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Brain Research 1993: Vol 625 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1993: Vol 625 Index

Brain Research, 625 (1993) 357-359 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Author Index Abe, K., see Sarder, M. (625) 347 Bland, L.R., see Layer, R.T. (625) 38 Domanska-Janik, K., see Tosic, M. (625) 307 Agani, F.H., see Prabhakar, N.R. (625) 16 Boggaram, V., see Aguila, M.C. (625) 213 Dray, A., see Thompson, S.W.N. (625) 100 Aguila, M.C., Boggaram, V. and McCann, Bohuon, C., see Huguet, F. (625) 256 Dykes, R.W., see Jiménez-Capdeville, M.E. S.M. Bohus, B., see Wiersma, A. (625) 219 (625) 152 Insulin-like growth factor I modulates hy- Bonvento, G., see Florence, G. (625) 301 pothalamic somatostatin through a Brainard, L., see Alexander, G.M. (625) 276 Edwall, L., see Olgart, L. (625) 109 growth hormone releasing factor in- Brooke, S., see Jacobson, L. (625) 84 Eriksson, M., see Ceccatelli, S. (625) 177 creased somatostatin release and mes- senger ribonucleic acid levels (625) 213 Cao, Y., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 Akiguchi, I., see Tomimoto, H. (625) 1 Carter, S.R., see LaVail, J.H. (625) 57 Florence, G., Bonvento, G., Roucher, P., Albin, R.L., see Sakurai, S.Y. (625) 181 Ceccatelli, S. and Eriksson, M. Charbonne, R. and Seylaz, J. Alexander, G.M., Schwartzman, R.J., The effect of lactation on nitric oxide Effect of nimodipine on the autoregula- Grothusen, J.R., Brainard, L. and Gor- synthase gene expression (625) 177 tion of cerebral blood flow studied by don, S.W. Chakraborty, A., see Chakraborty, M. (625) laser-Doppler flowmetry (625) 301 Changes in brain dopamine receptors in 197 Florijn, W.J., Holtmaat, A.J.G.D., De Lang, MPTP parkinsonian monkeys following Chakraborty, M., Anderson, G.M., H., Spierenburg, H., Gispen, W.H. and L-dopa treatment (625) 276 Chakraborty, A. and Chatterjee, D. Versteeg, D.H.G. Allen, D.L., Johnson, A.E., Tempel, A., Accumulation of high level of pp60°"N Peptide-induced grooming behavior and Zukin, R.S., Luine, V.N. and McEwen, is an early event during GM,-antibody caudate nucleus dopamine release (625) B.S. mediated differentiation of neuro-2a 169 Serotonergic lesions decrease w- and ô- neuroblastoma cells (625) 197 Fried, K., see Olgart, L. (625) 109 Opiate receptor binding in discrete areas Chang, C.H., see Prabhakar, N.R. (625) 16 Fuxe, K., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 of the hypothalamus and in the midbrain Charbonne, R., see Florence, G. (625) 301 central gray (625) 269 Chatterjee, D., see Chakraborty, M. (625) Ganten, D., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 Amiguet, P., see Tosic, M. (625) 307 197 Garcia-Ruiz, M., Diaz-Cintra, S., Cintra, L. Andbjer, B., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 Chen, H., Kurenny, D.E. and Smith, P.A. and Corkidi, G. Anderson, G.M., see Chakraborty, M. (625) Heparin prevents M-current over-re- Effect of protein malnutrition on CA3 197 covery but not M-current suppression in hippocampal pyramidal cells in rats of Anthony, E., see Barnea, A. (625) 313 bullfrog sympathetic ganglion neurones three ages (625) 203 Armstrong, D.M., see Benzing, W.C. (625) (625) 323 Gispen, W.H., see Florijn, W.J. (625) 169 125 Cho, G., see Barnea, A. (625) 313 Gotembiowska, K., see Wedzony, K. (625) Choi, D.W., see Hewett, S.J. (625) 337 333 Babcock, A.M., Baker, D.A. and Lovec, R. Cintra, L., see Garcia-Ruiz, M. (625) 203 Gordon, S.W., see Alexander, G.M. (625) Locomotor activity in the ischemic gerbil Comoy, E., see Huguet, F. (625) 256 276 (625) 351 Corbett, J.A., see Hewett, S.J. (625) 337 Gray, J.A., see Dawe, G.S. (625) 63 Baker, D.A., see Babcock, A.M. (625) 351 Corkidi, G., see Garcia-Ruiz, M. (625) 203 Grothusen, J.R., see