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Brain Research, 629 (1993) 358-360 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Author Index Abbe, R., see Bostwick, J.R. (629) 79 DeLeo, J.A., see Wagner, R. (629) 323 Gold, P.W., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 Acciarri, N., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 Demas, J., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 Gopalan, C., see Eaton, M.J. (629) 53 Al-Dokhayel, A.A.M., see Lambert, P.D. Deschepper, C.F., see Mellon, S.H. (629) Goshima, Y., see Yue, J.-L. (629) 310 (629) 146 283 Graff-Radford, N.R., see Wood, J.A. (629) Albonetti, M.E., see Aloisi, A.M. (629) 167 Dewar, D., see Ross, B. (629) 225 245 Albrecht, J., see Oja, S.S. (629) 355 Graham, D.I., see Mackay, K.B. (629) 10 Aloisi, A.M., Albonetti, M.E., Lodi, L., Lupo, Earles, D.R., see Koceja, D.M. (629) 155 C. and Carli, G. Eaton, M.J., Gopalan, C., Kim, E., Looking- Hari, R., see Tesche, C. (629) 19 Decrease of hippocampal choline acetyl- land, K.J. and Moore, K.E. Harley, C.W., see Babstock, D.M. (629) 149 transferase activity induced by formalin Comparison of the effects of the Hertz, L., see Peng, L. (629) 331 pain (629) 167 dopamine D, agonist quinelorane on Hijiya, H., see Ichikawa, H. (629) 231 Antonelli, T., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neu- Hirai, H. and Okada, Y. Appel, S.H., see Bostwick, J.R. (629) 79 ronal activity in male and female rats Ipsilateral corticotectal pathway inhibits (629) 53 the formation of long-term potentiation Babstock, D.M. and Harley, C.W. Eberling, J.L., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 (LTP) in the rat superior colliculus Lateral olfactory tract input to dentate Eitan, S., see Sivron, T. (629) 199 through GABAergic mechanism (629) 23 gyrus is depressed by prior noradrenergic Ekhator, N.N., see Geracioti Jr., T.D. (629) Holash, J.A. and Stewart, P.A. activation using nucleus paragigantocel- 260 The relationship of astrocyte-like cells to lularis stimulation (629) 149 Erwin, V.G. and Radcliffe, R.A. the vessels that contribute to the blood- Baek, S.Y., see Park, H.T. (629) 335 Characterization of neurotensin-stimu- ocular barriers (629) 218 Baker, M.G., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 lated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in brain Homma, S., Yamazaki, Y. and Karakida, T. Baljet, B., see Prins, M. (629) 315 regions of long sleep and short sleep Blood pressure and heart rate relation- Bandler, R., see Kaube, H. (629) 95 mice (629) 59 ships during cervical sympathetic and va- Barg, J., Nah, S.-Y., Levy, R., Saya, D. and gus nerve stimulation in streptozotocin Vogel, Z. Fabrizi, A., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 diabetic rats (629) 342 Modulation of thymidine incorporation Fairchild, M.D., see Szymusiak, R. (629) 141 Hoskin, K.L., see Kaube, H. (629) 95 by «-opioid ligands in rat spinal cord- Ferraro, L., Tanganelli, S., Calo”, G., An- Hummel, T., see Thürauf, N. (629) 293 dorsal root ganglion co-cultures (629) 109 tonelli, T., Fabrizi, A., Acciarri, N., Bastani, B., see Mooradian, A.D. (629) 128 Bianchi, C., Beani, L. and Simonato, M. Ichikawa, H., Mitani, S., Hijiya, H., Nakago, Baubichon, D., see Lallement, G. (629) 239 Noradrenergic modulation of y- T., Jacobowitz, D.M. and Sugimoto, T. Beani, L., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 aminobutyric acid outflow from the hu- Calretinin-immunoreactivity in trigeminal Beauregard, C.L., see Smith, P.G. (629) 319 man cerebral cortex (629) 103 neurons innervating the nasal mucosa of Behl, C., see Schubert, D. (629) 275 Fontana, D.J., Post, R.M. and Pert, A. the rat (629) 231 