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Brain Research 1995: Vol 675 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1995: Vol 675 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH Brain Research 675 (1995) 351-353 Author Index Abe, K., see Fukudo, S. (675) 98 Dunlop, D.S., see Kenessey, A. (675) 183 Changes in preprotachykinin mRNA ex- Albers, H.E., see Huhman, K.L. (675) 333 Dunn-Meynell, A.A. and Levin, B.E. pression and substance P levels in dorsal Albores, R., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 Lateralized effect of unilateral so- root ganglia of monoarthritic rats: com- Allen, A.M., see MacGregor, D.P. (675) 231 matosensory cortex contusion on behav- parison with changes in synovial sub- Amir, S., see Edelstein, K. (675) 135 ior and cortical reorganization (675) 143 stance P levels (675) 203 Gay, N., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 Armstead, W.M., see Devine, J.O. (675) 257 Gearhart, D., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 Azzaro, A.J., see Cratty, M.S. (675) 297 Edelstein, K., Pfaus, J.G., Rusak, B. and Giaume, M., Grange, E., Baubet, V., Gay, Amir, S. Babagbemi, T.O., see Huhman, K.L. (675) Neonatal monosodium glutamate treat- N., Sermet, E., Sarda, N. and Bobillier, 333 ment prevents effects of constant light on P. Barth, A., see Newell, D.W. (675) 38 circadian temperature rhythms of adult Cerebral protein synthesis alterations in Batini, C., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 rats (675) 135 response to acute and chronic immobi- Baubet, V., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 Edwards, P.C., see Ruben, G.C. (675) 1 lization stress in the rat (675) 121 Benicourt, C., see Lockhart, B.P. (675) 110 Eilon, G., see Oliff, H.S. (675) 20 Gieroba, Z.J., Zhu, B.-S., Blessing, W.W. Birkle, D.L., see Cratty, M.S. (675) 297 Ellenberger, E.A., see Hara, S. (675) 190 and Wesselingh, S.L. Bíró, É., see Sarnyai, Z. (675) 89 Endo, T., see Hara, S. (675) 190 Herpes Simplex Virus induces Fos ex- Blessing, W.W., see Gieroba, Z.J. (675) 329 pression in rat brainstem neurons (675) Engelhardt, J.K., Morales, F.R., Castillo, Bobillier, P., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 329 P.E., Pedroarena, C., Pose, I. and Chase, Glick, S.D., see Pearl, S.M. (675) 342 Bonhomme, N., Cador, M., Stinus, L., M.H. Le Moal, M. and Spampinato, U. Experimental analysis of the method of Gonzalez-Mora, J.L., see Mas, M. (675) 13 Short and long-term changes in dopamine ‘peeling’ exponentials for measuring pas- Grange, E., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 and serotonin receptor binding sites in sive electrical properties of mammalian Gundlach, A.L., see King, P.R. (675) 264 amphetamine-sensitized rats: a quantita- motoneurons (675) 241 Guy, N., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 tive autoradiographic study (675) 215 Borbély, A.A., see Landolt, H.-P. (675) 67 Fadlallah, N., Guy, N., Teillet, M.-A., Haddad, G.G., see Xia, Y. (675) 224 Broman, J., see Kechagias, S. (675) 316 Schuler, B., Le Douarin, N.M., Naquet, Hammer, Jr., R.P., see Cheung, S. (675) 83 Bruce, J.H., see Neary, J.T. (675) 27 R. and Batini, C. Hara, S., Kuhns, E.R., Ellenberger, E.A., Brain chimeras for the study of an avian Mueller, J.L., Shibuya, T., Endo, T. and Cador, M., see Bonhomme, N. (675) 215 model of genetic epilepsy: structures in- Castillo, P.E., see Engelhardt, J.K. (675) 241 Quock, R.M. volved in sound and light-induced Involvement of nitric oxide in intracere- Chase, M.H., see Engelhardt, J.K. (675) 241 seizures (675) 55 broventricular B-endorphin-induced neu- Cheung, S., Salinas, J. and Hammer, Jr., R.P. Fernandez-Vera, J.R., see