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BRAIN RESEARCH ELSEVIER Brain Research 838 (1999) 24 Author Index Aitken, P., see Balestrino, M. (838) 37 Frankel, P.S., Garcia, M.M. and Harlan, R.E lida, M., Miyazaki, I., Tanaka, K Kabuto Aston-Jones, G., see Chen, S. (838) 171 Infusion of B-FNA into the thalamus atten- H., Iwata-Ichikawa, E. and Ogawa, N uates morphine-induced c-Fos induction in Dopamine D2 receptor-mediated antiox Balestrino. M.. Young. J. and Aitken. P the rat caudate putamen (838) 222 dant and neuroprotective effect Block of (Na* K* )ATPase with ouabain Fujiwara, K., see Hosokawa, H é > role, a dopamine agonist (838) 51 induces spreading depression-like depolar Imai, K., see Lee, J.-A. (838) 1| 93 0 ‘ade er , ne gf ee ‘ : 5 ization in hippocampal slices (838) 3 Gadea, A., López, E. and López-Colomé, A.M Inagaki, C., see Kawasaki, E. (838) Blesius, F., see Wennstrom, K.L. (838) 104 The adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL- Inoue, K., see Ichikawa, H. (838) 2 Boon. F.. see Robertson. B.J. (838) 234 2330A has a non specific effect on glycine Iqbal, K.. see Haque, N (838) 69 Bowlby, D.A., see Edwards, H.E. (838) 136 transport in Müller cells from the retina Ishida, N., see Hamada, T. (838) 13 Brenneman, D.E., Hauser, J., Spong, C.Y (838) 200 Itota, T., see Ichikawa, H. (838) 205 Phillips, T.M.. Pert, C.B. and Ruff, M Galler, J.R., see Mokler, D.J. (838) 95 Iwata-Ichikawa, E.. see lida, M. (838) 51 = : e : 3. (838) 222 291 103 VIP and p-ala-peptide T-amide release Garcia, M.M., see Frankel, P.S. (838) 222 Iwatsubo, T., see Lee, (838) 193 chemokines which prevent HIV-1 GP120- Geisert Jr., E.E., see Vazquez-Chona, F. (838) induced neuronal death (838) 27 = : Jhamandas, K.. Bronzino, J.D., see Mokler, D.J. (838) 95 Giolli, R.A., see Zhou, J. (838) 119 Burnham, W.M.L, see Edwards, H.E. (838) 136 Gouarderes, C., Tafani, J.A.M., Meunier, J.-( ; Burnham, W.M.I., see Edwards, H.E. (838) 151 Jhamandas, K. and Zajac, J.-M Kabuto, H., see Iida, M. (838) 51 Nociceptin receptors in the rat spinal cord Kawasaki, E., Hattori, N., Miyamoto : during morphine tolerance (838) 85 mashita, T. and Inagaki, ¢ Cain, D.P., see Robertson, B.J. (838) 234 h ; k Chan. PKY and Yono. W-H Grundke-Igbal, I., see Haque, N. (838) 69 Single-cell RT-PCR demonstrates an, -N.1. alc 2, . sion of voltage-dependent chloride ch Inhibitory postsynaptic currents of rat sub lamada, T., Niki, T., Ziging, P.. Sugiyama, T., (CIC-1, CIC-2 and CIC-3) i stantia nigartat e pars reticulata neurons: role of = Watanabe, S., Mikoshiobg a, K.2 and Ishida, N of rat cochlea (838) 166 GABA receptors and GABA uptake (838) Differential expression patterns of inositol Kempski, O., see Heimann, A 18 trisphosphate receptor types | and 3 in the Krieglstein, J., see Semkova, | Chen, S., Yang, M., Miselis, R.R. and Aston- rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (838) 131 Kuang. Y.-J.. see Liu. H.-W. ( Jones. G Haque, N., Tanaka, T.. Iqbal, K. and Grundke- Characterization of transsynaptic tracing with central application of pseudorabies I;q bal, I Lee, J.