Bound states of a ferromagnetic wire in a superconductor Jay D. Sau∗ and P. M. R. Brydon† Condensed Matter Theory Center and Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA (Dated: May 11, 2015) We consider the problem of bound states in strongly anisotropic ferromagnetic impurities in a superconductor, motivated by recent experiments that claim to observe Majorana modes at the ends of ferromagnetic wires on a superconducting substrate [S. Nadj-Perge et al., Science 346, 602 (2014)]. Generalizing the successful theory of bound states of spherically symmetric impurities, we 5 consider a wire-like potential using both analytical and numerical approaches. We find that away 1 from the ends of the wire the bound states form bands with pronounced van Hove singularities, 0 giving rise to subgap peaks in the local density of states. For sufficiently strong magnetization of 2 the wire, we show that this process generically produces a sharp peak at zero energy in the local densityofstatesneartheendsofthewire. Thiszero-energypeakhasqualitativesimilaritiestothe p claimed signature of a Majorana mode observed in the aforementioned experiment. e S PACSnumbers: 74.25.Ha,73.20.Hb 1 2 Introduction. The antagonistic relationship between bulk superconductor∆ ] superconductivity and ferromagnetism manifests itself n o in many diverse ways. For example, it is well known h e c that a magnetic impurity in a superconductor supports - bound states with energy within the superconducting pr gap [1–3]. These Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states can ~ 2a S S u be directly imaged using scanning tunneling microscopy .s (STM) [4, 5]. They have been extensively studied [6], wire−like magnetic impurity 2a t and play a key role in Kondo-Andreev screening [7] and a m mediatinglong-rangedantiferromagneticexchangeinter- L actions [8]. Arrays of magnetic impurities with overlap- - d ping YSR states have recently attracted attention as a Figure1. (Coloronline)Awire-likemagneticimpurityisem- n way to engineer a topological superconductor with Ma- bedded in a bulk superconductor with gap ∆. The wire has o joranaedgemodes[9–16]. RealizingaMajoranamode is c length L and radius a, with half-ellipsoidal caps at each end. not only of fundamental interest, but also of technologi- [ We schematically show a YSR state as the scattering of an calimportance,astheirnon-Abelianbraidingstatisticsis electron (solid line) at the impurity followed by its Andreev 3 keytopromisingproposalsforaquantumcomputer[17]. reflection as a hole (dashed line), and its subsequent scat- v Much excitement has therefore been generated by re- tering and Andreev reflection. Electrons and holes undergo 9 cent claims of the observation of Majorana modes in a conventionalreflectionatthemagneticimpurity,describedby 4 ferromagnetic wire on a superconducting substrate [18]. the scattering matrices S and S˜, respectively. The difference 1 Specifically, STM measurements reveal a sharply local- in phase for electron- and hole-scattering off the impurity is 3 0 ized peak at zero bias in the local density of states compensatedbytheenergy-dependentphaseacquiredbyAn- dreev reflection in the superconductor. . (LDOS) at the ends of atomically thin iron wires grown 1 on a lead surface, which are interpreted as Majorana 0 5 bound states. Several theoretical calculations [19–21] center. By focusing upon the physics at subgap energy 1 have shown that Majorana modes could occur in this scales, we avoid the complexity of quasi-two-dimensional : setting, as had earlier been suggested in mesoscopic ge- v tight-binding models of the wire-like impurity [18, 21], ometries [22–26]. i X A characteristic aspect of the experimental results is yieldingatransparentandintuitiveunderstandingofthe