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BPS Approaches to Anyons, Quantum Hall States and Quantum Gravity PDF

315 Pages·2017·2.01 MB·English
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BPS Approaches to Anyons, Quantum Hall States and Quantum Gravity Carl Peter Turner Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge Trinity College June 2017 Thisdissertationissubmittedforthedegreeof DoctorofPhilosophy BPS Approaches to Anyons, Quantum Hall States and Quantum Gravity CarlPeterTurner We study three types of theories, using supersymmetry and ideas from string theory astoolstogainunderstandingofsystemsofmoregeneralinterest. Firstly, we introduce non-relativistic Chern-Simons-matter field theories in three di- mensionsandstudytheiranyonicspectruminaconformalphase. Thesetheorieshave supersymmetric completions, which in the non-relativistic case suffices to protect cer- tain would-be BPS quantities from corrections. This allows us to compute one-loop exact anomalous dimensions of various bound states of non-Abelian anyons, analyse someinterestingunitarityboundviolations,andtestsomerecentlyproposedbosoniza- tiondualities. Secondly, we turn on a chemical potential and break conformal invariance, putting thetheoryintotheregimeoftheFractionalQuantumHallEffect(FQHE).Thisisillus- trated in detail: the theory supports would-be BPS vortices which model the electrons of the FQHE, and they form bag-like states with the appropriate filling fractions, Hall conductivities, and anyonic excitations. This formalism makes possible some novel explicit computations: an analytic calculation of the anyonic phases experienced by Abelianquasiholes;analyticrelationshipstotheboundaryWess-Zumino-Wittenmodel; andderivationsofawideclassofQHEwavefunctionsfromabulkfieldtheory. Wealso furthertestthethree-dimensionalbosonizationdualitiesinthisnewsetting. Alongthe way,weaccumulatenewdescriptionsoftheQHE. Finally,weturnawayfromflatspaceandinvestigateaproblemin(3+1)-dimensional quantumgravity. Wefindthatevenasaneffectivetheory,thetheoryhasenoughstruc- turetosuggesttheinclusionofcertaingravitationalinstantonsinthepathintegral. An explicit computation in a minimally supersymmetric case illustrates the principles at work, and highlights the role of a hitherto unidentified scale in quantum gravity. It also is an interesting result in itself: a non-perturbative quantum instability of a flat supersymmetricKaluza-Kleincompactification. Thisthesisisdedicatedtothememoryofmygrandmother,VeraTurner Thankyou,Grandma,forthemanyyearsofwarmthandjoyyoubroughtusall Declaration This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the out- come of work done in collaboration except as declared in the Preface and specified in thetext. ItisnotsubstantiallythesameasanythatIhavesubmitted,or,isbeingconcurrently submittedforadegreeordiplomaorotherqualificationattheUniversityofCambridge oranyotherUniversityorsimilarinstitutionexceptasdeclaredinthePrefaceandspec- ified in the text. I further state that no substantial part of my dissertation has already been submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for any such degree, diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University of similar institutionexceptasspecifiedinthetext. This document is mostly adapted from two papers on non-relativistic anyons with conformal symmetry [1, 2]; four papers [3, 4, 5, 6] on quantum Hall physics; and one paper[7]onquantumgravity. Thesesevenpapersarebroadlyreflectedinthestructure ofthisdocument,withsuperconformalanyonsformingPartII,thequantumHallwork comprisingPartsIII,IV,andVandthequantumgravityworkmakingupPartVI.There issomeunpublishedmaterialonthebosonizationofanyonsinPartII.Theonlysection ofworkforwhichIwasnotprimarilyresponsibleistheworkrecapitulatedinChapter 18,forwhichNickDoreywaschieflyresponsible. CarlTurner June5,2017 Acknowledgements DoingaPhDcanbechallenging,butthelastfewyearshavebeenaveryhappytimefor me,andforthatIowethankstomanypeople. Firstly, I owe a huge amount to my supervisor, the excellent David Tong, who must not go unacknowledged. He has been an unending source of resourcefulness and en- thusiasminequalmeasures,andthatmorethananythingelsehasmadedoingaphysics PhD a real pleasure. My other collaborators – Nick Dorey, Nima Doroud and Ðorđe Radičević – also deserve significant thanks for their valuable input, as do many excel- lent physicists who have passed on some of their wisdom, including Ofer Aharony, Siavash Golkar, Guy Gur-Ari, Amihay Hanany, Sean Hartnoll, Stephen Hawking, An- dreasKarch,SangminLee,SungjayLee,NickManton,MalcolmPerry,ChrisPope,Har- veyReall,NathanSeiberg,AndrewSingleton,andKennyWong. Specialthanksgotothosewhowerealsokindenoughtohostvisitstoseveralamaz- ing places: Kimyeong Lee at KIAS; Shiraz Minwalla at TIFR; and Shamit Kachru at Stanford. Of course, the people here in the CMS, especially my fellow students, have made being in DAMTP a real pleasure; they get a definite 5/5. I particularly want to thank James, Jack and Eduardo for making the office a welcoming and cheerful place, andprovidingmoralsupportinthefaceofadversity,bureaucracyandpoorlydesigned websites. Imustalsoexpressmygratitudetomyfamilyforalltheirsupport;Iwishmygrand- mother, to whose memory this thesis is dedicated, were still here to read this. Most especially I have a great debt to my parents, whose kindness and generosity got me here;theirimplicitbeliefhashelpedmethroughsometoughtimes. Thankyou. Finally, I must mention the fine people who I have been lucky enough to surround myself with in Cambridge. My old friends from my time as an undergraduate – es- pecially Alex, Amit, Fiona, George, Guy, Hannah, James, Jana, Jonathan, Josh, Rach, Rob, Steph, Tasha and Ted – take a huge amount of credit for making Cambridge such a happy place for me. In more recent years, the Cambridge University Ceilidh Band and itssatelliteoutfitshavebeenaconstantsourceofamazingfun,phenomenalmusicand incrediblefriends,allofwhomhaveaplaceinmyheart. ItalsohelpedmefindAlice,to whomIamgratefulforlaughter,comfort,music,food,andagreatmanyotherthings. Thankyouall.

conformal symmetry [1, 2]; four papers [3, 4, 5, 6] on quantum Hall physics; and one paper [7] on quantum .. in both condensed matter and quantum gravity. Strongly . Supersymmetry is a much beloved tool of high energy theorists.
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