, Harper’s Ba¬ Library, the Firestone Memorial (Wide World). 427 Chemistry zaar; photo by Richard .Avedon).288 Lie, Trygve (Wide World). 3 Micro-chemical equipment (Courtesy, The Gulf Fencers in Olympic sabre team finals (Olympic Linen worker setting up a damask design {Picture Oil Corp.).173 Photo -Association from Keystone Pictures, Post Photo by Merlyn Severn—Pix from Naval ordnance laboratory (J. R. Eyerman)*. 175 Inc.).295 Publix).429 Chess match, a multiple (Wide World) . . . .179 Fisheries London, unveiling statue in (International) . . 434 Chiang Kai-shek (Press .Association. Inc.) ... 14 Smelt dippers working at night (Press Associ¬ Long, Earl K. (Wide World).435 Chiang Kai-shek reviewing troops (Wide World) 180 ation, Inc.).299 Ludwig, Emil (Wide World).530 Children’s Books Flood workers near Portland. Ore. (Hugh -Ack- Jacket design for White Snow Bright Snow iCour¬ royd).301 l^ac-Arthur. Douglas (Wide World).11 tesy, Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Co., Inc., N.A’.; Food packages for Italian children (3) (John Machinery and Machine Tools from White Snow Bright Snow by Alvin Tres- Phillips)*.305 Vacuum pumps (Courtesy, Packard Motor selt, copyright 1947, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Football Car Co.).439 Co., Inc.).182 -Army v. Lafayette (Wide World).309 McKay, Douglas (Courtesy. Republican State Child Welfare France Central Committee of Oregon; photo by British child play centre (.Acme).183 Striking coal miners (.Associated Press)* . . . 315 Photo--Art Commercial Studios) ..... 543 Child clinic in Israel (Esten-Illustrated from -Andre Marie (Wide World).317 McMath, Sidney S. (Courtesy, Sidney S. Mc- Black Star).184 Math; photo by Campbell Studios) .... 70 U.-N. field worker in .Austria {Picture Post ^andhi, Mohandas K. (Press -Association. Inc.) 523 Malayan guerilla communists (Jack Birns)* . . 442 Photo by Raymond S. Kleboe—Pix from Garvey, Dan E. (Courtesy. Democratic Party Mantle, Burns (Wide World).530 Publix).185 of -Arizona; photo by Claude Bate) .... 69 Mao Tse-tung (Wide World).14 China Gaulle. Charles de (Wide World). 3 Maps Coolies hauling inflated currency (Jack Birns)* 187 Gaulle. Charles de. speakingat Compiegne (.Acme) 327 -Antarctica, international claims in.53 Communist troops (Triangle Plioto Service) . 188 Genetics, set-up for research in seed (Herbert Berlin. -Allied air lift corridors to.116 Clay. Lucius D. (Wide World). 14 Gehr)*.328 Electoral votes in U.S. presidential elections . 262 Coal George VI and Queen Elizabeth (Reuterphoto Germany, proposed state of western .... 334 Trailers full of coal for Berlin (Walter Sanders)* 197 from European).330 Voice of -America air lanes (From a New York Miners returning to pits (Press .Association, Germany Times map by Manditch).727 Inc.).198 Building a power station addition (Wide World) 333 Marine Biology Coast guard aerial ice surx'ey photo (Official U.S. Demonstration at Nuernberg (Wide World) . 335 Deep sea f&sh photo (Courtesy. Woods Hole Coast Guard Photo).199 Glaspell. Susan (Wide World).526 Oceanographic Institution, Mass.; plioto by Colombians dragging assassin’s body (Interna¬ Golf match at St. Louis (Wide World).339 D. M. Owen).445 tional News Photo from M-G-M News-of- Gottwald, Klement (W'ide World). 7 Marriage and Divorce the-Day Newsreel).202 Great Britain Chinese mass wedding (European).447 Communist speaking in Helsinki (Press .Associa¬ Mobile health clinic (British Official Photo Marshall, George C. (Wide World). 2 tion, Inc.).207 from British Information Services) .... 341 Masaryk, Jan (International).530 Congress of Industrial Organizations Champion coal miner (Acme).343 Medical Rehabilitation of the Disabled Packinghouse workers on strike (Press .Associa¬ Greece X-ray of artificial hip joint (.Albert Fenn)*. . 