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Brain Research, 572 (1992) 356-358 Elsevier Author Index Abe, T., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Decker, M.W., Majchrzak, M.J. and cose depletion, 335 Akbari, H.M., Kramer, H.K., Whitaker- Anderson, D.J., Effects of nicotine on Fukushima, N., see Ojika, K., 164 Azmitia, P.M., Spear, L.P. and Azmitia, spatial memory deficits in rats with septal E.C., Prenatal cocaine exposure disrupts lesions, 281 Gavish, M., see Weizman, A., 72 the development of the serotonergic sys- Del Rio, A., see Ferrer, I., 33 Geffard, M., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 tem, 57 Delanney, L.E., see Irwin, I., 224 Gotebiewski, H., see Konopacki, J., 76 Akiyama, Y., see Ohue, T., 340 De Luca Jr., L.A., see Colombari, E., 172 Gobaille, S., see Hechler, V., 345 Altares, M., see Seniuk, N., 300 Di Monte, D., see Irwin, I., 224 Gold, P.W., see Brady, L.S., 117 Amiri, Z., see Weizman, A., 72 Dou, H., see Moore, C.L., 52 Gorter, J.A., Veerman, M. and Mirmiran, Anderson, D.J., see Decker, M.W., 281 Dourmap, N., see Naudon, L., 247 M., Hippocampal neuronal responsive- Anderson, K.D., see Karle, E.J., 303 Drian, M.J., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 ness to NMDA agonists and antagonists Asai, H., see Nakano, K., 1 Dryer, S.E., see Henderson, D., 182 in the adult rat neonatally treated with Azmitia, E.C., see Akbari, H.M., 57 Duckrow, R.B. and Beard, D.C., Cortical MK-801, 176 hypoperfusion following spreading de- Göthert, M., see Fink, K., 27 Baba, A., see Matsuda, T., 349 pression is not altered by tirilazad mesy- Gouy, D., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 Babila, T., Schaad, N.C. and Klein, D.C., late (U-74006F) in awake rats, 296 Guionnet, N., see Ferrer, I., 33 Rat pineal Gsa, Gia and Goa: relative Dun, N.J., see Wu, S.Y., 94 Guo, L., Chai, H., Liu, X. and Xie, Y., abundance and development, 232 Dunn, R., see Seniuk, N., 300 Observations of synaptic efficacy and Bakkum, B.W., see Benevento, L.A., 198 paired-pulse facilitation in area CA1 of Barke, K.E. and Hough, L.B., Morphine- Eckersdorf, B., see Konopacki, J., 76 hippocampal slices from coriaria lactone- induced increases of extracellular hista- Edbladh, M., see Remgard, P., 139 kindled rats, 269 mine levels in the periaqueductal grey in Edström, A., see Remgard, P., 139 vivo a microdialysis study, 146 Ekström, P.A.R., see Remgärd, P., 139 Halsell, C.B. and Frank, M.E., Organiza- Barthe, D., see Sindou, P., 242 Eller, P.M., see Johnson, E.W., 319 tion of taste-evoked activity in the ham- Beard, D.C., see Duckrow, R.B., 296 Emson, P.C., see Hamamura, M., 42 ster parabrachial nucleus, 286 Benevento, L.A., Bakkum, B.W., Port, Endoh, H., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Hamamura, M., Nunez, D.J.R., Leng, G., J.D. and Cohen, R.S., The effects of Emson, P.C. and Kiyama, H., c-fos may dark-rearing on the electrophysiology of Famose, F., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 code for a common transcription factor the rat visual cortex, 198 Fedele, E. and Foster, A.C., [?H]Glycine within the hypothalamic neural circuits Berdan, R.C. and Ridgway, R.L., Release uptake in rat hippocampus: kinetic anal- involved in osmoregulation, 42 of neurite outgrowth promoting factors ysis and autoradiographic localization, Hatton, G.I., Yang, Q.Z. and Koran, L.E., by Helisoma central ganglia depends on 154 Effects of ovariectomy and estrogen re- neural activity, 132 Ferrer, I., Tuñón, T., Soriano, E., Del Rio, placement on dye coupling among rat Bluthé, R.