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Brain Research 1994: Vol 648 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1994: Vol 648 Index

ELSERATV IER Brain Research 648 (1994) 357-359 Author Index Akaike, N., see Nabekura, J. (648) 152 De Backer, J.-P., see Herroelen, L. (648) 222 Herroelen, L., De Backer, J.-P., Wilczak, N., Akaike, N., see Yamamoto, T. (648) 296 De Barros, G.A.M., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) Flamez, A., Vauquelin, G. and Albeck, D.S., see Kuroda, Y. (648) 157 337 De Keyser, J. Alcalde, O., see Shouse, M.N. (648) 352 De Boer, P., see Moor, E. (648) 32 Autoradiographic distribution of D,-type Amico, J.A., see Horwitz, M.J. (648) 59 De Champlain, J., see Poulat, P. (648) 239 dopamine receptors in human brain us- Arce, A., see Salvatierra, N.A. (648) 39 De Keyser, J., see Herroelen, L. (648) 222 ing [’H]7-hydroxy-N, N-di-n-propyl-2- Aschner, M., Mullaney, K.J., Fehm, M.N., Donchin, O., see Yirmiya, R. (648) 80 aminotetralin (648) 222 Vitarella, D., Wagoner Jr., D.E. and D’Orléans-Juste, P., see Poulat, P. (648) 239 Höpker, V.H., Saffrey, M.J. and Burnstock, Kimelberg, H.K. G. The role of sulfhydryl groups in D-aspar- Evers, S.M., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 121 Myenteric plexus explants promote neu- tate and rubidium release from neonatal Evers, S.M., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 135 rite elongation and survival of striatal rat primary astrocyte cultures (648) 16 Eysel, U.T., see Meller, D. (648) 162 neurons in vitro (648) 332 Horwitz, M.J., Bloch, K.D., Kim, N.B. and Fehm, M.N., see Aschner, M. (648) 16 Amico, J.A. Bakshi, V.P. and Kelley, A.E. Fischer, G., see Möckel, V. (648) 109 Expression of the endothelin-1 and oxy- Sensitization and conditioning of feeding Flamez, A., see Herroelen, L. (648) 222 tocin genes in the hypothalamus of the following multiple morphine microinjec- Fox, R.J. and Sorenson, C.A. pregnant rat (648) 59 tions into the nucleus accumbens (648) Bilateral lesions of the amygdala attenu- Huang, W., see Yang, Z. (648) 99 342 ate analgesia induced by diverse environ- Beldhuis, H.J.A., see Moor, E. (648) 32 mental challenges (648) 215 Isaacson, R.L., see Maier, D.L. (648) 281 Bennett, T., see Widdop, R.E. (648) 46 Itano, T., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 Gardiner, S.M., see Widdop, R.E. (648) 46 Bier, M., see Shouse, M.N. (648) 352 Izumi, F., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 Geula, C., see Selden, N. (648) 327 Bittman, E.L., Thomas, E.M. and Zucker, I. Giri, M. and Kaufman, J.M. Jaffe, S.B., Sobieszczyk, S. and Wardlaw, Melatonin binding sites in sciurid and hystricomorph rodents: studies on ground In vitro GnRH release from the isolated S.L. medial basal hypothalamus of the male Effect of opioid antagonism on B-en- squirrels and guinea pigs (648) 73 Bloch, K.D., see Horwitz, M.J. (648) 59 guinea pig: evidence for the existence of dorphin processing and proopiome- two pools of releasable GnRH (648) 270 lanocortin-peptide release in the hy- Boda, B., see Szente, M.B. (648) 203 Goheen, B.L., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 135 pothalamus (648) 24 Buijs, R., see Sousa, N. (648) 53 Gooden, M.D., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) Janowsky, A., see Meshul, C.K. (648) 181 Bureau, Y.R.J., Peredery, O. and Persinger, 121 Jin, G.R., Rao, Z.R. and Shi, J.W. M.A. Gooden, M.D., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) Visceral noxious stimulation induced ex- Concordance of quantitative damage 135 pression of Fos protein in medullary cat- within the diencephalon and telen- Granata, A.R. echolaminergic neurons projecting to nu- cephalon following systemic pilocarpine (380 mg/kg) Rostral ventrolateral medulla descending cleus accumbens in the rat: a study with neurons excited by nucleus tractus soli- triple labeling method of HRP tracing or lithium (3 mEq/kg)/pilocarpine (30 mg/kg) induced seizures (648) 265 tarii inputs (648) 299 combined with Fos and TH immunohis- tochemistry (648) 196 Burnstock, G., see Höpker, V.H. (648) 332 Hastings, N.B., see Kuroda, Y. (648) 157 Hatase, O., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 Kakehata, S., see Yamamoto, T. (648) 296 Chen, C.