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Shocker: Long-shot Swiss upset Spain in World Cup /B1 T H U R S D AY C I T R U S C O U N T Y TODAY & Friday morning HIGH Partly cloudy with scat- 91 tered thunderstorms. LOW PAGE A4 76 www.chronicleonline.com JUNE 17, 2010 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOLUME 115 ISSUE 314 MIGHTY KASEY BP to offer $20B apology Obama ‘pay czar’ will handle claims Associated Press WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama wrested a $20 bil- lion compensation guarantee and an apology to the nation from British oil giant BP Wednesday, announcing the company would set up a major claims fund for shrimpers, restaurateurs and others whose lives and liveli- hoods are being wrecked by the oil flooding into the Gulf of Mex- ico. Applause broke out during a community meeting in Orange Beach, Ala., on the news. “We asked for that two weeks ago and they laughed at us,” Mayor Tony Kennon said. “Thank you, President Obama, for taking a bunch of rednecks’ suggestion and making it happen.” Obama had said he would “make BP pay,” and the com- DAVE SIGLER/Chronicle pany’s chairman said after four Dunnellon High School’s Kasey Fagan was named the 2009-2010 Gatorade National Softball Player of the Year on Wednesday during hours of intense White House ne- a press conference at the school. The announcement was made in front of ESPN cameras and an auditorium filled with Fagan’s fam- gotiations that BP was ready. ily and friends. The unending oil spill saga had yielded almost no good news be- Dunnellon softball player joins ranks of the legends with national award fore this. Creation of the fund — to be run by an administrator with a proven track record — is JOHN COSCIA lieve the honor. I can’t believe Addressing the capacity here to honor Kasey today.” the first big success Obama has Chronicle all the people that came out. crowd of well-wishers and Weber then put into per- been able to give to Gulf residents I’m still trying to process it,” presenting Fagan with the cov- spective what Fagan had re- and the nation in the eight weeks — DUNNELLON Kasey said afterward. “To be eted trophy was The Gatorade ally accomplished by listing a I since the explosion, a period dur- t takes a village to raise a mentioned along with the Company’s Bruce Weber, who’s who of past winners. ing which the spill has taken ever child, and on Wednesday names that have won this whose brainstorm it was to “You can see the pretty more of the public’s attention, morning, the small com- award in years past, I mean create the award 25 years ago. great company your friend threatening anything else the munity of Dunnellon — wow, Peyton Manning’s name “I want to thank everybody Kasey has been keeping,” president hoped to focus on or ac- which has raised a special one is on this trophy. LeBron here in Dunnellon for the Weber said. “When I think of complish. — turned out to celebrate James, A-Rod, Candace warm welcome we received. ballgames, I think of the most Huge as the $20 billion seems, Kasey Fagan’s crowning Parker. It’s still hard to be- Of course, it was 97 degrees, so famous poem that’s ever been both Obama and London-based achievement as the 2009-10 lieve. It feels great, but I keep maybe it was an excessively done, ‘Casey at the Bat.’ How- BP PLC said it was by no means a Gatorade National Softball asking myself, ‘Do I really de- warm welcome. But thank you ever, if you remember, in that cap. Player of the Year. serve this?’” anyway,” he said. “It’s been my poem the mighty Casey struck The deal also adhered to what There she was, just soaking It’s that very humility, along pleasure the last 25 years to be out… this one doesn’t.” it all in. Quietly, she watched with her outstanding athletic associated with this great pro- Fagan was chosen as the See SPILL/Page A9 as one by one, her friends and achievements, that earned her gram, and the reason it’s been No. 1 player in America from family members piled into the this national award. The a pleasure and an honor is be- the more than 370,000 young Attorneys packed cafeteria at Dunnellon honor, presented in collabora- cause The Gatorade Company ladies who competed in prep High School. Red-faced, as tion with ESPN RISE, recog- made a commitment in 1985 to softball this year. And her on- much from embarrassment as nizes not only outstanding honor only the finest young field numbers truly speak vol- from the tears she had shed, athletic excellence but also men and women in America. umes. circling; one couldn’t help but wonder high standards of academic Young men and women that This year alone the 5-foot-11 what she was thinking as she achievement, along with ex- succeed on the field of play, in senior pitcher (and third base- hid behind her signature grin. emplary character demon- the classroom and have exem- man) helped lead the Lady beware “I can’t believe this is hap- strated both on and off the plary character. And so I think pening right now. I can’t be- field. you’ll understand why we’re See AWARD/Page A2 Lawyers can’t Local family gets moment in ‘Potter’ spotlight seek out clients for oil spill Clan featured in TV ad, CHRIS VAN ORMER gets sneak peak at new Chronicle attraction at Universal Some small businesses in Citrus County are wondering if it is time to lawyer up to NANCY KENNEDY protect themselves from eco- Chronicle nomic damage as an outcome of the oil spill April 20 in the Take a 12-year-old girl’s love of sleep and her Gulf of Mexico following the 17-year-old brother’s shaggy blond hair and gor- Deepwater Horizon drilling geous smile. rig explosion. Add their two all-American-looking siblings Some business groups and throw in a mom with curly red hair and an have invited attorneys to “average” dad and you’ve got the ingredients for speak to them, but The a spell for what it takes to be in a commercial for Florida Bar is warning the the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter attrac- public to watch out for un- tion opening Friday at Universal’s Islands of Ad- ethical lawyers or non- venture in Orlando. lawyers offering to represent In May, the Heimann family — dad Ken, mom them to make claims against Tina, 12-year-old Savannah, 14-year-old Zachary, BP. 16-year-old Amber and 17-year-old Kenny — Attorneys are not allowed spent five days traveling back and forth from In- to solicit for clients. BRIAN LaPETER/Chronicle verness to Universal Orlando to film a television The Heimann family was recently chosen to be in a commercial for the new Harry Potter at- commercial for the park’s newest attraction. See LAWYERS/Page A4 traction at Universal Orlando. From left: Kenny, 17, Savannah Joy, 13, Ken, Tina, Amber, 16, and Zack, 14. See POTTER/Page A2 Martha Stewart cooks burgers Ho-hum I N D E X Comics ..........................C6 Try some wasabi mayonnaise with Asian-inspired burger./Page C1 Investors cautious, Editorial..........................A8 little movement in Horoscope......................B6 Pay up stocks./Page A7 Billionaires lecture other billionaires./Page A10 Lottery Numbers ............B4 Lottery Payouts ..............B6 Adult learning Movies............................C6 Library offers training for tutors./Page C4 New territory Obituaries ......................A5 Stocks............................A6 Blue Gator Extra-virgin olive oil produc- TV Listings......................C5 Dunnellon restaurant a favorite for many./Page C1 tion goes global./Page C7 A2 THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE POTTER AWARD KASEY’S CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Continued from Page A1 Continued from Page A1 ■.549 batting average. It started last year with Tigers (33-1) to their second ■25 home runs. Savannah taking a nap. straight state title by post- ■227 RBIs. “Savannah and Amber ing a 26-1 record with a 0.57 were at their grandmother’s ERA and 239 strikeouts. ■As pitcher, led Lady antique store at Renniger’s Among her other on-field Tigers to two straight in Mount Dora and Savan- pitching achievements state titles. nah was sleeping on a were three no-hitters and ■Pitched three couch,” recalled Tina holding opponents to a 0.95 no-hitters. Heimann. “A woman came batting average in 147 in- into the shop and saw the nings of work. girls and said her friend And then there was her a special award on stage owned a casting company, offense. At the plate she during the 2010 ESPY gave them a card and told batted .574, with eight awards. them to call, and that’s what home runs, 53 runs scored It’s no surprise to any they did.” and driving in 61 RBIs who know her how Kasey Prior to the Harry Potter while amassing a .989 slug- Fagan got to this point in commercial, the casting ging percentage. The her life. She’s proved her- company had called the girls ESPN RISE first-team All- self a winner both on the with offers for Amber to do a American selection fin- field, in the classroom and, commercial for Gaylord ished with a .549 career most impressively, with her Palms Resort and Savannah batting average that in- stellar character. to do commercials for the cluded 25 home runs and And by so doing she’s Blue Man Group and Beall’s, 227 RBIs. Fagan also brought honor to herself but those didn’t pan out. strung together a 59-game DAVE SIGLER/Chronicle and “her village,” rewriting Amber was the one to be hitting streak, which ranks Family and friends greeted Kasey Fagan before she was presented the Gatorade National that famous poem’s final called for Harry Potter, and as the nation’s third Softball Player of the Year award at the Dunnellon High School auditorium. paragraph in a way that Universal Productions ended longest, after her sister only she could do: “Oh, up using the entire family. Sami, one year her junior, had received the award most prestigious legacy pro- letes perform is a huge somewhere in this favored “There’s not one scene eclipsed that mark in May. only an hour before the on- grams in high school honor for these kids.” land the sun is shining without a Heimann in it,” But that’s just her on- stage presentation, when sports,” said Hollowell, who Kasey and her parents bright, / The band is playing Mrs. Heimann said. field prowess. This award is USA Olympian Alicia Hol- won the award herself in will now be flown out to somewhere, and some- Mrs. Heimann said mak- one that is most highly cov- lowell surprised the Dun- 2002, and still holds the Hollywood in mid-July, where hearts are light, / ing a 30-second commercial eted for its three-pronged, nellon graduate during a record for most strikeouts where they will attend a And somewhere men are isn’t as easy as it may look diamond-like features that team breakfast set up to in a game with 61, which luncheon honoring the 12 laughing, and little children when you’re viewing it on include both character and honor the entire Dunnellon she did her senior year at athletes from different shout; / Yes there is really TV and thinking, “I could do academics. softball team for its state Fairfield High School in sports who garnered this joy in Dunnellon — because that.” “I think the thing that will and national champi- California in a 30-inning national honor. From the mighty Kasey has struck For example, there’s the always stand out for me is onship. game. “Gatorade has been among the six girls and six them out.” matter of what (not) to wear. that when they called from “It felt great to surprise on the sidelines fueling ath- boys, one male and one fe- John Coscia is the sports Shirts can’t have logos on Gatorade they told me that Kasey with the Gatorade letic performance for years, male will be selected as the editor of the Chronicle and them. No cut-off or short I should read the things that National Softball Player of so to be recognized by a Gatorade National Player can be reached at jcos- shorts. No hats, sunglasses, others were saying about the Year award and wel- brand that understands the of the Year. The two recipi- [email protected] halter tops or spaghetti straps Kasey’s character,” related come her into one of the game and truly helps ath- ents will then be presented or at (352) 564-2928. No black or white. No red or her father and head coach green. No plaids or stripes — Kevin Fagan. “And that’s and absolutely no pink. what makes me most proud The first day of filming, as a father, is that people many of the “cast” of about can see that. The person on 100 people came wearing the phone told me that blue, which was a problem. everyone they talked to just The next day, thinking they kept going back to Kasey’s would stand out, many came character. He said the (cid:1)(cid:1) in yellow. things they were saying just 22000099 Mrs. Heimann said a blew them away. And that’s wardrobe woman pushed what makes me feel great. racks of spare clothing to Her mother and I are just so every shoot location, switch- proud of her.” ing people’s outfits to In addition to her high achieve the exact look the marks for character, Kasey Up to $1,850 in Tax Credit director wanted. also more than got it done They began each day at 5 in the classroom, maintain- a.m., getting home late at ing a weighted 4.74 GPA & Utility Company Rebates!* night. The following day’s and never receiving any instructions were e-mailed grade lower than an “A” in after midnight. her four years of high They had to be on the road school. She is also a mem- The choice is yours – the comfort is yours – the control is yours. by 4 a.m. to get there by 5. ber of the National Honor “The kids slept in the car Society and the area’s Fel- Financing Available and we accept all 4 major credit cards and I stayed up all night re- lowship of Christian Ath- We have financing options ranging from 12 mos. no interest or low fixed APRs available washing our clothes,” Mrs. letes chapter. HeBiemcaanuns es atihde. y had to sign tenFdaignagn , thweh oU nwivilel rsbiety aotf- 0004YMX a “no disclosure” contract, Florida this fall on a full they couldn’t talk about the athletic scholarship, where attraction itself, only to say she will play softball for the it’s exactly like the Harry Gators, has even earned Potter movies. high praise from those who “Walking down the have coached against her. All sales must be to homeowners in the contiguous United States. IRS tax credit is good for systems installed before 12/31/2010. Progress Energy customers can receive a rebate for qualifying systems that range from $100-$350. Void where prohibited. Valid on qualifyin g systems only. Florida Licensed Contractor CAC1814236. streets, there’s a feeling of Kasey first learned she ‘wizardry’ — it’s in the air,” Mrs. Heimann said. “The imagination that went into this is breathtaking.” Amber got to ride one of the rides 82 consecutive times, several times alone with just a cameraman be- hind her. “It was awesome!” she said. “No waiting in line, and it kept on going without having to get off.” Mrs. Heimann, chosen be- cause of her red hair, rode it only 39 times. “It was a real learning ex- perience,” Ken Heimann said. “You go down there just to be a gazer and you become part of it. You think every- thing is easy, but it’s not.” “The kids thought it was pretty cool, but I thought it was hard work,” he said. “I was glad to be back here where I knew what I was doing.” Heimann, a pharmacist, owns B&W Rexall in Inver- ness. “It was pretty surprising to be picked,” said Zachary. “I didn’t think it would hap- pen for me.” Each family member got his or her own paycheck, which Mrs. Heimann said was “substantial” for five days’ work. Zachary plans to put his in savings toward college; Kenny is saving for a house, Amber used hers as a down payment for her 2006 red convertible PT Cruiser and Savannah has- n’t decided what she’s going to do with her money yet. She just wants to take a nap. As for the family catching the acting bug, the kids are MC waiting for the next call, 0004Z Heimann said. “They girls are checking their e-mails every day,” he said. “It was exciting, and it was good to get to share their experiences.” To preview the new Wiz- arding World of Harry Pot- ter, visit online at www. universalorlando.com/ harrypotter. S L & PTage AA3- THURSTDAY, JUNEE 17, 2010 OCAL CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Federal grand jury indicts TBW chief Around the COUNTY Ocala mortgage lender charged with conspiracy and fraud in TARP case More candidates qualify for ballot Associated Press ning in its scale and com- before the Farkas was arrested Tues- and financed by large Several more candidates plexity” and that resulted in theft could day night while working out banks, according to the in- qualified Wednesday to have WASHINGTON — A fed- losses of more than $1.9 bil- occur. in a gym that he owns in dictment. Colonial’s parent their names appear on the eral grand jury has indicted lion, Lanny Breuer, the Jus- Once his Ocala, said Shawn Henry, company, ColonialBanc- primary or general election the head of what was once tice Department’s assistant o f f i c e head of the FBI’s Washing- Group headquartered in ballot. They were: among the largest privately attorney general for the started ex- ton, D.C., field office. Montgomery, Ala., filed for ■County Commission held mortgage lending com- criminal division, told a amining the Besides conspiracy, bankruptcy last August. District 2: John “JJ” Kenney, panies for allegedly schem- news conference Wednes- company, “it Farkas is charged with bank The conspirators referred Republican. ing to steal more than half a day. quickly be- fraud, wire fraud and secu- to the solution to covering Lee Farkas ■County Commission billion dollars from the $700 The co-conspirators even came evi- rities fraud. the shortfalls as “Plan B,” arrested District 4: Rebecca Bays, Re- billion financial bailout. gave a name to their alleged dent we TBW, which originated according to the indictment. Tuesday in publican; Jim Brunswick, De- The indictment in Vir- effort to defraud the Treas- Ocala. were seeing and purchased billions of In separate civil charges, ginia says that Lee Bentley ury: they called it Project