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A Ss x TE BRAIN a A 3 ~ ET r e e A RESEARCH aa Y ’ LSEVIER Brain Research 852 (1999) 501-504 www.elsevier.com/ locate /bres Author Index Abe, K., see Hayashi, T. (852) 496 Cambier, D., Rutin, J., Alliot, F. and Pessac, B. Lateral tegmental field neurons with activity Abou-Donia, M.B., see Lin, W.W. (852) 297 Expression of y-glutamyl transpeptidase in correlated to the 10-Hz rhythm in sympa- Akaike, A., see Kume, T. (852) 279 mouse perivascular astrocytes and in a thetic nerve discharge (852) 213 Akil, H., see López-Figueroa, M.O. (852) 239 protoplasmic-like astroglial cell clone (852) Di, X., see Jiang, Z.-W. (852) 37 Alliot, F., see Cambier, D. (852) 191 191 Diekamp, B., see Keysers, C. (852) 406 Amano, N., see Yoshino, K. (852) 414 Canesin, R.O., Bonagamba, L.G.H. and Di Lorenzo, P.M. and Lemon, C.H. Andersen, A.H., see Zhang, Z. (852) 290 Machado, B.H. The neural code for taste in the nucleus of Aomine, M., see Obata, T. (852) 488 Bradycardic and hypotensive responses to the solitary tract of the rat: effects of adap- Arai, Y., see Mori, O. (852) 186 microinjection of L-glutamate into the lat- tation (852) 383 Arendt, T., see Liith, H.J. (852) 45 eral aspect of the commissural NTS are Duarte, C.B., see Santos, P.F. (852) 10 Arnold, A.P., see Yang, L.-Y. (852) 127 blocked by an NMDA receptor antagonist Dvorakova, M., Hóhler, B., Vollerthun, R., Fis- Asano, G., see Mori, O. (852) 186 (852) 68 chbach, T. and Kummer, W. Avan, P., see Biiki, B. (852) 140 Caramelo, O.L., see Santos, P.F. (852) 10 Macrophages: a major source of cy- Avison, M.J., see Zhang, Z. (852) 290 Carvalho, A.P., see Santos, P.F. (852) 10 tochrome 5558 in the rat carotid body (852) Castillo, C., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 349 Cazalets, J.-R., see Sqalli-Houssaini, Y. (852) Baker, E., see Franklin, M.S. (852) 263 100 Banik, N.L., see Ray, S.K. (852) 326 Cha, J.-H., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 Escobar, M.L. and Bermúdez-Rattoni, F. Bell, B., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Chakrabarti, R., see Kannan, R. (852) 374 Long-term potentiation in the insular cortex Berciano, J., see González, A.M. (852) 228 Chen, J.W., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 enhances conditioned taste aversion reten- Bergstróm, L., see Lindblom, J. (852) 180 Choksi, N.Y., Nix, W.B., Wyrick, S.D. and tion (852) 208 Bermúdez-Rattoni, F., see Escobar, M.L. (852) Booth, R.G. 208 A novel phenylaminotetralin (PAT) recog- Fidan, M., see Ray, S.K. (852) 326 Bernstein, I.L., see Spray, K.J. (852) 225 nizes histamine H, receptors and stimulates Figols, J., see González, A.M. (852) 228 Bianchin, M.M., Spanis, C.W., Roesler, R., dopamine synthesis in vivo in rat brain (852) Fischbach, T., see Dvorakova, M. (852) 349 McGaugh, J.L. and Izquierdo, 1. 151 Fischer-Colbie, R., see Kato, A. (852) 444 (+ )-a-Methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine, a Chun, M.-H., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 Fleckenstein, A.E., see Hentschel, K. (852) 28 metabotropic glutamate receptor blocker, Chung, J.