Infectious Disease Reports 2013; volume 5:e1 Brain tuberculoma toparietal edema. A contrast-enhanced scan in a non-endemic area was performed, revealing an associated fron- Correspondence: Robert M. Lober, Stanford toparietal enhancing mass. magnetic reso- Hospitals and Clinics, Department of nance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrat- Neurosurgery, 300 Pasteur Drive, R200/MC:5826, Robert M. Lober, Anand Veeravagu, ed a 2.6¥1.6 cm mass with surrounding edema Stanford, CA 94305, USA. Harminder Singh (Figure 1). CT of chest, abdomen, and pelvis Tel. +1.650.7250701 - Fax: +1.650.7237918. Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford revealed periceliac and peiraortic lym- E-mail: [email protected] Hospitals and Clinics, Stanford, CA, USA phadenopathy, and questionable but no defini- Key words: tuberculoma, tuberculosis, anti-tuber- tive pulmonary nodules. Having received the culous therapy. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine, his tuber- culin sensitivity test was positive. He was Conflict of interests: the authors declare no Abstract started on levetiracetam for treatment of sim- potential conflict of interests. ple partial seizures, and dexamethasone for treatment of vasogenic edema. He underwent Received for publication: 5 February 2012. Brain tuberculoma has previously accounted right parietal craniotomy with intraoperative Revision received: 4 April 2012. for up to a third of new intracranial lesions in monitoring for resection of the lesion and tis- Accepted for publication: 5 April 2012. areas endemic with tuberculosis, but is unex- sue diagnosis. The underlying dura was soft pected in the United States and other Western This work is licensed under a Creative Commons and uninvolved. Opening the dura revealed a countries with improved disease control. Here Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- we show the importance of considering this superficial mass with well defined margins NC 3.0). that easily peeled away from the underlying diagnosis in at-risk patients, even with no parenchyma (Figure 2). Pathological examina- ©Copyright R.M. Lober et al., 2013 definitive pulmonary involvement. We describe tion demonstrated necrotizing granulomas Licensee PAGEPress, Italy a young man who presented with partial with peripheral palisading epithelioid histio- Infectious Disease Reports 2013; 5:e1 seizures and underwent craniotomy for resec- doi:10.4081/idr.2013.e1 cytes, giant cells, and acid fast bacilli, consis- tion of a frontoparietal tuberculoma. He subse- tent with cerebral tuberculoma (Figure 3). quently completed six months of antituberculo- Blood cultures and HIV testing were negative. sis therapy and was doing well without neuro- delayed diagnosis and treatment.6 In non- Following surgery, he had no neurological logical sequelae or evidence of recurrence five endemic areas the majority of central nervous deficits and had no further seizure activity. He months after completion of therapy. With resur- system tuberculosis involves adult immigrants was rapidly tapered from steroids and contin- gence of tuberculosis cases in the United States from areas of high prevalence,7as was exempli- ued on levetiracetam for an additional month. and other Western countries, intracerebral fied by the patient in the current report. Non- He completed a six-month regimen of isoni- tuberculoma should remain a diagnostic con- immigrant cases generally involve immunosup- azid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrizinamide, sideration in at-risk patients with new space pressed adults, most often due to HIV, but also and was doing well without neurological seque- occupying lesions. Mass lesions causing neuro- associated with alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, laefive months after completion of therapy. logical sequelae can be safely addressed surgi- malignancy, or use of steroids or agents block- cally and followed with antituberculosis therapy. ing tumor necrosis factor activity.7 Several very thorough descriptions of large Discussion series of brain tuberculomas have come from authors practicing in areas endemic to the dis- Introduction ease in the last century.1,6,8 In India in the The tuberculoma is a parenchymal reaction 1950’s and 1960’s, tuberculomas accounted for to hematogenous seeding of the brain surface, Brain tuberculoma has previously accounted almost one third of space occupying lesions in with its indolent course differing from and only for up to a third of new intracranial lesions in the brain, comparable to the number of newly occasionally associated with tubercular areas endemic with tuberculosis,1but is unex- abscesses or meningitis.2,3 It may arise from the diagnosed gliomas.1The majority of our under- pected in the United States and other Western standing of the disease process comes from conglomeration of several so-called miliary countries with improved control of systemic dis- tubercles, i.e., incipient tuberculomas, around reports such as these, since during the same ease. Here we show the importance of consider- the outer sheaths of small cerebral blood ves- period one Western author noted only three ing this diagnosis in at-risk patients, even with sels, with eventual central caseation and fibrous cases at a British neurosurgical service that no definitive pulmonary involvement. encapsulation. The larger masses may be more had treated 2200 intracranial tumors.9 Since that era there have been decreasing numbers prone to central caseation, leading to purulent transformation and abscess formation. There of reports, as a PubMed search revealed only may be vasculitis, giant cell systems and out- five non-overlapping large case series with at Case Report ward extension with plaque