BRAIN WÄ RESEARCH ma IA 45 LSEVIER Brain Research 773 (1997) 235—236 Author Index Amin, N. and Pearce, B. Gandolfo, G., see Gauthier, P. (773) 8 Lee, K.-Y. and Johnston, R.N. Peroxynitrite-induced toxicity in cultured Garrett, K.M., see Barron, K.W. (773) 53 Neurofilaments are part of the high molecu- astrocytes (773) 227 Gauthier, P., Arnaud, C., Gandolfo, G. and lar weight complex containing neuronal Aoki, M., see Sato, Y. (773) 98 Gottesmann, C. cdc2-like kinase (nclk) (773) 197 Arnaud, C., see Gauthier, P. (773) 8 Influence of a GABA, receptor antagonist Lee, T.J.-F., see Kimura, T. (773) 117 Avitsur, R., Pollak, Y. and Yirmiya, R. on the sleep—waking cycle in the rat (773) 8 Li, M. and Boyages, S.C. Different receptor mechanisms mediate the German, D.C., see Sonsalla, P.K. (773) 223 Expression of 8,-thyroid hormone receptor effects of endotoxin and interleukin-1 on Ghijsen, W.E.J.M., see Breukel, A.I.M. (773) in euthyroid and hypothyroid rat pituitary female sexual behavior (773) 149 90 gland: an in situ hybridization and immuno- Gloveli, T., see Behr, J. (773) 217 cytochemical study (773) 125 Bågenholm, R., Nilsson, U.A. and Kjellmer, I. Gottesmann, C., see Gauthier, P. (773) 8 Li, P.-K., see Rhodes, M.E. (773) 28 Formation of free radicais in hypoxic is- Gressens, P., see Marret, S. (773) 213 Liang, C.-L., see Sonsalla, P.K. (773) 223 chemic brain damage in the neonatal rat, Grinevich, V., Fournier, A. and Pelletier, G. Lopes da Silva, F.H., see Breukel, A.I.M. (773) assessed by an endogenous spin trap and Effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase- 90 lipid peroxidation (773) 132 activating polypeptide (PACAP) on corti- Bagust, J., Zhang, L. and Owen, D. cotropin-releasing hormone (CRH ) gene ex- Machado, A., see Matarredona, E.R. (773) 76 Toxin I, but not 4-aminopyridine, blocks the pression in the rat hypothalamic paraven- Manzino, L., see Sonsalla, P.K. (773) 223 late inhibitory component of the dorsal root tricular nucleus (773) 190 Marret, S., Gressens, P., Van-Maele-Fabry, G., reflex in an isolated preparation of rat spinal Gruol, D.L., Parsons, K.L. and DiJulio, N. cord (773) 181 Acute ethanol alters calcium signals elicited Picard, J. and Evrard, P. Barraud, J., see Rivot, J.-P. (773) 66 by glutamate receptor agonists and K* de- Caffeine-induced disturbances of early neu- rogenesis in whole mouse embryo cultures Barron, K.W., Pavelka, S.M. and Garrett, K.M. polarization in cultured cerebellar Purkinje Diazepam-sensitive GABA , receptors in the neurons (773) 82 (773) 213 Matarredona, E.R., Santiago, M., Cano, J. and NTS participate in cardiovascular control (773) 53 Hainfeld, J.F., see Tracz, E. (773) 33 Machado, A. Behr, J., Empson, R.M., Schmitz, D., Gloveli, Hatton, G.I., see Yang, Q.Z. (773) 162 Involvement of iron in MPP* toxicity in T. and Heinemann, U. Heinemann, U., see Behr, J. (773) 217 substantia nigra: protection by desferriox- amine (773) 76 Effects of serotonin on synaptic and intrin- Hidano, T., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 sic properties of rat subicular neurons in Hollingsworth, Z.R., see Testa, C.M. (773) 15 Meiergerd, S.M., Schenk, J.O. and Sorg, B.A. vitro (773) 217 Huntley, G.W., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 Repeated cocaine and stress increase Besselsen, E., see Breukel, A.I.M. (773) 90 dopamine clearance in the rat medial pre- frontal cortex (773) 203 Besson, J.-M., see Rivot, J.-P. (773) 66 Imai, H., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 Mizuno, Y., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 Boyages, S.C., see Li, M. (773) 125 Breukel, A.I.M., Besselsen, E., Lopes da Silva, Janeczko, K., see Pawlifiski, R. (773) 231 Mochizuki, H., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 F.H. and Ghijsen, W.E.J.M. Johnson, D.A., see Rhodes, M.E. (773) 28 Montécot, C., see Rivot, J.-P. (773) 66 Arachidonic acid inhibits uptake of amino Johnston, R.N., see Lee, K.-Y. (773) 197 Moran, T., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 Jost, B., see Rivot, J.-P. (773) 66 Morrison, J.H., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 acids and potentiates PKC effects on gluta- Murray, J.M., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 mate, but not GABA, exocytosis in isolated hippocampal nerve terminals (773) 90 Kimura, T., Yu, J.-G., Edvinsson, L. and Lee, T.J.