Breakdown of Long-Range Correlations in Heart Rate Fluctuations During Meditation Nikitas Papasimakis∗† and Fotini Pallikari University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15784 Athens, Greece Theaveragewaveletcoefficientmethodisappliedtoinvestigatethescalingfeaturesofheartrate variability during meditation, a state of induced mental relaxation. While periodicity dominates the behavior of the heart rate time series at short intervals, the meditation induced correlations in the signal become significantly weaker at longer time scales. Further study of these correlations by means of an entropy analysis in the natural time domain reveals that the induced mental re- laxation introduces substantial loss of complexity at larger scales, which indicates a change in the physiological mechanisms involved. 9 0 0 INTRODUCTION 2 n In the past decade, the erratic behavior of heart in- a terbeat intervals in humans has attracted considerable J attention and its study has evolved to a virtually inter- 7 2 disciplinarytopic, encompassingdiversedisciplines, such as cardiology, engineering and more recently physics. It ] hasbeensuggestedthatheartratevariability(HRV)can h p provide non-invasive prognosis and diagnosis tools for a - number of pathological conditions [1, 2]. Most impor- o tantly, it was demonstrated that heart rate variability i b exhibits various features that can be used to distinguish s. between heart rate under healthy and life-threatening c conditions[3, 4, 5]. Furthermore, ithasbeenshownthat i s the study of HRV can lead to a better understanding of y FIG. 1: RR intervals before (a) and during (b) meditation. thedynamicsoftheunderlyingphysiologicalmechanisms h [6] in a variety of different conditions, such as apnea [7], p [ sleep [8] etc. It is widely accepted that neuroautonomic controlresultsinmodulationofHRV[9]throughthean- the corresponding scaling exponent, we show that medi- 1 tation leads to the breakdown of long-range correlations tagonistic action of the two branches of the autonomic v and loss of the 1/f character. Our findings extend previ- system, namely the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympa- 5 ousstudies[12,13]toindicatethatcomplexphysiological 9 thetic (PNS). The first tends to increase heart rate and changes take place during meditation. 2 acts on long time scales (below 0.15 Hz, while the latter 4 isrelatedtodecreasedheartrateanddominatesfrequen- . 1 cies above 0.15 Hz. The effects of meditation on heart 0 ratewereobservedtoexciteprominentlowfrequencyos- METHODS 9 cillations appearing to be driven by the regularity of the 0 imposed breathing pattern. This observation is rather : We studied a publicly available (RR) interbeat inter- v unexpected considering that meditation is thought of as val database ( consisting of data col- i X a quiescent state of the brain. [10]. Further studies sug- lected from eight healthy subjects (aged 29-35) before gestedthatdifferentmeditativeprotocolsinducedifferent r and during Qigong meditation (more information on the a types of cardiovascular response that are not necessarily datasetandthemeditationmethodcanbefoundin[10]). linked to respiratory conditions (sinus arrhythmia) [11]. The length of the time series varied between 50 and In this work we investigate the behavior of heart rate 80 minutes. One characteristic case of the RR interval variability during meditation at even longer time scales timeseries,beforeandduringmeditation,ispresentedin thatrangefromroughly15secto20mincoveringthelow Figs. 1a & 1b, respectively, where the evident irregular (LF) and very low (VL) frequency band. By estimating character of the time series before meditation gives its place to smoother cyclic oscillations during meditation. The evolution of the time series was studied by the ap- plication of two techniques, namely the average wavelet ∗Current Affiliation: Optoelectronics Research Centre, University coefficient(AWC)method,whichquantifiestheintensity ofSouthampton,SouthamptonSO171BJ,UnitedKingdom †ElectronicAddress: [email protected] oflong-rangecorrelationsandthemethodthatestimates 2 the entropy in the natural time domain which captures the complexity characteristics of the time series. Scaling exponent estimation - average wavelet coefficient method ThecomplexfeaturesexhibitedbyHRVstemfromthe presence