YSR states in this system. In particular, we wish to r that the LDOS in the wire shows pronounced subgap a investigate whether or not the features interpreted as features[18],whichresemblethespectrumofYSRstates Majorana modes in Ref. 18 could have a conventional observedinisolatedmagneticimpuritiesordimers[4,5]. nontopological origin. This motivates us to go beyond models of a spherical In this letter we present a study of the YSR states magnetic impurity [1–3, 6, 27], and consider the ferro- in a ferromagnetic wire-like impurity with smooth ends, magnetic wire itself as a highly anisotropic scattering shown schematically in Fig. (1). We start by developing a general approach for obtaining the energies and wave- functions of the YSR states in terms of an eigenvalue ∗ [email protected] problem involving the normal-state scattering matrices. † [email protected] Weapplythisformalismtoalongwire-likeferromagnetic 2 impurityandcalculatetheenergyspectraanalyticallyus- and b≡b . Similarly, the hole channel wavefunction l,m,σ ing a semiclassical approximation. This reveals that the is a normal scattering state for the time-reversed Hamil- YSR bands in the wire typically possess van Hove sin- tonian H˜ = σ H∗σ . Therefore, the vectors a, b also y y gularities (VHSs) which appear as peaks in the LDOS satisfy e−2iϕb = S˜a, where the time-reversed scattering of the wire. As the wire tapers to its end, these fea- matrixS˜isgivenbyS˜=Λσ STσ Λ†andΛisthematrix y y turesmovetowardsthegapedges. Forsufficientlystrong that time-reverses the orbital indices. We hence obtain magnetization of the wire, the VHSs of the two particle- a and the phase ϕ, which determines the bound state hole conjugated branches cross at zero energy, giving a energy E =∆cosϕ by solving the eigenvalue problem sharply-localized peak in the LDOS near the wire end. e−2iϕa=S†S˜a. (5) We confirm this scenario by numerical computation of the scattering matrix of the impurity. The numerical re- Theotherscatteringamplitudebisobtainedfromausing sults for the LDOS qualitatively resemble key features b = Sa. Equation (5) generalizes the theory of YSR of the experiment [18]. Finally, we show that including bound states [1–3] to arbitrary geometries. spin-orbitcouplingintheimpurityallowstheappearance Semiclassical theory for a ferromagnetic wire. As an of Majorana modes inside a small energy gap. application of Eq. (5), we turn our attention to a wire- Scattering matrix formalism for bound states. We like impurity, which we set to lie along the z-axis. The first examine a bound state wavefunction localized at a scattering matrix can be estimated semiclassically, as- magnetic impurity in a superconductor, with energy ly- sumingthatthewireissmoothonthescaleofk−1. This F ing within the gap, i.e. |E|<∆ [28]. Parametrizing the is satisfied for the experiment reported in [18], where in bound state energy through E =∆cosϕ, away from the the lead substrate we have k−1 ≈ 0.13a , with a the F Pb Pb impurity the wavefunction satisfies latticeconstant[29]. Thesmallvalueofk−1makesitrea- F (cid:18)(cid:126)2∇2 (cid:19) sonable to assume that the scattering potential changes − +µ ψ =∆(−iτ +cosϕτ )ψ, (1) sufficiently slowly along the wire such that the paral- 2m y z lel component of quasiparticle momentum k is approx- z imately conserved. For a cylindrically symmetric wire, where m is the effective mass and µ the chemical po- the calculation of the bound-state energies for fixed k tential in the bulk superconductor. The solution can z be expanded in eigenstates (1,e±iϕ)T of the matrix reduces to the bound-state problem for an isotropic im- purity in two dimensions. Setting the magnetic moment (−iτ +cosϕτ ) and angular momentum channels y z