Bianchi, C., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 Conditioned increases in mesolimbic Ido, T., see Sakamoto, A. (629) 171 Blanchet, G., see Lallement, G. (629) 239 dopamine overflow by stimuli associated Bloom, S.R., see Lambert, P.D. (629) 146 with cocaine (629) 31 Jacobowitz, D.M., see Ichikawa, H. (629) 231 Bostwick, J.R., Abbe, R. and Appel, S.H. Fromm, C., see Wagner, R. (629) 323 Jagust, W.J., Eberling, J.L., Richardson, Modulation of acetylcholine release in Fujisawa, H., Dawson, D., Browne, S.E., B.C., Reed, B.R., Baker, M.G., Nordahl, rat hippocampus by amino alcohols and MacKay, K.B., Bullock, R. and McCul- T.E. and Budinger, T.F. Bay K 8644 (629) 79 loch, J. The cortical topography of temporal lobe Bredt, D.S., see Yoshida, K. (629) 67 Pharmacological modification of gluta- hypometabolism in early Alzheimer’s dis- Brockerhoff, H., see Chauhan, A. (629) 47 mate neurotoxicity in vivo (629) 73 ease (629) 189 Browne, S.E., see Fujisawa, H. (629) 73 Futuro-Neto, H.A., Pires, J.G.P., Gilbey, Jakus, J., see Yates, B.J. (629) 209 Budinger, T.F., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 M.P. and Ramage, A.G. Jenden, D.J., see Szymusiak, R. (629) 141 Bullock, R., see Fujisawa, H. (629) 73 Evidence for the ability of central 5-HTA receptors to modulate the vagal brady- Kabai, P., see Kovach, J.K. (629) 181 Calo’, G., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 cardia induced by stimulating the upper Karakida, T., see Homma, S. (629) 342 Carli, G., see Aloisi, A.M. (629) 167 airways of anesthetized rabbits with Kaube, H., Keay, K.A., Hoskin, K.L., Ban- Carpentier, P., see Lallement, G. (629) 239 smoke (629) 349 dler, R. and Goadsby, P.J. Chauhan, A., Chauhan, V.P.S., Murakami, Expression of c-Fos-like immunoreactiv- N., Brockerhoff, H. and Wisniewski, H.M. Gemba, H., see Tsujimoto, T. (629) 1 ity in the caudal medulla and upper cer- Amyloid ß-protein stimulates casein ki- Geracioti Jr., T.D., Nicholson, W.E., Orth, vical spinal cord following stimulation of nase I and casein kinase II activities (629) D.N., Ekhator, N.N. and Loosen, P.T. the superior sagittal sinus in the cat (629) 47 Cholecystokinin in human cerebrospinal 95 Chauhan, V.P.S., see Chauhan, A. (629) 47 fluid: concentrations, dynamics, molecu- Keay, K.A., see Kaube, H. (629) 95 Collet, A., see Lallement, G. (629) 239 lar forms and relationship to fasting and Kenessey, A. and Yen, S.-H.C. Coombs, D.W., see Wagner, R. (629) 323 feeding in health, depression and alco- The extent of phosphorylation of fetal Cork, L.C., see Tsai, G. (629) 305 holism (629) 260 tau is comparable to that of PHF-tau Coyle, J.T., see Tsai, G. (629) 305 Gilbey, M.P., see Futuro-Neto, H.A. (629) from Alzheimer paired helical filaments 349 (629) 40 Dawson, D., see Fujisawa, H. (629) 73 Gilbey, S.G., see Lambert, P.D. (629) 146 Kettenmann, B., see Thürauf, N. (629) 293 Dawson, D., see Ross, B. (629) 225 Glowa, J.R., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 Kim, B.S., see Park, H.T. (629) 335 DeBellis, M.D., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 Goadsby, P.J., see Kaube, H. (629) 95 Kim, E., see Eaton, M.J. (629) 53 Kim, J.B., see Park, H.T. (629) 335 Martin, W.J., Lai, N.K., Patrick, S.L., Tsou, Pluznik, D., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 Kim, J.J., see Park, H.T. (629) 335 K. and Walker, J.M. Post, R.M., see Fontana, D.J. (629) 31 Kimura, H., see Yoshida, K. (629) 67 Antinociceptive actions of cannabinoids Price, D., see Tsai, G. (629) 305 Kling, M.A., Smith, M.A., Glowa, J.R., following intraventricular administration Prins, M., Van der Werf, F., Baljet, B. and Pluznik, D., Demas, J., DeBellis, M.D., in rats (629) 300 Otto, J.A. Gold, P.W. and