-A., Homma, H.. Tashiro ® = 3 Regulation of expression, phosphorylation di virus (838) 171 : T. and Imai, K Cheng, C., see Zochodne, D.W. (838) 11 preci: Sigel os ie D-Aspartate localization in ER 2 entiation in SYSY cells (838) 69 : ; ERROR ee E EA Harlan, R.E., see Frankel, P.S. (838) 222 YEN y. PA Crews, D., see Wennstrom, K.L. (838) 104 E AAA Li, Y. and Chopp, M Temporal profile of nestin expre Hauser, J., see Brenneman, D.E. (838) 27 ER ; Da Silva, C.G., Parolo, E., Streck, E.L., Wa- Heimann, A., Takeshima, T., Horstick, G. and pxpergoese ay: = jner, M., Wannmacher, C.M.D. and Kemeuks © Liu, H.-W., Kuang, > J.. Wu. De Souza Wyse, A] Ci esterase inhibitor reduces infarct volume SE A: MU In1 vitr4o inhibiMtti on of NaJ Ka e ATPa> se > actu iv E if»t er cortical vein occl>u sion (83a8 ) 10 Intrastriatal transplantation ot ity from rat cerebral cortex by guanidino Homma. H.. see Lee. J.-A. (838) 193 may improve amphetamin ? compounds accumulating in hyperarginine Host. q © $ e e Hee,m as: A. t (8990010 and ctuyrre osine > hydhrvdorxoyxlvalsasee imimmmuun ore sia (838) 78 y = ICK, > t : allil, > ‘ ( de l , of the striatum in h1 emiparkinsonian ı mia (838) 78 Hosokawa, H., Ninomiya, H., Sawamura, T PRES De Souza Wyse, A.T., see Da Silva, C.G. (838) Sugimoto, Y.. Ichik,a wa, A.. Fujiwara, K (838) 22 Ben n7e8 h q Liu, J.-C., see Liu, H.-W. (838)2 2 and Masaki, T López-Colomé, A.M., see Gadea, A. (838 Neuron-specific expression of cationic Edwards, H.E., Burnham, W.M.I. and amino acid transporter 3 in the adult rat López. E., see Gadea, A. (838) 200 MacLusky, N.J. brain (838) 158 Testosterone and its metabolites affect after- Hu. S.-J.. see Xing. J.-L. (838) 218 Ma, K.-H., see Liu, H.-W. (838) 227 discharge thresholds and the development ; MacLusky, N see Edwards, H.E. (838) 136 of amygdala kindled seizures (838) 151 Ichikawa, A., see Hosokawa, H. (838) 158 MacLusky, N.J., see Edwards, H.E. (838) 15 Edwards, H.E., Burnham, W.M.I., Mendonca, Ichikawa, H., Itota, T., Torii, Y., Inoue, K. and Masaki, T., see Hosokawa, H. (838) 158 A., Bowlby, D.A. and MacLusky, N.J. Sugimoto, T. Mazarati, A.M., see Pereira de Vasconcelos, A Steroid hormones affect limbic afterdis- Osteocalcin-immunoreactive primary sen- (838) 110 charge thresholds and kindling rates in adult sory neurons in the rat spinal and trigeminal Mendonca, A., see Edwards, H.E. (838) 136 female rats (838) 136 nervous systems (838) 205 Meunier, J.-C., see Gouardéres, C. (838) 85 242 Author Index Michaloudi, H.C., see Papadopoulos, G.C. (838) Redecker, P., see Pabst, H. (838) 60 Wajner, M., see Da Silva, C.G. (838) 78 214 Ribak, C.E., see Zhou, J. (838) 119 Wang, S.-D., see Liu, H.