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Brain Research 1991: Vol 565 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1991: Vol 565 Index

Brain Research, 565 (1991) 358-359 Elsevier ADONIS 0006899391 Author Index Adams, R.N., see Cammack, J., 17 Chen, C.-W., Chen, Y.-F., Meng, Q.C., Guth, P., see Ricci, A., 78 Agid, Y., see Holemans, S., 154 Wyss, J.M. and Oparil, S., Decreased Allix, M., see Lekieffre, D., 353 norepinephrine release in anterior hypo- Hayward, M.D., see Campeau, S., 349 Arisawa, T., see Sakai, K., 167 thalamus of NaCl-sensitive spontane- Henry, J.L., see Rochford, J., 67 Asari, S., see Sakai, K., 167 ously hypertensive rats during high NaCl Henteleff, M., see Messing, R.O., 301 Attal, N., see Neil, A., 237 intake, 135 Hochwald, G.M., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 Axelrad, H., see Bernard, C., 195 Chen, Y.-F., see Chen, C.-W., 135 Holemans, S., Javoy-Agid, F., Agid, Y., Chessell, I.P., Procter, A.W., Francis, P.T. Laterre, E.C. and Maloteaux, J.-M., Baker, M.T., see Ridenour, T.R., 116 [PH]MK-801 binding to NMDA gluta- and Bowen, D.M., p-Cycloserine, a pu- Barber, N.A., see Reynolds, D.J.M., 231 tative cognitive enhancer, facilitates ac- matergic receptors in Parkinson’s disease Barlow, S.M., Modulation of mechanically tivation of the N-methyl-p-aspartate re- and progressive supranuclear palsy, 154 evoked perioral reflexes during active ceptor-ionophore complex in Alzheimer Hope, B.T., see Campeau, S., 349 force, 330 brain, 345 Houdouin, F., Cespuglio, R. and Jouvet, Barth, D.S. and Di, S., The functional Corda, M., see Bongianni, F., 171 M., Effects induced by the electrical anatomy of middle latency auditory Croll, R.P., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 stimulation of the nucleus raphe dorsalis evoked potentials, 109 upon hypothalamic release of 5-hydrox- Berkley, K.J., see Monti-Graziadei, A.G., Date, I., see Sakai, K., 167 yindole compounds and sleep parameters 162 Davis, M., see Campeau, S., 349 in the rat, 48 Bernard, C. and Axelrad, H., Propagation Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Duverger, D., Spin- of parallel fiber volleys in the cerebellar newyn, B., Pirotzky, E. and Braquet, P., Jakab, R.L. and Leranth, C., Synaptology cortex: a computer simulation, 195 Peripheral type benzodiazepine binding and origin of somatostatin fibers in the Blaustein, J.D., see Tetel, M.J., 321 sites following transient forebrain isch- rat lateral septal area: convergent soma- Boer, H.H., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 emia in the rat: effect of neuroprotective tostatinergic and hippocampal inputs of Bogerd, J., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 drugs, 312 somatospiny neurons, 123 Bongianni, F., Corda, M., Fontana, G.A. Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Duverger, D., Spin- Javoy-Agid, F., see Holemans, S., 154 and Pantaleo, T., Reciprocal connections newyn, B., Pirotzky, E. and Braquet, P., Jouvet, M., see Houdouin, F., 48 between rostral ventrolateral medulla Peripheral type benzodiazepine binding and inspiration-related medullary areas sites following transient forebrain isch- Kajander, K.C., see Garrison, C.J., 1 in the cat, 171 emia in the rat: effect of neuroprotective Kalichman, M.W. and Lalonde, A.W., Ex- Bothwell, M.A., see Vickland, H., 269 drugs, 312 perimental nerve ischemia and injury Boulu, R.G., see Lekieffre, D., 353 Di, S., see Barth, D.S., 109 produced by cocaine and procaine, 34 Bowen, D.M., see Chessell, I.P., 345 Dougherty, P.M., see Garrison, C.J., 1 Kameda, N., see Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., Braquet, P., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 Duvdevani, R., see Sautter, J., 23 280 Braquet, P., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 Duverger, D., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Kennedy, W.R., see Navarro, X., 181 Brown, A.M. and McCrohan, C.R., Differ- 312 Kerkhoven, R.M., Croll, R.P., Van Min- ential responses of two identified