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Brain Research 1996: Vol 732 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1996: Vol 732 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH R Brain Research 732 (1996) 269-270 Author Index Abe, K., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Colago, E.E.O., see Van Bockstaele, E.J. (732) Gu, Q., see Liu, Y. (732) 36 Aguila-Mansilla, N., see Barnea, A. (732) 52 223 Guido, M.E., Rusak, B. and Robertson, H.A. Andrews, N., see Gonzalez, L.E. (732) 145 Conklin, D., see Cowan, K. (732) 106 Spontaneous circadian and light-induced ex- Aoki, M., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Cousins, M.S. and Salamone, J.D. pression of junB mRNA in the hamster Argandona, E.G. and Lafuente, J.V. Skilled motor deficits in rats induced by suprachiasmatic nucleus (732) 215 Effects of dark-rearing on the vasculariza- ventrolateral striatal dopamine depletions: tion of the developmental rat visual cortex behavioral and pharmacological characteri- Herbison, A.E., see Simonian, S.X. (732) 247 (732) 43 zation (732) 186 Hirano, M., Yamashita, Y. and Miyakawa, A. Aschner, M., see Cowan, K. (732) 106 Cowan, K., Conklin, D. and Aschner, M. In vivo visualization of hippocampal cells Aschner, M.. see Vitarella, D. (732) 169 Metallothionein induction by bismuth in and dynamics of Ca?* concentration during Aston-Jones, G., see Valentino, R.J. (732) I neonatal rat primary astrocyte cultures (732) anoxia: feasibility of a fiber-optic plate mi- Avraham, Y., Bonne, O. and Berry, E.M. 106 croscope system for in vivo experiments Behavioral and neurochemical alterations Cynader, M.S., see Liu, Y. (732) 36 (732) 61 caused by diet restriction — the effect of Hirayama, K., see Minamiura, Y. (732) 209 tyrosine administration in mice (732) 133 Dellmann, H.D., see Huang, Y.-S. (732) 95 Honoré, P., Buritova, J. and Besson, J.-M. De Mátos, F.M.G., see Silveira, L.C.L. (732) The effects of morphine on carrageenin- 237 induced spinal c-Fos expression are com- Barnea, A., Aguila-Mansilla, N., Chute, H.T. De Mendonga, A., see Lucchi, R. (732) 261 pletely blocked by B-funaltrexamine, a se- aCnodm paWerlicshoenr , ofA .nA.e urotrophin regulation of Donovan, J. and Slomianka, L. lective -opioid receptor antagonist (732) 242 human and rat neuropeptide Y (NPY) neu- Distribution of mossy fibres in the hip- pocampus of two closely related species of Huang, Y.-S. and Dellmann, H.D. rons: induction of NPY production in aggre- mice (732) 253 Chronic intermittent salt loading enhances gate cultures derived from rat but not from human fetal brains (732) 52 Durham, R.A., Johnson, J.D., Moore, K.E. and functional recovery from polydipsia and BehaMn.,, DS.uPt.t,o n,C epS.o,i ,L owD.r,y , FiPs.cJh.e ra, nd W.VHa.l,e , PWa.rkW,. ELvoiodkeinncgel antdh,a t KD.,J. receptor-mediated activa- spuortvhiavlaalm iocf vsausproaporpetsisci nenrugcilce usc elflos llionw ithneg hy- tion of hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular transection of the hypophysial stalk (732) Characterization of a sheep brain corti- 95 cotropin releasing factor binding protein. dopaminergic neurons in the male rat occurs (Brain Research 709 (1996) 265-274) via inhibition of tonically active afferent (BRES 11959) (732) 267 dynorphinergic neurons (732) 113 Ino, H. and Chiba, T. Intracellular localization of cyclin-depen- Berry, E.M., see Avraham, Y. (732) 133 dent kinase 5 (CDK5) in mouse neuron: Besson, J.-M., see Honoré, P. (732) 242 Ferger, D. and Krieglstein, J. CDKS is located in both nucleus and cyto- Bonne, O., see Avraham, Y. (732) 133 Determination of intracellular Ca?