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Breaking the Vainshtein screening in clusters of galaxies Vincenzo Salzano,1,a David F. Mota,2,b Salvatore Capozziello,3,c and Megan Donahue4,d 1Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland 2Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, 0315 Oslo, Norway 3Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini” , Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cinthia, Edificio N, 80126 Napoli, Italy 4Physics and Astronomy Dept., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824 USA (Dated: January 16, 2017) In this work we will test an alternative model of gravity belonging tothelarge family of galileon 7 models. It is characterized by an intrinsic breaking of the Vainshtein mechanism inside large as- 1 trophysical objects, thus having possibly detectable observational signatures. We will compare 0 theoreticalpredictionsfrom thismodelwith theobservedtotalmassprofileforasampleofclusters 2 ofgalaxies. Theprofilesarederivedusingtwocomplementarytools: X-rayhotintra-clustergasdy- n namics, and strong and weak gravitational lensing. Wefind that a dependencewith thedynamical a internal status of each cluster is possible; for those clusters which are very close to be relaxed, and J thusless perturbed by possible astrophysical local processes, the galileon model gives a quitegood fit to both X-ray and lensing observations. Both masses and concentrations for the dark matter 2 1 halosareconsistentwithearlierresultsfoundinnumericalsimulationsandintheliterature,andno compellingstatistical evidenceforadeviation from generalrelativity isdetectablefrom thepresent ] observationalstate. Actually,thecharacteristicgalileonparameterΥisalwaysconsistentwithzero, O and only an upper limit (.0.086 at 1σ, .0.16 at 2σ, and .0.23 at 3σ) can be established. Some C interestingdistinctivedeviations might beoperative, butthestatistical validityof theresults is far fromstrong,andbetterdatawouldbeneededinordertoeitherconfirmorrejectapotentialtension . h with general relativity. p - PACSnumbers: 04.50.Kd,98.80−k,98.80.Es,95.35.+d o Keywords: gravitation-darkmatter –gravitational lensing: strong,weak–galaxies: clusters: intracluster r medium t s a [ I. INTRODUCTION GR endures any challenge and passes any test it is 1 undergone [1]. But both the DM and the CC problem v Thelatest,mostprecisesetsofmeasurementsconcern- might be closely connected due to the adoption of GR; 7 thus,overcomingGRmighthelptosolvethem. Unfortu- ing the dynamics of our Universe, the second release 1 of the Planck satellite [2, 3]1, have confirmed that the nately,extensionormodificationofGRcanbeperformed 5 intoomanyways;aninterestingsummaryofmostofthe ΛCDM model has to be considered as the best model to 3 approaches still on study, is in Fig. 3 of [26] and in [30]. 0 explain most of the phenomena occurring in it. Never- ThemainproblemisthatGRisaverywell-testedtheory . theless,itisundisputablethatitalsohasmanyproblems 1 at Solar System scales [106], and this poses very strong and caveats; a non exhaustive list can be found in [26] 0 and limiting bounds on any possible extension. Among 7 and references therein. the plethora of models that have been proposed so far, 1 For what we are interested in, the ΛCDM paradigm theorieswhichexhibitascreeningmechanism aregaining : is based on: the cosmologicalconstant (CC), introduced v muchinterest. Basically,mostofsuchscenariosrequirea to explain the accelerated expansion of our Universe de- i X tected for the first by means of Type Ia Supernovae in scalar field coupled to matter, and mediating a so-called “fifth-force” which, in principle, might span the entire r [85, 89]; dark matter (DM), as the main ingredient of a rangefromSolarSystemuptocosmologicalscales. Inre- largescalestructureformationandevolution;andonthe gionsofhighdensity,thisforcehastobeself-suppressed, acceptance of General Relativity (GR) as the theory of so that no deviation from GR should be operative or, gravity. The intrinsic simplicity of the CC makes it dif- at least, if there was any, it should be hardly detectable ficult to confirm or refute on a statistical base; and we [48]. Where the density is lower,the modification to GR stilllackadirectlaboratorydetectionofoneofthemany should start to be effective and possibly some observa- suitable candidates for DM. tional signature arises (what kind of and what order it might be, depends on the model). The screening can be accomplished in many ways a [email protected] [19, 60]: with a weak coupling between the field and b [email protected] c [email protected] matter in regions of high density, thus inducing a weak d [email protected] fifth-forceasinsymmetrontheories[52,53];thefieldcan 1 For a fully-comprehensive look into all Planck results, see acquirealargemassin highdensity environments,being http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/planck/pla. short-ranged and undetectable, and be light and long- 2 ranged in lower density regions, as for chameleon fields terestedreadercanfind more details aboutitin [65]and [20, 61, 62, 75, 76] and f(R) models [27, 28, 36, 96]; or references therein. one may change the kinetic contribution of the field to Following[39],themostgeneralgalileonLagrangianin theLagrangian,withfirstorsecondorderderivativesbe- four dimensions and flat space-time can have only up to coming important in a certain range, as it happens with five different terms; using the notation of [65] it can be the Vainshtein screening mechanism [101]. written as: Amongallthem,wehavedecidedtofocusontheVain- Tµν∂ φ∂νφ shtein screening partially-drivenand/or partially-broken =M2 Li +αφT + µ , (2) L Pl Λ2(i−2) 4 (first discovered by [63] and further discussed in [91]) i i M X by the so-called galileon fields which, as pointed out in where Tµν is the energy-moment tensor in the matter [65], are only the most common approach for it, but not sector; T its trace; φ is the galileon field; α is a possible the only one. Galileon fields are so defined because, by coupling between the galileon field and matter; is a construction, they are invariant under the galilean shift M possible coupling to the kinetic part of the field; Λ is a symmetry massdimensionscale/constant[64],whichmightbeasso- ciated,forexample,to the currentacceleratedexpansion φ(x)7→φ(x)+c+bµxµ . (1) of the Universe (in which case Λ ∼ (MPlH02)1/3); and are the five Lagrangian functions depending on the i Given this property, the peculiarity of galileon models L galileon field and its kinetic contribution: is that, although being higher-derivative field theories, they still have second order equations of motion. Since 1 φ (3) L ≡ their first introduction in [84], galileons have been stud- X 2 ied in many works [37–39], so that we have now a fully- L ≡ X(cid:3)φ φ φµνφ comprehensive analysis which has helped to give them L3 ≡ − µ ν the right place in the very extended branch of theoreti- X ((cid:3)φ)2 φ φµν 4 µν L ≡− − cal alternative to GR [46, 47, 54]. In this work we will (φµφhνφ (cid:3)φ φµφ iφ φρν) deal with a relatively new formulation of galileon fields, − µν − µν ρ as presented in [65]. 