neu- Duverger, D., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., nen, J., Bogerd, J., Ramkema, M.D., rons of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis 312 Lodder, H. and Boer, H.H., Axonal to the convulsant drug pentylenetetrazol, mapping of the giant peptidergic neurons 247 Ebert, U. and Ostwald, J., The mesence- VD, and RPD, located in the CNS of the Bruce, E.N., see Romaniuk, J.R., 148 phalic locomotor region is activated dur- pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, with par- Byrne, J.A. and Calford, M.B., Short-term ing the auditory startle response of the ticular reference to the innervation of the expansion of receptive fields in rat pri- unrestrained rat, 209 auricle of the heart, 8 mary somatosensory cortex after hind- Kobayashi, T., see Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., paw digit denervation, 218 Fontana, G.A., see Bongianni, F., 171 280 Francis, P.T., see Chessell, I.P., 345 Konishi, T., Potassium channel-dependent Calford, M.B., see Byrne, J.A., 218 Frangione, B., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 changes in the volume of developing Callebert, J., see Lekieffre, D., 353 Furuta, T., see Sakai, K., 167 mouse Schwann cells, 57 Cammack, J., Ghasemzadeh, B. and Ad- Koivisto, E., see Riekkinen Jr., P., 341 ams, R.N., The pharmacological profile Garrison, C.J., Dougherty, P.M., Kajander, Kott, J.N., see Vickland, H., 269 of glutamate-evoked ascorbic acid efflux K.C. and Carlton, S.M., Staining of glial Kuruvilla, A.P., Hochwald, G.M., Ghiso, measured by in vivo electrochemistry, 17 fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in :um- J., Castaño, E.M., Pizzolato, M. and Campeau, S., Hayward, M.D., Hope, B.T., bar spinal cord increases following a Frangione, B., Isolation and amino ter- Rosen, J.B., Nestler, .J. and Davis, M., sciatic nerve constriction injury, 1 minal sequence of ĝ-trace, a novel pro- Induction of the c-fos proto-oncogene in Gee, K.W., see Wieland, S., 263 tein from human cerebrospinal fluid, 337 rat amygdala during unconditioned and Ghasemzadeh, B., see Cammack, J., 17 conditioned fear, 349 Ghiso, J., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 Lalonde, A.W., see Kalichman, M.W., 34 Candy, J.M., see Piggott, M.A., 42 Gillette, M.U., see McArthur, A.J., 158 Lan, N.C., see Wieland, S., 263 Cannone, A.J., see Wildman, M.H., 175 Glenn, B., see Stoessl, A.J., 254 Laterre, E.C., see Holemans, S., 154 Carlebach, R., see Lemmer, B., 225 Godin, C., see Rochford, J., 67 Lekieffre, D., Callebert, J., Plotkine, M., Carlton, S.M., see Garrison, C.J., 1 Grahame-Smith, D.G., see Reynolds, Allix, M. and Boulu, R.G., Enhance- Castafio, E.M., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 D.J.M., 231 ment of endogenous excitatory amino Cespuglio, R., see Houdouin, F., 48 Guilbaud, G., see Neil, A., 237 acids by theophylline does not modify Brain Research, 565 (1991) 358-359 Elsevier ADONIS 0006899391 Author Index Adams, R.N., see Cammack, J., 17 Chen, C.-W., Chen, Y.-F., Meng, Q.C., Guth, P., see Ricci, A., 78 Agid, Y., see Holemans, S., 154 Wyss, J.M. and Oparil, S., Decreased Allix, M., see Lekieffre, D., 353 norepinephrine release in anterior hypo- Hayward, M.D., see Campeau, S., 349 Arisawa, T., see Sakai, K., 167 thalamus of NaCl-sensitive spontane- Henry, J.L., see Rochford, J., 67 Asari, S., see Sakai, K., 167 ously hypertensive rats during high NaCl Henteleff, M., see Messing, R.O., 301 Attal, N., see Neil, A., 237 intake, 135 Hochwald, G.M., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 Axelrad, H., see Bernard, C., 195 Chen, Y.-F., see Chen, C.-W., 135 Holemans, S., Javoy-Agid, F., Agid, Y., Chessell, I.P., Procter, A.W., Francis, P.T. Laterre, E.C. and Maloteaux, J.