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1 2 3 4 Fullerton, California www.lightandmatter.com copyright 2005 Benjamin Crowell rev. November 10, 2015 This book is licensed under the Creative Com- mons Attribution-ShareAlike license, version 1.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/1.0/, except for those photographs and drawings of which I am not the author, as listed in the photo credits. If you agree to the license, it grants you certain privileges that you would not otherwise have, such as the right to copy the book, or download the digital version free of charge from www.lightandmatter.com. At your option, you may also copy thisbookundertheGNUFreeDocumentationLicenseversion 1.2, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt, with no invariant sections, no front-cover texts, and no back-cover texts. 5 1 Rates of Change 7 3.6 Generalizations of 1.1 Changeindiscretesteps 7 l’Hoˆpital’srule . . . . . . 65 Two sides of the same coin, Multiple applications of the 7.—Some guesses, 9. rule, 66.—The indeterminate 1.2 Continuouschange . . 10 form ∞/∞, 66.—Limits at infinity, 66. A derivative, 13.—Properties Problems. . . . . . . . 68 of the derivative, 14.— Higher-order polynomials, 14.—The second derivative, 4 Integration 15. 4.1 Definite and indefinite 1.3 Applications . . . . . 17 integrals . . . . . . . . 71 Maxima and minima, 17.— 4.2 Thefundamentaltheorem Propagation of errors, 19. ofcalculus . . . . . . . 74 Problems. . . . . . . . 21 4.3 Propertiesoftheintegral 75 4.4 Applications . . . . . 76 2 To infinity — and Averages, 76.—Work, 77.— beyond! Probability, 77. Problems. . . . . . . . 83 2.1 Infinitesimals. . . . . 25 2.2 Safeuseofinfinitesimals 30 5 Techniques 2.3 Theproductrule . . . 35 2.4 Thechainrule . . . . 37 5.1 Newton’smethod . . . 85 2.5 Exponentials and 5.2 Implicitdifferentiation . 86 logarithms . . . . . . . 39 5.3 Methodsofintegration . 87 The exponential, 39.—The Change of variable, 87.— logarithm, 40. Integration by parts, 89.— Partial fractions, 91.— 2.6 Quotients . . . . . . 42 Integrals that can’t be done, 2.7 Differentiation on a 95. computer. . . . . . . . 43 Problems. . . . . . . . 98 Problems. . . . . . . . 47 6 Improper integrals 3 Limits and continuity 6.1 Integrating a function that 3.1 Continuity. . . . . . 53 blowsup . . . . . . . . 101 The intermediate value 6.2 Limits of integration at theorem, 54.—The extreme infinity . . . . . . . . . 102 value theorem, 56. Problems. . . . . . . . 104 3.2 Limits . . . . . . . 58 3.3 L’Hoˆpital’srule . . . . 61 7 Sequences and 3.4 Another perspective on Series indeterminateforms . . . 63 3.5 Limitsatinfinity. . . . 64 7.1 Infinitesequences. . . 105 6 7.2 Infiniteseries . . . . 105 151.—Derivativeofex,151.— 7.3 Testsforconvergence . 106 Proofs of the generalizations 7.4 Taylorseries. . . . . 108 of l’Hoˆpital’s rule, 152.— Problems. . . . . . . . 114 Proofofthefundamentalthe- orem of calculus, 154.—The intermediate value theorem, 8 Complex number 156.—Proof of the extreme techniques value theorem, 159.—Proof of the mean value theorem, 8.1 Review of complex 161.—Proofofthefundamen- numbers . . . . . . . . 119 tal theorem of algebra, 162. 8.2 Euler’sformula . . . . 122 8.3 Partialfractionsrevisited 124 B Answers and solutions Problems. . . . . . . . 126 165 9 Iterated integrals C Photo Credits 199 9.1 Integralsinsideintegrals 129 9.2 Applications . . . . . 131 D References and Fur- 9.3 Polarcoordinates . . . 133 ther Reading 201 9.4 Spherical and cylindrical Further Reading, 201.— coordinates. . . . . . . 135 References, 201. Problems. . . . . . . . 137 E Reference 203 A Detours 139 E.1 Review. . . . . . . 203 Formal definition of the tan- Algebra, 203.—Geometry, gent line, 139.—Derivatives area, and volume, 203.— of polynomials, 140.—Details Trigonometry with a right of the proof of the deriva- triangle, 203.—Trigonometry tive of the sine function, with any triangle, 203. 141.—Formal statement of E.2 Hyperbolicfunctions. . 203 the transfer principle, 143.— Isthetransferprincipletrue?, E.3 Calculus . . . . . . 