Alexander, G.M. (625) Barnea, A., Anthony, E., Lu, G. and Cho, G. Cornett, J., see Bertram, E.H. (625) 295 276 Morphological differentiation of neu- Cotman, C.W., see Su, J.H. (625) 228 ropeptide Y neurons in aggregate cul- Culman, J., Tschdpe, C., Jost, N., Itoi, K. Haddad, G.G. and Jiang, C. tures of dissociated fetal cortical cells: a and Unger, T. Mechanisms of anoxia-induced depolar- model system for glia-neuron paracrine Substance P and neurokinin A induced ization in brainstem neurons: in vitro interactions (625) 313 desensitization to cardiovascular and be- current and voltage clamp studies in the Bartfai, T., see Hulting, A.-L. (625) 173 havioral effects: evidence for the involve- adult rat (625) 261 Bayer, B.M., see Ding, X.Z. (625) 139 ment of different tachykinin receptors Han, E., see Joseph, R. (625) 244 Benzing, W.C., Mufson, E.J. and Armstrong, (625) 75 Harris-Warrick, R.M., see Johnson, B.R. D.M. Cummings, B.J., see Su, J.H. (625) 228 (625) 159 Immunocytochemical distribution of pep- Haxhiu, M.A., see Prabhakar, N.R. (625) 16 tidergic and cholinergic fibers in the hu- Dawe, G.S., Gray, J.A., Sinden, J.D., Hewett, S.J., Corbett, J.A., McDaniel, M.L. man amygdala: their depletion in Stephenson, J.D. and Segal, M. and Choi, D.W. Alzheimer’s disease and morphologic al- Extracellular recordings in the Inhibition of nitric oxide formation does teration in non-demented elderly with colchicine-lesioned rat dentate gyrus fol- not protect murine cortical cell cultures numerous senile plaques (625) 125 lowing transplants of fetal dentate gyrus from N-methyl-p-aspartate neurotoxicity Berman, J.W., see Hurwitz, A.A. (625) 238 and CA1 hippocampal subfield tissue (625) 337 Berthold, M., see Hulting, A.-L. (625) 173 (625) 63 Hökfelt, T., see Hulting, A.-L. (625) 173 Bertram, E.H. and Cornett, J. De Lang, H., see Florijn, W.J. (625) 169 Holtmaat, A.J.G.D., see Florijn, W.J. (625) The ontogeny of seizures in a rat model Diaz-Cintra, S., see Garcia-Ruiz, M. (625) 169 of limbic epilepsy: evidence for a kindling 203 Hori, K., see Tomimoto, H. (625) 1 process in the development of chronic Ding, X.Z. and Bayer, B.M. Huguet, F., Comoy, E., Piriou, A. and Bo- spontaneous seizures (625) 295 Increases of CCK mRNA and peptide in huon, C. Bhargava, H.N. and Thorat, S.N. different brain areas following acute and Age-related changes of noradrenergic- Effect of thyrotropin releasing hormone chronic administration of morphine (625) NPY interaction in rat brain: nore- on U-50,488H-induced pharmacological 139 pinephrine, NPY levels and a-adrenoc- responses in mice (625) 120 Dolivo, M., see Tosic, M. (625) 307 eptors (625) 256 358 Hulting, A.-L., Land, T., Berthold, M., Lan- feres with the infectivity of herpes sim- Peck, J.H., see Johnson, B.R. (625) 159 gel, Ü., Hökfelt, T. and Bartfai, T. plex virus (625) 57 Pettersson, R.F., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 Galanin receptors from human pituitary Layer, R.T., Bland, L.R. and Skolnick, P. Piriou, A., see Huguet, F. (625) 256 tumors assayed with human galanin as MK-801, but not drugs acting at strych- Pittman, Q.J., see Wilkinson, M.F. (625) 342 ligand (625) 173 nine-insensitive glycine receptors, attenu- Prabhakar, N.R., Kumar, G.K., Chang, C.H., Hurwitz, A.A., Berman, J.W., Rashbaum, ate methamphetamine nigrostriatal toxic- Agani, F.H. and Haxhiu, M.A. W.K. and Lyman, W.D. ity (625) 38 Nitric oxide in the sensory function of Human fetal astrocytes induce the ex- Lippoldt, A., Andbjer, B., Rosén, L., Richter, the carotid body (625) 16 pression of blood-brain barrier specific E., Ganten, D., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F. proteins by autologous endothelial cells and Fuxe, K. Radek, R.J. (625) 238 Photochemically induced focal cerebral Effects of nicotine on cortical high volt- Hyvönen, M., see Lahtinen, H. (625) 93 ischemia in rat: time dependent and age spindles in rats (625) 23 global increase in expression of basic fi- Rashbaum, W.K., see Hurwitz, A.A. (625) Ibata, Y., see Ichitani, Y. (625) 328 broblast growth factor mRNA (625) 45 238 Ichitani, Y., Tanaka, M., Okamura, H. and Liu, X.