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Brain Research 1997: Vol 759 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1997: Vol 759 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH RAF ELSEVIER Brain Research 759 (1997) 330—332 Author Index Abe, K., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 Eblen-Zajjur, A., see Vanegas, H. (759) 171 Hill, J.M., see Beyaert, C.A. (759) 175 Albers, H.E., see Gillespie, C.F. (759) 181 Holmes, G.M., Martau, J.M., Hermann, G.E., Ali, S.F., see Freyaldenhoven, T.E. (759) 9 Frasier, I., see Ruggiero, D.A. (759) 301 Rogers, R.C., Bresnahan, J.C. and Beattie, Anwar, M., see Ruggiero, D.A. (759) 301 Freyaldenhoven, T.E., Ali, S.F. and Schmued, M.S. Asanuma, M., see Yamamoto, M. (759) 153 L.C. Nucleus raphe obscurus (nRO) regulation of Systemic administration of MPTP induces anorectal motility in rats (759) 197 Bailey, S.B., see Tantuwaya, V.S. (759) 58 thalamic neuronal degeneration in mice Horvitz, J.C., Stewart, T. and Jacobs, B.L. Bair, L., see Reilly, J.F. (759) 277 (759) 9 Burst activity of ventral tegmental dopamine Barati, S., see Lindefors, N. (759) 205 Barbazanges, A., see Koehl, M. (759) 317 Fujimura, M., Tominaga, T., Kato, I., Taka- neurons is elicited by sensory stimuli in the sawa, S., Kawase, M., Taniguchi, T., Oka- awake cat (759) 251 Beattie, M.S., see Holmes, G.M. (759) 197 moto, H. and Yoshimoto, T. Huhman, K.L., see Gillespie, C.F. (759) 181 Behrens, M.I., see McDonald, J.W. (759) 228 Attenuation of nitric oxide synthase induc- Hiittemeier, P.C., see Shiraishi, M. (759) 221 Benveniste, H., see Shiraishi, M. (759) 221 tion in IRF-1-deficient glial cells (759) 247 Bermúdez-Rattoni, F., see Miranda, M.I. (759) Fujiwara, Y., see Hamamura, T. (759) 156 141 Illnerová, H., see VondraSova, D. (759) 166 Beyaert, C.A., Hill, J.M. and Kaufman, M.P. Itoyama, Y., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 Gidday, J.M., see Halle, J.N. (759) 309 Substance P analogues potentiate the pres- Itoyama, Y., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 sor response to microinjection of L-gluta- Gillespie, C.F., Mintz, E.M., Marvel, C.L., Huhman, K.L. and Albers, H.E. mate into laminas I and II of the cat dorsal GABA, and GABA, agonists and antago- horn (759) 175 Jacobs, B.L., see Horvitz, J.C. (759) 251 Bhattacharyya, T., see McDonald, J.W. (759) nists alter the phase-shifting effects of light Johansson, S., see Karlsson, U. (759) 270 when microinjected into the suprachias- 228 Jope, R.S., see Li, X. (759) 213 matic region (759) 181 Bowyer, J.F., see Schmued, L.C. (759) 135 Gillin, J.C., see Seifritz, E. (759) 84 Bresnahan, J.C., see Holmes, G.M. (759) 197 Busto, R., see Stagliano, N.E. (759) 32 Gilmore, S.A., see Kane, C.J.M. (759) 163 Kamiyama, Y., see Shiraishi, M. (759) 221 Gootman, N., see Ruggiero, D.A. (759) 301 Kane, C.J.M., Sims, T.J. and Gilmore, S.A. Choi, D.W., see McDonald, J.W. (759) 228 Gootman, P.M., see Ruggiero, D.A. (759) 301 Astrocytes in the aged rat spinal cord fail to Chung, C., see McDonald, J.W. (759) 228 Green, E.J., see Stagliano, N.E. (759) 32 increase GFAP mRNA following sciatic Colburn, R.W., see DeLeo, J.A. (759) 50 Gutmann, D.H., see Xu, H.-m. (759) 149 nerve axotomy (759) 163 Conrad, C.D., Lupien, S.J., Thanasoulis, L.C. Kane, E.R., see Zagon, I.S. (759) 92 and McEwen, B.S. Hajek, I., see VondraSov4, D. (759) 166 Kanthasamy, A., see Kanthasamy, A.G. (759) | The effects of Type I and Type II cortico- Halle, J.N., Kasper, C.E., Gidday, J.M. and Kanthasamy, A.G., Kanthasamy, A., Mat- steroid receptor agonists on exploratory be- Koos, B.J. sumoto, R.R., Vu, T.Q. and Truong, D.D. havior and spatial memory in the Y-maze Enhancing adenosine A, receptor binding Neuroprotective effects of the strychnine- (759) 76 reduces hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in