204 144.—The transfer principle Rules for differentiation, applied to functions, 149.— 204.—Integral calculus, Proof of the chain rule, 204.—Table of integrals, 204. 1 Rates of Change 1.1 Change in discrete steps Toward the end of the eighteenth century, a German elementary school teacher decided to keep his pupils busy by assigning them a long, boring arithmetic problem: to add up all the numbers from one to a hundred.1 The chil- b/A trick for finding the sum. dren set to work on their slates, and the teacher lit his pipe, con- ing the area of the shaded region. fident of a long break. But al- Roughly half the square is shaded most immediately, a boy named in, so if we want only an approxi- Carl Friedrich Gauss brought up mate solution, we can simply cal- his answer: 5,050. culate 72/2=24.5. But, as suggested in figure b, it’s not much more work to get an ex- act result. There are seven saw- teethstickingoutoutabovethedi- agonal, with a total area of 7/2, so the total shaded area is (72 + 7)/2 = 28. In general, the sum of the first n numbers will be (n2 + n)/2, which explains Gauss’s re- a/Adding the numbers sult: (1002+100)/2=5,050. from1to7. Figure a suggests one way of solv- Twosidesofthesamecoin ing this type of problem. The filled-in columns of the graph rep- Problems like this come up fre- resent the numbers from 1 to 7, quently. Imagine that each house- and adding them up means find- hold in a certain small town sends atotalofonetonofgarbagetothe 1I’m giving my own retelling of a dump every year. Over time, the hoary legend. We don’t really know the garbage accumulates in the dump, exactproblem,justthatitwassupposed tohavebeensomethingofthisflavor. taking up more and more space. 7 8 CHAPTER 1. RATES OF CHANGE rate of change accumulated result 13 13n n (n2+n)/2 The rate of change of the function x can be notated as x˙. Given the function x˙, we can always deter- mine the function x for any value of n by doing a running sum. Likewise, if we know x, we can de- termine x˙ by subtraction. In the c/Carl Friedrich Gauss example where x = 13n, we can (1777-1855), alongtime find x˙ = x(n)−x(n−1) = 13n− aftergraduatingfromele- 13(n − 1) = 13. Or if we knew mentaryschool. that the accumulated amount of garbage was given by (n2 +n)/2, Let’s label the years as n = 1, 2, 3,..., and let the function2 x(n) we could calculate the town’s pop- ulation like this: represent the amount of garbage that has accumulated by the end of year n. If the population is n2+n (n−1)2+(n−1) constant, say 13 households, then − garbage accumulates at a constant 2 2 rate, and we have x(n)=13n. n2+n−(cid:0)n2−2n+1+n−1(cid:1) = 2 But maybe the town’s population =n isgrowing. Ifthepopulationstarts out as 1 household in year 1, and then grows to 2 in year 2, and so on, then we have the same kind of problem that the young Gauss solved. After 100 years, the accu- mulatedamountofgarbagewillbe 5,050tons. Thepileofrefusegrows morequicklyeveryyear;therateof change of x is not constant. Tabu- lating the examples we’ve done so far, we have this: 2Recallthatwhenxisafunction,the notation x(n) means the output of the d/x˙ istheslopeofx. function when the input is n. It doesn’t representmultiplicationofanumberxby anumbern. The graphical interpretation of 1.1. CHANGE IN DISCRETE STEPS 9 this is shown in figure d: on a of n. graph of x=(n2+n)/2, the slope of the line connecting two succes- sivepointsisthevalueofthefunc- Someguesses tion x˙. Even though we lack Gauss’s ge- Inotherwords,thefunctionsxand nius, we can recognize certain pat- x˙ arelikedifferentsidesofthesame terns. One pattern is that if x˙ is a coin. Ifyouknowone,youcanfind function that gets bigger and big- the other — with two caveats. ger, it seems like x will be a func- tion that grows even faster than First, we’ve been assuming im- x˙. In the example of x˙ = n and plicitly that the function x starts x=(n2+n)/2,considerwhathap- out at x(0) = 0. That might pens for a large value of n, like not be true in general. For in- 100. At this value of n, x˙ = 100, stance, if we’re adding water to a which is pretty big, but even with- reservoir over a certain period of outpawingaroundforacalculator, time, the reservoir probably didn’t weknowthatxisgoingtoturnout start out completely empty. Thus, really really big. Since n is large, if we know x˙, we can’t find out n2 is quite a bit bigger than n, so everything about x without some roughly speaking, we can approxi- further information: the starting mate x ≈ n2/2 = 5,000. 