-H., Kato, H., Nakata, N., Kogure, K. Reinoso-Suarez, F., see Mengual, E. (625) Ibata, Y. and Kato, K. 165 Cholinergic neurons contain Calbindin- An immunohistochemical study of cop- Richter, E., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 D>gk in the monkey medial septal nu- per/zinc superoxide dismutase and man- Riekkinen Sr., P.J., see Lahtinen, H. (625) cleus and nucleus of the diagonal band: ganese superoxide dismutase in rat hip- 93 an immunocytochemical study (625) 328 pocampus after transient cerebral is- Rosén, L., see Lippoldt, A. (625) 45 Itoi, K., see Culman, J. (625) 75 chemia (625) 29 Roucher, P., see Florence, G. (625) 301 Lovec, R., see Babcock, A.M. (625) 351 Lu, G., see Barnea, A. (625) 313 Saed, G.M., see Joseph, R. (625) 244 Jacobson, L., Brooke, S. and Sapolsky, R. Luine, V.N., see Allen, D.L. (625) 269 Saito, H., see Sarder, M. (625) 347 Corticosterone is a preferable ligand for Lutz, P.L., see Sakurai, S.Y. (625) 181 Sakurai, S.Y., Lutz, P.L., Schulman, A. and measuring rat brain corticosteroid recep- Lyman, W.D., see Hurwitz, A.A. (625) 238 Albin, R.L. tors: competition by RU 28362 and RU Unchanged [*HJMK-801 binding and in- 26752 for dexamethasone binding in rat creased [*H]flunitrazepam binding in hippocampal cytosol (625) 84 Martin, P.M., see Ohno, M. (625) 186 Jiang, C., see Haddad, G.G. (625) 261 Mathieson, W.B., see Wilkinson, M.F. (625) turtle forebrain during anoxia (625) 181 Jiménez-Capdeville, M.E. and Dykes, R.W. 342 Sapolsky, R., see Jacobson, L. (625) 84 Daily changes in the release of acetyl- Matthieu, J.-M., see Tosic, M. (625) 307 Sarder, M., Saito, H. and Abe, K. choline from rat primary somatosensory McCann, S.M., see Aguila, M.C. (625) 213 Interleukin-2 promotes survival and neu- cortex (625) 152 McDaniel, M.L., see Hewett, S.J. (625) 337 rite extension of cultured neurons from Johnson, A.E., see Allen, D.L. (625) 269 McEwen, B.S., see Allen, D.L. (625) 269 fetal rat brain (625) 347 Schulman, A., see Sakurai, S.Y. (625) 181 Johnson, B.R., Peck, J.H. and Harris-War- Mengual, E., Velayos, J.L. and Reinoso- rick, R.M. Suárez, F. Schwartzman, R.J., see Alexander, G.M. Dopamine induces sign reversal at mixed Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phos- (625) 276 Segal, M., see Dawe, G.S. (625) 63 chemical-electrical synapses (625) 159 phate diaphorase activity matches acetyl- Joseph, R., Tsang, W., Han, E. and Saed, cholinesterase-rich patches in the medial Seylaz, J., see Florence, G. (625) 301 G.M. thalamic nuclei of the cat (625) 165 Shaikh, M.B., Steinberg, A. and Siegel, A. Neuronal B-amyloid precursor protein Miettinen, R., see Lahtinen, H. (625) 93 Evidence that substance P is utilized in gene expression: regulation by aurintri- Mufson, E.J., see Benzing, W.C. (625) 125 medial amygdaloid facilitation of defen- sive rage behavior in the cat (625) 283 carboxylic acid (625) 244 Shioda, S. and Nakai, Y. Jost, N., see Culman, J. (625) 75 Nakai, Y., see Okuda, H. (625) 145 Medullary synaptic inputs to Nakai, Y., see Shioda, S. (625) 9 thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)- Kameyama, T., see Ukai, M. (625) 355 Nakashima, T., see Okuda, H. (625) 145 containing neurons in the hypothalamus: Kato, H., see Liu, X.-H. (625) 29 Nakata, N., see Liu, X.-H. (625) 29 an ultrastructural study combining Kato, K., see Liu, X.