Mas, M. (675) 13 ronal release of methionine-enkephalin Gonadal steroid hormone-dependence of Firth, B.T., see Moyer, R.W. (675) 345 B-endorphin-like immunoreactivity in the (675) 190 Fletcher, P.J. Helke, C.J., see Ichikawa, H. (675) 337 medial preoptic area of the rat (675) 83 Collins, M.A., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 Effects of combined or separate 5,7-dihy- Herrick-Davis, K., see Pearl, S.M. (675) 342 droxytryptamine lesions of the dorsal and Hongo, M., see Fukudo, S. (675) 98 Cratty, M.S., Ward, H.E., Johnson, E.A., median raphe nuclei on responding Horvath, T.L., Leranth, C., Kalra, S.P. and Azzaro, A.J. and Birkle, D.L. maintained by a DRL 20s schedule of Naftolino, F. Prenatal stress increases corticotropin-re- food reinforcement (675) 45 Galanin neurons exhibit estrogen recep- leasing factor (CRF) content and release Fregly, M.J., see Rowland, N.E. (675) 127 tor immunoreactivity in the female rat in rat amygdala minces (675) 297 Fukudo, S., Abe, K., Hongo, M., Utsumi, A. mediobasal hypothalamus (675) 321 Cruwys, S.C., see Garrett, N.E. (675) 203 and Itoyama, Y. Huhman, K.L., Babagbemi, T.O. and Albers, Devine, J.O. and Armstead, W.M. Psychophysiological stress induces heat H.E. shock cognate protein (HSC)70 mRNA The role of nitric oxide in opioid-induced Bicuculline blocks neuropeptide Y-in- pial artery vasodilation (675) 257 in the cerebral cortex and stomach of duced phase advances when microin- rats (675) 98 Dijk, D.-J., see Landolt, H.-P. (675) 67 jected in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Dudley, C.A. and Moss, R.L. Fumero, B., see Mas, M. (675) 13 syrian hamsters (675) 333 Electrophysiological evidence for gluta- mate as a vomeronasal receptor cell Gardi, J., see Sarnyai, Z. (675) 89 neurotransmitter (675) 208 Garrett, N.E., Kidd, B.L., Cruwys, S.C. and Ichikawa, H. and Helke, C.J. Duffy, P., see Kalivas, P.W. (675) 325 Tomlinson, D.R. Parvalbumin and calbindin D-28k in va- 352 Author Index gal and glossopharyngeal sensory neu- MacGregor, D.P., Murone, C., Song, K., Nowak, G., Ordway, G.A. and Paul, I.A. rons of the rat (675) 337 Allen, A.M., Paxinos, G. and Mendel- Alterations in the N-methyl-p-aspartate Iqbal, K., see Ruben, G.C. (675) 1 sohn, F.A.O. (NMDA) receptor complex in the frontal Itoyama, Y., see Fukudo, S. (675) 98 Angiotensin II receptor subtypes in the cortex of suicide victims (675) 157 human central nervous system (675) 231 Johnson, E.A., see Cratty, M.S. (675) 297 Malouf, A.T., see Newell, D.W. (675) 38 Oliff, H.S., Weber, E., Eilon, G. and Marek, Jorgensen, S.L., see Neary, J.T. (675) 27 Marek, P., see Oliff, H.S. (675) 20 P. Julesz, J., see Sarnyai, Z. (675) 89 Mas, M., Fumero, B., Fernandez-Vera, J.R. The role of strain/vendor differences on the outcome of focal ischemia induced by Junien, J.-L., see Lockhart, B.P. (675) 110 and Gonzalez-Mora, J.L. Neurochemical correlates of sexual ex- intraluminal middle cerebral artery oc- haustion and recovery as assessed by in clusion in the rat (675) 20 Kalivas, P.W. and Duffy, P. vivo microdialysis (675) 13 Onodera, K., see Suzuki, T. (675) 195 Selective activation of dopamine trans- mission in the shell of the nucleus ac- McDonald, T.J., Li, C. and Wasserman, R.H. Oracion, A.M., see Neary, J.T. (675) 27 Distribution of calbindin-D5., in the Ordway, G.A., see Nowak, G. (675) 157 cumbens by stress (675) 325 Kalra, S.P., see Horvath, T.L. (675) 321 brain of the fetal sheep in late gestation Kechagias, S. and Broman, J. (675) 303 Patston, P.A., see Walker, D.G. (675) 75 Immunocytochemical evidence for vesicu- McGeer, E.G., see Walker, D.G. (675) 75 Paul, I.A., see Nowak, G. (675) 157 lar storage of glutamate in cat spinocervi- McGeer, P.L., see Walker, D.G. (675) 75 Paxinos, G., see MacGregor, D.P. (675) 231 cal and cervicothalamic tract terminals Mendelsohn, F.A.O., see MacGregor, D.P. Pearl, S.M., Herrick-Davis, K., Teitler, M. (675) 316 (675) 231 and Glick, S.D. Kenessey, A., Yen, S.