2X ((cid:3)φ)3 3φ φµν(cid:3)φ+2φ φνρφµ 5 µν µν ρ Galileon models (and Vainshtein screening) have also L ≡− − 3 h i been tested against observational data [7–9, 12–15, 22, ((cid:3)φ)2φµφνφ 2φ φµνφ φρ µν µ νρ 81], and using numerical simulations [10, 11, 16, 43, 44, −2 − 68, 69]. This point is fundamental because when deal- φµ(cid:16)νφµνφρφρσφσ+2φµφµνφνρφρσφσ) − ing with alternativemodels ofgravity,the mainproblem where φ ... φ and X 1/2∂ φ∂µφ is is to find some clear signature which robustly discrim- µ1...µn ≡ ∇µ1 ∇µn ≡ − µ the standard kinetic term. In [65], they do not assume inates between GR and a competing alternative candi- any coupling α, but note instead that, after the quartic date. It would be helpless to have a theory which in- term is covariantized,the galileonappears to be coupled cludesGR,solvessomeofitsproblems,andfitsdatawith to the curvature tensor; thus the total Lagrangian looks the same statistical accuracy, but we had no smoking- equivalent to the one analyzed in [7] and companion pa- gun to clearly differentiate it from GR. Examples of pers. such possible probes are in [21, 23, 31, 35, 49, 55]. In In particular, in [65] the authors focus on a relatively this respect, clusters of galaxies are one of the most in- new sub-class of this family, defined by the Lagrangian teresting tools to be used for such analysis: being at the border ofthe astrophysicalandcosmologicalregimes R 1 L =M2 ∂ φ∂µφ+ L4 , (4) [25, 32, 33, 57, 58, 73, 103]. √ g Pl 2 − 2 µ Λ4 − (cid:20) (cid:21) Through this work, when necessary, we will assume a where g is the determinant of the metric and R is the fiducial cosmological background described by a ΛCDM Ricci scalar. Following the notation introduced by [47, model with Ω = 0.27, Ω = 0.73, and H = 70 km s−1Mpc−1(asmwewillexplaDinEinnextsections,0thischoice 65],wewillcallsuchamodelG3-galileon. Itisimportant to point out that the reduced Planck mass appearing in has very negligible impact on our study, and it is not in the Lagrangian is defined as M = (8πG)−1, where G contrast with our adoption of an alternative theory of Pl is the bare gravitational constant and differs from the gravity). usually measured one, G . N Assuming a metric signature ( ,+,+,+), and the − Newtonian Gauge, the perturbed Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre- II. THEORY Robertson-Walker metric can be written as Φ(r,t) In this section we will introduce the theoretical model ds2 = 1+2 c2dt2 (5) − c2 we have chosen for our analysis. We will describe only (cid:20) (cid:21) the properties which are important for our goals, and Ψ(r,t) +a2(t) 1 2 δ dxidxj , (6) the differences with previous similar approaches; the in- − c2 ij (cid:20) (cid:21) 3 where c is the speed of light; a is the cosmological scale some peculiar dynamical behaviours which take place in factor;andΦandΨarethe gravitationalandthe metric the innerregionsofthe clusters. Finally, galaxiescannot potentials. After having defined the parameter be properly described by a continuous density function [6], at least, on the entire spatial scale of the cluster; in 4 φ˙ [83] the central profile of the brightest cluster galaxy is 0 Υ , (7) inferredmostlybystellarkinematicsusinglong-slitspec- ≡ Λ ! troscopy. We will follow the usual custom to model the total the model can be fully characterized by the following matter density of the cluster by with a Navarro-Frenk- equations: White (NFW) profile [80], given by dΦ(r) G M(r) Υ dr = Nr2 + 4GNM′′(r), (8) ρNFW = (r/r )(1ρ+s r/r )2 , (12) s s dΨ(r) GNM(r) 5ΥGNM′(r) where the only free parameters are a density (ρs) and a = , (9) scale (r ). dr r2 − 4 r s As an illustrative case, also discussed in [65], we cal- wherethemeasuredgravitationalconstantGN isdefined culate the gravitational and metric potentials, assuming as a NFW profile, from Eqs. (8) - (9): G GN = 1+5Υ , (10) Φ(r)= 4GNπrs3ρs log 1+ r Υ r2 − r r − 4 (r+r )2 (cid:20) (cid:18) s(cid:19) s (cid:21) andthemassenclosedinaradiusr,M(r),anditsderiva- (13) tives with respect to the distance, are: 4G πr3ρ r 5Υ r r Ψ(r)= N s s log 1+ . M(r)= 4πr′2ρ(r′)dr′ − r (cid:20) (cid:18) rs(cid:19)− 4 r+rs(cid:21) (14) Z0 M′(r)=4πr2ρ(r) (11) Itisclearthatthe G3-galileonmodelpredicts“lessgrav- ity” thanGR (the sameconclusionis obtainedfor a - up dρ M′′(r)=8πrρ(r)+4πr2 . to some extent - similar quartic galileon model in [11]). dr The reason for such a behaviour is easily explained; as As it can be easily seen from Eqs. (8), (9) and (11), pointed out also in [65], the final corrective term in Φ we have two main unknown quantities: the theoretical is typically negative,providedthat the density decreases parameter Υ, and the matter density ρ, which we need outwardsas aNFW profile,andthe parameterΥis pos- to define. itive. We can check this even closer, if we calculate the TheparameterΥcanberecognizedasquantifyingthe first and second order derivative of the mass for a NFW deviation of our G3-galileon model from GR, which is profile, given by recovered for Υ = 0. It is worth to point out that the 4πrr3ρ model under consideration has one intrinsic theoretical M′(r)= s s (15) parameterΥ,butthisisonlythesimplestversion: itcan (r+rs)2 bfoergΦenaenrdaliΨzerdestpoetchtieveclayse(wohfitlewowrciotninsgtatnhtissΥw1orakn,daΥpa2-, M′′(r)= 4πrs3(rs−r)ρs . (r+r )3 s per on this topic has appeared [94]). Current bounds on such a parameter are given in: [92, 93], where the spe- It can be easily checked that M′′(r) > 0 for r < r : at s cific model we are considering here is tested against red least in principle, in this range we may need more dark dwarf stars and their minimum mass for hydrogenburn- matter in order to fit observations. The same is true ing;[56],wherewhitedwarfstarsareused;and[5]where for Ψ: M′(r) is always greater than zero, leading to the the generalized model with two constants is considered. same“lessgravity”conclusion. InSec.