-M., Baker, M.T., see Ridenour, T.R., 116 [PH]MK-801 binding to NMDA gluta- and Bowen, D.M., p-Cycloserine, a pu- Barber, N.A., see Reynolds, D.J.M., 231 tative cognitive enhancer, facilitates ac- matergic receptors in Parkinson’s disease Barlow, S.M., Modulation of mechanically tivation of the N-methyl-p-aspartate re- and progressive supranuclear palsy, 154 evoked perioral reflexes during active ceptor-ionophore complex in Alzheimer Hope, B.T., see Campeau, S., 349 force, 330 brain, 345 Houdouin, F., Cespuglio, R. and Jouvet, Barth, D.S. and Di, S., The functional Corda, M., see Bongianni, F., 171 M., Effects induced by the electrical anatomy of middle latency auditory Croll, R.P., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 stimulation of the nucleus raphe dorsalis evoked potentials, 109 upon hypothalamic release of 5-hydrox- Berkley, K.J., see Monti-Graziadei, A.G., Date, I., see Sakai, K., 167 yindole compounds and sleep parameters 162 Davis, M., see Campeau, S., 349 in the rat, 48 Bernard, C. and Axelrad, H., Propagation Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Duverger, D., Spin- of parallel fiber volleys in the cerebellar newyn, B., Pirotzky, E. and Braquet, P., Jakab, R.L. and Leranth, C., Synaptology cortex: a computer simulation, 195 Peripheral type benzodiazepine binding and origin of somatostatin fibers in the Blaustein, J.D., see Tetel, M.J., 321 sites following transient forebrain isch- rat lateral septal area: convergent soma- Boer, H.H., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 emia in the rat: effect of neuroprotective tostatinergic and hippocampal inputs of Bogerd, J., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 drugs, 312 somatospiny neurons, 123 Bongianni, F., Corda, M., Fontana, G.A. Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Duverger, D., Spin- Javoy-Agid, F., see Holemans, S., 154 and Pantaleo, T., Reciprocal connections newyn, B., Pirotzky, E. and Braquet, P., Jouvet, M., see Houdouin, F., 48 between rostral ventrolateral medulla Peripheral type benzodiazepine binding and inspiration-related medullary areas sites following transient forebrain isch- Kajander, K.C., see Garrison, C.J., 1 in the cat, 171 emia in the rat: effect of neuroprotective Kalichman, M.W. and Lalonde, A.W., Ex- Bothwell, M.A., see Vickland, H., 269 drugs, 312 perimental nerve ischemia and injury Boulu, R.G., see Lekieffre, D., 353 Di, S., see Barth, D.S., 109 produced by cocaine and procaine, 34 Bowen, D.M., see Chessell, I.P., 345 Dougherty, P.M., see Garrison, C.J., 1 Kameda, N., see Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., Braquet, P., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 Duvdevani, R., see Sautter, J., 23 280 Braquet, P., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 Duverger, D., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Kennedy, W.R., see Navarro, X., 181 Brown, A.M. and McCrohan, C.R., Differ- 312 Kerkhoven, R.M., Croll, R.P., Van Min- ential responses of two identified neu- Duverger, D., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., nen, J., Bogerd, J., Ramkema, M.D., rons of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis 312 Lodder, H. and Boer, H.H., Axonal to the convulsant drug pentylenetetrazol, mapping of the giant peptidergic neurons 247 Ebert, U. and Ostwald, J., The mesence- VD, and RPD, located in the CNS of the Bruce, E.N., see Romaniuk, J.R., 148 phalic locomotor region is activated dur- pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, with par- Byrne, J.A. and Calford, M.B., Short-term ing the auditory startle response of the ticular reference to the innervation of the expansion of receptive fields in rat pri- unrestrained rat, 209 auricle of the heart, 8 mary somatosensory cortex after hind- Kobayashi, T., see Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., paw digit denervation, 218 Fontana, G.A., see Bongianni, F., 171 280 Francis, P.T., see Chessell, I.P., 345 Konishi, T., Potassium channel-dependent Calford, M.B., see Byrne, J.A., 218 Frangione, B., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 changes in the volume of developing Callebert, J., see Lekieffre, D., 353 Furuta, T., see Sakai, K., 167 mouse Schwann cells, 57 Cammack, J., Ghasemzadeh, B. and Ad- Koivisto, E., see Riekkinen Jr., P., 341 ams, R.N., The pharmacological