-H., Liu, W.-K., Yang, Misawa, M., see Suzuki, T. (675) 195 Radioligand-binding study of noribo- X.-R. and Dunlop, D.S. Morales, F.R., see Engelhardt, J.K. (675) gaine, a likely metabolite of ibogaine Detection of p-aspartate in tau proteins 241 (675) 342 associated with Alzheimer paired helical Morimoto, A., see Nakamori, T. (675) 103 Pedroarena, C., see Engelhardt, J.K. (675) filaments (675) 183 Moss, R.L., see Dudley, C.A. (675) 208 241 Kennaway, D.J., see Moyer, R.W. (675) 345 Mouradian, R.D., see Sessler, F.M. (675) Pfaus, J.G., see Edelstein, K. (675) 135 Kidd, B.L., see Garrett, N.E. (675) 203 171 Pose, I., see Engelhardt, J.K. (675) 241 Kim, J., see Kim, S.J. (675) 289 Moyer, R.W., Firth, B.T. and Kennaway, Privat, A., see Lockhart, B.P. (675) 110 Kim, S.J., Lim, W. and Kim, J. D.J. Contribution of L- and N-type calcium Effect of constant temperatures, dark- Quock, R.M., see Hara, S. (675) 190 currents to exocytosis in rat adrenal ness and light on the secretion of mela- medullary chromaffin cells (675) 289 tonin by pineal explants and retinas in Raikoff, K., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 Kindel, G., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 the gecko Christinus marmoratus (675) Rowland, N.E., Li, B.-H., Fregly, M.J. and King, P.R., Gundlach, A.L. and Louis, W.J. 345 Smith, G.C. Quantitative autoradiographic localiza- Mueller, J.L., see Hara, S. (675) 190 Fos induced in brain of spontaneously tion in rat brain of a@,-adrenergic and Murakami, N., see Nakamori, T. (675) 103 hypertensive rats by angiotensin II and non-adrenergic I-receptor binding sites Murone, C., see MacGregor, D.P. (675) 231 co-localization with AT-1 receptors (675) 127 labelled by [*H]rilmenidine (675) 264 Kirifides, M.L., see Sessler, F.M. (675) 171 Ruben, G.C., Novak, M., Edwards, P.C. and Kuhns, E.R., see Hara, S. (675) 190 Naftolino, F., see Horvath, T.L. (675) 321 Iqbal, K. Kunihara, M., see Takahashi, M. (675) 249 Nakamori, T., Sakata, Y., Watanabe, T., Alzheimer paired helical filaments, un- Morimoto, A., Nakamura, S. and Mu- treated and pronase digested, studied by Landolt, H.-P., Werth, E., Borbély, A.A. and rakami, N. vertical platinum-carbon replication and Dijk, D.-J. Suppression of interleukin-1 8 produc- high resolution transmission electron mi- Caffeine intake (200 mg) in the morning tion in the circumventricular organs in croscopy (675) 1 affects human sleep and EEG power endotoxin-tolerant rabbits (675) 103 Rusak, B., see Edelstein, K. (675) 135 spectra at night (675) 67 Nakamura, S., see Nakamori, T. (675) 103 Le Douarin, N.M., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 Naquet, R., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 Sakata, Y., see Nakamori, T. (675) 103 Le Moal, M., see Bonhomme, N. (675) 215 Neafsey, E.J., Albores, R., Gearhart, D., Salinas, J., see Cheung, S. (675) 83 Leranth, C., see Horvath, T.L. (675) 321 Kindel, G., Raikoff, K., Tamayo, F. and Santosa, D.N., see Sheu, M.-J. (675) 31 Levin, B.E., see Dunn-Meynell, A.A. (675) Collins, M.A. Sarda, N., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 143 Methyl-8-carbolinium analogs of MPP + Sarnyai, Z., Bird, É., Gardi, J., Vecsernyés, Li, B.-H., see Rowland, N.E. (675) 127 cause nigrostriatal toxicity after substan- M., Julesz, J. and Telegdy, G. Li, C., see McDonald, T.J. (675) 303 tia nigra injections in rats (675) 279 Brain corticotropin-releasing factor me- Lim, W., see Kim, S.J. (675) 289 Neary, J.T., Jorgensen, S.L., Oracion, A.M., diates ‘anxiety-like’ behavior induced by Lin, R.C.