-C. Havton, L.A., see Ohara, P.T. (648) 259 Kaufman, J.M., see Giri, M. (648) 270 Alterations of protein kinase C isozyme Hendricks, K.R., Kott, J.N., Gooden, M.D., Kawamoto, I., see Nabekura, J. (648) 152 and substrate proteins in mouse brain Lee, M.E., Evers, S.M., Goheen, B.L. Kelley, A.E., see Bakshi, V.P. (648) 342 after electroconvulsive seizures (648) 65 and Westrum, L.E. Kenyon, J.L., see Ward, S.M. (648) 249 Chen, X.Y. and Wolpaw, J.R. Recovery of olfactory behavior. II. Kim, J.H., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 Circadian rhythm in rat H-reflex (648) Neonatal olfactory bulb transplants en- Kim, K., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 167 hance the rate of behavioral recovery Kim, M.O., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 Choi, W.S., Kim, M.O., Lee, B.J., Kim, J.H., (648) 135 Kim, N.B., see Horwitz, M.J. (648) 59 Sun, W., Seong, J.Y. and Kim, K. Hendricks, K.R., Kott, J.N., Lee, M.E., Kimelberg, H.K., see Aschner, M. (648) 16 Presence of gonadotropin-releasing hor- Gooden, M.D., Evers, S.M. and Westrum, Kobayashi, H., Ueno, S., Tsutsui, M., mone mRNA in the rat olfactory piri- L.E. Okazaki, M., Uezono, Y., Yanagihara, form cortex (648) 148 Recovery of olfactory behavior. I. Recov- N., Yuhi, T. and Izumi, F. Copolov, D.L., see Yang, Z. (648) 99 ery after a complete olfactory bulb lesion C-Type natriuretic peptide increases Couture, R., see Poulat, P. (648) 239 correlates with patterns of olfactory nerve cyclic GMP in rat cerebral microvessels Cuello, A.C., see Liberini, P. (648) 1 penetration (648) 121 in primary culture (648) 324 358 Author Index / Brain Research 648 (1994) 357-359 Kott, J.N., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 121 Miyamoto, K., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 Saffrey, M.J., see Höpker, V.H. (648) 332 Kott, J.N., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 135 Möckel, V. and Fischer, G. Saito, H., see Yamamoto, T. (648) 296 Krieger, M., see Tillet, Y. (648) 319 Vulnerability to excitotoxic stimuli of cul- Saito, T., see Yamamoto, T. (648) 296 Kuroda, Y., Watanabe, Y., Albeck, D.S., tured rat hippocampal neurons contain- Salvatierra, N.A., Marín, R.H., Arce, A. and Hastings, N.B. and McEwen, B.S. ing the calcium-binding proteins calre- Martijena, I.D. Effects of adrenalectomy and Type I or tinin and calbindin Dsg (648) 109 Chick imprinting performance and sus- Type II glucocorticoid receptor activation Moia, L.J.M.P., Matsui, H., De Barros, ceptibility to acute stress associated to on 5-HT,, and 5-HT, receptor binding G.A.M., Tomizawa, K., Miyamoto, K., flunitrazepam receptor increase (648) 39 and 5-HT transporter mRNA expression Kuwata, Y., Tokuda, M., Itano, T. and Sasaki, S.-I., Uchino, H. and Uchino, Y. in rat brain (648) 157 Hatase, O. Axon branching of medullary expiratory Kuwata, Y., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 Immunosuppressants and calcineurin in- neurons in the lumbar and the sacral hibitors, cyclosporin A and FK506, re- spinal cord of the cat (648) 229 Lalley, P.M. versibly inhibit epileptogenesis in amyg- Sauermelch, C.F., see Willette, R.N. (648) The excitability and rhythm of medullary daloid kindled rat (648) 337 347 respiratory neurons in the cat are altered Moor, E., De Boer, P., Beldhuis, H.J.A. and Schmidt-Kastner, R., see Meller, D. (648) by the serotonin receptor agonist 5- Westerink, B.H.C. 162 methoxy-N,N, dimethyltryptamine (648) A novel approach for studying septo-hip- Selden, N., Mesulam, M.