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Brain Research 1995: Vol 697 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1995: Vol 697 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH PA RAK LSEVIER Brain Research 697 (1995) 280-281 Author Index Ableitner, A., see Fabian, I. (697) 205 Freeman, T.B., see Borlongan, C.V. (697) 254 Kaddis, F.G., Uretsky, N.J. and Wallace, L.J. Fride, E. DNQX in the nucleus accumbens inhibits Banik, N.L., see Li, Z. (697) 112 Anandamides: tolerance and cross-tolerance cocaine-induced conditioned place prefer- to A?-tetrahydrocannabinol (697) 83 ence (697) 76 Batini, C., see Jones, N. (697) 216 Kamada, H., see Hiramatsu, M. (697) 44 Beck, M.M., see Teruyama, R. (697) 169 Kashiwagi, S., see Kawakami, N. (697) 104 Bennett, M.R., see Nichol, K.A. (697) 1 Gemba, H., Miki, N. and Sasaki, K. Katada, T., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 Berrebi, A.S., see Mack, C.M. (697) 152 Cortical field potentials preceding vocaliza- Kawakami, N., Kashiwagi, S., Kitahara, T., Besson, J.-M., see Chapman, V. (697) 258 tion and influences of cerebellar hemispher- Yamashita, T. and Ito, H. Boehm, G.W., see Mack, C.M. (697) 152 ectomy upon them in monkeys (697) 143 Borland, K., see Login, I.S. (697) 271 Gold, P.E., see Login, I.S. (697) 271 Effect of local administration of basic fibroblast growth factor against neuronal Gonchar, Y.A., Johnson, P.B. and Weinberg, Borlongan, C.V., Koutouzis, T.K., Freeman, T.B., Cahill, D.W. and Sanberg, P.R. RJ. damage caused by transient intracerebral mass lesion in rats (697) 104 Behavioral pathology induced by repeated GABA-immunopositive neurons in rat neo- Kitahara, T., see Kawakami, N. (697) 104 systemic injections of 3-nitropropionic acid cortex with contralateral projections to S-I (697) 27 Koed, K., see Linnet, K. (697) 251 mimics the motoric symptoms of Hunting- Kon, S.-i., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 ton’s disease (697) 254 Gregersen, N., see Linnet, K. (697) 251 Koutouzis, T.K., see Borlongan, C.V. (697) 254 Bowser, R., see Ksiezak-Reding, H. (697) 63 Ksiezak-Reding, H., Leibowitz, R.L., Bowser, Buritova, J., see Chapman, V. (697) 258 Haile, D.T., see Shain, D.H. (697) 241 R. and Davies, P. Hara, A., Yoshimi, N., Hirose, Y., Ino, N., Binding of Alz 50 depends on Phe® in tau Cahill, D.W., see Borlongan, C.V. (697) 254 Tanaka, T. and Mori, H. synthetic peptides and varies between native Cao, C., Matsumura, K., Yamagata, K. and DNA fragmentation in granular cells of hu- and denatured tau proteins (697) 63 Watanabe, Y. man cerebellum following global ischemia Kunimatsu, M., see Onizuka, K. (697) 179 (697) 247 Induction by lipopolysaccharide of cyclo- oxygenase-2 mRNA in rat brain; its possi- Harrison, M.B., see Login, I.S. (697) 271 ble role in the febrile response (697) 187 Hiramatsu, M., Oikawa, K., Noda, H., Mori, LeDoux, M.S., Lorden, J.F. and Meinzen-Derr, Caston, J., see Jones, N. (697) 216 A., Ogata, T. and Kamada, H. J. Chapman, V., Buritova, J., Honoré, P. and Free radical imaging by electron spin reso- Selective elimination of cerebellar output in Besson, J.