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BRAIN RESEARCH Brain Research 643 (1994) 357-359 Author Index Abekawa, T., Ohmori, T. and Koyama, T. in the initiation of cholinergically in- Frye, C.A. and Duncan, J.E. Effects of repeated administration of a duced epileptic seizures in the rat brain Progesterone metabolites, effective at the high dose of methamphetamine on dopa- (643) 125 GABA, receptor complex, attenuate mine and glutamate release in rat stria- pain sensitivity in rats (643) 194 tum and nucleus accumbens (643) 276 Frysztak, R.J. and Neafsey, E.J. Daniel, P.C., Fine, J.B., Derby, C.D. and Akaike, N., see Tokutomi, N. (643) 66 The effect of medial frontal cortex le- Girardot, M.-N. Akil, H., see Mansour, A. (643) 245 sions on cardiovascular conditioned emo- Non-reciprocal cross-adaptation of spik- Akiyama, Y., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 tional responses in the rat (643) 181 ing responses of individual olfactory re- Anisman, H., see Zalcman, S. (643) 40 ceptor neurons of spiny lobsters: evi- Attwell, D., see Kovalchuk, Y. (643) 287 dence for two excitatory transduction Gerhardt, G.A., see Sullivan, R.M. (643) 306 Aureli, T., Miccheli, A., Di Cocco, M.E., pathways (643) 136 Ghirardi, O., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 Ghirardi, O., Giuliani, A., Ramacci, M.T. Davidson, R.M., Shajenko, L. and Donta, Gillet, B., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 and Conti, F. T.S. Girardot, M.-N., see Daniel, P.C. (643) 136 Effect of acetyl-L-carnitine on recovery of Amyloid beta-peptide (A BP) potentiates Giuliani, A., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 brain phosphorus metabolites and lactic a nimodipine-sensitive L-type barium Gordon, T.L., see Crisp, T. (643) 282 acid level during reperfusion after cere- conductance in NIE-115 neuroblastoma Green, E.J., see Duan, Y.-F. (643) 218 bral ischemia in the rat — study by 7. cells (643) 324 Green-Johnson, J.M., see Zalcman, S. (643) and 'H-NMR spectroscopy (643) 92 Decker, M.W., see Brioni, J.D. (643) 1 40 Derby, C.D., see Daniel, P.C. (643) 136 Greenberg, A.H., see Zalcman, S. (643) 40 Bandou, Y., see Takenaka, T. (643) 81 Di Cocco, M.E., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 Greenberg, D.A., see Koretz, B. (643) 334 Beck, S.G., see Read, H.L. (643) 17 DiStefano, L., see Schneider, J.S. (643) 86 Gross, G.W., see Rhoades, B.K. (643) 310 Beloeil, J.-C., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 Donta, T.S., see Davidson, R.M. (643) 324 Betz, A.L., see Ennis, S.R. (643) 100 Dreyfus, H., see Hicks, D. (643) 302 Hamilton, M.G., see Lundy, P.M. (643) 204 Bielarezyk, H., Tomsig, J.L. and Suszkiw, Duan, Y.-F., Winters, R., McCabe, P.M., Hariguchi, S., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 J.B. Green, E.J., Huang, Y. and Schneider- Hatanaka, H., see Yamada, M. (643) 173 Perinatal low-level lead exposure and the man, N. Heller, H.C., see Prosser, R.A. (643) 296 septo-hippocampal cholinergic system: Modulation of neuronal firing in the Herbert, H., see Kungel, M. (643) 29 selective reduction of muscarinic recep- medullary solitary complex by electrical Hicks, D., Forster, V., Dreyfus, H. and Sa- tors and cholineacetyltransferase in the stimulation of the hypothalamic defense hel, J. rat septum (643) 211 and vigilance areas in rabbits (643) 218 Survival and regeneration of adult hu- Blau, A.D., see Saji, M. (643) 234 Dun, N.J., see Read, H.L. (643) 17 man photoreceptors in vitro (643) 302 Borredon, J., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 Duncan, J.E., see Frye, C.A. (643) 194 Hillefors-Berglund, M., see Liu, Y. (643) 343 Boxer, P.A., see Robichaud, L.J. (643) 352 Dyck, D., see Zalcman, S. (643) 40 Hori, H., see Takenaka, T. (643) 81 Brioni, J.D., Kim, D.J.B., O’Neill, A.B., Hoskins, D.L., see Crisp, T. (643) 282 Williams, J.E.G. and Decker, M.W. Ebert, U., see Kungel, M. (643) 29 Huang, Y., see Duan, Y.