452 tion. Inc.).212 Forced labour {Picture Post Photo by Bert Medicine Corn, unloading a shipment of Russian (Reuter- Hardy—Pix from Publix).345 Pneumonia vaccine (Courtesy, E. R. Squibb photo from European).217 Evacuating children (Wide World).345 & Sons).455 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VII Mexico, Hotel del Prado in (Wide World) . . . 463 Petroleum exposition at Tulsa (Hopkins Photog¬ Spain, Gen. Franco reviewing troops in (Wide Michael I and his bride (European).464 raphy Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma).560 World).664 Mindszenty, Joseph Cardinal (Press Association. Photography Stalin, Joseph V. (VVide World). 7 -M otion P■ i.ctures . 15 Wide-angle lens photo (Andreas Feininger) ’ . 565 Stevenson. Adlai E. (Courtesy, Democratic Party George Jean Nathan andH. L. Mencken (Photo of Illinois).368 Johnny Belinda (Courtesy, Warner Bros. Pic¬ by Irving Penn; reprinted from the Feb. 1, Strike at Univis Lens Co., Ohio (Wide World) . 673 tures, Inc. Copyright, 1948, Warner Bros. 1948, issue of Vogue. Copyright 1948, The Sugar, dock worker emptying bags of raw (Wide Pictures, Inc.).477 Conde Nast Publications, Inc.).566 World).674 Hamlet (Courtesy, Universal-International Physics Surgeons viewing operation through telescopes Films, Inc.).477 Cosmotron model (Courtesy, Brookhaven Na¬ {Detroit Free Press).. 677 Treasure of Sierra Madre (Courtesy, Warner tional Laboratory).567 Sweden, King Gustavus V of (European) . . . 678 Bros. Pictures, Inc. Copyright, 1947, War¬ Physiology Switzerland, opening of winter Olympic games in ner Bros. Pictures, Inc.).477 Dr. Melvin Knisely (F. W. Goro)*.569 (Mark Kauffman)*.680 Key Largo (Courtesy, Warner Bros. Pictures, Plastic mounts (Albert Fenn)*.573 Inc. Copyright, 1948, Warner Bros. Pictures, Police, motorized equipment for (Acme).... 577 Talmadge, Herman (Courtesy, Herman Tal- Inc.).477 Poultry, sorting eggs from pedigreed (U.S.D.A. ■ madge).331 The Red Shoes (Courtesy, the J. Arthur Rank Photo by Knell).583 Telephone cable, rolls of (Courtesy, American Production of The Red Shoes; an Eagle Lion Prices, housewives protesting high meat (Acme). 585 Telephone & Telegraph Co.; photo by Nick Films release).477 Prisoners of war returning to Vienna {Picture Lazarnick).691 The Search (Courtesy, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Post Photo by Gerti Deutsch—Fix from Telescope at Mt. Palomar observatory (Bob Pictures).477 Publix).589 Landry—Pix from Publix).691 Motor Transportation Psychiatry Television The Ford F-8 (Courtesy, Ford Motor Co.). . 481 The Feeling of Hostility (Courtesy, National Television studio 8-G (Courtesy, National Munitions of War Film Board of Canada, Ottawa).591 Broadcasting Co., Inc.).693 Schnorkel tube (Press Association, Inc.) . . . 487 Dr. Fredric Wertham (Courtesy, Lafargue “Howdy Doody” show (Courtesy, National Firing a dummy torpedo (Loomis Dean)’ . . 487 Clinic; photo by Gordon Parks).592 Broadcasting Co.. Inc.). . . 693 Ramjet ready for launching (Official U.S. Navy Psychology Ireene Wicker (Courtesy, American Broad¬ Photo; courtesy. Aero Digest).487 infant I.Q. test {Science Illustrated Photo by casting Co.; photo by Harold Stein, N.Y.) . 693 Compiling wind tunnel measurements (Cour¬ John Corcoran).593 New studio in California (Courtesy, Don Lee tesy, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aber¬ Public health centre (Courtesy, Bureau of Health Mutual Broadcasting System; photo by Bob deen Proving Ground, Md.).487 Education, New York City Department of Plunkett).693 Music Health).596 Tennessee Valley Authority Peter Grimes (Courtesy, Metropolitan Opera Puerto Rico, the Caonillas dam in (Wide World). 600 Turbine runner (Courtesy. Tennessee Valley Association, Inc., N.Y.; photo by Louis Authority).695 Melangon).491 Tennis N ^^ueuille, Henri (Wide World).11 Ted Schroeder and Adrian Quist (Wide World) 696 arcotics, refugees being searched for (Betty Theatre and Arthur Reef from Black Star) .... 493 A Streetcar Named Desire (Eileen Darby— National Geographic Society, members of, at Graphic House).699 Adak (Cdurtesy, National Geographic So¬ Dadio Thurmond. J. Strom (Wide World). 