-M. nance computed tomography in rat brain the genetically dystonic rat (697) 91 (697) 44 7-Nitro-indazole, a selective inhibitor of Leibowitz, R.L., see Ksiezak-Reding, H. (697) neuronal nitric oxide synthase, reduces for- Hirose, Y., see Hara, A. (697) 247 63 malin evoked c-Fos expression in dorsal Hönack, D., see Löscher, W. (697) 197 Leung, L.S. and Zhao, D.C. horn neurons of the rat spinal cord (697) Honoré, P., see Chapman, V. (697) 258 Glial potentials evoked by single afferent 258 pulses in hippocampal CA1 area in vitro Cherniack, N.S., see Prabhakar, N.R. (697) 266 Ikeda, K., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 (697) 262 Cotman, C.W., see Satou, T. (697) 35 Ino, N., see Hara, A. (697) 247 Li, Z. and Banik, N.L. Cotman, C.W., see Woods, A.G. (697) 53 Ishii, Y., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 The localization of mcalpain in myelin: Cribbs, D.H., see Woods, A.G. (697) 53 Ishikawa, K., Ohe, Y. and Tatemoto, K. immunocytochemical evidence in different Cummings, B.J., see Satou, T. (697) 35 Synthesis and secretion of insulin-like areas of rat brain and nerves (697) 112 Curlewis, J.D., Thiéry, J.-C. and Malpaux, B. growth factor (IGF)-II and IGF binding pro- Linnet, K., Koed, K., Wiborg, O. and Gregersen, Effect of hypothalamic infusion of a dopa- tein-2 by cultivated brain meningeal cells N. mine D, receptor antagonist on prolactin (697) 122 Serotonin depletion decreases serotonin secretion in the ewe (697) 48 Ito, H., see Kawakami, N. (697) 104 transporter MRNA levels in rat brain (697) 251 Davies, P., see Ksiezak-Reding, H. (697) 63 Jhamandas, K., see Wang, L. (697) 130 Login, I.S., Borland, K., Harrison, M.B., Davies, P., see Scott, J.J.A. (697) 225 Johnson, P.B., see Gonchar, Y.A. (697) 27 Ragozzino, M.E. and Gold, P.E. Denenberg, V.H., see Mack, C.M. (697) 152 Jones, N., Stelz, T., Batini, C. and Caston, J. Acetylcholine release from dissociated stri- Effects of lesion of the inferior olivary com- atal cells (697) 271 Fabian, I. and Ableitner, A. plex in learning of the equilibrium behavior Lorden, J.F., see LeDoux, M.S. (697) 91 Brain sites involved in s-opioid receptor- in the young rat during ontogenesis. I. Total Léscher, W., Wahnschaffe, U., Hönack, D. and mediated actions: a 2-deoxyglucose study lesion of the inferior olive by 3-acetylpyri- Rundfeldt, C. (697) 205 dine (697) 216 Does prolonged implantation of depth elec- Author Index 281 trodes predispose the brain to kindling? that project to the paraventricular thalamic Shenoy, B.C., see Prabhakar, N.R. (697) 266 (697) 197 nucleus in the rat (697) 17 Simonson, M.S., see Prabhakar, N.R. (697) 266 Otsuka, N., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 Stelz, T., see Jones, N. (697) 216 Ozaki, Y., see Onizuka, K. (697) 179 Mack, C.M., Boehm, G.W., Berrebi, A.S. and Tanaka, T., see Hara, A. (697) 247 Denenberg, V.H. Tatemoto, K., see Ishikawa, K. (697) 122 Sex differences in the distribution of axon Page, G.K. and Morton, A.J. Teruyama, R. and Beck, M.M. types within the genu of the rat corpus Correlation of neuronal loss with increased callosum (697) 152 expression of NADPH diaphorase in cul- Development of metabolic response in male quail brain during sexual maturation (697) Malpaux, B., see Curlewis, J.D. (697) 48 tured rat cerebellum and cerebral cortex 169 Manabe, Y., see Saito, T. (697) 276 (697) 157 Thiéry, J.-C., see Curlewis, J.D. (697) 48 Matsumura, K., see Cao, C. (697) 187 Petit, J., see Scott, J.J.A. (697) 225 Meinzen-Derr, J., see LeDoux, M.S. (697) 91 Prabhakar, N.R., Shenoy, B.C., Simonson, M.S. Uretsky, N.J., see Kaddis, F.G. (697) 76 Miki, N., see Gemba, H. (697) 143 and Cherniack, N.S. Milne, B., see Wang, L. (697) 130 Cell selective induction and transcriptional Verrastro, T.A., see Shain, D.H. (697) 241 Mizuguchi, M., Otsuka, N., Sato, M., Ishii, Y., activation of immediate early genes by hy- poxia (697) 266 Kon, S.