JENNINGS School of 1C M k IS ./a \ Martial Arts for the Entire Family Treating Clinic for t tli (905) 775-1413 16 John St. West. Bradford Sports Injury Prevention Sports Related Injuries 442 Holland St. W, Bradford 1 m 2 | 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Leisure Guide Table Of Contents Message from the Mayor..4 Personal Training.43 Parks & Property.117 Mayor & Members of Council.,,.,..5 Member Story.■mfm!.44 Splash Pads. Department of Leisure Services.6 Aquatics.47 Parks & Schools Map.122 Registration Information.. Swimming Progression Chart.51 Outdoor Sports Facilities.123 Account Creation Form.9 Session Dates & Fees.52 Cemeteries.124 Registration Form.10 Swimming Programs. 51 Community Partners.„.125 Accessibility.11 Specialty Programs.^,.*.,^....65 Sports Groups.127 Facility Bookings.14 Leadership Progression Chart.76 Who Do I Call?.128 Coming Events.16 Leisure Programs.83 Library & Cultural Centre .129 Bradford West Gwillimbury March Break.84 BWG Fire & Emergency Services Leisure Centre..19 Spring & Summer Preschool Programs ...130 Leisure Skating.21 ......86 Legislative Services .131 Fitness.. 24 Spring & Summer Child/Youth Office of Economic Development Fitness Memberships.25 Programs.91 .133 Fitness Centre Etiquette.26 Spring & Summer Adult Programs.. 94 Human Resources..134 Child Minding.27 Summer Day Camps.95 Finance.135 Corporate Wellness.28 Summer Preschool Camps 100 Community Contacts.140 Group Fitness.**.»>.....29 Summer Child/Youth Camps.102 Alternate versions of this document Aquafit.30 Summer Specialty Camps.108 available by request. Contact Youth Fitness.33 Summer Leadership Programs.Ill Joe Lotto, Leisure Events and Adult Fitness..34 Aquatic Camps.112 Marketing Programmer at Rehabilitation Programs.38 Birthday Parties.««»... 114 905-775-5359 ext 5102 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Lei: Guide | 3 Greetings from the Mayor On behalf of the Council of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, I am pleased and proud to introduce the Spring/Summer 2015 Leisure Guide. BWG is quickly becoming an exceptional place to spend recreational time for residents and visitors alike. Our world-class Leisure Centre features an extensive roster of programs for people of all ages, as well as opportunities to drop in for a swim or to use the gymnasium. Each year the list of youth programs grows and we now offer a long list of summer and March break day camps. Red Cross swimming programs, and even fun and active birthday parties. There are many opportunities to get outdoors in BWG for both passive and active recreation. In addition to the many beautiful parks and trails already open for use, the Town continues to work towards the future opening of Henderson Park - a 97-acre multi-use site that will grow alongside our Town to meet a wide range of recreation needs and interests. My fellow Council members and I are looking forward to taking part in another season of fantastic events including: • Community Clean Up Day - Saturday, April 11 • Trails Day and the Mayor's Hike for Health - Sunday, June 7 • Canada Day celebration and presentation of Civic Awards - Wednesday, July 1 • Carrot Fest - Saturday, August 15 The Civic Awards are particularly important to me personally, coming from a background of community involvement. I believe in giving back to our Town and am passionate about recognizing our tremendously valuable volunteers and community champions. I look forward to seeing many nominations this year and I know that this year's Canada Day celebration will be one to remember. Information on our programs and events is always at your fingertips by visiting and by following the Town on Facebook and Twitter. We always appreciate your feedback and look forward to connecting with you online and in person. Sincerely, Rob Keffer Mayor 4 | 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Leisure Guide Mayor & Members of Council Members of Council 2014-2018 Mayor Rob Keffer [email protected] Deputy Mayor James Leduc Ward 4 Councillor Ron Orr [email protected] [email protected] O Ward 1 Councillor Raj Sandhu Ward 5 Councillor Peter Ferragine [email protected] [email protected] £ d Ward 2 Councillor Gary