of the regulatory systems operating at different timescales. Suchsystemsthatthatgeneratefluctuations in the heart rate at all time scales, can be characterized bymeansofafractalanalysis[8]. Atimeseriesistermed fractal, when it possesses scale invariant characteristics at all scales. In practice the fractal character is usually limitedtoarangeofscalesandistraditionallyquantified by a scaling exponent H. When 0 < H < 1, then the process possesses stationary increments and H is usu- FIG. 2: DFA (a) and AWC analysis (b) of Gaussian noise ally called the Hurst exponent. In particular, a truly (σ=1)with(bluesquares)andwithout(redcircles)asuper- randomprocess,Y (t),withuncorrelatedbutstationary imposed sinusoidal trend (sin(0.15x)). H increments exhibits H = 0.5. For H < 0.5 the pro- cess is mean-returning and is said to demonstrate anti- persistent fractal behavior, while for H > 0.5 the pro- frequency 0.15 Hz. DFA identifies correctly the global cess is mean-averting and persistent [14]. The graph of scaling behavior of the random signal yielding a scaling Y (t)isthenafractal,withfractaldimensionD =2−H exponent H = 0.51 with standard error 0.03. On the H [14, 15]. The increments of Y (t) also exhibit scale in- contrary, when the sinusoidal component is introduced, H variancewithascalingexponentequaltoH−1,whereH DFA indicates three different scaling regions each yield- isthescalingexponentofY (t). Therefore, itisthrough ing a different scaling exponent and fails to isolate the H integrationthatonegoesfromaprocessofnegativescal- behavior of the stochastic component which might lead ing exponents to one whose scaling exponents range in to spurious results [6]. Measures to overcome such diffi- the interval (0,1). For differentiable processes or pro- culties have been addressed in the past [19]. cesseswithnon-stationaryincrementsH >1. Heartrate Wehaveadoptedherethewavelet-basedmethod,since variability, on the other hand, has characteristics lying the wavelet transform provides localization both in the on the threshold of non- stationarity for which H (cid:39)1, a time and frequency domain, while at the same time it behavior typical for systems far from equilibrium. The can be made orthogonal to polynomial trends. More powerspectrumofsuchaprocessscaleswithfrequencyf precisely, the wavelet transform W[f(t)] of a function as1/f,knownfromthisas1/fnoise. Inthepresentstudy, f(t) is given by: W [f(t)] = (cid:82) f(t)ψ (t)∗dt, where a,b a,b the analyzed time series exhibit close to zero or negative a and b are scale and location parameters, respectively, scaling exponents. In order to facilitate interpretation, whilethe”child”waveletψ (t)isderivedbyappropriate a,b they will always be considered to be the increments of scaling of the so-called ”mother” wavelet ψ(t) through the process of interest; hence all values of H will refer to the transformation ψa,b(t) = √1aψ(t−ab) [20]. Figure 3 the latter and not to the original time series. presents color maps of wavelet coefficients over the time- The estimation of the scaling exponent in the case scale plane before and during meditation. In both cases, of non-stationary processes is a complex problem, espe- the behavior of the interbeat intervals shows great com- ciallywhendeterministictrendsaresuperimposedonthe plexity as fluctuations of varying intensity occur at all stochasticsignalofinterest. Arangeofmethodshasbeen scales. However, during meditation increased values of developedtoovercomethisobstacle,eachonebeingmore the wavelet coefficient can be observed as a light colored appropriate for a specific kind of trends [16, 17, 18]. A bandparalleltothehorizontal(time)axisatscalesinthe very popular approach is the use of detrended fluctua- rangeof8−32beats. Thisisasignatureofperiodiccom- tion analysis (DFA). During DFA the data are coarse- ponents present at these frequencies in agreement with grained and a best-fit polynomial is selected at each seg- previous studies [1]. In our analysis we apply the aver- ment of the time series for every scale [16]. While this age wavelet coefficient method [18]. According to this method is ideal for slowly varying polynomial trends, it approach, at every scale a, the average value, < W >, a failswhenitcomestocycliccomponents. Itsshortcoming of the wavelet coefficients (over all values of the location is