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Botany Botanique Author Index Index des auteurs Volume 88, 2010 Volume 88, 2010 Aid, F., 39 Huang, Y., 13 Ahti, T., 345, 397 Cuenca, G., 54 Im, Y.J., 452 Allan, W.L., 522 Currah, R.S., 258, 471, 675 Ingersoll, C.M., 1007 Amrani, S., 39 Dalpé, Y., 617, 829 Iranpour, M., 971 An, L., 1023 Daniéls, F.J.A., 366 Jin, H., 20 Ancheta, J., 737 Davey, M.L., 258, 471 Johnson, D.A., 565 Araki, K., 745 Davis, A.R., 185 Johnson, D.R.E., 850 Arnaud, M.C., 839 Delmail, D., 839 Johnson, R.C., 725 Ashman, T.-L., 231 Dengler, N., 775 Kamiyama, M., 1057 Blaszkowski, J., 132 do Céu Silva, M., 621 Kang, E.Y., 452 Bakkeren, G., 575 Doering, M., 144 Kang, J., 710 Baldwin, L.K., 297 Dorken, M.E., 211, 1073 Kemler, M., 875 Bao, S., 1023 Dudley, S.A., 930 Kharenko, O.A., 685 Barabé, D., 528 Durka, W., 691 Khasa, D., 829 Barroso, P.A., 765 Dyck, M.F., 275 Kim, K.S., 452 Barthélémy, D., 699 Elix, J.A., 345 Kim, K.Y., 452 BartuSkova, A., 630 Elliott, A., 206 Kim, M.S., 452 Bauer, R., 875 Ellis, E.A., 596 Kim, Y.C., 452 Beaton, L.L., 930 Emery, N., 250 King, J., 810, 937 Bednarek-Ochyra, Erickson, V.J., 725 Klimesova, J., 630 Begerow, D., 875 Evans, R.C., 556 Koide, R.T., 165 Belland, R.J., 315 Fernandez, D., 621 Kotanen, P.M., 158 Bhattarai, K., 565 Fowke, L., 443 Kovacs, G.M., 85 Bi, D., 953 Freeland, J., 250, 1073 Ksontini, M., 901 Bilton, M.C., 939 Fu, Y.-B., 537 Kurepin, L.V., 668 Bishop, E.J., 231 Fukuda, K., 266 Lévesque, C.A., 829 Bjork, C.R., 409 Gartner, H., 545 Lii, M., 20 Bohlmann, J., 810, 937 Gan, W., 953 Labrousse, P., 839 Bourque, L., 528 Gan, Y., 1023 Lacroix, C., 528 Bradfield, G.E., 297, 429 Gardner, D., 512 Lamia, H., 893 Brauer, E.K., 103 Gauthier, M., 250 Lan, H., 821 Brodo, I.M., 352 Giband, M., 765 Landhausser, S.M., 275 Buck, W.R., 359 Gil Azinheira, H., 621 Larbi, K.M., 893 Buscot, F., 132 Gillespie, J., 1073 Lehman, J.H., 1007 Bushman, B.S., 565 Glockling, S.L., 93 Letts, M.G., 850 Caners, R.T., 315 Goddard, P., 1023 Li, W., 886, 1083 Carter, G.A., 462 Goh, Y.K., 1033, 1081 i’, 933 Chavez, V., 912 Goward, T., 345, 397 Liang, J., 20 Chaibi, W., 901 Graham, S.W., 65 Lieffers, V.J., 275 Chen, J.-M., 886, 1083 Gresser, J., 110 Liu, F., 886, 1083 Chen, S., 821 Grime, J.P., 939 Liu, H., 290 Cherubini, P., 545 Gross, D.V., | Liu, L., 20 Chinnappa, C.C., 668 Gunawardena, A.H.L.A.N., 206 Liu, Q., 1023 Cho, B.H., 452 Guo, L.-D., 590 Loewen, M.C., 685 Cho, S.M., 452 Halpern, C.B., 488 Loewen, P.C., 971 Choi, H.J., 787 Hambleton, S., 675 Loranger, J., 30 Choi, Y.S., 452 Han, S., 20 Lovera, M., 54 Choinski, J.S., 286 Harikumar, V.S., 132 Lucena, V.S., 765 Ciotir, C., 1073 Harpel, J.A., 329 Lundholm, J.T., 1045 Clark, S., 596 Hashizume, Y., 266 Luo, Y., 13 Clark, S.M., 522 Haugo, R.D., 488 Lyons, J.W., 737 Clarkston, B.E., 119 Hausner, G., 971 Ma, H., 20 Cobb, B.G., 596 Hawke, L., 250 MacDonald, A.A.M., 158 Coburn, C.A., 850 Healy, R.A., 85 Macdonald, S.E., 315, 912 Copenheaver, C.A., 545 Heard, S.B., 737 Madilao, L.L., 810, 937 Cota-Sanchez, J.H., 787 Hirayama, K., 1057 Maia, I., 621 Coxson, D., 144 Hoffmann, L.V., 765 Makhmoudova, A., 522 Creamer, R., 512 Hoshino, D., 174 Mandel, N.L., 725 Published by NRC Research Press Botany Vol. 88, 2010 Mao, W., 13 Robert, J.A., 810, 937 Tan, B.C., 439 Marion, G., 939 Robinson, S.C., 336 Tanaka, K., 1057 Martin, J.