along the z-axis, the scattering matrix in azimuthal an- (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) ψ(r)= (cid:88) h(−)(k r)a 1 gular momentum channel m is l − l,m,σ eiϕ l,m,σ Sm(kz,z)=eiφm(kz,z)eibm(kz,z)σz, (6) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) +h(+)(k r)b 1 Ym(ˆr)ζ , (2) where φm(kz,z) [σbm(kz,z)] is the spin-independent l + l,m,σ e−iϕ l σ (spin-dependent) component of the phase shift acquired by a scattered spin-σ electron, and σ is positive (nega- where a and b are the scattering coefficients, ζ l,m,σ l,m,σ σ tive) according as the spin is aligned (antialigned) with is a spinor, and the Hankel functions obey theimpuritymagneticmoment. Inthesupplementalma- (cid:18)(cid:126)2∇2 (cid:19) terial we show that φm and bm satisfy [30] − +µ h(±)(k r)=±i∆sinϕh(±)(k r), (3) 2m l ± l ± tan(φ +σb ) m m with k± = [2m(µ±i∆sinϕ)]1/2/(cid:126). In the asymptotic = |kσ|Jm(k⊥a)J˜m(cid:48) (kσa)−k⊥Jm(cid:48) (k⊥a)J˜m(kσa), (7) limit |k±|r (cid:29)1, and with µ(cid:29)∆, we approximate |kσ|Ym(k⊥a)J˜m(cid:48) (kσa)−k⊥Ym(cid:48) (k⊥a)J˜m(kσa) ψ(r)≈ e−kr∆(cid:126)vsriFnϕ (cid:88) (cid:26)e−i[kFr−(l+1)π/2]al,m,σ(cid:18)e1iϕ (cid:19) wtehrienrgekp⊥2ot=enktiF2al−ekxz2p,ekrσ2ie=ncekd⊥2 −bykF2spViσn/-µσwpiatrhtiVcσlest,heJmsc(axt)- F l,m,σ and Y (x) are Bessel functions, and J˜ is J (x) or m m m (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)(cid:27) the modified Bessel function I (|x|) according as k2 is +ei[kFr−(l+1)π/2]b Ym(ˆr)ζ , (4) m σ l,m,σ e−iϕ l σ positive or negative, respectively. The radius a of the wire vanishes towards the ends, giving the z-dependence w√here vF = (cid:126)kF/m is the Fermi velocity and kF = in Eq. (6). Reflection and spin-rotation invariance imply 2mµ/(cid:126) is the Fermi wavevector. φ (−k ,−z) = φ (k ,z) and b (−k ,−z) = b (k ,z). m z m z m z m z For r (cid:28) ξ = (cid:126)vF/∆ we may ignore the exponential The time-reversed scattering matrix is decay in Eq. (4), and the form of ψ(r) in the electron sector is then identical to the wavefunction for scat- S˜m(kz,z)=eiφm(kz,z)e−ibm(kz,z)σz. (8) tering off the impurity in the normal state. The co- The eigenstates of S† S˜ = exp(−2ib σ ) yield the en- efficients obey b = Sa, where we have introduced a m m m z ergy of the spin-σ state in the m channel matrix-vector notation for the normal-state scattering matrix S ≡ S , and the vectors a ≡ a E (k ,z)=σ∆cos[b (k ,z)]. (9) l,m,σ;l(cid:48),m(cid:48),σ(cid:48) l,m,σ m,σ z m z 3 1 1 1.5 bulk, T=0 0.5 0.5 -1∆) 1 bimulpku, rTit=y0, .T1=∆0.1∆ ∆E/ 0 kkkFFaaa === 642 ∆E/ 0 OS (0.5 F k = 0 D z -0.5 -0.5 k = 0.3k z F 0 -1 -1 kz = 0.6kF (a) -1 -0.5 E0/∆ 0.5 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 6 4 2 0 (a) k/k (b) k a 1 z F F ) u.0.8 Figure 2. (Color online) Semiclassical results for the m = 0 (a.0.6 S YSR bands in a magnetic wire. (a) Dispersion of the bands O0.4 fordifferentwirethicknessesa. (b)Dependenceofthebound D0.2 L state energy on the wire thickness a at various fixed k . The z 0 spin-↑(↓)branchisrepresentedbythethick(thin)lines. We (c) 0 5 z1/0a 15 20 set the potentials V =0.04µ and V =0.6µ. ↑ ↓ Figure3. (Coloronline)Numericalresultsforthem=0YSR states at the wire-like impurity. (a) Comparison of the total We consider a magnetic potential sufficient to cause spin-↑subgapDOSfortheinfinitewire(“bulk”)andthefinite the m = 0 YSR bands to cross zero energy. Typi- impurity. (b)Energy-resolvedLDOSasafunctionofposition cal results for the m = 0 bands are shown in Fig. (2); z alongthewire,withmaximumvaluenormalizedtoone. (c) results for m > 0 are provided in the supplemental Zero-energy LDOS as a function of position along the wire. material [30]. The YSR bands generically have VHSs, We take the same potential for the wire as in Fig. (2). The