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BRAIN a RESEARCH ELSEVIER Brain Research 949 (2002) 228-229 EEES www.elsevier.com/locate/bres Author Index Akagi, H., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Hermans, E., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 Nakashima, T., Kiyohara, T. and Akagi, M., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 Hewitt, C.B., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Oohira, A. Aoki, H.. Tsukahara, R. and Yabe, K. Higashima, M., Ohno, K. and Koshino, Y. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan Cortical and spinal motor excitability Cyclic AMP-mediated modulation of phosphacan/RPTPB in the during the premovement EMG silent epileptiform afterdischarge generation hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei period prior to rapid voluntary in rat hippocampal slices (949) 157 (949) 112 movement in humans (949) 178 Hori, Y., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Mori, K., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Asako, M., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Hosoi, T.. Okuma, Y. and Nomura, Y. Morris, M.J., Wilson, W.L., Starbuck, E.M. Asakura, K., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Leptin regulates interleukin1-B and Fitts, D.A. Boye, S.M., Contant, C. and Rompré, P.-P. expression in the brain via the Forebrain circumventricular organs Mesencephalic substrate of reward: STAT3-independent mechanisms mediate salt appetite induced by possible role for lateral pontine (949) 139 intravenous angiotensin II in rats tegmental cells (949) 188 Ikeda, M., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 (949) 42 Boyle, J.P., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Ito, T., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Nakano, A., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Bussen, W.L., see Sullivan, P.G. (949) 88 itoh, N., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Nakashima, T., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Callen, S., see Meredith, G.E. (949) 218 Jing, S., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Niwa, J.-i., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 Carson, J.A., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Jürgens, U., see Simonyan, K. (949) 23 Nomura, Y.. see Hosoi, T. (949) 139 Chandler, M.J., Qin, C., Zhang, J. and Kakita, A., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Obal Jr., F., see De, A. (949) 209 Foreman, R.D. Kaku, A., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Ohashi, S., Matsumoto, M., Otani, H., Differential effects of urinary bladder Kaneko, T., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Mori, K.. Togashi, H., Ueno, K.-i.. distension on high cervical projection Kawashima, N., Fugate, J. and Kusnecov, Kaku, A. and Yoshioka, M. neurons in primates (949) 97 AW. Changes in synaptic plasticity in the Churchill, L., see De, A. (949) 209 Immunological challenge modulates rat hippocampo-medial prefrontal Contant, C., see Boye, S.M. (949) 188 brain orphanin FQ/nociceptin and cortex pathway induced by repeated Cowburn, R.F., see Smith, I.F. (949) 105 nociceptive behavior (949) 71 treatments with fluvoxamine (949) Davis, J.M., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Keller, J.N., see Sullivan, P.G. (949) 88 131 De, A., Churchill, L., Obal Jr., F., Kishino, J., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Ohno, K., see Higashima, M. (949) 157 Simasko, S.M. and Krueger, J.M. Kiyohara, T., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Ohtsuka, K., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 GHRH and ILIB increase cytoplasmic Kobayashi, Y., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 Oka, M., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 Ca°* levels in cultured hypothalamic Koshino, Y., see Higashima, M. (949) 157 Okuma, Y., see Hosoi, T. (949) 139 GABAergic neurons (949) 209 Krueger, J.M., see De, A. (949) 209 Oohira, A., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Degroot, A. and Treit, D. Kuroda, T., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Otani, H., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Dorsal and ventral hippocampal Kusnecov, AW., see Kawashima, N. (949) Page, G., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 cholinergic systems modulate anxiety 71 Park, D.L., Girod, D.A. and Durham, D. in the plus-maze and shock-probe Maloteaux, J.-M., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 Avian brainstem neurogenesis is tests (949) 60 Martin, J.R. stimulated during cochlear hair cell Doi, T., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Neuropeptide Y potentiates the regeneration (949) | Doyu, M., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 pressor response evoked by carbachol Pearson, H.A., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Durham, D., see Park, D.L. (949) | administration into the posterior Peers, C.S., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Fitts, D.A., see Morris, M.J. (949) 42 hypothalamic nucleus of conscious rat Peeters, M., Page, G., Maloteaux, J.-M. Foreman, R.D., see Chandler, M.J. (949) (949) 79 and Hermans, E. 97 Matsumoto, M., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Hypersensitivity of dopamine Fugate, J., see Kawashima, N. (949) 71 Matsumoto-Ono, A., see Yang, S.