-M. and Dantzer, R., Chronic A., Iraizoz, I., Fonseca, M. and Guion- supraoptic nucleus neurons, 291 intracerebral infusions of vasopressin net, N., Calbindin immunoreactivity in Havens, M.D., see Roof, R.L., 310 and vasopressin antagonist modulate so- normal human temporal neocortex, 33 Hayashi, K.-i., see Ojika, K., 164 cial recognition in rat, 261 Feuerstein, T.J., Lehmann, J., Sauermann, Hechler, V., Gobaille, S. and Maitre, M., Bostock, E., see Sorrels, T.L., 265 W., Van Velthoven, V. and Jackisch, R., Selective distribution pattern of y-hy- Brady, L.S., Gold, P.W., Herkenham, M., The autoinhibitory feedback control of droxybutyrate receptors in the rat fore- Lynn, A.B. and Whitfield Jr., H.J., The acetylcholine release in human neocortex brain and midbrain as revealed by quan- antidepressants fluoxetine, idazoxan and tissue, 64 titative autoradiography, 345 phenelzine alter corticotropin-releasing Fink, K. and Góthert, M., Presynaptic site Henderson, D. and Dryer, S.E., Voltage- hormone and tyrosine hydroxylase of action underlying the ethanol-induced and Ca**-activated ionic currents in mRNA levels in rat brain: therapeutic inhibition of norepinephrine release acutely dissociated cells of the chick implications, 117 evoked by stimulation of N-methyl-p- pineal gland, 182 Busija, D.W., see Shibata, M., 190 aspartate (NMDA) receptors in rat ce- Herkenham, M., see Brady, L.S., 117 rebral cortex, 27 Higgins, G.A., Nguyen, P. and Sellers, Candy, J.M., see Shaw, P.J., 276 Finley, J.C.W. and Katz, D.M., The central E.M., Morphine place conditioning is Casey, K.L., see Shyu, B.C., 216 organization of carotid body afferent differentially affected by CCK, and Chai, H., see Guo, L., 269 projections to the brainstem of the rat, CCKg receptor antagonists, 208 Cohen, R.S., see Benevento, L.A., 198 108 Hornykiewicz, O., see Pifl, C., 87 Colombari, E., Saad, W.A., de Arruda Finnegan, K.T., see Irwin, I., 224 Hough, L.B., see Barke, K.E., 146 Camargo, L.A., Renzi, A., De Luca Jr., Fonseca, M., see Ferrer, I., 33 Hugon, J., see Sindou, P., 242 L.A. and Vanderlei Menani, J., AV3V Foster, A.C., see Fedele, E., 154 lesion suppresses the pressor, dipsogenic Frank, M.E., see Halsell, C.B., 286 Imamura, T., see Taguchi, T., 352 and natriuretic responses to cholinergic Fried, K. and Risling, M., Growth-associ- Ince, P.G., see Shaw, P.J., 276 activation of the septal area in rats, 172 ated protein (GAP-43)-like immunoreac- Introini-Collison, I., Saghafi, D., Novack, Costentin, J., see Naudon, L., 247 tivity in primary and permanent tooth G.D. and McGaugh, J.L., Memory-en- Couratier, P., see Sindou, P., 242 pulp nerve fibers of the cat, 19 hancing effects of post-training dipivefrin Fujiwara, N., Abe, T., Endoh, H., Warash- and epinephrine: involvement of periph- Dantzer, R., see Bluthé, R.-M., 261 ina, A. and Shimoji, K., Changes in eral and central adrenergic receptors, 81 de Arruda Camargo, L.A., see Colombari, intracellular pH of mouse hippocampal Iraizoz, I., see Ferrer, I., 33 Es, 172 slices responding to hypoxia and/or glu- Irwin, I., Finnegan, K.T., Delanney, Brain Research, 572 (1992) 356-358 Elsevier Author Index Abe, T., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Decker, M.W., Majchrzak, M.J. and cose depletion, 335 Akbari, H.M., Kramer, H.K., Whitaker- Anderson, D.J., Effects of nicotine on Fukushima, N., see Ojika, K., 164 Azmitia, P.M., Spear, L.P. and Azmitia, spatial memory deficits in rats with septal E.C., Prenatal cocaine exposure disrupts lesions, 281 Gavish, M., see Weizman, A., 72 the development of the serotonergic sys- Del Rio, A., see Ferrer, I., 33 Geffard, M., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 tem, 57 Delanney, L.E., see Irwin, I., 224 Gotebiewski, H., see Konopacki, J., 76 Akiyama, Y., see Ohue, T., 340 De Luca Jr., L.A., see Colombari, E., 172 Gobaille, S., see