* concen- Burdette, L.J., see Gilbert, M.E. (732) 201 tration can be a useful tool to predict neu- plasm (732) 179 Itoyama, Y., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Buritova, J., see Honoré, P. (732) 242 ronal damage and neuroprotective proper- ties of drugs (732) 87 File, S.E., see Gonzalez, L.E. (732) 145 Johnson, J.D., see Durham, R.A. (732) 113 Capodilupo, J.G., see Walker, P.D. (732) 25 Fischer, W.H., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 Carlock, L.R., see Walker, P.D. (732) 25 Flanders, K.C., see Ren, R.F. (732) 16 Kanazawa, I., see Yazawa, I. (732) 154 Cepoi, D., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 Fujiwara, M., see Nakanishi, H. (732) 232 Kawachi, A., see Nakanishi, H. (732) 232 Chan, Y.S., Chen, C.W. and Lai, C.H. Kawashima, I., Nagata, I. and Tai, T. Response of medial medullary reticular neu- Immunocytochemical analysis of ganglio- rons to otolith stimulation during bidirec- Gilbert, M.E. and Burdette, L.J. sides in rat primary cerebellar cultures using tional off-vertical axis rotation of the cat Enhancement of paired-pulse depression in specific monoclonal antibodies (732) 75 (732) 159 the dentate gyrus in vivo by the NMDA Kimelberg, H.K., see Vitarella, D. (732) 169 Chen, C.W., see Chan, Y.S. (732) 159 antagonist, MK-801, and electrical kindling Konishi, Y., see Zhu, J. (732) 257 Chen, S., see Valentino, R.J. (732) 1 (732) 201 Krieglstein, J., see Ferger, D. (732) 87 Chiba, T., see Ino, H. (732) 179 Gonzalez, L.E., Andrews, N. and File, S.E. Chiou, A.L., see Wang, Y. (732) 268 5-HT,, and benzodiazepine receptors in the Chrétien, M., see Meyer, A. (732) 121 basolateral amygdala modulate anxiety in Lafuente, J.V., see Argandoña, E.G. (732) 43 Chrétien, P., see Meyer, A. (732) 121 the social interaction test, but not in the Lai, C.H., see Chan, Y.S. (732) 159 Chute, H.T., see Barnea, A. (732) 52 elevated plus-maze (732) 145 Latini, S., see Lucchi, R. (732) 261 270 Author Index Lin, J.C., see Wang, Y. (732) 268 Pontes-Arruda, A., see Silveira, L.C.L. (732) Vinadé, L. and Rodnight, R. Liu, Y., Meiri, K.F., Cynader, M.S. and Gu, Q. 237 The dephosphorylation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the immature rat Nerve growth factor induced modification Ren, R.F. and Flanders, K.C. hippocampus is catalyzed mainly by a type of presynaptic elements in adult visual cor- tex in vivo (732) 36 Transforming growth factors-B protect pri- 1 protein phosphatase (732) 195 Lookingland, K.J., see Durham, R.A. (732) 113 mary rat hippocampal neuronal cultures Vitarella, D., Kimelberg, H.K. and Aschner, M. from degeneration induced by B-amyloid Inhibition of regulatory volume decrease in Lowry, P.J., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 peptide (732) 16 swollen rat primary astrocyte cultures by Lucchi, R., Latini, S., De Mendonga, A., Sebas- tiäo, A.M. and Ribeiro, J.A. Ribeiro, J.A., see Lucchi, R. (732) 261 methylmercury is due to increased Robertson, H.A., see Guido, M.E. (732) 215 amiloride-sensitive Na* uptake (732) 169 Adenosine by activating A, receptors pre- Rodnight, R., see Vinadé, L. (732) 195 vents GABA ,-mediated actions during hy- Rusak, B., see Guido, M.E. (732) 215 poxia in the rat hippocampus (732) 261 Walker, P.D., Capodilupo, J.G., Wolf, W.A. Sadahiro, M., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 and Carlock, L.R. Marcinkiewicz, M., see Meyer, A. (732) 121 Sakurai, M., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Preprotachykinin and preproenkephalin Massicotte, G., see Meyer, A. (732) 121 Salamone, J.D., see