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Brain Research 1992: Vol 584 Index PDF

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Brain Research, 584 (1992) 334-335 Elsevier Author Index Anderson, G.M., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Craig, A.D. Gallager, D.W., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Aroniadou, V.A. and Teyler, T.J. Spinal and trigeminal lamina I input to Gentili, L., see Massi, M. (584) 77 Induction of NMDA receptor-indepen- the locus coeruleus anterogradely labeled Gouras, G.K., Rance, N.E., Young III, W.S. dent long-term potentiation (LTP) in vi- with Phaseolus vulgaris \eucoagglutinin and Koliatsos, V.E. sual cortex of adult rats (584) 169 (PHA-L) in the cat and the monkey (584) Tyrosine-hydroxylase-containing neurons Artymyshyn, R.P., see Luedtke, R.R. (584) 325 in the primate basal forebrain magnocel- 45 Craig, J.S., see During, M.J. (584) 36 lular complex (584) 287 Cridland, R.A. and Henry, J.L. Guilarte, T.R., see Eastman, C.L. (584) 110 Bombesin, neuromedin C and neu- Barr, G.A., Miya, D.Y. and Paredes, W. romedin B given intrathecally facilitate Hamada, T., see Shibata, S. (584) 251 Analgesic effects of intraventricular and the tail flick reflex in the rat (584) 163 Hamilton, B.R. and Smith, D.O. intrathecal injection of morphine and ke- Cubic, B., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) 261 Calcium currents in rat motor nerve ter- tocyclazocine in the infant rat (584) 83 minals (584) 123 Barr, G.A., see Tive, L.A. (584) 92 Havlik, S. and Peroutka, S.J. Barton, C., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) 261 Dagan, D., see Egan, T.M. (584) 319 Differential radioligand binding proper- Baumeister, A.A., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) Davis, M., see Melia, K.R. (584) 141 ties of [°H]5-hydroxytryptamine and 261 De Caro, G., see Massi, M. (584) 77 (?H]mesulergine in a clonal 5-hydroxy- Belli, S., see Invernizzi, R. (584) 322 Dekker, A.J. and Thal, L.J. tryptamine, cell line (584) 191 Benarroch, E.E., Zollman, P.J., Schmelzer, Effect of delayed treatment with nerve Hawkins, M.F., Cubic, B., Baumeister, A.A. J.D., Nelson, D.K. and Low, P.A. growth factor on choline acetyltrans- and Barton, C. Guanethidine sympathectomy increases ferase activity in the cortex of rats with Microinjection of opioid antagonists into substance P concentration in the superior lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellu- the substantia nigra reduces stress-in- sympathetic ganglion of adult rats (584) laris: dose requirements (584) 55 duced eating in rats (584) 261 305 Deroche, V., Piazza, P.V., Maccari, S., Hayes, R.L., see Mao, J. (584) 18 Bennett, G.J., see Laird, J.M.A. (584) 181 Le Moal, M. and Simon, H. Hayes, R.L., see Mao, J. (584) 28 Bhargava, H.N., see Rattan, A.K. (584) 207 Repeated corticosterone administration Henry, J.L., see Cridland, R.A. (584) 163 Bjorklund, A., see Nilsson, O.G. (584) 132 sensitizes the locomotor response to am- Hernandez, T.D., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Blond, S., see Parker, F. (584) 11 phetamine (584) 309 Horne-King, J., see Unterwald, E.M. (584) Bowman, C.L., Ding, J.-P., Sachs, F. and Ding, J.