Hechler, V., 345 Altares, M., see Seniuk, N., 300 Di Monte, D., see Irwin, I., 224 Gold, P.W., see Brady, L.S., 117 Amiri, Z., see Weizman, A., 72 Dou, H., see Moore, C.L., 52 Gorter, J.A., Veerman, M. and Mirmiran, Anderson, D.J., see Decker, M.W., 281 Dourmap, N., see Naudon, L., 247 M., Hippocampal neuronal responsive- Anderson, K.D., see Karle, E.J., 303 Drian, M.J., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 ness to NMDA agonists and antagonists Asai, H., see Nakano, K., 1 Dryer, S.E., see Henderson, D., 182 in the adult rat neonatally treated with Azmitia, E.C., see Akbari, H.M., 57 Duckrow, R.B. and Beard, D.C., Cortical MK-801, 176 hypoperfusion following spreading de- Göthert, M., see Fink, K., 27 Baba, A., see Matsuda, T., 349 pression is not altered by tirilazad mesy- Gouy, D., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 Babila, T., Schaad, N.C. and Klein, D.C., late (U-74006F) in awake rats, 296 Guionnet, N., see Ferrer, I., 33 Rat pineal Gsa, Gia and Goa: relative Dun, N.J., see Wu, S.Y., 94 Guo, L., Chai, H., Liu, X. and Xie, Y., abundance and development, 232 Dunn, R., see Seniuk, N., 300 Observations of synaptic efficacy and Bakkum, B.W., see Benevento, L.A., 198 paired-pulse facilitation in area CA1 of Barke, K.E. and Hough, L.B., Morphine- Eckersdorf, B., see Konopacki, J., 76 hippocampal slices from coriaria lactone- induced increases of extracellular hista- Edbladh, M., see Remgard, P., 139 kindled rats, 269 mine levels in the periaqueductal grey in Edström, A., see Remgard, P., 139 vivo a microdialysis study, 146 Ekström, P.A.R., see Remgärd, P., 139 Halsell, C.B. and Frank, M.E., Organiza- Barthe, D., see Sindou, P., 242 Eller, P.M., see Johnson, E.W., 319 tion of taste-evoked activity in the ham- Beard, D.C., see Duckrow, R.B., 296 Emson, P.C., see Hamamura, M., 42 ster parabrachial nucleus, 286 Benevento, L.A., Bakkum, B.W., Port, Endoh, H., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Hamamura, M., Nunez, D.J.R., Leng, G., J.D. and Cohen, R.S., The effects of Emson, P.C. and Kiyama, H., c-fos may dark-rearing on the electrophysiology of Famose, F., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 code for a common transcription factor the rat visual cortex, 198 Fedele, E. and Foster, A.C., [?H]Glycine within the hypothalamic neural circuits Berdan, R.C. and Ridgway, R.L., Release uptake in rat hippocampus: kinetic anal- involved in osmoregulation, 42 of neurite outgrowth promoting factors ysis and autoradiographic localization, Hatton, G.I., Yang, Q.Z. and Koran, L.E., by Helisoma central ganglia depends on 154 Effects of ovariectomy and estrogen re- neural activity, 132 Ferrer, I., Tuñón, T., Soriano, E., Del Rio, placement on dye coupling among rat Bluthé, R.-M. and Dantzer, R., Chronic A., Iraizoz, I., Fonseca, M. and Guion- supraoptic nucleus neurons, 291 intracerebral infusions of vasopressin net, N., Calbindin immunoreactivity in Havens, M.D., see Roof, R.L., 310 and vasopressin antagonist modulate so- normal human temporal neocortex, 33 Hayashi, K.-i., see Ojika, K., 164 cial recognition in rat, 261 Feuerstein, T.J., Lehmann, J., Sauermann, Hechler, V., Gobaille, S. and Maitre, M., Bostock, E., see Sorrels, T.L., 265 W., Van Velthoven, V. and Jackisch, R., Selective distribution pattern of y-hy- Brady, L.S., Gold, P.W., Herkenham, M., The autoinhibitory feedback control of droxybutyrate receptors in the rat fore- Lynn, A.B. and Whitfield Jr., H.J., The acetylcholine release in human neocortex brain and midbrain as revealed by quan- antidepressants fluoxetine, idazoxan and tissue, 64 titative autoradiography, 345 phenelzine alter corticotropin-releasing Fink, K. and Góthert, M., Presynaptic site