profile Garrison, C.J., Dougherty, P.M., Kajander, Kott, J.N., see Vickland, H., 269 of glutamate-evoked ascorbic acid efflux K.C. and Carlton, S.M., Staining of glial Kuruvilla, A.P., Hochwald, G.M., Ghiso, measured by in vivo electrochemistry, 17 fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in :um- J., Castaño, E.M., Pizzolato, M. and Campeau, S., Hayward, M.D., Hope, B.T., bar spinal cord increases following a Frangione, B., Isolation and amino ter- Rosen, J.B., Nestler, .J. and Davis, M., sciatic nerve constriction injury, 1 minal sequence of ĝ-trace, a novel pro- Induction of the c-fos proto-oncogene in Gee, K.W., see Wieland, S., 263 tein from human cerebrospinal fluid, 337 rat amygdala during unconditioned and Ghasemzadeh, B., see Cammack, J., 17 conditioned fear, 349 Ghiso, J., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 Lalonde, A.W., see Kalichman, M.W., 34 Candy, J.M., see Piggott, M.A., 42 Gillette, M.U., see McArthur, A.J., 158 Lan, N.C., see Wieland, S., 263 Cannone, A.J., see Wildman, M.H., 175 Glenn, B., see Stoessl, A.J., 254 Laterre, E.C., see Holemans, S., 154 Carlebach, R., see Lemmer, B., 225 Godin, C., see Rochford, J., 67 Lekieffre, D., Callebert, J., Plotkine, M., Carlton, S.M., see Garrison, C.J., 1 Grahame-Smith, D.G., see Reynolds, Allix, M. and Boulu, R.G., Enhance- Castafio, E.M., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 D.J.M., 231 ment of endogenous excitatory amino Cespuglio, R., see Houdouin, F., 48 Guilbaud, G., see Neil, A., 237 acids by theophylline does not modify 359 the behavioral and histological conse- Pantaleo, T., see Bongianni, F., 171 506, on xenogeneic neural transplanta- quences of forebrain ischemia, 353 Park, J.J., see Messing, R.O., 301 tion in rodents, 167 Lemmer, B., Carlebach, R., Stiller, M., Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., Kameda, N., Koba- Sautter, J., Schwartz, M., Duvdevani, R. Ohm, T.G. and Nitsch, R., Dose-depen- yashi, T. and Tsukagoshi, H., Develop- and Sabel, B.A., GM1 ganglioside treat- dent stimulation of adenylate cyclase in mental study of the expression of dystro- ment reduces visual deficits after graded rat hippocampal tissue by isoprenaline, phin in cultured human muscle aneurally crush of the rat optic nerve, 23 Gpp(NH)p and forskolin: lack of circa- and innervated with fetal rat spinal cord, Schuh, S.M., Spencer, S. and Willard, dian phase-dependency, 225 280 M.B., Production of the neuronal Leranth, C., see Jakab, R.L., 123 Patterson, S.L., see Vickland, H., 269 growth-associated protein GAP-43 in a Leslie, R.A., see Reynolds, D.J.M., 231 Perry, R.H., see Piggott, M.A., 42 bacterial expression system, 85 Lodder, H., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 Piggott, M.A., Candy, J.M. and Perry, Schwartz, M., see Sautter, J., 23 Lookingland, K.J., see Manzanares, J., 142 R.H., PH]Nitrendipine binding in tem- Sirviö, J., see Riekkinen Jr., P., 341 poral cortex in Alzheimer’s and Hunting- Spencer, S., see Schuh, S.M., 85 Maloteaux, J.-M., see Holemans, S., 154 ton’s diseases, 42 Spinnewyn, B., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., Manzanares, J., Toney, T.W., Lookingland, Pirotzky, E., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 312 K.J. and Moore, K.E., Activation of Pirotzky, E., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., 312 Spinnewyn, B., see Demerlé-Pallardy, C., tuberoinfundibular and tuberohypophy- Pizzolato, M., see Kuruvilla, A.P., 337 312 sial dopamine neurons following intrace- Plotkine, M., see Lekieffre, D., 353 Stiller, M., see Lemmer, B., 225 rebroventricular administration of bomb- Procter, A.W., see Chessell, I.P., 345 Stoessl, A.J., Szczutkowski, E., Glenn, B. esin, 142 Prosser, R.A., see McArthur, A.J., 158 and Watson, I., Behavioural effects of Mattson, M.P., Wang, H. and Michaelis, selective tachykinin agonists in midbrain E.K., Developmental expression, com- Ramkema, M.D., see Kerkhoven, R.M., 8 dopamine regions, 254 partmentalization, and possible role in Reynolds, D.J.M., Barber, N.A., Gra- Stuesse, S.L., see