(IV.A)of[65],the For what concerns the matter density ρ, as we are authors qualitatively discuss the possible implications of going to study clusters of galaxies, we have to specify this property onrotationcurves of spiralgalaxies,which their three components: DM, gas, and galaxies. The depend on dΦ/dr. We add here that the same conclu- DM distribution canonly be inferredindirectly fromob- sions would apply to the case of mass reconstruction of servations, and is generally described by phenomenolog- clusters of galaxies using X-ray hot intra-cluster gas ob- ical profiles mainly derived from numerical simulations. servations, because, as we will discuss in next section, The gas mass can contribute up to 10 15%of the total this latter mass estimation is related to the derivative − massbudget; duetointernaldynamics,gasismainlyde- of the potential Φ. And it also applies to lensing mass tectableatX-raywavelength,andcanbedescribedquite reconstruction, because it depends on the derivative of well,wheninhydrostaticequilibrium,bytheso-calledβ- both Φ and Ψ. Then, we can finally conclude that the model[29],whichisoftenmodifiedinordertoaccountfor G3-galileon model will require a larger amount of dark 4 matter, with respect to GR, in order to match both X- In [40] and [74] two samples of clusters, with a large ray mass and strong/weak lensing observations in clus- overlap, have been analyzed, respectively, using prop- ters of galaxies. We can also check that our model has erties of the X-ray emitting hot intra-cluster gas, and Φ=Ψ, as long as Υ=0, differently from GR, for which through the analysis of gravitational lensing events pro- 6 6 the condition Φ=Ψ holds. duced by each cluster. The sample has been observed Thisisaninterestingdifferencewithrespectto,forex- within the survey program Cluster Lensing and Super- ample, [15] where a galileon model is studied using the novasurveywithHubble,CLASH[86],amulti-cycletrea- same lensing data we will consider in this work. From sury program which, using 524 Hubble Space Telescope their Eq. (20), from the bottom panel of their Fig. (1), (HST) orbits, has targeted 25 galaxy clusters. Among andfromtherightpaneloftheirFig.(9),wherethesame them, 20 clusters were selected mainly following the cri- quantityofourEq.(8)is shown,it canbe easilychecked terium of an approximately unperturbed and relatively that the extraterms in the gravitationalpotentialgive a symmetric X-ray morphology. Possibly, they constitute negativecontributionalloverthetestabledistancerange; a reference sample of clusters with regular density pro- thus, the model predicts a slightly stronger gravity, i.e., filesthatmightbe proventobe anoptimalrulertocom- canpossiblymimicasmallamountofDM.Actually,this pare models of cosmological structure formation, to test can be also verified by inspecting the mass values esti- ΛCDM predictions and, eventually, to test possible de- mates given in their Table II, where the galileon-derived partures from GR. These same X-ray selected clusters massesareslightlylowerthantheGR-derivedones;even have been extensively studied in the context of weak- if,aftertakingintoaccountstatisticalerrors,thegalileon lensing and magnification analysis [99, 100], and com- model finally does not predict a significant departure pared with identically-selected clusters derived from a from GR, at least in the range of scales coveredby data. ΛCDM simulation [71]. Moreover, such model implies that Φ = Ψ, exactly like Thus,wehavethepossibilitytoanalyzethesameclus- in GR. ters with both, an X-ray andlensing approach,in a con- On the other hand, in [98], we have a galileon model sistent way, and to compare the results. This is very which,inprinciple,mayallowbothpositiveandnegative importantbecause these two observationaltools are sen- extratermstothegravitationalpotential,andwhichhas sitive in different ways to the gravitational potential of Φ = Ψ, like in our case. At the end, after using a set of the cluster: lensing delivers a nearly unbiased estimate 6 combinedgasandlensingdata,themodelseemstofavour of the total mass, although with significant scatter from positive values, which our model is forced to have by de- line-of-sightmatterdistribution outofthe cluster; X-ray fault. It is also true that the constraints are statistically gas dynamics has less statistical scatter, but can be dis- very weak, maybe because the considered cluster, the turbed by local dynamics, with gas not in hydrostatic Comacluster,isnotthebesttargetforthis kindofanal- equilibrium, mainly in the inner regions (< 100 kpc), ysis, being not a relaxed system, with observations sug- thus leading to wrong mass estimations. gesting substructures and orientation dependence [97]. Moreover: X-raygas,asnon-relativisticmatter,issen- To summarize, in this work we will try to make some sitive to the gravitationalpotentialΦ only;while lensing small further steps toward a more complete view: (photons)is sensitive to the combinationofboth the po- tentials, Φ+Ψ. This is very important in our case, be- we will consider a model with Φ = Ψ; thus, a de- cause we want to test a model for which Φ = Ψ. In GR • 6 6 parture from GR, if any, might be found from the the two potentialsareequal. This implies that ina com- combineduse ofbothX-rayobservationsandgrav- binedanalysisofX-rayandlensingobservations,possible itational lensing; divergences between the two mass estimations are auto- matically shared between the two probes. And, eventu- wewillapplythismodelonanextendedsetofclus- ally, inconsistencies can become dominant. Instead, in • ters of galaxies, in order to enforce the statistical models like the G3-galileon, these problems might be al- validityofourresults,andhaveabroaderandmore leviated: the information from X-ray gas only involves general picture; Φ, with Ψ still having some freedom to adjust lensing expectations to observations. III. DATA A. X-ray hot gas We will approach the problem of reconstructing the mass distribution in clusters of galaxies using two differ- AlltheCLASHclustershavebeenselectedusingChan- ent astrophysicalprobes: dra telescope observations; in [40], archival data from both Chandra and XMM are used to estimate the total X-ray