-M. transmission in the rat striatum after Fulk, L.J., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 (949) 213 treatment with the NMDA receptor Girod, D.A., see Park, D.L. (949) | Meredith, G.E., Callen, S. and Scheuer, antagonist amantadine (949) 32 Hand, G.A., Hewitt, C.B., Fulk, L.J., D.A. Qin, C., see Chandler, M.J. (949) 97 Stock, H.S., Carson, J.A., Davis, J.M. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Rompre, P.-P., see Boye, S.M. (949) 188 and Wilson, M.A. expression is increased in the rat Sakaeda, T., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Differential release of corticotropin- amygdala, piriform cortex and Sakaguchi, G., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 releasing hormone (CRH) in the hypothalamus following repeated Sakamoto, M., Kakita, A.. Wakabayashi, amygdala during different types of amphetamine administration (949) K., Takahashi, H., Nakano, A. and stressors (949) 122 218 Akagi, H. Hata, S., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Miyata, S., Shinga, l., Taguchi, K., Evaluation of changes in 0006-8993/02/$ — see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science BV. All rights reserved. PII: $0006-8993(02)03391-7 BRAIN a RESEARCH ELSEVIER Brain Research 949 (2002) 228-229 EEES www.elsevier.com/locate/bres Author Index Akagi, H., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Hermans, E., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 Nakashima, T., Kiyohara, T. and Akagi, M., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 Hewitt, C.B., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Oohira, A. Aoki, H.. Tsukahara, R. and Yabe, K. Higashima, M., Ohno, K. and Koshino, Y. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan Cortical and spinal motor excitability Cyclic AMP-mediated modulation of phosphacan/RPTPB in the during the premovement EMG silent epileptiform afterdischarge generation hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei period prior to rapid voluntary in rat hippocampal slices (949) 157 (949) 112 movement in humans (949) 178 Hori, Y., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Mori, K., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Asako, M., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Hosoi, T.. Okuma, Y. and Nomura, Y. Morris, M.J., Wilson, W.L., Starbuck, E.M. Asakura, K., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Leptin regulates interleukin1-B and Fitts, D.A. Boye, S.M., Contant, C. and Rompré, P.-P. expression in the brain via the Forebrain circumventricular organs Mesencephalic substrate of reward: STAT3-independent mechanisms mediate salt appetite induced by possible role for lateral pontine (949) 139 intravenous angiotensin II in rats tegmental cells (949) 188 Ikeda, M., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 (949) 42 Boyle, J.P., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Ito, T., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Nakano, A., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Bussen, W.L., see Sullivan, P.G. (949) 88 itoh, N., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Nakashima, T., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Callen, S., see Meredith, G.E. (949) 218 Jing, S., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Niwa, J.-i., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 Carson, J.A., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Jürgens, U., see Simonyan, K. (949) 23 Nomura, Y.. see Hosoi, T. (949) 139 Chandler, M.J., Qin, C., Zhang, J. and Kakita, A., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Obal Jr., F., see De, A. (949) 209 Foreman, R.D. Kaku, A., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Ohashi, S., Matsumoto, M., Otani, H., Differential effects of urinary bladder Kaneko, T., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Mori, K.. Togashi, H., Ueno, K.-i.. distension on high cervical projection Kawashima, N., Fugate, J. and Kusnecov, Kaku, A. and Yoshioka, M. neurons in primates (949) 97 AW. Changes in synaptic plasticity in the Churchill, L., see De, A. (949) 209 Immunological challenge modulates rat hippocampo-medial prefrontal Contant, C., see Boye, S.M. (949) 188 brain orphanin FQ/nociceptin and cortex pathway induced by repeated Cowburn, R.F., see Smith, I.F. (949) 105 nociceptive behavior (949) 71 treatments with fluvoxamine (949) Davis, J.M., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Keller, J.N., see Sullivan, P.G. (949) 88 131 De, A., Churchill, L., Obal Jr., F., Kishino, J., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Ohno, K., see Higashima, M. (949) 157 Simasko, S.M. and Krueger, J.M. Kiyohara, T., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Ohtsuka, K., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 GHRH and ILIB increase cytoplasmic Kobayashi, Y., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 Oka, M., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 Ca°* levels in cultured hypothalamic Koshino, Y., see Higashima, M. (949) 157 Okuma, Y., see Hosoi, T. (949) 139 GABAergic neurons (949) 209 Krueger, J.M., see De, A. (949) 209 Oohira, A., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Degroot, A. and Treit, D. Kuroda, T., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Otani, H., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Dorsal and ventral hippocampal Kusnecov, AW., see Kawashima, N. (949) Page, G., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 cholinergic systems modulate anxiety 71 Park, D.L., Girod, D.A. and Durham, D. in the plus-maze and shock-probe Maloteaux, J.