-F. (643) 218 Clozapine attenuates the discriminative Edgar, D.M., see Prosser, R.A. (643) 296 stimulus properties of (—)-nicotine (643) Eguibar, J.R., Quevedo, J., Jiménez, I. and Itoh, A., Miwa, S., Koshimura, K., Akiyama, l Rudomin, P. Y., Takagi, Y., Yamagata, S., Kikuchi, H. Brudzynski, S.M., see Cruickshank, J.W. Selective cortical control of information and Masaki, T. (643) 125 flow through different intraspinal collat- Ischemia-induced changes in catechol- erals of the same muscle afferent fiber amine release and their mechanisms: a (643) 328 study using cultured bovine adrenal chro- Cohen, M., see Saji, M. (643) 234 Engel, J.A., see Svensson, L. (643) 155 maffin cells (643) 266 Conti, F., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 Ennis, S.R., Ren, X.-d. and Betz, A.L. Correze, J.-L., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 Crews, D., see Kingston, P.A. (643) 349 Transport of a-aminoisobutyric acid Jacques, S., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 Crisp, T., Stafinsky, J.L., Hoskins, D.L., across the blood-brain barrier studied Jiménez, I., see Eguibar, J.R. (643) 328 Perni, V.C., Uram, M. and Gordon, T.L. with in situ perfusion of rat brain (643) Johannessen, K., see Svensson, L. (643) 155 100 Age-related changes in the spinal antino- ciceptive effects of DAGO, DPDPE and Kaczmarek, L., see Lukasiuk, K. (643) 227 B-endorphin in the rat (643) 282 Fine, J.B., see Daniel, P.C. (643) 136 Kametani, F., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 Cruickshank, J.W., Brudzynski, S.M. and Forster, V., see Hicks, D. (643) 302 Katayama, N., see Tokutomi, N. (643) 66 McLachlan, R.S. Fox, C.A., see Mansour, A. (643) 245 Kawakami, T., see Takenaka, T. (643) 81 Involvement of M1 muscarinic receptors Frew, R., see Lundy, P.M. (643) 204 Kikuchi, H., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 358 Author Index / Brain Research 643 (1994) 357-359 Kim, D.J.B., see Brioni, J.D. (643) 1 Mansour, A., Fox, C.A., Thompson, R.C., Rius, R.A., Mollner, S., Pfeuffer, T. and Kingston, P.A. and Crews, D. Akil, H. and Watson, S.J. Loh, Y.P. Effects of hypothalamic lesions on court- Mu-opioid receptor mRNA expression in Developmental changes in Gs and Gaif ship and copulatory behavior in sexual the rat CNS: comparison to -O-receptor proteins and adenylyl cyclases in mouse and unisexual whiptail lizards (643) 349 binding (643) 245 brain membranes (643) 50 Kitajima, S., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 Masaki, T., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 Robichaud, L.J., Wurster, S. and Boxer, P.A. Kiyosawa, M., see Nakagawa, Y. (643) 74 McCabe, P.M., see Duan, Y.-F. (643) 218 The voltage-sensitive Ca?* channel Kodsi, M.H. and Swerdlow, N.R. McLachlan, R.S., see Cruickshank, J.W. (VSCC) antagonists w-Aga-IVA and w- Quinolinic acid lesions of the ventral (643) 125 CTX-MVIIC inhibit spontaneous epilep- striatum reduce sensorimotor gating of Meric, P., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 tiform discharges in the rat cortical wedge acoustic startle in rats (643) 59 Miccheli, A., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 (643) 352 Koretz, B., Von B. Ahern, K., Wang, N., Miller, B., see Kovalchuk, Y. (643) 287 Rothblat, D.S., see Schneider, J.S. (643) 86 Lustig, H.S. and Greenberg, D.A. Miller, J.D., see Prosser, R.A. (643) 296 Rudomin, P., see Eguibar, J.R. (643) 328 Pre- and post-synaptic modulators of ex- Mispelter, J., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 Rush, R.A., see Zhou, X.