Schulkin, J. McCulloch, J., see Fujisawa, H. (629) 73 Calcitonin gene-related peptide and sub- Facilitation of cocaine kindling by gluco- McCulloch, J., see Mackay, K.B. (629) 10 stance P immunoreactivity in the monkey corticoids in rats (629) 163 McCulloch, J., see Ross, B. (629) 225 trigeminal ganglion, an electron micro- Knowler, J., see Ross, B. (629) 225 McGinty, D., see Szymusiak, R. (629) 141 scopic study (629) 315 Kobal, G., see Thiirauf, N. (629) 293 Mellon, S.H. and Deschepper, C.F. Koceja, D.M., Trimble, M.H. and Earles, Neurosteroid biosynthesis: genes for Quirion, R., see Wood, J.A. (629) 245 D.R. adrenal steroidogenic enzymes are ex- Inhibition of the soleus H-reflex in stand- pressed in the brain (629) 283 Radcliffe, R.A., see Erwin, V.G. (629) 59 ing man (629) 155 Miller, A.D., see Yates, B.J. (629) 209 Raisman, G., see Li, Y. (629) 115 Koch, M. Misu, Y., see Yue, J.-L. (629) 310 Ramage, A.G., see Futuro-Neto, H.A. (629) Microinjections of the metabotropic glu- Mitani, S., see Ichikawa, H. (629) 231 349 tamate receptor agonist, trans-( + )-1- Miyamae, T., see Yue, J.-L. (629) 310 Reed, B.R., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 amino-cyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylate Miyamoto, T., Okada, Y. and Sato, T. Richardson, B.C., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 (trans-ACPD) into the amygdala increase Inhibition of salt-induced gustatory re- Robitaille, Y., see Wood, J.A. (629) 245 the acoustic startle response of rats (629) sponses in the frog (Rana catesbeiana) by Ross, B., Dawson, D., Dewar, D., Macrae, 176 5'-GMP (629) 345 M., Knowler, J. and McCulloch, J. Kogure, K., see Sugimoto, A. (629) 159 Mooradian, A.D. and Bastani, B. Effects of post-mortem delay on high Kovach, J.K. and Kabai, P. Identification of proton-translocating affinity forskolin binding sites and adeny- Effects of bilateral hemispherectomy on adenosine triphosphatases in rat cerebral late cyclase activity in rat and human genetically variable stimulus preferences microvessels (629) 128 striatum and cerebral cortex (629) 225 and imprinting in quail chicks (629) 181 Moore, K.E., see Eaton, M.J. (629) 53 Ryan, R., see Wood, J.A. (629) 245 Krivanek, J. Mundy, W.R., see Shafer, T.J. (629) 133 Protein kinase C in nucleus Murakami, N., see Chauhan, A. (629) 47 parabrachialis: effect of drugs inducing Sakamoto, A. and Ido, T. conditioned taste aversion (629) 327 Nah, S.-Y., see Barg, J. (629) 109 Liposome targeting to rat brain: effect of Kusumoto, K., see Mackay, K.B. (629) 10 Nakago, T., see Ichikawa, H. (629) 231 osmotic opening of the blood-brain bar- Nakashima, M., see Yanaura, M. (629) 88 rier (629) 171 Nicholson, W.E., see Geracioti Jr., T.D. Saransaari, P., see Oja, S.S. (629) 355 Lai, N.K., see Martin, W.J. (629) 300 (629) 260 Sasaki, K., see Tsujimoto, T. (629) 1 Lallement, G., Carpentier, P., Pernot- Nordahl, T.E., see Jagust, W.J. (629) 189 Sato, T., sec Miyamoto, T. (629) 345 Marino, I., Baubichon, D., Collet, A. and Saya, D., see Barg, J. (629) 109 Blanchet, G. Ohara, P.T., see Wang, B.-R. (629) 253 Schreyer, D.J., see Sivron, T. (629) 199 Transient impairment of the gabaergic Oja, S.S., Saransaari, P., Wysmyk, U. and Schubert, D. and Behl, C. function during initiation of soman-in- Albrecht, J. The expression of amyloid beta protein duced seizures (629) 239 Loss of GABAy binding sites in the precursor protects nerve cells from ß- Lambert, P.D., Wilding, J.P.H., Al-Dokhayel, cerebral cortex of rats with acute hepatic amyloid and glutamate toxicity and alters A.A.M., Gilbey, S.G. and Bloom, S.R. encephalopathy (629) 355 their interaction with the extracellular The effect of central blockade of kappa- Okada, Y., see Hirai, H. (629) 