-L., 110 Robson, D.B., 241 Thalouarn, P., 839 Massicotte, H.B., 607 Rochon, A., 522 Tomaru, N., 174 Matsushita, M., 174 Romo, J.T., | Treberg, M.A., 753 Matsuyama, S., 867 Rudski, S.M., 971 Tsuneda, A., 258, 471, 675 McCall, A.C., 601 Ryszka, P., 132 Tsuneda, I., 471 McCallum, B., 575 Séguin, S., 829 Turkington, R., 753 McDonald, B., 639 Saarela, J.M., 65 Uma, E., 500 McEachern, G.R., 596 Sadler, K.D., 429 Vazquez, D.P., 110 McKown, A., 775 Sahashi, N., 266 Vaccari, F.P., 545 McLain-Romero, J., 512 Sakimoto, M., 867 Vance-Borland, K.W., 725 Medeira, C., 621 Salazar Allen, N., 439 Vander Kloet, S.P., 556 Mel'nik, V.A., 1057 Samson, G., 901 Vujanovic, V., 1033, 1081 Melville, L.H., 607 Sathiyadash, K., 500 Walton, L.J., 668 Miller, N.G., 336 Saunders, G.W., 119, 639 Wang, Q., 590 Mohsen, H., 893 Sawhney, V.K., 217 Wang, Q.-F., 886, 1083 Moya, A., 512 Schafer, A.M., 875 Wang, X., 57° Muniappan, V., 500 Schafer, I., 545 Weigle, C.E., 1007 Musche, M., 691 Schofield, W.B., 366 White, R., 810, 937 Muthukumar. T., 500 Séguin, S., 617, 829 Whitlock, R., 939 Myskow, E., 985 Seppelt, R.D., 389 Wilson, P., 250 Niesenbaum, R.A., 1007 Serpell, L.C., 93 Wolken, J.M., 275 Nishimura, N., 174 Settele, J., 691 Wu, J., 20 Nishizawa, M., 745 Sharda, J.N., 165 Wubet, T., 132 Noureddine, N.-E., 39 Shelp, B.J., 103, iii, Xia, S., 953 Ochyra, R., 389 Sheoran, I.S., 217 Xu, D., 821 Ohara, M., 745 Shimatani, K., 745 Xu, J., 20 Oldrup, E., 512 Shipley, B., 30 Yaakoubi, H., 901 Porto, K.C., 359 Shirouzu, T., 1057 Yamamoto, S.-I., 174 Padilla, A., 512 Simpson, J.P., 522 Yanchuk, A., 810, 937 Pakeman, R.J., 939 Sinha, N.R., 710 Yang, K.Y., 452 Pemberton, R., 290 Slaton, W., 286 Yao, S., 821 Peterson, G.W., 537 Smith, W.K., 462 Yin, X., 528 Peterson, R.L., 607 Snider, J.L., 286 Yoo, S.J., 452 Petitot, A.-S., 621 Sokolski, S., 829 Yoshimura, K., 995 Piché, Y., 829 Spigler, R.B., 231 Yoshizane, T., 745 Piercey-Normore, M.D., 397, 923 Spribille, T., 345 Zhang, F., 821 Pinto de Menezes, I.P., 765 Srinivasan, M., 1023 Zhang, Y., 953 Portt, A., 522 St Clair, J.B., 725 Zhao, J., 821 Puntieri, J.G., 699 Stecconi, M., 699 Zhao, S.-Y., 886, 1083 Qu, N., 953 Stolar, J., 185 Zhao, X., 13 Riink, K., 961 Strongman, D.B., 1011 Zhou, D., 13 Ramsay, H.P., 435 Tackaberry, L.E., 607 Zhou, Z., 1023 Reid, D.M., 668 Talbot, S.L., 366 Zhu, Y., 20 Reid, J., 971 Talbot, S.S., 366 Zobel, K., 961 Reinhardt, K., 462 Talhinhas, P., 621 Published by NRC Research Press Botany Botanique Contents Sommaire Volume 88, 2010 Volume 88, 2010 January / Janvier ARTICLES / ARTICLES D.V. Gross and J.T. Romo Burning history, time of burning, and year effects on plant community structure and heterogeneity in Fescue Prairie Yingxin Huang, Xueyong Zhao, Daowei Zhou, Yayong Luo, and Wei Mao Allometry of Corispermum macrecarpum in response to soil nutrient, water, and population density Jianrong Wu, Huancheng Ma, Mei Lii, Sufen Han, Youyong Zhu, Hui Jin, Junfeng Liang, Li Liu, and Jianping Xu Rhizoctonia fungi enhance the growth of the endangered orchid Cymbidium goeringii Jessy Loranger and Bill Shipley Interspecific covariation between stomatal density and other functional leaf traits in a local flora Nazhat-Ezzaman Noureddine, Said Amrani, and Fatiha Aid Statut symbiotique et souches de rhizobia associées a |’Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana [Acacia raddiana s. s.|, mimosoidée des régions désertiques de I’ Algérie Gisela Cuenca and Milagros Lovera Seasonal variation and distribution at different soil depths of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores in a tropical sclerophyllous shrubland Jeffery M. Saarela and Sean W. Graham Inference of phylogenetic relationships among the subfamilies of grasses (Poaceae: Poales) using meso-scale exemplar-based sampling of the plastid genome Rosanne A. Healy and Gabor M. Kovacs _ Ultrastructural observations on the ascomata and ascospores of the truffle Mazttir- olomyces terfezioides S.L. Glockling and L.C. Serpell A new species of aplanosporic Haptoglossa, H. beakesii, with