-W., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 Fontana, C.J., see Dempesy, C.W. (852) 213 impairs retention of an inhibitory avoidance Cook, D.F. and Wirtshafter, D. Franklin, M.S., Kraemer, G.W., Shelton, S.E., task in rats when infused into the basolat- Quinpirole attenuates the striatal immediate Baker, E., Kalin, N.H. and Uno, H. eral nucleus of the amygdala (852) 436 early gene expression, but not the hyperac- Gender differences in brain volume and size Blakemore, L.J., see Horning, M.S. (852) 56 tivity, induced by the serotonin agonist RU- of corpus callosum and amygdala of rhesus Bonagamba, L.G.H., see Canesin, R.O. (852) 24969 (852) 247 monkey measured from MRI images (852) 68 Critz, S.D., see Sikorski, A.F. (852) 161 263 Booth, R.G., see Choksi, N.Y. (852) 151 Frederickson, C.J., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Bouilleret, V., Boyet, S., Marescaux, C. and Frederickson, C.J., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 Nehlig, A. Danscher, G., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Friedman, M.A., see Lin, W.W. (852) 297 Mapping of the progressive metabolic Danscher, G., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 Fukamauchi, F., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 changes occurring during the development Darbin, O., Risso, J.J. and Rostain, J.C. Fukuyama, N., see Hirabayashi, H. (852) 319 of hippocampal sclerosis in a model of High pressure enhanced NMDA activity in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (852) 255 the striatum and the globus pallidus: rela- Boyet, S., see Bouilleret, V. (852) 255 tionships with myoclonia and locomotor and Garcia, R., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 Britto, L.R.G., see Lohmann, T.H.O. (852) 463 motor activity in rat (852) 62 Gash, D.M., see Zhang, Z. (852) 290 Buccafusco, J.J., Zhang, L.C., Shuster, L.C., Darnaudéry, M., Koehl, M., Piazza, P.-V., Gattu, M., see Buccafusco, J.J. (852) 76 Jonnala, R.R. and Gattu, M. Le Moal, M. and Mayo, W. Gerhardt, G.A., see Zhang, Z. (852) 290 Prevention of precipitated withdrawal symp- Pregnenolone sulfate increases hippocampal Gertz, H.-J., see Liith, H.J. (852) 45 toms by activating central cholinergic sys- acetylcholine release and spatial recognition Gong, Q.-Z., see Jiang, Z.-W. (852) 37 tems during a dependence-producing sched- (852) 173 Gonzalez, A.M., Berciano, J., Figols, J., Pazos, ule of morphine in rats (852) 76 Day, H.E.W., see López-Figueroa, M.O. (852) A. and Pascual, J. Büki, B., Wit, H.P. and Avan, P. 239 Loss of dopamine uptake sites and dopamine Olivocochlear efferent vs. middle-ear con- Decaux, G., see Soupart, A. (852) 167 D, receptors in striatonigral degeneration tributions to the alteration of otoacoustic De León, M., see Liu, Y. (852) 16 (852) 228 emissions by contralateral noise (852) 140 Dempesy, C.W., Richardson, D.E., Kocsis, B., Gonzalez, J.S., see Grovum, W.L. (852) 1 Buonanno, A., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 Fontana, C.J. and Song, J.-H. Goodman, S.R., see Sikorski, A.F. (852) 161 502 Author Index Grovum, W.L. and Gonzalez, J.S. Ju, W.-K., Kim, K.-Y., Cha, J.-H., Kim, 1.-B., Lee, M.-Y., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 Regions in the brainstem and frontal cortex Lee, M.-Y., Oh, S.-J., Chung, J.-W. and Lee, S., see López-Figueroa, M.O. (852) 239 where electrical stimulation elicits parotid Chun, M.