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Preview Briarpatch Jan Feb 2017

Boreal clearcutting p. 4 Corporate influence over mobility p.10 briarp Be the media p. 20 atch FIERCELY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISPATCH Through collective bargaining, workers and communities benefit: Better pay Greater access to benefits = Enhanced retirement security, Safer workplaces "= Vacation standards and statutory holidays "= Stronger public services and an economy built to last Whether its improving standards, defending workplace ight, or _errpioning public sevices that make cur communities great laces {ove unions stand up for everyone. : <CUPE Saskatchewan Your community Union VOUUME 4 Foo NuMBER sess JANUARY concn Feeruary 207 ‘een briarpatch Features 4 Deep Cuts WihcSt soi Spina Motsam Sswesahum gh against carci? Teadingon Mobity sero ‘Prat sie cane the TPP Stone worn obits 1d School Dispatch Police ofr ar setoesin high schonlaras Toren underthe que healt 23 Holding Out for Un-alienated Communication eponding tothe cor orateatonofsacalmetia 1 Inside Saskatchewan's Oil Economy Aercrg ror aul Lines: fe ne Landaap in Salah Feo 32 States of Emergency Confront theese ofInggencescmenandve-spinte peope inst Departments 2 LETTERFROM THE EDITOR 28 QUOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND. ae REVIEWS Toes op Pte a New Payot For Rewttion Dp Wie 40 PARTINGSHOTS, Whe Canola Climate Discourse? Lerrer FROM THI FOITOR Feet to the flame se Stoning Reckstand-oit hss ‘poled for mo, bute Morton ounty Sheriff Deparment contindes to seke the Mares, posting a widea series to their Titer age alled Know the Tul alse ‘hange public underetendingat the pro tests against the Dakota Access Pipeline in the fret video of the series, Meron ‘County Shevitf Hole Kicchmaersetsthe fame: "These are shor narzatives hat ‘ei tel you she ea sty Inone video, Cass Cousty Shesift aul D. Laney says ofthe water protec tois"Alot ofthe mes, ewan nes la sguce theres in there and ne ea Dingwelsiov; wal we thought wee spingto De peaceful or praesul. naw Theyre ing for The sheify framing is manifesty Viasd ofeocsse Thisisbeccuseascon- ‘wor Philip Gwight Mozean writes intsssss cover stor paliesee 10 snforsdeminan lass rule? Dominant ‘lssraeig served when thosewho resist ile pulie presence, and surveil= lanes ar castes violent, zine, and snrezonable ‘Whnshocldtmatterthat the Mot County She:'s Department tweeted ‘thes videos? rans wile police ie to soetl media to dicey disseminate their eneseges to communis, ste Joumnaiem in freefall. Tis iat nay ‘that journalists have ale la eovr “he sesistanceto DAT: therertshave been ‘wall ported ndeperéenjourmalis and (eetline epost an by idee dent media vere le Derry Nese! sind Unicgr it. Even somes “ennies provided thsrough soapy. But overall, instream eekly ‘no holding the fet ofpowerelestathe ame Police framing Willies rinfire its owa legitimacy. bu when abuse go eeprtd thef seviag arate re ‘sins. the ndyrecia Muatzea, aen6 ‘cervegence Group ("Hold Out i lenatedCoueniction ns su) eensincngy argues thatenpozte sedi ant sph cet be tte 0 ‘sktehard quasoneocseecte su ‘iat depen upon. Hitor Ase ugh ther aiateare media ental of proerre ct the WTC raseing in Sei, for ample, he naiatean inci eed “stereotyped spt 0 eles aes shin wi ple ‘Beorpensef reporting om al jie sues ites the group. Reporting o Sorics inhi Indigenous rsstce to sli polices =n event ofan Parca sored eMart Covi ‘Andean and Ceten Roberton rte in Sein estoy of tates Gavan Mopapr (203), "Cloria epresntionsseoaon se, rate ‘sizndand tind comprise hese ‘et lens Cod pt ad present olerialmaginary Depress? ‘Acidathavegnmate amessmesue rosin ant ees bing the mia mc eponingomthe tonnes noe sexton a ses a “Tube, nd Title tne inpae to funnel of ue ac dough soe media requles cue eal tet Sei media, aera inocu pore fuinechansesufasellas tact ite he eisai 'As RiektaLangepan mete ine: anil “Deep Cus" in his ase, Syn Mehidam Sayscratam fa not that employee f the egping compeny responsible for lear sting be and nese of the sary 49 are surveiling her on Twit, possibly anisingner sheisawsy ors hone ‘More sureeptious sve ten plaeat Standing Rock, wherepsctectons ve reported that Gra account were and Stngivtecwlegy asta Aeployed by police to monitor phones and eat dats sual, Survie nat ony alates ad ntfs, bt als csbleensypasiesweoTet the persue informaties of users, The Indyredia Consergen Grote wets, “Ore inves tor of the Clits wentarecapial win, Tl] cecenty referred to the use the new ci” ‘wile the Indymedia nenwosk 's building teshnoogis that een fiat resrools reporting wilhuat uve fannctignere the way thal poe for: 4 maintained ousi¢eof these newer. In ie story 2. police offerssationed in high sehoois