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Brain Research 1992: Vol 576 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1992: Vol 576 Index

Brain Research, 576 (1992) 358-359 Elsevier Author Index Abe, Y., see Kalubi, B., 287 sonian rats following intrastriatal implan- neurons, 287 Ammons, W.S., see Standish, A., 12 tation of activated leukocytes, 42 Kamei, J., Kawashima, N. and Kasuya, Y., Aston-Jones, G., see Van Bockstaele, E.J., Role of spleen or spleen products in the 59 Feldman, J.L., see Greer, J.J., 355 deficiency in morphine-induced analgesia Fiorino, D., see Whishaw, I.Q., 1 in diabetic mice, 139 Baba, A., see Matsuda, T., 263 Fonnum, F., see Hassel, B., 120 Kamen, G., Greenstein, S.S. and De Luca, Baca, J.M., see Mandler, R.N., 337 C.J., Lateral dominance and motor unit Bardram, L., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 Gao, Y., see Patel, A., 173 firing behavior, 165 Barillot, J.C., see Zheng, Y., 235 Gonzales, C., see Soghomonian, J.-J., 68 Kapasi, M.Z., see Enters, E.K., 271 Barillot, J.C., see Zheng, Y., 245 Greer, J.J., Smith, J.C. and Feldman, J.L., Kasuya, Y., see Kamei, J., 139 Barun, S., see Dalkara, T., 197 Glutamate release and presynaptic ac- Kato, H., Wanaka, A. and Tohyama, M., Berg-Johnsen, J. and Langmoen, I.A., tion of AP4 during inspiratory drive to Co-localization of basic fibroblast growth Temperature sensitivity of thin unmyeli- phrenic motoneurons, 355 factor-like immunoreactivity and its re- nated fibers in rat hippocampal cortex, Grunwerg, B.S., see Krauthamer, G.M., ceptor mRNA in the rat spinal cord and 319 277 the dorsal root ganglion, 351 BBoojnaa,1g 31aJ m.Wb.a,, seLe. GP.aHt.e,l, sAe.e, M1a7c3 hado, B.H., HassFeoln, nuBm.,, PaFu.,l sSeenl,e ctRi.vEe. , inJhoihbnisteinon, oAf. galniadl KKealwlaaenrsd,h iREma.amA,i. ,r eNzB.,,o rgsOhe.eeA s.eK,,a mTeChi.e,M .,lJe .a,Cr an1ri3rn9eg r ,c aHp.aFc.- Borghese, C.M., see Keller, E.A., 162 ce1l2l0 metabolism in vivo by fluorocitrate, ity of high or low performance rats is Bowers, B.J. and Wehner, J.M., Adrenal- Hayes, N.L., see Nowakowski, R.S., 152 related to the hippocampus NMDA- Buteerrceact,eo pmtyPo. rC .,af nudWn icltlisaotrnrde s,s i n D.LmSMo .du alnaadnt de S SR aGmyiAmcoBe,nA d,,8 0 HHaayyeD-seS,mc ohnmRsi.tdLrt.,a, tisoeAen. Moafao n,ad nJe.Mu,i rk2ok5ne4a lls enpr,o jecJt.iDo.n, KKeellllryee,yc ,e pJt.oSR.r.,sO ,. s,e 1e6 2sH eoe dgkRiossse,n beJr.Pg.,, 15G7. A., 203 S.A., Effects of PVN lesions on the Kirby, R.F., Thunhorst, R.L. and Johnson, rdieoslp, on3s0i4v eness of female rats to estra- Hecfskurrboosmtt ha,nt thiea J .eAnn.it,go rpaeT deourfnm citunhlaela rr atd,ni us3ct4lr3ei ubsu tioton thoef sAi.nK .r,e ceEfpfteocrt s anotfa gao nniosnt- peopnt iddrei naknignigo teann-d Cao, F. and Leung, L.S., Effect of atropine mossy fibers traversing the superior cer- blood pressure responses to centrally and PCPA on the behavioral modulation ebellar peduncle in the mouse, 322 administered angiotensins in the rat, 348 of paired-pulse response in the hipocam- Higuchi, T., Honda, K., Takano, S. and Kornfeld, M., see Rosenberg, G.A., 203 pal CA1 region, 339 Negoro, H., Estrogen fails to reduce Krauthamer, G.M.. Krol, J.G. and Grun- Carrer, H.F., see Keller, E.A., 162 tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neu- werg, B.S., Effect of superior colliculus Carroll, F.I., see Patel, A., 173 ronal activity and to cause a prolactin lesions on sensory unit responses in the Castafieda, E., see Whishaw, I.Q., 1 surge in lactating, ovariectomized rats, intralaminar thalamus of the rat, 277 Chesselet, M.