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B Brace For Impact! r a c e F o r I m p a c t ! A t h e s is o n m e d ic a l c a r e f o llo w in g a n a ir p la n e c r a s h I n g r i P A thesis on medical care following an airplane crash o s t m Ingri Postma a 28993 Postma cover.indd 1 25-04-14 18:15 Brace For Impact! A thesis on medical care following an airplane crash Ingri Louise Esther Postma 28993 Postma V1.indd 1 01-05-14 20:30 ISBN/EAN: 978-90-6464-783-3 © 2014 Ingri Postma Een elektronisch versie van dit proefschrift is beschikbaar op de volgende websites http://www.orthopeden.org/wetenschap_en_opleiding/proefschriften http://www.annafonds.nl/pagina/Voltooide+proefschriften/1942/ http://www.trauma.nl/proefschriften/all Cover design & lay-out: Ferdinand van Nispen, Citroenvlinder-dtp.nl, Bilthoven, The Netherlands Printed by: GVO drukkers & vormgevers B.V. | Ponsen & Looijen, Ede, The Netherlands The publication of this thesis was supported by: Annafonds, AMC Graduate School, Biomet, Chipsoft, Chirurgie AMC, Depuy Synthes, Leuk Orthopedie, Medirisk, Nederlandse Orthopedische Vereniging, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traumatologie, Neuro Orthopedisch Centrum, POCO, Schiphol Group, Stimuleringsfonds Spaarne ziekenhuis, VUMC Netwerk Acute Zorg. 28993 Postma V1.indd 2 01-05-14 20:46 Brace For Impact! A thesis on medical care following an airplane crash ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op vrijdag 6 juni 2014, te 11:00 uur door Ingri Louise Esther Postma geboren te Rotterdam 28993 Postma V1.indd 3 01-05-14 20:30 Promotiecommissie Promotor: Prof. dr. J.C. Goslings Co-promotores: Dr. F.W. Bloemers Dr. T.S. Bijlsma Dr. M.J. Heetveld Overige leden: Prof. dr. C. Breederveld Prof. dr. C.N. van Dijk Prof. dr. T.M. van Gulik Prof. dr. M. Maas Prof. dr. P. Patka Prof. mr. P. van Vollenhoven Faculteit der Geneeskunde 28993 Postma V1.indd 4 01-05-14 20:30 28993 Postma V1.indd 5 01-05-14 20:30 Contents List of abbreviations 8 Part 1. General Events Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 13 Chapter 2 February 2009 airplane crash at Amsterdam Airport 19 Schiphol: An overview of injuries and patient distribution Prehosp Disaster Med. 2011 Jul-Aug;26(4):299-304. Part 2. Pre-hospital Phase Chapter 3 Mass casualty triage after an airplane crash near 33 Amsterdam Injury. 2013 Aug;44(8):1061-7. Chapter 4 Patient distribution in a mass casualty event of an 51 airplane crash Injury. 2013 Nov;44(11):1574-8 Chapter 5 Preparing for mass casualty incidents and disasters. 65 Part 1: How to determine hospitals’ critical treatment capacity Chapter 6 Preparing for mass casualty incidents and disasters. 81 Part 2: How to design a patient distribution protocol in a high risk area like an international airport Part 3. In-hospital Phase Chapter 7 Radiological work-up after mass casualty incidents: 91 are ATLS guidelines applicable? Eur Radiol (2014) 24:785-791 Chapter 8 Spinal injuries in an airplane crash. A description of 105 incidence, morphology and injury mechanism Submitted for publication Chapter 9 Delayed diagnosis of Injury in survivors of the 121 February 2009 crash of flight TK 1951 Injury. 2012 Dec;43(12):2012-7. 28993 Postma V1.indd 6 01-05-14 20:30 Part 4. The Aftermath Chapter 10 Analysis of biomechanical aspects of non-fatal 137 Injuries in a major airplane crash Submitted for publication Chapter 11 The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane 159 crash: how is it associated to physical injury? Submitted for publication Chapter 12 Summary, general conclusions and future 175 perspectives Samenvatting en conclusies en vooruitzichten 185 Dankwoord 197 CV 200 28993 Postma V1.indd 7 01-05-14 20:30 Definitions and abbreviations Abbreviated Injury Scale: A numeric system to categorise injuries according to body region and severity. Every injury corresponds to a 6 figure number, with the last number on a scale of 1-6. A minor injury is coded with number 1, 5 is a critical injury and a 6 is lethal. Hospital Trauma Level: Hospitals are designated a trauma care level by the Dutch government, were Level I hospitals have a coordinating role in the regional trauma network. Level I hospitals are equipped with all trauma care facilities; Level II hospitals have “certain” trauma care facilities, some of which are extensive, almost to the standard of Level I hospitals; and Level-III hospitals contain basic trauma care facilities. Injury Severity Score: A score combining the 3 highest scores on the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), of 3 different body regions of a patient. The squares of these 3 numbers are added to calculate the Injury Severity Score (ISS). Multiple Casualty Incident: A hazardous impact with as many casualties that the available orginazational and medical resources, or their management systems, are severely challenged. Multi Trauma patient: (Dutch: poly-traumatisée) severely injured patient with multiple injuries leading to an ISS above 16. Occupants: All people occupying the airplane. Triage Categories: In case of a mass casualty incident (MCI), casualties are triaged at the scene following the critical/ immediate (P1), serious/urgent (P2), minor/delayed (P3) triage classification according to the Triage Sieve and Sort system used by the MIMMS (Major Incident Medical Management and Support). 8 28993 Postma V1.indd 8 01-05-14 20:30

Brace For Impact! A thesis on medical care Annafonds, AMC Graduate School, Biomet, Chipsoft, Chirurgie AMC, Depuy Synthes,. Leuk Orthopedie
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