illustrated in Fig. 2a, where DFA is applied on a ran- parameter b) is calculated. If the analyzed time series dom Gaussian noise signal of standard deviation σ = 1 is self-similar with scaling exponent H, then its average withasuperimposedsinusoidaltrendofamplitude1and wavelet coefficient will scale as aH+0.5 [18]. Therefore, 3 The entropy S obtained after time reversal T [29] so − that Tp = p , is different from the initial S and m N−m+1 their difference ∆S = S−S was found to be of major − importance towards distinguishing sudden cardiac death (SCD) individuals from healthy subjects (H) [28]. In particular, the analysis considers a window of width i sliding over the whole RR (beat-to-beat) interval time series, read in natural time, one pulse at a time. The entropies S, S and their difference ∆S are then esti- − i mated at every step. This difference provides a measure ofthetemporalasymmetryofthecorrelationsinthetime series. Moreprecisely,thephysicalmeaningof∆S isde- i rived in the following way. It has been shown [30] (see also Appendix 4 of Ref. [28]) that the estimated ∆S for i the parametric family p(x,(cid:15)) = 1+(cid:15)(x−1/2), (|(cid:15)| < 1) becomes negative for values of (cid:15) in the range 0 < (cid:15) < 1 FIG. 3: Absolute values of wavelet transform coefficients, |W|, of interbeat intervals for subject no. 1 of the studied (increasing trend). ∆Si becomes positive for (cid:15) < 0 ( dataset before (a) and during (b) meditation. decreasing trend). Applying this result in the case of ECGs indicates that the variation of the ∆S with scale i i may be thought of as capturing the net result of the one can estimate the scaling exponent of a given time competing mechanisms that either decrease or increase series by plotting the average wavelet coefficient versus the heart rate (cf. the complex dynamics of heart rate is the scale parameter a in a log-log plot (scalogram) and attributedtotheantagonisticactivityoftheparasympa- performing a linear least-squares fit to the graph. thetic and the sympathetic nervous systems decreasing Figure2billustrateshowthesinusoidalcomponentcan and increasing heart rate,respectively [5]. Furthermore, be isolated in the frequency (scale) domain by the AWC the variability of ∆S , quantified by its standard devia- i method. Indeed, both the Gaussian noise and that with tion σ[∆S ] with respect to time, indicates whether one i the superimposed sinusoidal trend are indistinguishable ofthetwomechanismsisdominant(largevaluesσ[∆S ]) i and exhibit linear scaling apart from a small frequency or both are of roughly the same intensity (small values regionaroundthefrequencyofthesinusoidalcomponent, σ[∆S ]). Such an analysis performed on 159 ECG cases i wherethescalogramshowsanisolatedpeakindicativeof in natural time has shown [28] that ventricular fibrilla- the narrow frequency spectrum of the sinusoidal compo- tion starts within three hours after ∆S (at the scale i nent. These localization properties of the wavelet trans- i=13 heartbeats) had become maximum for the 16 out form allow for a robust estimation of the scaling expo- of 18 SCD subjects. This time scale corresponds to the nent, even in the presence of strong cyclic components. so-called low frequency (LF) band found in heart rate (from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz), i.e. at around 0.1 Hz, which is usually attributed to ”the process of slow regulation Entropy in the natural time domain in blood pressure and heart rate” [31]. Beyond the LF band, it was demonstrated that at scale i= 3 (HF band) The complexity characteristics of the heart rate time a similar complexity measure based on natural time do- series are investigated by means of an entropy approach mainentropyallowsforthedistinctionbetweenSCDand based on the concept of natural time x, which has origi- in the healthy subjects, since a smaller variability in en- nallybeenintroducedin[21,22,23]todistinguishseismic tropy was observed in SCD than the healthy subjects, electricsignals[24]fromartificialnoise. Thisanalysiswas suggesting a breaking down of the high complexity [28]. laterextended[25,26]toelectrocardiograms(ECG)[27], In the present study, it is shown that the variance of since it is equally applicable to deterministic as well as the ∆S can be used to probe distinctive physiological stochastic processes