-F., see Soghomonian, J.-J., 143 Krol, J.G, see Krauthamer, G.M., 277 68 Hilsted, L., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 Kiinzle, H. and Unger, J.W., Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive neurons in the Hisano, S., Li, S., Kagotani, Y. and Daikoku, S., see Hisano, S., 311 Daikoku, S., Synaptic associations be- suprachiasmatic-subparaventricular re- Dalkara, T., Erdemli, G., Barum, S. and tween oxytocin-containing magnocellular gion in the hedgehog-tenrec, 332 Onur, R., Glycine is required for neurons and neurons containing corti- Kusumoto, K., Mackay, K.B. and McCul- NMDA receptor activation: electrophys- cotropin-releasing factor in the rat mag- loch, J., The effect of the kappa-opioid iological evidence from intact rat hippo- nocellular paraventricular nucleus, 311 receptor agonist CI-977 in a rat model of campus, 197 Hochberg, R.B., see Toran-Allerand, C.D., focal cerebral ischaemia, 147 Dawson, I.M., see Hodgkiss, J.P., 157 25 Kyle, A.L., see Owusu-Yaw, V., 220 De Luca, C.J., see Kamen, G., 165 Hodgkiss, J.P., Dawson, I.M. and Kelly, Duvauchelle, C.L., Levitin, M., MacCo- J.S., An intracellular study of the action Landgraf, R., see Ludwig, M., 231 nell, L.A., Lee, L.K. and Ettenberg, A., of NAN-190 on neurons in the dorsal Langmoen, I.A., see Berg-Johnsen, J., 319 Onupcploesuist e aefcfceuctmsb eonfs prefirnofnutsailo nsc ortoefx afnlud- Honrdaap,h e K.n,u clseeeu s Hiogfu cthhie , raTt.,, 115473 Lasansky, A., Properties of depolarizing bipolar cell responses to central illumi- penthixol on stimulant-induced locomo- nation in salamander retinal slices, 181 tion and brain stimulation reward, 104 Irifune, M., see Kalubi, B., 287 Lee, L.K., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 Egger, M.D., see Nowakowski, R.S., 152 Johnsen, A., see Hassel, B., 120 Lever, J., see Patel, A., 173 Enters, E.K., Pascua, J.R., McDowell, Johnsen, A.K., see Kirby, R.F., 348 Levitin, M., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 K.P., Kapasi, M.Z., Povlishock, J.T. and Joseph, J.A., see Yamagami, K., 327 Lew, R., see Patel, A., 173 Robinson, S.E., Blockade of acute hy- Lewin, A.H., see Patel, A., 173 pertensive response does not prevent Kagotani, Y., see Hisano, S., 311 Li, S., see Hisano, S., 311 changes in behavior or in CSF acetylcho- Kalubi, B., Takeda, N., Irifune, M., Ogino, Liotta, L.A., see Rosenberg, G.A., 203 line (ACH) content following traumatic S., Abe, Y., Su-Ling, H., Yamano, M., Lu, J., see Mao, J., 254 brain injury (TBI), 271 Matsunaga, T. and Tohyama, M., Nasal Ludwig, M. and Landgraf, R., Does the Erdemli, G., see Dalkara, T., 197 mucosa sensitization with toluene diiso- release of vasopressin within the su- Ettenberg, A., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 cyanate (TDI) increases preprotachyki- praoptic nucleus of the rat brain depend Ewing, S.E., Weber, R.J., Zauner, A. and nin A (PPTA) and preproCGRP mR- upon changes in osmolality and Ca?