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Preview Brazil Fleishman Hillard, Inc Republic of Brazil 9 30 11

Received by NSDFARA Registration Unit 0930/2011 11-38:07 AM [BRAZIL LAUNCHES PROGRAM TO FIGHT EXTREME POVERTY WITH ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INCENTIVES ‘aratit President me Rousse launches Bolsa Verde ("Green Grant") progrant to Inentivize ssrtonmienta conservation efforts oF Tamales Bving in extreme poverty Manaus, Brazil ~ September 28, 2011 — Brad's Prosdent Dima Roussot, alergside Craze Mangus. Srconare ane Meyers, todey lovrene® the counkys Eulea Verse progam {Program 10 set crOronmera! Carse-vaton) 7 promola sustainable sori developmert, and oreousga are rial Bron ian coosyseers. The program. zisa known as ‘reer Grant’ wil @ aernisered Fase tpcisny of Er onment as pat af Fe ccamly’s comprehers ve neional covery #'eviation Pn Brosi Sem stig ween unchestm June 2971 cde’ the progre, Brenton faies ving in extreme povery {fined ss nang = mertély Fausehold eae eG taat deve ap onviorerantal cowservation projects Ww Ureceve RS 200in afar: ame re mranthe, Susi fing anvironmera. veteclon projets mete work in nations fines tnoand nysianabe ‘sevelepmen! ‘ssencs ‘bast sellements, Areas ol Permanent eee eRe) arth sustarable devepmentand extiscive seitimers prejocs un OF resmeteNecnn, se Gotengaeae © Reforma Agana (INGRX}. Addional envformantal orese~alian ee covered ay Soy Verde lige ase nab 2 extracion ara shia practices. “Tho progr aime asst 1,000 ania oy ty end of 2011 and aproxeaely 7E,C0O houshouss oy were ekor 330 ames wl eee tunes Beanring in erly tobe” 2011 The-Gresn Grant progres is, eo0ve all the rovoghfon at ofesingan mesrtve i cus to gr dhigenean nese fre prsenation ©! -2 anonmer: Te sean! f9 au" devleprent Model oat Rust chrhy, ine snno.snoeman: "Hh newased ‘ate, people eve abe to commit aro iyts he presematonafRe enancrment and Rs. Sure.” lea vorde ill bemontoed oy theweieile used oy tho Amazon Petection Sysvem (Sites at Pe im Sutogonir SIPAR. whch sill rap ateas incvatng where raveonois pail coding eee Goce ocala Ihe impocl of cha ine vil ash ne monkere thous fests by program oftees Envi‘onme-tal pelzy 6 not Gone lane, An inlgeatr of alcies 9 “sede ta generat nccme, gotest Seeeene chee aad eadeate posery This is Fo pugose cl implemuntrg deve opmental public Hae eager of Brvranmert, zabsla Tees “Wie Te A new phase i aur eoonome, soe dno evviursvenal pees” 1a petipate in fllse Yard, whe head of to unafciany uzehele ast swear ith the BogPES Catron, #009 mae atone anc aves gnes thee of sgreamet “The government hes sa ned tshnceas Her vo"ous pars of tne cote to facts tne einai See catcocited win seting up Salsa Vere ane funds bo vansfared ta fami using tho BOee Eee rami Gram) eard 98 peo? Brac's axis ns cash Panslerprogrern Governors and Mayors eee ati the Brac ian “ecare! govern, stats geverners and tena! ssa aerate oe shavers eradic saver ne Nother eer. aeion ts Halen Verde, er eae aions ude tatng a8 regiionny <12ane ig exten 2overy ard cate the rae Fae Seay semeas, pre-aon ste oree, ced by Trl facing olfedng sional Vanirg nr Shona seam, snd peweing aedtonsl rears cor slement Baba Pan, Ine gee! is 12 ML 255 millon Sracfane. tkngin the sou-ty's, Notes rien fam axbome 1 ge Secen Brocien state, 88 porcart ofthe poorest Tause'cs aolocsied 