something dollars in new residential the Securities and Ex- mocrat. ■Mosquito Control Board Farkas and co-conspirators Squirrel, said Neil that went loans annually, began to ex- change Commission said carried out the alleged plot MacBride, the U.S. attorney beyond the central fraud” perience cash flow prob- Farkas sold Colonial Bank Seat 3: AnnMarie Anzalone at their company, Taylor, for the eastern district of related to bailout money, lems in 2002. more than $1.5 billion in Briercheck, Flo Jones and Bean & Whitaker Corp. of Virginia. Barofsky said in an inter- In an effort to cover the fabricated or bad mortgage Gena Vee John. Ocala, where Farkas was Neil Barofsky, special in- view. He said his office told shortfalls, the company de- loans and securities. Qualifying ends at noon chief executive. spector general for the Treasury not to release the vised a scheme to misappro- Colonial Bank’s failure Friday. The attempt to get bailout bailout fund, said his of- $553 million it planned to priate funds from Colonial was the biggest of 2009, and Water off this morning money was just one part of a fice’s investigators uncov- send to a bank affiliated Bank and from Ocala Fund- the sixth-largest in U.S. his- scheme that was “truly stun- ered the alleged conspiracy with TBW. ing LLC, controlled by TBW tory. in Crystal River Crystal River businesses may experience low water pressure or no water Thurs- Which side to fish? day morning as city workers conduct a line repair. The repair work will occur on both sides of U.S. 19 be- tween Southeast Eighth Ter- race and Northeast Second Street. If businesses receive no water, they will be under a boil-water notice. For more information, call Crystal River city hall at 795- 4216. Emergency workshop addresses disabilities WellFlorida Council will be having a workshop on emergency preparedness for persons with disabilities. The workshop, funded by a federal Hospital Prepared- MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle ness grant through the Dis- Michael Kennedy searches for fish off one side this boat dock in Homosassa as a feathered friend searches for fish off the other side. Kennedy ability Task Force of the was using a small rod and reel to catch pinfish to give to the great blue heron. Department of Health and WellFlorida Council, will be in Building L4 at the College of Central Florida-Lecanto Officials: Smoking sparks fire campus Friday, June 25. Around Local emergency man- agement authorities will be THE STATE present to discuss not only how persons with disabilities SHEMIR WILES Fishbowl Drive. that McNatt was in the intensive should respond to emer- Chronicle When firefighters arrived, EMS care unit in critical condition. Miramar gency or disaster situations, was already on the scene caring for Fire Rescue notified the State but also how they can pre- A 61-year-old woman suffered Patsy McNatt, of Homosassa. Fire Fire Marshal’s Office to investigate Spirit Airlines makes a pare for such events. burns from a fire Tuesday evening Rescue personnel searched the the cause of the fire. According to deal to end pilots’ strike in Homosassa, according to Citrus home, but only found a light haze in- the report, McNatt was on oxygen. Caretakers and advo- County Fire Rescue. side the residence. There was no ac- Sam Venzio, spokesman for the Spirit Airlines made a deal cates of persons with dis- A fire incident report stated that tive fire, according to the report, so State Fire Marshal’s Office, said with its pilots on Wednesday abilities, persons with a fire engine was dispatched at 5:37 firefighters ventilated the home. Wednesday that it was determined that will end their five-day-old disabilities who are inter- p.m. to assist Nature Coast EMS Gail Tierney, spokeswoman for the fire was accidental due to smok- walkout, the union said. ested in disaster prepared- with a burn victim and to establish the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, ing. The airline said it will re- ness, senior citizens, and a landing zone for a medical heli- said McNatt was airlifted to Tampa Fire Rescue advises never to use sume flights on Friday. Pilots organizations that serve copter. While en route, the call was General Hospital. When the deputy open flames or smoke in the pres- were working out a back-to- persons with disabilities are reportedly upgraded to a structure spoke with a hospital representative ence of bottled flammables or oxy- work agreement and techni- especially encouraged to at- fire at 4370 S. Lewoods Drive off Tuesday, Tierney said he was told gen. cally remain on strike until tend. that is done, said Andy Nel- However, all residents are son, the vice chairman of the welcome. Take care in this week’s extreme heat council for the Spirit branch Advanced registration and of the Air Line Pilots Associa- a $10 fee are required. Lunch tion. will be included. “Our intention is to help get Those interested in partici- pating should call 1 (877) Special to the Chronicle Boy dies with of ■th Se yfmolplotwominsg a orcec suervse:re. tnhineg a airsli nqeu ibcakclyk aunpd a enfdfi criuenn-tly 678-9355, ext. 333, or visit Due to the extreme heat condi- high body temp ■ The victim has heart problems or as possible,” he said. Spirit www.wellflorida.org to regis- tions, health officials ask individuals high blood pressure. ter or for more information. to be aware of the warning signs of MOUNT DORA — A 6-year-old cen- Otherwise, help the victim to cool had already canceled today’s tral Florida boy whose body tempera- flights before the agreement heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is off and seek medical attention if Vets raising funds ture spiked to 108 degrees has died. was reached. a milder form of heat-related illness symptoms worsen or last longer than for van The Orlando Sentinelreported that A Spirit spokeswoman did that can develop after exposure to one hour. Chapter 70 of the Disabled high temperatures and inadequate the boy died Monday at a Tavares hos- If heat exhaustion is suspected, not immediately respond to a American Veterans has or unbalanced replacement of flu- pital. According to Mount Dora police, cooling measures that may be effec- phone message seeking ids. Those most prone to heat ex- the boy said he felt sick when he was tive include: comment. launched a fundraising cam- haustion are elderly people, people at a neighbor’s house for lunch. He ■ Drinking cool, nonalcoholic bev- Spirit pilots walked out Sat- paign to purchase a van to with high blood pressure and people was then taken to the hospital. erages, as directed by your physician. urday morning in a pay dis- transport Citrus County veter- working or exercising in a hot envi- An autopsy was expected to be con- ■ Resting is an air-conditioned en- pute, saying they ought to ans to and from their resi- ronment. ducted and police were investigating. vironment. make a wage comparable to dences and the VA Warning signs of heat exhaustion ■ Taking a cool shower, bath or their counterparts at other Community Based Outpatient — Associated Press vary but may include the following: sponge bath. discount airlines. Clinic in Lecanto.Donations ■Heavy sweating. ■ Wearing lightweight clothing. may be sent to DAV Chapter ■ Paleness. ■ Fainting. ■ Preventing sun burn, which dam- Tallahassee 70, Attn: Chapter Com- ■ Muscle cramps. ■ Skin: may be cool and moist. ages the skin’s ability to dissipate mander Richard Floyd, 1039 ■ Tiredness. ■ Pulse rate: fast and weak. heat by wearing sunscreen of 30 spf. Sansom wants N. Paul Drive, Inverness, FL ■ Weakness. ■ Breathing: fast and shallow. ■ For further information,visit charges dropped 34453. ■ Dizziness. If heat exhaustion is untreated, it www.citruscountyhealth.org or DAV Chapter 70 recently ■ Headache. may progress to heat stroke. Seek http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/ Former Florida House succeeded in acquiring ■ Nausea or vomiting. medical attention immediately if any extremeheat/ Speaker Ray Sansom and two $20,000 in donations to pur- co-defendants charged with chase a first van to transport grand theft were back in court veterans to the VA Hospital in Wednesday to ask a judge to Gainesville. The current School, county look at septic system removal dismiss the case against them. fundraising campaign is for a State Attorney Willie Meggs, second van to assist with meanwhile, wants Circuit Judge transportation within the Terry Lewis to send the case to AMANDA MIMS “The Floral City school is working “For years (the WRWSA) county. a jury and set a trial date. Chronicle on a septic system and they with the engaged a process to estab- Lewis heard arguments for are willing to look at re- school sys- lish minimum flows and —From staff reports more than two hours Wednes- It’s been said before that moving that septic system tem.” levels with respect to the Correction day, but did not rule. He refused the new wastewater treat- from that school site be- In other rivers, waterways to calcu- last month to dismiss charges ment plant in Inverness cause it takes up a lot of business, late ... the underground of grand theft and conspiracy will pave the way for the valuable space,” DiGio- the Inver- reservoir and what it may Due to reporter error, a against the men. elimination of some septic vanni said. ness City be able to support.” story on Page A1 of Wednes- Sansom resigned from the day’s edition, “Speakers talk traonukn dsinysgt eamresa si. nN otwhe, p lsaunrs- is “rTehaed yc otuon wtyo grko vwerinthm tehnet DiGFiroavnaknni Cdeociudnedc tiol na“lTizheed WthReW pSlaAn ,h”a ssa nido tD fii-- House in February to focus on safety with seniors,” warrants are under way to do that. city and look at service ask the Giovanni, who his legal challenges. He faces wastewater correcting. Seniors vs. Crime At Tuesday’s Inverness areas — service districts — treatment plant Withla- recommended that the criminal charges for allegedly is the correct name of the City Council meeting, City between Inverness and Flo- will replace coochee council request a presenta- appropriating $6 million so a program jointly supported by Manager Frank DiGiovanni ral City. Of course we are some septic Regional tion. Panhandle college could build the sheriff’s office and the said county government is available and ready to take systems. W a t e r “This will impact every- an airplane hangar for use by a Florida Attorney General’s working with the school the lead on putting together Supply one. I don’t know that it’ll political supporter and Republi- Office. board on plans to eliminate those districts (and) work- Authority to make a pres- impact people negatively, can Party donor. The Chronicleregrets the the septic system at a Floral ing with county government entation to the city on the but it’s going to impact error. City school. and of course eventually authority’s new water plan. everyone.” —From wire reports A4 THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE LAWYERS For the RECORD members of the Bar to fol- low the code of conduct,” Grant said. “It’s very dis- Citrus County went to release McDaniel, Mc- Homosassa, at 5 p.m. June 10, on ■A burglary to a conveyance Continued from Page A1 Sheriff’s Office Daniel started punching her a felony charge of possession of and a petit theft occurred at ap- turbing if lawyers are solic- again. McDaniel reportedly said a firearm by a convicted felon and proximately 9 p.m. on June 14 in iting work. I would Domestic battery when she was placed in a head- a violation of probation on an orig- the 3800 block of N. Tamarisk “In the event of a disas- encourage any citizen ap- arrests lock, she did begin swinging and inal charge of aggravated battery Avenue, Beverly Hills. ter, such as the current oil proached by an attorney to ■Zebulan Ryan Impton, 21, striking the woman. According to causing bodily harm. No bond. ■A burglary to an unoccupied spill, The Florida Bar is on immediately contact The of Beverly Hills, at 3:39 a.m. Fri- the report, two witnesses stated ■ Austin McCray Stauffer, residence occurred at approxi- high alert for violations of Florida Bar.” day on a misdemeanor charge of they saw McDaniel tackle the 20, of 2491 E. North St., Inver- mately midnight on May 1 in the its rules, especially with re- Anyone with information domestic battery. According to woman and begin punching her ness, at 3:06 a.m. Friday on a 7050 block of W. Wild Oak Place, gard to solicitation,” said that a lawyer is engaging in Impton’s arrest report, an 18-year- in the stomach. No bond. misdemeanor charge of loitering. Homosassa. John Berry, director of the solicitation should report old Beverly Hills woman said she Bond $500. Bar’s Legal the lawyer to was “play fighting” with a friend Other arrests Thefts Division. “The County The Florida winh tehne sfhaece w. aTsh aec wciodmenatanl ltyo sldtr uthcek 29■, oTfi m53o1th0y N J.a mReedsw Aonodde rAsvoen.,, ■A buBrgularryg tloa arni eunsoccupied at ■ap Ap rpoextiimt tahteeflty o 6f mp.amil .o ocnc uJrurneed Fwliollr bidea v igilBaanrt to host oil Bora rc. oQmuepslatiionntss deputy that Impton became angry Hernando, at 5:14 p.m. Tuesday structure occurred at approxi- 14 in the 650 block of N. Citrus in investigat- spill workshop about a law - and tried to start a fight with the on an active Citrus County war- mately 3:30 p.m. on June 11 in Avenue, Crystal River. friend. The woman reportedly rant for a misdemeanor charge of the 400 block of N.E. Third ■ A petit theft occurred at ap- ing all com- To inform the public yer’s conduct tried to calm Impton down twice battery. Bond $500. Street, Crystal River. proximately midnight on June 10 plaints filed about the status of the can be re- and she was shoved both times ■Laquon D. Knight, 23, of ■A burglary to an unoccupied in the 10200 block of N. Ocean against indi- oil spill, the county’s ported to The vidual lawyers Florida Bar’s with the last time causing her to 1200 N.E. 1st St.., Crystal River, residence occurred at approxi- Drive, Citrus Springs. plans and prepara- who may be in Attorney Con- fall backward into a water heater. at 6:10 p.m. Tuesday on an ac- mately 9 a.m. on June 8 in the ■ A petit theft of medication tions if the oil spill hits According to the report, Impton tive Citrus County warrant for 180 block of N. Kershaw Way, In- occurred at approximately 6 p.m. violation of its waters and shores, sumer Assis- admitted to shoving the woman felony charges of sale of a con- verness. on June 14 in the 6700 block of the solicita- and what economic tance Program and said he did it because he was trolled substance and posses- ■A burglary to an unoccupied W. Park Drive, Homosassa. tion rules.” resources will be (ACAP) by call- angry. No bond. sBioonnd o $f 1a5 ,c0o0n0t.rolled substance. conveyance occurred at approx- ■ A grand theft occurred at whSeotlhiceirt abtiyo na, available, an informa- i(8n6g6 ) 35to2l-l0-7fr0e7e. Du■nnAeullothn,u ar t L9e:0e6 A pu.mst.i Jnu, n6e6 ,1 o0,f ■Launa Kay McMurray, 26, itmhea t1e1ly0 03 :b3l0o cak.m o.f oEn. AJumnbee 1rj3a cink ainp pthroex 2im60a0te lbyl o9c ak. mof. oWn. MWaoyo 1d1- lawyer person- tbioeneanl swcohrekdsuhloepd hfraosm If you be- on a felony charge of aggravated of 2064 N. Blue Max Point, Her- Drive, Hernando. land Ridge Drive, Lecanto. ally or by 9 to 10:30 a.m. Friday lieve a person nando, at 6:09 p.m. Tuesday on someone else offering legal assault with intent to kill. Accord- ■A burglary to an unoccupied ■ A grand theft occurred at at College of Central felony charges of possession of on his or her representa- ing to Austin’s arrest report, a 29- a controlled substance (oxy- structure occurred at approxi- approximately 9 a.m. on April 1 in behalf, is pro- Florida’s (formerly tion is not a year-old Dunnellon man said codone, alprazolam and soma) mately 7:30 a.m. on June 13 in the 800 block of Longfellow Ter- hibited, ac- CFCC) Lecanto cam- lawyer or is Austin confronted him in his bed- and resisting an officer without vi- the 3200 block of E. Dave Lane, race, Floral City. cording to Bar pus. It will be spon- not eligible to room wielding a golf club and olence. Bond $6,500. Inverness. ■ A petit theft occurred at ap- Rule. Solicita- sored by the county practice law in tsthhareied a hAtoeuunssitneing wctohh akilseilel dh“s imhwi.imn Tg htihnerg om uthgaehn W.