*/ Plunkett, R.J., Recovery in hemiparkin- NAs in guinea pig trigeminal ganglion K*?, 231 Brain Research, 576 (1992) 358-359 Elsevier Author Index Abe, Y., see Kalubi, B., 287 sonian rats following intrastriatal implan- neurons, 287 Ammons, W.S., see Standish, A., 12 tation of activated leukocytes, 42 Kamei, J., Kawashima, N. and Kasuya, Y., Aston-Jones, G., see Van Bockstaele, E.J., Role of spleen or spleen products in the 59 Feldman, J.L., see Greer, J.J., 355 deficiency in morphine-induced analgesia Fiorino, D., see Whishaw, I.Q., 1 in diabetic mice, 139 Baba, A., see Matsuda, T., 263 Fonnum, F., see Hassel, B., 120 Kamen, G., Greenstein, S.S. and De Luca, Baca, J.M., see Mandler, R.N., 337 C.J., Lateral dominance and motor unit Bardram, L., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 Gao, Y., see Patel, A., 173 firing behavior, 165 Barillot, J.C., see Zheng, Y., 235 Gonzales, C., see Soghomonian, J.-J., 68 Kapasi, M.Z., see Enters, E.K., 271 Barillot, J.C., see Zheng, Y., 245 Greer, J.J., Smith, J.C. and Feldman, J.L., Kasuya, Y., see Kamei, J., 139 Barun, S., see Dalkara, T., 197 Glutamate release and presynaptic ac- Kato, H., Wanaka, A. and Tohyama, M., Berg-Johnsen, J. and Langmoen, I.A., tion of AP4 during inspiratory drive to Co-localization of basic fibroblast growth Temperature sensitivity of thin unmyeli- phrenic motoneurons, 355 factor-like immunoreactivity and its re- nated fibers in rat hippocampal cortex, Grunwerg, B.S., see Krauthamer, G.M., ceptor mRNA in the rat spinal cord and 319 277 the dorsal root ganglion, 351 BBoojnaa,1g 31aJ m.Wb.a,, seLe. GP.aHt.e,l, sAe.e, M1a7c3 hado, B.H., HassFeoln, nuBm.,, PaFu.,l sSeenl,e ctRi.vEe. , inJhoihbnisteinon, oAf. galniadl KKealwlaaenrsd,h iREma.amA,i. ,r eNzB.,,o rgsOhe.eeA s.eK,,a mTeChi.e,M .,lJe .a,Cr an1ri3rn9eg r ,c aHp.aFc.- Borghese, C.M., see Keller, E.A., 162 ce1l2l0 metabolism in vivo by fluorocitrate, ity of high or low performance rats is Bowers, B.J. and Wehner, J.M., Adrenal- Hayes, N.L., see Nowakowski, R.S., 152 related to the hippocampus NMDA- Buteerrceact,eo pmtyPo. rC .,af nudWn icltlisaotrnrde s,s i n D.LmSMo .du alnaadnt de S SR aGmyiAmcoBe,nA d,,8 0 HHaayyeD-seS,mc ohnmRsi.tdLrt.,a, tisoeAen. Moafao n,ad nJe.Mu,i rk2ok5ne4a lls enpr,o jecJt.iDo.n, KKeellllryee,yc ,e pJt.oSR.r.,sO ,. s,e 1e6 2sH eoe dgkRiossse,n beJr.Pg.,, 15G7. A., 203 S.A., Effects of PVN lesions on the Kirby, R.F., Thunhorst, R.L. and Johnson, rdieoslp, on3s0i4v eness of female rats to estra- Hecfskurrboosmtt ha,nt thiea J .eAnn.it,go rpaeT deourfnm citunhlaela rr atd,ni us3ct4lr3ei ubsu tioton thoef sAi.nK .r,e ceEfpfteocrt s anotfa gao nniosnt- peopnt iddrei naknignigo teann-d Cao, F. and Leung, L.S., Effect of atropine mossy fibers traversing the superior cer- blood pressure responses to centrally and PCPA on the behavioral modulation ebellar peduncle in the mouse, 322 administered angiotensins in the rat, 348 of paired-pulse response in the hipocam- Higuchi, T., Honda, K., Takano, S. and Kornfeld, M., see Rosenberg, G.A., 203 pal CA1 region, 339 Negoro, H., Estrogen fails to reduce Krauthamer, G.M.. Krol, J.G. and Grun- Carrer, H.F., see Keller, E.A., 162 tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neu- werg, B.S., Effect of superior colliculus Carroll, F.I., see Patel, A., 173 ronal activity and to cause a prolactin lesions on sensory unit responses in the Castafieda, E., see Whishaw, I.Q., 1 surge in lactating, ovariectomized rats, intralaminar thalamus of the rat, 277 Chesselet, M.