23 matrix (629) 275 opioid receptors on neuropeptide Y-in- Okada, Y., see Miyamoto, T. (629) 345 Schulkin, J., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 duced feeding in the rat (629) 146 Okamura, T., see Yoshida, K. (629) 67 Schwartz, M., see Sivron, T. (629) 199 Levy, R., see Barg, J. (629) 109 Onodera, H., see Sugimoto, A. (629) 159 Shafer, T.J., Mundy, W.R. and Tilson, H.A. Li, Y. and Raisman, G. Orth, D.N., see Geracioti Jr., T.D. (629) 260 Aluminum decreases muscarinic, adren- Long axon growth from embryonic neu- Otto, J.A., see Prins, M. (629) 315 ergic, and metabotropic receptor-stimu- rons transplanted into myelinated tracts lated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in hip- of the adult rat spinal cord (629) 115 Park, H.T., Baek, S.Y., Kim, B.S., Kim, J.B. pocampal and cortical slices from rat Lodi, L., see Aloisi, A.M. (629) 167 and Kim, J.J. brain (629) 133 Lookingland, K.J., see Eaton, M.J. (629) 53 Calcitonin gene-related peptide-like im- Shiono, S., see Yanaura, M. (629) 88 Loosen, P.T., see Geracioti Jr., T.D. (629) munoreactive (CGRPI) elements in the Shozuhara, H., see Sugimoto, A. (629) 159 260 circadian system of the mouse: an im- Simonato, M., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 Lupo, C., see Aloisi, A.M. (629) 167 munohistochemistry combined with ret- Sivron, T., Eitan, S., Schreyer, D.J. and rograde transport study (629) 335 Schwartz, M. Mackay, K.B., Kusumoto, K., Graham, D.I. Patrick, S.L., see Martin, W.J. (629) 300 Astrocytes play a major role in the con- and McCulloch, J. Peng, L. and Hertz, L. trol of neuronal proliferation in vitro Effect of the kappa-1 opioid agonist CI- Potassium-induced stimulation of oxida- (629) 199 977 on ischemic brain damage and cere- tive metabolism of glucose in cultures of Slusher, B.S., see Tsai, G. (629) 305 bral blood flow after middle cerebral intact cerebellar granule cells but not in Smith, M.A., see Kling, M.A. (629) 163 artery occlusion in the rat (629) 10 corresponding cells with dendritic degen- Smith, P.G. and Beauregard, C.L. MacKay, K.B., see Fujisawa, H. (629) 73 eration (629) 331 Conversion of parasympathetic nerve Macrae, M., see Ross, B. (629) 225 Pernot-Marino, I., see Lallement, G. (629) function from prejunctional inhibition to Marshall, D.L. and Wurtman, R.J. 239 postjunctional excitation following sym- Effect of choline on basal and stimulated Pert, A., see Fontana, D.J. (629) 31 pathectomy of rat periorbital smooth acetylcholine release: an in vivo micro- Pilapil, C., see Wood, J.A. (629) 245 muscle (629) 319 dialysis study using a low neostigmine Pires, J.G.P., see Futuro-Neto, H.A. (629) Snyder, S.H., see Yoshida, K. (629) 67 concentration (629) 269 349 Stewart, P.A., see Holash, J.A. (629) 218 360 Sugimoto, A., Shozuhara, H., Kogure, K. acetylaspartylglutamate in hereditary ca- IL-1RA but increases in the associated and Onodera, H. nine motoneuron disease (629) 305 acute phase proteins IL-6, «2-macro- Exposure to sub-lethal ischemia failed to Tsou, K., see Martin, W.J. (629) 300 globulin and C-reactive protein (629) 245 prevent subsequent ischemic death of Tsujimoto, T., Gemba, H. and Sasaki, K. Wood, P.L., see Wood, J.A. (629) 245 dentate hilar neurons, as estimated by Effect of cooling the dentate nucleus of Wurtman, R.J., see Marshall, D.L. (629) 269 laminin immunohistochemistry (629) 159 the cerebellum on hand movement of the Wysmyk, U., see Oja, S.S. (629) 355 Sugimoto, T., see Ichikawa, H. (629) 231 monkey (629) 1 Szymusiak, R., McGinty, D., Fairchild, M.D. Yamada, S., see Yanaura, M. (629) 88 Van der Werf, F., see Prins, M. (629) 315 and Jenden, D.J. Yamazaki, Y., see Homma, S. (629) 342 Vogel, Z., see Barg, J. (629) 109 