insensitive glycine site NMDA antagonist Cristalli, G., see Pinna, A. (759) 41 newborn rats (759) 309 (R)-HA-966 in an experimental model of Croiset, G. and De Wied, D. Hamamura, T., Lee, Y., Fujiwara, Y. and Parkinson’s disease (759) | Proconvulsive effect of vasopressin; media- Kuroda, S. Karlsson, U., Sundgren, A.K., Nasstr6m, J. and tion by a putative V, receptor subtype in the Serotonin,, receptor agonists induce Fos Johansson, S. central nervous system (759) 18 protein expression in the locus coeruleus of Glutamate-evoked currents in acutely disso- DeLeo, J.A., Colburn, R.W. and Rickman, A.J. the conscious rat (759) 156 ciated neurons from the rat medial preoptic Cytokine and growth factor immunohisto- Hamprecht, B., see Dringen, R. (759) 67 nucleus (759) 270 chemical spinal profiles in two animal mod- Helsley, S., Dlugos, C.A., Pentney, R.J., Rabin, Kasper, C.E., see Halle, J.N. (759) 309 els of mononeuropathy (759) 50 R.A. and Winter, J.C. Kato, I., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 Détári, L., Rasmusson, D.D. and Semba, K. Effects of chronic ibogaine treatment on Katsumoto, T., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 Phasic relationship between the activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells in the rat (759) 306 Kaufman, M.P., see Beyaert, C.A. (759) 175 basal forebrain neurons and cortical EEG in Hennings, E.C.P., Kiss, J.P. and Vizi, E.S. Kawase, M., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 urethane-anesthetized rat (759) 112 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist Kimura, K., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 De Wied, D., see Croiset, G. (759) 18 effect of fluoxetine in rat hippocampal slices Kiss, J.P., see Hennings, E.C.P. (759) 292 Dietrich, W.D., see Stagliano, N.E. (759) 32 (759) 292 Kitamura, Y., Michikawa, M., Tanigawa, T., Dlugos, C.A., see Helsley, S. (759) 306 Hermann, G.E., see Holmes, G.M. (759) 197 Katsumoto, T., Morita, T., Nanba, E., Dringen, R. and Hamprecht, B. Hildebrand, B., Olenik, C., Uhl, A. and Meyer, Ohama, E. and Terada, T. Involvement of glutathione peroxidase and D.K. Establishment and characteristics of a prac- catalase in the disposal of exogenous hydro- Expression of the proenkephalin gene in tical and useful astrocyte cell line trans- gen peroxide by cultured astroglial cells cultured astroglial cells: analysis of cell cy- formed by a temperature-sensitive mutant of (759) 67 cle dependence (759) 285 simian virus 40 (759) 295 Author Index Koehl, M., Barbazanges, A., Le Moal, M. and O’Connor, W.T., see Lindefors, N. (759) 205 Stahl, S.M., see Seifritz, E. (759) 84 Maccari, S. Ogawa, N., see Yamamoto, M. (759) 153 Stewart, T., see Horvitz, J.C. (759) 251 Prenatal stress induces a phase advance of O’Halloran, K.D. and Perl, E.R. Sundgren, A.K., see Karlsson, U. (759) 270 circadian corticosterone rhythm in adult rats Effects of partial nerve injury on the re- Suzuki, H., Abe, K., Tojo, S., Morooka, S., which is prevented by postnatal stress (759) sponses of C-fiber polymodal nociceptors to Kimura, K., Mizugaki, M. and Itoyama, Y. 317 adrenergic agonists (759) 233 Expressions of P-selectin- and HSP72-like Kogure, K., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 Ohama, E., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 immunoreactivities in rat brain after tran- Kondo, I., see Yamamoto, M. (759) 153 Okamoto, H., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 sient middle cerebral artery occlusion (759) Koos, B.J., see Halle, J.N. (759) 309 Olenik, C., see Hildebrand, B. (759) 285 321 Koshino, Y., see Wada, Y. (759) 313 Olschowka, J.A., see Wang, C.X. (759) 190 Kumari, V., see Reilly, J.F. (759) 277 Onodera, H., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 Kuroda, S., see