and physiological time series most changes occurring at the VLF band during meditation, likely contain components of both types (see [25, 28] marking the loss of the 1/f character of heart rate at and references therein). The entropy approach in nat- normal breathing conditions. ural time works as follows. In a signal composed of N pulses, the natural time x is introduced by ascribing the valuex =m/N tothem−thpulse,sothattheanalysis RESULTS m is made in terms of the couple (x ,Q ), where Q de- m m m notesthedurationofthem−thpulse[21]. TheentropyS The AWC analysis was applied in the range of scales isdefinedas[27]S =<xlnx>−<x>ln<x>,where fromN =4uptoN =512conditionedbythepre- min max < f(x) >= (cid:80)N ρ f(x ) and ρ = Q /(cid:80)N Q . requisite that the average must be estimated over a suf- m=1 m m m m n=1 n 4 FIG. 4: Characteristic scalogram before (blue) and during (red) meditation for subject no. 1 of the studied dataset. FIG. 5: Scaling exponents before (blue) and during (red) ficient number of uncorrelated wavelet coefficients even meditation. for N . Color maps of the wavelet coefficients as a max function of scale and time before and during meditation areshowninFig. 3foronecharacteristiccase. Whilebe- to time so that S and consequently the difference ∆S − fore meditation, the wavelet transform exhibits complex was estimated. The standard deviation of ∆S as a func- behavior over all scales, during meditation the wavelet tionofscale(numberofbeats)ispresentedinFig.6fora presents strong maxima at a narrow scale region around characteristiccase(subjectno. 1). Inbothconditionsbe- N =15 beats, where most of the signal power is concen- fore (blue) and during (red) meditation, σ[∆S] increases trated. This variance of behavior is more clearly seen in rapidlyatsmallscalesuptoabout10-15beats. Atlarger Fig. 4,wherethecorrespondingscalogramsarepresented scaleshowever,thetwocurvespresentdistinctivelydiffer- before(blue)andduringmeditation(red)obtainedbyav- entfeatures. Beforemeditation,σ[∆S]increasessteadily eraging the wavelet coefficients over the time axis. The withincreasingscalebutatalowerratethanbefore. On time series before meditation exhibits the typical 1/f be- theotherhand,duringmeditation,thesituationreverses havior of HRV with linear scaling across all scales and a and σ[∆S] decreases with increasing scale. The decrease scalingexponentof1.1withstandarderror0.1. Thepic- orincreaseofσ[∆S]atlongertimescales,isquantifiedby ture changes dramatically during meditation. A strong fitting a linear trend and calculating the corresponding peak appears in the scalogram at a frequency of about slope, s. Most other subjects’ σ[∆S] behaves similarly, 0.22 Hz, which marks the maximum of spectral power. increasingbeforemeditationanddecreasingduringmed- At longer time scales, the graph returns to linear scal- itation. An exception was seen for subject no. 7, where ing, but with a much lower scaling exponent, H = 0.43 the two slopes are practically indistinguishable. Includ- with standard error 0.1, which indicates the weak anti- ing this odd case, the average slope before meditation persistence of a mean-returning process. (over all subjects) is found to be 14 · 10−6 with stan- A summary of the results for all subjects is presented dard error 3·10−6, while during meditation its value is in Fig. 5. In all cases but two (6 and 7), the scaling ex- −10·10−6 withstandarderror4·10−6,implyingthatthe ponent during meditation drops significantly. In the two two values are statistically different. other cases there is no statistically significant change in the scaling exponents before and after meditation (at a p = 0.05 level). The collective average scaling exponent DISCUSSION before meditation is 1.15 with standard error 0.03, while during meditation it drops to 0.71 with standard error This study provides evidence that meditation, a state 0.08. This decrease indicates a change from the verge of of induced deep mental relaxation, brings about changes non-stationarity to a medium level of persistence. It im- in the cardiovascular system in addition to the previ- plies that the overall long-range correlations of the RR ously observed enhancement of its low frequency compo- interbeat intervals at normal breathing have gotten sig- nents [10]. Such changes occur at even lower frequencies nificantly