■ RDosaewdna lKe .D Wriviled,s H, 3o9m, oosf a7s5s2a4, scturr■urceAtdu b raeut r gaalnapdrpy r otaox iapmnea tuitten lotyhc ec4fu tp po.imecd-. ptHhroeom x2io3m0saa0ts ebsllyao .cnko oonf S o. nH Juull nTee r1ra3c ein, tainoyn incdluirdeecst ciffo’sm omffiiscsei,o wn;h tihche eshne-r- FThloer idaF, lorciadlal golf club at him and threatening at 12:09 a.m. Wednesday on an face-to-face compasses Bar Unli- to end his life,” the report stated. active Citrus County warrant for on June 13 in the 1900 block of ■ A petit theft occurred at ap- contact, by Emergency Manage- censed Prac- E. Amberjack Drive, Hernando. proximately midnight on June 15 When the deputy approached a violation of probation on an telephone, fax ment; the Citrus tice of Law Austin, Austin reportedly said, original felony charge of grand ■A burglary to an unoccupied in the 5800 block of W. Spicey or telegraph. It County Chamber of Department at “(The man) came back, starting theft. No bond. residence occurred at approxi- Hill Drive, Homosassa. includes pass- Commerce; Citrus (800) 342-8060, his same old (expletive), I ■ Michael Walter Allen Jr., mately 2:30 p.m. on June 14 in Vandalisms ing out busi- County Economic De- ext. 5840. chased him around with a golf 35, and Amy Lou McGlocklin, the 700 block of N.E. Ninth ■ A vandalism occurred at ap- ness cards or velopment Council, If you want club and told him I was going to 29 of 10924 W. Oliver St., Ho- Street, Crystal River. proximately 1 a.m. on June 12 in other law firm Citrus County Tourism to hire an at- kill him if he did not get out of my mosassa, at 11:04 p.m. Tuesday ■A burglary to an unoccupied the 1600 block of W. Oregon information, Development Council torney, the house.” No bond. on a felony charge of grand theft. residence and a grand theft oc- Court, Hernando. according to Lawyer Refer- and CLM Workforce D5:a1■n8i ealM.,m a2.r0 a,Fn rodidfi aaHy oNomnioc soaal esm siasM,d eca--t Aatanckdceo srMdeivcneGgr latoolc aikterlrimne ssta srteutepcmohr ptastse, Adc lolestno- coWun.r rJMeudinla aent 1aL0pa pninreo ,t xhHieme ra1nt3ea0lny0d mob.liodcnkig ohtf m2 op■r.em )A .o ocvncau Jnrrudenadel ia s1tm a4 p ip(n$r o1thx,0eim0 40a2 te0ol0yr BCbeoaturh n Tsealr EbEetlhrizit.ca s- Cmoantinoenc, tcioanll .7 F9o5r- 3in1fo4r9-. rtBhaaelr ScearFnv liaocsresi diasatt meanor charge of domestic bat- metics and food from the Sweet- ■A burglary to an unoccupied block of S. Rainbow Drive, Inver- Bill Grant, you in contact- tery. According to McDaniel’s bay Supermarket on U.S. 19 in structure occurred at approxi- ness. president of the Citrus ing an attorney in Florida arrest report, a 36-year-old Ho- Homosassa. Bonds $2,000. mately 7 p.m. on June 14 in the ■ A vandalism occurred at ap- County Bar Association, with expertise relevant to mosassa woman said she and ■Kendall Cornell Lewis, 20, 4300 block of E. McCartney proximately 4 p.m. on June 13 in said he is representing sev- your situation. The Lawyer McDaniel were arguing when of 471 S. Willowwood Place, Loop, Inverness. the 1000 block of Cedar Avenue, eral county fishing guides, Referral Service may be McDaniel tackled her and began Crystal River, at 12:22 a.m. ■A burglary to an unoccupied Inverness. restaurants and hotels in reached at (800) 342-8011 hitting her in the arm and stom- Wednesday on a felony charge residence occurred at approxi- ■ A vandalism occurred at ap- claims against BP. Each (Florida only) or (800) 342- ach. The woman told the deputy of possession of a controlled sub- mately noon on June 14 in the proximately 6 p.m. on June 14 in client approached him for 8060 (national). The she was able to put McDaniel stance (cannabis). Bond $5,000. 5050 block of W. Rollingview the 5200 block of W. Dunnellon his services, he said. Florida Bar’s website ad- into a headlock, but when she ■John Paul Boutiette, 41, of Place, Lecanto. Road, Dunnellon. “I would encourage all dress is floridabar.com. FLORIDA TEMPERATURES C I T R U S C O U N T Y YESTERDAY’S WEATHER City H L F’cast City H L F’cast HI LO PR HI LO PR HI LO PR 95 76 0.00 96 77 2.79 87 75 trace Daytona Bch. 93 76 ts Miami 93 79 ts Ft. Lauderdale 91 79 ts Ocala 94 72 ts Fort Myers 94 76 ts Orlando 95 75 ts Florida’'s BestCommunity Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community Gainesville 95 73 ts Pensacola 92 77 ts To start your subscription: Homestead 90 76 ts Sarasota 93 77 ts Jacksonville 94 73 ts Tallahassee 95 74 ts Call now for home delivery by our carriers: HI LO PR Key West 91 82 ts Tampa 93 79 ts Citrus County: (352) 563-5655 96 77 trace Lakeland 95 74 ts Vero Beach 93 74 ts Marion County: 1-888-852-2340 or visit us on the Web Melbourne 93 75 ts W. Palm Bch. 92 77 ts at www.shop.naturecoastcentral.com/chronicle.html 13 wks.: $36.04* —6 mos.: $63.07* MARINE OUTLOOK — 1 year: $112.36* *Subscription price includes a separate charge of .14 per day for transportation cost HI LO PR Southwest winds around 10 knots. Gulf water and applicable state and local sales tax. Call (352) 563-6363 for details. 97 77 trace Seas 2 feet. Bay and inland waters will temperature For home delivery by mail: have a light chop. Chance of showers 89° In Florida: $59.00 for 13 weeks and thunderstorms today. Elsewhere in U.S.: $69.00 for 13 weeks HI LO PR HI LO PR To contact us regarding your service: 100 77 0.00 96 77 0.00 Taken at Aripeka 563-5655 LAKE LEVELS THREE DAY OUTLOOK Exclusive daily forecast by: Location Tues. Wed. Full Call for redelivery: 7 to 10 a.m. Monday to Friday Withlacoochee at Holder 28.41 28.41 35.52 7 to 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday TODAY & TOMORROW MORNING Tsala Apopka-Hernando 37.60 37.58 39.25 High: 91 Low: 76 Tsala Apopka-Inverness 39.14 39.12 40.60 Questions: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday 30% chance of showers and t- Tsala Apopka-Floral City 39.38 33.37 42.40 7 to 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday storms. Heat index values over 100. Levels reported in feet above sea level. Flood stage for lakes are based on 2.33-year flood, the mean- annual flood which has a 43-precent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any one year. This data is Main switchboard phone numbers: FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNING obtained from the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is subject to revision. In no event will the District or the United States Geological Survey be liable for any damages arising out of the use of Citrus County — 563-6363 High: 90 Low: 73 this data. If you have any questions you should contact the Hydrological Data Section at (352) 796-7211. Citrus Springs, Dunnellon and Marion County Scattered thunderstorms, mainly after noon. residents, call toll-free at 1-888-852-2340. Chance of precip 50%. THE NATION I want to place an ad: SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNING To place a classified ad: Citrus – 563-5966 High: 89 Low: 73 Marion – 1-888-852-2340 Scattered showers and t-storms, most after 2 To place a display ad: 563-5592 pm. 40% chance of rain. Online display ad: 563-3206 or e-mail us at [email protected] ALMANAC I want to send information to the Chronicle: TEMPERATURE* DEW POINT MAIL: 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429 Wednesday 76/75 Wednesday at 3 p.m. 75 FAX: Advertising – 563-5665, Newsroom – 563-3280 Record 101/60 E-MAIL: Advertising: [email protected] Normal 90/70 HUMIDITY Newsroom: [email protected] Mean temp. 76 Wednesday at 3 p.m. 74% Where to find us: Departure from mean -4 POLLEN COUNT** PRECIPITATION* TreTeos,d garays’sse sa cantidv we epedosl lweenre: all Meadowcrest Wednesday 0.09 in. office Total for the month 1.66 in. aRbasgenwte.ed, Grass, Chenopods 1624 N. Total for the year 27.55 in. **LigThto - donalyy ex’tsre mCe oalluergnict w: ill2 sh.o9w symp- FORECAST FOR 3:00 P.M. Meadowcrest Normal for the year 20.38 in. toms, Fmroiddearayte’ s- m Costo aullenrgitc: w 3ill e.x4perience Blvd. *As of 6 p.m. at Inverness symptoms, heavy - all allergic will experience THURSDAY Crystal River, UV INDEX: 11 Saturday’s Count: 2.8 FL 34429 symptoms. 0-2 minimal, 3-4 low, 5-6 moderate, Blvd. AIR QUALITY Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday 7-9 high, 10+ very high BAROMETRIC PRESSURE Wednesday was good with pollut- City H L Pcp. Fcst H L City H L Pcp. Fcst H L Wednesday at 3 p.m. 30.07 in. ants mainly particulates. Albany 70 52 .05 c 73 57 New Orleans 90 77 .09 ts 92 76 Inverness office Albuquerque 95 62 s 91 60 New York City 75 64 pc 81 65 SOLUNAR TABLES Asheville 85 64 .01 pc 86 62 Norfolk 88 71 .10 ts 91 69 Atlanta 95 71 .72 ts 92 71 Oklahoma City 92 71 pc 95 75 106 W. Main DATE DAY MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR Atlantic City 75 63 .06 pc 82 64 Omaha 89 59 pc 91 67 St., (MORNING) (AFTERNOON) Austin 95 75 pc 94 75 Palm Springs 101 70 s 100 68 Inverness, FL 6/17 THURSDAY 11:02 4:50 11:28 5:15 Baltimore 80 70 .05 pc 87 64 Philadelphia 80 67 .01 pc 84 63 34450 6/18 FRIDAY 11:56 5:43 —— 6:08 Billings 72 54 .84 sh 66 49 Phoenix 104 77 s 104 78 Birmingham 90 70 ts 93 72 Pittsburgh 83 69 pc 80 55 Boise 64 48 pc 67 46 Portland, ME 70 49 sh 70 56 Who’s in charge: CELESTIAL OUTLOOK Boston 78 58 .02 pc 78 62 Portland, Ore 57 48 .03 pc 66 50 Buffalo 76 63 .20 pc 75 56 Providence, R.I. 76 54 pc 79 61 Gerry Mulligan............................................................................Publisher, 563-3222 SUNSET TONIGHT ............................8:31 P.M. Burlington, VT 66 46 .08 sh 71 57 Raleigh 91 73 .16 pc 92 69 Trina Murphy........................................................Operations Director, 563-3232 SUNRISE TOMORROW .....................6:32 A.M. Charleston, SC 92 75 ts 92 75 Rapid City 84 50 pc 77 46 Charlie Brennan..................................................................................Editor, 563-3225 MOONRISE TODAY .........................12:02 P.M. Charleston, WV 85 70 s 86 61 Reno 72 45 s 79 50 John Provost................................Advertising/Marketing Director, 563-3240 JUNE 19 JUNE 26 JULY 4 JULY 11 MOONSET TODAY ..........................12:06 A.M. Charlotte 90 71 pc 92 70 Rochester, NY 80 59 .95 pc 76 56 Tom Feeney..........................................................Production Director, 563-3275 Chicago 82 63 pc 85 68 Sacramento 84 50 s 86 55 Kathie Stewart....................................................Circulation Director, 563-5655 Cincinnati 85 68 s 87 62 St. Louis 89 70 pc 92 73 John Murphy................................................................Online Manager, 563-3255 BURN CONDITIONS Cleveland 83 73 s 73 59 St. Ste. Marie 64 53 1.28 s 76 57 Neale Brennan....Promotions/Community Affairs Manager, 563-6363 Columbia, SC 94 72 .50 ts 96 73 Salt Lake City 83 56 s 68 52 Trista Stokes..........................................................Classified Manager, 564-2917 Today’s Fire Danger Rating is: MODERATE. There is no burn ban. Columbus, OH 85 70 s 83 61 San Antonio 93 77 pc 95 77 Jeff Gordon..............................................................Business Manager, 564-2908 Concord, N.H. 71 44 c 74 55 San Diego 65 57 s 68 59 Mike Arnold..........................................Human Resources Director, 564-2910 For more information call Florida Division of Forestry at (352) 754-6777. For Dallas 98 78 pc 97 78 San Francisco 71 50 s 68 53 Report a news tip: more information on drought conditions, please visit the Division of Forestry’s Denver 88 55 s 88 56 Savannah 104 74 ts 92 75 Web site: http://flame.fl-dof.com/fire_weather/kbdi Des Moines 86 60 pc 88 71 Seattle 60 48 .19 c 65 51 Opinion page questions........................................Charlie Brennan, 563-3225 Detroit 82 69 .01 s 80 64 Spokane 50 46 sh 58 46 To have a photo taken..............................................Darlene Mann, 563-5660 El Paso 101 74 pc 100 71 Syracuse 77 56 1.43 c 73 56 News and feature stories....................................Charlie Brennan, 563-3225 WATERING RULES Evansville, IN 87 70 s 91 68 Topeka 89 67 2.78 s 92 72 Community/wire service content..........................Sarah Gatling,563-5660 Sports event coverage......................................................John Coscia,563-3261 Harrisburg 77 67 .06 pc 83 59 Washington 82 71 .02 s 88 69 The current lawn watering restriction for the unincorporated areas of Citrus County Hartford 75 55 pc 77 58 YESTERDAY’S NATIONAL HIGH & LOW Sound Off................................................................................................................563-0579 allow residents to water once a week. For county, Crystal River and Inverness residents, Houston 96 75 pc 93 77 HIGH 106 Mesa, Ariz. LOW 27 Lakeview, Ore. The Chronicle is printed in part on recycled newsprint. Please addresses ending in 0 or 1, or A through E can water Mondays; addresses ending in 2 or 3, Indianapolis 83 70 s 87 66 recycle your newspaper. or F through J can water Tuesdays; addresses ending in 4 or 5, or K through O can water Jackson 94 70 ts 95 72 Wednesdays; addresses ending in 6 or 7, or P through U can water Thursdays; addresses Las Vegas 94 77 s 91 72 WORLD CITIES www.chronicleonline.com ending in 8 or 9, or V through Z can water Fridays. Little Rock 95 75 .02 pc 95 74 Published every Sunday through Saturday Panrodp perrotipeesr utiensd etwr otw aoc arecsre osr ilna rsgizeer mmaayy oonnllyy wwaatteerr bbeeffoorree 180 a a.m.m. .o or ra aftfeter r6 4 p p.m.m. .o onn t htheeiri rd daayy . Los Angeles 70 61 s 69 58 CITYT HUHR/LS/SDKAYY LLiosnbdoonn 8701//6428//ss By Citrus Publishing, Inc. Louisville 89 72 s 91 72 Memphis 95 74 ts 96 78 Acapulco 89/75/ts Madrid 78/50/pc 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429 TIDES Milwaukee 80 66 s 76 65 Amsterdam 69/51/s Mexico City 71/53/ts Phone (352) 563-6363 Minneapolis 80 60 pc 88 67 Athens 93/71/s Montreal 77/63/r *From mouths of rivers **At King’s Bay ***At Mason’s Creek Mobile 93 75 ts 93 74 Beijing 87/69/ts Moscow 60/46/pc POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Thursday Friday Montgomery 95 70 ts 94 73 Berlin 75/46/s Paris 68/53/sh Citrus County Chronicle City High/Low High/Low High/Low High/Low Nashville 93 72 pc 92 70 Bermuda 80/73/pc Rio 82/60/s Chassahowitzka* 10:40 a/6:00 a 10:12 p/6:12 p 11:23 a/6:46 a 11:26 p/7:19 p KEY TO CONDITIONS: c=cloudy; dr=drizzle; Cairo 98/77/s Rome 78/59/pc 1624 N. MEADOWCREST BLVD., CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34429 Crystal River** 9:01 a/3:22 a 8:33 p/3:34 p 9:44 a/4:08 a 9:47 p/4:41 p f=fair; h=hazy; pc=partly cloudy; r=rain; Calgary 61/48/r Sydney 66/48/sh 106 W. MAIN ST., INVERNESS, FL 34450 Withlacoochee* 6:48 a/1:10 a 6:20 p/1:22 p 7:31 a/1:56 a 7:34 p/2:29 p rs=rain/snow mix; s=sunny; sh=showers; Havana 93/73/ts Tokyo 84/71/s PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL sn=snow; ts=thunderstorms; w=windy. Hong Kong 82/78/ts Toronto 75/57/s Homosassa*** 9:50 a/4:59 a 9:22 p/5:11 p 10:33 a/5:45 a 10:36 p/6:18 p ©2010 Weather Central, Madison, Wi. Jerusalem 93/68/s Warsaw 69/50/s SECOND CLASS PERMIT #114280 CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE OBITUARIES THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 A5 National Cemetery. There Wildcats, Floral City, FL. 1941. Our Lord called him served our country in the will be no calling hours at He retired from Florida home on Sunday, June 13, United States Navy during the funeral home. In lieu of Power Corporation after 35 2010. He moved to Kissim- the Vietnam War from 1968 flowers, the family requests years of service and was a mee, FL, in 1980 and came to 1972. He was a dedicated David that donations be made to prior operations superin- to Floral City in 1995. He man to his family and Thomas The American Cancer Soci- tendent and manager at the was an Army veteran in the friends and was of the Crosby, 71 Shamany, 82 ety of Inverness, 140 Sports- Crystal River nuclear power 101st Airborne. Catholic faith. Denny was a HOMOSASSA mans Pt. #B, Inverness, FL plant. After retirement, he He is survived by his Union Brother to the 2292 INVERNESS 34453. enjoyed RVing, visiting his wife, Janice Mass; two Carpenters Local until he David Crosby, age 71, Thomas E. Shamany, 82, Sign the guest book at vacation home in the North daughters, Lisa Mass, Wa- became ill. He enjoyed gar- passed away June 9, 2010. Inverness, died June 16, 2010, www.chronicleonline.com. Georgia mountains with his terville, Maine; Tiffaney dening and had a green He was born Oct. 8, 1938. He in the HPH Hospice Care wife Frances and spending Benson, St. Cloud, FL; two thumb. He also enjoyed was a local businessman, Unit of Inverness. A native of Charlotte time with his grandchil- sons, Joseph Brown, Ho- NASCAR, football, helping doing seamless gutters and Sheppton, PA., he was born Horrigan, 93 dren. mosassa and Thomas others in the county who mobile-home repairs; his on Jan. 19, 1928, to the late He is survived by three Brown of Kissimmee; his needed help, and loved his wife, Mary Ellen Crosby, will HERNANDO John and Elizabeth Shamany daughters: Kimberly brother, Richard Mass, and granddaughter’s dog Bailie. now be in charge of the and moved to this area from Charlotte A. Horrigan, 93, Schleitwiler and husband his mother, Freida San- He also enjoyed fishing business. Davis served our Newark, Delaware, in 2006. of Hernando, FL, died on Jason of Dunnellon, FL, droni, both of Floral City; when he was able to a few country in He retired from the U.S. June 15, 2010, at the Hos- Kathryn Marshall of Citrus five grandchildren, Ryan, years back. the U.S. Postal Service with more pice Care Unit at Citrus Me- Springs, FL, and Teresa Jessica, Melonie, Michael, In addition to his father, Army. than 30 years of service as a morial Hospital. Charlotte Norris of Homosassa, FL; and Dylan; four great- George Paul, he was pre- He is sur- letter carrier and attended was born on October 16, five grandchildren; one grandchildren. ceded in death by his vived by his Our Lady of Grace Catholic 1916, in Marquette, MI, the great-grandchild; and one Ron will be dearly grandparents, John and loving wife, Church. He served our coun- daughter of the late Charles sister, Luanne Marshall Wil- missed and never be forgot- Lora Crowe. Mr. Paul is sur- Mary Ellen try in the U.S. Army and was and Lucille Brady. She grad- son of Homosassa, FL. ten. A Celebration of Life vived by his wife of 31 Crosby, and a graduate of Union Town- uated from Eastern Michi- A visitation will be held will be Friday, June 18, at 4 years, Catherine Connelly two daugh- ship High School in Shepp- gan University with a on Sunday, June 20, 2010, p.m. at the Wishing Stone in Paul, Hernando; son David ters, Dodie ton, PA. Crosby and Lori Bachelors of Fine Arts de- from 4 to 6 p.m. from the Floral City. Family and Michael Dennis Paul Jr., He is survived by his gree. Charlotte was a tal- Strickland Funeral Home friends are invited. Ron also of Hernando; daughter Dawn. David was also step- daughter, Elizabeth “Betsy” ented artist, specializing in Chapel in Crystal River, FL, says, “Just One More.” Chas. Katherine Christine father to Larry Chartrand Shamany of Inverness. He both oil painting and water- followed by a funeral serv- E. Davis Funeral Home Arafiles and son-in-law and grandfather to Israel was preceded in death by colors. She also taught col- ice on Monday, June 21, with Crematory in charge Michael Arafiles, Palm Chartrand, Christian and his wife, Kathleen Shamany, lege art courses. Charlotte 2010, at 10:30 a.m. at the of cremation arrangements. Harbor; granddaughter Christine. Also survived by May 16, 1994. moved to Hernando in 2000 Gulf to Lake Church in Crys- No calling hours at the fu- Kaleigh Christine Peebles, a great-granddaughter, The Mass of Christian Bur- from Fort Pierce, FL. She tal River, FL, with Pastor neral home. Palm Harbor; brother-in- Tara; sister, Susan; and ialwill