-S., see Sessler, F.M. (675) 171 Bruce, J.H. and Norenberg, M.D. cocaine withdrawal in rats (675) 89 Liou, S.-Y., see Takahashi, M. (675) 249 Inhibition of growth factor-induced DNA Schmidt, B.J., see Song, L. (675) 165 Liu, W., see Sessler, F.M. (675) 171 synthesis in astrocytes by ligands of pe- Schuler, B., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 Liu, W.-K., see Kenessey, A. (675) 183 ripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors Sermet, E., see Giaume, M. (675) 121 Lockhart, B.P., Soulard, P., Benicourt, C., (675) 27 Sessler, F.M., Liu, W., Kirifides, M.L., Privat, A. and Junien, J.-L. Newell, D.W., Barth, A. and Malouf, A.T. Mouradian, R.D., Lin, R.C.-S. and Wa- Distinct neuroprotective profiles for 7 Glycine site NMDA receptor antagonists terhouse, B.D. ligands against N-methyl-p-aspartate provide protection against ischemia-in- Noradrenergic enhancement of GABA- (NMDA), and hypoxia-mediated neuro- duced neuronal damage in hippocampal induced input resistance changes in layer toxicity in neuronal culture toxicity stud- slice cultures (675) 38 V regular spiking pyramidal neurons of ies (675) 110 Norenberg, M.D., see Neary, J.T. (675) 27 rat somatosensory cortex (675) 171 Louis, W.J., see King, P.R. (675) 264 Novak, M., see Ruben, G.C. (675) 1 Shefchyk, S.J., see Song, L. (675) 165 Author Index Sheu, M.-J., Sribanditmongkol, P., Santosa, Takahashi, M., Liou, S.-Y. and Kunihara, M. Ward, H.E., see Cratty, M.S. (675) 297 Ca?*- and Cl-dependent, NMDA recep- Warshaw, J.B., see Xia, Y. (675) 224 D.N. and Tejwani, G.A. Inhibition of morphine tolerance and de- tor-mediated neuronal death induced by Wasserman, R.H., see McDonald, T.J. (675) pendence by diazepam and its relation to depolarization in rat hippocampal organ- 303 cyclic AMP levels in discrete rat brain otypic cultures (675) 249 Watanabe, T., see Nakamori, T. (675) 103 regions and spinal cord (675) 31 Takamori, K., see Suzuki, T. (675) 195 Waterhouse, B.D., see Sessler, F.M. (675) Shibuya, T., see Hara, S. (675) 190 Tamayo, F., see Neafsey, E.J. (675) 279 171 Smith, G.C., see Rowland, N.E. (675) 127 Teillet, M.-A., see Fadlallah, N. (675) 55 Weber, E., see Oliff, H.S. (675) 20 Song, K., see MacGregor, D.P. (675) 231 Teitler, M., see Pearl, S.M. (675) 342 Werth, E., see Landolt, H.-P. (675) 67 Tejwani, G.A., see Sheu, M.-J. (675) 31 Wesselingh, S.L., see Gieroba, Z.J. (675) 329 Song, L., Schmidt, B.J. and Shefchyk, S.J. Pelvic and pudendal reflexes in the in Telegdy, G., see Sarnyai, Z. (675) 89 vitro neonatal rat preparation (675) 165 Tomlinson, D.R., see Garrett, N.E. (675) 203 Xia, Y., Warshaw, J.B. and Haddad, G.G. Soulard, P., see Lockhart, B.P. (675) 110 Chronic hypoxia causes opposite effects Spampinato, U., see Bonhomme, N. (675) Utsumi, A., see Fukudo, S. (675) 98 on glucose transporter 1 mRNA in ma- 215 ture versus immature rat brain (675) 224 Sribanditmongkol, P., see Sheu, M.-J. (675) Vecsernyés, M., see Sarnyai, Z. (675) 89 31 Stinus, L., see Bonhomme, N. (675) 215 Yang, X.-R., see Kenessey, A. (675) 183 Suzuki, T., Takamori, K., Misawa, M. and Walker, D.G., Yasuhara, O., Patston, P.A., Yasuhara, O., see Walker, D.G. (675) 75 Onodera, K. McGeer, E.G. and McGeer, P.L. Yen, S.-H., see Kenessey, A. (675) 183 Effects of the histaminergic system on Complement C1 inhibitor is produced by the morphine-induced conditioned place brain tissue and is cleaved in Alzheimer preference in mice (675) 195 disease (675) 75 Zhu, B.-S., see Gieroba, Z.J. (675) 329

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