-H. Le Moal, M., see Darnaudéry, M. (852) 173 and submandibular saliva secretion in sheep Ganglion cells of the rat retina show osteo- Lemon, C.H., see Di Lorenzo, P.M. (852) 383 (852) 1 pontin-like immunoreactivity (852) 217 Lin, W.W., Friedman, M.A., Wang, X.-F. and Güntürkün, O., see Keysers, C. (852) 406 Abou-Donia, M.B. Guo, Y., see Xu, M. (852) 198 Kalin, N.H., see Franklin, M.S. (852) 263 Acrylamide-regulated neurofilament expres- Kameda, Y., Miura, M. and Ohno, S. sion in rat pheochromocytoma cells (852) Expression and development of the 297 Halsell, C.B., see Spray, K.J. (852) 225 proenkephalin mRNA in the C cells of Lindblom, J., Schióth, H.B., Watanobe, H., Hamassaki-Britto, D.E., see Lohmann, T.H.O. chicken ultimobranchial glands (852) 453 Suda, T., Wikberg, J.E.S. and Bergstróm, L. (852) 463 Kameyama, K., see Mori, O. (852) 186 Downregulation of melanocortin receptors Hampton, T.A., see Williams, C.A. (852) 424 Kammen-Jolly, K., see Kato, A. (852) 444 in brain areas involved in food intake and Harrison, N.L., see O'Shea, S.M. (852) 344 Kaneko, S., see Kume, T. (852) 279 reward mechanisms in obese (OLETF) rats Haruta, A., see Matsuda, K. (852) 492 Kannan, R., Chakrabarti, R., Tang, D., Kim, (852) 180 Haseba, T., see Mori, O. (852) 186 K.J. and Kaplowitz, N. Lindstrom, J., see Lohmann, T.H.O. (852) 463 Hashimoto, K., see Takao, T. (852) 110 GSH transport in human cerebrovascular Listiak, K., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Hayashi, T., Sakai, K.-i., Sasaki, C., Itoyama, endothelial cells and human astrocytes: evi- Liu, Y., Longo, L.D. and De León, M. Y. and Abe, K. dence for luminal localization of Na *-de- In situ and immunocytochemical localiza- Loss of bag-1 immunoreactivity in rat brain pendent GSH transport in HCEC (852) 374 tion of E-FABP mRNA and protein during after transient middle cerebral artery occlu- Kaplowitz, N., see Kannan, R. (852) 374 neuronal migration and differentiation in the sion (852) 496 Kato, A., Kammen-Jolly, K., Fischer-Colbie, rat brain (852) 16 Hentschel, K., Fleckenstein, A.E., Toney, T.W., R., Humpel, C., Schrott-Fischer, A. and Lohmann, T.H.O., Torráo, A.S., Britto, L.R.G., Lawson, D.M., Moore, K.E. and Looking- Marksteiner, J. Lindstrom, J. and Hamassaki-Britto, D.E. land, K.J. Co-distribution patterns of chromogranin A comparative non-radioactive in situ hy- Prolactin regulation of tuberoinfundibular B-like immunoreactivity with chromogranin bridization and immunohistochemical study dopaminergic neurons: immunoneutraliza- A and secretoneurin within the human of the distribution of «7 and a8 subunits of tion studies (852) 28 brainstem (852) 444 the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in vi- Hernändez, M., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 Kato, E., see Matsuda, K. (852) 492 sual areas of the chick brain (852) 463 Higuchi, H., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 Kato, N., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 Longart, M., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 Hirabayashi, H., Takizawa, S., Fukuyama, N., Katsuki, H., see Kume, T. (852) 279 Longo, L.D., see Liu, Y. (852) 16 Nakazawa, H. and Shinohara, Y. Kawagishi, S., see Yoshino, K. (852) 414 Lookingland, K.J., see