weaker during meditation. The H values ex- and cannot be attributed to cardio-respiratory synchro- hibit now a persistent fBm character [14, 15] most likely nization. In particular, the drop of the scaling exponent induced by the regularity of the breathing pattern. during meditation suggests that the 1/f-noise character The entropy S in the natural time domain was calcu- that was previously identified to portray infinite long- lated in a range of scales from N = 3 to N = 60 range correlations within the heart rate time series is min max beats. Then the time series were inverted with respect now lost. That result can be related to the antagonis- 5 ing meditation this variation is much weaker and it di- minishes further with increasing scale. Hence, we can argue that during meditation the mechanisms responsi- blefortheobservedcorrelations(andtheirasymmetries) in heart rate variability do not vary considerably with respect to time. Plausible causes for this change of be- havior under meditation may involve both internal and external sources. One possible origin can be the calm, quiescentstateadoptedbythosewhomeditate. Another factormaybetheshieldingfromexternalstimuliandthe absenceofphysicalmovement,frequentinnormalwaken statesthatmaynomoreposegreatdemandstowardsthe balancing action between the two nervous systems. It is inevitable to question the implications of the cur- FIG. 6: Standard deviation of ∆S before (blue) and (red) rent results regarding the state of health of a subject during meditation for subject no. 1 of the studied dataset. Dashed lines represent linear fits on the estimated values. who is meditating. There is the assumption that the 1/f behavior is a sign of a healthy condition [34] and given that meditation seems to alter this state of be- tic control between the two branches of the autonomic ing, one may wonder if meditation is beneficial condi- nervous system which is responsible for the HRV at the tion for the heart. This line of thinking, however, may LF band [6]. In particular, it appears that the heart lead to wrong assumptions, because an induced decrease rate interbeat interval time series during meditation ex- in heart rate variability does not exclude its ability to hibits fBm character [14, 15], either appearing as weak behave in reverse fashion at normal conditions. In any persistence or as anti-persistence. This diversity can be case, further study comparing the heart rate variability considered as evidence of an irregular competitive inter- of both meditating and non-meditating subjects under play between the sympathetic (SNS) and the parasym- non-meditating conditions is needed in order to clarify pathetic nervous system (PNS). Whereas for 1/f noise whether the physiological effects of meditation are bene- large deviations from the average behavior of heart rate ficial to the cardiovascular system. are common, such deviations become rare when persis- tenceisobserved(1>H >0.5). Theygethoweverquite sparse in the case of anti-persistence, i.e. when mean- CONCLUSIONS returning traits are present in the heart rate time series. We argue here that during meditation the balance be- Insummary, weshowthatmeditationinducesdistinct tween SNS and PNS can be readily restored and con- patterns in the heart interbeat intervals. One is a peri- sequently, small deviations of one of the two are quickly odic feature in the LF band and another is the loss of compensatedbytheother,avoidingthustheknownlarge the1/fcharacterintheVLFband. Ourfindingsarecor- excursions from the typical heart rate behavior. Such roborated through the study of the entropy of the time a view can also explain the fact that the characteristic series which reveals substantial loss of complexity in the features are located even further at the VLF band. In- LF and VLF bands. We argue that the observed behav- deed, althoughthe physiologicalmechanismsresponsible ior can be attributed, at least partly, to changes in the for HRV at this band have not been yet elucidated, it is balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic believedthattheyincludeastrongcontributionfromthe branch of the autonomous nervous system. autonomic nervous system [32]. The results of the entropy analysis performed on the same data confirm the above picture. 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