-F. (643) 162 citatory neurotransmission: comparative Miwa, S., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 Ryu, J.H., see Nakagawa, Y. (643) 74 effects on hypoxia /hypoglycemia in cor- Mollner, S., see Rius, R.A. (643) 50 tical cultures (643) 334 Münker, M., see Olcese, J. (643) 150 Sahel, J., see Hicks, D. (643) 302 Koshimura, K., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 Murray, L., see Zaleman, S. (643) 40 Saji, M., Cohen, M., Blau, A.D., Wessel, Kovalchuk, Y., Miller, B., Sarantis, M. and T.C. and Volpe, B.T. Attwell, D. Nakagawa, Y., Yanai, K., Ryu, J.H., Kiyo- Transient forebrain ischemia induces de- Arachidonic acid depresses non-NMDA sawa, M., Tamai, M. and Watanabe, T. layed injury in the substantia nigra reticu- Marked increase in [*H]( R)a-methyl- receptor currents (643) 287 lata: degeneration of GABA neurons, Koyama, T., see Abekawa, T. (643) 276 histamine binding in the superior collicu- compensatory expression of GAD mRNA Krug, M., Wagner, M., Staak, S. and Smalla, lus of visually deprived rats after unilat- (643) 234 K.-H. eral enucleation (643) 74 Sarantis, M., see Kovalchuk, Y. (643) 287 Fucose and fucose-containing sugar epi- Nakamura, Y., Takeda, M., Niigawa, H., Schneider, J.S., Rothblat, D.S. and DiSte- topes enhance hippocampal long-term Kametani, F., Hariguchi, S., Yoshida, I., fano, L. potentiation in the freely moving rat (643) Kitajima, S. and Nishimura, T. Volume transmission of dopamine over 130 Accumulation of amyloid B-protein pre- large distances may contribute to recov- Kungel, M., Ebert, U., Herbert, H. and Ost- cursor (APP) in Purkinje cells and in- ery from experimental parkinsonism (643) wald, J. crease of amino-terminal fragments of 86 Substance P and other putative transmit- APP in cerebrum and cerebellum of aged Schneiderman, N., see Duan, Y.-F. (643) 218 ters modulate the activity of reticular rat brain (643) 319 Shajenko, L., see Davidson, R.M. (643) 324 pontine neurons: an electrophysiological Nance, D.M., see Zalcman, S. (643) 40 Smalla, K.-H., see Krug, M. (643) 130 and immunohistochemical study (643) 29 Neafsey, E.J., see Frysztak, R.J. (643) 181 Staak, S., see Krug, M. (643) 130 Niigawa, H., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 Stafinsky, J.L., see Crisp, T. (643) 282 Nishimura, T., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 Staubli, U. and Otaky, N. Serotonin controls the magnitude of LTP Ohmori, T., see Abekawa, T. (643) 276 Lemon, C., see Sullivan, R.M. (643) 306 induced by theta bursts via an action on Olcese, J. and Münker, M. Leskawa, K.C., see Lin, Y. (643) 108 NMDA-receptor-mediated responses Extracellular serotonin promotes mela- Lhoste, J.-M., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 (643) 10 tonin release from cultured rat pinealo- Lin, Y. and Leskawa, K.C. Sullivan, R.M., Wilson, D.A., Lemon, C. and cytes: evidence for an S,-type receptor- Cytotoxicity of the cocaine metabolite Gerhardt, G.A. mediated autocrine feedback (643) 150 benzoylecgonine (643) 108 Bilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the locus O'Neill, A.B., see Brioni, J.D. (643) 1 Liu, Y., Hillefors-Berglund, M. and coeruleus impair associative olfactory Ostwald, J., see Kungel, M. (643) 29 Von Euler, G. learning in newborn rats (643) 306 Otaky, N., see Staubli, U. (643) 10 Modulation of dopamine D, receptor Suszkiw, J.B., see Bielarczyk, H. (643) 211 Ozoe, Y., see Tokutomi, N. (643) 66 binding by N-ethylmaleimide and neu- Svensson, L., Zhang, J., Johannessen, K. and rotensin (643) 343 Engel, J.A. Perni, V.C., see Crisp, T. (643) 282 Loh, Y.P., see Rius, R.A. (643) 50 Effect of local infusion of glutamate ana- Pfeuffer, T., see Rius, R.A. (643) 50 Loubinoux, I., Meric, P., Borredon, J., Cor- logues into the nucleus accumbens of rats: Prosser, R.A., Edgar, D.M., Heller, H.C. reze, J.