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Boukhemis, Kaddour (1983) Algerian development and urbanisation : a case study of Skikda. PhD ... PDF

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Preview Boukhemis, Kaddour (1983) Algerian development and urbanisation : a case study of Skikda. PhD ...

Boukhemis, Kaddour (1983) Algerian development and urbanisation : a case study of Skikda. PhD thesis. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1925/ Copyright and moral rights for this thesis are retained by the author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Glasgow Theses Service http://theses.gla.ac.uk/ [email protected] ALGERIAN DEVELOPMENT AND URBANISATION. CASE STUDY OF SKIKDA .A by Kaddour Boukhemis, M. Sc., Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department Geography of University Glasgow of August, 1983 TO Wife my and Parents my (1) C0NTENTS Page List Tables of iv List Figures of vii List Plates of Viii Acknowledgements ix Abstract x Abbreviations xi Introduction 1 PART ONE Chapter One: FACTORS IN ALGERIA'S ECONOMIC 8 DEVELOPMENT 1.1 land Climate 8 and a. Physical features 8 b. Climatic 14 constraints 1.2 Population 19 and urbanisation Population a. 19 b. Urbanisation 24 1.3 Natural Resources 37 Minerals a. 37 b. Petroleum and natural gas 40 Chapter two: THE STRUCTURE OF THE ALGERIAN ECONOMY 43 2.1 The Colonial Era 43 2.2 The Post Independence Economic Development. 49 2.3 The Algerian Strategy for Economic Recovery 52 2.4 Problems Setting Up of Industries the Role and of the Government. 56 (ii) Page Chapter Three: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN ALGERIA 60 3.1 Review the Development of various Plans 60 3.2 The Development Integrated of an Industrial Sector 69 a. General Characteristics 69 b. Establishment basic industries 72 of 3.3 The Weakness the Agricultural of Sector 75 3.4 Labour Force the and nature of Employment Problem 77 Chapter Four: REGIONAL ECONOMIC THEORY AND ALGERIAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 84 4.1 The Regional Growth Process 84 4.2 Growth Pole Theory Strategies 85 and 4.3 The Development Poles Policy 89 4.4 The Role Cities in Regional of Development 94 PART TWO Chapter Five: SKIKDA AND ITS REGIONAL SETTING 97 5.1 The Wilaya Location : and Regional Contrasts 97 5.2 People the Environment 102 and 5.3 Transport Network 114 Chapter Six: THE SPATIAL AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION OF SKIKDA 117 6.1 Historical Background 117 6.2 Character Internal Structure and the Modern City of 122 (iii) Page 6.3 The Foundation the Modern of Industrial Pattern 131 6.4 Manpower Employment 136 and Structure the labour force 137 a. of b. The industrial 147 complex Chapter Seven: DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF SKIKDA 157 7.1 Population Growth 157 7.2 Population Composition 162 7.3 Recent Migration Movements to 169 Skikda Characteristics the a. of migrants flows 170 and migrant b. Analytical perspective on 197 migration 7.4 Future Trends Skikda's of 201 Population 207 Conclusion 220 Appendix 236 Bibliography . (iv) List Tables of Page 1.1 Climatic Characteristics Selected Areas 16 of 1.2 Population Growth Rate, 1901-1977 20 1.3 Demographic Characteristics the of Algerian Population, 1901-1979 20 1.4 Population Structure, 1977 21 1.5 Some Characteristics the Female Marriage of Rate in Algeria in Comparison that with 22 France of 1.6 Rural-Urban Popualtion Change, 1966-77 27 1.7 Algerian Cities Number Population, : and 29 1966-77 1.8 Population Ratio the 2nd & 3rd City of to the Capital 33 1.9 Mineral Resources Production, 1974-78 39 1.10 Production Crude Oil, 1967-80 41 of 2.1 Enrolment in Secondary Higher Education 44 and 3.1 Date Category Development Plans 61 and of 3.2 Investment by Sector during the Three-Year Plan, 1967-69 61 3.3 Investment by Sector in the First Four-Year (1970-73) 62 Plan, 3.4 Investment by Sector in the Second Four-Year (1974-77) 63 Plan 3.5 Sectoral Allocation Realisation in the and Communal Development Plans, 1977 68 3.6 Structure Algeria's Manufacturing of Industry Compared to Tunisia Morocco 71 and 3.7 Active Population Structure, 1977 78 3.8 Distribution the Labour Force by of Economic Sectors, 1977 79 3.9 Evolution the Labour Force in Algeria, of 