10 ciety) .494 •• The transistor (Courtesy, Bell Telephone Tito (Wide World). 7 Navies of the World Laboratories).603 Tobin. Maurice J. (Wide World).10 U.S. navy crash crew (Official U.S. Navy "Report Uncensored” (Courtesy, WBBM, Track and Field Sports Photo).499 Chicago, Ill.; photo by Fran Byrne). . . . 605 Harrison Dillard (Olympic Photo Association H.M.I.S. “Delhi” (British Combine) .... 500 Arthur Godfrey (Martha Holmes)*.606 —Reuterphoto from European).704 Negro councilman in Richmond, Va. (Ralph Railroads Truman, Harry S. (Wide World).14 Morse)*.502 Central reservation office (Courtesy, Chesa¬ Truman, Harry S., speaking at Des Moines, la., Netherlands royal family (ABC Press Service peake & Ohio Railway Co.).607 duringihis 1948 presidential campaign (Wide from Black Star).504 Night shunting in London {Picture Post Photo World).Frontispiece ii News photographs, prize-winning by Charles Hewitt—Pix from Publix) . . . 609 Tubercular children in Berlin (European) . . . 708 "He Who Laughed Last” (International News Chicago, railroad fair in (Wide World) . . . . 610 Tunnel, twin-tube vehicular (Wide World). . . 710 Photo by A1 Muto).510 Red Cross entertainment program in U.S. Army Turkish troops in Ankara (Courtesy, Turkish In¬ "Farewell to No. 3” (Wide World Photo by hospital in Korea (Courtesy, American Red formation Office).711 Harry Harris).510 Cross).615 U "My Baby Brother” (James L. Mooney) . . 510 Refugees leaving Berlin (Walter Sanders)*. . . 617 nion of Soviet Socialist Republics "Rain” (Barney Cowherd).511 Religion Marshals of the soviet union (Sovfoto). . . 713 “Bus Station” (2) (Courtesy, Standard Oil Co. On the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem (Wide Building an apartment house in Moscow (Sov¬ [N.J.]; photos by Esther Bubley).511 World).618 foto) .715 New York city, rear courtyard of soviet consulate Rivers and Harbours United Nations Flood-control test model {Science Illustrated General Assembly session (Robert Cohen— in (International News Photo by Frank Jur- Photo by Bradley Smith).624 Agip from Black Star).719 koski).514 Roman Catholic Church Count Folke Bernadotte (Wide World) . . . 721 O Msgr. F. J. Sheen in Australia (Wide World). 627 United States lympic Games Rome, new railway station in (Bernd Lohse from Sending munitions to Turkey (Acme) .... 725 Swedish pentathlon victor (Olympic Photo Black Star).628 Pres. Truman accepting the presidential nom¬ Association—Reuterphoto from European). 541 Rowing event, eight-oared Olympic (Acme) . . 629 ination (International).729 Wembley stadium (Olympic Photo Association Roxas y Acuna, Manuel (Wide World) .... 535 Elizabeth T. Bentley testifying (Acme) . . .730 —Reuterphoto from Acme).541 Ruth, George Herman (Babe) (Wide World). . 535 Women’s swimming relay (Wide World). . . 541 Watican City State Robert Mathias (Wide World).541 S *• Pius XII giving his Easter blessing (Press Fanny Blankers-Koen (Reuterphoto from Eu¬ t. Laurent, Louis Stephen (Wide World). , . 11 Association, Inc.).742 ropean) .541 Salvation Army workers in China (Acme). . 635 Venezuela, inauguration of Pres. Gallegos of P Schricker, Henry F. (Wide World).374 (Werner Cohnitz)*.746 ainting Scott, W. Kerr.517 Veterinary students (International).751 Portrait of Dr. Jean Piccard (Breinin) (Cour¬ Sculpture W tesy, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine "Thunder” (Hord) (Courtesy, The American allace, Henry A. (Wide World).10 Arts).547 Academy of Arts and Letters and Donal War crimes, Germans on trial for (Wide "Landscape” (Jamieson) (Courtesy, Pepsi¬ Hord).637 World).758 Cola's Fifth Annual “Paintings of the Year” Shipbuilding Warren, Earl (Wide World). 7 Exhibition).547 The “Caronia” (British Information Services) 642 Warren, Fuller.302 “Approaching Storm” (Ellis) (Courtesy, The Shipping, Merchant Marine Weizmann, Chaim (Wide World). 6 Cleveland Museum of Art and Dean Ellis). 