observations of the hot intra-cluster gas; massoftheclustersfromX-rayobservations,andtocom- • pare them with gravitational-lensing estimations. These detection and analysis of strong and weak gravita- archivaldata(wewillfocusonlyonChandra-deriveddata • tional lensing. becausethey areavailableforallthe clustersinthe sam- 5 ple)arereprocessed,re-calibratedandanalyzedusingthe In [40], as input for JACO, a NFW DM profile is as- procedure outlined in [40]. sumed, as in Eq. (12); while for the gas they use a triple When working with X-ray observations of clusters β-model [29], with one component being truncated at of galaxies, some preliminary hypothesis are generally low-radius by a power-law, needed, the main ones being the assumptionof spherical symmetry and that the system is in hydrostatic equi- r −α r 2 −3β20 librium (HSE); such assumptions are made also in [40]. ρgas =ρ0 1+ (18) r r Then, starting from these hypothesis, we use the colli- (cid:18) 0(cid:19) " (cid:18) e,0(cid:19) # sionless Boltzmann equation −3βi 2 2 2 r + ρ 1+ , i dΦ(r) = kTgas(r) dlnρgas(r) + dlnTgas(r) , Xi=1 " (cid:18)re,i(cid:19) # − dr µm r dlnr dlnr p (cid:20) (cid:21) where ρ ,ρ ,r ,r ,β ,β are determinedby fitting the (16) 0 i e,0 e,i 0 i spectra as described above. The final JACO constraints from which, in GR, we can simply obtain: on the total mass are obtained from a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) procedure. The final output, M (r)=M (r)+M (r)+M (r)= (17) tot gas gal DM the total cluster mass of the cluster, M , can than be tot kTgas(r) dlnρgas(r) dlnTgas(r) used to constrain our G3-galileon model through the re- r + . − µmpGN (cid:20) dlnr dlnr (cid:21) lation From the right-hand-side, making direct use of obser- r2 dΦ M = , (19) vations (gas density and temperature profiles), one can tot G dr N obtainthetotalmassinthecluster,M ;ofcourse,from tot the observed density ρ , one can also derive the mass which is valid regardless the theory of gravity. What is gas ofthe hotgas,M . Thus,Eq.(16)isusedtoindirectly goingtochangeis,ofcourse,thecontentoftherighthand gas infer properties of the dark matter halo embedding the sidewhich,inouralternativescenario,isgivenbyEq.(8), cluster, M . It is better to highlight here that the andthepossibleinterpretationofsome“modifiedgravity DM mass estimated through Eq. (16) should be more prop- aspects” as a sort of effective mass (if it is the case). erly named as thermal pressure-supported HSE mass; but non-thermal contributions might arise as, for exam- B. Gravitational lensing ple,amongother,bulkmotions,turbulences,cosmicrays, and magnetic fields. In GR, the non-thermal contribu- tionarederivedandparameterizedfromnumericalsimu- In [74] many clusters in common with the sample of lations; thus, in order to be taken in considerationwhen [40] areused for a lensing-basedstudy; in particular,the an alternative gravity scenario is studied, one should, in lensing analysis is extended by combining weak-lensing principle, run the same simulations and find for a new constraints from the HST and from ground-based wide- parametrization [97, 98, 105]. field data with strong lensing constraints from HST. Theapproachfollowedby[40]isslightlydifferent: they In[17, 95], the typical configuration of a gravitational use the Joint Analysis of Cluster Observations (JACO) lensing system comprises a source, positioned at a (an- code from [70], which may provide a simultaneous fit of gular diameter) distance from the observer, Ds, and a many kinds of observations related to clusters of galax- lens (in this case a cluster), situated at a distance, Dl, ies,likeX-ray,Sunyaev-Zeldovichandweak-lensingdata, with the distance between the lens and the source gen- once parametric models for matter components are con- erally indicated as Dls. In the cluster regime, the non- sidered. In [40], only the X-ray ones are used. JACO relativisticgravitationalpotentialΦandthe peculiarve- startsfromassumingseparatemattercomponents(inour locity of the lens are small, and one can presume that a case,DMandgas;stellarcontributionmightalsobecon- locally flat space-time is being disturbed by the poten- sidered,but this is notdone in ourcase), andfromthem tial Φ, with a metric given by Eq. (5). Moreover, given it directly calculates synthetic multi-wavelength spectra thatthedistancesobserver-lensandlens-sourcearemuch which are then compared with the observed ones. Thus, larger than the physical extension of the lens, the latter it performs a fit of the spectra directly in terms of the can be thus approximated as a two-dimensional system interested theoretical parameters (NFW parameters, for (“thin-lens”approximation). Themaineffectofthelens, example),andquantitieslikethetemperaturearenotdi- insuchregime,is to deflectlightraysfromthe sourceby rectlyneededfrommeasurements,but,oncemattercom- a certain angle α~ˆ, which, in GR, can be defined as ponents are given, and the HSE is assumed, they can be calculated as pure theoretical quantities. Then, the con- α~ˆ = 2 +∞ ~⊥Φdz (20) straintsfromJACOmightbestrongerthantheapproach c2 ∇ Z−∞ basedontheuseofEq.(16),butattheexpenseofapar- tiallossofmodel-independency,becausesomeparametric with ~⊥ being the two-dimensional gradient operator ∇ model has to be assumed for the mass distribution. perpendiculartolightpropagation. Therelationbetween 6 the real (unknown) position of the source and the ap- obtained assuming GR; but the most general expression parent one, then, can be obtained by simple geometrical for the convergence,irrespective of the gravity theory, is considerations to be 1 D D +∞ Φ(R,z)+Ψ(R,z) l ls β~ =~θ− DDlsα~ˆ(~θ)=θ~−α~(~θ), (21) κ(R)= c2 Ds Z−∞ ∇r(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) dz, s (28) with Φ and Ψ the total gravitational and metric poten- whereβ~ is the original(two-dimensional)vectorposition tials. In GR, as known, Φ =Ψ, and we obtain Eq. (25); of the source, ~θ is the new apparent position, and α~ˆ (α~) but in general, they can be different, as it is the case of is the deflection (scaled) angle. In a more general (rela- our G3-galileon model. Thus, for our analysis, we will tivistic)context,thisequationcanbegeneralizedtolarge use directly the more general definition, Eq. (28). deflection angles too, as pointed out in [34]. Theimportanceofgravitationallensing,inthecontext Finally, the angle deflection can be expressedin terms of searching for