-M., see Peeters, M. (949) 32 Avian brainstem neurogenesis is tests (949) 60 Martin, J.R. stimulated during cochlear hair cell Doi, T., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Neuropeptide Y potentiates the regeneration (949) | Doyu, M., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 pressor response evoked by carbachol Pearson, H.A., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Durham, D., see Park, D.L. (949) | administration into the posterior Peers, C.S., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Fitts, D.A., see Morris, M.J. (949) 42 hypothalamic nucleus of conscious rat Peeters, M., Page, G., Maloteaux, J.-M. Foreman, R.D., see Chandler, M.J. (949) (949) 79 and Hermans, E. 97 Matsumoto, M., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Hypersensitivity of dopamine Fugate, J., see Kawashima, N. (949) 71 Matsumoto-Ono, A., see Yang, S.-M. transmission in the rat striatum after Fulk, L.J., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 (949) 213 treatment with the NMDA receptor Girod, D.A., see Park, D.L. (949) | Meredith, G.E., Callen, S. and Scheuer, antagonist amantadine (949) 32 Hand, G.A., Hewitt, C.B., Fulk, L.J., D.A. Qin, C., see Chandler, M.J. (949) 97 Stock, H.S., Carson, J.A., Davis, J.M. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Rompre, P.-P., see Boye, S.M. (949) 188 and Wilson, M.A. expression is increased in the rat Sakaeda, T., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Differential release of corticotropin- amygdala, piriform cortex and Sakaguchi, G., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 releasing hormone (CRH) in the hypothalamus following repeated Sakamoto, M., Kakita, A.. Wakabayashi, amygdala during different types of amphetamine administration (949) K., Takahashi, H., Nakano, A. and stressors (949) 122 218 Akagi, H. Hata, S., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 Miyata, S., Shinga, l., Taguchi, K., Evaluation of changes in 0006-8993/02/$ — see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science BV. All rights reserved. PII: $0006-8993(02)03391-7 Author Index methylmercury accumulation in the and Scheff, SW. Wakabayashi, K., see Sakamoto, M. (949) developing rat brain and its effects: a Cytochrome c release and caspase 5I study with consecutive and moderate activation after traumatic brain injury Wang, L.S., Zhou, J., Shao, X.M. and dose exposure throughout gestation (949) 88 Tang, X.C. and lactation periods (949) 51 Suzuki, M., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Huperzine A attenuates cognitive Scheff, S.W., see Sullivan, P.G. (949) 88 Tabuchi, M., Umegaki, K., Ito, T., Suzuki, deficits and brain injury in neonatal Scheuer, D.A., see Meredith, G.E. (949) M., Tomita, I., Ikeda, M. and Tomita, rats after hypoxia—ischemia (949) 162 218 T. Wilson, M.A., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Schmued, L.C. Fluctuation of serum NO, Wilson, W.L., see Morris, M.J. (949) 42 Yabe, K., see Aoki, H. (949) 178 The progression of neuronal, myelin, concentration at stroke onset in a rat astrocytic, and immunological spontaneous stroke model (M- Yagami, T., Ueda, K., Asakura, K., Hata, S., Kuroda, T., Sakaeda, T., Kishino, changes in the rat brain following SHRSP). Peroxynitrite formation in exposure to aurothioglucose (949) brain lesions (949) 147 J., Sakaguchi, G., Itoh, N. and Hori, Y. 171 Taguchi, K., see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Shao, X.M., see Wang, L.S. (949) 162 Takahashi, H., see Sakamoto, M. (949) 51 Group IB secretory phospholipase A, Shima, M., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 Takeuchi, H.. Kobayashi, Y., Yoshihara, T., induces cell death in the cultured cortical neurons: a possible Shinga, I.. see Miyata, S. (949) 112 Niwa, J.-i.. Doyu, M., Ohtsuka, K. involvement of its binding sites (949) Simasko, S.M., see De, A. (949) 209 and Sobue, G. 197 Simonyan, K. and Jürgens, U. Hsp70 and Hsp40 improve neurite Yamashita, T., see Yang, S.-M. (949) 213 Cortico-cortical projections of the outgrowth and suppress Yang, S.-M., Doi, T., Jing, S., Kaneko, T.. motorcortical larynx area in the intracytoplasmic aggregate formation Matsumoto-Ono, A., Asako, M. and rhesus monkey (949) 23 in cultured neuronal cells expressing Yamashita, T. Smith, I.F.. Boyle, J.P., Vaughan, P.F.T.. mutant SODI (949) 11 Optical imaging of glycinergic Pearson, H.A.. Cowburn, R.F. and Tang, X.C., see Wang, L.S. (949) 162 inhibition in the vestibular and Peers, C.S. Taniguchi, A., see Yoshii, S. (949) 202 cochlear nuclei (949) 213 Ca” Stores and capacitative Ca™° Togashi, H., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Yoshihara, T., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 entry in human neuroblastoma (SH- Tomita, I., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Yoshii, S., Oka, M., Shima, M., SYSY) cells expressing a familial Tomita, T., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Taniguchi, A. and Akagi, M. Alzheimer’s disease presenilin-| Treit, D., see Degroot, A. (949) 60 30 mm regeneration of rat sciatic mutation (949) 105 Tsukahara, R., see Aoki, H. (949) 178 nerve along collagen filaments (949) Sobue, G., see Takeuchi, H. (949) 11 Ueda, K., see Yagami, T. (949) 197 202 Starbuck, E.M., see Morris, M.J. (949) 42 Ueno, K.-i., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Yoshioka, M., see Ohashi, S. (949) 131 Stock, H.S., see Hand, G.A. (949) 122 Umegaki, K., see Tabuchi, M. (949) 147 Zhang, J., see Chandler, M.J. (949) 97 Sullivan, P.G., Keller, J.N., Bussen, W.L. Vaughan, P.F.T., see Smith, LF. (949) 105 Zhou, J., see Wang, L.S. (949) 162

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