9 ul aeas, THe cee eee iplngra ‘so ase °0. milion poonle (17 petcant of sre populzbon in hs Not) Received by NSIVFARA Registration Unit 09/302011 11:38:07 AM Received by NSDFARA Registration Unit 09/30/2011 11:38:07 AM rough income tansfs ead_axuessi0 puble services in the Felts ef education, heath, £024 Bsstnee sanitation and leery, are arecuctve irelosion. Active Search rte See ci inviatve aims to uina gevernmersal ass stance othe recast poculation in Carl by ens ce neraly ard somal isk, provid pubic serwoas clogs rasirtl area, snd identiying Ce reg etd soe al ets, The goal of icive Saa-ch sto rake progres such as Bled Meee eo patnucas Cats Deveft (Bono de Presta Cookiuada ~ BFC), fused en “te Ca ort destied pocuatons, avo abe fe Bralanctzens who ae ere such secs bones ‘To fecate tneregisaton arsi_managerrent cf data.on beneficiary feriies the govornmect ese oe ee gated 36 ed ere seleifeantnnas 16D muna in the sate, Fane ee a, Afaranhdo, Mata Grosse, Rovaima and Arrazonas, The eaupent te bepravided Fe ae Syamanear the Kitty ef Defense Managament ane Operations, Center of, be Foe oe erm {eanlsan) wil wep fo denity communes Hig n oated “eons th fmt access co te vane nto Food Security Fo Secu cal gowernme-t alto sigs an agement wth the Amazonas sale govern ih oie ee progr iovine Purchara of rand et Fe Fesrang Azauiter Prmaram te ciao Fears as do tenkuttrn Fait - PAB) he regan, T72 inet ve, wich emus t9 RB 2.8 millon. viv ese 9 arly armersin “7 unijalies by ouch ng QB0 oreo sod ed bur he fo Ge oreaniza fons ta. proc lecal zed 305 a sistance. “The sopuistan fhirg in axtome poverty i Nodham Braal doesnt want phiccthrepy, they matt cane ee eannsicn and eaess (2 market,” sad Minister af Socks! Development Tavera Campo Set eiraratoy ard enaule ‘ocd sent mt region theuch @ wens of measures, ung Tee ree tee ucue aod parncrahee Wh supermarke: hains 10 purchase fam “rig prostcte ‘Tvoug’ the Minit of Edtzation’s Nasional Schoo! Mul Progra {agra factor! do Akane Teel He ne Saris wil aise oy signed batvean the Muncipalty of Manaus an he See Guat cosperava ot Procursrs in te slums Setlerenl Prec: lo sisroule food end poche imal 269.000 slecots wile provides at uiousschoal meals come ss of Fearne ee entne, papaya. ros ealard greens, actus among hers, The conte (oe ery Rb a9 millon mi ett more an 1000 amily formar, he prove he foed Fors Frece-l figeres fom tne Bavian Inicute of Gosgraphy ans Statics (abiowe Ares sie Gaegeate & Fee oe achat 7D peteens af the foo % Sraziian ewsche'es e produced by lamly Northem Region = Number of poop ving in extreme powers Basen 21.200 Fae 82.624 ‘Bunapara 648.394 Pon tae 134 Roster'a— "21.280 Roraims 76,258 Soeanting 132.558 TOTAL 2.658.452 Sewea IAGE ~ Census 2240 ae ced by NSDFFARA Registration Unit 09/30/2011 11:38:07 AM Received by NSD'VARA Registration Unit 09/30:2011 11:38:07 AM ‘About SECOM To elt for Social Communication {SECOM) of the Presidency uf the Federaive Repvbhe of Fee eeeeee ote fr cucna ng the pie realans sci forthe government of Braz. FOr mare arraion on a Fede-atve Republic of raz pease vest wwbras. gov ie “This atonal in usintute oy Cio ote Print 1 Sst nat inimar shai f Soa Commumicaton Sac we of Brand. Aettinns sermon ai nC. Reccived by NSDILARA Registration Unit 9:30:201 | 11:38:07 AM

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