be offered on Friday, was a member of Grace Bible Lloyd Bertine officiating. Sign the guest book at law, John Connelly, Her- brothers Michael, Phillip June 18, at 1 p.m. from Our Fellowship in Inverness. Interment will follow at the www.chronicleonline.com. nando; mother Rose and Thomas; also many Lady of Grace Catholic Church She was preceded in Stage Pond Cemetery in Johnson; sister Susan Stotz nieces and nephews. in Beverly Hills. Burial will death by her husband, Em- Hernando Co., FL, with mil- and husband Jim; and A Celebration of Life will follow in All Saints Cemetery mett J. Horrigan; brothers itary honors provided by the nephew Christopher Berry be at 3 p.m. Saturday, June Lee and Marvin Harkinson; American Legion Post 155 and his family, all of Fred- in Wilmington, Delaware 19, at the Crystal River and grandson, Mark Sawka. Crystal River. The family re- ericktown, MO., and many under the direction of the Moose Lodge, 1855 S. Sun- Michael ‘Denny’ close friends and family Doherty Funeral Home in Survivors include her quests in lieu of flowers coast Blvd., Homosassa. Paul Sr., 62 friends in Citrus County. A Wilmington, Delaware. The daughter, Maureen Mon- those who wish may make a Burial will be at a later date celebration of his life will Chas. E. Davis Funeral etta; her husband, Alan, of memorial contribution to HERNANDO at the Florida National be held privately at a later Home of Inverness is in Bokeelia, FL; grandsons Hospice of Citrus County Cemetery, Bushnell. Michael Dennis “Denny” date. charge of local arrangements. Matthew Sawka of Coral P.O. Box 641270 Beverly Sign the guest book at Paul Sr., 62, of Hernando, We sat beside your bed- There will be no calling Springs, FL and Paul Sawka Hills FL 34464. www.chronicleonline.com. died June 12, 2010, at the side; our hearts were hours at the funeral home. of Okeechobee, FL; great- Sign the guest book at VA Hospi- crushed and sore. We did Sign the guest book at grandchildren Saiti and www.chronicleonline.com. tal in our best until the end, till www.chronicleonline.com. Kain Sawka of Okeechobee, Gainesville we could do no more. In FL, and Thomas J. Sawka of Virginia after bat- tears we watched you sink- Coral Springs, FL; nephew, Stephen Father Daniel Sweeney of tling a long ing; we watched you fade Siskos, 69 Ferguson, 94 Dearborn, MI. illness. He away. And though our hearts HOMOSASSA Ronald was born in were breaking, we knew you Funeral services for Mrs. LAND O’ LAKES Mass, 68 Cleveland, could not stay. You left be- Virginia Siskos, 69 of Ho- Horrigan were held at Ohio, on hind some aching hearts mosassa passed away June Stephen Joseph Fergu- Grace Bible Fellowship on FLORAL CITY Michael Sept. 13, that loved you most sincere. 13, 2010. son, age 94, of Land O’ Wednesday, June 16, 2010. In memory of Ronald R. Paul Sr. 1947, to We never shall and never Brewer & Sons, (352) 796- Lakes, formerly of Crystal Heinz Funeral Home & Cre- Mass, age 68, born in Rose Johnson and his late will forget you, Denny dear. 4991. River, FL, died on Monday mation, Inverness, FL. Chicago, IL, on Dec. 23, father, George Paul. He www.ferofuneralhome.com. See DEATHS/Page A7 June 14, 2010, at the Bal- Sign the guest book at domero Lopez Veterans www.chronicleonline.com. Nursing Home in Land O’ Lakes, FL. Stasia LaVoie 2 PAIR EYEGLASSES * A graveside service will LECANTO be held on Monday, June 21, 2010, at 10 at the Florida Stasia J. LaVoie of Single Vision $ 99 or Bifocals $ 129 National Cemetery in Bush- Lecanto, FL, passed away nell, FL. Private cremation on June 8, 2010. Private cre- arrangements are under the mation will take place Same MusDt present caoupon aty time of p urchSase. See setore for dretails. Evxpires Juily 31c, 2010 e care of Strickland Funeral under the direction of * Home with Crematory, Crys- Brown Funeral Home & tal River, FL. Crematory in Lecanto, FL. MHaaryr t‘sMhoolrlnie’ Even Bifocals and Safety Glasses 20/20 Eyecare HERNANDO G Hp14aaM,s rs2taes0rdh1y 0o a.r wnS ah“yeM o Mfwo loalnisHed ”aea try n,A aJrunFbndoooxer CWWMiRlliYaialmSrlis MTahA. m(BaLi lllR‘l) B,MI V6airlE8slh’Rall, S T Ohtnea B tOiefno-lOcya fLl-saT,b hN Ieon-- LACiirnttreu CBso iCfmoocupanlutsy tA eTnrodi z OTefrfdief orI cnOa-nlHse.o Duasye S Lerevnicse Lab. Crystal River Hwy. 491/N. Lecanto Hwy. Forest Ri Ddge Dur.nnello Pnublix Hwy. 41 000534 Trail Nursing and Rehabili- age 68, of Crystal River, FL, Hwy. 486/Norvel Bryant Terra Vista Heritage Hills tation Center in Inverness. Plaza died on Monday, June 14, Born in Philadelphia, PA, to 20/20 Located in the Center of Citrus County 2010, at Seven Rivers Re- Mary and Matthew Fox, she gional Medical Center in 352-249-9252 2400 N. Heritage Oaks Path Hernando, FL was the second of five chil- Crystal River, FL. Son of Eyecare Express 10 minutes from Inverness, Crystal River and Beverly Hills • Walk-Ins Welcome • Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-6: 00pm • Sat. 10am-2pm dren. Mollie was a volunteer Eye exams performed by Dr. Allen Sobel, Optometrist 352-249-1086 Weldon and Frances Mar- for Church Without Walls shall, formerly of Crystal *Certain restrictions apply. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or tr eatment, which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours and Hernando Elementary River and Dunnellon. He of responding to this free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Orders cannot be combined with other specials. School. She also had served was born July 9, 1941, in as a Cub Ocala and grew up in Dun- Summer Kitchens - The Center Of Attraction! Scout Den nellon, FL. He moved to Mother, was Crystal River, FL, in 1963. active in He served in the United the Girl States Army and was a Scouts of member of the American America Legion Post 155 Crystal and was a River, FL. He was an ama- Citrus Me- teur genealogist and a mem- Mary morial Vol- ber of the sons of Hartshorn unteer for Confederate Veterans post more than 15 years. She was No. 1437, The 3rd Florida a proud member of the Arbor Lakes Chorus and also a member of the Bor- Funeral Home With Crematory dentown Community Play- THERESE KING ers. Viewing: Wed. 3-5pm Mass: Thurs. 10am – Our Lady of Fatima Mollie is survived by her KENNETH CUCORE loving husband of 63 years, Mass: Thurs. 3pm – Our Lady of Fatima T HOMAS DEMAY Fred G. Hartshorn. They Service: Sat. 10am – Chapel have 4 children: Bruce P. Burial: Crystal River Mem’l Park WALTER R. BARNABEE Hartshorn of Scranton, PA; Private Cremation Arrangements RONALD MASS Regina M. Doty of Willow Private Cremation Arrangements Grove, PA; Eric M. M ARY HARTSHORN Service: Fri. 10am – Chapel Hartshorn (deceased); and BENNO WAGNER Scott F. Hartshorn of Her- Private Cremation Arrangements CASH FOR 726-8323 nando, FL. 00050PS A Celebration of Life Me- CLUNKERS morial Service for Mollie will be held on Friday, June 18, at 10 a.m. at Charles E. Davis Funeral Home with Father Charles Leke offici- 500 ating. Inurnment will follow OF HOMOSASSA, Inc. $ at a later date in Florida www.verticalblindsofhomosassa.com To Place Your More UP TO OFF “In Memory” Than ad, Just Bring in your old grill and get Call Gale Randall Lorrie Verticals up to $500 off a new one! at 563-3273 • 2” Faux Wood • Woven Woods or email • Cellular & Roman Shades • Retaining Walls • Landscape Design • Pavers [email protected] • Plantation Shutters 4 days Dpreiaodrl itnoe r uisn date. • C •u Astdoom W Drraappsery Vertical Blinds of Homosassa • • LWaantdesrc Gapaer dLeinghs tLinagn dscaping •• RPlea-nlatnindgs cBaepdins g •• OSuumtdmooerr KFiirtecphleancses • Top • T rEetact.ments 0005539 Ready to gather friends? Call us today for your FREE evaluation. 5454 S. Suncoast Blvd. (Hwy 19, next to Sugarmill Family Rest.) Homosassa 621-7700 Crystal River 795-8600 6 C2A8LL-7 N8O8W8! 00057FV I wnwvwe.rBnueshssH o8m6e0S-e1r0v3ic7es.com Toll Free (877) 345-Bush 9215076 A6 THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 STOCKS CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE T M R HE ARKET IN EVIEW NYSE AMEX NASDAQ HOWTO READTHE MARKET IN REVIEW STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST MOSTACTIVE($1 ORMORE) MOSTACTIVE($1 ORMORE) MOSTACTIVE($1 ORMORE) Here are the 825 most active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, 765 YTD YTD Name Vol(00) Last Chg Name Vol(00) Last Chg Name Vol(00) Last Chg most active on the Nasdaq National Market and 116 most active on the Ameri- Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Citigrp 3802629 3.99 ... GoldStr g 38595 4.06 -.04 Cisco 731421 23.29 -.04 can Stock Exchange. Tables show name, price and net change. AK Steel .20 1.4 50 14.40 -.15-32.6 Lowes .44 1.9 19 23.20 -.73 -.8 BP PLC 2275602 31.85 +.45 KodiakO g 25657 3.73 +.11 PwShs QQQ730882 46.90 +.19 Name:Stocks appear alphabetically by the company’s full name (not abbrevia- AT&T Inc 1.68 6.6 12 25.52 -.02 -9.0 McDnlds 2.20 3.1 17 70.29 -.11+12.6 SBN&kookPfiaA5C0m0pETF111008877977658710411111581...879776 -+-1...000754 NNRotehvxgaatGhMnl dgP gh 211299753398061 621...894249 --+...103754 MISnitirceiurlossXoMft 444722675933822236 22611...340291 -+-...200610 tLioans)t.: NParimcee ss tcoocnk swisatsin tgr aodf iningit iaatl sw ahpepne eaxr cahta tnhgee b celgoisnendin fgo ro tfh eea dcahy l.etter’s list. ABCmkaopefCAtetmykBk ...204440 2...639 27.26.. 411325...487078 ++-...000797++1-05...944 MMNeiocxtrotoErsoroalafEtn 2..50.20.. 23...09.. 117439 25617...361281 -++...230675---1328...624 Chg: Loss or gain for the day. No change indicated by ... CntryLink 2.90 8.3 10 34.82 +.11 -3.8 Penney .80 2.9 23 27.21 -.37 +2.3 GAINERS($2 ORMORE) GAINERS($2 ORMORE) GAINERS($2 ORMORE) Stock Footnotes: cld - Issue has been called for redemption by company. d - New 52-week Citigrp ... ...100 3.99 ...+20.5 PiedmOfc n 1.26 6.4 ... 19.57 +.13+25.4 low. dd – Loss in last 12 mos. ec - Company formerly listed on the American Exchange’s Disney .35 1.0 18 34.79 -.20 +7.9 ProgrssEn 2.48 6.2 13 39.72 +.38 -3.1 Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg IFM Inv n 5.96 +.68 +12.9 PyramidOil 5.28 +.89 +20.3 Somantc 24.81 +5.91 +31.3 Emerging Company Marketplace. h - temporary exmpt from Nasdaq capital and surplus list- EKodak ... ... 8 5.20 -.09+23.2 RegionsFn .04 .6 ... 7.16 -.18+35.3 MMLaShaenl1g0r T7-1226.6.188 ++..5295 ++1100..63 UMreoxpclaosEtny 69..2003 ++..6790 ++191..41 CCtrzaCy mIntcyBc 46..9460 ++..9846 ++2135..45 iuHnrogel sdq eudraa oltiefwi coeanst iloyin nfsr.t oanml l-m Stheteno tcbske owgfi anpsnu iranc ghn aeoswf et ri sapsdriuicneeg .i .n rpt tf-h -eR P ilgarehsftte tyrore eabdru. ysT thsoeecck 5u i2sri-stwyu eeae.t kpa r h s-i pgPehrc eaiffneiedrde l nopcwrei csfei.g .p -sp - - EEnxxteornPMTbl 21..6706 62..18 1..4. 4622..3591 -.2.5..+-280..23 SSemaurcskHeldrgs 1.6..0. 2...8. 4104 8507..0705 -+2..2241 --46..15 ProUMex n29.27 +2.24 +8.3 AlldDefen 2.17 +.18 +9.0 InfoSvcs 2.57 +.33 +14.7 Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi - Trades will be settled when the FPL 67 1.86 6.9 ... 26.79 +.13 -.6 SprintNex ... ... ... 4.79 -.11+30.9 CenPacF 2.13 +.16 +8.1 HKN 5.50 +.30 +5.8 Neurcrine 5.37 +.67 +14.2 stock is issued. wd - When distributed. wt - Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u - New FordM ... ... 6 11.63 -.07+16.3 TimeWarn .85 2.6 15 32.80 -.20+12.6 52-week high. un - Unit, including more than one security. vj - Company in bankruptcy or re- GenElec .40 2.5 17 15.85 +.07 +4.8 UniFirst .15 .4 11 42.48 -.06-11.7 LOSERS($2 ORMORE) LOSERS($2 ORMORE) LOSERS($2 ORMORE) ceivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. HomeDp .95 2.9 19 32.14 -.12+11.1 VerizonCm 1.90 6.5 31 29.18 +.07-11.9 Intel .63 2.9 20 21.49 +.01 +5.3 WalMart 1.21 2.4 13 50.98 -.66 -4.6 Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial. IBM 2.60 2.0 13130.35 +.56 -.4 Walgrn .55 1.9 13 29.24 -.94-20.4 NokiaCp 8.77 -1.05 -10.7 AdcareH wt 2.05 -.20 -8.9 VlyNBc wt 3.25 -1.23 -27.5 FUenliCvTorravel 57..5091 --..6767 --190..69 AEestrnoLstoCnaicp 32..1910 --..2295 --87..59 GJDeAnSopotfitx 1272..1299 --55..6491 --2149..95 INDEXES TO REQUEST STOCKS & FUNDS BrasT C n 9.43 -.90 -8.7 FiveStar 3.51 -.26 -6.9 MillIndia un 2.80 -.50 -15.2 52-Week Net % YTD % 52-wk Stonerdg 8.92 -.83 -8.5 ChiArmM 3.90 -.28 -6.7 InfoLgx rsh 5.19 -.91 -14.9 High Low Name Last Chg Chg Chg % Chg Request stocks or mutual funds to be listed here by writing 11,258.01 8,087.19Dow Jones Industrials 10,409.46 +4.69 +.05 -.18+22.50 DIARY DIARY DIARY 4,812.87 2,988.88Dow Jones Transportation 4,419.26 -47.99 -1.07 +7.80+39.10 the Chronicle, Attn: Stock Requests, 1624 N. Meadowcrest Advanced 1,266 Advanced 218 Advanced 1,077 408.57 342.02Dow Jones Utilities 379.44 +2.21 +.59 -4.67 +9.03 Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429; or call 563-5660. Include Declined 1,821 Declined 260 Declined 1,570 7,743.74 5,552.82NYSE Composite 6,976.08 -13.80 -.20 -2.91+18.95 Unchanged 120 Unchanged 42 Unchanged 140 1,994.20 1,497.10Amex Index 1,886.92 +5.11 +.27 +3.40+19.74 the name of the stock, market and ticker symbol. For mu- Total issues 3,207 Total issues 520 Total issues 2,787 2,535.28 1,727.05Nasdaq Composite 2,305.93 +.05 ... +1.62+27.54 New Highs 54 New Highs 7 New Highs 56 1,219.80 869.32S&P 500 1,114.61 -.62 -.06 -.04+22.39 tual funds, list parent company, symbol and the exact name New Lows 27 New Lows 5 New Lows 26 12,847.91 8,900.27Wilshire 5000 11,717.04 -16.05 -.14 +1.46+25.65 of the fund. Staff will not provide real-time quotes. Volume 5,057,972,038 Volume 78,251,849 Volume 1,858,725,796 745.95 473.54Russell 2000 666.13 -2.64 -.39 +6.51+31.38 N Y S E EW ORK TOCK XCHANGE Name Last Chg BallyTech 38.48 -2.34 ChinaUni 12.70 +.17 EKodak 5.20 -.09 FredM pfV .65 -.06 Hanesbrds 28.83 -.38 iShSPLatA 45.47 +.18 Kinross g 17.69 +.03 MurphO 55.66 -.12 PimcoStrat 10.40 +.07 ReynldAm 52.34 -.29 BcBilVArg 10.77 -.18 Chubb 52.62 +.01 Eaton 73.56 -.89 FredM pfW .65 -.06 HanoverIns 44.05 -.29 iShB20 T 97.06 +.55 KnghtCap 15.12 +.27 NCR Corp 13.50 +.19 PinWst 36.62 +.20 RioTinto s 49.58 -.37 A-B-C BcoBrades 17.47 +.12 ChungTel 19.60 -.14 EdisonInt 34.13 +.46 FMCG 67.03 -.02 HarleyD 27.10 -.76 iS Eafe 50.54 -.24 Kohls 53.24 -.42 NRG Egy 23.34 -.23 PioNtrl 71.66 +.63 RiteAid 1.11 -.02 BcoSantand 11.00 -.19 Cimarex 79.67 -.56 ElPasoCp 12.61 -.01 FrontierCm 7.92 -.19 HartfdFn 25.01 -.51 iShiBxHYB 85.26 +.07 Kraft 29.73 +.02 NV Energy 12.60 +.08 PitnyBw 23.13 -.17 RobtHalf 24.41 -.10 ABB Ltd 18.44 -.20 BcSBrasil n 11.30 +.12 CinciBell 3.41 ... Elan 5.04 -.11 G-H-I Hasbro 42.68 +.83 iSR1KV 58.66 -.09 KrispKrm 3.68 -.08 NYSE Eur 29.58 -.03 PlainsEx 24.43 +.04 RockwlAut 54.04 -.06 ACE Ltd 52.11 -.21 BkofAm 15.87 +.07 Citigrp 3.99 ... EldorGld g 17.28 +.09 HawaiiEl 23.33 +.25 iSR1KG 49.78 +.01 Kroger 20.08 -.30 Nabors 21.29 -.35 PlumCrk 37.18 +.10 RockColl 58.93 +.07 AES Corp 10.65 -.10 BkIrelnd 4.18 -.13 CleanH 68.28 +.78 EmersonEl 47.30 -.15 GATX 29.11 -.11 HltCrREIT 44.18 -.64 iSR2KV 62.63 -.26 LDK Solar 5.98 -.03 NBkGreece 2.47 -.04 Polaris 60.89 -1.18 Rowan 25.07 -.10 AFLAC 44.02 -.36 BkNYMel 26.37 -.13 CliffsNRs 57.51 -.42 EmpDist 18.89 +.10 GLG Ptrs 4.37 +.01 HltMgmt 8.90 -.14 iSR2KG 72.28 -.15 LSI Corp 5.28 -.04 NatFuGas 51.53 -.39 Polo RL 80.12 -2.32 RylCarb 30.17 -.53 AGL Res 37.44 -.01 Barclay 18.15 -.29 Clorox 64.97 -.03 EnbrEPtrs 53.05 -.11 GMX Rs 8.02 +.18 HlthcrRlty 22.83 -.20 iShR2K 66.68 -.31 LTC Prp 25.87 +.17 NatGrid 38.54 +.24 PostPrp 25.82 -.20 RoyDShllA 54.50 +.45 AK Steel 14.40 -.15 BarVixShT 26.27 -.43 Coach 43.51 -.81 EnCana g s 34.24 -.27 GabelliET 4.69 ... HeclaM 5.44 -.01 iShREst 51.90 -.38 LaZBoy 9.99 -.33 NOilVarco 38.24 -.54 Potash 101.83 +.28 Royce 11.40 +.03 AMR 8.55 -.24 BarrickG 43.19 +.25 CocaCE 26.88 +.37 EnPro 31.80 -.47 GabHlthW 6.46 -.01 Heinz 46.25 +.06 iStar 5.42 -.16 Laclede 33.64 +.29 NatSemi 14.71 -.29 PS USDBull 25.10 +.08 Royce pfB 25.15 +.06 ASA Ltd wi 26.98 +.19 Baxter 42.54 +.18 CCFemsa 70.28 +.08 ENSCO 40.17 -.05 GabUtil 8.30 +.16 HelixEn 11.99 -.01 ITT Corp 48.28 -.07 LVSands 26.59 -.15 NewAmHi 9.24 +.01 Praxair 80.09 +.79 RdxSPEW 41.52 -.04 AT&T Inc 25.52 -.02 BaytexE g 32.49 +.03 CocaCl 52.40 +.22 Entergy 77.48 +.69 Gafisa s 12.94 -.13 HellnTel 3.63 -.11 Idacorp 34.47 +.29 LeggMason 32.47 -.17 NJ Rscs 36.09 +.33 PrecDrill 7.55 -.17 S-T-U AU Optron 10.02 -.10 BeazerHm 4.61 +.06 Coeur 15.12 +.02 LennarA 15.55 -.21 NY CmtyB 16.07 -.03 PrideIntl 24.96 -.34 AbtLab 48.79 +.62 BectDck 72.05 +.94 CohStInfra 13.51 +.15 Make your life a bit Lexmark 37.85 -.38 NY Times 9.68 -.08 PrinFncl 26.42 -.62 SAIC 17.95 +.23 AberFitc 35.76 -1.28 BerkHa A116455.00+905.00 CollctvBrd 19.49 -.20 LbtyASG 3.68 +.05 NewellRub 16.89 -.07 ProShtS&P 50.93 -.01 SAP AG 45.39 -.16 Accenture 38.69 +.15 BerkH B s 77.51 +.26 Comerica 38.56 -.19 LillyEli 34.11 -.28 NewfldExp 56.75 -.30 PrUShS&P 32.41 +.02 SCANA 37.28 +.23 AdamsEx 9.85 +.03 BestBuy 38.18 -.38 CmclMtls 16.24 +.07 EASIER!! Limited 25.37 -.60 NewmtM 58.33 +2.00 ProUltDow 43.80 +.11 SK Tlcm 15.55 -.14 AMD 8.90 +.08 BlkHillsCp 29.93 +.13 Comptn gh .77 -.02 LincNat 27.74 -.14 NewpkRes 6.93 -.11 PrUlShDow 27.39 -.05 SLM Cp 11.87 -.11 Aeropostl s 30.04 -.78 BlkDebtStr 3.79 +.02 Con-Way 33.16 -.69 Lindsay 35.62 +.84 NextEraEn 51.68 +.37 ProUltQQQ 60.95 +.58 SpdrDJIA 104.29 +.12 Aetna 29.32 -.27 BlkEnhC&I 14.65 -.03 ConAgra 25.11 +.02 LiveNatn 12.17 -.18 NiSource 15.36 +.02 PrUShQQQ 16.80 -.16 SpdrGold 120.33 -.66 Agilent 32.63 +.43 Blackstone 10.60 -.04 ConocPhil 54.47 +.17 LizClaib 5.50 -.33 Nicor 42.50 +.24 ProUltSP 37.83 -.04 SP Mid 141.28 -.34 Agnico g 62.13 +1.10 BlockHR 15.87 -.12 ConsolEngy 39.59 -.63 and get ONE MONTH FREE LloydBkg 3.34 -.01 NikeB 73.83 -.15 ProUShL20 39.16 -.44 S&P500ETF111.96 -.04 AirTran 5.52 -.37 Blockbst h .28 +.03 ConEd 44.42 +.33 LockhdM 81.20 +.36 NobleCorp 31.28 +.28 ProUSRE rs 24.80 +.30 SpdrHome 16.41 -.18 AlcatelLuc 2.77 -.09 Blount 10.59 -.96 ConstellA 16.64 -.15 Loews 33.69 +.04 NobleEn 66.20 -.25 ProUltRE rs 42.75 -.59 SpdrKbwBk 24.74 -.06 Alcoa 11.41 -.18 BlueChp 3.11 +.03 ConstellEn 36.62 ... LaPac 7.96 +.06 NokiaCp 8.77 -1.05 ProUShtFn 20.38 -.03 SpdrLehHY 38.18 +.15 AllegTch 54.18 -.77 Boeing 67.03 -.45 CtlAir B 24.88 +.17 Lowes 