-F. Buku, A., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 Nakashima, M., see Umemura, K. (773) 61 Burke, A.M., see Rhodes, M.E. (773) 28 Cholinergic, nitric oxidergic innervation in Nilsson, U.A., see Bagenholm, R. (773) 132 cerebral arteries of the cat (773) 117 Kjellmer, I., see Bågenholm, R. (773) 132 Cano, J., see Matarredona, E.R. (773) 76 Kodsi, M.H. and Swerdlow, N.R. Owen, D., see Bagust, J. (773) 181 De la Villa, P., see Vaquero, C.F. (773) 208 Reduced prepulse inhibition after elec- Dickson, D.W., see Tracz, E. (773) 33 trolytic lesions of nucleus accumbens subre- DiJulio, N., see Gruol, D.L. (773) 82 gions in the rat (773) 45 Parsons, K.L., see Gruol, D.L. (773) 82 Köhling, R., see Straub, H. (773) 173 Pavelka, S.M., see Barron, K.W. (773) 53 Edvinsson, L., see Kimura, T. (773) 117 Kondo, T., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 Pawlifski, R. and Janeczko, K. Empson, R.M., see Behr, J. (773) 217 Koshimura, I., Imai, H., Hidano, T., Endo, K., An inhibitory effect of interferon gamma on Endo, K., see Koshimura, I. (773) 108 Mochizuki, H., Kondo, T. and Mizuno, Y. the injury-induced astrocyte proliferation in Evrard, P., see Marret, S. (773) 213 Dimethoxyphenylethylamine and tetrahy- the postmitotic rat brain (773) 231 dropapaverine are toxic to the nigrostriatal Pearce, B., see Amin, N. (773) 227 Fournier, A., see Grinevich, V. (773) 190 system (773) 108 Pelletier, G., see Grinevich, V. (773) 190 Fujito, Y., see Sato, Y. (773) 98 Ksiezak-Reding, H., see Tracz, E. (773) 33 Penney Jr., J.B., see Testa, C.M. (773) 15 236 Author Index Picard, J., see Marret, S. (773) 213 Shimakura, A., see Umemura, K. (773) 61 Uematsu, K. and Todo, T. Plaitakis, A., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 Shinozaki, H., see Testa, C.M. (773) 15 Identification of the midbrain locomotor nu- Pollak, Y., see Avitsur, R. (773) 149 Sinton, C.M., see Sonsalla, P.K. (773) 223 clei and their descending pathways in the Sonsalla, P.K., Manzino, L., Sinton, C.M., teleost carp, Cyprinus carpio (773) 1 Rhodes, M.E., Li, P.-K., Burke, A.M. and Liang, C.-L., German, D.C. and Zeevalk, Umemura, K., Shimakura, A. and Nakashima, Johnson, D.A. G.D. M. Enhanced plasma DHEAS, brain acetyl- Inhibition of striatal energy metabolism pro- Neuroprotective effect of a novel AMPA choline and memory mediated by steroid duces cell loss in the ipsilateral substantia receptor antagonist, YM9OK, in rat focal sulfatase inhibition (773) 28 nigra (773) 223 cerebral ischaemia (773) 61 Rivot, J.-P., Barraud, J., Montécot, C., Jost, B. Sorg, B.A., see Meiergerd, S.M. (773) 203 and Besson, J.-M. Speckmann, E.-J., see Straub, H. (773) 173 Van-Maele-Fabry, G., see Marret, S. (773) 213 Nitric oxide (NO): in vivo electrochemical Straub, H., Köhling, R. and Speckmann, E.-J. Vaquero, C.F., Velasco, A. and De la Villa, P. monitoring in the dorsal horn of the spinal Strychnine-induced epileptiform activity in Quantitative measurement of protein kinase cord of the rat (773) 66 hippocampal and neocortical slice prepara- C immunoreactivity in rod bipolar cells of tions: suppression by the organic calcium the goldfish retina (773) 208 Santiago, M., see Matarredona, E.R. (773) 76 antagonists verapamil and flunarizine (773) Velasco, A., see Vaquero, C.F. (773) 208 Sato, Y., Fujito, Y. and Aoki, M. 173 Differential effects of a benzodiazepine on Swerdlow, N.R., see Kodsi, M.H. (773) 45 Walsh, M.J., see Shashidharan, P. (773) 139 synaptic transmissions in rat hippocampal neurons in vitro (773) 98 Testa, C.M., Hollingsworth, Z.R., Shinozaki, Yang, Q.Z. and Hatton, G.I. Schenk, J.O., see Meiergerd, S.M. (773) 203 H., Penney Jr., J.B. and Young, A.B. Electrophysiology of excitatory and in- Schmitz, D., see Behr, J. (773) 217 Selective metabotropic receptor agonists hibitory afferents to rat histaminergic Shashidharan, P., Huntley, G.W., Murray, J.M., distinguish non-ionotropic glutamate bind- tuberomammillary nucleus neurons from Buku, A., Moran, T., Walsh, M.J., Morri- ing sites (773) 15 hypothalamic and forebrain sites (773) 162 son, J.H. and Plaitakis, A. Todo, T., see Uematsu, K. (773) 1 Yirmiya, R., see Avitsur, R. (773) 149 Immunohistochemical localization of the Tracz, E., Dickson, D.W., Hainfeld, J.F. and Young, A.B., see Testa, C.M. (773) 15 neuron-specific glutamate transporter Ksiezak-Reding, H. Yu, J.-G., see Kimura, T. (773) 117 EAACI1 (EAAT3) in rat brain and spinal Paired helical filaments in corticobasal de- cord revealed by a novel monoclonal anti- generation: the fine fibrillary structure with Zeevalk, G.D., see Sonsalla, P.K. (773) 223 body (773) 139 NanoVan (773) 33 Zhang, L., see Bagust, J. (773) 181