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Brain Research 1999: Vol 846 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1999: Vol 846 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH Brain Research 846 (1999) 280-281 www.elsevier.com /locate /bres Author Index Arai, R., see Nemoto, C. (846) 129 Fujii, S., Ji, Z., Morita, N. and Sumikawa, K. Jehle, E.C., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 Atweh, S.F., see Saadé, N.E. (846) 72 Acute and chronic nicotine exposure differ- Ji, Z., see Fujii, S. (846) 137 entially facilitate the induction of LTP (846) Jinghong, C. and Guoxi, T. 137 Morphological characteristics and electro- Baena, R.C., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Fukuda, C., see Inoue, K. (846) 145 physiological responses of visceral nocicep- Banks, M.C., see Jasnow, A.M. (846) 122 Fushiki, T., see Inoue, K. (846) 145 tive neurons in somatosensory cerebral cor- Beak, S.A., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 tex of cat (846) 243 Becker, H.D., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 Ghatei, M.A., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 Beizai, P., see Popper, P. (846) 40 Ginsberg, M.D., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Beloozerova, I. and Rossignol, S. Glatzle, J., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 Kamikawa, H., Katafuchi, T., Hosoi, M., Antidromic discharges in dorsal roots of Globus, M.Y.-T., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Yamamoto, T. and Hori, T. decerebrate cats. I. Studies at rest and dur- Green, E.J., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Hyperalgesic response to noxious stimula- ing fictive locomotion (846) 87 Guaza, C., see Martinez, M. (846) 265 tion in genetically polydipsic mice (846) Berkelmann, B., see Schäfer, S.S. (846) 210 Guoxi, T., see Jinghong, C. (846) 243 171 Bjorklund, J.M., see Volkoff, H. (846) 204 Kanje, M., see Sondell, M. (846) 219 Bloom, S.R., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 Hanai, K., see Inoue, K. (846) 145 Katafuchi, T., see Kamikawa, H. (846) 171 Buldakova, S.L., Vorobjev, V.S., Sharonova, Helke, C.J., see Ichikawa, H. (846) 268 Katori, Y., see Xia, A.-P. (846) 106 I.N., Samoilova, M.V. and Magazanik, L.G. Hernanz, A., see Martinez, M. (846) 265 Kikuchi, T., see Xia, A.-P. (846) 106 Characterization of AMPA receptor popula- Hida, T., see Nemoto, C. (846) 129 Kim, J., see Popper, P. (846) 40 tions in rat brain cells by the use of Honrubia, V., see Popper, P. (846) 40 Kreis, M.E., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 subunit-specific open channel blocking drug, Hori, T., see Kamikawa, H. (846) 171 Kuwabara, N. and Zook, J.M. IEM-1460 (846) 52 Hosoi, M., see Kamikawa, H. (846) 171 Local collateral projections from the medial Busto, R., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Hozawa, K., see Xia, A.-P. (846) 106 superior olive to the superior paraolivary Huhman, K.L., see Jasnow, A.M. (846) 122 nucleus in the gerbil (846) 59 Kwok, K.H.H., Law, K.B., Wong, R.N.S. and Chien, C.-L., see Yang, M.-F. (846) 30 Ichikawa, H. and Helke, C.J. Yung, K.K.L. Choi, S.-J., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 The coexistence of TrkA with putative Immunolesioning of nerve growth factor p75 Cincera, M., see Vernazza-Martin, S. (846) 12 transmitter agents and calcium-binding pro- receptor-containing neurons in the rat brain Cutting, G.R., see Enz, R. (846) 177 teins in the vagal and glossopharyngeal sen- by a novel immunotoxin: anti-p75-anti- sory neurons of the adult rat (846) 268 mouse IgG-trichosanthin conjugates (846) Ichikawa, H. and Sugimoto, T. Dean, F. and Matthews, S.G. 154 Peptide 19-immunoreactive primary sensory Maternal dexamethasone treatment in late neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion (846) gestation alters glucocorticoid and mineralo- 274 Law, K.B., see Kwok, K.H.H. (846) 154 corticoid receptor mRNA in the fetal guinea Inoue, K., Yamazaki, H., Manabe, Y., Fukuda, Li, G., see Popper, P. (846) 40 pig brain (846) 253 C., Hanai, K. and Fushiki, T. Li, X., see Xiao, Y.