confirmation or rebuttal of a model al- of the effective lensing potential, Φlens, i.e. the line- ternativetoGR,isthusstrikinglyplain: itissensitiveto of-sight projection of the full three-dimensional gravita- boththepotentialsand,inprinciple,couldhelptodetect tionalpotentialofthe clusteronthe lens plane,properly iftheyareequalornot. FutureplannedsurveyslikeESA rescaled: satellite mission Euclid2 [4, 66, 67, 88], will take advan- tage of it. In our case, such use would be even stronger 2 D +∞ Φ (R)= ls Φ(R=D θ,z)dz , (22) and more decisive if combined to other complementary lens c2DlDs Z−∞ l independent probes(likedynamicsofhotgas)whichare, instead, sensitive to only the gravitational potential Φ. whereRisthetwo-dimensionalprojectedradiusandz is The combined use of both might help to disentangle the the line of sight direction. contributions from both potentials and state, with more It is easy to verify that the gradient of Φ gives the lens orlessstatisticalevidence,ifGRoranalternativetheory scaled deflection angle α~, i.e. ~Φlens = α~. Another is feasible or not. ∇ importantrelation,isgivenbytheLaplacianofthesame In order to use Eq. (28), we need the convergence potential,whichresultstobeequaltotheconvergence κ, from the data and the two potentials from theory. For what concerns the latter point we can rely on the defini- 1 DlDls +∞ tion of the Laplacian operator in spherical coordinates, κ(R)= Φ(R,z)dz, (23) c2 Ds Z−∞ ∇r ∇r = ∂∂r22 + r2∂∂r, and use directly Eqs. (8)-(9); than, af- terprovidingafunctionalformforthematterdensity(in where, again, R is the two-dimensionalprojectedradius; our case we will use a NFW DM profile), the integral in z is the line of sight direction; r = √R2+z2 is the Eq. (28) can be calculated numerically. three-dimensional radius; is the Laplacian operator r The data are provided by [74], where the cluster se- ∇ in spherical coordinates; and c is the speed of light. The lected by CLASH are analyzed. Lensing events are re- potential Φ satisfies the Poisson equation, trieved from the HST field of the CLASH program,, which provides lensing constraints both for strong and 2Φ(r)=4πG ρ(r), (24) ∇r N weaklensing;theseweaklensingmapsarealsocombined with ground-based catalogs, mostly from Suprime-Cam and, using it in Eq. (23), we obtain the final expression on the Subaru Telescope. Given the properties of the for the convergence in GR: CLASHsurvey,newlensedgalaxiescanbeidentifiedand +∞ 4πG D D Σ their redshifts measured with greater accuracy, with a κ(R)= N l lsρ(R,z)dz , net improvementofthe signalwith respectto previously c2 D ≡ Σ Z−∞ s crit available literature. In order to infer matter distribu- (25) tion from lensing events, the Strong-and Weak Lensing with the surface density of the lens defined by (SaWLens) algorithm is used [72]. The main property of this approach is that no a priori assumption is made +∞ Σ= ρ(R,z)dz (26) about the mass distribution (by contrast, in JACO, you Z−∞ needtoinputa functionalform). Moredetailsaboutthe applicationofthismethodtotheCLASHdataarein[74]. and the critical surface mass density for lensing defined On last point should be addressed here: in princi- as ple, in order to calculate the convergence,we need some c2 D information from the cosmological background, as it in- s Σcrit = . (27) volves the calculation of the angular diameter distances 4πG D D N l ls Finally, it results that the convergence is nothing more than the two-dimensionalprojected total matter density ofthelens. Actually,allthepreviousrelationshavebeen 2 http://sci.esa.int/euclid 7 observer-lens, observer-source, and lens-source. Angular C. Methodology diameter distance are generally defined as: In order to perform the statistical analysis of our model, we have built the respective χ2 function for each 1 z cdz′ set of observations and for each cluster. In the case of D (z)= , (29) hot X-ray gas mass profiles, the χ2 is defined as A 1+z H(z′,θ) gas Z0 N Mtheo(r ,θ) Mobs(r ) 2 χ2 = tot i − tot i , (30) gas σ2 (r ) where the Hubble function H(z,θ) depends on the par- Xi=1 (cid:0) Mtoobts i (cid:1) ticular model one considers through the set of vectors where: is the number of points, for each cluster, for θ. As for galileon models, in [15] there is a comparison which mNeasurements of the total mass as a function of between the ΛCDM and the galileon version. Then, one radius are provided; ri is the distance from the center of should first consider how the G3-galileon model behaves the cluster; Mobs is the total mass finally obtained from tot at cosmological scales, and use its H(z) expression in JACO (the left hand side of Eq. (19)); σMobs are the tot the lensing analysisinorderto calculateDl,Ds andDls. observationalerrorsonthetotalmass; Mttohteo isthetotal We lack such cosmological scale analysis for our model; masscalculatedfromourmodelfromthe righthandside butone couldalsoquestionifthese distancesmighthave ofEq.(19); andθ is the vectorofthe model parameters. some influence on putting bounds on the theoretical pa- Aswearegoingtoconsiderthatallthemassinthecluster rameters θ. In principle it wouldbe possible, but we are is described in terms of a NFW DM profile, this vector highly confident this is not the case. will be, θ = ρ ,r , for GR, and θ = ρ ,r ,Υ for the s s s s G3-galileon.{We co}uldhave used the ga{s mass es}timated First of all, [13] show that the final expression for byJACOfrom[40],butfounditproblematicbecausethe H(z,θ) for a galileon scenario does not depend on gasdensityisverylikelytodependnotonlyontheglobal galileon parameters, but only on the total matter con- gravitational potential Φ, but also on local dynamics. tent, Ωm (the dimensionless matter density parameter We have checked that, even when taking into account today). Furthermore, [15] show that the value of Ωm, gas density, the results do not change in a statistically one ofthe parameterswhichenterinH(z),is unchanged significant way. when moving from ΛCDM (GR) to galileon, and is ba- For the lensing, the χ2 is defined as lens sically non influential both in the determination of the mass profiles and in the constraints on the galileon pa- χ2 =(κtheo(θ)−κobs) C−1 (κtheo(θ)−κobs), lens · · rameters. Moreover,wedonotbelievethatthedistances (31) might help to constrain such parameters: cosmological where: κobs isthevectoroftheobservationallymeasured geometricalprobesaregenerallyveryweakwhenusedto convergence;κtheo(θ) is the theoreticalconvergenceob- compare ΛCDM (GR) with other alternativemodels; we tainedfromthe righthandside ofEq.