Henderson, D. and Dryer, S.E., Voltage- hormone and tyrosine hydroxylase of action underlying the ethanol-induced and Ca**-activated ionic currents in mRNA levels in rat brain: therapeutic inhibition of norepinephrine release acutely dissociated cells of the chick implications, 117 evoked by stimulation of N-methyl-p- pineal gland, 182 Busija, D.W., see Shibata, M., 190 aspartate (NMDA) receptors in rat ce- Herkenham, M., see Brady, L.S., 117 rebral cortex, 27 Higgins, G.A., Nguyen, P. and Sellers, Candy, J.M., see Shaw, P.J., 276 Finley, J.C.W. and Katz, D.M., The central E.M., Morphine place conditioning is Casey, K.L., see Shyu, B.C., 216 organization of carotid body afferent differentially affected by CCK, and Chai, H., see Guo, L., 269 projections to the brainstem of the rat, CCKg receptor antagonists, 208 Cohen, R.S., see Benevento, L.A., 198 108 Hornykiewicz, O., see Pifl, C., 87 Colombari, E., Saad, W.A., de Arruda Finnegan, K.T., see Irwin, I., 224 Hough, L.B., see Barke, K.E., 146 Camargo, L.A., Renzi, A., De Luca Jr., Fonseca, M., see Ferrer, I., 33 Hugon, J., see Sindou, P., 242 L.A. and Vanderlei Menani, J., AV3V Foster, A.C., see Fedele, E., 154 lesion suppresses the pressor, dipsogenic Frank, M.E., see Halsell, C.B., 286 Imamura, T., see Taguchi, T., 352 and natriuretic responses to cholinergic Fried, K. and Risling, M., Growth-associ- Ince, P.G., see Shaw, P.J., 276 activation of the septal area in rats, 172 ated protein (GAP-43)-like immunoreac- Introini-Collison, I., Saghafi, D., Novack, Costentin, J., see Naudon, L., 247 tivity in primary and permanent tooth G.D. and McGaugh, J.L., Memory-en- Couratier, P., see Sindou, P., 242 pulp nerve fibers of the cat, 19 hancing effects of post-training dipivefrin Fujiwara, N., Abe, T., Endoh, H., Warash- and epinephrine: involvement of periph- Dantzer, R., see Bluthé, R.-M., 261 ina, A. and Shimoji, K., Changes in eral and central adrenergic receptors, 81 de Arruda Camargo, L.A., see Colombari, intracellular pH of mouse hippocampal Iraizoz, I., see Ferrer, I., 33 Es, 172 slices responding to hypoxia and/or glu- Irwin, I., Finnegan, K.T., Delanney, 357 L.E., Di Monte, D. and Langston, J.W., L., Human auditory primary and associ- Geffard, M., and Privat, A., Transplan- The relationships between aging, mono- ation cortex have differing lifetimes for tation of embryonic serotonin immuno- amine oxidase, striatal dopamine and the activation traces, 236 reactive neurons into the transected spi- effects of MPTP in C57BL/6 mice: a Lynn, A.B., see Brady, L.S., 117 nal cord of adult monkey (Macaca fas- critical reassessment, 224 cicularis), 329 Ishida, S., see Yokoyama, H., 273 Maitre, M., see Hechler, V., 345 Reiner, A., see Karle, E.J., 303 Ito, H., see Kajiwara, K., 314 Majchrzak, M.J., see Decker, M.W., 281 Reither, H., see Pifl, C., 87 Ito, A., see Ohue, T., 340 Marek, P., see Vaccarino, A.L., 250 Remgárd, P., Edbladh, M., Ekstróm, Marlier, L., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 P.A.R. and Edstróm, A., Growth cones Jackisch, R., see Feuerstein, T.J., 64 Matsuda, T., Shimizu, I. and Baba, A., of regenerating adult sciatic sensory ax- Jafek, B.W., see Johnson, E.W., 319 Postnatal change in a Ca?