which produce strong peaks in the DOS [16] as shown wirelengthischosentobeL=20a,andtheFermiwavevector in Fig. (3)(a). In particular, the peak at ≈ −0.5∆ cor- isrelatedtotheradiusbyk a=6. Werestricttheexpansion F responds to the k = 0 VHS, while the singularity at oftheT matrixtoangularmomentumchannelswithl≤70. z ≈0.8∆matchesthefeaturecenteredaboutk /k ≈0.7. z F These VHSs are quite robust to changes in the scatter- expanding the Green’s function and potential in terms ing potentials [30]. The reduction of the radius at the of angular momentum eigenstates on a real-space grid endsofthewireweakenstheeffectivestrengthoftheim- inside the wire. Having calculated the scattering ma- purity, causing the bands to shift towards the gap edge, trix, we then use Eq. (5) to obtain the energy levels, as shown in Fig. (2)(b). The VHSs will therefore also from which we extract the total DOS of the wire plot- shift, and so the LDOS near the wire ends is qualita- ted in Fig. (3)(a). There is excellent agreement with the tively different from that in the middle. We estimate thermally-broadened bulk semiclassical results. the length scale of this reconstruction by modeling the Toobtainthelocal DOSwecomputethewavefunctions YSR band near the VHS with the effective Hamiltonian withintheimpurity. IntheT-matrixformalism,thescat- H =−(cid:126)2∂2/2m˜ +(z−z )V , where the linear potential z 0 0 tering wavefunction |ψ(cid:105) is related to the bare wavefunc- accounts for the movement of the VHS, which crosses tion |φ(cid:105) by |ψ(cid:105)=(1−G V)−1|φ(cid:105). We obtain the bound zero energy at z = z0. The zero-energy solution is the statesbychoosingφ 0(r)=(cid:80) a (cid:104)r|l,m(cid:105),where Airy function Ai([z−z ]/l ), with characteristic length n;m,σ l n;l,m,σ 0 eff a is the nth eigenvector of Eq. (5) corresponding to a scale l = ((cid:126)2/2m˜V )1/3. Estimating the effective mass n eff 0 state with energy E = σE . The particle- and m˜ ∼k2/∆ and the rate of change in the position of the n;m,σ n;m F hole-componentsofthespin-↑boundstatewavefunctions VHS V ∼ ∆k , we deduce that the peak in the LDOS 0 F are then will be localized over a region comparable to l ∼ k−1. eff F (cid:88) The peak at zero energy is expected to be particularly u (r)= (cid:104)r|(1−G V )−1|l,m(cid:105)a , (11a) n;m,↑ 0 ↑ n;l,m,↑ pronounced, due to the constructive effect of the cross- l ing of the VHSs of the spin-↑ and -↓ branches. (cid:88) v (r)= (cid:104)r|(1−G V )−1|l,m(cid:105)a . (11b) Numerical results: Here we confirm the intuitive n;m,↑ 0 ↓ n;l,m,↑ semiclassical picture of the YSR physics by numerical l computation of the scattering matrix, and furthermore Summing over the bound states and integrating over the calculate the LDOS along the wire. Our starting point direction perpendicular to the wire axis, we obtain the is the relationship between the scattering matrix S and LDOS as a function of the position along the wire the T matrix [31] (cid:90) ρ (z,E)∝ d2r (cid:88)(cid:8)|u (r)|2δ(E−E ) m ⊥ n;m,↑ n;m Sl,l(cid:48);m,σ =δl,l(cid:48) −4πikF(cid:104)l,m|Tσ|l(cid:48),m(cid:105), (10) r⊥<a(z) n where (cid:104)r|l,m(cid:105) = jl(kFr)Ylm(ˆr)/√2π. The T-matrix +|vn;m,↑(r)|2δ(E+En;m)(cid:9)(cid:113)E2−En2;m(1.2) for spin-σ scattering is formally given by Tσ = Vσ[1− (cid:113) G0Vσ]−1, where G0(r,r(cid:48)) = −eikF|r−r(cid:48)|/4π|r−r(cid:48)| is the The factor of E2−En2;m is due to the greater delocal- free Green’s function. The T matrix is evaluated by ization of the bound state near the gap edges. In eval- 4 uating the LDOS, we include thermal broadening of the b (k )=b (−k ) and θ (k )=−θ (−k ) is the angle m z m z m z m z δ-functions at a temperature k T =0.1∆. of the momentum-dependent magnetic moment with the B We plot the