(28); andC is the have no observational errors on these distances which, related observationalcovariance matrix. thus, in principle, couldre-scalein a completely free and The total χ2, defined as the sum of the gas and lens- un-physicalway. Finally,in[13]itisshownthattheHub- ing χ2, is minimized by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo ble function H(z) derived from their galileon model can (MCMC) method, and its convergence is checked using differ from the expected ΛCDM behaviour for . 5% in the method developed by [42]. The main outputs of the theredshiftrangecoveredbyourdata;avariationwhich MCMC are used to recover the 68% and 95% marginal- is smaller than present observational errors and disper- ized constraints of the theoretical parameters, and can sion and, thus, still not detectable in a statistically valid also help us to assess how much the G3-galileon model waynowadays. Itisworthtostressthatresultsfrom[13] comparestoGR.ThisisdonebycalculatingtheBayesian are obtained using only Planck CMB and some BAO Evidence for both GR and G3-galileon for each cluster, data, which very likely pinpoint high redshifts regime usingthealgorithmdescribedin[79]. Asthisalgorithmis behaviour quite well, but not equally well the lower one. stochastic,inorderto reduce the statisticalnoisewe run The fit would have surely benefit (and maybe reduced it 100 times obtaining a distribution of values from ∼ thedeviationfromthebaselineΛCDMbackground)from which we extract the best value of the evidence as the considering two further elements: SNeIa, which are well median of the distribution. The Evidence, , is defined E knowntoplayacomplementaryrolewithrespecttoBAO asthe probabilityofthe dataD giventhe modelM with infixingmanycosmologicalparameters;andbyapplying a set of parameters θ, (M) = dθL(D θ,M)π(θ M): a prioron H fromindependent observations,giventhat π(θ M) is the prior onEthe set of param|eters, nor|mal- 0 present errors on H are 2% [90], which is less than ized|to unity, and L(D θ,M) is Rthe likelihood function. 0 ∼ | halfthedeviationfromΛCDMdepictedinthesame[13]. There are many other tools to compare models but the For all these reasons, we will use the fiducial cosmolog- BayesianEvidenceisconsideredthemostreliable,evenif ical background we have defined in the Introduction to it is not completely immune to problems, like its depen- calculate the critical surface mass density. dence on the choice of priors [82]. In order to minimize 8 suchproblems,wehavealwaysusedthesameuninforma- and present the results in Table I. For now, we will fo- tive flat priors on the parameters, and over sufficiently cus on the primary fit parameters,the NFW parameters wide ranges (much wider than the physically acceptable ρ and r , and we compare our results with [40, 74] as s s ones), so that further increasing them has no impact on cross-check. They are in full agreement, with small dif- the results. In particular, we only assumed the obvious ferencesonlywithrespecttothelensingestimationsfrom priors: ρ > 0, r > 0 and Υ > 0. Note that the pa- [74], mainly due to the stochastic nature of the MCMC s s rameter Υ can have any sign, in general. In the peculiar we have used to perform the fit, in contrast with the case we are considering,throughits definition Eq.(7), it Levenberg-Marquardt code used in that work. Anyway, is clear it has to be positive. both estimations are statistically consistent at 1σ level; Once the BayesianEvidence is calculated, one canob- the same level of consistency is with the analysis from tain the Bayes Factor, defined as the ratio of evidences [40]. oftwomodels, Mi andMj, Bji =Ei/Ej. IfBji >1,model From the values given in Table I, it is clear that for Mi is preferred over Mj, given the data. For each clus- some clusters there is a tension between the mass esti- ter we have used the NFW-GR case as reference model mated using X-ray data and that derived from gravita- Mj. Even with the Bayes Factor Bji >1, one is still not tionallensing. Givenour discussionin previous sections, able to say how much better is model Mi with respect this is quite expected but, aswe are interestedinjoining to model Mj. For this, we choose the widely-used Jef- the two data sets, we will pay some more attention to freys’ Scale [59]. In general, Jeffreys’ Scale states that: these results, and will discuss them in more detail. if ln i < 1, the evidence in favor of model M is not Bj i In [40], their Fig. (7) shows the mass bias between significant; if 1 < lnBji < 2.5, the evidence is substan- the total cluster HSE thermal mass that can be derived tial; if 2.5 < ln i < 5, is strong; if i > 5, is decisive. fromX-rayobservations,andthetotalmassderivedfrom Bj Bj Negative values of ln i can be easily interpreted as ev- gravitational lensing. In the right panel of the same fig- Bj idence against model M (or in favor of model M ). In ure are shown the results from using Chandra telescope i j [82], it is shown that the Jeffreys’ scale is not a fully- datafortheX-ray(whichwehaveusedinthiswork)and reliable toolfor modelcomparison,but atthe same time the algorithm SaWLens used in [74] to process lensing the statistical validity of the Bayes factor as an efficient observations. Actually, it is natural and possible to ex- model-comparisontool is not questioned: a Bayes factor pect an intrinsic deviation of 10% in this mass bias ≈ i > 1 unequivocally states that the model i is more (duetohydrostaticequilibriumhypothesis,orprojection Bj likely than model j. We present results in both contexts effects), as obtained from numerical simulations; in this for reader’s interpretation. range of uncertainty the two mass estimations would be Finally, in order to quantify the relative contribution statisticallyconsistentwith eachother. Evenifthe aver- of X-ray gas and lensing to the total χ2, we have used agebehaviourderivedfromthe CLASHsample is within the so-called σ-distance, d , i.e. the distance in units of thisrangeor,atleast,notinstrikinglycontrast,itisalso σ σ between the best fit points ofthe total sample andthe clear that many clusters, taken individually, can exhibit bestfitpointsofX-rayandlensingseparately. Following larger deviations, mainly in the inner regions. Even if [87], the σ-distance is calculated by solving non-thermal effects