547 Former navy freight barge (Courtesy, Howard Whitty, Dame May (Wide World).535 Water-front scene (Eppolito) (Courtesy, Scho¬ Staples, Associates).643 Wildlife Conservation lastic Magazines).547 Skiing event at St. Moritz (Press Association. Bird counters (Francis Miller)*.767 Palestine Inc.).647 Wilhelmina arriving for birthday festivities in Residents fleeing, following a bombing (Inter¬ Smith, Forrest (Courtesy, Democratic Party of Amsterdam (Dmitri Kessel and Yale Joel)*. 769 national) .550 Missouri).471 Williams, G. Mennen (Courtesy, G. Mennen Irgun Zvai Leumi troops (Wide World) . . . 551 Smith. Walter Bedell (Wide World). 6 Williams; photo by Craine, Detroit). . . . 464 Paris meeting of the Committee on European Socialist youth meeting in Austria (Associated Williams, Tennessee (International). 6 Ekionomic Cooperation (International), . . 555 Press Photo from London).651 Wright, Orville (Wide World).535 Patteson, Okey L.765 Soil conservation, one-day demonstration of Pauley, Edwin G. (Wide World) ....... 2 (U.S.D.A. Photo by Hermann Postlethwaite) 659 yhdanov, Andrei A. (Sovfoto).535 Payne, Frederick G. (Courtesy, Republican Party Sokolovski, Vasili D. (Wide World). 2 ^ Zoology of Maine; photo by Dora Clark Tash). . . 441 South Africa, Union of Radiograph of a pregnant turtle (Courtesy, Pershing, John J. (Wide World).530 Daniel F. Malan (Black Star).661 General Electric X-Ray Corp.).781 INTRODUCTION T YiE, present volume is the twelfth Britannica Book of the Tear. These books, issued every year since have attempted to refect the character of each year with objectivity, and consequently must rejpeal ideas freely expressed. But the right to express ideas freely carries with it a responsibility. First, contributors must be selected whose intellectual and moral honesty cannot be questioned. Second, con¬ tributions must be scannedfor evidence of evasion and untruth, since it is often difficult for even the honest reporter to know, to recognize and to record the truth. If any iniquitous special pleading has worried its way into these pages, it is not because the contributors and the editors have not earnestly tried to remove it, hut because propa¬ ganda of this sort is often as difficult to discover as truth. A bookis value may be measured at least in part by its freedom from such propaganda. In the end, the same is true of the relationship of men and nations with each other. If the Book of the Tear helps to indicate the truth, no matter in how small a way, about igfd, and the importance of truth to a troubled world, it has achieved its primary purpose. An innovation in the Book of the Tear is the section The Present and Its Roots in the Past,” page ySg. This section devotes itself to four areas of human interest: eco¬ nomic, scientific, political and cultural. Prepared by Alvin H. Hansen (economics), William L. Laurence (science), Allan JVevins (politics) and Norman Cousins (cul¬ ture), the four pieces are an attempt to lay igqS against the parallels and background of history. Direct footnote references are made to material in the Encyclop(edia Britan¬ nica and general references to background reading in both the Encylopcedia Britan¬ nica and Britannica Junior. It is earnestly hoped that this addition to the Book of the Tear will prove to be highly informative. WALTER YUST EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS WALTER YUST, EDITOR OF ENCYCL0PT:DIA BRITANNICA AND OF THE BRITANNICA BOOK OF THE YEAR HOWARD E. KASCH, Associate Editor of the Book of the Tear RUTH SOFFER, Picture Editor LIBRARIAN CONSULTANTS ANNE FRASER LEIDENDEKER, Assistant City Librarian, Central Library and Municipal Reference, Public Library, Los Angeles, Calif. DAVID CLIFT, Associate Librarian, Tale Lfniversity Library. WINIFRED VER NOOY, Reference Librarian, The University of Chicago. {Initials and names of contributors to the Britannica Book of the Tear with the principal articles written by them. The arrangement is alphabetical by