LDOS in Fig. (3)(b). In the bulk of the wire axis. Solving Eq. (5), we obtain the YSR bands wire (i.e. 2a < z < 18a) the LDOS shows very weak z- dependence. Themainfeaturesarebroadpeakscentered (cid:113) at |E| ≈ 0.5∆ and 0.8∆, which correspond to the VHS E(cid:101)m,±(kz)=±∆ 1−cos2θm(kz)sin2bm(kz), (13) showing that the SOC gaps the spectrum Eq. (9) of the of the wire-limit bands. Within the end caps (i.e. z < wire. 2a, z > 18a), however, there is substantial modification of the LDOS: The peaks at ±0.5∆ move towards ∓∆, The wire with SOC is in symmetry class D, which is and their crossing at zero energy gives a strong peak in characterized by a Z2 topological number, specifically a the LDOS, as anticipated above. The zero-energy LDOS Pfaffian. Inoursemiclassicalmodelthisisdeterminedby along the wire is shown in Fig. (3)(c), and reveals that thespectrumatkz =0. SincetheSOCisirrelevanthere, this peak is sharply localized at the ends. The LDOS the Pfaffian W = sgn{E0,↑(kz = 0)}, where Em,σ(kz) for the m = 1,2 channels show similar behaviour. For is the dispersion in the absence of SOC [Eq. (9)]. The m > 2, however, the potential is not strong enough to topologically non-trivial state corresponds to W = −1. cause the bulk YSR bands to cross zero energy. As such, From Fig. (2) we see that for the parameters chosen theVHSsofthesebandsdonotshiftthroughzeroenergy in our numerical study, adding SOC places the wire in near the end of the wire, and they do not contribute to the topological regime, allowing it to support Majorana the enhancement of the zero-energy LDOS there [30]. modes at its ends. These zero-energy Majorana modes Our model results show strong qualitative similarities wouldappearinthebackgroundofthelow-energyLDOS to the experimental data in Ref. 18. Specifically, we re- in Fig. (3)(b). At finite temperatures, however, all these producethesubgappeaksinthebulkofthewireandthe subgapfeatureswillbroadenconsiderably,makingexper- sharplylocalizedzero-biaspeaksatthewireends. Inour imental interpretation difficult [20]. model, however, the latter feature does not arise from a Conclusions. In this letter we have studied the YSR bound state (Majorana or otherwise) distinct from the statesinawire-likeferromagneticimpurityembeddedin bulk YSR bands, but rather originates from the shifting a superconductor. Such systems are currently of great of the bulk bands at the ends of the wire. The result- interest as a possible platform for realizing Majorana ing zero-energy peak in the LDOS at the wire end is modes [18–21]. Using both analytical and numerical rather generic, requiring only that the impurity poten- methods, we find that the YSR bands typically display tial be strong enough that the VHSs of the YSR bands VHSs, which appear as pronounced peaks in the wire cross zero energy as the radius of the wire vanishes. A LDOS, and which move towards the gap edges at the quantitative comparison with [18] would require us to ends of the wire. For sufficiently strong magnetic scat- determine the relative contributions of each m to the tering, the two YSR branches cross near the wire ends, STM measurements, which is well beyond the scope of giving rise to sharply-localized features in the LDOS at the current work. Nevertheless, our considerations show zero energy. Addition of SOC in the wire can stabilize thattheobservedzero-energyLDOSfeaturesatthewire a topological regime, but any Majorana features would endscannotberegardedasanunambiguoussignatureof appear in the background of an already elevated LDOS a Majorana mode. near the wire ends. The localized zero-energy peak in Majorana modes in spin-orbit coupled wires: So far the LDOS obtained here is qualitatively consistent with we have restricted our attention to purely ferromagnetic recentSTMmeasurements[18]andisindependentofthe wire-likeimpurities. Realizingatopologicallynon-trivial existence of Majorana modes. A conclusive demonstra- stateinsuchawire,however,requiresSOCeitherwithin tion of Majorana modes will need to distinguish them the wire [32] or the superconductor [22, 24]. Here we fromthezero-energyconductancefeaturepresentedhere. modify our semiclassical formalism to account for the formerscenario. Neglectingthez-dependenceofthewire profile,wegeneralizethescatteringmatrixEq.