-P., see Bowman, C.L. (584) 272 314 Sokabe, M. Dow-Edwards, D.L., see Zimmerman, G.A. Huez, G., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 Mechanotransducing ion channels in as- (584) 117 Humlová, M. and Illnerová, H. trocytes (584) 272 Drian, M.-J., see Calvet, M.-C. (584) 1 Entrainment of the rat circadian clock Bronstein, J.M., Micevych, P., Popper, P., During, M.J., Craig, J.S., Hernandez, T.D., controlling the pineal N-acetyltransferase Huez, G., Farber, D.B. and Wasterlain, Anderson, G.M. and Gallager, D.W. rhythm depends on photoperiod (584) 226 CG. Effect of amygdala kindling on the in Long-lasting decreases of type II calmod- vivo release of GABA and 5-HT in the Ihara, N., see Yamada, H. (584) 237 ulin kinase expression in kindled rat dorsal raphe nucleus in freely moving Ikeda, K., see Mizuguchi, M. (584) 219 rats (584) 36 brains (584) 257 Illnerová, H., see Humlová, M. (584) 226 Brown, L.D. and Narahashi, T. Invernizzi, R., Belli, S. and Samanin, R. Modulation of nerve membrane sodium Eastman, C.L., Guilarte, T.R. and Lever, Citalopram’s ability to increase the extra- channel activation by deltamethrin (584) IR. cellular concentrations of serotonin in the 71 Uptake of 3-hydroxykynurenine mea- dorsal raphe prevents the drug’s effect in sured in rat brain slices and in a neu- the frontal cortex (584) 322 ronal cell line (584) 110 Calvet, J., see Calvet, M.-C. (584) 1 Eckardt, M.J., Campbell, G.A., Marietta, Jiang, C. and Lipski, J. Calvet, M.-C., Calvet, J., Teilhac, J.-R. and C.A., Majchrowicz, E., Rawlings, R.R. Synaptic inputs to medullary respiratory Drian, M.-J. and Weight, F.F. neurons from superior laryngeal affer- Networks formed by dorsal root ganglion ents in the cat (584) 197 Ethanol dependence and withdrawal se- neurites within spinal cord explants: a lectively alter localized cerebral glucose Johnston, H.M., see Todd, A.J. (584) 149 computer-aided analysis of HRP intracel- utilization (584) 244 lularly labeled neurons (584) 1 Egan, T.M., Dagan, D., Kupper, J. and Levi- Kano, T., see Katayama, Y. (584) 329 Campbell, G.A., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 tan, I.B. Katayama, Y., Kawamata, T., Kano, T. and Chen, J., Zeng, S.-l., Rao, Z.-r. and Shi, J.-w. Na‘*-activated K* channels are widely Tsubokawa, T. Serotonergic projections from the mid- distributed in rat CNS and in Xenopus Excitatory amino acid antagonist admin- brain periaqueductal gray and nucleus oocytes (584) 319 istered via microdialysis attenuates lac- raphe dorsalis to the nucleus parafascicu- Epstein, A.N., see Massi, M. (584) 77 tate accumulation during cerebral is- laris of the thalamus (584) 294 chemia and subsequent hippocampal Coghill, R.C., see Mao, J. (584) 18 damage (584) 329 Cohen, S.A. and Müller, W.E. Falls, W.A., see Melia, K.R. (584) 141 Kawamata, T., see Katayama, Y. (584) 329 Age-related alterations of NMDA-recep- Farber, D.B., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 Kempf, E., see Rudolf, G. (584) 64 tor properties in the mouse forebrain: Fox, S.E., see Zimmerman, G.A. (584) 117 Kim, S.U., see Mizuguchi, M. (584) 219 partial restoration by chronic phos- Freed, L.A., see Zimmerman, G.A. (584) 117 phatidylserine treatment (584) 174 Fuxe, K., see Von Euler, G. (584) 157 Brain Research, 584 (1992) 334-335 Elsevier Author Index