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Brain Messengers and the Pituitary PDF

722 Pages·1989·11.119 MB·English
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Brain Messengers and the Pituitary Eugenio E. Muller Department o f Pharmacolog y University o f Mila n Milan, Ital y Giuseppe Nistico Department o f Pharmacolog y University o f Catanzar o Catanzaro, Ital y Academic Press , Inc . Ηarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers San Dieg o Ne w Yor k Berkele y Bosto n London Sydne y Toky o Toront o COPYRIGHT © 1989, 1977 BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHT S RESERVED . NO PAR T OF THIS PUBLICATIO N MA Y BE REPRODUCED O R TRANSMITTED I N ANY FORM O R BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONI C OR MECHANICAL , INCLUDIN G PHOTOCOPY , RECORDING , O R ANY INFORMATIO N STORAG E AN D RETRIEVAL SYSTEM , WITHOU T PERMISSION I N WRITING FRO M TH E PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS , INC. San Diego ,C aliforni a9 2101 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMICP RESSL IMITE D 24-28O valR oad,L ondonN W17 DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Muller, Ε . E. Brain messengersa n dt hep ituitary / Eugenio E .M uller,G iusepp e Nistico. p. cm . Bibliography: p. ISBN0 -12-510310- 7( alk .p aper) 1.A denohypophysis—Metabolism—Regulation. 2 .A denohypophysis— Innervation. 3 .A denohypophysis—Pathophysiology. .4.N eurotransmitters—Physiologica le ffect . 5 .N europeptides— Physiologicale ffect . 6 .N euroendocrinology. I . Nistico, Giuseppe. II . Title. [DNLM:1 .B rain—physiology. 2 .N euroregulators—physiology . 3.P ituitar y Hormones ,A nterior—physiology.Q V1 26M 958b] QP188.P58M851 98 8 DNLM/DLC forL ibrar yo fC ongress8 7-3075 0 CIP PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 89 90 91 92 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 To our wives Preface More tha n a decad e ha s elapse d sinc e w e publishe d ou r comprehensiv e mono ­ graph Neurotransmitters and Anterior Pituitary Function (Academi c Press , 1977). Sinc e then , researc h o n thes e fascinatin g aspect s o f neuroendocrinolog y has continue d a t a n almos t breathtakin g pace . I t i s no w clea r that , i n additio n t o the classica l brai n neurotransmitters , a n increasin g numbe r o f neuropeptide s affecting interneurona l communicatio n ar e presen t i n variou s centra l nervou s system (CNS ) regions . Th e complexit y o f th e syste m stem s fro m th e abundanc e of differen t neurotransmitte r an d neuropeptid e neuron s presen t i n th e mediobasa l hypothalamus an d elsewher e an d th e variou s way s the y ma y interac t re ­ ciprocally. Anothe r reaso n fo r complexit y stem s fro m coexistence , e.g. , occur ­ rence an d the n releas e o f tw o transmitte r molecule s fro m th e sam e nerv e ending . Although thes e event s undoubtedl y provid e greate r versatilit y an d sophisticatio n to th e vocabular y o f synapti c transmission , the y confoun d prope r understandin g of th e physiolog y an d pathophysiolog y o f neuroendocrin e control . This boo k considers , initiall y an d comprehensively , th e mai n biochemica l and electrophysiologica l mechanism s underlyin g synapti c communication , es ­ pecially i n vie w o f th e mos t recen t knowledg e o n cotransmissio n an d recepto r plasticity, describe s th e topographica l localizatio n an d functio n o f classica l neu ­ rotransmitter an d neuropeptid e neurons , an d focuse s