Cousins, M.S. (732) 186 mRNA expression within striatal subregions Matsuura, S., see Minamiura, Y. (732) 209 Sargent, C., see Meyer, A. (732) 121 in response to altered serotonin transmission Meiri, K.F., see Liu, Y. (732) 36 Sebastiäo, A.M., see Lucchi, R. (732) 261 (732) 25 Meyer, A., Chrétien, P., Massicotte, G., Sar- Shoji, M., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Wang, Y., Chiou, A.L., Yang, S.T. and Lin, gent, C., Chrétien, M. and Marcinkiewicz, Silveira, L.C.L., De Mátos, F.M.G., Pontes- TC. M. Arruda, A., Picango-Diniz, C.W. and Mu- Ketamine antagonizes hypoxia-induced Kainic acid increases the expression of the niz, J.A.P. dopamine release in rat striatum (Brain Re- prohormone convertases furin and PCI in Late development of Zif268 ocular domi- search 693 (1995) 233-245) (BRES 11530) the mouse hippocampus (732) 121 nance columns in primary visual cortex of (732) 268 Minamiura, Y., Hirayama, K., Murata, R. and primates (732) 237 Watanabe, M., Sakurai, M., Abe, K., Aoki, M., Matsuura, S. Simonian, S.X. and Herbison, A.E. Sadahiro, M., Tabayashi, K., Okamoto, K., Effect of hyperthermia on hippocampal Localization of neuronal nitric oxide syn- Shoji, M. and Itoyama, Y. synaptic transmission and CA3 kindling in thase-immunoreactivity within sub-popula- Inductions of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase- developing rats (732) 209 tions of noradrenergic A, and A, neurons and nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreac- Miyakawa, A., see Hirano, M. (732) 61 in the rat (732) 247 tivities in rabbit spinal cord after transient Moore, K.E., see Durham, R.A. (732) 113 Slomianka, L., see Donovan, J. (732) 253 ischemia (732) 69 Muniz, J.A.P., see Silveira, L.C.L. (732) 237 Sudo, M., see Zhu, J. (732) 257 Welcher, A.A., see Barnea, A. (732) 52 Muramatsu, I., see Zhu, J. (732) 257 Sutton, S., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 Wolf, W.A., see Walker, P.D. (732) 25 Murata, R., see Minamiura, Y. (732) 209 Tabayashi, K., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Nagata, I., see Kawashima, I. (732) 75 Tai, T., see Kawashima, I. (732) 75 Yamamoto, K., see Nakanishi, H. (732) 232 Nakanishi, H., Kawachi, A., Okada, M., Fuji- Takita, M., see Zhu, J. (732) 257 Yamashita, Y., see Hirano, M. (732) 61 wara, M. and Yamamoto, K. Yang, S.T., see Wang, Y. (732) 268 Protective effect of MK-801 on the anoxia— Vale, W.W., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 Yazawa, I., Nukina, N. and Kanazawa, I. aglycemia induced damage in the fluoroci- Valentino, R.J., Chen, S., Zhu, Y. and Aston- Characterization of dentatorubral-pallido- trate-treated hippocampal slice of the rat Jones, G. luysian atrophy proteins using two-dimen- (732) 232 Evidence for divergent projections to the sional electrophoretic analysis (732) 154 Nukina, N., see Yazawa, I. (732) 154 brain noradrenergic system and the spinal parasympathetic system from Barrington's Okada, M., see Nakanishi, H. (732) 232 nucleus (732) 1 Zhu, J., Takita, M., Konishi, Y., Sudo, M. and Okamoto, K., see Watanabe, M. (732) 69 Van Bockstaele, E.J. and Colago, E.E.O. Muramatsu, I. Ultrastructural localization of the kainate Chronic nicotine treatment delays the devel- Park, M., see Behan, D.P. (732) 267 selective glutamate receptor in noradrener- opmental increase in brain muscarinic re- Picango-Diniz, C.W., see Silveira, L.C.L. (732) gic perikarya and dendrites of the nucleus ceptors in rat neonate (732) 257 237 locus coeruleus in the rat brain (732) 223 Zhu, Y., see Valentino, R.J. (732) 1

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