23.20 -.73 Nordstrm 40.00 -.30 ProUFin rs 57.93 -.03 SpdrLe1-3bll45.85 ... Allergan 61.33 -.40 Boise Inc 6.08 +.08 Cnvrgys 10.49 +.02 M-N-0 NorflkSo 58.29 -.17 ProUltO&G 31.06 -.07 SpdrKbw RB24.88 +.04 Allete 35.39 +.46 Borders 1.70 -.06 Corning 18.26 -.48 NoestUt 26.65 +.17 ProUBasM 30.05 -.09 SpdrRetl 40.23 -.49 AlliBGlbHi 13.37 ... BorgWarn 40.96 -.27 Cott Cp 7.93 +.02 M&T Bk 81.93 +2.57 NorthropG 61.08 +.58 ProUSR2K 19.65 +.16 SpdrOGEx 44.23 +.08 AlliBInco 8.01 +.03 BostBeer 72.05 +.54 Covidien 41.42 -.29 MBIA 6.29 -.13 Novartis 48.86 -.16 ProUltR2K 31.44 -.22 SpdrMetM 51.86 -.46 AlliBern 28.99 +.40 BostProp 80.45 -.63 Crane 33.81 -.70 Pay MDU Res 19.05 -.02 NSTAR 35.84 +.05 ProUSSP50031.50 +.01 STMicro 8.61 -.31 AldIrish 2.49 -.01 BostonSci 6.10 -.01 CrownHold 25.38 -.02 MEMC 11.76 +.07 Nucor 42.17 -.48 ProUltSP500145.15 -.13 Safeway 21.28 -.06 Allstate 30.22 -.45 BoydGm 10.99 -.19 Cummins 74.51 -.86 MF Global 6.85 -.09 NvIMO 14.18 -.02 ProUltCrude 10.53 +.19 StJoe 24.49 -.71 AlphaNRs 37.68 -.85 Brinker 16.26 -.56 CurEuro 122.63 -.45 MFA Fncl 7.60 ... NvMulSI&G 7.44 +.04 ProctGam 61.19 -.72 Saks 9.22 +.09 AAllptrTiaotDiv 197..3863 +-..0068 BBrrMoaydSrdqgF 2159..8581 ++..2052 D-E-F MMCGRIC 98..0754 --..0323 NOuGvEQ EPnf2gy 377..3297 +.1.7.. PPrrooggrssvsCEpn 3199..7823 +-..3182 SSaJuleasnfoBrce 9247..3846 -+..6179 AmbacF h .76 -.10 BrkfldPrp 15.47 +.32 DCT Indl 5.11 -.03 NO MORE CHECKS or REMINDERS! MGMMir 12.36 -.21 OcciPet 87.08 +.34 ProLogis 11.16 -.23 SandRdge 6.78 ... AAmMeorveilnL 2550..2528 ++..3259 BBruucnksewyeick 1577..1569 -+..4984 DDNPLP Selct 295..2650 ++..0282 563-5655 It’s ! MMaaccqysuarie 1241..5830 --..2441 OOfilfSicveHDTpt 1052..6128 --..0131 PPrrouvdEenTt lg 578..5438 +-..0510 SSaanraoLfiee 3114..8746 +-..2088 AmAxle 9.55 +.09 CB REllis 15.93 +.19 DR Horton 11.24 -.15 MagnaI g 67.76 -3.68 OldRepub 13.33 -.29 PSEG 33.20 +.08 Schlmbrg 60.81 -.06 AEagleOut 13.40 -.18 CBL Asc 14.49 -.14 DTE 48.24 +.48 Manitowoc 11.37 -.06 Olin 20.88 +.22 PulteGrp 9.75 -.18 Schwab 15.78 -.17 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEmImmmmmmnnnnppqrrrrssssTtnwcccvhdssaannatuMPehhMtIESTeeeeuuolElndlTacaaGolCDrrrroOxIrroohvealAiiiiasPnaegycgpBpwpoadrertrSymddndD3Maraikr anOetlirgtrtGssoteslricnetvn 344244432192122151312233332401030177273654365877920..........................6381707770625626617537813384720064660182748283087280 --+++-+-++++-+-----+----+-11..........................0632703441327150043011032152175115090419872807904040 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCBFHIMNSSVaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaeGbbllmmmnppprrrrtl SSXS OlpaeISdeMnEGNnloNOiMvitn reepnFi nBIClnvdtpaEFoASsnRenOcrS lueagpHsioxanlidnsoerlfnsspll&yfcnrNalesgB nctegegG rYls sn 1633115323123334132236255955573158633766244551648..........................1281383782249759957574673261999102832578096009390594 -++++--+-+--+-+---++-+-+-.........................2400101130150010101003696.1648041038924221230344830.. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDaaaeeeeeeeeirriiriiiiiiiiiarrrrrrrrrssxxxEFRxxxxxxnnrVaellnvvcnMtOTEFdSSLLEEaeoaanrbBMorEecBeeMyfCCAnlnHhFuCCnnveDfyBBnBsutEerBBeidBBBalBBeriyledlrvrlrslreueul R eu agls rsw ralalssallrlslrirr 1445151111663241241531310470954729235244667409344..........................2245186760831031388701910702656468531335653323059189 +++--+--+++---++---++--++-..........................1003037211012834100040001284524913629522204321528260 EEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFMPaaaMeeeeeiiisTtqsxxxxbdfTtttcetximnddlrrAtLhrCrNHerCarrryoocilnESaeoE caSoReie6oao hlRniSltxiTyCnneL ltg7rtrDslMgpFCDIedipeEMdnezndsfiisSccvSbplrnoqllfrauoehlne 45141652372121111598142569986538671210.......................8492953773560452446500955707149736973983040511 -*C--++--+------+--+-+++4......................2802501013292602236010h.4098523836243671170194.a.rgeGGGGGGvGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG jmGaaaaeeeeeaeelooooootraPifmnpynnnnnPrrlllooonxdddfddallonDEMMwdddawrGoFcmeaadnyerryilSryonLSai8euuiPrEplaect ntlrEKttr-c sthev htnadgnioaght 4nlPtSrsatnpm4ry1 121233111261311114711a9746677261657851433042t...................... 6730407146282330479720f4727169477953329487363irst -+-tr+-++-----+-+--+++--111a......................0003311015302160107003n7481963734137161124083sactHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIiiiiiiSSSSSSACNioeeeeeioooooouuAhChhhgMIGClrrswmnrssvmnnBG JmhsstnaHsptnGwtzaIlwHt hsreabnee lPPaKaaBpallmeDnetdlodrnIzaTtnknyancPPt pnEgylktsdrnlpe at 4415433412141326221e29058122435489878177059a.......................38600517223786394014036c79501945885535476943589h va+---+---------+++-++-++c.......................01230112821111700120000a26313429133255792465914tion IIIIIIIIIIIIJJJJJJJKKTmnnnBnnnnrtsCPaaoonaoBBgtttttvWMtbnhhpeclPeuanMrGe RaeeHniunnrgrUtMalsiNrpo rawotsJsrRoIpcnltyutnrEmtCnnnnmogwi.dsbcbCxaCeElkHeiptchl J11-4342312121431152212K699660858949483099522-.....................455193560497157320199L386645466751129041638 -+-+-+----++++-+---++13.....................310405000052111532265508354385217730272896698334 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaaakkaaaSaaacccccceeeeeeeidttDDGKMAnrrrrrsssacddrtttVVALraiIsscecsthnudctnoefenreohhkritGReAwoefweoelJhtnPsrleirRMIAdefmypuolHrlCorsoiHeCscEstEntsohlnl rIdtSgnndnnnhOt 25132332131273713526334516330537522040002332196193..........................6424531977260276429341000666201252621259764235021080 +++-+-++-+--+-+++-++++----1..........................4011110104321414153330601092378607519861585690218735 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOGMNNPPaaaaeeeeeeemmNNswwclrtannnnpphGLCMl&rIEEeekenCt bgnnnBcik iGoennCEgiOOv oodrVWeocoRtrsstar HCoosyyrHhKKayCpCIepsHhlErm oRol agpsptoPCl lantgsdrtplnP-4616223614122212346333Q242265971610107960862540-........................723059757420182726976104R035148304058601491063535 -+-+++----+-+--+++-+---1.......................73239120150413120312305.32096168127257133077744.. PQQQQQQRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPAPRaaaaaJaaleeeeeeeuusukwtyatscddlnyydgppttvraaeIMIceDaaITI ikmotliigHisunnsTEnlooaohosiivi sllnotebetaFcHVrntanSenneaRapCpilRSxogeitGosgserThSnaeBmvrFFsnynkcrvsclpnntedc 225411126524533239160239352849920086222711492..........................4666953194182976785216392710854969686296220513620438 +--++-+------+-----+--+--11.........................0020020100436102252120200.1584629697121144823851465.. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSeeeiiiikmmmmoootwwpppPPPPPdllmhvvemmnnJueir sserniiiuiMHCCEWrotttceinsytcttcthhhrhCipcAnhAnHniCrtlnoNtpaethAIfrkNInrEheognFPiSnnaeaMtTparnetCOleCrpynltnsdEsrErtctrrlso oxopu gg ngnspemyr 24212844415243314223223589850792917784302410419625..........................5204314951573489063170878533991656952531659828982188 --+++-++++--+-++---+--+---1..........................0010330030025714230110112088114417285167536166141834 AutoNatn 21.36 -.44 Cemex 11.23 -.02 DollarGn n 30.30 +.30 FT RNG 17.97 -.08 GpTelevisa 18.80 -.14 iSh Kor 47.19 +.07 KC Southn 40.81 +.38 Midas 8.85 -.15 PepsiCo 63.91 -.33 AAvveisrByDudg 3151..7436 +-..1463 CCeemnteigr Ppnft 1143..5748 ++..0138 DDoomwCRhemscs 4216..6772 +-..3097 FFilrusotErngy 3477..9033 +-..0267 GGuuaenssgRy 1374..3869 --1..0487 iiSSMhMaleaxs 1512..5134 -+..0222 KKaAy EdnognTR 3273..5937 --..3344 MMiollbipiloerTeel s10260..6475 ++..0221 PPremtroiahnawk 1291..6702 ++..1075 SOYOUKNOW Avon 28.55 -.17 CntryLink 34.82 +.11 DrPepSnap 38.02 +.24 FootLockr 14.67 -.27 HCP Inc 34.19 -.16 iShSing 11.58 +.06 Kellogg 54.20 -.42 MoneyGrm 2.59 +.04 PetrbrsA 33.05 +.48 BB&T Cp 30.30 -.05 Checkpnt 18.82 -.04 DuPont 37.76 -.10 FordM 11.63 -.07 HRPT Prp 6.79 -.32 iSTaiwn 11.77 +.03 KeyEngy 10.65 -.01 Monsanto 50.73 -.55 Petrobras 38.53 +.61 The remainder of the BHP BillLt 67.47 -.36 ChesEng 25.18 -.18 DukeEngy 16.52 +.11 ForestLab 27.21 +.19 HSBC 48.01 -.42 iSh UK 14.75 -.02 Keycorp 8.39 +.08 MonstrWw 13.71 -.18 PtroqstE 7.91 -.05 BHPBil plc 57.06 -.40 ChesUtl 31.18 +.70 DukeRlty 12.49 -.24 ForestOil 32.28 +.09 HSBC cap 26.02 -.45 iShSilver 18.08 -.11 KimbClk 62.83 -.20 Moodys 21.76 +.53 Pfizer 15.48 -.04 NYSE listings can be BP PLC 31.85 +.45 Chevron 74.95 -.28 Dynegy rs 5.03 -.03 FortuneBr 46.05 -.70 Hallibrtn 26.25 +.79 iShChina25 41.10 +.07 Kimco 15.00 -.29 MorgStan 25.77 -.18 PhilipMor 45.55 -.01 BRT 5.52 +.21 Chicos 11.48 -.33 EMC Cp 19.21 +.07 FranceTel 19.20 -.12 HanJS 14.05 +.09 iSSP500 112.31 -.01 KindME 65.47 +.12 MSEmMkt 13.40 +.05 PhlVH 55.61 -1.39 found on the next page. BakrHu 43.98 +.39 Chimera 4.03 -.05 EOG Res 110.39 +.03 FredMac .75 -.47 HanPtDv2 10.15 -.08 iShEMkts 39.94 ... KingPhrm 8.19 +.07 Mosaic 45.27 -.19 PiedNG 26.68 +.37 BallCp 54.44 +1.00 ChinaSecur 5.41 +.24 EastChm 62.06 +.10 Motorola 7.11 +.05 Pier 1 8.02 -.16 A S E MERICAN TOCK XCHANGE CURRENCIES Name Last Chg ArcadiaRs .57 +.04 CheniereEn 3.20 +.01 EndvrInt 1.22 -.01 GlblScape 2.72 -.10 M-N-0 NthnO&G 14.21 +.08 RexahnPh 1.49 +.34 Ur-Energy .89 -.02 Yesterday Pvs Day A-B-C AArumguosutraR gsd 16..5639 --..3015 CChheiAnrimerMeE 173..1900 -+..2181 EEnndtrveSeGilvo gld 32..4149 --..0051 GGoraldnSTtrrr ag g 45..0263 --..0041 MadCatz g .46 -.00 NNtohvgatGMl dg g 26..9842 --..0157 Rubicon g S-T3-.U45 +.18 Uranerz 1.12 -.02 Argent 3.9262 3.9246 AAAAAAAAbbdddlllellddddmevxDNnAnocRtEneeosrsxafvPRMec GPra nTsghcel 11166961132........2188383151818617 ++--++--........0300100143518141 ABBBBBBCuMarioraocitrropTAIBiczntGGisT omdMCoonSiaeluob dOgT non nRiatlsi 6263454623........3961991640456753 --+-+++.......0001341.7919752.. CCCCCCChloorrygoytMnnhosstttGmsaiaanhnrllueFbl gxgcdOdo rlgf epnD-14E2446-.......9182146F6020142 -++-+++.......00000042701840 GGEEFFFirrvxaavkogeebsSnItcSGnetteoPtcrlaRedErAprrNn d gggRvsyG11-H696336.......-2427528I5190159 ++--++-.......00020321966156 GHHIIJnnaeyrotvetpmBveleliagoliisrnsSPdpPGyyhhnhsm rgxJ-K11111-......751124L979506 +-+++.....00000.12362.. MMMMMNNNIeeaeediVnuvgttwearSsrHoGfalu inHIcRlnnosdolt etlt gTdehgs mg 4449233........9905123735255547 +----+--........0000000033312191 OPPPPPPaailorioaloscrlntyalaGRoMDGnripBmred&iMlitsloS g egtP-Q16117-.......7244949R0018232 ---++++.......00000011141653 SSSSTTTTairwaepuansmaalonpsebnHyahskGsitCOrnolibPolPod&Intnh Gg nvn 31265338........6862016401078099 -++--+-.......0110010.1502157.. UUVVWairrreaonnsnpettailmtuaXgmsreVtldyDE-nrWl -X26169-.....Y8053260744-Z -++-....1610.3022.. ABBBCCCuarrahhaitshniialnzetrariiaalnadilnaia 111156.....2.1374089578723.67894555193253 111156.....3.3174085758823.77616951407353 AAmmAOp&pGarel 71..9107 --..1030 CCaerlSdicuimTh ..4562 --..0001 DEVun LetdEDn ursr 15..1973 ++..0013 GGaesntMaro glyrs 43..4605 --..0048 KLaoddTiahkaOlF gn 31..7538 ++..1015 NNDwrGaoglodn g 6..0481 +-..0001 PRyardaimenidtPOhil 51..2186 ++..8097 UUQS MG eToetchh 4..3900 +-..1092 Xfone 1.35 +.21 Colombia 1919.50 1925.50 AntaresP 1.84 -.04 CFCda g 15.13 -.14 EVMuni2 13.58 -.03 Geokinetics 5.23 -.19 LibertyAcq 9.86 +.02 NA Pall g 3.35 -.14 RaeSyst .78 +.04 US Gold 4.41 -.06 YM Bio g 1.24 +.08 Czech Rep 20.88 20.83 ApolloG g .31 -.01 CentGold g 48.10 -2.40 EllswthFd 6.53 -.05 Gerova wt .80 +.10 LucasEngy 2.50 +.03 NDynMn g 7.41 -.23 Rentech 1.01 -.02 Uluru .09 +.00 ZBB Engy .40 +.04 Denmark 6.0423 6.0314 Dominican Rep 36.90 36.63 N N M ASDAQ ATIONAL ARKET Egypt 5.6818 5.6818 Euro .8121 .8108 Hong Kong 7.7942 7.7942 Name Last Chg Aware 2.35 +.05 ColdwtrCrk 4.25 -.04 ExideTc 5.91 -.12 Icon PLC 29.78 +.24 Mattel 22.59 +.33 PMC Sra 8.20 +.05 Satcon h 2.70 +.07 TexRdhse 14.51 +.07 Hungary 227.27 227.27 Axcelis 1.89 +.05 ColumLabs 1.10 +.02 Expedia 21.63 +.13 IconixBr 16.33 -.05 Mattson 4.10 +.10 PSS Wrld 22.23 -.29 SavientPh 12.63 +.04 Thoratec 47.08 +2.29 A-B-C BE Aero 27.60 +.59 Comarco 2.44 +.04 ExpdIntl 38.90 -.10 Ikanos 1.83 -.08 MaximIntg 18.04 -.12 Paccar 43.46 -.41 SciGames 10.45 -.23 3SBio 14.33 +1.36 India 46.512 46.729 A-Power 9.03 -.19 BGC Ptrs 5.55 -.17 CombinRx 1.57 +.14 ExpScrip s 53.15 -.12 Illumina 45.01 +.21 MaxwllT 12.14 -.38 PacerIntl 7.47 -.15 SeacoastBk 1.37 -.06 TibcoSft 11.96 +.13 Indnsia 9150.00 9147.50 ACMoore lf 2.47 -.12 BMC Sft 37.41 -.10 Comcast 18.39 -.26 ExtrmNet 2.77 -.09 Imax Corp 15.83 -.48 MedAssets 24.75 -.23 PacCapB 1.26 -.01 SeagateT 15.47 -.15 TiVo Inc 8.43 -.01 Israel 3.8212 3.8197 ADC Tel 8.07 -.17 BBaaildlaurd sPw 741..8717 --..5067 CCoommcm sSpycsl 1171..4420 -+..2370 EF5Z cNheiptwks 1784..2619 ++1..7462 IImmuunnomGdn 83..6579 -+..0135 MMeeddiiacAcocmtn 162..9068 --..0525 PPaaccEStuhnawnr 3..8681 +.0.3.. SSeeaarttsGHeldngs 8103..0403 -+2..2043 TomoThera 2.79 -.10 Japan 91.40 91.38 AAASTTPSM OML H&edGld 31013...539728 -++...390692 BBBeeeaaaccsonlenRyPBfgw 196...398141 ---...031181 CCCooommncmpeupVwtlstre 21287...963949 -+-...100935 FFFLSaIsIR tIen Sntlaysl 25843...516248 +++...212522 IIImnncfipnyateexrLaabs 21137...420370 ---...100971 MMMeeeddlciioCvaCotriownn 1704...963086 ++-...004470 PPPaaaelnmtAe SIcnHlcvld 2355...676804 -+..01.60.. SSSeeellmCectmetvcfIrhnts 111057...059858 ---...102532 TTToorarwecetaSrdSuoeprmpi 6618...640752 ---...103429 JLoerbdaannon 15.0700.9590 15.0701.0050 AAAAAAVbccccaacmrIa ecdBexiliaraiPaoyTPskscht 12258116......794363000331 +++++-......011021902344 BBBBBBeeiiiioooobdcgMSeBreayaSannsrttIittrhndesc 442656802......615320729555 --++-+......271230552352 CCCCCCoooooonnnnprincemvauOtxnheraorCTdgnEcatnhn 422140512......831839491682 +--+++......611010578311 FFFFFFiiniisbfnnttcheiLCslITriaannThrssew ihrtrs dFrsn 11121448571......209708750653 -+-++-......100040359208 IIIIIInnnnnSfffstSooogmILrsDmyegvsdxaT trsh 2656359......195752946581 -++---......919000126138 MMMMMMeeiiiiccccnrrrrrceoootaolcmndrhTGeoptrL 612901979......464619202561 --++++......202301663795 PPPPPPaaaanerttynottaceUNpmhrUTGseTtIomxdcnFh 131221704874......069805812868 ++---+......200053451909 SSSSSSehhhhigqaaiurmeunnffaleddMDnaasoGstmgr n 461650490......360301510834 ---+--......005820610115 TTTTTrrrrriiiiucdmQeoeubRMnilneetaMtNlirg h 321066.....6628903581 --+-....0008.1474.. MMNNPe.oae rZrlxuaweicyaaosyliaand 13216....22543.693981023360199 12316.2...5243.786372492384045 AAAcccotxivirodsmaBTlizh 311216...811654 --+...510191 BBBillokuRSeCKphoeralseto 12403...234803 --+...070125 CCCoorarspytc EIonxcc 25886...034440 --+...488226 FFFMtsNtNiBdiBcaSgcaCr ah 1133...093167 --+...000114 IIInnnttteeelrraMcutBnerk 211170...460905 ++-...022105 MMMiiicccrrrooosSsSoefymtsi 312456...133962 +--...012416 PPPeeerttrsroiMgDoaervt 523962...238395 ---...923519 SSSiiigllgicmannaImHAg lsd 52393...465105 -++...210995 TTUrrAsuLtsNtmYk 22613...189547 +-+...012473 PRoulsasniad 31.235.3010 31.334.3800 Adaptec 3.02 -.02 BluDolp .52 +.15 Cree Inc 69.41 -.42 FstSolar 118.77 +1.50 IntlSpdw 27.48 -.41 Micrvisn 2.98 +.10 PharmPdt 26.66 +.28 SilcnLab 45.90 +.20 UTiWrldwd 14.32 +.20 Singapore 1.3935 1.3922 AAAAAAAdddddEffyootvvtremAEblaorenTnnerCSIeatdrcyp igxh 3212741316.......45571144432681 -+-----.......00200107526933 BBBBBBBlooorrruiioggbnseatEhETNPdtoxvprcilpnnvenotm 521130816876.......11356712614989 --++--+1.......32142335141745 CCCCCCCrrtuuyyroobcbripcsilrsias.ssSccttrPoeecmxhleE s 14221306151.......79276673113994 --+--+1......850100.379221.. FFFFFFFTsilooosetcrrNeMxcmurtDervesFnPXMrairtTcodca 214111886641.......71777281853434 --++-+......100013.854361.. IIiIIIInnnnrssiViidttvlseuoRieurintsnlmESitlisCyvtsm 13213758929.......85182655499989 +++---......010001.704862.. MMMMMMMiiiiooollnslldlleiodeecurnscxoPspiImxnLeesitenPdk 826782610.......22723673421173 +++----.......02001501337575 PPPPPPPhhhilloneuaaolnxgyrstucGPrmeIosnwaFamsrwc hyhdc 13376500.......06136486334330 -++++--1.......50000435333036 SSSSSSSliiiiiiclnnnrrvionuacoSnwlsvataXadaiDrc Mrgeent 1335876415.......84931084171810 ++++-+......031007.363502.. UUUUUUTlmttStddaS COpEStqrBnnacurlklmnoasnGa 21152465......984473758203 -+---.....07000.13521.. SSSSTaoowwi..eiw tAKzdaefoenrrrinclenaad 17271.1..357132982..3589200236 1277113...57152953..0381306894 AgFeed 3.31 +.02 BroadSft n 8.30 ... CypSemi 11.58 +.28 Fortinet n 16.25 -.17 Itron 69.83 +.63 Momenta 14.74 +.89 Poniard h .83 -.03 SkyWest 13.49 -.25 UtdThrp s 55.10 -.34 Thailand 32.47 32.47 AirTrnsp 5.44 -.08 Broadwind 2.72 +.18 CytRx .91 -.02 Fossil Inc 39.98 -.46 IvanhoeEn 2.42 ... MonPwSys 20.46 +.65 Pool Corp 23.18 -.50 SkywksSol 17.17 -.07 UtdWestrn 1.20 +.36 Turkey 1.5610 1.5662 AAAAAikkllxaeaotsxrmrkionoCnanioTm 24575832.....1198393843 -+-+-.....5001569952 BBBBCrrruAckuc dlkInyneerecuCrBCsmp h 15235930.....3663393062 -++--.....0009087937 CDDyJetScokPrOi Euntt D1-6E462-...229F570 --+1...201522 FFFFForuuueselntsotlteCKanrlaeFkWbl nlnhic rllt 215107.....2181083270 +-+--.....0151003041 JJJADD ASSS oUolanfrtiphJ-21K521-...126L499 -++5...040111 MMNNNGGIyyI lrHAPaianS lCdd gGRapes 11376179.....9424302393 ----+1.....0147046493 PPPPPoowowprwrStIufenhRlrtasee-r QcgOQneQ73432476.....0399907730 +++++31.....0364131089 SSSSSmmmmmaaaiitthhrrrtttWMBMHaeieclasrot 146740.....0422447475 +-+--.....1020031941 UUUUnnrrabiivvnaDFmnoiOsRrpu ht 133936....20698973 --++11....35116173 UUVe.rAung.zEuu.aeyl 2304...662719383867 2034...462079837284 AlignTech 14.85 -.15 CBOE n 32.07 -.42 DeerCon s 9.50 +.53 Fuqi Intl lf 9.47 +.54 JackHenry 24.98 +.01 Nanomtr 11.37 +.30 Powrwav 1.56 -.02 Sohu.cm 43.68 -.30 V-W-X-Y-Z AAAlllklleoegsrTimahnetTra 14176...567750 ---...091498 CCCDHMC ER CoGbprip nAs 351902...226485 +-+...109400 DDDeeltallcl PIanttrch 1931...091597 --+...600911 FuriexPh nG-H9.