are not considered explicitly, in [40] it is argued that they can account, maximum, for about 1 Γ(1, ∆χ2 /2)/Γ(1)=erf(dX/√2), (32) 10 20% of the total pressure (or, equivalently, mass). − | σ,X | σ − Thus, in general, astrophysical processes are excluded where X stands for X-ray or lensing, and ∆χ2σ,X is de- as main source of such large deviations, otherwise they fined as χ2(θtot) χ2(θX), i.e. the difference between would imply that the gravitational potential at small the total chi-squa−re function evaluated at θtot and θX radii is actually unable to balance the astrophysically- which are, respectively, the best fit parameters from the generatedpressureofthegas[40]. Asapossiblesolution, joint analysis and the X-ray or lensing one. Of course, theauthorssuggestthatoneshouldtakeintoaccountthe theconditiondGas <dLens wouldimplythatX-raygasis centralgalaxiesstellarcontribution, which is not consid- σ σ theleadingtermintheχ2,andviceversaifdLens <dGas. eredthere,andwhichactuallyresultstobedominantex- σ σ actlyinthe<100kpcregion. Itisworthtomentionthat in[40] alsoanalyzeX-raydata fromXMM, whichfinally IV. RESULTS result in mass profiles with a larger tension than Chan- dra,intermsofshapeandnormalization,withrespectto Inthissectionwearegoingtodiscussthe mainresults lensing profiles. Moreover, in [100] lensing-lensing cross- we obtained from our analysis. checks show a generally good agreement despite some exceptions. The tension between the X-ray estimations and the A. NFW and GR analysis lensing ones is made also visually more clear in Fig. (1), where we plot the likelihood contours for the primary Firstofall,wehaveperformedseparatefitsusingboth NFW parametersderivedusing only lensing data (blue), X-ray gas and lensing data in the classical GR scenario only X-ray observations (red), and joining the two data 9 sets (black). From this figure, we are led to divide the emergesthatallthe clustersbelongingtothesecondand clusters from our sample in three different groups: third group are those which exhibit the largest depar- tures from the average mass bias in the central region. group 1: clusters whose 1σ confidence regions • From now on we will discuss the results for the full clus- from both the approaches, taken separately, over- tersample,butwewanttostressthatourmainstatistical lap or coincide. The clusters A209, RXJ2129, conclusions will be centered only on clusters from group A611, MACSJ1720, MACSJ0429, MACSJ0329, one, which constitute half of the sample. MACSJ1311, MACSJ1423 and MACSJ0744, show a full overlap of their likelihood contours; while MACSJ1206 a partial overlap; B. NFW and G3-galileon analysis group 2: clusters whose likelihood contours over- • lap only at 2σ: A2261, RXJC2248, MACSJ1931, If we now move to our G3-galileon model, the first RXJ1532; thing to be said is that we have problems to constrain ourmodelusingonlylensingdata. Forthesakeofclarity, group 3: clusters whose X-ray and lensing likeli- • in Table II we will only report results from the joint fit, hoodsareintensionatmorethan2σ: MACSJ1115, and not those derived from the separate use of both the RXJ1347;andA383andMS2137,whichplayaspe- chosensetsofobservations,butwewilldiscussthemhere. cial role, as we will explain later in this section. Basically,thelensing-onlyanalysisisunabletoputany Whenconsideringresultsfromthe jointuseofbothdata bounds onouralternativemodel. Froma “conservative” sets,thefinalresultsfortheNFWparametersareclearly perspective,onewouldexpectsmalldeviationsfromGR. dependent on what group the cluster belongs to. As it Instead, the statistics derived from the χ2 minimization is possible to visually check from Fig. (1), and from val- only marginally contains the GR limit, being the mini- ues of σ-distances in Table III, in general, the fits are in mumveryfar (in astatisticalsense)fromwhatexpected some way led by X-ray data, which give more stringent for a “small deviation from GR”. Just as illustrative ex- constraints on the mass estimations (without forgetting amples, we report here the best fits for three clusters, in all caveats about possible astrophysical interferences in the form (ρs,rs,Υ), with the same units of Table II: this case)Anyway, clusters from the first group, gener- A209:(26.5,141,0.97) ally exhibit joint estimations which are consistent with theseparate-dataapproaches,respectively,andalsoshow MACSJ1311:(99.8, 72,1.09) (33) some improvement in the final errors on the parame- RXJ1347:(21.1,181,0.97). ters. Lesserimprovementsarefromclustersofgrouptwo; while no improvement at all is for group three. Wegenerallyobtainacharacteristicradiusr 100kpc, s ≈ How the different degrees of tension between the sep- well constrained at the lower limit, but poorly at the arateapproachesinfluence the finalcomparisonwith ob- higher end. For what concerns the central DM NFW servations,canbevisuallyinspectedinFig.(2);indashed density distribution it exhibits a minimum for very high blue lines, we show the best fit from using gas-only (left values (much larger than what expected from GR simu- panels)andlensing-only(rightpanels)data;insolidblue lations), but is basically unconstrained, being its likeli- lineswerepresentthebestfitfromajointuseofbothsets hoodfunctionalmostflatonalargerangeofvalues(from of data. While from gas (left) possible differences be- 1015 up to 1017M⊙ Mpc−3). Finally the galileon ∼ ∼ tween the models are barely distinguishable, more infor- parameter Υ is well constrained at 1, and it is never ≈ mation can be derived focussing on lensing data (right). consistent with the GR limit. It is interesting to note Ifweconsiderthejointanalysis(solidblue lines),wecan that the χ2 minimum can be as lower as 35, 50 and 5% easily verify how the clusters from the first group show (for A209, MACSJ1311 and RXJ1347 respectively) with a very good agreementwith data. For clusters of groups respect to the NFW + GR scenario. This net improve- two and three, we can note how there is a progressive ment is mainly due to a better match of the theoretical degradation in the goodness of the fit. In particular, convergence with data at 100 200 kpc, while the fit ≈ − the joint fit translate in an overestimation of the mass remains as poor as GR at larger distances from the cen- (convergence) in the central regions. Clusters A383 and ter, which have much larger errors and thus much less MS2137 are the really-problematic cases in this