avoss “aslo, Morgan points at at sches) reson ofticers, 8 they called, "are ‘wellzesourres police ofits. Perhaps ‘yy accurately naming “ir postions, we ea gin toa thraugh Pir thoi” ‘We shot Ml continge Io develop our undesstancing ofthe sols ofthe sur teilarce industry in social media, The schisvamentsof assets eportingand thet the Palen eves he taeonaetable ce that socal snes Itoolboth:orand against socal ie pews rravements, Our ability to Build ovens oe inaccurate nfo sien and sole analyse depen ur understandingof-natveryrelaionsh'p. TANYA ANDHUSECERD, FOR nase aagescen CORRECTION nour tos sue mast rue che ered ofthe cover tiage ‘The phoragrap is bp Cayton Conn, We point the porgraptr for thisere IT'SA LABOUR ° FLOVE. Tindjout how Canade’s unicns are maxing a ¢iference: FAIRNESSWORKS.CA t | 4 Engaging a new generation Yabour activists. of DEEP CUTS Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum’s fight against the clearcutting of her land sarah ‘brarpaceh fearhouenrthof Seaton, the tees beame thicker and the sir rene, thong: he winding ebay and gr ‘oadsremnind methatmedenn-dytans- portation is undoubtedly 2h ntoson nd Tam onlya getters. Eahshitve ‘made inthe partyeat ha evled sta ‘videace tat such robust beauty does fnoigo untouched inthepussitl pot Twas once ignorant he eed hat {ls the destruction of these tle f= fet, tees, and willie al Ter Fear ‘dap on teland, away frome ily Joon= tinue to lear from one of the erlorys faadtional tleholder the hard resi of ‘dercntting and forest degradation, "Sylvia McAdam Seysewahu. oxe tte foanders of le No More, wel. each time [vist With warm ean irc values, Sia patent showemefirt-handhewssin ahh ber homeis under attack ‘Afierspending coupizardarewih Sylvia over he pat yea, 3% apparent het he ruote of her resistance and the foundation for ner work with le No More ate heal embedded ix her family’s traditional NEhigawe hunting groonds teched aay deep i the boreal Tevet on Testy Berton "Tes beaut here shetelisme "Theres nowhere eee Ieratherde Silvis cals eats were atypical orsomeone of er generation. She and Inersiblngs avoided reldental school, durated instead om the father's hua ingertorywhercland-basededcation dred that of aong ne of tration Thontere whovwere all born, esd, and ‘pied wa the erstory. ‘With father ram the Wind Clan and 3 mother fom the Zagle Cla. Syiva didnt speak a word of English antl kindergarten, Although her "uadtional history extends beyond the Ainkesping with Ure thors equ we refer te Sysewaharaby er fst name hugh ‘borders of reserve, Sylvia's fay ate mambers of what is now celled ‘the Big River First Nation, « reserve song the southora edge of he Prince slbert Forest Management Are, Tht Jand bom ta trembling sepen, pine, sprece, balsam, Rr, poslar ana birch, all now under threat of leareu:ing ‘Unt early Byars ago, yi Fathers hunting cabin was sucked away deep in theboah Sys teliseneltnadbeen burt down in thelate 9906, and her fais ‘waertthe onlyone, ‘My faershuting tersitary is two full days of walking in exch direction’ shenoted. Now all that remains i ar emptied-ou: space in the Jand here the cabin znd surrounding forestonee ite, CUTTING AWAY aT THE LAND CGlesrcuingisthe commercial removal of healthy tree, Tacoughost our tours ofthe lan, Sylvia dnces attention to Sa Med Sasa orc tai olny ROS the growing nubs: of eaypted-oat locators her ousting oes ner once es playgioun ‘Dring my mas: -ecect ws Sia shew mewtereshes ess. fer ‘lacat- fagafew ime dneinsfoseoaeteneand lanruttng xpesure, she fees safer Irate ostins. Next tsa bly cof water, her heme ie surrounded by the Sounds funtonchd value nese conlywhen Soa buds ral fei the wad tha: immediately sees the lt. Sylsia bekeues that he Natozal Resourecs Transfer Ace, signed in 1926 wae the start of the clessecting. The act placed First Nations raserva lend lander tre Crown, gusrantesing tha: tural rexoures, eve an eve, Are administereé by te Goveraent of Canada forthe parpests of Canada es ane of many eclonial apparatuses the governmer: uses to ass: jar’ diction over cur lands.” says Sylva FOREST MANAGEMENT, Tw202e, the Sal chew governs entoaan-yerfoestranagemert agcecment (FMA) with Sakiw fishy ‘Management [nc (Saw). The FRA fgrenad ne company a linence to harvest Use forest in the Prince Albert Fores ‘Management Acs, which encompass ‘3rrlionnectaresof brea forestnocth of Prirce Albert. Typies. In order to ceive camera iene nave ties forestry companys reqiced to develop a forest management plan tht cepa tothe Ministry of Esiroament how the company has consulted wich atfecied indigenous people, ard how St will ensure a "sustainable rate of harvest" Cempanias hat receive FAAS also usualy cemmit 2 forest reneval obligations. f FMAS are approves, companies