-F., see Soghomonian, J.-J., 143 Krol, J.G, see Krauthamer, G.M., 277 68 Hilsted, L., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 Kiinzle, H. and Unger, J.W., Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive neurons in the Hisano, S., Li, S., Kagotani, Y. and Daikoku, S., see Hisano, S., 311 Daikoku, S., Synaptic associations be- suprachiasmatic-subparaventricular re- Dalkara, T., Erdemli, G., Barum, S. and tween oxytocin-containing magnocellular gion in the hedgehog-tenrec, 332 Onur, R., Glycine is required for neurons and neurons containing corti- Kusumoto, K., Mackay, K.B. and McCul- NMDA receptor activation: electrophys- cotropin-releasing factor in the rat mag- loch, J., The effect of the kappa-opioid iological evidence from intact rat hippo- nocellular paraventricular nucleus, 311 receptor agonist CI-977 in a rat model of campus, 197 Hochberg, R.B., see Toran-Allerand, C.D., focal cerebral ischaemia, 147 Dawson, I.M., see Hodgkiss, J.P., 157 25 Kyle, A.L., see Owusu-Yaw, V., 220 De Luca, C.J., see Kamen, G., 165 Hodgkiss, J.P., Dawson, I.M. and Kelly, Duvauchelle, C.L., Levitin, M., MacCo- J.S., An intracellular study of the action Landgraf, R., see Ludwig, M., 231 nell, L.A., Lee, L.K. and Ettenberg, A., of NAN-190 on neurons in the dorsal Langmoen, I.A., see Berg-Johnsen, J., 319 Onupcploesuist e aefcfceuctmsb eonfs prefirnofnutsailo nsc ortoefx afnlud- Honrdaap,h e K.n,u clseeeu s Hiogfu cthhie , raTt.,, 115473 Lasansky, A., Properties of depolarizing bipolar cell responses to central illumi- penthixol on stimulant-induced locomo- nation in salamander retinal slices, 181 tion and brain stimulation reward, 104 Irifune, M., see Kalubi, B., 287 Lee, L.K., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 Egger, M.D., see Nowakowski, R.S., 152 Johnsen, A., see Hassel, B., 120 Lever, J., see Patel, A., 173 Enters, E.K., Pascua, J.R., McDowell, Johnsen, A.K., see Kirby, R.F., 348 Levitin, M., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 K.P., Kapasi, M.Z., Povlishock, J.T. and Joseph, J.A., see Yamagami, K., 327 Lew, R., see Patel, A., 173 Robinson, S.E., Blockade of acute hy- Lewin, A.H., see Patel, A., 173 pertensive response does not prevent Kagotani, Y., see Hisano, S., 311 Li, S., see Hisano, S., 311 changes in behavior or in CSF acetylcho- Kalubi, B., Takeda, N., Irifune, M., Ogino, Liotta, L.A., see Rosenberg, G.A., 203 line (ACH) content following traumatic S., Abe, Y., Su-Ling, H., Yamano, M., Lu, J., see Mao, J., 254 brain injury (TBI), 271 Matsunaga, T. and Tohyama, M., Nasal Ludwig, M. and Landgraf, R., Does the Erdemli, G., see Dalkara, T., 197 mucosa sensitization with toluene diiso- release of vasopressin within the su- Ettenberg, A., see Duvauchelle, C.L., 104 cyanate (TDI) increases preprotachyki- praoptic nucleus of the rat brain depend Ewing, S.E., Weber, R.J., Zauner, A. and nin A (PPTA) and preproCGRP mR- upon changes in osmolality and Ca?