Hentschel, K. (852) 28 Nitrotyrosine generation via inducible nitric Kesslak, P.J., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 López-Figueroa, M.O., Day, H.E.W., Lee, S., oxide synthase in vascular wall in focal Keysers, C., Diekamp, B. and Güntürkün, O. Rivier, C., Akil, H. and Watson, S.J. ischemia-reperfusion (852) 319 Evidence for physiological asymmetries in Temporal and anatomical distribution of ni- Hirohashi, M., see Makino, M. (852) 482 the intertectal connections of the pigeon tric oxide synthase mRNA expression and Hogan, E.L., see Ray, S.K. (852) 326 (Columba livia) and their potential role in nitric oxide production during central ner- Hóhler, B., see Dvorakova, M. (852) 349 brain lateralisation (852) 406 vous system inflammation (852) 239 Holzer, M., see Liith, H.J. (852) 45 Kihara, T., see Kume, T. (852) 279 Loyd, S.D., see Williams, C.A. (852) 424 Hoover, D.B., see Williams, C.A. (852) 424 Kim, D.J. and Thayer, S.A. Lundeberg, T., see Zhang, Y.-P. (852) 485 Horning, M.S., Blakemore, L.J. and Trombley, Activation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors Lüth, H.J., Holzer, M., Gertz, H.-J. and Arendt, P.Q. inhibits neurotransmitter release from iden- Y Endogenous mechanisms of neuroprotec- tified synaptic sites in rat hippocampal cul- Aberrant expression of nNOS in pyramidal tion: role of zinc, copper, and carnosine tures (852) 398 neurons in Alzheimer's disease is highly (852) 56 Kim, 1.-B., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 co-localized with p21™ and p16'N*% (852) Humpel, C., see Kato, A. (852) 444 Kim, K.-Y., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 45 Kim, K.J., see Kannan, R. (852) 374 Lyeth, B.G., see Jiang, Z.-W. (852) 37 Kimura, I., see Nojima, H. (852) 233 Ikeda, K., see Iritani, S. (852) 475 Kimura, Y., see Zhang, Z.-J. (852) 116 Iritani, S., Niizato, K., Nawa, H. and Ikeda, K. Kitano, Y., see Makino, M. (852) 482 Machado, B.H., see Canesin, R.O. (852) 68 The distribution of neuropeptide Y and Kocsis, B., see Dempesy, C.W. (852) 213 Maeda, T., see Kume, T. (852) 279 brain-derived neurotrophic factor immuno- Koehl, M., see Darnaudéry, M. (852) 173 Makino, M., Kitano, Y., Komiyama, C., Hiro- reactivity in hippocampal formation of the Kohno, M., see Makino, M. (852) 482 hashi, M., Kohno, M., Moriyama, M. and monkey and rat (852) 475 Komiyama, C., see Makino, M. (852) 482 Takasuna, K. Itoyama, Y., see Hayashi, T. (852) 496 Komune, S., see Matsuda, K. (852) 492 Human interferon-a induces immobility in Izquierdo, I., see Bianchin, M.M. (852) 436 Kraemer, G.W., see Franklin, M.S. (852) 263 the mouse forced swimming test: involve- Kudoh, M., see Mori, O. (852) 186 ment of the opioid system (852) 482 Kume, T., Nishikawa, H., Tomioka, H., Kat- Maqueira, B., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 Jain, M.R., see Saha, S.G. (852) 335 suki, H., Akaike, A., Kaneko, S., Maeda, Marescaux, C., see Bouilleret, V. (852) 255 Jensen, K.B., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 T., Kihara, T. and Shimohama, S. Marksteiner, J., see Kato, A. (852) 444 Jensen, M.S., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 p75-mediated neuroprotection by NGF Matsuda, K., Komune, S., Tono, T., Yamasaki, Jiang, Z.-W., Gong, Q.