(6)andits time-reversed form Eq. (8) as S (k ) = exp(i[φ (k )+ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS m z m z b (k )·σ])andS˜ (k )=exp(i[φ (−k )−b (−k )·σ]), m z m z m z m z respectively, where the orientation of b (k ) depends We thank A. Akhmerov, S. Das Sarma, H.-Y. Hui, m z on k due to the SOC in the impurity. For a mirror- A. M. Lobos, R. M. Lutchyn, and D. Rainis for useful z symmetric geometry, we choose φ (k ) = φ (−k ) and discussions. This work is supported by JQI-NSF-PFC m z m z b (k )=b (k )sinθ (k )x+b (k )cosθ (k )zwhere and Microsoft Q. m z m z m z m z m z [1] L. Yu, Acta Phys. Sin. 21, 75 (1965) [3] R. I. Rusinov, Sov. Phys. JETP Lett. 9, 85 (1969) [2] H. Shiba, Prog. Theor. Phys. 40, 435 (1968) 5 [4] A.Yazdani,B.A.Jones,C.P.Lutz,M.F.Crommie,and dani, Science 346, 602 (2014) D. M. Eigler, Science 275, 1767 (1997) [19] H.-Y. Hui, P. M. R. Brydon, J. D. Sau, S. Tewari, and [5] S.-H. Ji, T. Zhang, Y.-S. Fu, X. 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Duetorotationalsymmetry F σ about the z-axis and translational symmetry along the wire, solutions of Eq. (S1) have the form ψ (r)=ψ (ρ)eimφeikzz, (S2) σ m,kz,σ where m is the azimuthal quantum number and k is the momentum along the z axis. A general ansatz for the radial z function ψ (ρ) is m,kz,σ ψ (ρ)=Θ(ρ−a){α J (k ρ)+β Y (k ρ)} m,kz,σ m,kz,σ m ⊥ m,kz,σ m ⊥ +Θ(a−ρ){Θ((cid:126)2k2/2m−V )c J (|k |ρ)+Θ(−(cid:126)2k2/2m+V )c I (|k |ρ)}. (S3) ⊥ σ m,kz,σ m σ ⊥ σ m,kz,σ m σ Here J (x) and Y (x) are Bessel functions of the first and second kinds, respectively, while I (x) is the modified m m m Bessel function of the first kind. The wavevector outside of the wire is k2 = k2 −k2, while k2 = k2 −2mV /(cid:126)2 is ⊥ F z σ ⊥ σ the wavevector or decay length within the cylinder, according as the term inside the absolute value sign is positive or negative, respectively. The coefficients α , β , and c are C numbers. m,kz,σ m,kz,σ m,kz,σ Far away from the scattering center (i.e. ρ(cid:29)a) we have the asymptotic form 1 1 ψ (ρ)∼α √ cos(k ρ−mπ/2−π/4)+β √ sin(k ρ−mπ/2−π/4) m,kz,σ m,kz,σ k ρ ⊥ m,kz,σ k ρ ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ 1 ∝ √ cos(k ρ−mπ/2−π/4+δ ) (S4) k ρ ⊥ m,kz,σ ⊥ whereδ =φ (k )+σb (k )=−arctan(β /α )isthescatteringphaseshift. Theratioβ /α m,kz,σ m z m z m,kz,σ m,kz,σ m,kz,σ m,kz,σ is determined from the boundary conditions at the edge of the wire ψ (ρ=a+)=ψ (ρ=a−), (S5) m,kz,σ m,kz,σ ∂ ψ (ρ=a+)=∂ ψ (ρ=a−). (S6) ρ m,kz,σ ρ m,kz,σ After straightforward algebra, we deduce k J (ka)J(cid:48)(k a)−kJ(cid:48)(ka)J (k a) kσYn(ka)Jn(cid:48)(kσa)−kYn(cid:48)(ka)Jn(kσa), (cid:126)2k⊥2/2m>Vσ tan(δ )=tan(φ (k )+σb (k ))= σ n n σ n n σ (S7) m,kz,σ m z m z |k |J (ka)I(cid:48)(|k |a)−kJ(cid:48)(ka)I (|k |a) |kσ|Yn(ka)In(cid:48)(|kσ|a)−kYn(cid:48)(ka)In(|kσ|a), (cid:126)2k⊥2/2m<Vσ σ n n σ n n σ This is given by Eq. (7) in the main text. B. YSR bands The YSR bands are obtained from the formula [Eq. (9) of main text] E (k ,z)=σ∆cos[b (k ,z)] (S8) m,σ z m z 2 m = 0 m = 1 m = 2 1 1 1 0.5 k a = 2 0.5 0.5 F ∆ 0 0 0 /E k a = 4 F -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 k a = 6 F -1 -1 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k/k k/k k/k z F z F z F m = 