Hamamura, T. (759) 156 Takasawa, S., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 Pedemonte, M., Torterolo, P. and Velluti, R.A. Tanigawa, T., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 In vivo intracellular characteristics of infe- Taniguchi, T., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 Lee, Y., see Hamamura, T. (759) 156 rior colliculus neurons in guinea pigs (759) Le Moal, M., see Koehl, M. (759) 317 Tantuwaya, V.S., Bailey, S.B., Schmidt, R.E., 24 Li, X. and Jope, R.S. Villadiego, A., Tong, J.X. and Rich, K.M. Pentney, R.J., see Helsley, S. (759) 306 Peripheral nerve regeneration through sili- Glucocorticoids modulate G-protein a-sub- Perl, E.R., see O’Halloran, K.D. (759) 233 unit levels in PC12 cells (759) 213 cone chambers in streptozocin-induced dia- Pinna, A., Wardas, J., Cristalli, G. and Morelli, betic rats (759) 58 Lindefors, N., Barati, S. and O’Connor, W.T. M. Terada, T., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 Differential effects of single and repeated Adenosine A,, receptor agonists increase Thanasoulis, L.C., see Conrad, C.D. (759) 76 ketamine administration on dopamine, sero- Fos-like immunoreactivity in mesolimbic Tojo, S., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 tonin and GABA transmission in rat medial areas (759) 41 Tominaga, T., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 prefrontal cortex (759) 205 Prado, R., see Stagliano, N.E. (759) 32 Tong, J.X., see Tantuwaya, V.S. (759) 58 Lépez-Colomé, A.M., see Miranda, M.I. (759) Torterolo, P., see Pedemonte, M. (759) 24 141 Rabin, R.A., see Helsley, S. (759) 306 Tortorici, V., see Vanegas, H. (759) 171 Lupien, S.J., see Conrad, C.D. (759) 76 Rasmusson, D.D., see Détári, L. (759) 112 Truong, D.D., see Kanthasamy, A.G. (759) 1 Reilly, J.F., Bair, L. and Kumari, V. Heparan sulfate modifies the effects of ba- Maccari, S., see Koehl, M. (759) 317 sic fibroblast growth factor on glial reactiv- Martau, J.M., see Holmes, G.M. (759) 197 ity (759) 277 Uhl, A., see Hildebrand, B. (759) 285 Marvel, C.L., see Gillespie, C.F. (759) 181 Rich, K.M., see Tantuwaya, V.S. (759) 58 Masuyama, T. and Shimizu, T. Rickman, A.J., see DeLeo, J.A. (759) 50 Antinociceptive involvement of substance P Valentine, J.D., see Matta, S.G. (759) 259 Rogers, R.C., see Holmes, G.M. (759) 197 in the spinal cord of mice: dose effects of Vanegas, H., Tortorici, V., Eblen-Zajjur, A. and Ruggiero, D.A., Sica, A.L., Anwar, M., Frasier, substance P on the behavior elicited by Vasquez, E. I., Gootman, N. and Gootman, P.M. intrathecally administered NMDA (759) 241 PAG-microinjected dipyrone (metamizol) Induction of c-fos gene expression by spinal Matsumoto, R.R., see Kanthasamy, A.G. (759) inhibits responses of spinal dorsal horn neu- cord transection in Sus scrofa (759) 301 l rons to natural noxious stimulation in rats Matsuo, Y., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 Sassani, J.W., see Zagon, I.S. (759) 92 (759) 171 Matsuura, N., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 Schmidt, R.E., see Tantuwaya, V.S. (759) 58 Vasquez, E., see Vanegas, H. (759) 171 Matta, S.G., Valentine, J.D. and Sharp, B.M. Schmued, L.C. and Bowyer, J.F. Velluti, R.A., see Pedemonte, M. (759) 24 Nicotine activates NPY and catecholaminer- Methamphetamine exposure can produce Villadiego, A., see Tantuwaya, V.S. (759) 58 gic neurons in brainstem regions involved neuronal degeneration in mouse hippocam- Vizi, E.S., see Hennings, E.C.P. (759) 292 in ACTH secretion (759) 259 pal remnants (759) 135 VondraSova, D., Hajek, I. and Illnerová, H. McDonald, J.W., Behrens, M.I., Chung, C., Schmued, L.C., see Freyaldenhoven, T.E. (759) Exposure to long summer days affects the Bhattacharyya, T. and Choi, D.W. 9 human melatonin and cortisol rhythms (759) Susceptibility to