Zeng, D., 290 excitotoxicity of a putative NMDA re- hame-Smith, D.G. and Leslie, R.A., Szczutkowski, E., see Stoessl, A.J., 254 ceptor protein in cultured hippocampal Cisplatin-evoked induction of c-fos pro- neurons, 94 tein in the brainstem of the ferret: the Tetel, M.J. and Blaustein, J.D., Immuno- McArthur, A.J., Gillette, M.U. and effect of cervical vagotomy and the anti- cytochemical evidence for noradrenergic Prosser, R.A., Melatonin directly resets emetic 5-HT, receptor antagonist gran- regulation of estrogen receptor concen- the rat suprachiasmatic circadian clock in isetron (BRL 43694), 231 trations in the guinea pig hypothalamus, vitro, 158 321 Ricci, A., Norris, C. and Guth, P., Cyclic McCrohan, C.R., see Brown, A.M., 247 AMP modulates sensory-neural commu- Todd, M.M., see Ridenour, T.R., 116 Meng, Q.C., see Chen, C.-W., 135 nication at the vestibular end organ, 78 Toney, T.W., see Manzanares, J., 142 Messing, R.O., Henteleff, M. and Park, Ridenour, T.R., Warner, D.S., Todd, M.M. Tsukagoshi, H., see Park-Matsumoto, Y.C., J.J., Ethanol enhances growth factor- and Baker, M.T., Effects of ketamine on 280 induced neurite formation in PC12 cells, outcome from temporary middle cere- 301 bral artery occlusion in the spontane- VVaalnj akMkian,n enA.,, Js.e,e sReie ekKkeirnkehno vJern.,, P.R, .3M4.1, 8 MMiicrhaaseeldiesg,h i,E .KS..,, sseeee WMiaetltasnodn,, MS..,P .2,6 39 4 Rieokuksilnye nh ypJerr.,t enPs.,i veS irvriatö,, 1J1.6, Riekkinenm Vickland, H., Westrum, L.E., Kott, J.N., MontEfif-eGcrtasz iaodfe ic,o lcAh.iGc.in e andon Berrektlreoyg,r adKe.lJy.-, M., Valjakka, A., Koivisto, E. and Riek- PNaetrtveer sognr,o wtSh. L.f actaonr d recBeoptthowre lle,x preMs.sAi.o,n transported WGA-HRP, 162 khiingehn ,v olPt.a,g e Gaspmimnadvlei nyacltgiavibtay ini nccroenatsreosl in the young and adult rat olfactory Moore, K.E., see Manzanares, J., 142 and nucleus basalis-lesioned rats after system, 269 Nakashima, H., see Sakai, K., 167 sub-chronic treatment 341 Wall, J.T., see Noriega, A.L., 188 Navarro, X. and Kennedy, W.R., The ef- Riekkinen, M., see Riekkinen Jr., P., 341 Wang, H., see Mattson, M.P., 94 fects of autologous nerve transplants on Riekkinen, P., see Riekkinen Jr., P., 341 Warner, D.S., see Ridenour, T.R., 116 motor and sudomotor reinnervation by Rochford, J., Godin, C. and Henry, J.L., Watson, I., see Stoessl, A.J., 254 regenerative axons, 181 Intrathecal administration of dynorphin Westrum, L.E., see Vickland, H., 269 Neil, A., Attal, N. and Guilbaud, G., A and its fragments increase heart rate Wieland, S., Lan, N.C., Mirasedeghi, S. Effects of guanethidine on sensitization and arterial pressure in the urethane and Gee, K.W., Anxiolytic activity of the to natural stimuli and self-mutilating anesthetized rat: mediation by a nonopi- progesterone metabolite Sa-pregnan-3a- behaviour in rats with a peripheral neu- oid mechanism, 67 ol-20-one, 263 ropathy, 237 Romaniuk, J.R. and Bruce, E.N., The role Wildman, M.H. and Cannone, A.J., Inter- Nestler, .J., see Campeau, S., 349 of midline ventral medullary structures in action between afferent neurones in a Nitsch, R., see Lemmer, B., 225 generation of respiratory motor high crab muscle receptor organ, 175 Noriega, A.L. and Wall, J.T., Parcellated frequency oscillations, 148 Willard, M.B., see Schuh, S.M., 85 Rosen, J.B., see Campeau, S., 349 Wyss, J.M., see Chen, C.-W., 135 organization in the trigeminal and dorsal column nuclei of primates, 188 Norris, C., see Ricci, A., 78 Sabel, B.A., see Sautter, J., 23 Yoshimoto, Y., see Sakai, K., 167 Sakai, K., Date, I., Yoshimoto, Y., Ari- Zeng, D. and Stuesse, S.L., Morphological Ohm, T.G., see Lemmer, B., 225 sawa, T., Nakashima, H., Furuta, T., heterogeneity within the cingulate cortex Ohmoto, T., see Sakai, K., 167 Asari, S. and Ohmoto, T., The effect of in rat: a horseradish peroxidase transport Oparil, S., see Chen, C.-W., 135 a new immunosuppressive agent, FK- study, 290 Ostwald, J., see Ebert, U., 209

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