-1I1 -.19 JJJaaammzzbePashRrmiv 1278...794403 +--...031384 NNNaaestkPdtaeOrnTMnhX 11963...564468 +--...014751 PPPrrrmeicseWsTtBeRkc h 449...535100 +--...009619 SSSooollmaarraCfunantcp n 12984...808571 +--5...129931 VVCalAen AcnetTc 27..0906 --..1011 Berrsit isshho pwo udnodlla erx ipnr feosrseeigdn i nc uUrr.Sen. cdyo.llars. All oth- AAllltsacirrNip thM 16..6403 --..2003 CCNTCin sMueredia 2175..2955 -+..0248 DDnednrneyosn 392..5773 --1..0026 GGFSII GCrmpmrc 305..9719 +-..0399 JJeoteBslJueeans 62..5300 -+..1002 NNeett1SUerEvPicS 1140..9980 ++..2113 pPrriicvealtienBe 19162..4212 +1+0..6043 SSoomnicaCxoonrp 49..9349 --..0531 VVaalnudeaCPlihcmk 116..8893 +-..1153 MONEY RATES AlteraCp lf 26.06 +.57 CVB Fncl 10.22 +.35 Dentsply 31.50 +.07 GT Solar 5.97 +.28 JonesSoda 1.69 -.05 NetLogic s 29.84 +.15 PrUPShQQQ55.32 -.89 SonicSolu 8.95 -.07 VarianSemi 32.56 +.04 Alvarion 2.27 ... Cadence 6.38 +.12 Depomed 3.10 +.00 Garmin 32.67 -.51 JoyGlbl 56.96 -.36 NetApp 41.00 -.38 ProUltPQQQ97.70 +1.93 SncWall 11.26 +.02 VeecoInst 37.55 -.91 Yesterday Pvs Day AAAAAAmmCmmmaaeCIetpPzdraMAoiapsngesyLytdstad 124232668935......971727011903 +-++-+......021234673122 CCCCCCdapaaanpsrrrervtSCinezeotTorryBElraBbcdrkp 1122131608......470940084981 +--++.....10002.17184.. DDDDDDeiiiiigrsssexcccRCcCCviTvLommeVamr b ACA h 1233316992......568313543776 +++---1......040320909861 GGGGGGeeeeeennnnnroBotVzenypiexoCmtcitxpc eh h 1157915......317551596322 -+-+--51......001641021946 KKKKLL&KLeouArplLQiyci nE xTkCBCegnoiypcor pn 311043809......214123689429 --++....1110..3513.... NNNNNNeeeeeettttuueflwilrtsiaTcxktrsaEiennnedg 1321042351......868139079072 ++++--1......106210557707 PPPPQQrrsuIiooaAyrgseocGpnCXhEciSiycntNcsCoglPleahp 132602201......465786486546 +-----......000004307795 SSSSSSooooptanuuurpeuMrthlcaeseFodsfBntirr mceh 12225292......770285156810 ++-++.....02013.25027.. VVVVVeeeeirarrrriiitgssgxikyPLg onhng 233199051.....9420899257 -+---.....2230024143 PDFTerriseidmcaeoesrauu Rlnr Fiate utRsenadtse Rate .00-30...272555 .00-30...272555 AmSupr 30.95 -.52 Caseys 35.83 +.03 DishNetwk 21.61 -.15 GileadSci 35.81 +.28 LSI Ind lf 5.86 -.03 NewsCpA 14.16 -.21 Qlogic 17.75 -.01 StarScient 1.60 +.05 VirgnMda h 17.39 +.11 3-month 0.09 0.09 Amgen 55.22 +.10 CatalystH 39.04 +.01 DivX 7.98 -.02 GlacierBc 15.71 -.02 LTX-Cred 3.21 +.09 NewsCpB 16.10 -.40 Qualcom 35.08 -.50 Starbucks 27.99 +.06 ViroPhrm 12.24 +.23 6-month 0.17 0.17 AmkorT lf 6.77 -.12 CathayGen 11.36 +.35 DllrTree 63.53 -.47 GlobCrsg 10.91 +.03 LamResrch 42.74 +.23 NexMed .31 -.01 QualitySys 58.68 -.51 StealthGs h 5.25 +.23 VisnChina 2.68 +.05 5-year 2.06 1.97 AAAAAmnnnnalasoyydlgylisinsgictc rs 14466342.....5065800924 --++....8212.1234.. CCCCCaeeeevllllegllTdiureehamnxeGeTNrr hrpesth 258655.....1934308871 +-+--1.....2050093401 DDDDDorrrymeyanSsxlWlsheCBiykppaRssrARn 21288642.....4263714910 +--+-.....0950045142 GGGGGllloroobCobbSaglapInlnleMsydtEeadtr n510211451.....4712018270 +--++3.....0002368185 LLLLLaaaaemntwatidpscasWnertASairdrfltsvs 24192584.....2003949034 --+--.....2310496426 NNNNNoowoobrvvsTtalttlrBWyvsHactrsxlsh h 5191162.....4370222319 +--++.....0005097164 QQQQQuuuuuaeeiidnnsseStttSclFtrouftt rn h 11119122.....6513087912 +-+++.....0091012118 SSSSStttttleeeeDmrrreilycBCnoycatcesamllhexlsis 1641345.....2086111182 -+++-.....5011021679 VVVViioosvdltucaasaPfnoronte 41227013....09040981 -++-11....00110448 1300--yyeeaarr COMMOD34..I22T80IES 34..1182 A123 Sys n 8.79 -.14 CentEuro 25.64 -.32 Dynavax 1.95 -.02 GrLkDrge 6.30 +.06 Level3 1.29 +.08 Novell 6.16 -.08 RCN 14.76 -.03 StrlF WA h .75 -.05 Volterra 26.54 +1.04 AAppooglloeGeErp 1439..1336 +-1..1061 CCEenutrAMled 2130..4212 --..4148 EeBTarayde rs 2142..1163 +-..1246 GGrreeeennMPltnCs s 2163..7009 ++..0061 LLeibxGiPlohbrmA 216..3152 --..0232 NNouvHluosriz lf 283..3115 --..1106 RRFT IM BiicoDlog 43..6224 -+..1047 SSMucacdedsesnF s 3252..1947 +-..1024 WWaarsnheFreCdhil 2147..9315 --..2013 FUTURES ApolloInv 10.32 -.11 Cephln 59.38 -.33 eHealth 11.90 -.30 Gymbree 45.50 -.07 LibGlobC 26.12 -.15 NuVasive 40.80 +.60 RXi Phrm 2.95 -.12 SunesisP h .65 +.06 Websense 20.53 +.05 Exch Contract Settle Chg Apple Inc 267.25 +7.56 Cerner 81.50 -.79 ev3 Inc 22.32 ... HMN Fn 5.16 +.02 LibtyMIntA 13.00 -.29 NuanceCm 17.45 -.10 RAM Engy 2.18 -.02 SunPowerA 14.06 -.17 WernerEnt 23.72 -.20 ApldMatl 13.39 +.13 ChrmSh 4.24 -.14 EagleBulk 4.72 -.05 HSN Inc 25.36 -.69 LibMCapA 42.88 +.45 NutriSyst 23.32 +.20 Rambus 18.96 -.02 SunPwr B 12.68 -.33 WstptInn g 19.20 -.22 Lt Sweet CrudeNYMXJul 10 77.67 +.73 AAAMrrcchSCCiCgahpt 172164...037740 -+-...107531 CCChhhkeildPePsoeliancctaeke324158...455064 +--...114881 EEEarsttghWlLRisnktkBEcnp 1586...144108 -.5..3.... HHHaaainnnmsCeieFnlNncalt 23218...189605 +--...153053 LLLiiiffgeeaTPnetdHcPhhm 53141...365944 +--...080925 NOOvRSidIe SiiallyysA h 152108...766729 ---...150516 RRRaeengndetAgnCorntld 922173...204280 +--...333869 SSSuuympsqeaBrnWntececll 11685...770697 -++...000466 WWehtitSneeaylH 130..9440 --..0077 CWohrenat CCBBOOTTJJuull 1100 345661ŸŸ ++29¿¿ ArenaPhm 2.96 +.01 ChinAgri s 13.25 -.19 Ebix Inc s 15.25 -.36 Harmonic 5.82 -.05 LihirGold 36.05 -.72 OceanFrt h .46 -.01 ReprosTh h .47 -.03 Symetricm 5.31 -.09 WholeFd 40.32 +.03 Soybeans CBOTJul 10 957ß +8Ÿ AresCap 13.76 -.13 ChinaAuto 19.35 +.15 Eclipsys 18.23 -.07 HaupgDig 2.52 +.10 Lincare s 31.75 +.02 Oclaro rs 13.39 -.25 RepubAir 6.20 -.02 SymyxT 5.58 -.45 Windstrm 11.43 +.16 Cattle CME Aug 10 89.17 +.57 AriadP 3.44 -.06 ChinaInfo 5.61 +.11 EducMgt n 17.91 -.10 HawHold 6.34 -.68 LinearTch 29.43 +.27 OdysseyHlt 26.74 +.08 RschMotn 61.61 -1.18 Synaptics 28.13 +.23 WirlsRonin 1.50 +.26 Ariba Inc 16.76 -.22 ChinaRE n 8.84 -.10 EduDv 5.64 ... HlthTroncs 4.81 +.01 LinnEngy 26.24 +.06 OdysMar 1.11 -.04 RexEnergy 12.27 +.30 Synopsys 22.34 -.00 WonderAuto 8.32 +.05 Pork Bellies CME Jul 10 97.50 -.50 ArkBest 21.74 -.25 ChinaSun 4.02 -.11 ElectSci 13.68 +.03 HrtlndEx 15.39 +.05 Lionbrdg 5.35 ... OmniEn h 2.67 ... RINO Int n 14.72 +.18 Synovis 15.80 +.71 WrightM 17.95 +.72 Sugar (world) ICE Oct 10 16.05 +.10 ArmHld 12.92 -.21 ChiValve n 8.83 -.15 ElectArts 16.01 -.30 HelicosBio .59 +.13 LodgeNet 4.51 +.08 OmniVisn 21.63 +.99 Riverbed 29.44 +.23 TD Ameritr 17.65 -.07 Wynn 85.55 +.65 Orange Juice ICE Sep 10 144.60 +.20 Arris 11.00 -.22 ChinaCEd 6.09 +.04 EmmisCm 2.28 ... HSchein 55.89 +.02 Logitech 15.03 -.17 OnAssign 5.50 -.05 RosettaR 25.75 -.46 TFS Fncl 12.94 +.03 XOMA h .47 -.02 AAArrrrtuTwbehacdNhResth 1135...684471 --+...001324 CCChiienrnncaFhClilnDorp 312448...471185 -+-...212167 EEEnnncdeoor1rPmh rrmsh 2313...366775 --+...222523 HHHeiobrlbocegOtictffsh 21643...019788 -++...111248 LLLooogooMkpSNemeInta nrt 21812...831970 +++...700213 OOOnnpSyexnmPTchxntd 24730...270395 +--...141259 RRRooosvysiG CSldotrrsp 535782...442558 ---...102357 TTtwHT tMQel eTccohm 1597...077867 --+...013543 XXiylirnaxtex 2166..6166 +.3.0.. SPOT AsiaInfo 23.05 +.34 Cintas 25.91 -.07 EnerNOC 29.93 +.04 Home Inns 40.33 -.47 lululemn g 45.58 +1.23 OpnwvSy 2.24 +.01 RoyaleEn 2.37 +.11 TakeTwo 10.26 -.05 YRC Wwd h .23 +.01 Yesterday Pvs Day AAsspscednBBaionc 131..3646 -+..0047 CCiirsrcuos 1253..5209 +-..1014 EEnngrgyyCRoencv 43..7794 --..0262 HHoutdTsoCpiticy 135..3211 -+..1017 M-N-0 OOrraacSluere 235..1284 +-..3072 RRuyabnicaoinrTc 3207..8984 --..6122 TTaalleecor AisB n 2216..9025 +.4.6.. YYaohnogoye n 158..4497 -+..1368 Gold (troy oz., spot) $1229.30 $1228.50 athenahlth 24.00 -.59 CitizRepB .89 -.02 EgyXXI rs 17.34 +.33 HumGen 27.06 -.32 MB Fncl 20.64 +.29 Orthfx 31.84 +.33 S-T-U TASER 4.16 -.04 Zanett 2.09 -.22 Silver (troy oz., spot) $18.432 $18.180 Atheros 34.13 +.03 CitrixSys 45.08 +.06 Entegris 4.64 -.14 HuntJB 35.22 -.60 MDRNA 1.04 -.01 Orthovta 2.41 -.03 TechData 41.27 ... Zhongpin 12.82 +.15 Copper (pound) $2.9940 $2.8425 AtlasEngy 34.42 +.32 Clarient h 3.18 -.02 EntropCom 5.62 +.22 HuntBnk 6.14 -.15 MGE 36.50 +.15 OtterTail 20.32 -.38 SBA Com 35.37 -.22 Telestone 10.01 -.16 ZionBcp 24.17 -.07 Platinum (troy oz., spot)$1567.50 $1534.00 Atmel 5.27 +.07 CleanEngy 17.53 -.65 EnzonPhar 11.24 +.10 IAC Inter 23.49 ... MIPS Tech 5.39 -.11 Overstk 21.61 -.72 SEI Inv 21.81 +.08 Tellabs 7.00 -.11 Ziopharm 4.75 -.18 AAAuuudttoovdDoeaxstak 24828...054801 ---...002342 CCClloeegaaerrwwnti rret 79...811276 --+...000723 EEEqruicurosinnnieTxtel 811613...016671 +1.0..1.... IiiPSCahOsAPss iDaeigx hJ 541...115893 --+...001110 MMMTaagnSmnKad 2935...719682 -+-...102980 Oxigene P-Q-.5R7 -.06 SSSTaalnEixDCPishkm 134279...423999 --+...007281 TTTeeelrrvrreeemSnttkar 198...324977 ++..00.41.. ZZioxl tCekorp 29..4736 --..0071 NCMhicEaRg o= BNoeawr dY oofr kT rMaedrec.a CnMtilEe RE x=c Chahnicgaeg. oC MBOerTc a=ntile Ex- Auxilium 25.52 -1.30 CognizTech 53.99 +.22 EvrgrSlr .80 -.01 iSh ACWI 40.79 -.01 Martek 22.16 -.32 PDL Bio 5.67 +.07 Sanmina rs 15.90 -.02 TesseraT 18.61 +.13 Zoran 10.34 +.26 change. NCSE = New York Cotton, Sugar & Cocoa Ex- AvagoT n 22.88 +.63 Cogo Grp 6.50 -.07 ExactSci h 4.93 +.25 iShNsdqBio 82.88 -.25 MarvellT 19.25 +.31 PF Chng 45.90 -.01 Santarus 2.76 -.10 TetraTc 21.72 -.12 Zumiez 16.77 -.10 change. NCTN = New York Cotton Exchange. AvanirPhm 2.83 +.02 Coinstar 52.51 +.01 Exelixis 4.70 -.16 icad h 1.98 +.13 Masimo 24.11 +.03 PMA Cap 7.05 -.07 Sapient 10.81 +.24 TevaPhrm 54.34 +.66 ZymoGen 4.67 -.22 CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 A7 M F UTUAL UNDS Name NAV Chg Name NAV Chg HOWTO READTHE MUTUAL FUNDTABLES Advance Capital I: Eaton Vance A: Balanc p 14.28 ... ChinaA p 20.37 -.01 Here are the 1,000 biggest mutual funds listed on Nasdaq. Tables show the fund name, sell RetInc 8.37 +.02 AMTFMuInc 9.67 -.01 price or Net Asset Value (NAV) and daily net change. Alger Funds B: MultiCGrA 7.03 +.01 SmCapGr 5.62 +.01 InBosA 5.51 +.01 Name: Name of mutual fund and family. AllianceBern A: LgCpVal 16.52 -.01 NAV: Net asset value. BalanA p 13.56 ... NatlMunInc 9.62 ... GSmlbCThpGGrrAA p 6226..9311 ++..0073 STrpaEdqGtAvA 137..9515 -+..0011 CDhagta: Nbaest ecdh aonng Ne AinV sp rriecep oorft eNdA tVo. Lipper by 6 p.m. Eastern. Associated Press (cid:47)(cid:67)(cid:84)(cid:77)(cid:71)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:89)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:69)(cid:74) slumped in May following AllianceBern Adv: Eaton Vance B: the end of a homebuyer tax ALlglCiapnGcreABde r2n2 B.5:4 +.01 HNlathtlSMBu Itn c 99..4692 ...... NOYppTAF Ap p 1242..4653 -.1.2.. Name NAV Chg PTIoMtRCtOnP F und11s. 1P3: +.03 Name NAV Chg NEW YORK — BP’s June 16, 2010 credit. Meanwhile, FedEx GGlrboTwhthGBrB t t 5241..5315 +-..0063 EGaotvotnC Vpa nce 7C.5:3 ... PSApSTiFtAA pp 1230..0157 -.0.5.. RSheTsemaBrcdhTT 243..9068 -.0.5.. PEaqrtnyIanscsou ns F2u4.n1d1s:+.02 TFulerxnIenrc Fpu nds8:.57 +.01 agreement to put $20 billion (cid:38)(cid:81)(cid:89)(cid:2)(cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:71)(cid:85) +4.69 Corp. released a disappoint- ASSlCClippaGGncrrBCe Btt er22n11 C..23:69 ++..0022 ENLagatCtoManup VnVIaannlc c e1 96I:..6526 -.0.1.. TTVxoaEtlRuxetAAB p pp 1369...838041 --+...000112 TVWwernledtnWutrye TTT r 544950...226687 +-+...010921 PPPeieorrnmme aePnron Frt tu Fn4ud0ns.3d A5s:: -.08 TSGwmbellVCeadplyuGe rB nro22w81n..13e93: -+..0024 iGnutolf ao ff uMnedx fiocor voiicl tsipmilsl oliff tthede (cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:70)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:84)(cid:75)(cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:85) 10,409.46 icnagl pyreoafri tt fhoarte cbaesgta fnor J tuhnee fi 1s-, AANSSllmmFlliiJaaCCDnnppvzzVVV IFl Aln u sntld122 Ms056 ...M220A368S::+--...000255 EEEAAvvvsseeettAArrrgggllll Crrrpeee teee nnn CIA:11::10..0761 --..0011 FFFTAiorebrarscsnuhtShkm tV/raTI a nFrel dum nFpdu21 sF80n:r..d25ns09k: A-:.0.3.. JBLRSogotgrhCnIBnndpkA AEAH p q pa A n co121c4356k....9003 A7963: +-++....00002421 CBIPVnoiautolnllVnuledaFenAlAdAV A p pa lp 113169750.....3452327083 -+--....0000.4278.. UACGGSlhlllbdA inGR&maMsl Ro tbelsga l In21v0886e....1197s8309tors+-+:...001.217.. tathon ead s nstoeancrrkto tmwhaelyr mkmeaitjx ooerfdf i ifntisdn leiosxhwe.ss (cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:48)(cid:79)(cid:67)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:70)(cid:81)(cid:67)(cid:85)(cid:83)(cid:75)(cid:86)(cid:71) 2,+300.50.593 atcionovdne srt hay.ba Toth ureta tpihsaeecd ke acmgoeon rodeme lqiicvu eerresy-- Allianz Funds C: SIMuniI 10.06 ... AdjUS p 8.91 ... John Hancock B: Pioneer Funds B: WldPrcMn 18.54 +.18 The oil company also said (cid:53)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:70)(cid:67)(cid:84)(cid:70)(cid:2)(cid:8)(cid:2) -0.62 company is seen as a barom- GTarorgwetthCC t t 2102..6467 -.0.2.. FFBocRu sFIunnv ds:42.14 -.34 AALZTTFFAA pp 1110..2739 ...... JSotrhInnc BH ancoc6k.3 C3l 1:+.01 PHiioYnldeBe rt Fund9s.2 C3: +.01 UASgvAGAt Grou2p8:.31 +.04 Wednesday it has canceled (cid:50)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:182)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:23)(cid:18)(cid:18) 1,114.61 eter of the economy because Amer Beacon Insti: FMI Funds: BalInv p 44.79 -.31 LSAggr 10.72 -.02 HiYldC t 9.32 +.01 CA Bd 10.09 -.01 a dividend payment totaling shipping demand tends to AAAAAAAABBBLLEBDEGHIIIINOORUVAABBCCCEFGGHHIIIILNNNSSTWBCCGIAAIIIIIIMMSAGSIDTIACEnnnnnnnCnnnnnnnnnmmmmmrrraelggtdxxqaqamMaouTmaprCsmuqieeelaaaIiE wapiarnnowrrcfttcttTcttttttttaiivtIviPstt AiddADlBlllEEllDloEwoMCCrrIsrneTGlIllnplprterwapppBpWpGGEE VPGooiieevcacBMauAnEBWheeeeenycutCaoanoiCCosewAewMlddqqxhdartiulrtaalWIWtIDABoCCgAp qqaoknevD pArsEcrrrrrtla rrnhr B rBABe nAsratOpG uAljAIIppaaolA AcrttppoIIroaA iiCA AdVcBIAlrAc I GRpAeIIuhh gdhhBcn nsi lBCCcctptA ABn AGAn AtA p ppApvd I rI A p r pr epIIF e vn pIAMaed pa It n cpp vo n aapBlvpp pn V p IA eeet rpAd Ao pptippFAAu pltI psp g et nn c n v danna l t tb u n sp k p p lcttFF Fandt uu omA1111212111111113331111222131313412114421111111124212141242221121uulddsrr n768062711806956629152403571402615608784840343355496036735562456650026Fnnyy:s:se ..................................................................... udd:I:546637520566226564161207046230683321596504141921214157846238634546515nAInnnss070117686588159443537452197961613680118184249581095836368199837876698tvdsv dAB:v::s:::+---+++-+-------+----+-++--+---+-+----------------++---+:........................................................00000000000000100011000000000000000101200001100000000000.............22321153615311322463218103295271227721721511618161332205.......................... 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GlAlA r 17.62 +.02 Fidel n 28.19 -.04 EmgMkts r 11.86 +.01 MergerFd 15.64 +.02 GlbEqty p 7.69 -.04 IntlExplr n 13.43 -.05 HiYInvA 7.16 +.03 Fifty r n 15.04 -.02 IntlCorEq 24.86 -.11 Metro West Fds: GrInA p 11.87 -.02 IntlGr n 16.18 -.03 (Donise) Streit of Ocala, FL, Franklin and Eunice Suggs BIGnlltaAlOclCkpR At opc k B2186&..24C13: -+..0042 FFGlrNtIRnMOaAtne eHn ni r n21941...417045 +-+...000241 GQSaturbFaexlitIlynli c F un11d58s..:2253 -.0.2.. MTTooidttRRaetsBt BFddIu nd11s00:..3300 ++..0022 GHHiilYYbldlHdA lIt nhp A 4475...261575 +++...000422 IIInTTtITlGVsrarayl dnne n 21791...478454 -++...000922 Continued from Page A5 annesds ,B FrLia, na nSdt rtehiet iro fm Iontvheerr-, imno vNede wtob etrhrey , arFeLa. inA n19n6ie5 BBlaaVclkI Rock I2n2s.9tl5: -.03 GGorovCtInoc n 1700..6867 +-..0017 GAassteewt ay Fu4n2d.0s8: -.06 MMoidnaest tFad Fund3.s9:0 +.02 IInnctGmrAIn pp 68..8410 +-..0012 LLiiffeeCGoron nn 1159..4870 +-..0011 Wendy Eyster of Ocala, FL; from Ocala, FL, was a mem- EquityDv 15.61 ... GroInc n 16.04 ... GatewayA 24.94 -.03 Monetta n 13.49 -.03 InvA p 11.27 -.01 LifeInc n 13.68 +.02 Curtis mother, Shirley Streit of ber of the Moose Lodge and GlbAlloc r 17.71 +.01 GrowthCoK 70.89 -.06 Goldman Sachs A: Morgan Stanley B: NJTxA p 9.31 ... LifeMod n 18.08 ... Brandywine Fds: GrStrat r n 17.21 -.05 MdCVA p 30.96 -.18 GlobStratB 16.96 -.01 NwOpA p 42.60 -.02 LTIGrade n 9.12 +.05 Streit, 55 Juda, WI; 2 brothers: Rus- was a Baptist. BBBrlruinnedsFyodwn n Fun22d12s..93 Y86: --..0015 HIInnidPgehropInBncd n r n n 21801...455010 +-+...000143 GGHoirYOldiepmlpdta n Sa2c16h..39s40 Ins-+t..:0063 MIMnotClEragqpaIG nrSI tan13l20e..y09 99Inst-+:..0065 PTTxFAEI nTxAEA p p 1984...074666 --..00.11.. LMMTouTrHgsYr ny n n 111150...465131 +.0..6.... INVERNESS slaenlld ,( OKRel,l ayn) dS Ktreeiitth oSft rPeiotr otf- deSahthe wbya s hperr echeudsebda nidn, BHuiYffldaIl oY Fnund5s.:93 +.03 IInnttBGdo vn n 1100..4914 ++..0021 HMYidMCuanpiV n 381..4272 --..0118 MMuCnadpeGrr PF upn 3d0s.0 A3: +.05 TUFSHGYvAA p 1115..1660 -+..0011 MMuuILnttd n n 1131..5004 ...... Mr. Curtis L. Streit, age 55 Monroe, WI; 2 sisters: Linda Hillies J. Wall, and her CSGmMC aFpu nds2:3.96 -.13 IInnttmlDMiscu nn 1208..2011 --..0112 HSaDr bGoorv Fund10s.:38 ... MGuwnthdOepr pFAu n2d3s.7 Y6: +.04 GVslbtalUAt iplA 109..2694 +-..0034 MMuuLSohnrtg n n 1115..0900 ...... of Inverness, Florida, died Voegeli and Donna Streit, grandson, Garrett Spearing. Focus n 27.69 -.19 IntlSCp r n 17.14 -.10 Bond 12.60 +.02 MCpCGrY n24.12 -.06 VoyA p 20.13 -.03 NJLT n 11.65 ... Monday, June 14, 2010, in both of Monroe, WI; and 3 Annie is survived by her MReuatll tny n 2243..5352 --..0125 IInnvvGGrBB nd n 117..6206 ++..0021 CInatlpInAvp tI nst 3520..3539 +-..0220 MBueatucnaZl Serie1s1:.59 ... PDuvtrnInaBm t Fund7s.8 B2: +.02 NOYHLLTT TnE n 1111..0988 ...... Inverness, FL, under the grandchildren: Brandon, children, Nancy A. Spearing CRM Funds: Japan r 10.16 +.06 Intl r 51.12 -.20 GblDiscA 26.94 ... EqInc t 13.24 -.03 PALT n 11.03 ... care of Hospice of Citrus Alyssa and Mariah Streit; 2 of Crystal River, FL, CMadlCampVolIs Fu2n4d.4s7: +.04 JLpgnCSampV nal 181..2266 +-..0012 HCaprAtfpoprAd pF ds29 A.8:2 -.03 GGllbbDDiissccCZ 2267..6268 ...... EGueEoqB t 1160..2839 --..0091 PPrremccMptClso rr nn2102..1195 --..0034 County. He was born De- nephews: Seth Voegeli, U.S. Thomas C. Wall of Crystal CCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDGIISSSSTRAAAIILMMSSVCIUUCMCEEEGGGGGGHIILLMMSNNNNDSTTSEEILUUUUUIEFIGT2DBIISACDDDEGHSTEnnnnnnnnnnnnWWaooorFaaaeeiorrggaaYxrxiMehooocccTTammuPMemmmatpmtMloSSooiYYYYiSSSSSForrrirNlllorlrxctttttttttctmddggAtYvYeoreeibbbbey5lBTlTlSlVlAwFoUCCCtrvvvlllooochlldyDccclrlGlreaIMmmrrEC SSdooAl5ACCCCddVVVVL vaaeRGga uuncSSMMM IMMggkFydMnoBSld5ePlVy0lMTSSIhUSiiiEx iBErrrTTdmaeDddteghtShpp m0anLuMMgqmtrssswwenkeRtlonnndmeeeeMLVnphffEFcc&mmpp RoomdFe0i AdmrFGkgl Gmm Z nZFkkACkhhT ABiidqIFnSu0taieIIslc gACArVAInBCc rrdn IZAV nnnnd AdcIVrrSAsxeI lannqSPuduuaanC tZIxeIGtFFFnMrEkre Ed A AIxSnsEEorSt de bbu& CrTrs nSnVaV ar p Y a S tE IxasnSp ao pld o &Vlnnc vvrrr pABCEttptn t r rmnuuuopxAo pZGqip d rGA :r qq Ziisgl TAZ tceeGp cuCa np o p qAtnlii ee n aa Za c nd pq n nnn r12t n n npSGrn Sp irn V sst Folrr II ssnddd CCon nn nn ttt ax u:sssse 12131312111123221142411113111112121111119332241152214111132321216322312uvvlllAS:naae e 6550530191799959060201210579498170471471360180936396694523558902059440919548540174175peeABCF:ssd :r.....................................................................................ss:C3767359661939369795094550035135934571323904873063463382178418285352127422128925132232ds:: ssstt&8189385528443393133163834044614569344878824508415850138995757854353625923876660483601o:s :AZAB :mY:::::m+++--++----+---+------+++-+--+--+------+--++--------+-+---+--------+-+......................................................................0000000400000000100000000200010200000000001000100010010111024000004000:...............1123914543391222795381142190576164109234344235881164131556533061219283.............................. 