o n a serie s o f recentl y developed drug s tha t affec t selectiv e aspect s o f neurotransmitte r an d henc e neu ­ roendocrine function . Th e experimenta l evidenc e tha t th e brai n control s pituitar y function vi a specifi c hypophysiotropi c regulator y hormone s i s the n reviewe d i n relation t o th e secretio n o f ACT H an d pro-opiomelanocortin-derive d peptides , GH, gonadotropins , Prl , an d TSH . Studie s o n th e chemica l isolation , identifica ­ tion an d synthesis , pituitar y effects , extraendocrin e actions , an d therapeuti c use s of classica l hypophysiotropi c hormone s ar e reported , wit h specia l emphasi s placed o n th e tw o newcomers , CR F an d GHRH . A separat e evaluatio n i s the n presented o f th e neuroendocrine effect s o f a n increasin g numbe r o f neuropeptide s whose physiologica l rol e i n th e contro l o f pituitar y functio n await s clarification , although som e o f the m no w appea r t o b e stron g candidate s a s regulator y hor ­ mones. Spac e i s als o allotte d t o th e pituitar y glan d viewe d a s th e targe t o f CNS - derived an d periphera l hormona l influences , e.g. , purporte d mechanism s o f ac ­ tion o f regulator y an d othe r neurohormones , occurrenc e an d characteristic s o f pituitary receptors , functiona l neurohormonal-neurotransmitte r an d periphera l hormone interactions . Th e experimenta l evidenc e linkin g brai n neurotransmitter s to th e secretio n o f hypothalami c hormone s an d henc e t o anterio r pituitar y hor - xi xii Prefac e mones o r t o neuroendocrin e feedbac k regulatio n i s the n widel y reviewed . Final ­ ly, a separat e sectio n describe s new , excitin g evidenc e fo r neurotransmitter - neuropeptide dysfunctio n a s a n etiolog y fo r specifi c neuroendocrin e disorder s and th e potentia l o f th e neuropharmacologi c approac h t o th e diagnosi s an d therapy. We hav e relie d o n Neurotransmitters and Anterior Pituitary Function a s a basis fo r thi s book . Ou r objectiv e ha s bee n t o provid e no t onl y a compilatio n o f data bu t also , wheneve r possible , informatio n t o giv e reader s a n appreciatio n o f the significanc e o f th e advance s i n th e field. Sometimes , however , th e flo w o f new finding s ha s bee n s o massiv e a s t o hinde r thi s task , an d fo r thi s w e no w apologize. W e hop e nevertheles s tha t thi s comprehensiv e work , whic h include s more tha n 400 0 reference s an d ove r 7 0 tables , wil l b e a s wa s it s predecessor , a n invaluable sourc e o f informatio n t o student s an d researcher s i n neuroen ­ docrinology an d neurobiology , neuropharmacology , neurophysiology , an d psy ­ chiatry. Clinica l neuroendocrinologist s wil l als o find i n this volum e th e rational e for th e saf e an d prope r us e o f powerfu l CNS-actin g compounds . We ar e particularl y gratefu l t o Dr . Giacint o Bagett a fo r hi s untirin g ai d i n the preparatio n o f th e monograp h an d t o Mari a Lup o fo r providin g invaluabl e help wit h th e literatur e survey . W e gratefull y acknowledg e Sando z Base l an d Sandoz Ital y fo r permissio n t o us e th e fron t cove r ar t an d fo r assistanc e i n printing it , respectively . Eugenio E . Mulle r Giuseppe Nistic o List of Abbreviations (Other abbreviations used are defined in the text.) BDZ benzodiazepine bid twice daily A angiotensin BLA basolateral amygdala A angstrom B maximal number of max AA arachidonic acid binding sites Al angiotensin I BMI