Anderson, G.M., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Craig, A.D. Gallager, D.W., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Aroniadou, V.A. and Teyler, T.J. Spinal and trigeminal lamina I input to Gentili, L., see Massi, M. (584) 77 Induction of NMDA receptor-indepen- the locus coeruleus anterogradely labeled Gouras, G.K., Rance, N.E., Young III, W.S. dent long-term potentiation (LTP) in vi- with Phaseolus vulgaris \eucoagglutinin and Koliatsos, V.E. sual cortex of adult rats (584) 169 (PHA-L) in the cat and the monkey (584) Tyrosine-hydroxylase-containing neurons Artymyshyn, R.P., see Luedtke, R.R. (584) 325 in the primate basal forebrain magnocel- 45 Craig, J.S., see During, M.J. (584) 36 lular complex (584) 287 Cridland, R.A. and Henry, J.L. Guilarte, T.R., see Eastman, C.L. (584) 110 Bombesin, neuromedin C and neu- Barr, G.A., Miya, D.Y. and Paredes, W. romedin B given intrathecally facilitate Hamada, T., see Shibata, S. (584) 251 Analgesic effects of intraventricular and the tail flick reflex in the rat (584) 163 Hamilton, B.R. and Smith, D.O. intrathecal injection of morphine and ke- Cubic, B., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) 261 Calcium currents in rat motor nerve ter- tocyclazocine in the infant rat (584) 83 minals (584) 123 Barr, G.A., see Tive, L.A. (584) 92 Havlik, S. and Peroutka, S.J. Barton, C., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) 261 Dagan, D., see Egan, T.M. (584) 319 Differential radioligand binding proper- Baumeister, A.A., see Hawkins, M.F. (584) Davis, M., see Melia, K.R. (584) 141 ties of [°H]5-hydroxytryptamine and 261 De Caro, G., see Massi, M. (584) 77 (?H]mesulergine in a clonal 5-hydroxy- Belli, S., see Invernizzi, R. (584) 322 Dekker, A.J. and Thal, L.J. tryptamine, cell line (584) 191 Benarroch, E.E., Zollman, P.J., Schmelzer, Effect of delayed treatment with nerve Hawkins, M.F., Cubic, B., Baumeister, A.A. J.D., Nelson, D.K. and Low, P.A. growth factor on choline acetyltrans- and Barton, C. Guanethidine sympathectomy increases ferase activity in the cortex of rats with Microinjection of opioid antagonists into substance P concentration in the superior lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellu- the substantia nigra reduces stress-in- sympathetic ganglion of adult rats (584) laris: dose requirements (584) 55 duced eating in rats (584) 261 305 Deroche, V., Piazza, P.V., Maccari, S., Hayes, R.L., see Mao, J. (584) 18 Bennett, G.J., see Laird, J.M.A. (584) 181 Le Moal, M. and Simon, H. Hayes, R.L., see Mao, J. (584) 28 Bhargava, H.N., see Rattan, A.K. (584) 207 Repeated corticosterone administration Henry, J.L., see Cridland, R.A. (584) 163 Bjorklund, A., see Nilsson, O.G. (584) 132 sensitizes the locomotor response to am- Hernandez, T.D., see During, M.J. (584) 36 Blond, S., see Parker, F. (584) 11 phetamine (584) 309 Horne-King, J., see Unterwald, E.M. (584) Bowman, C.L., Ding, J.-P., Sachs, F. and Ding, J.-P., see Bowman, C.L. (584) 272 314 Sokabe, M. Dow-Edwards, D.L., see Zimmerman, G.A. Huez, G., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 Mechanotransducing ion channels in as- (584) 117 Humlová, M. and Illnerová, H. trocytes (584) 272 Drian, M.-J., see Calvet, M.