*/ Plunkett, R.J., Recovery in hemiparkin- NAs in guinea pig trigeminal ganglion K*?, 231 359 Machado, B.H. and Bonagamba, L.G.H., Pinault, D., Ectopic axonal firing in an receptors in nucleus tractus solitarius is Microinjection of L-glutamate into the epileptic cortical focus is not triggered by required for the baroreceptor reflex, 297 nucleus tractus solitarii increases arterial thalamocortical volleys during the in- Takeda, N., see Kalubi, B., 287 pressure in conscious rats, 131 terictal stage, 175 Mackay, K.B., see Kusumoto, K., 147 Pingping, Z., Ogita, K. and Yoneda, Y., Takano, S., see Higuchi, T., 143 MacLusky, N.J., see Toran-Allerand, C.D., Presence the binding of a variety of Thunhorst, R.L., see Kirby, R.F., 348 25 ligands related to ionotropic excitatory Tohyama, M., see Kalubi, B., 287 Malagon, M., Vallarino, M., Tonon, M.C. amino acid receptors in rat retina, 168 Tohyama, M., see Kato, H., 351 Tonon, M.C., see Malagon, M., 208 and Vaudry, H., Localization and chara- Plunkett, R.J., see Ewing, S.E., 42 terization of diazepam-binding inhibitor Povlishock, J.T., see Enters, E.K., 271 Toran-Allerand, C.D., Miranda, R.C., (DBI)-like peptides in the brain and Price, D.D., see Mao, J., 254 Hochberg, R.B. and MacLusky, N.J., Cellular variations in estrogen receptor pituitary of the trout (Salmo gairdneri), 208 Ramirez, O.A., see Keller, E.A., 162 mRNA translation in the developing brain: evidence from combined [!*°T]e- Mandler, R.N. and Baca, J.M., Muscle Raymond, S.A., see Butera, P.C., 304 lactate dehydrogenase activity is de- Rehfeld, J.F., Mogensen, N.W., Bardram, strogen autoradiography and non-isoto- creased in murine motor neuron disease, L., Hilsted, L. and Monstein, H., Ex- pic in situ hybridization histochemistry, 337 pression, but failing maturation of pro- 25 Troisi, A., see Schino, G., 125 Mao, J., Price, D.D., Mayer, D.J., Lu, J. cholecystokinin in cerebellum, 111 and Hayes, R.L., Intrathecal MK-801 Riény, J., Tuček, S and Nováková, J., Tsukamoto, K., see Sved, A.F., 297 Tuček, S., see Riény, J., 215 and local nerve anesthesia synergistically Acetylcarnitiine, carnitine and glucose reduce nociceptive behaviors in rats with diminish the effect of muscarinic antag- Unger, J.W., see Kiinzle, H., 332 experimental peripheral mononeuropa- onist quinuclidinyl benzilate on striatal Uretsky, N.J., see Supko, D.E., 89 thy, 254 acetylcholine content 215 Matsuda, T., Shimizu, I., Murata, Y. and Robinson, S.E., see Enters, E.K., 271 Vallarino, M., see Malagon, M., 208 Baba, A., Glucose and oxygen depriva- Rosenberg, G.A., Kornfeld, M., Estrada, Van Bockstaele, E.J. and Aston-Jones, G., tion induces a Ca?*-mediated decrease E., Kelley, R.O., Liotta, L.A. and Distinct populations of neurons in the in (Na* + K*)-ATPase activity in rat Stetler-Stevenson, W.G., TIMP-2-re- ventromedial periaqueductal gray brain slices, 263 duces proteolytic opening of blood-brain project to the rostral ventral medulla and Matsunaga, T., see Kalubi, B., 287 barrier by type IV collagenase, 203 abducens nucleus, 59 Mayer, D.J., see Mao, J., 254 Roth, G.S., see Yamagami, K., 327 Vaudry, H., see Malagon, M., 208 Mikkelsen, J.D., see Hay-Schmidt, A, 343 Vizzard, M.A., see Standish, A., 12 Miranda, R.C., see Toran-Allerand, C.D., Salomon, Y., see Zohar, M., 49 25 Schino, G. and Troisi, A., Opiate receptor Wallace, L.J., see Supko, D.E., 89 Mittleman, G., see Whishaw, I.Q., 1 blockade in juvenile macaques: effect on Wanaka, A., see Kato, H., 351 Mogensen, N.W., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 