-Z., Di, X., Zhu, J. and against glutamate cytotoxicity in cortical M., Haruta, A. and Kato, E. Lyeth, B.G. cultures (852) 279 A role of glutamate in drug-induced ototoxi- Dicyclomine, an M1 muscarinic antagonist, Kummer, W., see Dvorakova, M. (852) 349 city: in vivo microdialysis study combined reduces infarct volume in a rat subdural with on-line enzyme fluorometric detection hematoma model (852) 37 Lagercrantz, H., see Tang, L.-Q. (852) 84 of glutamate in the guinea pig cochlea (852) Jonnala, R.R., see Buccafusco, J.J. (852) 76 Lawson, D.M., see Hentschel, K. (852) 28 492 Author Index 503 Mayo, W., see Darnaudéry, M. (852) 173 Pitts, A.F., see Miller, M.W. (852) 355 Suh, S.W., Chen, J.W., Motamedi, M., Bell, B., McGaugh, J.L., see Bianchin, M.M. (852) 436 Pons, N.F., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Listiak, K., Pons, N.F., Danscher, G. and Mendelson, W.B. Frederickson, C.J. Sleep-inducing effects of adenosine mi- Evidence that synaptically-released zinc Ray, S.K., Fidan, M., Nowak, M.W., Wilford, croinjections into the medial preoptic area contributes to neuronal injury after trau- G.G., Hogan, E.L. and Banik, N.L. are blocked by flumazenil (852) 479 matic brain injury (852) 268 Oxidative stress and Ca?* influx upregulate Miki, N., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 Suh, S.W., Jensen, K.B., Jensen, M.S., Silva, calpain and induce apoptosis in PC12 cells Miki, N., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 D.S., Kesslak, P.J., Danscher, G. and Fred- (852) 326 Miller, M.W. and Pitts, A.F. erickson, C.J. Richardson, D.E., see Dempesy, C.W. (852) Neurotrophin receptors in the somatosen- Histochemically-reactive zinc in amyloid 213 sory cortex of the mature rat: co-localiza- plaques, angiopathy, and degenerating neu- Ringstedt, T., see Tang, L.-Q. (852) 84 tion of p75, trk, isoforms and c-neu (852) rons of Alzheimer's diseased brains (852) Risso, J.J., see Darbin, O. (852) 62 355 274 Rivier, C., see López-Figueroa, M.O. (852) 239 Miura, M., see Kameda, Y. (852) 453 Roesler, R., see Bianchin, M.M. (852) 436 Mohanakumar, K.P., see Thomas, B. (852) 221 Takao, T., Tojo, C., Nishioka, T. and Rostain, J.C., see Darbin, O. (852) 62 Moore, K.E., see Hentschel, K. (852) 28 Hashimoto, K. Rutin, J., see Cambier, D. (852) 191 Mori, M., see Tsushima, H. (852) 367 Increased adrenocorticotropin responses to Mori, O., Haseba, T., Kameyama, K., Shimizu, acute stress in Otsuka Long-Evans H., Kudoh, M., Ohaki, Y., Arai, Y., Ya- Sadamatsu, M., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 Tokushima Fatty (type 2 diabetic) rats (852) mazaki, M. and Asano, G. Saha, S.G., Jain, M.R. and Subhedar, N. 110 Takasuna, K., see Makino, M. (852) 482 Histological distribution of class III alcohol Subcommissural organ-Reissner’s fiber dehydrogenase in human brain (852) 186 complex of the teleost Clarias batrachus Takatsuki, Y., see Yoshino, K. (852) 414 Moriyama, M., see Makino, M. (852) 482 responds to GABA treatment (852) 335 Takizawa, S., see Hirabayashi, H. (852) 319 Motamedi, M., see Suh, S.W. (852) 268 Saito, H., see Zhang, Z.-J. (852) 116 Tang, D., see Kannan, R. (852) 374 Muralikrishnan, D., see Thomas, B. (852) 221 Saito, T., see Zhang, Z.-J. (852) 116 Tang, L.-Q., Ringstedt, T., Pequignot, J. and Sakai, K.