-L., Gillet, B., Beloeil, J.-C., Tif- an electrochemical and behavioural study and Miller, J.D. fon, B., Mispelter, J., Lhoste, J.-M. and (643) 155 A possible glial role in the mammalian Jacques, S. Swerdlow, N.R., see Kodsi, M.H. (643) 59 circadian clock (643) 296 Cerebral metabolic changes induced by MK-801: a 1D (phosphorus and proton) Quevedo, J., see Eguibar, J.R. (643) 328 Takagi, Y., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 and 2D (proton) in vivo NMR spectros- Takeda, M., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 copy study (643) 115 Ramacci, M.T., see Aureli, T. (643) 92 Takenaka, T., Kawakami, T., Hori, H. and Lukasiuk, K. and Kaczmarek, L. Read, H.L., Beck, S.G. and Dun, N.J. Bandou, Y. AP-1 and CRE DNA binding activities in Serotonergic suppression of interhemi- Effect of neurotransmitters on axoplas- rat brain following pentylenetetrazole in- spheric cortical synaptic potentials (643) mic transport: how adrenaline affects su- duced seizures (643) 227 17 perior cervical ganglion cells (643) 81 Lundy, P.M., Hamilton, M.G. and Frew, R. Ren, X.-d., see Ennis, S.R. (643) 100 Tamai, M., see Nakagawa, Y. (643) 74 Pharmacological identification of a novel Rhoades, B.K. and Gross, G.W. Thompson, R.C., see Mansour, A. (643) 245 Ca?* channel in chicken brain synapto- Potassium and calcium channel depen- Tiffon, B., see Loubinoux, I. (643) 115 somes (643) 204 dence of bursting in cultured neuronal Tokutomi, N., Ozoe, Y., Katayama, N. and Lustig, H.S., see Koretz, B. (643) 334 networks (643) 310 Akaike, N. Author Index / Brain Research 643 (1994) 357-359 Effects of lindane (y-BHC) and related Von B. Ahern, K., see Koretz, B. (643) 334 Yamagata, S., see Itoh, A. (643) 266 convulsants on GABA, receptor-oper- Von Euler, G., see Liu, Y. (643) 343 Yanai, K., see Nakagawa, Y. (643) 74 ated chloride channels in frog dorsal root Yoshida, I., see Nakamura, Y. (643) 319 ganglion neurons (643) 66 Wagner, M., see Krug, M. (643) 130 Tomsig, J.L., see Bielarczyk, H. (643) 211 Wang, N., see Koretz, B. (643) 334 Zalcman, S., Green-Johnson, J.M., Murray, Turek, F.W., see Van Reeth, O. (643) 338 Watanabe, T., see Nakagawa, Y. (643) 74 L., Nance, D.M., Dyck, D., Anisman, H. Watson, S.J., see Mansour, A. (643) 245 and Greenberg, A.H. Uram, M., see Crisp, T. (643) 282 Wessel, T.C., see Saji, M. (643) 234 Cytokine-specific central monoamine al- Williams, J.E.G., see Brioni, J.D. (643) 1 terations induced by interleukin-1, -2 and Van Reeth, O., Zhang, Y., Zee, P.C. and Wilson, D.A., see Sullivan, R.M. (643) 306 -6 (643) 40 Turek, F.W. Winters, R., see Duan, Y.-F. (643) 218 Zee, P.C., see Van Reeth, O. (643) 338 Grafting fetal suprachiasmatic nuclei in Wurster, S., see Robichaud, L.J. (643) 352 Zhang, J., see Svensson, L. (643) 155 the hypothalamus of old hamsters re- Zhang, Y., see Van Reeth, O. (643) 338 stores responsiveness of the circadian Yamada, M. and Hatanaka, H. Zhou, X.-F. and Rush, R.A. clock to a phase shifting stimulus (643) Interleukin-6 protects cultured rat hip- Localization of neurotrophin-3-like im- 338 pocampal neurons against glutamate-in- munoreactivity in the rat central nervous Volpe, B.T., see Saji, M. (643) 234 duced cell death (643) 173 system (643) 162

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