Baynes Ward 6 Councillor Mark Contois [email protected] [email protected] fl Ward 3 Councillor Gary Lamb Ward 7 Councillor Peter Dykie [email protected] [email protected] The Mayor is responsible for attending ceremonial activities and functions on behalf of the Town. Contact: The Office of the Mayor Correspondence, invitations and messages for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of Council may be directed to: 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Lei Guide | 5 Leisure Services Team Director of Leisure Services - TBA Manager of Recreation & Client Services - Nick Warman Ext. 5301 Ext. 8501; [email protected] Administrative Coordinator - Claudia Brown Manager of Leisure Facilities - Terry Foran Ext. 5300; [email protected] Ext. 8701; [email protected] Manager of Parks & Property - Mike O'Hare Aquatic Supervisor - Teresa Taylor Ext. 5201; [email protected] Ext. 8401; [email protected] Parks & Property Supervisor - Bob Johnson Fitness Supervisor - Stephanie Uren Ext. 5203; [email protected] Ext. 8601; [email protected] Leisure Events & Marketing Programmer - Joe Lotto Recreation Coordinator - Nancy Shortill-Thatcher Ext. 5102; [email protected] Ext. 8301; [email protected] Bookings Clerk - Teresa Fairbarn Aquatic Programmer - Bethany Kuboniwa Ext. 5202; [email protected] Ext. 8402; [email protected] Administration Clerk - Judith Rigg Fitness Programmer - Enrico Mazzone Ext. 5200; [email protected] Ext. 8601; [email protected] Operations - Mike Kanyo, Julie Randall, Programs Clerk - Heather Polsinello Rob Reid, and Dave Bone Ext. 8302; [email protected] Customer Service Representative - Kristina Maksic Ext. 0; [email protected] Customer Service Representative - Terri Price Ext. 0; [email protected] Operations - Andrew Kuntze, Dan Fairbarn, Gary Purcell, Derek Timms, Elyse Pearson, Samantha Lawrence, Joanne Kuzoff, and David Davenport 6 | 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Leisure Guide Registration Information U 11 1 Bradford Registration Information Gwiiiimt^y LEISURE, FITNESS AND AQUATIC PROGRAMS REGISTRATION 4i REGISTRATION METHOD HOW TO REGISTER BENEFITS O(RnEliSnIeD ERNegTiSs tOraNtiLoYn) BFeEbGruINarSy a2t4 8.2:3001a5m. oLno Taauiensad iany p rior to •Fast, easysecure • Register for multiple programs Recommended Method account PIN, and credit card • Register multiple participants for Drop Off or Fax BWG Department of Leisure LEISURE & AQUATICS PROGRAM (RESIDENTS ONLY) oLne iFsuerber uCaernyt 2re3.r dF aotr mthse rBecWeiGv ed ? Services registers for you. EXCLUSION DATES. after 7:00pm are considered late GOOD FRIDAY: April 3,2015-Facility Closed EASTER MONDAY: that online registration begins for residents. This may take a number VICTORIA DAY: May 18,2015 - Facility Closed I(nR EPSeIrDsoEnN TS ONLY) BEGINS at 8:30am on Friday sRPrrcneperrdon,he July 1,2015-Facility Closed August 3,2015 - Facility Closed NON-RESIDENTS BEGINS at 8:30am on Tuesday LABOUR DAY: Online and In Person Non-residents are provided with an September 7,2015 - Facility Closed oDpeppoarrttumnietnyt t oof r Legeiissuterre fSoer rBvWicGes programs one week after residents have had the opportunity. REGISTRATION FINE PRINT CODE OF BEHAVIOUR: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury endeavours to provide AI1 children attending programs without parent participation the highest level of safety and enjoyment to all participants and MUST bs toilet trained. Our goal is to focus on fun with regular staff members for the duration of its programs and activities. washroom visits. Diapers and pull-ups are not permitted. It is ar^^g^esstv^behaviouh^nappropriate 'oTunMoShre into dry clothing. It is asked that the parent or guardian to come program or activity. programs are for participants only. No parent, children or siblings Regular Business Hours: Monday to Friday 6 am -10 pm Saturday/Sunday 7:30 am - 5pm (from June 27 - September 6) a9T05-T775.