-F. (846) 112 Dean, F., see Lingas, R. (846) 236 Transforming growth factor-beta activated Lightman, S.L., see Isse, T. (846) 229 De la Fuente, M., see Martínez, M. (846) 265 during exercise in brain depresses sponta- Lingas, R., Dean, F. and Matthews, S.G. Devaskar, S.U., see Fields, H.M. (846) 260 neous motor activity of animals. Relevance Maternal nutrient restriction (48 h) modifies Dietrich, W.D., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 to central fatigue (846) 145 brain corticosteroid receptor expression and Dulon, D., see Rome, C. (846) 196 Isse, T., Ueta, Y., Serino, R., Noguchi, J., endocrine function in the fetal guinea pig Yamamoto, Y., Nomura, M., Shibuya, I., (846) 236 Eichner, M., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 Lightman, S.L. and Yamashita, H. Lopez, I., see Popper, P. (846) 40 Enz, R. and Cutting, G.R. Effects of leptin on fasting-induced inhibi- Lu, K.-S., see Yang, M.-F. (846) 30 Identification of 70 amino acids important tion of neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA Lundborg, G., see Sondell, M. (846) 219 for GABA¿ receptor pl subunit assembly in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei Luo, D., see Rome, C. (846) 196 (846) 177 of rats (846) 229 Jabbur, S.J., see Saadé, N.E. (846) 72 Magazanik, L.G., see Buldakova, S.L. (846) 52 Fernändez, E., see Martinez, M. (846) 265 Jasnow, A.M., Banks, M.C., Owens, E.C. and Manabe, Y., see Inoue, K. (846) 145 Fields, H.M., Rinaman, L. and Devaskar, S.U. Huhman, K.L. Martin, N., see Vernazza-Martin, S. (846) 12 Distribution of glucose transporter isoform-3 Differential effects of two corticotropin-re- Martínez, M., Fernández, E., Frank, A., Guaza, and hexokinase I in the postnatal murine leasing factor antagonists on conditioned C., De la Fuente, M. and Hernanz, A. brain (846) 260 defeat in male Syrian hamsters (M esocrice- Increased cerebrospinal fluid cAMP levels Frank, A., see Martinez, M. (846) 265 tus auratus) (846) 122 in Alzheimer’s disease (846) 265 Author Index Massion, J., see Vernazza-Martin, S. (846) 12 Rossi, M., Beak, S.A., Choi, S.-J., Small, C.J., Ueta, Y., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Matthews, S.G., see Dean, F. (846) 253 Morgan, D.G.A., Ghatei, M.A., Smith, D.M. Matthews, S.G., see Lingas, R. (846) 236 and Bloom, S.R. Vernazza-Martin, S., Martin, N., Cincera, M., McCabe, P.M., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Investigation of the feeding effects of Pedotti, A. and Massion, J. Micevych, P.E., see Popper, P. (846) 40 melanin concentrating hormone on food in- Arm raising in humans under loaded vs. Morgan, D.G.A., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 take — action independent of galanin and unloaded and bipedal vs. unipedal condi- Morita, N., see Fujii, S. (846) 137 the melanocortin receptors (846) 164 tions (846) 12 Rossignol, S., see Beloozerova, I. (846) 87 Volkoff, H., Bjorklund, J.M. and Peter, R.E. Nemoto, C., Hida, T. and Arai, R. Ruffin, M.