affiliative interactions with their mothers Weber, R.J., see Ewing, S.E., 42 Monstein, H., see Rehfeld, J.F., 111 and group companions, 125 Wehner, J.M., see Bowers, B.J., 80 Murata, Y., see Matsuda, T., 263 Schreihofer, A.M., see Sved, A.F., 297 Whishaw, I.Q., Fiorino, D., Mittleman, G. Muteki, T., see Sugiyama, K., 97 Shimizu, I., see Matsuda, T., 263 and Castafieda, E., Do forebrain struc- Shimoji, K., see Sugiyama, K., 97 tures complete for behavioral expres- Negoro, H., see Higuchi,T., 143 Simantov, R., see Patel, A., 173 sion? Evidence from amphetamine-in- Nowakowski, R.S., Hayes, N.L. and Egger, Smith, J.C., see Greer, J.J., 355 duced behavior, microdialysis, and cau- M.D., Competitive interactions during Soghomonian, J.-J., Gonzales, C. and date-accumbens lesions in medial frontal dendritic growth: a simple stochastic cortex damaged rats, 1 Chesselet, M.-F., Messenger RNAs en- growth algorithm, 152 coding glutamate-decarboxylases are dif- Willard, D.M., see Butera, P.C., 304 Nováková, J., see Ritny, J., 215 Nowakowski, R.S., Hayes, N.L. and Egger, fseiroennst iailnl ys ubapfofpecutleadt iobnys noifg rosstrtiraitaatla l neule-- Yamagami, K., Joseph, J.A. and Roth, M.D., Competitive interactions during rons, 68 G.S., Decrement of muscarinic receptor- dendritic growth: a simple stochastic Standish, A., Vizzard, M.A and Ammons, stimulated low-K,,GTPase in striatum growth algorithm, 152 W.S., Tonic descending modulation of Yamaanndo ,h ipMp.o,c asmeep usK alfurboi,m tBh.e, a2g8e7 d rat, 327 Ogino, S., see Kalubi, B., 287 spinal neurons with renal input, 12 Yoneda, Y., see Pingping, Z., 168 Stell, W.K., see Owusu-Yaw, V., 220 Ogita, K., see Pingping, Z., 168 Onur, R., see Dalkara, T., 197 Stetler-Stevenson, W.G., see Rosenberg, Zauner, A., see Ewing, S.E., 42 Owusu-Yaw, V., Kyle, A.L. and Stell, G.A., 203 Zheng, Y., Barillot, J.C. and Bianchi, A.L., W.K., Effects of lesions of the optic Sugiyama, K., Muteki, T. and Shimoji, K., Intracellular electrophysiological and nerve, optic tectum and nervus termina- Halothane-induced hyperpolarization morphological study of the medullary lis on rod precursor proliferation in the and depression of postsynaptic potentials inspiratory neurons of the decerebrate goldfish retina, 220 of guinea pig thalamic neurons in vitro, rat, 235 97 Zheng, Y., Barillot, J.C. and Bianchi, A.L., Pascua, J.R., see Enters, E.K., 271 Su-Ling, H., see Kalubi, B., 287 Medullary expiratory neurons in the de- Patel, A., Boja, J.W., Lever, J., Lew, R., Supko, D.E., Uretsky, N.J. and Wallace, cerebrate rat: an intracellular study, 245 Simantov, R., Carroll, F.I., Lewin, L.J., AMPA/kainic acid glutamate re- Zohar, M. and Salomon, Y., Melanocortins A.H., Philip, A., Gao, Y. and Kuhar, ceptor antagonism in the zona incerta stimulate proliferation and induce mor- M.J., A cocaine analog and a GBR dorsal to the subthalamic nucleus inhibits phological changes in cultured rat astro- analog label the same protein in rat amphetamine-induced stereotypy but not cytes by distinct transducing mecha- striatal membranes, 173 locomotor activity, 89 nisms, 49 Paulsen, R.E., see Hassel, B., 120 Sved, A.F., Tsukamoto, K. and Schreiho- Philip, A., see Patel, A., 173 fer, A.M., Stimulation of a-adrenergic

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