-iP'LeATY (7s5;a29) before attendr,i! .yto.unr p!ro?gsram^ osnr aictliv it*y tavhraaJltu yao6b!u,l re Mcih,oeinlmde ysu ,niosd tnehorest pttoarn b°de9s rb atrhmoau tog hrheat/ ctsothi puer ioitsyg rarearsempaso- nus^nillbeelsaess f Psopere bhceiisfs/iuherdeer. Monday to Thursday 6 am - 10 pm FOR EVERYONE’S HEALTH: The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is not responsible for lost Friday 6am - 8pm If a participant has a communicable disease (e.g. Lice, Chicken or stolen articles. Pox, etc.) or a current public health concern, we would ask that STAFF TRAINING: leisure swimming or other scheduled activities. Participants are Ach"i |dst aaffn dre cgeriovueps ,rmaianniang9e mincelnutdi ing sesas,idoi ntse aomn Psrp0o9rrtaSmi mchinMgd, Wealthy and toTa^ note o^pe^miib^nj mediratton behaviour, policies and procedures, and leadership. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY: Parents should be aware that the Child and Family Services Act immediately to ^Children's Aid Society. 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Lei« tide | 7 Registration Information 8 | 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Leisure Guide Account Creation Form Bradford GwillimlDury CUSTOMER ACCOUNT CREATION INFORMATION **Please note that proof of residency and proof of date of birth is required for all new accounts** A GrowingTradition Please print clearly Last Name First Name Date of Birth M/F Family Information: Address:_ Town:_ Postal Code: Phone: (home). Phone: (work) _ Phone: (cell)_ E-Mail Address: Document used for proof of residency:_ Release: In consideration of the creation of this account and the permission to participate in a program sponsored by the Department of Leisure Services, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, I hereby forever discharge the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, its employees, agents, officers, from all claims, damages, costs, and expenses in respect to injury or damage to my person or property, however caused, which may be sustained as a result of participation in the program. I acknowledge and agree that the Town may use photographs of Leisure Services Programs and the participants therein for promotional purposes. All personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used for the purposes of customer account creation. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the Manager of Recreation & Client Services, Leisure Services, 471 West Park Avenue, Bradford, ON, L3Z 0J3, 905-775- 7529. Client signature Date 5100-008 (04/2013) revised 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Lei: Guide | 9 Registration Form Bradford Gwillimbury Bradford West Gwillimbury Leisure Services Program Registration Form Part A: FAMILY INFORMATION - Please print clearly - ADULT/PARENT/GUARDIAN'S Fam Part B: PARTICIPANT INFORMATION - Can be used '*IF PROGRAM IS FULL APPLICANT WILL BE WAIT LISTED 1. PARTICIPANT Family Na 2. PARTICIPANT Family Na lency Contact (Name & #) 3. PARTICIPANT Family Na jency Contact (Name & #) Part C: DISABILITIES/MEDICAL CONDITIONS - Please print clearly - Total Fee Owing Details regarding Special Needs/Disabilities/Medical Conditions: Will Attend With . PART C: METHOD OF PAYMENT Cash □ Debit □ Cheque l Gift Certificate □ VISA □ □ Card# | | | | |-| | | | |-| | | | |-| | | | | ExpiryDate | | |-| | | Submission of this form does not guarantee placement in a program. Leisure Services, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, I hereby forever discharge the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, its employees, agents, officers, from all claims, damages, costs, and expenses in respect to injury or damage to my person or property, however caused, which may be sustained as a result of participation in the program. I acknowledge and agree that the Town may use photographs of Leisure Services programs and the participants therein for promotional purposes. Please note All personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used for the purposes of Leisure Services Program registration. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the Manager of Recreation & Client Services, Leisure Services, 471 West Park Avenue, Bradford, ON, L3Z 0J3,905-775-7529. SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR PARTICIPANT DATE (form not valid unless signed) OFFICE USE ONLY Cash/Cheque Amount $_ Process Date:_ Clerk:_ Form# 5100-011 (07/2012) 10 | 905-775-7529(PLAY) BWG Spring/Summer 2015 Lei: Guide