100 may value of x. If someone tells you be a big number, but 5,000 is a lot x˙ = 13, you can’t conclude x = bigger. Continuing in this way, for 13n, butonlyx=13n+c, wherec n = 1000 we have x˙ = 1000, but is some constant. There’s no such x≈500,000 — now x has far out- ambiguity if you’re going the op- strippedx˙. Thiscanbeafungame posite way, from x to x˙. Even to play with a calculator: look at if x(0) (cid:54)= 0, we still have x˙ = which functions grow the fastest. 13n+c−[13(n−1)+c]=13. Forinstance,yourcalculatormight have an x2 button, an ex button, Second,itmaybedifficult,oreven and a button for x! (the factorial impossible, to find a formula for function,definedasx!=1·2·...·x, the answer when we want to de- e.g., 4! = 1·2·3·4 = 24). You’ll termine the running sum x given find that 502 is pretty big, but e50 a formula for the rate of change x˙. is incomparably greater, and 50! is Gauss had a flash of insight that so big that it causes an error. led him to the result (n2 + n)/2, but in general we might only be All the x and x˙ functions we’ve abletouseacomputerspreadsheet seen so far have been polynomials. to calculate a number for the run- Ifxisapolynomial,thenofcourse ning sum, rather than an equation we can find a polynomial for x˙ as that would be valid for all values well, because if x is a polynomial, 10 CHAPTER 1. RATES OF CHANGE thenx(n)−x(n−1)willbeonetoo. It also looks like every polynomial we could choose for x˙ might also correspond to an x that’s a poly- nomial. And not only that, but it looks as though there’s a pattern in the power of n. Suppose x is a polynomial, and the highest power e/A pyramid with a vol- of n it contains is a certain num- umeof12+22+32. ber — the “order” of the polyno- 22+...+n2,andapplyingtheresultof mial. Then x˙ is a polynomial of theprecedingparagraph,wefindthat that order minus one. Again, it’s the volume of such a pyramid is ap- fairly easy to prove this going one proximately (1/3)Ah, where A = n2 is way,passingfromxtox˙,butmore theareaofthebaseandh = n isthe difficulttoprovetheoppositerela- height. tionship: that if x˙ is a polynomial When n is very large, we can get as of a certain order, then x must be good an approximation as we like to a polynomial with an order that’s a smooth-sided pyramid, and the er- greater by one. rorincurredinx(n)≈(1/3)n3+...by We’d imagine, then, that the run- omittingthelower-orderterms...can ning sum of x˙ = n2 would be a bemadeassmallasdesired. polynomial of order 3. If we cal- We therefore conclude that the vol- culate x(100) = 12 + 22 + ... + ume is exactly (1/3)Ah for a smooth- 1002 on a computer spreadsheet, sidedpyramidwiththeseproportions. we get 338,350, which looks sus- This is a special case of a theorem piciously close to 1,000,000/3. It lookslikex(n)=n3/3+..., where first proved by Euclid (propositions XII-6 and XII-7) two thousand years the dots represent terms involving lower powers of n such as n2. The beforecalculuswasinvented. fact that the coefficient of the n3 1.2 Continuous term is 1/3 is proved in problem 21 on p. 23. change Did you notice that I sneaked Example1 somethingpastyouintheexample Figure e shows a pyramid consisting ofwaterfillingupareservoir? The of a single cubical block on top, sup- x and x˙ functions I’ve been using ported by a 2×2 layer, supported in asexampleshaveallbeenfunctions turnbya3×3layer. Thetotalvolume defined on the integers, so they is12+22+32,inunitsofthevolumeof represent change that happens in asingleblock. discretesteps,buttheflowofwater Generalizing to the sum x(n) = 12 + intoareservoirissmoothandcon-

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