-H. (625) 29 Nakayama, H., see Okuda, H. (625) 145 WGA-HRP anterograde tracing with Kimura, J., see Tomimoto, H. (625) 1 TRH immunocytochemistry (625) 9 Klimek, V., see Wedzony, K. (625) 333 Ohno, M., Komiyama, A., Martin, P.M. and Shioda, S., see Okuda, H. (625) 145 Kobayashi, T., see Ukai, M. (625) 355 Suzuki, K. Siegel, A., see Shaikh, M.B. (625) 283 Kogure, K., see Liu, X.-H. (625) 29 MHC class II antigen expression and T- Sinden, J.D., see Dawe, G.S. (625) 63 Komiyama, A., see Ohno, M. (625) 186 cell infiltration in the demyelinating CNS Sirviö, J., see Lahtinen, H. (625) 93 Koolhaas, J.M., see Wiersma, A. (625) 219 and PNS of the twitcher mouse (625) 186 Skolnick, P., see Layer, R.T. (625) 38 Kumar, G.K., see Prabhakar, N.R. (625) 16 Okamoto, M., see Okuda, H. (625) 145 Smith, P.A., see Chen, H. (625) 323 Kurenny, D.E., see Chen, H. (625) 323 Okamura, H., see Ichitani, Y. (625) 328 Spierenburg, H., see Florijn, W.J. (625) 169 Okuda, H., Shioda, S., Nakai, Y., Nakayama, Steinberg, A., see Shaikh, M.B. (625) 283 Lahtinen, H., Ylinen, A., Hyvönen, M., H., Okamoto, M. and Nakashima, T. Stephenson, J.D., see Dawe, G.S. (625) 63 Sirviö, J., Miettinen, R. and Riekkinen Immunocytochemical localization of Su, J.H., Cummings, B.J. and Cotman, C.W. Se, PJ. nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in rat hy- Identification and distribution of axonal Preservation of hippocampal NMDA re- pothalamus (625) 145 dystrophic neurites in Alzheimer’s dis- ceptors may be crucial for spatial learn- Olgart, L., Edwall, L. and Fried, K. ease (625) 228 ing after epileptic seizures in rats (625) Cat dental pulp after denervation and Suzuki, K., see Ohno, M. (625) 186 93 subsequent re-innervation: changes in Land, T., see Hulting, A.-L. (625) 173 blood-flow regulation and distribution of Tanaka, M., see Ichitani, Y. (625) 328 Langel, Ü., see Hulting, A.-L. (625) 173 neuropeptide-, GAP-43- and low-affinity Tempel, A., see Allen, D.L. (625) 269 LaVail, J.H., Carter, S.R. and Topp, K.S. neurotrophin receptor-like immunoreac- Thompson, S.W.N., Urban, L. and Dray, A. The retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold inter- tivity (625) 109 Contribution of NK, and NK, receptor 359 activation to high threshold afferent fibre Ukai, M., Kobayashi, T. and Kameyama, T. Wiersma, A., Bohus, B. and Koolhaas, J.M. evoked ventral root responses in the rat Dynorphin A-(1-13) attenuates basal Corticotropin-releasing hormone mi- spinal cord in vitro (625) 100 forebrain-lesion-induced amnesia in rats croinfusion in the central amygdala di- Thorat, S.N., see Bhargava, H.N. (625) 120 (625) 355 minishes a cardiac parasympathetic out- Tomimoto, H., Akiguchi, I., Wakita, H., Unger, T., see Culman, J. (625) 75 flow under stress-free conditions (625) Kimura, J., Hori, K. and Yodoi, J. Urban, L., see Thompson, S.W.N. (625) 100 219 Astroglial expression of ATL-derived Wilkinson, M.F., Mathieson, W.B. and factor, a human thioredoxin homologue, Pittman, Q.J. Velayos, J.L., see Mengual, E. (625) 165 in the gerbil brain after transient global Interleukin-18 has excitatory effects on Versteeg, D.H.G., see Florijn, W.J. (625) 169 ischemia (625) 1 neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria Topp, K.S., see LaVail, J.H. (625) 57 terminalis (625) 342 Tosic, M., Dolivo, M., Amiguet, P., Doman- Wakita, H., see Tomimoto, H. (625) 1 ska-Janik, K. and Matthieu, J.-M. Wedzony, K., Gotembiowska, K. and Klimek, Paralytic tremor (pt) rabbit: a sex-linked V. Ylinen, A., see Lahtinen, H. (625) 93 mutation affecting proteolipid protein- MK-801-induced symptoms of sensitiza- Yodoi, J., see Tomimoto, H. (625) 1 gene expression (625) 307 tion.. The lack of correlation with the Tsang, W., see Joseph, R. (625) 244 extracellular concentration of dopamine Tschöpe, C., see Culman, J. (625) 75 in the rat prefrontal cortex (625) 333 Zukin, R.S., see Allen, D.L. (625) 269

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