are granted operating plans. Saki represents eight sharchelder compazies,incdirgsixcompanies with manufacturing faites, and lwo Fist Nations businestes, Each shareholder has beex granted harvest allocations, and Salo reerts their operations A.C Forest ested nas Big iver ist [Notor, he sharetole> with alloca Joos cloest to Sis wadtcnal ent inggeounds Sakiw Askiy began collecting ‘aprating plans from [the Ministry of] + barat fon the exitry alone. During te ale suinmer of 2045, she aticed shotgun oles throug sign sh ed yat up that eal, "No Cieseut sy grandeon has tarp coming to the lands wits mi. He doesnt feel 4 “My father's hunting territory is two full days of walking in euch direction,” she described. Now, all that remains is an eraptied-out space in the land where the cabin and surrounding forest once existed. Enviconment to begin clearsutting Sy says. These plang, i the form of ontacs, passed bene meres ne swore approved in May 2012 y he cies vinci of surrounding reserves Polcan Lae, Big River, ard Whelan, Lake cording ta Sebi, the Big River hiefand council rare consul with ir and meses in approving uperating, plans. Ata community merting eld ‘ith band snembers, hie and council and he Miristy of Envirenment, Sia learned hate esieffrom Pelican Lake, Big Rives, and Witchekan Take ~ the sate reserves hat ape the Sal's plan rithous ousuling member ~ it ediretors of. Horety, Dring the all of 205, on the heels ofthe fadeal elation, Sylvia says the ‘leatetting pores heeane "a frenay" sod "a toll land: rab Thetrastion nea goverment sheexpleined, react ‘uncersins, "The atmosphere ecomes unclear and unstable ding the wansi- tion” rractive Indestees move quel eget such they eabefre changes saree’ sheseys. Syiva dosent oppose louuing sho~ ethers vihat sha osjets ois the ask oF cansaltation ofthe uaditional land ‘owners, the excess extraction, and he ‘waste of oteraie Hetty tes. ‘WHAT'S THE CosT? Sylvia's defence ofthe nd has ahaays been without risk At Limes, S¥sia Ty safe anjmore’ she sy, Shorty ae he stoped joining her he tnt went mise ing'thenstfoondouttaterpoyesot the acaby logging companies flew her social media, whare she posts olen bout he: suugee spans the dearest ting. Whilethasepostsalwheriw raw Iraad attention thease, they also eval when she fshomeor a Sylsa now cases gun with her protect, “If famers cin cary guns to detente ance, way can Indigenous DEEP IMPACTS The forestry industry %s aoethern Saetatchewans second lange indus, gerercting over f1 billion io forest. roductsalsard 8oornilion’n expen Sea ieallzo aware ofthe effects ofthis Industry on people and wii, “These companies clear ext (ard profitiromthewood ta'sused}tobulld homes, while my people are stil nome= Jess" Sylvia hers sleeps in er tale, Dut ever omy she is witout a ome ia thecityoron her sesare Iman envzazenent of wind chil that ‘ees vegetation and wiih Clesrectieg esd otrave ener fino ‘When tessarectenreut, hecatboa has ‘ually storadin tres ei, 2a ana isreleaed into the almosphe The cleareuting as] ange’ the ‘water Sylvia explaizs."[And) hes! rch noir p ioe ag do here Se chme e soe g ifort Wheat seesng gto ol retro? Tetne mete artes ded FRcuereturdagam ek ice he bcos BOREAL CLEARCUTTING In many ways, yan lone i her trugge beause boreal learcting limites to Sasktehewen, [Métie ates Christ Belecur, who sivesin northern Ontario's Espanola, "\Acenaontyof people esiceinsathem Ontario and are not aware sat laut- {ings happening all over Otaria” (Chast scesits harsh effects in ashy decimated ecosystems. "The foresiry companicsare net replanting an they axe itsonlv one species” Depending on ‘he are, forestry companies rommonly repleedegraded orestation wn single species ues. “Global warming climate change and inereasing human tion means Oat sung, diverse faests steneedadmore than eve sh explain, ‘Csi nears te Logingtruciscrive aly inthe morning ad exit wih all Toadsby aon. “Weneed tn sop the csasaton that {shappeningtothelands date, and Invest heal nt alternative building methods, products scence, andzhl- oy that wll male Bis assy 3 global Jeader for lnd stewardsh aroun the worl” In Asubperschoscevagong (Grasty "Narrows, Ontario, Treaty), cacy members have ben iting >a eri ronmentlimpactasescen'(HIAJ ofthe logeingof the Whishey lack boreal fers: Internal government emails obtained ty 4 Freedom of information request from ‘the Toronto Star reves th: governnent Scientists haveacnowlegad tha logeing releases mercury into iets and Ines, ‘Nonatheless, the provinesendroaient ministry has denied Grassy Narous the EIA. The clearettng continues with 2 10-year EMA. InB.C. mean where Sylva has nosed shotgur holes pierce the "Na Cleweuting” sign she put up.

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