apoptosis is enhanced in Seifritz, E., Stahl, S.M. and Gillin, J.C. 166 immature cortical neurons (759) 228 Human sleep EEG following the 5-HT,, Vu, T.Q., see Kanthasamy, A.G. (759) 1 McEwen, B.S., see Conrad, C.D. (759) 76 antagonist pindolol: possible disinhibition McLaughlin, P.J., see Zagon, 1.S. (759) 92 of raphe neuron activity (759) 84 Meyer, D.K., see Hildebrand, B. (759) 285 Semba, K., see Détári, L. (759) 112 Wada, Y., Shiraishi, J., Nakamura, M. and Michikawa, M., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 Sharp, B.M., see Matta, S.G. (759) 259 Koshino, Y. Mintz, E.M., see Gillespie, C.F. (759) 181 Shimizu, T., see Masuyama, T. (759) 241 Effects of the 5-HT, receptor agonist 1-(m- Miranda, M.I., López-Colomé, A.M. and Shiraishi, J., see Wada, Y. (759) 313 chloropheny])-biguanide in the rat kindling Bermúdez-Rattoni, F. Shiraishi, M., Kamiyama, Y., Hüttemeier, P.C. model of epilepsy (759) 313 Recovery of taste aversion leaming induced and Benveniste, H. Wang, C.X., Olschowka, J.A. and Wrathall, by fetal neocortex grafts: correlation with in Extracellular glutamate and dopamine mea- IR. vivo extracellular acetylcholine (759) 141 sured by microdialysis in the rat striatum Increase of interleukin-18 mRNA and pro- Mizugaki, M., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 during blockade of synaptic transmission in tein in the spinal cord following experimen- Mizuno, Y., see Yamamoto, M. (759) 153 anesthetized and awake rats (759) 221 tal traumatic injury in the rat (759) 190 Morelli, M., see Pinna, A. (759) 41 Sica, A.L., see Ruggiero, D.A. (759) 301 Wardas, J., see Pinna, A. (759) 41 Morita, T., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 Sims, T.J., see Kane, C.J.M. (759) 163 Wild, J.M. i Morooka, S., see Suzuki, H. (759) 321 Stagliano, N.E., Dietrich, W.D., Prado, R., The avian somatosensory system: The path- Green, E.J. and Busto, R. way from wing to Wulst in a passerine Nakamura, M., see Wada, Y. (759) 313 The role of nitric oxide in the pathophysiol- (Chloris chloris) (759) 122 Nanba, E., see Kitamura, Y. (759) 295 ogy of thromboembolic stroke in the rat Winter, J.C., see Helsley, S. (759) 306 Näsström, J., see Karlsson, U. (759) 270 (759) 32 Wrathall, J.R., see Wang, C.X. (759) 190 332 Author Index Xu, H.-m. and Gutmann, D.H. Yamasaki, Y., Matsuo, Y., Zagorski, J., Mat- Zagon, I.S., Sassani, J.W., Kane, E.R. and Mutations in the GAP-related domain im- suura, N., Onodera, H., Itoyama, Y. and McLaughlin, P.J. pair the ability of neurofibromin to associ- Kogure, K. Homeostasis of ocular surface epithelium in ate with microtubules (759) 149 New therapeutic possibility of blocking cy- the rat is regulated by opioid growth factor tokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (759) 92 Yamamoto, M., Kondo, I., Ogawa, N., on transient ischemic brain damage in rats Zagorski, J., see Yamasaki, Y. (759) 103 Asanuma, M., Yamashita, Y. and Mizuno, (759) 103 Zhang, D.-Q. and Yang, X.-L. Y. Yamashita, Y., see Yamamoto, M. (759) 153 OFF pathway is preferentially suppressed Genetic association between susceptibility Yang, X.-L., see Zhang, D.-Q. (759) 160 by the activation of GABA, receptors in to Parkinson’s disease and a ,-anti- Yoshimoto, T., see Fujimura, M. (759) 247 carp retina (759) 160 chymotrypsin polymorphism (759) 153 (contents continued) Prenatal stress induces a phase advance of circadian corticosterone rhythm in adult rats which is prevented by postnatal stress M. Koehl, A. Barbazanges, M. Le Moal and S. Maccari (France) Expressions of P-selectin- and HSP72-like immunoreactivities in rat brain after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion H. Suzuki, K. Abe, S. Tojo, S. Morooka, K. Kimura, M. Mizugaki and Y. Itoyama (Japan) Author Index

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