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L&lohtelwn sro,eD H ne,esi 1aRdBy r v iceu .0noWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXXXXYYYZZdcFwciraiwLTceaiuavmCneAsADssehimmmiiToy ngmdhlnsev rmmO lemgoCtttnsyrro asscmtiLAnnnlBoIsssltnigiEeltedpn aBuhgxttEeairdCaRUbECPS ieEMIGierhwllndntngTDpr.nrgnheaSntoenolrMn;oteaEgiarftgremlrleaoelOnngn sfisdmd y odonik, gn y nsnmpanHrt sSrbapr,F.ic&tvtl 1peestiia 1213130242152121421145ariFLhnn222655692103811234741900253 ne det...........................btF362121298896202790721455717h;eewoeLCa 111515350803881096507464364 m oJWuBe g .rr,rdeocoo nriyla.reolf rindkwa-+++-+--+--+--+-----+-+--+-W oetlfr...........................mdm010030083012206122101002680g in iwe351429902188940139231287501riaooca atiadaaoc.ilhnnnnnst-f-ll-- O “Enlightened people seldom or never PPage IA8-N THURSDAY,I JUNEO 17, 2010 N possess a sense of responsibility.” George Orwell, 1903-1950 CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Hey, you trusted them CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL BOARD Gerry Mulligan..........................................publisher Every time a BP Duh, let’s build us a oil-collecting contraption, which Charlie Brennan ............................................editor executive ap- big ol’ steel dome and is said to be siphoning 15,000 bar- Neale Brennan ........promotions/community affairs pears on televi- drop it on the leak. rels daily from the fractured well- Mike Arnold ..........................................HR director sion, I think of the If that don’t work, head. The company has promised Cheri Harris......................................features editor garage scene from the we’ll blast us some golf that within days it will be captur- Curt Ebitz........................................citizen member movie “Animal House.” balls and shredded ing “a vast majority” of the flow Founded Mac Harris......................................citizen member An expensive car be- tires into the hole. from the Deepwater Horizon. by Albert M. longing to Flounder’s Or maybe a giant Unfortunately, attaching the Williamson Cliff Pierson ....................................guest member brother has just been sody straw might do new device required re-cutting “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” trashed on a drunken the trick! the riser in a way that actually in- — David S. Arthurspublisher emeritus road trip, and the Carl Hiaasen Obviously these creased the volume of the leak. smooth-talking Otter OTHER boneheads didn’t have Many experts believe that mil- comforts the dis- VOICES a workable Plan B. lions more gallons than before STRIKING A BALANCE traught Delta pledge Worse, nobody in gov- are now pouring into Gulf waters. with these cheery words: ernment figured that out until it So, at the end of the day, all we “You (messed) up! You trusted was too late. really know for certain is this: Cut through us! Hey, make the best of it.” This is what millions of dollars The oil keeps gushing, and no- If only the BP guys were half as in campaign contributions buys body’s figured out how to stop it. honest. — a free pass from Washington. That much we can see for our- Incredibly, almost eight weeks The federal Minerals Manage- selves on the dreary underwater after the Deepwater Horizon oil ment Service basically worked video. rig exploded in the Gulf of Mex- for Big Oil. Back on land, not a soul is able regulatory ico, the company that caused the It was a relationship that flour- to state with certainty how much disaster remains the primary ished during the Bush-Cheney has been spilled, where it will source of information about it. years, and not much changed end up or what the ultimate dam- Predictably, much of that infor- when Barack Obama took office. age will be to the Gulf and be- mation has been stupendously, Despite serious safety issues yond. tragically wrong, starting with the throughout BP’s North American Meanwhile, the coastal marshes red tape low-ball estimates of how much operations, the MMS blithely ac- of Louisiana are dying, and brown crude was leaking into the sea. cepted the company’s word that glop soils the beaches of Alabama BP didn’t know the answer everything was peachy on Missis- and northwest Florida. The when the rig went down, and it sippi Canyon Block 252 in the seafood industry is being crip- doesn’t know the answer now. No- Gulf of Mexico. pled, and tourism is reeling. body does. Even today, in the midst of the And our government, which Every day we see streaming worst oil spill in history, the possesses neither the technology Did God need a blueprint goals found in the Comprehen- underwater video of that mile- Obama administration is still re- nor the expertise to plug the leak, to create the Garden of sive Plan. They are broad and deep gout of oil, billowing and lying largely on BP’s word, al- is stuck in a grim alliance with Eden? Or a Comprehen- reasonable and meant to serve unstaunched. The image is only though by necessity and not the perpetrators. sive Plan? Theological ques- all citizens through balance, ef- slightly less sickening than the choice. Oil spills are like hurricanes: tions aside, what if ficiency, preservation and pictures of dead sea turtles and CEO Tony Hayward continues One is all it takes to change Michelangelo needed voter ap- growth. Encourage growth but gagging pelicans. to say things that would merely everything. proval at the Sistine Chapel? protect natural resources; pro- Some people I know can’t bear be silly if not for the dire context. From the president to the in- Would such a great work of art vide safety yet be efficient; pre- to watch anymore, so painful are Last week he declared that, de- dustry’s cheerleaders in Con- have been realized? serve yet enhance; provide the feelings of helplessness and spite the findings of several sets gress to all those state and Beauty is in the eye of the be- access, but don’t destroy. frustration. What’s happening be- of researchers, no submerged federal regulators, too many peo- holder, but what if there are Goals lead to objectives, fore our eyes is the slow murder plumes of petroleum are spread- ple accepted the oil executives’ many beholders? which lead to of one of the world’s most bounti- ing through the Gulf. sunny assurance that deepwater ful bodies of water, a crime pre- “The oil is on the surface,” drilling posed no serious threat The develop- policies, which ment of modern THE ISSUE: lead to rules. The cipitated by reckless corporate Hayward said. “There are no to this country. decisions and abetted by our own plumes.” In the immortal words of Otter, communities is LDC is a living The Land government. He sounds just like the pet- you messed up. not an easy task. document; it gets Development Code. Imagine a so-called regulatory shop owner in the famous Monty You trusted them. The state of amended to re- process that allows oil companies Python sketch who is trying to Florida requires flect changing ———■——— OUR OPINION: to sink a drill 5,000 feet or even convince a disgruntled customer communities to times and arising 10,000 feet through a living ocean that his extremely dead parrot is Carl Hiaasen is a columnist for have a Compre- Rules must help, issues. There without any reliable backup for only napping. the Miami Herald. Readers may hensive Plan to not hinder. have been nearly when a blowout preventer fails to As of this writing, the latest write to him at: 1 Herald Plaza, guide us with traf- 200 amendments prevent a blowout. news from BP concerns its new Miami, Fla., 33132. fic, libraries, pro- to it since it was tection of natural resources, created in 1990. Both the Com- potable water, stormwater re- prehensive Plan and Land De- tention, housing, aviation, pub- velopment Code are meant to lic transportation and of assist all citizens and help us course sewage, to name a few. build a better future for all. The Comprehensive Plan lists Recently, a group of citizens goals for all types of develop- familiar with the Land Devel- ment, as well as objectives and opment Code gathered to dis- the policies needed to achieve cuss the need to improve it. these goals. The Comprehen- They recognize the LDC must sive Plan is well named — it is be more user-friendly, so citi- comprehensive, but it does not zens can understand it, without exist alone. To guide the details needing a lawyer. and technicalities of how to The LDC must not place an achieve these worthy goals, undue burden on those who at- there is the Land Development tempt to improve our county. Code (LDC), a 14-inch-thick And like so many rules, the binder of procedures and rules. question must be asked: Why is It has been said that the devil it there? is in the details. The devil Is this rule a help, or hin- would get a kick out of the drance? Regulations are like LDC, which has the unenviable weeds, they need pruning to task of detailing all the minu- yield growth and beauty. tiae a society needs to ensure We applaud the efforts to compliance with the policies simplify and untangle the and objectives of the Compre- weeds of regulation. We also hensive Plan. While the Com- realize how a good vision prehensive Plan may be akin to sharpens the tools we need to a community Bible, the LDC ensure Citrus County becomes contains the rules man creates a community that is envied for LETTERS to the Editor to follow it. its beauty, and not burdened by It is hard to argue with the red tape. Schools work to be involved, also. When I hear OPINIONS INVITED parents complaining that their Hot Corner: OIL SPILL People are always telling me ■ The opinionsexpressed in Chroni- children are doing badly and it’s how terrible the education in cleeditorials are the opinions of because the schools are bad, I Kill ’em all! people picketing BP stations. the Citrus schools is. Well, I don’t the editorial board of the newspa- want to laugh. Sometimes I ask Well, that’s not the thing to do. agree. My daughter, Jesse, went per. them if they ever read a book with Capital punishment. Four to five We should shop at BP to Inverness Primary, Inverness ■ Viewpointsdepicted in political their children instead of sitting yweoarrlds atogook, tah efi nwahnoclieal SOUND because we don’t want Middle School and Citrus High cnaort tnoeocness, scaorliulym rnesp roers elenttt etrhse do them in front of the TV or some them to go bankrupt. School. She graduated in 2006 opinion of the editorial board. video game, and I get “the look.” ppleuonpglee’ sth laivte ds eavnadstated OFF They have to keep mak- with a 4.5 GPA, received Bright ■ Groups or individualsare invited Yes, we read together, ate din- ing money so that they Futures 100 percent, the Rotary changed the world for- to express their opinions in a let- ner together every night and ever. There were a few can pay America and can Scholarship and a scholarship ter to the editor. were involved all the way. Sure, specific individuals who clean it up for us. And if from Progress Energy. That is ■ Personswishing to address the sometimes Jesse wanted to burn were directly responsible, you stop buying gas quite an accomplishment for any editorial board, which meets her books. But she knew at a there, what good’s that student. So, thank you to all the weekly, should call Mike Arnoldat just as there were spe- going to do anybody? So, teachers who came into contact (352) 563-5660. young age that to get anywhere cific individuals responsi- CALL come on, let’s keep with Jesse. What an awesome ■ All lettersmust be signed and in- she needed an education. We did ble for the Nazi 563-0579 America going here and job you all did. clude a phone number and home- the best we could, but Jesse did Holocaust, 9/11 and town, including letters sent via the rest. other tragedies against no bankruptcy for that Jesse went on to FSU, where e-mail. Names and hometowns So how does a student get company. That would be she stayed on the Dean’s and will be printed; phone numbers humanity. The oil spill is ahead? Parents, you need to be the easiest thing we could do. President’s lists throughout her will not be published or given out. a human tragedy caused by God bless all of us. undergraduate studies. You only ■ We reservethe right to edit let- there for your children, good or human neglect, contributing to bad, because you know what? the death of our entire planet. Prayer needed get on the President’s List if you tgeorosd f otar sleten.gth, libel, fairness and Kids are smart and they know have a 4.0 GPA. Those who willingly accept the ■ Lettersmust be no longer than whether or not you care. large salaries for their positions in There’s one thing we haven’t Jesse applied to their graduate 350 words, and writers will be Students, if you want it, go out the oil industry, who are responsi- done about the oil spill, and that’s program. Not only did she make limited to three letters per month. and get it, because our world is ble for this crime against the to have a community prayer meet- it, she received full funding and ■ SEND LETTERS TO: The Editor, shifting. The bachelor’s degree human race and our planet, ing. Is somebody going to start a $20,000-a-year stipend. Jesse 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys- is now the new high school should receive the punishment one? It would be a good idea. will graduate with her doctorate tal River, FL 34429. Or, fax to diploma. So go for the highest commensurate to the crime. Fixed and have no loans, no payments (le3t5t2er) s5@6c3h-3ro2n8i0cl, eoorn eli-nmea.cilo tmo. education you can. Jesse gradu- to anyone. She also received no- Keep buying ated Summa Cum Laude. Who As far as I’m concerned, the oil tification that she graduated in knows where her life will lead Well, we’re all very thankful for spill, the energy crisis and the the top 10 of her class 2010, re- the teachers in the Citrus County her. But she is off to a great start. Sound Off. We get to get our opin- economy are as good as fixed. ceived a plaque and a check. school system did. ion out there. On June 15, the St. Obama gave a speech and Con- Thank you to FSU for seeing It is not just up to the teachers Gigi Klein Pete Times stated that there were gress is having a hearing. something in my daughter, just as to get the job done. Parents have Inverness THE CHRONICLEinvites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about any subject. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTSwill be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUSCOUNTY(FL) CHRONICLE THURSDAY, JUNE17, 2010 A9 SPILL owners, for the fishermen, The apologetic talk was in the fall, followed by $1.25 ted gross negligence or will- jab at BP, the deal was made for the shrimpers, this is not expected to continue Thurs- billion per quarter until the ful misconduct, the civil fine public by Obama aides even just a matter of dollars and day when company CEO $20 billion figure is reached. could be up to $4,300 per while the much-anticipated Continued from Page A1 cents. ... A lot of these folks Tony Hayward will face Aware that a healthy BP is barrel, approaching $12 bil- White House confrontation don’t have a cushion.” sharp questions from law- in everyone’s interest, lion. was under way. Obama had said was his On the driveway outside, makers on Capitol Hill. Obama gave a plug for what So far, 66,000 claims have The showdown opened non-negotiable demand: BP Chairman Carl-Henric In prepared testimony ob- he called “a strong and vi- been filed, $81 million with an apology from Svan- that the fund and the claims Svanberg apologized for tained by The Associated able company” — a day awarded and 26,000 checks berg and a recitation from process be administered in- “this tragic accident that Press, Hayward expressed after he had accused it of cut, said Coast Guard Adm. Obama of the ills he has dependently from BP. It should never have hap- contrition for the spill and its recklessness. Thad Allen. seen on his visits to the Gulf. won’t be a government fund, pened.” effects and said he was “per- BP shares gyrated as the The $20 billion escrow The two sides broke up sev- either, but will be led by the “We care about the small sonally devastated” by “these events unfolded. They rose fund can be used to pay all eral times to talk privately administration’s “pay czar,” people,” he said. tragic events.” He pledged, more than 5 percent to $33 claims, including environ- or for Obama’s aides to go Kenneth Feinberg, better That comment wasn’t as “We will not rest until the after Obama’s words of sup- mental damages and state consult with him, as the known as the man who over- well-received as the prom- well is under control, and we port. But they slipped back and local response costs, president stayed for the first saw the $7 billion govern- ise of compensation. will meet all our obligations as investors digested the full with the exception of fines 20 minutes but only ducked ment fund for families of “We’re not small people,” to clean up the spill and ad- extent of BP’s commit- and penalties. in and out after that. At one victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, said Justin Taffinder of New dress its environmental and ments, ending the day with Resolving one particu- point, Obama and Svanberg terrorist attacks. Orleans. “We’re human be- economic impacts.” a gain of 45 cents to close at larly thorny dispute be- spent 25 minutes alone in The April 20 explosion of ings. They’re no greater In creating a victims’ com- $31.85 per share. tween BP and the the Oval Office. an offshore oil rig killed 11 than us. We don’t bow down pensation fund, BP will set The company’s potential government, the company Afterward, the two men workers and sent millions of to them.” aside $20 billion worth of as- liabilities, including also agreed to establish a had respectful words for gallons of crude spewing Added Terry Hanners, sets from its U.S. operations cleanup costs, victims’ com- separate $100 million fund each other, with the chair- into the water from the bro- who has a small construction and retrieve them as it pensation and civil fines, to support oil rig workers man seeming to praise what ken well a mile below the company in Gulf Shores, makes cash payments to the are breathtaking to consider idled by Obama’s post-spill he called the president’s ev- ocean’s surface — as much Ala.: “These BP people I’ve fund. — stretching far beyond the six-month moratorium on ident frustration on behalf as 118 million gallons so far met are good folks. I’ve got a Svanberg announced the $20 billion fund. new deep-sea oil drilling. of Gulf residents. and still flowing. More good rapport with them. But company would not pay div- For example, civil penal- The administration also was Feinberg ran the govern- wildlife, beaches and BP does not care about us. idends to shareholders for ties can be levied under a to ask Congress for special ment compensation pro- marshlands are fouled every They are so far above us. We the rest of the year, includ- variety of environmental unemployment insurance gram for 2001 attacks for day, jeopardizing not just the are the nickel-and-dime ing one scheduled for June protection laws, including for the workers. nearly three years, deciding region’s fragile ecology but a folks of this world.” 