-i., see Hayashi, T. (852) 496 Lagercrantz, H. Sakamoto, Y., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 C-fos gene expression in rat brain around Nagaki, S., Fukamauchi, F., Sakamoto, Y., Sakata, Y., see Watanabe, T. (852) 92 birth: effect of asphyxia and catecholamines Higuchi, H., Miki, N., Miki, N., Ono, M., Sangerman, J., see Sikorski, A.F. (852) 161 (852) 84 Sadamatsu, M., Kato, N. and Osawa, M. Thayer, S.A., see Kim, D.J. (852) 398 Santos, P.F., Caramelo, O.L., Carvalho, A.P. Upregulation of brain somatostatin and neu- and Duarte, C.B. Thomas, B., Muralikrishnan, D. and Mo- ropeptide Y following lidocaine-induced Adenosine A, receptors inhibit Ca?* chan- hanakumar, K.P. kindling in the rat (852) 470 nels coupled to the release of ACh, but not In vivo hydroxyl radical generation in the Nakazawa, H., see Hirabayashi, H. (852) 319 of GABA, in cultured retina cells (852) 10 striatum following systemic administration Nawa, H., see Iritani, S. (852) 475 Sasaki, C., see Hayashi, T. (852) 496 of 1-methyl-4-pheny]l-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro- Nehlig, A., see Bouilleret, V. (852) 255 pyridine in mice (852) 221 Sasaki, T., see Nojima, H. (852) 233 Niizato, K., see Iritani, S. (852) 475 Schiöth, H.B., see Lindblom, J. (852) 180 Tojo, C., see Takao, T. (852) 110 Nishikawa, H., see Kume, T. (852) 279 Tomioka, H., see Kume, T. (852) 279 Schrott-Fischer, A., see Kato, A. (852) 444 Nishioka, T., see Takao, T. (852) 110 Toney, T.W., see Hentschel, K. (852) 28 Shelton, S.E., see Franklin, M.S. (852) 263 Nix, W.B., see Choksi, N.Y. (852) 151 Tono, T., see Matsuda, K. (852) 492 Shimizu, H., see Mori, O. (852) 186 Nojima, H., Sasaki, T. and Kimura, I. Torráo, A.S., see Lohmann, T.H.O. (852) 463 Shimohama, S., see Kume, T. (852) 279 Arachidonic acid and prostaglandin D, co- Trombley, P.Q., see Horning, M.S. (852) 56 Shinohara, Y., see Hirabayashi, H. (852) 319 operatively accelerate desensitization of Shuster, L.C., see Buccafusco, J.J. (852) 76 Tsushima, H. and Mori, M. nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channel in Sikorski, A.F., Sangerman, J., Goodman, S.R. In vivo evidence that activation of tyrosine mouse skeletal muscles (852) 233 kinase is a trigger for lipopolysaccharide- and Critz, S.D. Nowak, M.W., see Ray, S.K. (852) 326 induced fever in rats (852) 367 Spectrin (ßSpIIX1) is an essential compo- nent of synaptic transmission (852) 161 Obata, T., Aomine, M. and Yamanaka, Y. Uno, H., see Franklin, M.S. (852) 263 Silva, D.S., see Suh, S.W. (852) 274 Potassium chloride depolarization enhances Song, J.-H., see Dempesy, C.W. (852) 213 Villegas, G.M., see Villegas, R. (852) 305 MPP *-induced hydroxyl radical generation Soupart, A., Penninckx, R., Stenuit, A. and Villegas, R., Villegas, G.M., Longart, M., in the rat striatum (852) 488 Decaux, G. Hernández, M., Maqueira, B., Buonanno, Oh, S.-J., see Ju, W.-K. (852) 217 Azotemia (48 h) decreases the risk of brain A., García, R. and Castillo, C. Ohaki, Y., see Mori, O. (852) 186 damage in rats after correction of chronic Neuregulin found in cultured-sciatic nerve Ohno, S., see Kameda, Y. (852) 453 hyponatremia (852) 167 conditioned medium causes neuronal differ- Ohtsubo, T., see Zhang, Z.