-C. (584) 1 Entrainment of the rat circadian clock Bronstein, J.M., Micevych, P., Popper, P., During, M.J., Craig, J.S., Hernandez, T.D., controlling the pineal N-acetyltransferase Huez, G., Farber, D.B. and Wasterlain, Anderson, G.M. and Gallager, D.W. rhythm depends on photoperiod (584) 226 CG. Effect of amygdala kindling on the in Long-lasting decreases of type II calmod- vivo release of GABA and 5-HT in the Ihara, N., see Yamada, H. (584) 237 ulin kinase expression in kindled rat dorsal raphe nucleus in freely moving Ikeda, K., see Mizuguchi, M. (584) 219 rats (584) 36 brains (584) 257 Illnerová, H., see Humlová, M. (584) 226 Brown, L.D. and Narahashi, T. Invernizzi, R., Belli, S. and Samanin, R. Modulation of nerve membrane sodium Eastman, C.L., Guilarte, T.R. and Lever, Citalopram’s ability to increase the extra- channel activation by deltamethrin (584) IR. cellular concentrations of serotonin in the 71 Uptake of 3-hydroxykynurenine mea- dorsal raphe prevents the drug’s effect in sured in rat brain slices and in a neu- the frontal cortex (584) 322 ronal cell line (584) 110 Calvet, J., see Calvet, M.-C. (584) 1 Eckardt, M.J., Campbell, G.A., Marietta, Jiang, C. and Lipski, J. Calvet, M.-C., Calvet, J., Teilhac, J.-R. and C.A., Majchrowicz, E., Rawlings, R.R. Synaptic inputs to medullary respiratory Drian, M.-J. and Weight, F.F. neurons from superior laryngeal affer- Networks formed by dorsal root ganglion ents in the cat (584) 197 Ethanol dependence and withdrawal se- neurites within spinal cord explants: a lectively alter localized cerebral glucose Johnston, H.M., see Todd, A.J. (584) 149 computer-aided analysis of HRP intracel- utilization (584) 244 lularly labeled neurons (584) 1 Egan, T.M., Dagan, D., Kupper, J. and Levi- Kano, T., see Katayama, Y. (584) 329 Campbell, G.A., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 tan, I.B. Katayama, Y., Kawamata, T., Kano, T. and Chen, J., Zeng, S.-l., Rao, Z.-r. and Shi, J.-w. Na‘*-activated K* channels are widely Tsubokawa, T. Serotonergic projections from the mid- distributed in rat CNS and in Xenopus Excitatory amino acid antagonist admin- brain periaqueductal gray and nucleus oocytes (584) 319 istered via microdialysis attenuates lac- raphe dorsalis to the nucleus parafascicu- Epstein, A.N., see Massi, M. (584) 77 tate accumulation during cerebral is- laris of the thalamus (584) 294 chemia and subsequent hippocampal Coghill, R.C., see Mao, J. (584) 18 damage (584) 329 Cohen, S.A. and Müller, W.E. Falls, W.A., see Melia, K.R. (584) 141 Kawamata, T., see Katayama, Y. (584) 329 Age-related alterations of NMDA-recep- Farber, D.B., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 Kempf, E., see Rudolf, G. (584) 64 tor properties in the mouse forebrain: Fox, S.E., see Zimmerman, G.A. (584) 117 Kim, S.U., see Mizuguchi, M. (584) 219 partial restoration by chronic phos- Freed, L.A., see Zimmerman, G.A. (584) 117 phatidylserine treatment (584) 174 Fuxe, K., see Von Euler, G. (584) 157 335 Koliatsos, V.E., see Gouras, G.K. (584) 287 Narahashi, T., see Brown, L.D. (584) 71 phetamine- and apomorphine-induced Koo, K.L., see Rattan, A.K. (584) 207 Nelson, D.K., see Benarroch, E.E. (584) 305 stereotypy (584) 213 Kreek, M.J., see Unterwald, E.M. (584) 314 Nilsson, O.G., Leanza, G. and Bjorklund, A. Kuhar, M.J., see Lew, R. (584) 266 Acetylcholine release in the hippocam- Takahashi, H., see Yamada, H. (584) 237 Kupper, J., see Egan, T.M. (584) 319 pus: regulation by monoaminergic affer- Teilhac, J.