Sleep-wake disturbances in an animal Yanaura, M., Nakashima, M., Yamada, S. model of chronic cholinergic insufficiency Wagner, R., DeLeo, J.A., Coombs, D.W., and Shiono, S. (629) 141 Willenbring, S. and Fromm, C. Characterization of slow postsynaptic K* Spinal dynorphin immunoreactivity in- current of Aplysia LUQ neurons in cul- Tanganelli, S., see Ferraro, L. (629) 103 creases bilaterally in a neuropathic pain ture (629) 88 Tesche, C. and Hari, R. model (629) 323 Yates, B.J., Jakus, J. and Miller, A.D. Independence of steady-state 40-Hz re- Walker, J.M., see Martin, W.J. (629) 300 Vestibular effects on respiratory outflow sponse and spontaneous 10-Hz activity in Wang, B.-R. and Ohara, P.T. in the decerebrate cat (629) 209 the human auditory cortex (629) 19 Convergent projections of trigeminal af- Yen, S.-H.C., see Kenessey, A. (629) 40 Thürauf, N., Hummel, T., Kettenmann, B. ferents from the principal nucleus and Yoshida, K., Okamura, T., Kimura, H., and Kobal, G. subnucleus interpolaris upon rat ventral Bredt, D.S., Snyder, S.H. and Toda, N. Nociceptive and reflexive responses posteromedial thalamic neurons (629) 253 Nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive recorded from the human nasal mucosa Wilding, J.P.H., see Lambert, P.D. (629) 146 nerve fibers in dog cerebral and periph- (629) 293 Willenbring, S., see Wagner, R. (629) 323 eral arteries (629) 67 Tilson, H.A., see Shafer, T.J. (629) 133 Wisniewski, H.M., see Chauhan, A. (629) 47 Yue, J.-L., Goshima, Y., Miyamae, T. and Toda, N., see Yoshida, K. (629) 67 Wood, J.A., Wood, P.L., Ryan, R., Graff- Misu, Y. Trimble, M.H., see Koceja, D.M. (629) 155 Radford, N.R., Pilapil, C., Robitaille, Y. Evidence for L-DOPA relevant to modu- Tsai, G., Cork, L.C., Slusher, B.S., Price, D. and Quirion, R. lation of sympathetic activity in the ros- and Coyle, J.T. Cytokine indices in Alzheimer's temporal tral ventrolateral medulla of rats (629) Abnormal acidic amino acids and N- cortex: no changes in mature IL-1ß or 310 (contents continued) Conversion of parasympathetic nerve function from prejunctional inhibition to postjunctional excitation following sympathectomy of rat periorbital smooth muscle P.G. Smith and C.L. Beauregard (USA) Spinal dynorphin immunoreactivity increases bilaterally in a neuropathic pain model R. Wagner, J.A. DeLeo, D.W. Coombs, S. Willenbring and C. Fromm (USA) Protein kinase C in nucleus parabrachialis: effect of drugs inducing conditioned taste aversion J. Krivanek (Czech Republic) Potassium-induced stimulation of oxidative metabolism of glucose in cultures of intact cerebellar granule cells but not in corresponding cells with dendritic degeneration L. Peng and L. Hertz (Canada) Calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive (CGRPI) elements in the circadian system of the mouse: an immunohistochemistry combined with retrograde transport study H.T. Park, S.Y. Baek, B.S. Kim, J.B. Kim and J.J. Kim (South Korea) Blood pressure and heart rate relationships during cervical sympathetic and vagus nerve stimulation in streptozotocin diabetic rats S. Homma, Y. Yamazaki and T. Karakida (Japan) Inhibition of salt-induced gustatory responses in the frog (Rana catesbeiana) by 5’-GMP T. Miyamoto, Y. Okada and T. Sato (Japan) Evidence for the ability of central 5-HT,, receptors to modulate the vagal bradycardia induced by stimulating the upper airways of anesthetized rabbits with smoke H.A. Futuro-Neto, J.G.P. Pires, M.P. Gilbey and A.G. Ramage (Brazil, UK) Loss of GABAy binding sites in the cerebral cortex of rats with acute hepatic encephalopathy S.S. Oja, P. Saransaari, U. Wysmyk and J. Albrecht (Finland, Poland) Author Index

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