21 totaling about $2.6 bil- fines of up to $1,100 for each There has been little love how much families should prized Gulf way of life that is Asked about the remark lion. The company will barrel of oil spilled. That lost between Obama and BP get based largely on how built on fishing and tourism. by Svanberg, who is make initial payments into alone could translate to as recently, with the president’s much income the victims Though the company Swedish, BP spokesman the escrow fund of $3 billion much as $3 billion. If BP rhetoric becoming increas- would have earned in a life- hopes to install equipment Toby Odone told The Asso- this summer and $2 billion were found to have commit- ingly sharp. In yet another time. soon to capture as much as ciated Press in an e-mail 90 percent of the escaping that “it is clear that what he PAYING CASH FOR oil, the leak is expected to means is that he cares about continue at least until relief local businesses and local wells are finished in August. people. This was a slip in The use of the BP escrow translation.” GOLD & GUNS $ fund is intended to avoid a repeat of the painful after- $ math of 1989 Exxon Valdez oil disaster in Alaska, when Right Here, Right Now!!! the fight over money dragged out in courts over $ $ roughly two decades. “What this is about is ac- Also Diamonds, Silver & Coins countability,” said Obama in brief remarks in the State Dining Room after a four- hour, on-again, off-again White House negotiation s“eFsosri ont hwei th sBmPa ellx-becuusitinveesss. Jay Lawrence Spiegel 000543M “5 Years 341-GUNS In A Row” (4867) 2416 Hwy. 44 West, INSIDE Crystal River M all B .a S9tatle9ery K Keennnnye Wth iClliahmarsle fso rJmewerelyle orsf (next t Ion Svheerrwnien sWsilliams) Authorized Sentry Safe Dealer 7 95-1484 WE ALSO BUY, SELL & TRADE GUNS & GOLD FREE Paddock Mall, Ocala 237-1665 HEARING TEST (Limit 2 per visit) 00054WI Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3 www.GoldiggersAndGunslingers.com 00058DA 00056JM Page A10- THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2010 CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Nation Lawmakers have deep ties to big banks BRIEFS Lunch meeting Associated Press necticut Democrat and change Commission show. holdings of up to $50,000 & Co. high-yield fund. chairman of the Senate Clegg’s CME stock was worth each in Commonwealth Bank, ■ Rep. Carolyn Maloney, WASHINGTON — Any- Banking Committee, is lead- $252,642 as of the end of JP Morgan and Capital One D-N.Y., reported that she one with a bank account or ing the negotiations for the 2009, the latest date covered and up to $15,000 each in owes CitiMortgage $500,000 credit card has a stake in Senate. Dodd’s wife, Jackie by Dodd’s new personal fi- Citicorp and the Mony Group. to $1 million for a Washing- the overhaul of financial Clegg, serves on the board of nancial report disclosed A House negotiator, Rep. ton, D.C., property and Car- rules Congress is working CME Group Inc., which has Wednesday. Since then, she’s Shelley Moore Capito, R- dinal Bank up to $500,000 on. But the industry ties of spent at least $2.9 million acquired more CME stock. W.Va., disclosed that her for the mortgage on an Ar- some politicians writing the since January 2009 lobbying Another panel member, husband, Charles Capito, re- lington, Va., condominium. law go far beyond the norm. on federal issues, including Alabama Sen. Richard ceived salaries from Citi- ■Rep. Maxine Waters, D- Several lawmakers hash- the financial regulation Shelby, the top Republican group Global Markets, Morgan Calif., disclosed that her Associated Press ing out a House-Senate overhaul. on the Banking committee, Stanley Smith Barney and husband has $350,000 to A squirrel grabs a peanut compromise on the legisla- CME Group, formed when is president of an Alabama- United Bank Inc. last year. $750,000 invested in OneU- out of Jarod Prosinski’s hand tion have millions in finan- the Chicago Mercantile Ex- based title company that he The Capitos had $146,000 nited Bank. Wednesday as he enjoys the cial services company change, Chicago Board of and his wife Annette co- to $365,000 invested last ■ Small Business Com- weather with his mother investments or owe big Trade and the New York founded. State corporation year in Citigroup, which mittee Chairwoman Nydia during a walk at Holiday mortgage debts to banks lob- Mercantile Exchange merged, records list Mrs. Shelby as spent at least $6.8 million Velazquez, D-N.Y., disclosed Park in Cheyenne, Wyo. bying on the legislation, ac- is the world’s largest futures the secretary. The Shelbys’ since January 2009 lobbying a Chase mortgage of $1 mil- cording to an Associated and options exchange. It has stake in the Tuscaloosa on the financial services bill lion to $5 million on a prop- Jobless bill hits Press review of financial a huge stake in the overhaul. Title Co. was worth $1 mil- and other legislation. The erty in Brooklyn, N.Y., and a disclosure reports released Exchanges charge a fee lion to $5 million at the end couple owes CitiMortgage Chase home equity line of wall in Senate Wednesday. for processing trades, and of last year, according to his $100,000 to $250,000 for the credit debt of $100,000 to WASHINGTON — Presi- None have stepped away under the legislation, deriv- financial disclosure report mortgage on property in $250,000. dent Barack Obama’s re- from the dealmaking. atives traders would have to covering 2009. Lexington, Va., Rep. Capito’s ■ The wife of another newed call for more stimulus The legislation is the most execute over-the-counter The financial services financial report shows. conference committee mem- spending as insurance ambitious rewrite of finan- swaps through the exchanges. legislation would put title Among several other ber,Rep. Melvin Watt, D-N.C., against a double-dip reces- cial regulations since the CME has opposed that re- companies under the over- members involved in nego- used to be executive director Great Depression. It aims to quirement, putting it at odds sight of a new consumer tiations: of the Minbanc Foundation, sion hit a roadblock in the prevent a repeat of the 2008 with the Senate bill. protection agency. Shelby ■ Rep. Darrell Issa, R- a charity that promotes mi- Senate on Wednesday, the financial crisis that drove Clegg received $153,219 in voted against the Senate’s Calif., reported that he and nority- and women-owned victim of election-year anxiety the economy into a deep re- compensation from CME version of the bill last month. his wife had $5 million to bank ownership. The foun- over huge federal deficits. cession. Lawmakers hope to Group last year, divided be- Another negotiator, Sen. $25 million invested in a dation’s board during Eulada A dozen Democrats joined get the measure to President tween cash payments and Judd Gregg, R-N.H., has $1 Goldman Sachs high-yield Watt’s tenure included top Republicans on a key 52-45 Barack Obama by July 4. stock awards, CME filings million to $5 million invested fund and a similar range in- American Bankers Associa- test vote rejecting an Obama- Sen. Chris Dodd, a Con- with the Securities and Ex- in Bank of America and stock vested in a JPMorgan Chase tion lobbyist Ed Yingling. endorsed, $140 billion package of unemployment benefits, aid to states, business and Gates, family tax breaks and Sea creatures fleeing spill, Medicare payments for doc- tors because it would swell the federal debt by $80 billion. Buffett: The swing toward frugality gathering near shores runs counter to the advice of economists who support the bill’s funding for additional Donate jobless benefits and help to states to avoid layoffs of pub- Associated Press lic service jobs. They fear that the economy could slip back GULF SHORES, Ala. — Dol- riches into recession just as it’s phins and sharks are showing up emerging from the biggest in surprisingly shallow water just economic downturn since the off the Florida coast. Mullets, Great Depression. crabs, rays and small fish congre- Duo asking gate by the thousands off an Ala- World BRIEFS bama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes, never billionaires to to be seen again. Parched earth Marine scientists studying the leave fortunes effects of the BP disaster are see- ing some strange — and troubling to charity — phenomena. Fish and other wildlife are flee- ing the oil out in the Gulf and clus- Associated Press tering in cleaner waters along the coast. But that is not the hopeful SEATTLE — Microsoft sign it might appear to be, re- Corp. co-founder Bill Gates searchers say. and billionaire investor The animals’ presence close to Warren Buffett are launch- shore means their usual habitat is ing a campaign to get other badly polluted, and the crowding American billionaires to could result in mass die-offs as give at least half their fish run out of oxygen. Also, the an- wealth to charity. imals could easily get devoured by Buffett, chairman and predators. CEO of Berkshire Hathaway “A parallel would be: Why are Inc., said in a letter intro- the wildlife running to the edge of ducing the concept that he Associated Press a forest on fire? There will be a lot Water recedes in a dried-up couldn’t be happier with his of fish, sharks, turtles trying to get lakebed Wednesday in decision in 2006 to give 99 out of this water they detect is not Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, percent of his roughly $46 suitable,” said Larry Crowder, a on the outskirts of New billion fortune to charity. Duke University marine biologist. Delhi, India. The lake is the Patty Stonesifer, former The nearly two-month-old oil spill lifeline of the avian and CEO of the Bill & Melinda has created an environmental ca- aquatic residents of the bird Gates Foundation, told The tastrophe unparalleled in U.S. his- sanctuary, which is also Associated Press on Wednes- tory as tens of millions of gallons home to antelopes such as day that Gates and Buffett blue bulls and black bucks. of have spewed into the Gulf of have been campaigning for Mexico ecosystem. Scientists are the past year to get others to seeing some unusual things as they Defying sanctions, donate the bulk of their wealth. try to understand the effects on The friends and philan- Iran plans reactors thousands of species of marine life. thropic colleagues are ask- Day by day, scientists in boats TEHRAN, Iran — Defying ing people to pledge to tally up dead birds, sea turtles and week-old U.N. sanctions over donate either during their other animals, but the toll is sur- its nuclear program, Iran lifetime or at the time of prisingly small given the size of promised to expand its Associated Press their death. They estimate the disaster. The latest figures atomic research Wednesday A blue heron stands in the water in Lake Shelby on Wednesday in Gulf their efforts could generate show that 783 birds, 353 turtles as its president vowed to Shores, Ala. $600 billion dollars in char- and 41 mammals have died — punish the West. itable giving. numbers that pale in comparison “I think part of the reason why First, more oil could eventually The handful of billionaires Tehran, which insists its to what happened after the Exxon we’re not seeing more yet is that wash ashore and overwhelm the approached so far have em- nuclear work is peaceful, said Valdez disaster in Alaska in 1989, the impacts of this crisis are re- fish. They could also become braced the campaign, said it will build four new reactors when 250,000 birds and 2,800 ot- ally just beginning,” Greenpeace trapped between the slick and the Stonesifer, a close friend of for atomic medical research. ters are believed to have died. marine biologist John Hocevar beach, leading to increased com- Gates who offered to speak President Mahmoud Ah- Researchers say there are sev- said. petition for oxygen in the water about the effort. Four wealthy madinejad said Iran will not eral reasons for the relatively As for the fish, locals are seeing and causing them to die as they couples have already an- make “one iota of conces- small death toll: The vast nature of large schools hanging around run out of air. nounced their pledges, in- sions.” He said he will soon the spill means scientists are able piers where fishing has been “Their ability to avoid it may be cluding Los Angeles announce new conditions for to locate only a small fraction of banned; apparently the fish feel limited in the long term, especially philanthropists Eli and talks with the West, but first the dead animals. Many will never safer now that they are not being if in near-shore refuges they’re Edythe Broad, Gerry and he wants to punish world be found after sinking to the bot- disturbed by fishermen. crowding in close to shore, and oil Marguerite Lenfest of powers for imposing sanctions. tom of the sea or getting scavenged Also, researchers believe fish continues to come in. At some Philadelphia, John and Ann “You showed bad temper, by other marine life. And large are swimming closer to shore be- point they’ll get trapped,” Crow- Doerr of Menlo Park, Calif., reneged on your promise and numbers of birds are meeting cause the water is cleaner and der said. “It could lead to die-offs.” and John and Tasha Mort- again resorted to devilish their deaths deep in the Louisiana more abundant in oxygen. Farther The counting of dead wildlife in gridge of San Jose, Calif. manners,” he said of those marshes where they seek refuge out in the Gulf, researchers say, the Gulf is more than an academic In addition to making a powers. “We set conditions from the onslaught of oil. the spill is not only tainting the exercise; the deaths will help de- donation commitment, Gates (for talks) so that, God willing, “That is their understanding of water with oil but also depleting termine how much BP pays in and Buffett are asking billion- you’ll be punished a bit and how to protect themselves,” said oxygen levels. damages. airesto pledge to give wisely sit at the negotiating table like Doug Zimmer, spokesman for the A similar scenario occurs dur- Roger Helm, chief of the Fish and learn from their peers. a polite child,” he told a crowd U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. ing “dead zone” periods — the and Wildlife Service’s contami- Gates and Buffett are ask- during a visit to the central For nearly four hours Monday, a time during summer months when nants division, said the govern- ing each individual or cou- Iranian town of Shahr-e-Kord. three-person crew with Green- oxygen becomes so depleted that ment expects a battle with BP over ple who make a pledge to do The Obama administration peace cruised past delicate is- fish race toward shore in large the extent of the damage and has so publicly, with a letter ex- lands and mangrove-dotted inlets numbers. Sometimes, so many fish every incentive to be scientifically took its first step in implement- plaining their decision. in Barataria Bay off southern gather close to the shoreline off credible. ingnew sanctions Wednesday, “The pledge is a moral Louisiana. They saw dolphins by Mobile that locals rush to the “Both sides go to their own cor- leveling penalties against ad- commitment to give, not a the dozen frolicking in the oily beach with tubs and nets to reap ner and interpret the data the way ditional individuals and institu- legal contract. It does not in- sheen and oil-tinged pelicans the harvest. they want,” Helm said. “This is a tions it says are helping Iran volve pooling money or sup- feeding their young. But they spot- But this latest shore migration legal process, and if we can’t get an develop its nuclear and mis- porting a particular set of ted no dead animals. could prove deadly. agreement, we’ll end up in court.” sile programs and evade in- causes or organizations,” ternational sanctions. they explain in a written —From wire reports statement about the project.

fore this. Creation of the fund — and the nation in the eight weeks Dunnellon softball player joins ranks of the legends with national award . high praise from those who .. story on Page A1 of Wednes- ***At Mason's Creek.
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