-W. (838) 227 Mikoshiba, K., see Hamada, T. (838) 131 Robertson, B.J., Boon, F., Cain, D.P. and Van- Wannmacher, C.M.D., see Da Silva, C.G. (838) Miselis, R.R., see Chen, S. (838) 171 derwolf, C.H. 78 Miyamoto, E., see Kawasaki, E. (838) 166 Behavioral effects of anti-muscarinic, anti- Wasterlain, C.G., see Pereira de Vasconcelos, Miyazaki, I., see lida, M. (838) 51 serotonergic, and antic NMDA treatments: A. (838) 110 Mokler, D.J., Bronzino, J.D., Galler, J.R. and hippocampal and neocortical slow wave Watanabe, S., see Hamada, T. (838) 131 Morgane, P.J electrophysiology predict the effects on Wennstrom, K.L., Blesius, F. and Crews, D. The effects of median raphé electrical stim grooming in the rat (838) 234 Volumetric analysis of sexually dimorphic ulation on serotonin release in the dorsal Ruff, M., see Brenneman, D.E. (838) 27 limbic nuclei in normal and sex-reversed hippocampal formation of prenatally protein whiptail lizards (838) 104 malnourished rats (838) 95 Wu, J.-C., see Liu, H.-W. (838) 227 Morgane, P.J., see Mokler, D.J. (838) 95 Sawamura, T., see Hosokawa, H. (838) 158 Semkova, I. and Krieglstein, J Xing, J.-L. and Hu, S.-J. ‚see Pereira de Vasconcelos, A Ciliary neurotrophic factor enhances the ex- Relationship between calcium-dependent (838) 110 pression of NGF and p75 low-affinity NGF potassium channel and ectopic spontaneous Niki, T., see Hamada, T. (838) 131 receptor in astrocytes (838) 184 discharges of injured dorsal root ganglion Ninomiya, H., see Hosokawa, H. (838) 158 Spong, C.Y., see Brenneman, D.E. (838) 27 neurons in the rat (838) 218 Streck, E.L., see Da Silva, C.G. (838) 78 Ogawa, N., see lida, M. (838) 51 Sugimoto, T., see Ichikawa, H. (838) 205 Yamashita, T., see Kawasaki, E. (838) 166 Sugimoto, Y., see Hosokawa, H. (838) 158 Yan, X.-X., see Zhou, J. (838) 119 Pabst, H. and Redecker, P Sugiyama, T., see Hamada, T. (838) 131 Yang, M., see Chen, S. (838) 171 Interstitial glial cells of the gerbil pineal Young, J., see Balestrino, M. (838) 37 gland display immunoreactivity for the Yung, W.-H., see Chan, P.K.Y. (838) 18 metabotropic glutamate receptors Tafani, J.A.M., see Gouardéres, C. (838) 85 mGluR2 /3 and mGluRS5 (838) 60 Takeshima, T., see Heimann, A. (838) 210 Zajac, J.-M., see Gouarderes, C. (838) 85 Papadopoulos, G.C. and Michaloudi, H.¢ Tanaka, K.-i., see lida, M. (838) 51 Zhou, J., Ribak, C.E., Yan, X.-X. and Giolli, Apoptosis in the visual system of normal Tanaka, T., see Haque, N. (838) 69 R.A. and dark-reared rats (838) 214 Tashiro, K., see Lee, J.-A. (838) 193 Synaptic and neurochemical features of cal- Parolo, E., see Da Silva, C.G. (838) 78 Tori, Y., see Ichikawa, H. (838) 205 citonin gene-related peptide containing neu- Pereira de Vasconcelos, A., Mazarati, A.M., rons in the rat accessory optic nuclei (838) Wasterlain, C.G. and Nehlig, A 119 Self-sustaining status epilepticus after a brief Vanderwolf, C.H., see Robertson, B.J. (838) Ziging, P., see Hamada, T. (838) 131 electrical stimulation of the perforant path 234 Zochodne, D.W. and Cheng. C. a 2-deoxyglucose study (838) 110 Vázquez-Chona, F. and Geisert Jr., E.! Diabetic peripheral nerves are susceptible to Pert, C.B., see Brenneman, D.E. (838) 27 N-cadherin at the glial scar in the rat (838) multifocal ischemic damage from endothe- Phillips, T.M., see Brenneman, D.E. (838) 27 45 lin (838) 11

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