formation against least 50 patients in the contemporary English the meninges, which can become inflamed but medical literature, i.e., the last five A 24 year-old man who had immigrated from are otherwise relatively impervious. decades.1,2,10,11 Ethiopia six years prior presented to our Geographic and temporal patterns of brain Without concomitant meningitis, brain Emergency Department with intermittent left tuberculomas have followed the dynamic trends tuberculomas closely resemble neoplasms, leg shaking for two days. His left leg felt tired of the systemic disease, influenced by socioeco- causing seizures, progressive focal neurological and he was reluctant to stand on it. He was nomic development, public health measures deficits, and occasionally refractory edema or previously healthy and had no history of fever, and, in recent decades, association with HIV increased intracranial hypertension.1,6,8 There chills, night sweats, or weight loss. He was well infection.4,5 In the United States and other are no clinical features distinct from other appearing with no abnormal findings on phys- Western countries with improved control of space occupying lesions.7The differential diag- ical and neurological examination. A computed tuberculosis, these cases are understandably nosis among these patients is that of almost any tomography (CT) scan showed right fron- rare and unexpected, potentially leading to ring-enhancing lesion, generally indistinguish- [Infectious Disease Reports 2013; 5:e1] [page 1] Brief Report able from other equally plausible causes within endemic and non-endemic areas, such as lym- phoma, glioma, bacterial or fungal abscess, neurocysticercosis, or toxoplasmosis.7 Given the lack of systemic evidence for active tubercu- losis, we had favored the diagnosis of glioma in this patient preoperatively. The majority of tuberculomas are isodense to brain parenchyma on CT scan, with variable cal- cification.11MRI characteristics are diverse and dependent upon the amount of caseation, but most T1-weighted images show an isointense core with a hypointense rim, and most T2- weighted images show a hypointense core with a hyperintense rim, which may be dificult to dis- tinguish from some stages of cerebritis or cere- bral abscess, including tubercular abscess. These lesions commonly occur in the cere- bral or cerebellar hemispheres, with a greater predilection for the infratentorial compart- ment.12 In this case the dura was not grossly involved despite the superficial location, but there are reports describing meningeal nod- ules and unusual sites such as within the ven- tricles.13 Concomitant tuberculous meningitis may be associated with contrast-enhancing basal exudates.7 Lumbar puncture often has a low diagnostic yield for tuberculoma and, given the signifi- cant perilesional edema and mass effect in the current patient, did not have a favorable risk- benefit ratio in this case. Previous authors Figure 1. Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain with have found that, although protein may be ele- gadolinium contrast. A) Preoperative image demonstrates a 2.6¥1.6 cm enhancing mass vated, definitive acid-fast bacilli are inconsis- with surrounding edema. B) Axial diffusion-weighted MRI demonstrating perilesional tently found in cerebrospinal fluid in cases of edema but no solid areas of restricted diffusion to suggest abscess. C) Postoperative image one day after surgery demonstrating gross total resection. D) Postoperative image four tuberculoma without meningitis.7 Similarly, months after surgery showing no recurrence. lumbar puncture is often not useful for primary brain tumor, which was also a consideration preoperatively. There is no established standard of surgical care for tuberculomas. Prior to effective anti- tuberculous therapy, decompression alone without resection was recommended because of a high risk of resultant meningitis. In endemic locations where suspicion for tuber- culoma is high with any newly discovered intracranial lesion, surgical excision or biopsy is usually reserved for when the diagnosis is in doubt or there is no response to empiric med- ical therapy for at least two months.14,15 However, surgery is always indicated in cases of intolerable intracranial hypertension. Open or stereotactic biopsy is generally agreed upon as a minimum initial step in regions where such lesions are uncommon,16 but could still potentially be deferred in clear cases of reactivation of dormant tuberculosis.17 In cases of immunocompromise such as HIV, the wide differential diagnosis of enhancing brain lesions almost always necessitates brain Figure 3. Pathological examination of biopsy for diagnosis.18 Given the low incidence Figure 2. Intraoperative images of tumor. tumor. A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining and high association with HIV in the United A) Superficial mass with well defined mar- show necrotizing granulomas with periph- States, only rarely will cases be diagnosed and gins and surrounding normal brain tissue; eral palisading epithelioid histiocytes, B) resection cavity. giant cells. B) Acid fast bacillus. treated preoperatively. [page 2] [Infectious Disease Reports 2013; 5:e1] Brief Report In the current case, preoperative imaging absence of definitive pulmonary involvement intracranial tuberculoma treated surgical- revealed a very superficial lesion that we sur- or cerebrospinal fluid evidence. Mass lesions ly. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1958; mised could be removed in its entirety with a causing neurological sequelae can be safely 21:308-11. small craniotomy, without any additional oper- addressed surgically and followed with antitu- 9. Maurice-Williams RS. 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