-R., see Calvet, M.-C. (584) 1 ents as assessed by in vivo microdialysis Tejwani, G.A., see Rattan, A.K. (584) 207 Laird, J.M.A. and Bennett, G.J. (584) 132 Teyler, T.J., see Aroniadou, V.A. (584) 169 Dorsal root potentials and afferent input Thal, L.J., see Dekker, A.J. (584) 55 to the spinal cord in rats with an experi- Tive, L.A. and Barr, G.A. mental peripheral neuropathy (584) 181 Paredes, W., see Barr, G.A. (584) 83 Analgesia from the periaqueductal gray Leanza, G., see Nilsson, O.G. (584) 132 Parker, F., Tzourio, N., Blond, S., Petit, H. Le Moal, M., see Deroche, V. (584) 309 and Mazoyer, B. in the developing rat: focal injections of morphine or glutamate and effects of in- Lever, J.R., see Eastman, C.L. (584) 110 Evidence for a common network of brain trathecal injection of methysergide or Levitan, I.B., see Egan, T.M. (584) 319 structures involved in Parkinsonian phentolamine (584) 92 Lew, R., Patel, A., Vaughan, R.A., Wilson, tremor and voluntary repetitive move- Todd, A.J., Spike, R.C., Russell, G. and A. and Kuhar, M.J. ment (584) 11 Johnston, H.M. Microheterogeneity of dopamine trans- Patel, A., see Lew, R. (584) 266 Immunohistochemical evidence that porters in rat striatum and nucleus ac- Peroutka, S.J., see Havlik, S. (584) 191 cumbens (584) 266 Petit, H., see Parker, F. (584) 11 Met-enkephalin and GABA coexist in some neurones in rat dorsal horn (584) Lipski, J., see Jiang, C. (584) 197 Pévet, P., see Rudolf, G. (584) 64 149 Low, P.A., see Benarroch, E.E. (584) 305 Piazza, P.V., see Deroche, V. (584) 309 Lu, J., see Mao, J. (584) 18 Pompei, P., see Massi, M. (584) 77 Tominaga, K., see Shibata, S. (584) 251 Lu, J., see Mao, J. (584) 28 Popper, P., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 Tsubokawa, T., see Katayama, Y. (584) 329 Tzourio, N., see Parker, F. (584) 11 Luedtke, R.R., Artymyshyn, R.P., Monks, Price, D.D., see Mao, J. (584) 18 B.R. and Molinoff, P.B. Price, D.D., see Mao, J. (584) 28 Unterwald, E.M., Horne-King, J. and Kreek, Comparison of the expression, transcrip- M.J. tion and genomic organization of D, dopamine receptors in outbred and in- Rance, N.E., see Gouras, G.K. (584) 287 Chronic cocaine alters brain mu opioid bred strains of rat (584) 45 Rao, Z.-r., see Chen, J. (584) 294 receptors (584) 314 Rattan, A.K., Koo, K.L., Tejwani, G.A. and Maccari, S., see Deroche, V. (584) 309 Bhargava, H.N. Vanderhaeghen, J.-J., see Von Euler, G. Mailleux, P., see Von Euler, G. (584) 157 The effect of morphine tolerance depen- (584) 157 Majchrowicz, E., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 dence and abstinence on immunoreactive Vaughan, R.A., see Lew, R. (584) 266 Mao, J., Hayes, R.L., Price, D.D., Coghill, Vivien-Roels, B., see Rudolf, G. (584) 64 dynorphin (1-13) levels in discrete brain R.C., Lu, J. and Mayer, D.J. regions, spinal cord, pituitary gland and Von Euler, G., Mailleux, P., Von Euler, M., Post-injury treatment with GM1 ganglio- peripheral tissues of the rat (584) 207 Schiffmann, S.N., Vanderhaeghen, J.