-J. (852) 116 Spanis, C.W., see Bianchin, M.M. (852) 436 entiation of PC12 cells (852) 305 Ono, M., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 Spray, K.J., Halsell, C.B. and Bernstein, I.L. Vollerthun, R., see Dvorakova, M. (852) 349 Osawa, M., see Nagaki, S. (852) 470 c-Fos induction in response to saccharin Vorhees, C.V., see Xu, M. (852) 198 O’Shea, S.M., Wong, L.C. and Harrison, N.L. after taste aversion learning depends on Propofol increases agonist efficacy at the conditioning method (852) 225 Wada, M., see Watanabe, T. (852) 92 GABA, receptor (852) 344 Sqgalli-Houssaini, Y. and Cazalets, J.-R. Wang, X.-F., see Lin, W.W. (852) 297 Noradrenergic control of locomotor net- Watanabe, T., Sakata, Y. and Wada, M. Pascual, J., see González, A.M. (852) 228 works in the in vitro spinal cord of the Angiotensin AT, receptors in the preoptic Pazos, A., see González, A.M. (852) 228 neonatal rat (852) 100 area negatively modulate the cardiovascular Penninckx, R., see Soupart, A. (852) 167 Stenuit, A., see Soupart, A. (852) 167 and ACTH responses induced in rats by Pequignot, J., see Tang, L.-Q. (852) 84 Subhedar, N., see Saha, S.G. (852) 335 intrapreoptic injection of prostaglandin E, Pessac, B., see Cambier, D. (852) 191 Suda, T., see Lindblom, J. (852) 180 (852) 92 Piazza, P.-V., see Darnaudéry, M. (852) 173 Sugimoto, C., see Zhang, Z.-J. (852) 116 Watanobe, H., see Lindblom, J. (852) 180 504 Author Index Watson, S.J., see López-Figueroa, M.O. (852) phetamine administration in mice lacking Zhang, J., see Xu, M. (852) 198 239 the dopamine D1 receptor (852) 198 Zhang, L.C., see Buccafusco, J.J. (852) 76 Wikberg, J.E.S., see Lindblom, J. (852) 180 Zhang, Y.-P., Lundeberg, T. and Yu, L.-C. Wilford, G.G., see Ray, S.K. (852) 326 Yamanaka, Y., see Obata, T. (852) 488 Interactions of galanin and morphine in the Williams, C.A., Loyd, S.D., Hampton, T.A. and Yamasaki, M., see Matsuda, K. (852) 492 spinal antinociception in rats with mononeu- Hoover, D.B. Yamazaki, M., see Mori, O. (852) 186 ropathy (852) 485 Expression of c-Fos-like immunoreactivity Yang, L.-Y. and Arnold, A.P. Zhang, Z., Andersen, A.H., Avison, M.J., Ger- in the feline brainstem in response to iso- BDNF regulation of androgen receptor ex- hardt, G.A. and Gash, D.M. metric muscle contraction and baroreceptor pression in axotomized SNB motoneurons Functional MRI of apomorphine activation reflex changes in arterial pressure (852) 424 of adult male rats (852) 127 of the basal ganglia in awake rhesus mon- Wirtshafter, D., see Cook, D.F. (852) 247 Yoshino, K., Kawagishi, S., Takatsuki, Y. and keys (852) 290 Wit, H.P., see Biiki, B. (852) 140 Amano, N. Zhang, Z.-J., Saito, T., Kimura, Y., Sugimoto, Wong, L.C., see O'Shea, S.M. (852) 344 Functional properties of the primary motor C., Ohtsubo, T. and Saito, H. Wyrick, S.D., see Choksi, N.Y. (852) 151 cortex and ventral premotor cortex in the Disruption of mdrla p-glycoprotein gene monkey during a visually guided jaw-move- results in dysfunction of blood-inner ear Xu, M., Guo, Y., Vorhees, C.V. and Zhang, J. ment task with a delay period (852) 414 barrier in mice (852) 116 Behavioral responses to cocaine and am- Yu, L.-C., see Zhang, Y.-P. (852) 485 Zhu, J., see Jiang, Z.-W. (852) 37

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