*-mediated ons release axonally transported pro- Jansen, A.S.P., Ter Horst, G.J., Mettenle- decrease in (Na* + K*)-ATPase activity teins, 139 iter, T.C. and Loewy, A.D., CNS cell in rat brain slices, 349 Renzi, A., see Colombari, E., 172 groups projecting to the submandibular McGaugh, J.L., see Introini-Collison, I., 81 Richardson, P.M., see Seniuk, N., 300 parasympathetic preganglionic neurons Mettenleiter, T.C., see Jansen, A.S.P., 253 Ridgway, R.L., see Berdan, R.C., 132 in the rat: a retrograde transneuronal Mirmiran, M., see Gorter, J.A., 176 Risling, M., see Fried, K., 19 viral cell body labeling study, 253 Miwa, S., see Ohue, T., 340 Roof, R.L. and Havens, M.D., Testoster- Johnson, M., see Shaw, P.J., 276 Mohri, T., see Takadera, T., 126 one improves maze performance and Johnson, E.W., Eller, P.M., Jafek, B.W. Moore, C.L., Dou, H. and Juraska, J.M., induces development of a male hippo- and Norman, A.W., Calbindin-like im- Maternal stimulation affects the number campus in females, 310 munoreactivity in two peripheral of motor neurons in a sexually dimorphic chemosensory tissues of the rat: taste nucleus of the lumbar spinal cord, 52 Saad, W.A., see Colombari, E., 172 buds and the vomeronasal organ, 319 Mori, N., see Yokoyama, H., 273 Saghafi, D., see Introini-Collison, I., 81 Juraska, J.M., see Moore, C.L., 52 Morrow, T.J., see Shyu, B.C., 216 Sally, S.L. and Kelly, J.B., Effects of superior olivary complex lesions on bin- Kajiwara, K., Orita, T., Nishizaki, T., Nakano, K., Asai, H. and Kitoh, J., Ab- aural responses in rat inferior collicu- Kamiryo, T., Nakayama, H. and Ito, H., normally high activity of 3-hydroxyanth- lus, 5 Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) ranilate 3,4-dioxygenase in brain of epi- Sandillon, F., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 expression and nucleolar organizer re- lepsy-prone El mice, 1 Sauermann, W., see Feuerstein, T.J., 64 gions (NORs) in human gliomas, 314 Nakayama, H., see Kajiwara, K., 314 Schaad, N.C., see Babila, T., 232 Kamiryo, T., see Kajiwara, K., 314 Naudon, L., Dourmap, N., Leroux-Nicol- Sellers, E.M., see Higgins, G.A., 208 Karle, E.J., Anderson, K.D. and Reiner, let, I. and Costentin, J., Kainic acid Seniuk, N., Altares, M., Dunn, R. and A., Ultrastructural double-labeling dem- lesion of the striatum increases dopamine Richardson, P.M., Decreased synthesis onstrates synaptic contacts between do- release but reduces 3-methoxytyramine of ciliary neurotrophic factor in degen- paminergic terminals and substance level, 247 erating peripheral nerves, 300 P-containing striatal neurons in pigeons, Nguyen, P., see Higgins, G.A., 208 Shaw, P.J., Ince, P.G., Jchnson, M., Perry, 303 Nishizaki, T., see Kajiwara, K., 314 E.K. and Candy, J.M., The quantitative Katz, D.M., see Finley, J.C.W., 108 Norman, A.W., see Johnson, E.W., 319 autoradiographic distribution of Katz, Y., see Weizman, A., 72 Novack, G.D., see Introini-Collison, I., 81 P'H]MK-801 binding sites in the normal Kaufman, L., see Lii, Z.-L., 236 Nunez, D.J.R., see Hamamura, M., 42 human brainstem in relation to motor Kawasaki, H., see Taguchi, T., 352 neuron disease, 276 Ohue, T., Koshimura, K., Akiyama, Y., Kelly, J.B., see Sally, S.L., 5 Ito, A., Kido, T., Takagi, Y. and Miwa, Shibata, M., Leffler, C.W. and Busija, Kido, T., see Ohue, T., 340 S., Regulation of acetylcholine release in D.W., Pial arteriolar constriction follow- Kiritsy-Roy, J.A., see Shyu, B.C., 216 vivo from rat hippocampus by monoam- ing cortical spreading depression is me- Kitoh, J., see Nakano, K., 1 diated by prostanoids, 190 ines as revealed by novel column-switch- Kiyama, H., see Hamamura, M., 42 ing HPLC with electrochemical detec- Shimada, Y., see Takadera, T., 126 Klein, D.C., see Babila, T., 232 tion, 340 Shimizu, 1., see Matsuda, T., 349 Kojima, S.-i., see Ojika, K., 164 Ojika, K., Kojima, S.-i., Ueki, Y., Fuku- Shimoji, K., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Kónig, N., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 shima, N., Hayashi, K.