bicuculline methiodide All angiotensin II AC adenylate cyclase n-AChR nicotinic receptors ACh acetylcholine Ca2 + calcium AChE acetylcholinesterase 2-CADO 2 -chloroadenosine ACTH adrenocorticotropic cAMP cyclic adenosine hormone monophosphate ADP adenosine diphosphate 3',5'- 3',5 '-cyclic adenosine AF64A ethylcholine mustard cAMP monophosphate azaridinium ion CAs catecholamines AHA anterior hypothalamic area CaM calmodulin Ala alanine CAT choline acetyltransferase AOAA aminooxyacetic acid β-CCE ethyl-p-carboline-3- AP anterior pituitary carboxylate APP avian pancreatic CCK cholecystokinin polypeptide β-CCM methyl^-carboline-3- APUD amine precursor uptake carboxylate cells and decarboxylation CD carbidopa cells CE cortical extracts ARC n. arcuate nucleus of the CGD constitutional growth delay hypothalamus CGRP calcitonin gene-related Arg arginine peptide AS antiserum CHA cyclohexyladenosine Asn asparagine ChE cholinesterase Asp aspartic acid CLIP corticotropin-like ATP adenosine triphosphate intermediate lobe ATPase adenosine triphosphatase peptide AVP arginine vasopressin CLON clonidine CMC carboxymethyl-cellulose Β CNA central nucleus of the amygdala ΒΑ bioassay CNS central nervous system BAL 2,3 -dimercaptopropanol COMT catechol-0- BBB blood/brain barrier methyltransferase BPP bovine pancreatic CPA M)-cyclopentyladenosine polypeptide mCPP 1 -(3-chlorophenyl)- BBS bombesin piperazine XIV Lis to f Abbreviation s CRFc orticotropin-releasin g DSTd examethason es uppressio n factor test CRHc orticotropin-releasin g DTPd orsa lt egmenta lp athwa y hormone CSDc ystein es ulfini c Ε decarboxylase CSF cerebrospina lf lui d epinephrine CTc alcitoni n estradiol Cysc ystein e EB estradiol benzoat e ECoG electrocorticographic ECT electroconvulsivet herap y ED mediane ffectiv ed os e 50 DAd opamin e EDTA ethylenediaminetetracetic DAGd iacylglycero l acid DAGO (D-Ala 2-MePhe4-Gly-ol5)- EEG electroencephalogram enkephalin EGF epidermalg rowt hf acto r 4-DAMP4 -diphenylactoxy-N - EGTA ehtyleneglycolbis^- methyl-piperidine aminoethyl ether)AW - methiodide tetraacetica ci d DAOd iamin eo xidas e EM electronm icroscop y dbcAMPd ibutyry lc ycli ca denosin e β-END β-endorphin monophosphate ENK enkephalin D-β-Η dopamines-hydroxylas e EOPs endogenouso pioi d DBI diazepa mb indin gi nhibito r peptides DDCd iethyldithiocarbamat e EOS ethanolamine-O-sulfate 2-DG 2-deoxy-D-glucos e EV estradiolv alerat e DHEd ihydroergocriptin e DHP1 ,4-dihydropyridin e DHTd ihydrotestosteron e 5,6-DHT 5,6-dihydrox yt ryp tamine 5,7-DHT 5,7-dihydroxytryptamin e FG7142 3-carboline-3-carboxylic DKP diketopiperazin e acid methylamid e DMCM 6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl^ - FRP FSH-releasingp eptid e carboline-3-carboxylate FSH follicle-stimulating DMI desmethylimipramine hormone DMNd orsomedia ln ucleu s FSHRH follicle-stimulating Ν,Ν-ΌΜΎ N,N-dimethyltryptamin e hormone-releasing cDNAc omplementar y hormone deoxyribonucleica ci d DOB l-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromo - phenyl)-2-aminopropane DOI 1 -(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodo- GABA 7-aminobutyrica ci d phenyl)-2-aminopropane GABA-T 7-aminobutyrica ci d DOM l-(2,5-dimethoxy-4 - transaminase methyl-phenyl)-2- GABOB 7-aminoS-hydroxybutyric aminopropane acid dopad ihydroxyphenylalanin e GAD glutamica ci d DOPAC3 ,4-dihydroxyphenylaceti c decarboxylase acid GAD-I glutamica ci d DOPS3 ,4-dihydroxyphenylserin e decarboxylase I DPTAd iethylenetriaminepentaace - GAD-II glutamica