initials.) A.A.P. Greece (in part) A.G.L.t. Hospitals (in part) ALEXANDER A. PALLIS. Minister Plenipotentiary, Director of A. G. L. IVES. Secretary, King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London, the Greek OfiQce of Information, London, Eng. Author of Greece’s London, Eng. Anatolian Venture—and After; etc. A.G.Ne. Munitions of War (in part) A.B.Bu. Mississippi A. G. NOBLE. Rear Admiral. U.S.N. Chief of the Bureau of Ord¬ ALFRED B. BUTTS. Technical Civilian Educational Adviser, Gen¬ nance, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C. eral Staff. U.S. Army. Author of Public Administration in Mississippi. A.G.S. Insurance (in part) A.Bh. Exchange Control and Exchange Rates ANTONE G. SINGSEN. Assistant Director. Blue Cross Commission, American Hospital Association. ANTONIN BASCH. Chief Economist, International Bank for Re¬ construction and Development, Washington, D.C. A.H.C. Washington University (St. Louis) ARTHUR HOLLY COMPTON. Chancellor, Washington University, A.B.S. Georgia Saint Louis, Mo. ALBERT B. SAVE. Associate Professor of Political Science. The University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. A.H.Md. Betting and Gambling (in part); etc. ALBERT H. MOREHEAD. Publisher, The Bridge World. Bridge Ab.W. Public Health Engineering Editor, The New York Times. Author of The Modern Hoyle; etc. ABEL WOLM AN. Professor of Sanitary Engineering. The Johns Hop¬ A.J.A. Social Security (in part) kins University, Baltimore, Md. A. J. ALTMEYER. Commissioner, Federal Security Agency. Social Security Administration, Washington. D.C. A.C.Be. Nebraska ADAM CARLYLE BRECKENRIDGE. Assistant Professor of Po¬ A.J.Ar. Industrial Health (in port) litical Science, University of Nebraska. Lincoln. Neb. ARTHUR JOSEPH AMOR, M.D. Principal Medical Officer, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. Author of X-Ray Atlas of Silicosis; etc. A.C.Ch. X-Ray and Radiology ARTHUR C. CHRISTIE, M.D. Chief, Department of Radiology. A.J.Li. Liquors, Alcoholic (in part) Doctors Hospital Medical Center. Washington. D.C. ALFRED J. LIEBMANN. President, Schenley Research Institute, New York, N.Y. A.C.Eu. Stanford University A.J.Lo. Birth Statistics; etc. ALVIN C. EURICH. Vice-President, Stanford University. Stanford. ALFRED J. LOTKA. Former Assistant Statistician, Metropoiitan Calif. Life Insurance Company, New York, N.Y. A.Da. Football (in part) A.J.M. Pacifism ALLISON DANZIG. Member of Sports Staff, The New York Times, A. J. MUSTE. Executive Secretary, Fellowship of Reconciliation. New York, N.Y. Author of The Racquet Game; etc. Associate Editor, The Presbyterian Tribune. A.Dr. Textile Industry (in part) A.J.Mac. Church of England; etc. ALFRED DAWBER. Editor, Textile Manufacturer, Manchester, Eng. ALLAN JOHN MacDONALD. D.D. Rector of St. Dunstan-in-the- West, London, Eng. Rural Dean of the City of London. Author of A.E.Du. Decorations, Medals and Badges—Military, Lanfranc, His Life, Work and Destiny; etc. Naval and Civil (in part) ARTHUR E. DuBOIS. Director. Heraldic Affairs, Office of the Quar¬ A.J.Me. Angling termaster General, Department of the Army, Washington. D.C. A. J. McCLANE. Fishing Editor, Field & Stream. A.L.Ba. Public Health Services (in part) A.E.Sh. Chemotherapy ARTHUR LESLIE BANKS. Principal Medical Officer. Ministry AUSTIN E. SMITH. Director. Division of Therapy and Research; of Health, London, Eng. Secretary. Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, American Medical Association. Author of Technic of Medication; etc. A.L.C. Lav/ (in part) ANTHONY LEONARD CRIPPS. Barrister, London, Eng. A.G.Br. Dyestuffs A.LeR.L. Negroes, American ANSCO G. BRUINIER. JR. Technical Advertising Manager, Dye¬ stuffs Division. Organic Chemicals Department, E. I. du Pont de ALAIN LEROY LOCKE. Professor of Philosophy, Howard Univer¬ Nemours & Company. Inc., Wilmington. Del. sity, Washington, D.C. Author of The Negro in America; etc.

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