-J. side reduces nociceptive behaviors and Rawlings, R.R., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 and Fuxe, K. spinal cord metabolic activity in rats with Rudolf, G., Vivien-Roels, B., Pévet, P., Coactivation of dopamine D, and D, re- experimental peripheral mononeuropa- Kempf, E. and Wioland, N. ceptors increases the affinity of cholecys- thy (584) 18 Dopamine and melatonin interactions in tokinin-8 receptors in membranes from Mao, J., Price, D.D., Hayes, R.L., Lu, J. and the intact chicken eye.. Electrooculo- post-mortem human caudate-putamen Mayer, D.J. graphic and biochemical study (584) 64 (584) 157 Intrathecal GM1 ganglioside and local Russell, G., see Todd, A.J. (584) 149 Von Euler, M., see Von Euler, G. (584) 157 nerve anesthesia reduce nociceptive be- haviors in rats with experimental periph- Wallace, L.J., see Supko, D.E. (584) 213 eral mononeuropathy (584) 28 Sachs, F., see Bowman, C.L. (584) 272 Wasterlain, C.G., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) Marietta, C.A., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 Samanin, R., see Invernizzi, R. (584) 322 257 Massi, M., Gentili, L., Pompei, P., De Caro, Sano, Y., see Yamada, H. (584) 237 Watanabe, S., see Shibata, S. (584) 251 G. and Epstein, A.N. Sarantis, M. and Mobbs, P. Weight, F.F., see Eckardt, M.J. (584) 244 Central tachykinin injection potently sup- The spatial relationship between Müller Wilson, A., see Lew, R. (584) 266 presses the need-free salt intake of the cell processes and the photoreceptor out- Wioland, N., see Rudolf, G. (584) 64 female rat (584) 77 put synapse (584) 299 Mayer, D.J., see Mao, J. (584) 18 Schiffmann, S.N., see Von Euler, G. (584) Yamada, H., Ihara, N., Takahashi, H., Mayer, D.J., see Mao, J. (584) 28 157 Yoshimura, M. and Sano, Y. Mazoyer, B., see Parker, F. (584) 11 Schmelzer, J.D., see Benarroch, E.E. (584) Distribution of the endogenous digitalis- Melia, K.R., Falls, W.A. and Davis, M. 305 like substance (EDLS)-containing neu- Involvement of pertussis toxin sensitive Shi, J.-w., see Chen, J. (584) 294 rons labeled by digoxin antibody in hy- G-proteins in conditioned fear-potenti- Shibata, S., Hamada, T., Tominaga, K. and pothalamus and three circumventricular ated startle: possible involvement of the Watanabe, S. organs of dog and macaque (584) 237 amygdala (584) 141 An in vitro circadian rhythm of protein Yoshimura, M., see Yamada, H. (584) 237 Micevych, P., see Bronstein, J.M. (584) 257 synthesis in the rat suprachiasmatic nu- Young III, W.S., see Gouras, G.K. (584) 287 Miya, D.Y., see Barr, G.A. (584) 83 cleus under tissue culture conditions (584) Mizuguchi, M., Ikeda, K. and Kim, S.U. 251 Zeng, S.-l., see Chen, J. (584) 294 Differential distribution of cellular forms Simon, H., see Deroche, V. (584) 309 Zimmerman, G.A., Fox, S.E., Freed, L.A. of B-amyloid precursor protein in murine Smith, D.O., see Hamilton, B.R. (584) 123 and Dow-Edwards, D.L. glial cell cultures (584) 219 Sokabe, M., see Bowman, C.L. (584) 272 Hippocampal laminar glucose utilization Mobbs, P., see Sarantis, M. (584) 299 Spike, R.C., see Todd, A.J. (584) 149 and theta rhythm following unilateral Molinoff, P.B., see Luedtke, R.R. (584) 45 Supko, D.E. and Wallace, L.J. fimbria-fornix lesions in rats (584) 117 Monks, B.R., see Luedtke, R.R. (584) 45 AMPA glutamate receptor activation in Zollman, P.J., see Benarroch, E.E. (584) 305 Miiller, W.E., see Cohen, S.A. (584) 174 the posterior zona incerta inhibits am-

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