1966-77 80 5.1 Size Population, Wilaya Skikda 101 and of 5.2 Regional Densities, 1966-1977 103 5.3 Rural-Urban Popualtion Evolution, 1966-77 104 (v) Page 5.4 Characteristics the Urban Centres of of the Wilaya 106 5.5 Volume Migration the Wilaya 108 of within 5.6 Distribution Labour Force by Activity of Sector, Wilaya, 1977 109 5.7 Structure the Labour Force, 1977 110 of 5.8 Age Structure the Unemployed Labour of Force (STR 1+ STR 2), 1977 ill 6.1 Labour Force Evolution in Skikda Commune, 1966-77 140 6.2 Distribution the Occupied Popualtion of by Branch Economic Activity, Skikda of Commune, 1977 141 6.3 Evolution Non-agricultural Employment of in Algeria, 1966-77 142 6.4 Employment by Sex Economic Sectors in and Skikda, 1977 143 6.5 Female Labour Force Participation in Skikda to the Four Algerian compared Metropolises, 1977 144 6.6 Changes in Labour Participation the of Young Old-age in Algeria 144 and groups, 6.7 Activity Rates by in Skikda, 1977 145 sex 6.8 Distribution Employment by Major of Socio-professional Categories Branch and Economic Activities in Skikda, 1977 146 of 6.9 Origin the Permanent Industrial Work of Force, 1980 150 6.10 Present Residence the Labour Force, 1980 152 of 6.11 Other Characteristics the Labour Force 152 of 6.12 Skikda's Unemployed Labour to compared the Four Algerian 1977 154 metropolises, 6.13 Distribution the Unemployed Labour of Force by Age-group, in Skikda, 1977 155 7.1 Population Evolution Skikda Commune, of 184S-1977 158 7.2 Annual Growth Rates, 1845-1977 159 (vi ) Page 7.3 Distribution Population by Broad Age of Categories Median Age, 1977 165 and 7.4 Age Distribution Median Age by Sex 165 and 7.5 Sex Ratios by Age Groups, 1977 166 7.6 Life Expectancy Birth in Algeria 166 at 7.7 Dependency Ratio, 1977 167 7.8 Lifetime Migration to Skikda Commune 171 7.9 Recent Migration to Skikda Commune, 1962-77 176 7.10 Migrant Population by District 178 7.11 Distribution Migrant Total Population of and by Area, 1977 179 by 7.12 Distribution Migrant Population/Area of and by Origin 182 7.13 Distribution the Migrant Population by of Area Origin 185 of 7.14 Distribution the Migrant Population of by Period Arrival 188 of 7.15 Type Migration Flows 189 of 7.16 Distribution the Migrant Population of by Age Sex 192 and 7.17 Distribution the Migrants by Sex of date Arrival 192 and of 7.18 Characteristics the Migrant Population of to the Total Population 194 compared 7.19 Migrant Population by Kinship Status, Skikda Commune 194 7.20 Differences in Educat ional Attainment between the Total Migrant Population 195 and 7.21 Educational Attainmen ts the Migrant of Population 196 7.22 Skikda's Demographic Projection, 1980-1990 202 7.23 Population Structure Skikda, 1990 203 of (Vii ) List Figures of Page 1.1 Algeria : Geopolitical Location 9 1.2 Algeria Major Physical features 11 : 1.3 Algeria Rainfall 17 : 1.4 Major Mineral Resources in Algeria 38 3.1 Regional development Programmes, 1966-73 66 5.1 The Wilaya Skikda 98 of 5.2 Major Physical Features the Wilaya 99 of 5.3 Population Change 1966-77, Wilaya Skikda 105 of 5.4 Population Structure by Age Sex, Skikda and Wilaya, 1977 112 5.5 Transport Network, Wilaya Skikda 115 of 6.1 Spatial Skikda 119 expansion of 6.2 Morphological Zones Skikda 121 of 6.3 Location key Services in Skikda 125 of 6.4 Site Skikda in Relation to Physical of Constraints 180 6.5 Location the New Industrial Zone 133 of 6.6 Employment Variation in the Industrial Zone 1975-80 148 6.7 Distribution the Permanent Industrial of Work Force by Age-Group by Plant 149 and 7.1 Population Structure by Age Sex, and Skikda Commune, 1977 164 7.2 Distribution Migrant Population, 1977 177 of 7.3 Percentage Migrants in the Total of Population Skikda by District. 180 of 7.4 Distribution Migrant Population by Origin 183 of 7.5 Migrant Flows to Skikda Commune 186 7.6 Age Structure the Migrant and sex of Population, Skikda Commune, 1977 191

ALGERIAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. 84. 4.1 and the Environment. 102. 5.3 Number and Population,. 1966-77 . CIA. Compaghle Immobili6re. Algerienne. CICRED. Comite. International .. cv. I. 0. IIE-1101 - 1.11. 0. 2b. C3 l. L. I k . C,. C,. 0. CD%ft. 0. C. 0=1 S-- cr. M. 4p .. are the interactions.
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