-M. and Geula, C. 87 pocampal cholinergic neurons in freely Human striatum: the distribution of neu- Langer, J., see Shouse, M.N. (648) 352 moving rats: a microdialysis study with rofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s disease Lee, B.J., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 dual-probe design (648) 32 (648) 327 Lee, D., see Yang, Z. (648) 99 Mullaney, K.J., see Aschner, M. (648) 16 Seong, J.Y., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 Lee, M.E., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 121 Shi, J.W., see Jin, G.R. (648) 196 Lee, M.E., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) 135 Nabekura, J., Kawamsto, I. and Akaike, N. Shouse, M.N., Bier, M., Langer, J., Alcalde, Le Gal La Salle, G., see Ridoux, V. (648) Developmental change in voltage de- O., Richkind, M. and Szymusiak, R. 171 pendency of NMDA receptor-mediated The a,-agonist clonidine suppresses Liberini, P., Pioro, E.P., Maysinger, D. and response in nucleus tractus solitarii neu- seizures, whereas the a -antagonist ida- Cuello, A.C. rons (648) 152 zoxan promotes seizures — a microinfu- Neocortical infarction in subhuman pri- Nishi, S., see Yamada, S. (648) 176 sion study in amygdala-kindled kittens mates leads to restricted morphological (648) 352 damage of the cholinergic neurons in the Shuttleworth, C.W.R., see Ward, S.M. (648) Ohara, P.T. and Havton, L.A. nucleus basalis of Meynert (648) 1 249 Preserved features of thalamocortical Lim, A.T., see Yang, Z. (648) 99 Sobieszczyk, S., see Jaffe, S.B. (648) 24 projection neuron dendritic architecture Lysko, P.G., see Willette, R.N. (648) 347 Sorenson, C.A., see Fox, R.J. (648) 215 in the somatosensory thalamus of the rat, Sousa, N., Madeira, M.D., Paula-Barbosa, cat and macaque (648) 259 MacDonald, J.F., see Tymianski, M. (648) M.M. and Buijs, R. Okazaki, M., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 291 The vasopressinergic innervation of the Ovadia, H., see Yirmiya, R. (648) 80 Madeira, M.D., see Sousa, N. (648) 53 lateral septum of the rat after chronic Maier, D.L. and Isaacson, R.L. alcohol consumption and withdrawal Behavioral and neuroanatomical conse- Paula-Barbosa, M.M., see Sousa, N. (648) 53 (648) 53 quences of a unilateral intraventricular Peredery, O., see Bureau, Y.R.J. (648) 265 Stallbaumer, R.K., see Meshul, C.K. (648) infusion of AF64A and limitations on the Perricaudet, M., see Ridoux, V. (648) 171 181 neuroprotective effects of nimodipine Persinger, M.A., see Bureau, Y.R.J. (648) Sun, W., see Choi, W.S. (648) 148 (648) 281 265 Sved, A.F., see Tsukamoto, K. (648) 9 Mallet, J., see Ridoux, V. (648) 171 Pioro, E.P., see Liberini, P. (648) 1 Szente, M.B. and Boda, B. Marin, R.H., see Salvatierra, N.A. (648) 39 Portas, C.M. and McCarley, R.W. Cellular mechanisms of neocortical sec- Martijena, I.D., see Salvatierra, N.A. (648) Behavioral state-related changes of ex- ondary epileptogenesis (648) 203 39 tracellular serotonin concentration in the Szymusiak, R., see Shouse, M.N. (648) 352 Matsui, H., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 dorsal raphe nucleus: a microdialysis Maysinger, D., see Liberini, P. (648) 1 study in the freely moving cat (648) 306 Taylor, B., see Meshul, C.K. (648) 181 McCarley, R.W., see Portas, C.M. (648) 306 Poulat, P., D’Orléans-Juste, P., Thibault, J., see Tillet, Y. (648) 319 McEwen, B.S., see Kuroda, Y. (648) 157 De Champlain, J., Yano, M. and Cou- Thomas, E.M., see Bittman, E.L. (648) 73 Meller, D., Eysel, U.T. and Schmidt-Kastner, ture, R. Tillet, Y., Thibault, J. and Krieger, M. R. Cardiovascular effects of intrathecally Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase im- Transient immunohistochemical labelling administered endothelins and big en- munohistochemistry in the suprachias- of rat retinal axons during Wallerian de- dothelin-1 in conscious rats: receptor matic nucleus of the sheep. Comparison generation by a monoclonal antibody to characterization and mechanism of ac- with tyrosine hydroxylase immunohisto- neurofilaments (648) 162 tion (648) 239 chemistry (648) 319 Meshul, C.K., Stallbaumer, R.K., Taylor, B. Tokuda, M., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 and Janowsky, A. Rao, Z.R., see Jin, G.R. (648) 196 Tomizawa, K., see Moia, L.J.M.P. (648) 337 Haloperidol-induced morphological Richkind, M., see Shouse, M.N. (648) 352 Tsukamoto, K., Yin, M. and Sved, A.F. changes in striatum are associated with Ridoux, V., Robert, J.J., Zhang, X., Perri- Effect of atropine injected into the nu- glutamate synapses (648) 181 caudet, M., Mallet, J. and cleus tractus solitarius on the regulation Mesulam, M.-M., see Selden, N. (648) 327 Le Gal La Salle, G. of blood pressure (648) 9 Mihailoff, G.A. Adenoviral vectors as functional retro- Tsutsui, M., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 Identification of pontocerebellar axon grade neuronal tracers (648) 171 Tymianski, M., Wang, L.-Y. and MacDon- collateral synaptic boutons in the rat Robert, J.J., see Ridoux, V. (648) 171 ald, J.F. cerebellar nuclei (648) 313 Rosen, H., see Yirmiya, R. (648) 80 Alteration of neuronal calcium home- Author Index / Brain Research 648 (1994) 357-359 359 ostasis and excitotoxic vulnerability by Westrum, L.E., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) Cisplatin blocks voltage-dependeni cal- chronic depolarization (648) 291 135 cium current in dissociated outer hair Widdop, R.E., Gardiner, S.M. and Bennett, cells of guinea-pig cochlea (648) 296 Uchino, H., see Sasaki, S.-I. (648) 229 E Yanagihara, N., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 Uchino, Y., see Sasaki, S.-I. (648) 229 Effects of angiotensin II AT,- or AT,-re- Yang, Z., Lee, D., Huang, W., Copolov, D.L. Ueno, S., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 ceptor antagonists on drinking evoked by and Lim, A.T. Uezono, Y., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 angiotensin II or water deprivation in Glucocorticoids potentiate the adenylyl rats (648) 46 cyclase-cAMP system mediated im- Vauquelin, G., see Herroelen, L. (648) 222 Wilczak, N., see Herroelen, L. (648) 222 munoreactive -endorphin production Vitarella, D., see Aschner, M. (648) 16 Willette, R.N., Lysko, P.G. and Sauermelch, and secretion from hypothalamic neurons C.F. in culture (648) 99 Wagoner Jr., D.E., see Aschner, M. (648) 16 A comparison of (+)SK&F 10047 and Yano, M., see Poulat, P. (648) 239 Wang, L.-Y., see Tymianski, M. (648) 291 MK-801 on cortical spreading depression Yin, M., see Tsukamoto, K. (648) 9 Ward, S.M., Shuttleworth, C.W.R. and (648) 347 Yirmiya, R., Rosen, H., Donchin, O. and Kenyon, J.L. Wolpaw, J.R., see Chen, X.Y. (648) 167 Ovadia, H. Dorsal root ganglion neurons of embry- Behavioral effects of lipopolysaccharide onic chicks contain nitric oxide synthase Yamada, S., Yokoo, H. and Nishi, S. in rats: involvement of endogenous opi- and respond to nitric oxide (648) 249 Differential effects of dopamine agonists oids (648) 80 Wardlaw, S.L., see Jaffe, S.B. (648) 24 on evoked dopamine release from slices Yokoo, H., see Yamada, S. (648) 176 Watanabe, Y., see Kuroda, Y. (648) 157 of striatum and nucleus accumbens in Yuhi, T., see Kobayashi, H. (648) 324 Westerink, B.H.C., see Moor, E. (648) 32 rats (648) 176 Westrum, L.E., see Hendricks, K.R. (648) Yamamoto, T., Kakehata, S., Saito, T., Saito, Zhang, X., see Ridoux, V. (648) 171 121 H. and Akaike, N. Zucker, I., see Bittman, E.L. (648) 73

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