THE BUSINESS Breakeven Analysis C Managerial Accounting Collection A EXPERT PRESS F The Defi nitive Guide to F Kenneth A. Merchant, Editor E DIGITAL LIBRARIES R Cost-Volume-Profi t Analysis, K Y EBOOKS FOR Second Edition (cid:127) W BUSINESS STUDENTS E Curriculum-oriented, born- Michael E. Cafferky (cid:127) Jon Wentworth N T digital books for advanced This second edition continues with the successful W Breakeven business students, written O comprehensive collection of cost-volume-profi t ap- R by academic thought T plications. Whether you’re a business professional, H leaders who translate real- world business experience entrepreneur, business professor, or student, you will Analysis into course readings and benefi t from this one stop how-to book of formulas, reference materials for explanations, and examples. This new edition offers a students expecting to tackle wide range of topics, from calculating basic breakeven, The Defi nitive Guide to management and leadership to dealing with multiple products, mixed costs, chang- challenges during their ing costs, and changing prices. professional careers. Cost-Volume-Profi t Michael E. Cafferky is the Ruth McKee Chair for Entre- POLICIES BUILT BY LIBRARIANS preneurship and Business Ethics at Southern Adventist Analysis (cid:127) Unlimited simultaneous University’s School of Business and Management. In an B R usage addition to a doctoral degree in business from Anderson E A Second Edition (cid:127) Unrestricted downloading University Falls School of Business he also holds mas- K E and printing ters degrees in public health and religion. The author V E (cid:127) Perpetual access for a N of eight books, Cafferky is a member of the Academy one-time fee A of Management and the Christian Business Faculty As- N (cid:127) No platform or A maintenance fees sociation. He has received Southern’s President’s Award LY (cid:127) Free MARC records for Excellence in Scholarship and the national Sharon S I S (cid:127) No license to execute Johnson Award from the Christian Business Faculty Michael E. Cafferky The Digital Libraries are a Association. comprehensive, cost-eff ective Jon Wentworth is on the faculty of the School of Jon Wentworth way to deliver practical Business and Management at Southern Adventist Uni- treatments of important business issues to every versity. He has received Southern’s Award for Commit- student and faculty member. ment to Student Success. He was previously the chair of the accounting department at Klabat University in Indonesia. He received an MBA from the University of Tennessee and a Master of Taxation from Georgia For further information, a State University. He holds a Tennessee Certifi ed Public free trial, or to order, contact: Accountant license. [email protected] Managerial Accounting Collection Kenneth A. Merchant, Editor ISBN: 978-1-63157-091-9 Breakeven Analysis Breakeven Analysis The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Second Edition Michael E. Cafferky and Jon Wentworth Breakeven Analysis: The Defi nitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profi t Analysis, Second Edition Copyright © Business Expert Press, LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published in 2010 by Business Expert Press, LLC 222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017 ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-091-9 (paperback) ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-092-6 (e-book) Business Expert Press Managerial Accounting Collection Collection ISSN: 2152-7113 (print) Collection ISSN: 2152-7121 (electronic) Cover and interior design by Exeter Premedia Services Private Ltd, Chennai, India First edition: 2010 Second edition: 2014 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America. Abstract This book is a comprehensive collection of cost-volume-profit applica- tions. Business professionals, entrepreneurs, business professors, and undergraduate and graduate business students will benefit from this one- stop how-to book of formulas, explanations, and examples. The user will find a wide range of topics, from calculating basic breakeven, to deal- ing with multiple products, mixed costs, changing costs, and changing prices. Keywords Annuity factor, breakeven (BE), cash flow, coefficient of determination, common stock dividend (CD), common stockholders, contribution mar- gin (CM), contribution margin ratio, cost of capital, cost of goods sold (COGS), cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, demand, fixed costs (FC), high-low method, income statement, income tax, least squares method, multiple regression, net present value (NPV), operating leverage, polyno- mial, preferred stock dividend (PD), preferred stockholders, price elastic- ity of demand, quadratic formula, scattergraph, target profit, total cost, total revenue, unit selling price (SP), unit variable costs (VC), weighted average contribution margin, weighted average selling price Contents Preface ............................................... ix Chapter 1 Introduction .................................1 Chapter 2 Total Cost Method ............................5 Chapter 3 Contribution Margin Method ...................11 Chapter 4 Target Profit Method ..........................17 Chapter 5 Cost of Goods Sold Method ....................21 Chapter 6 Modified Breakeven Analysis: Factoring Estimates of Demand ..................29 Chapter 7 Dealing With Changes in Product Mix Using Weighted Averages ...................41 Chapter 8 High-Low Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Chapter 9 Least Squares Method .........................57 Chapter 10 Changing Costs ..............................65 Chapter 11 Changing Prices ..............................75 Chapter 12 Selling Price at Various Volumes .................85 Chapter 13 Multiple Breakeven Points ......................89 Chapter 14 Net Present Value Method ......................93 Chapter 15 Quadratic Equation ..........................105 Chapter 16 Tax Effects on Cost-Volume-Profit ...............115 Appendix A Glossary ...................................119 Appendix B Limitations and Criticisms .....................127 Appendix C A Short Genealogy of Breakeven Analysis .........131 viii CONtENtS Appendix D Using Breakeven Thinking to Decide Whether to Start a Business ....................135 Appendix E Annuity Table ..............................141 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 References ............................................147 Index ...............................................153 Preface Seldom does a manager go more than a month or two without employ- ing the thinking patterns that are at the foundation of this book. In some rapidly changing organizations, breakeven calculations will be used as fodder for discussions, debates, and ultimately decisions on a daily or weekly basis. Today’s managers are far more sophisticated than those of a generation ago, but the need for cost-volume-profit thinking and breakeven decision- making tools has not gone away. Advances in cost accounting; the use of activity-based costing; the use of many performance-improvement tools such as identifying and removing constraints, optimizing logistics, and inventory management all lead down two interrelated pathways: value improvement and cost reduction. Many existing companies have already picked the low-hanging fruit of performance improvement. With each passing year the gains from squeezing costs out of current systems become more and more difficult to achieve. These efforts have an impact on the breakeven point of the orga- nization. New companies, their managers learning fast from competitors, begin with the need to know where the breakeven point is. Breakeven thinking becomes second nature to seasoned managers who are faced with the ever-present need to fend off the onslaughts of competitors who are finding more efficient ways of doing business. Who This Book Is Designed For We start with the assumption that the users of this book will vary in their degrees of sophistication in terms of cost-volume-profit analysis. Some readers will have no business school background but have worked their way up to middle or senior management learning business concepts pri- marily in the context of their organization and industry. We take these readers from the basic concepts up through the advanced approaches. Some of these managers work in nonprofit organizations and government