ci d tica ci d decarboxylaseI I DPX l,3-diethyl-8 - GAG 7-acetylenicG AB A phenylxanthine GAP GnRH-associated peptid e Listo f Abbreviation s XV GDEE L-glutamica cidd iethy l HPLCh igh-pressur el iqui d ester chromatography GH growthh ormon e 5-HTs erotoni n cGH canineg rowt hh ormon e 5-HTP5 -hydroxytryptopha n hGH humang rowt hh ormon e HVAh omovanilli ca ci d rGH ratg rowt hh ormon e GHB 7-hydroxybutyrate GH-IF-GIF growthh ormone-inhibitin g I orG H-RI F factor,g rowt hh ormon e IADAsi ndirectl ya ctin g dopamin e release-inhibitingf actor , agonists ors omatostati n IBMXi sobutylmethylxanthin e GHRH growthh ormone-releasin g ici ntracisterna l hormone IC i nhibitor yc oncentratio n Gi guaninen ucleotid eb indin g 50 required t os uppres s protein( inhibitory ) 50%o fi nhibitabl e GI gastrointestinal hormone releas e GIP gastrici nhibitor y icvi ntracerebroventricula r polypeptide ICYPi odocyanopindolo l Gin glutamine IFNi nterfero n Glu glutamica ci d IGFi nsulin-lik eg rowt hf acto r Gly glycine IgGi mmunoglobuli n GMP guanosinem onophosphat e IGHDi solate dg rowt hh ormon e cGMP cyclicg uanosin e deficiency monophosphate IHi diopathi ch yper ­ GnRH gonadotropin-releasing prolactinemia hormone IHHi diopathi c hypogonado ­ GRF growthh ormone-releasin g tropich ypogonadis m factor ILi ntermediat e lob e GRF-LA GRF-likea ctivit y Hei soleucin e GRP gastrin-releasingp eptid e im intramuscula r Gs guaninen ucleotid eb indin g INIi soniazi d protein( stimulatory ) IPi nterpeduncula rn ucleu s GTP guanosinet riphosphat e IP inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphat e GTT glucoset oleranc et es t 3 ipi ntraperitoneall y IPSPi nhibitor y postsynapti c potential Η IRi mmunoreactiv e ISO isoproterenol Η histamine hCG humanc horioni c iv intravenous gonadotropin HD histidined ecarboxylas e κ HE hypothalamice xtract s HHAA hypothalamo-hypophyseal- K dissociationc onstan t d adrenala xi s HHTA hypothalamo-hypophyseal- thyroida xi s L 5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetica ci d HIOMT hydroxyindole-O- L-AAAD L-aromatica minoa ci d methyltransferase decarboxylase His histidine L-dopa L-dihydroxyphenylalanine HIT hypothalamoinfundibular Leu leucine tract Leu-ENK leucine-enkephalin HMW highm olecula rw eigh t LH luteinizingh ormon e xvi Lis to f Abbreviation s LHAl atera lh ypothalami ca re a MPZm edia lp alisad ez on e LH-MFBl atera lh ypothalami c Mm olecula rm as s r medialf orebrai nb undl e MSHm elanocyte-stimulatin g LHRHl uteinizin g hormone - hormone releasing hormon e 3-MT3 -methoxytyramin e L-5-HTP L-5-hydroxytryptophan LI- lik ei mmunoreactivit y Ν β-LPHβ -lipotropi n LPZl atera lp alisad ez on e η.n ucleu s LTl eukotrien e NADn icotinamid ea denin e L-TH L-tyrosine hydroxylas e dinucleotide L-Trp L-tryptophan NASA f-acetylserotoni n L-Tyr L-tyrosine NATN -acetyltransferas e LVPl ysin ev asopressi n NEn orepinephrin e NEC A 5'-N-ethylcarboxyamido - adenosine Μ NEFAn onesterifie df att ya cid s MAsm onoamine s NILn eurointermediat el ob e MAOm onoamin e oxidas e Nlen orleucin e MAO-Am onoamin eo xidas e A NMDA Ar-methyl -D,L-aspartica ci d MAO-Bm onoamin eo xidas e Β NMRn uclea r magneti c resonanc e MAOIsm onoamin eo xidas e NMSΛ ^-methscopolamin e inhibitors Nomn omifensin e MBHm edia lb asa lh ypothalamu s NPn europhysi n MCRm etaboli cc learanc er at e 1- NP 1 - naphthyl piperazine α-MD a-methyldop a NPYn europeptid e Y MEm edia ne minenc e NTn eurotensi n MEDm edia ne ffectiv ed os e 5-MeODMT5 -methoxy-N,iV - Ο dimethyltryptamine 5-MeOT5 -methoxytryptamin e ODNo ctadeca-neuropeptid e Metm ethionin e 17-OHCS1 7-hydroxycorticosteroid s Met-ENKm ethionine-enkephali n 5-OHDA5 -hydroxydopamin e MFBm edia lf orebrai nb undl e 6-OHDA6 -hydroxydopamin e MFMD DL-monofluoromethyldopa 6-OH-dopa6 -hydroxydop a MHPGm ethoxyhydroxyphenylgly - 8-OH-8 4rydroxy-2-(di-w - col DPATp ropylamino)tetrali n MIFm elanocyte-inhibitin g 2-OHE2 -hydroxyestradio l factor 4-OHT4 -hydroxytryptolin e ΜΓΤm onoiodotyrosin e 6-OHT6 -hydroxytryptolin e α-MmTa -methyl-m-tyrosin e 7-OHT7 -hydroxytryptolin e MNAm edia ln ucleu so ft h e OVLTo rganu mv asculosu m amygdala laminaet erminali s ct-MNEα -methy ln orepinephrin e MPDP l-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3 - dihydropiridinium intermediate Ρp rogesteron e MPOAm edia lp reopti ca re a PACPX1 ,3-dipropyl-8-(2-amino-4 - MPP + 1 - methy1 -4-phenyl pyridine chloro)-phenylxanthine 2-MPP 1 - (2-methoxyphenyl)- PADp rimar ya ffectiv e disorder s piperazine PAS p-aminosalicyli c α-ΜρΤ a-methyl-p-tyrosin e pCA p-chloroamphetamin e MPTP l-methyl-4-phenyl- l ,2,3,6 - pCMA p-chloro-N - tetrahydropyridine methylamphetamine List of Abbreviations xvi i pCPA p-chlorophenylalanin e sc subcutaneou s PETp ositro ne missio n SCNs uprachiasmati cn ucleu s tomography SDs tandar d deviatio n PGp rostaglandi n SDSs odiu m dodecy ls ulfat e PGDHp rostaglandi n SELs ubependyma l laye r dehydrogenase SEMs tandar d erro ro ft h em ea n PGIp rostacycli n Ser serin e 2 pGlup yroglutami ca ci d SIFs mal li ntensel y fluorescent PGOp ontogeniculooccipita l cells Phep henylalanin e SK substanc e Κ PHIp eptid eh istidin ei soleucin e SS-LI somatostatin-lik e amide immunoreactivity PHMp eptid eh istidin e SM somatomedi n methioninea mid e SM-Cs omatomedi n C Pisp hosphoinositide s SMEs tal km edia n eminenc e PIAp henylisopropyladenosin e SON supraopti c nucleu s PIFp rolactin-inhibitin gf acto r SP substanc e Ρ PIP PIP SPIRs piperon e o rs piroperido l 2 2 phosphatidy linisitol-4, 5- SPOA septum-preopti ca re a bisphosphate SRS-As low-reactin gs ubstanc eo f PLA-2p hospholipas e A anaphylaxis 2 PMSGp regnan t mar es eru m SS somatostati n gonadotropin SSAs uccini c semialdehyd e PNMTp henylethanolamine-N - SVs odiu m valproat e methyltransferase SWSs lo w wav e slee p PNSp eriphera ln ervou ss yste m poo rall y POp reopti c POAp reopti ca re a Τt estosteron e POMCp roopiomelanocorti n T h alf-lif e PPPp olyphloreti n phosphat e l/2 Tt riiodothyronin e 3-PPP 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-#-n - 3 Tt hyroxin e propylpiperidine 4 TBG thyroxine-binding-globuli n PRFp rolactin-releasin gf acto r TCAt ricarboxyli ca ci d cycl e Prlp rolacti n TFMPP l-(3 - Prop rolin e trifluoromethylphenyl)- 8-PSTp -sulfopheny lt heophyllin e piperazine PtdI n sp hosphatidylinosito l TGFt ransformin g growt hf acto r PVNp araventricula rn ucleu s THt yrosin e hydroxylas e THBC tetrahydro^-carboline s Thrt hreonin e QNBq uinuclidiny lb enzylat e TIt uberoinfundibula r tid thre e time s a d a y TIDAt uberoinfundibula r dopamine REM rapid ey em ovemen t slee p TMB-88 -(N,N-diethylamino)octy l RH regulatoryh ormon e 3,4,5-trimethoxy- RIA radioimmunoassay benzoateH C R mRNA messenger ribonucleic a ci d TPOt ryptopha n pyrrolas e RNase ribonuclease TRHt hyrotropin-releasin g hormone TRH-OHT R Hf re ea ci d SAM S-adenosylmethionine Trpt ryptopha n 8 Sari-Ala- saralasin Trp-Ht ryptopha n hydroxylas e

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