3 m = 4 m = 5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 ∆ 0 0 0 /E -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k/k k/k k/k z F z F z F Figure S1. Semiclassical results for the dispersion of 0 ≤ m ≤ 5 spin-↑ YSR bands in a magnetic wire for different wire thicknesses a. We set the potentials V =0.04µ and V =0.6µ. The m=0 results are given as Fig. (2)(a) of the main text. ↑ ↓ 1 1 U = 0.32µ V = 0.3µ 0.5 U = 0.36µ 0.5 V = 0.28µ U = 0.4µ V = 0.26µ ∆ U = 0.44µ ∆ V = 0.24µ E/ 0 U = 0.48µ E/ 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (a) k /k (b) k /k z F z F Figure S2. Semiclassical results for the dispersion of the m=0 spin-↑ YSR band upon varying (a) the nonmagnetic potential U and(b)themagneticpotentialV. Wesetk a=6inallfigures. In(a)wetakeV =0.28µwhilein(b)wehaveU =0.32µ. F where b (k ,z) is calculated from Eq. (S7). We plot the 0 ≤ m ≤ 5 spin-↑ bands as a function of k for different m z z wire radius a in Fig. (S1). We note that all bands show a pronounced van Hove singularity (VHS) at k = 0. The z impurity potentials are such that the m ≤ 2 bands close the gap in the bulk of the wire, i.e. they cross zero energy, with the VHSlocated at negative energies. Asthe width of thewire is reduced, these channels are thereforeexpected to contribute to the enhancement of the local density of states (LDOS) at zero energy near the end of the wire. On the other hand, the impurity is not strong enough to cause the m > 2 YSR bands to cross zero energy, and these channels therefore do not contribute to the enhancement of the zero-energy LDOS at the ends of the wire. The qualitative form of the YSR bands is robust to significant changes in the nonmagnetic component of the potential U = 1(V +V ) as shown in Fig. (S2)(a): increasing U by 50% produces only minor changes in the location 2 ↑ ↓ of the van Hove singularities. The bands are more sensitive to changes in the magnetic potential V = 1(V −V ) as 2 ↓ ↑ seeninFig.(S2)(b),butstillthereisalargerangeofV valuesforwhichtheimportantvanHovesingularityatk =0 z is present. This indicates the generic nature of our results and the absence of fine-tuning. 3 Figure S3. Numerical results for the energy-resolved LDOS along the wire for the different m channels: (a) m = 0 [also Fig. (3)(b) of the main text]; (b) m=1; (c) m=2; (d) m=3; (e) m=4; and (f) m=5. In each figure the LDOS is normalized by its largest value. The potentials in the ferromagnetic wire are V =0.04µ and V =0.6µ. ↑ ↓ II. NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR WIRE LDOS The subgap LDOS in the wire for the m=0...5 YSR states is shown in Fig. (S3). As for the m=0 results shown in the main text as Fig. (3)(b) [and reproduced here in Fig. (S3)(a)], we observe a significant difference between the statesinthebulkandatthewireends: thebulkischaracterizedbybroadpeakscenteredatthelocationoftheVHSs observedinFig.(S1),butwithintheroundedendsofthewirethesepeaksmovetowardsthegapedges. Forthem≤2 states, the k =0 VHS is located below zero energy, and so the shifting of the bands leads to an enhancement of the z zero-energy LDOS at the wire ends. The potential is not strong to cause the m>2 YSR bands to cross zero energy, however, and so the VHSs are not shifted through zero energy at the wire ends and these bands do not contribute to the zero-energy LDOS enhancement. Nevertheless, these bands would naturally explain the subgap features at nonzero energy observed in addition to the zero-energy peak at the wire ends in [18]. However, to quantitatively model these experiments we would need to be able to weight the contributions from the different m channels. This requires a detailed understanding of the coupling to the STM tip which is well beyond the scope of the current work.