-i. and Yamamoto, Shyu, B.C., Kiritsy-Roy, J.A., Morrow, Konopacki, J., Gołębiewski, H. and Eck- M., Purification and structural analysis of T.J. and Casey, K.L., Neurophysiologi- ersdorf, B., Carbachol-induced theta- hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulat- cal, pharmacological and behavioral ev- like activity in entorhinal cortex slices, ing peptide, 164 idence for medial thalamic mediation of 76 Orita, T., see Kajiwara, K., 314 cocaine-induced dopaminergic analgesia, Koran, L.E., see Hatton, G.I., 291 216 Ormandy, G.C., Inhibition of excitatory Koshimura, K., see Ohue, T., 340 amino acid-stimulated phosphoinositide Sindou, P., Couratier, P., Barthe, D. and Kramer, H.K., see Akbari, H.M., 57 hydrolysis in rat hippocampus by L-as- Hugon, J., A dose-dependent increase of Kumashiro, H., see Yokoyama, H., 273 partate-P-hydroxamate, 103 Tau immunostaining is produced by glu- Osonoe, K., see Yokoyama, H., 273 tamate toxicity in primary neuronal cul- Laemle, L.K., Unilateral enucleation alters tures, 242 vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like im- Perry, E.K., see Shaw, P.J., 276 Snyder, S.H., see Weizman, A., 72 munoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic Pifi, C., Reither, H. and Hornykiewicz, O., Soriano, E., see Ferrer, I., 33 nucleus of the rat, 325 Functional sensitization of striatal dopa- Sorrels, T.L. and Bostock, E., Induction of Langston, J.W., see Irwin, I., 224 mine D, receptors in the 6-hydroxydo- feeding by 7-chlorokynurenic acid, a Leffler, C.W., see Shibata, M., 190 pamine-lesioned rat, 87 strychnine-insensitive glycine binding Lehmann, J., see Feuerstein, T.J., 64 Port, J.D., see Benevento, L.A., 198 site antagonist, 265 Leng, G., see Hamamura, M., 42 Poulat, P., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 Spear, L.P., see Akbari, H.M., 57 Leroux-Nicollet, I., see Naudon, L., 247 Privat, A., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 Liebeskind, J.C., see Vaccarino, A.L., 250 Taguchi, T., Kawasaki, H., Imamura, T. Liu, X., see Guo, L., 269 Rajaofetra, N., Poulat, P., Marlier, L., and Takasaki, K., Capsaicin-sensitive Loewy, A.D., see Jansen, A.S.P., 253 Sandillon, F., Drian, M.J., König, N., nonadrenergic and noncholinergic de- Lü, Z.-L., Williamson, S.J. and Kaufman, Famose, F., Verschuere, B., Gouy, D., pressor response to spinal cord stimula- 358 tion in the pithed rat, 352 phase of pain produced by subcutaneous Whitfield Jr., H.J., see Brady, L.S., 117 Takadera, T., Shimada, Y. and Mohri, T., formalin, 250 Williamson, S.J., see Lii, Z.-L., 236 Extracellular pH modulates N-methyl-D- Vanderlei Menani, J., see Colombari, E., 172 Wu, S.Y. and Dun, N.J., Presynaptic aspartate receptor-mediated neurotoxic- Van Velthoven, V., see Feuerstein, T.J., 64 GABA, receptor activation attenuates ity and calcium accumulation in rat cor- Veerman, M., see Gorter, J.A., 176 synaptic transmission to rat sympathetic tical cultures, 126 Verschuere, B., see Rajaofetra, N., 329 preganglionic neurons in vitro, 94 Takagi, Y., see Ohue, T., 340 Xie, Y., see Guo, L., 269 Takasaki, K., see Taguchi, T., 352 Warashina, A., see Fujiwara, N., 335 Ter Horst, G.J., see Jansen, A.S.P., 253 Weizman, A., Amiri, Z., Katz, Y., Snyder, Yamamoto, M., see Ojika, K., 164 Tuñón, T., see Ferrer, 1., 33 S.H. and Gavish, M., Testosterone pre- Yang, Q.Z., see Hatton, G.I., 291 Ueki, Y., see Ojika, K., 164 vents castration-induced reduction in pe- Yokoyama, H., Mori, N., Osonoe, K., ripheral benzodiazepine receptors in Ishida, S. and Kumashiro, H., Anticon- Vaccarino, A.L., Marek, P. and Liebe- Cowper’s gland and adrenal, 72 vulsant effect of liposome-entrapped su- skind, J.C., Stress-induced analgesia pre- Whitaker-Azmitia, P.M., see Akbari, peroxide dismutase in amygdaloid-kin- vents the development of the tonic, late H.M., 57 dled rats, 273

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