-i., Yamada, M., Nishina, H., Katada, Wahnschaffe, U., see Lischer, W. (697) 197 T. and Ikeda, K. Wallace, L.J., see Kaddis, F.G. (697) 76 Neuronal localization of CD38 antigen in Ragozzino, M.E., see Login, I.S. (697) 271 Wang, L., Milne, B. and Jhamandas, K. the human brain (697) 235 Ruggiero, D.A., see Otake, K. (697) 17 Involvement of excitatory amino acid path- Mori, A., see Hiramatsu, M. (697) 44 Rundfeldt, C., see Löscher, W. (697) 197 ways in the expression of precipitated opi- Mori, H., see Hara, A. (697) 247 oid withdrawal in the rostral ventrolateral Morton, A.J., see Page, G.K. (697) 157 Saito, H., see Saito, T. (697) 276 medulla: an in vivo voltammetric study Muramatsu, K., see Onizuka, K. (697) 179 Saito, T., Yamamoto, T., Zhang, Z.J., Yamada, (697) 130 T., Manabe, Y. and Saito, H. Watanabe, Y., see Cao, C. (697) 187 Nakamura, Y., see Otake, K. (697) 17 Transplatin blocks voltage-dependent cal- Weinberg, R.J., see Gonchar, Y.A. (697) 27 Nichol, K.A., Schulz, M.W. and Bennett, M.R. cium current in isolated cochlear outer hair Whittemore, E.R., see Woods, A.G. (697) 53 Nitric oxide-mediated death of cultured neo- cells but is not ototoxic in vivo (697) 276 Wiborg, O., see Linnet, K. (697) 251 natal retinal ganglion cells: neuroprotective Sanberg, P.R., see Borlongan, C.V. (697) 254 Woods, A.G., Cribbs, D.H., Whittemore, E.R. properties of glutamate and chondroitin sul- Sasaki, K., see Gemba, H. (697) 143 and Cotman, C.W. fate proteoglycan (697) 1 Sasaki, M., see Onizuka, K. (697) 179 Heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate Nishina, H., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 Sato, M., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 glycosaminoglycan attenuate B-amyloid Nishino, H., see Onizuka, K. (697) 179 Satou, T., Cummings, B.J. and Cotman, C.W. (25-35) induced neurodegeneration in cul- Noda, H., see Hiramatsu, M. (697) 44 Immunoreactivity for Bcl-2 protein within tured hippocampal neurons (697) 53 neurons in the Alzheimer’s disease brain Ogata, T., see Hiramatsu, M. (697) 44 increases with disease severity (697) 35 Yamada, M., see Mizuguchi, M. (697) 235 Ohe, Y., see Ishikawa, K. (697) 122 Schulz, M.W., see Nichol, K.A. (697) 1 Yamada, T., see Saito, T. (697) 276 Oikawa, K., see Hiramatsu, M. (697) 44 Scott, J.J.A., Davies, P. and Petit, J. Yamagata, K., see Cao, C. (697) 187 Onizuka, K., Kunimatsu, M., Ozaki, Y., Mura- The static sensitivity of tendon organs dur- Yamamoto, T., see Saito, T. (697) 276 ing recovery from nerve injury (697) 225 Yamashita, T., see Kawakami, N. (697) 104 matsu, K., Sasaki, M. and Nishino, H. Distribution of -calpain proenzyme in the Shain, D.H., Haile, D.T., Verrastro, T.A. and Yoshimi, N., see Hara, A. (697) 247 brain and other neural tissues in the rat Zuber, M.X. Zhang, Z.J., see Saito, T. (697) 276 (697) 179 Cloning and embryonic expression of Otake, K., Ruggiero, D.A. and Nakamura, Y. Xenopus laevis GAP-43 (XGAP-43) (697) Zhao, D.C., see Leung, L.S. (697) 262 Adrenergic innervation of forebrain neurons 241 Zuber, M.X., see Shain, D.H. (697) 241

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