sample, weightfroma statisticalpointofview. However,welack because the NFW + GR fit from joint data sets is un- a strong theoretical and physical motivation in support abletoprovideasatisfactorymatchtodata,producinga of such results and, eventually, their statistical validity globalandextendedunderestimationofthemassallover seems to be low. therangecoveredbythelensinganalysis. Unfortunately, On the other hand, our constraints from X-ray obser- neitherin[40]norin[100]onecanfindsomepeculiarhint vationaremuchmorestringentandappeartobeassmall for such misbehaviour. deviationsfromtheGRcasebutstillconsistentwithGR, Again, these different levels of tension and their rela- i.e., with Υ = 0. And also the total χ2 obtained from tionwithaspecificcluster,maybenotunexpected: ifwe the joint analysis is much more consistent. As discussed compare our classification with Fig. (7) of [40] it clearly above, still the gas contribution is leading the χ2 sum; 10 but the more interesting considerations can be derived thatthereisnodependenceofΥontheuseddarkmatter fromthevaluesassumedbytheparameterΥ. InTableII, model, at least for this cluster. We are aware that, in in the Υ columns, we indicate in parenthesis the level of principle,oneshouldcheckthesameforallotherclusters, consistency of the best fits with the zero value (i.e. with butwethinkthiskindofanalysisisoutofthemaintopic GR): <1σ means that the zero value falls within the 1σ of this work, and we postpone it to a dedicated future confidence level (< 2σ and > 3σ are self-explanatory); work. = 0 means that the probability distribution does not FollowingourpreviousdiscussionaboutFig.(7)in[40], 6 reachthe zero value at all. It is straightforwardto check we have performed a further check: first, we have added that all the clusters which have only upper limit on Υ, a constant10%mass budgetto the totalmass estimated thus being consistentwith GR, are from groupone. The from X-ray, as a crude way to take into account possible only exception is A2261 which, while being consistent non-thermalpressureandotherastrophysicaleffects;sec- withGR,isfromgrouptwo. Itisalsointerestingtohigh- ond, we have extracted the radial behaviour of the mass lightthatsomeclustersfromgroupone(RXJ2129,A611, bias for RXJ1347 fromthe same figure and re-scaledthe MACSJ0429andMACSJ1206),andthus,havenostatis- masses from X-ray observations (and the related errors) tically relevant discrepancy between X-ray and lensing with it. Then, we have repeated the fit using these new observations, may exhibit a more clear departure from normalized mass profiles for X-ray observations, obtain- GR, at 2σ level maximum. All clusters with a depar- ing ture from GR greater than 2σ fall in the groups two originalX ray:Υ=0.554+0.090 ; (37) and three; in this case, such departures from GR may − −0.093 be due to inconsistencies between mass estimations ob- constantbias:Υ=0.497+−00..009989; tained from X-ray observations and lensing events. The radialbias:Υ=0.189+0.141 . −0.113 onlyexceptionsareA383andMS2137whichhavea very Itisplainthattheconstantbiasdoesnotlowerthevalue poorfittodata,buthavealsobeenprovedtobethemost of Υ in a statistically significantway. Instead, the radial problematic clusters even in the classical GR scenario. biaslowersthe valueofΥbyalmosta70%,andthefinal In order to test if such departures from GR are real estimation is consistent with zero, and then with GR, at or how much they might be due to the tension be- 2σ,thusalleviatinginaveryconsiderablewaythetension tween X-ray and lensing observable, we have performed with GR we have detected in the previous cases of non- some checks. We initially focused on one cluster only, normalized massprofilesfromX-rayobservations. Based RXJ1347,which exhibits the largestdeviation from zero on this preliminary result, we have extracted the radial for the Υ parameter and one of the largest tension be- massbiasesfromFig.(7)of[40]foralltheclustersinour tween the observations. First, we have checked if the sample,andused themfor a new analysis;finally, allthe value of Υ might depend on the choice of the dark mat- resultsareshowninTableIIasthenormalized case. Itis terdensitymodel. Thus,wehavecomparedthreemodels clear that in this case we obtain a general decrease of Υ for DM distribution [100]: the classical NFW, already for all the clusters, and now they are mostly consistent describedinprevioussections;ageneralizedNFW [107], with GR at a higher statistical level (less than 1σ for gNFW, given by the density profile: most of them). ρ Itis goodto stressthatthis checkwas performedonly s ρ = ; (34) gNFW (r/rs)γc(1+r/rs)3−γc in order to better quantify the validity of our main re- sults, but it is not realistic: it would resemble the case and a DARKexp model [51], ofhavingonlylensingmeasurements(becausetheX-ray- derived profiles are scaled in order to match lensing es- ρ ρ = s . (35) timations) but with an increased precision, as the error DARK (r/rs)γc(1+r/rs)4−γc onthemassesderivedfromX-rayobservationsarebetter thanthose fromlensing analysis. In fact, this radialbias The first two models are phenomenological, and the is ana posteriori quantity,that canbe quantified only if gNFW reduces to NFW if γ = 1; the third one has c onehasbothX-rayandlensingmassestimates,anduses sometheoreticalbasis,asitcandescribethedistribution them separately to infer information about radial mass ofparticleenergiesinfinite,self-gravitating,collisionless, profiles. isotropic systems, and has the interesting property that Assuming that X-rayobservationscansuffer problems itcannotbereducedtoaNFW profile. Finallywehave: from some astrophysical effects of varied origin, while NFW :Υ=0.554+0.090 , lensing not, one is basically stating that the real and −0.093 complete mass estimation comes from lensing; and one gNFW :Υ=0.550+−00..009945 , (36) could think about this mass bias as an indirect tool to DARKexp:Υ=0.533+0.095 . quantify how much such perturbing astrophysicaleffects −0.096 can alter the X-ray-based mass estimations. Anyway, at First, it comes out that, from a statistical point of view, least for clusters from group one, we find no reason for the NFW model is definitively the best model (that is such particular treatment: when gas and lensing out- consistent with results from [100]). Then, it is also plain puts coincide, in general, we find agreement with GR.

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