-P. and Nicolaidis, S. Stimulation of feeding behavior and food Calretinin and calbindin-D28k in dopamin- Electrical stimulation of the ventromedial consumption in the goldfish, Carassius au- ergic neurons of the rat midbrain: a triple- hypothalamus enhances both fat utilization ratus, by orexin-A and orexin-B (846) 204 labeling immunohistochemical study (846) and metabolic rate that precede and parallel Vorobjev, V.S., see Buldakova, S.L. (846) 52 129 the inhibition of feeding behavior (846) 23 Wong, R.N.S., see Kwok, K.H.H. (846) 154 Nicolaidis, S., see Ruffin, M.-P. (846) 23 Noguchi, J., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Saadé, N.E., Atweh, S.F., Privat, A. and Xia, A.-P., Kikuchi, T., Hozawa, K., Katori, Y. Nomura, M., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Jabbur, S.J. and Takasaka, T. Inhibitory effects from various types of dor- Expression of connexin 26 and Na,K- Owens, E.C., see Jasnow, A.M. (846) 122 sal column and raphe magnus stimulations ATPase in the developing mouse cochlear on nociceptive withdrawal flexion reflexes lateral wall: functional implications (846) Pazos, A.J., Green, E.J., Busto, R., McCabe, (846) 72 106 P.M., Baena, R.C., Ginsberg, M.D., Globus, Samoilova, M.V., see Buldakova, S.L. (846) 52 Xiao, Y.-F. and Li, X. M.Y.-T., Schneiderman, N. and Dietrich, Schäfer, S.S., Berkelmann, B. and Schuppan, Polyunsaturated fatty acids modify mouse W.D. K. hippocampal neuronal excitability during Effects of combined postischemic hypother- Two groups of Golgi tendon organs in cat excitotoxic or convulsant stimulation (846) mia and delayed N-tert-butyl-a-pheylnitrone tibial anterior muscle identified from the 112 (PBN) administration on histopathological discharge frequency recorded under a ramp- and behavioral deficits associated with tran- Yamamoto, T., see Kamikawa, H. (846) 171 and-hold stretch (846) 210 sient global ischemia in rats (846) 186 Yamamoto, Y., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Schneiderman, N., see Pazos, A.J. (846) 186 Pedotti, A., see Vernazza-Martin, S. (846) 12 Yamashita, H., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Schuppan, K., see Schäfer, S.S. (846) 210 Peter, R.E., see Volkoff, H. (846) 204 Yamazaki, H., see Inoue, K. (846) 145 Serino, R., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Popper, P., Lopez, I., Beizai, P., Li, G., Kim, J., Sharonova, I.N., see Buldakova, S.L. (846) 52 Yang, M.-F., Chien, C.-L. and Lu, K.-S. Micevych, P.E. and Honrubia, V. Shibuya, I., see Isse, T. (846) 229 Morphological, immunohistochemical and Expression of BDNF and 7rkB mRNAs in Small, C.J., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 quantitative studies of murine brain mast the crista neurosensory epithelium and cells after mating (846) 30 Smith, D.M., see Rossi, M. (846) 164 vestibular ganglia following ototoxic dam- Yung, K.K.L., see Kwok, K.H.H. (846) 154 Sondell, M., Lundborg, G. and Kanje, M. age (846) 40 Vascular endothelial growth factor stimu- Privat, A., see Saadé, N.E. (846) 72 Zittel, T.T., Glatzle, J., Kreis, M.E., Starlinger, lates Schwann cell invasion and neovascu- M., Eichner, M., Raybould, H.E., Becker, larization of acellular nerve grafts (846) 219 Raybould, H.E., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 H.D. and Jehle, E.C. Starlinger, M., see Zittel, T.T. (846) 1 Rinaman, L., see Fields, H.M. (846) 260 C-fos protein expression in the nucleus of Sugimoto, T., see Ichikawa, H. (846) 274 Rome, C., Luo, D. and Dulon, D. the solitary tract correlates with cholecys- Sumikawa, K., see Fujii, S. (846) 137 Muscarinic receptor-mediated calcium sig- tokinin dose injected and food intake in rats naling in spiral ganglion neurons of the (846) 1 mammalian cochlea (846) 196 Takasaka, T., see Xia, A.-P. (846) 106 Zook, J.M., see Kuwabara, N. (846) 59

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