vesiculate spore release ERRATUM / ERRATUM Erratum: Outside back cover of the November 2009 of Botany / Plat inférieur extérieur du numéro de novembre 2009 de Botanique February / Fevrier COMMENTARY / COMMENTAIRE Elizabeth K. Brauer and Barry J. Shelp Nitrogen use efficiency: re-consideration of the bioengineering approach ARTICLES / ARTICLES Diego P. Vazquez, Julie Gresser, and Jean-Louis Martin Introduced deer and the pollination and reproduction of an animal- pollinated herb Bridgette E. Clarkston and Gary W. Saunders A comparison of two DNA barcode markers for species discrimination in the red algal family Kallymeniaceae (Gigartinales, Florideophyceae), with a description of Euthora timburtonii sp. nov. Janusz Blaszkowski, Tesfaye Wubet, Variampally Sankar Harikumar, Przemystaw Ryszka, and Francois Buscot Glomus indicum, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Matthew Doering and Darwyn Coxson Riparian alder ecosystems as epiphytic lichen refugia in sub-boreal spruce forests of British Columbia A. Andrew M. MacDonald and Peter M. Kotanen Leaf damage has weak effects on growth and fecundity of common rag- weed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) J.N. Sharda and R.T. Koide Exploring the role of root anatomy in P-mediated control of colonization by arbuscular mycor- rhizal fungi Michinari Matsushita, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Daisuke Hoshino, Naoyuki Nishimura, and Shin-Ichi Yamamoto — Factors af- fecting the production, growth, and survival of sprouting stems in the multi-stemmed understory shrub Lindera triloba Jessica Stolar and Arthur R. Davis Floral nectary structure, nectar production, and carbohydrate composition in the Lilium Asiatic hybrid ‘Trésor’ Published by NRC Research Press C-2 Botany Vol. 88, 2010 NOTES / NOTES Anna Elliott and Arunika H.L.A.N. Gunawardena Calcium inhibition halts developmental programmed cell death in the lace plant, Aponogeton madagascariensis? Marcel E. Dorken Sex ratio variation in gynodioecious species of Echium endemic to the Canary Islands March / Mars ARTICLES / ARTICLES Inder S. Sheoran and Vipen K. Sawhney Proteome analysis of the normal and Ogura (ogu) CMS anthers of Brassica napus to identify proteins associated with male sterility Eric J. Bishop, Rachel B. Spigler, and Tia-Lynn Ashman _Sex-allocation plasticity in hermaphrodites of sexually dimorphic Fragaria virginiana (Rosaceae) Diana Bizecki Robson A comparison of flower-visiting insects to rare Symphyotrichum sericeum and common Solidago ne- moralis (Asteraceae) Martha Gauthier, Emily Crowe, Lindsey Hawke, Neil Emery, Paul Wilson, and Joanna Freeland Conservation genetics of Pitcher’s thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), an endangered Great Lakes endemic Marie L. Davey, Akihiko Tsuneda, and Randolph S. Currah Saprobic and parasitic interactions of Coniochaeta velutina with mosses Yousuke Hashizume, Kenji Fukuda, and Norio Sahashi Effects of summer temperature on fungal endophyte assemblages in Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) leaves in pure beech stands Jane M. Wolken, Simon M. Landhausser, Victor J. Lieffers, and Miles F. Dyck Differences in ini.ial root development and soil conditions affect establishment of trembling aspen and balsam poplar seedlings ERRATUM / ERRATUM Erratum for inside back cover / Erratum pour l’intérieur du plat verso NOTES / NOTES John L. Snider, John S. Choinski, and William Slaton Juvenile leaves of Rhus glabra have higher photosynthetic thermal tolerance than mature leaves Hong Liu and Robert Pemberton Pollination of an invasive orchid, Cyrtopodium polyphyllum (Orchidaceae), by an invasive oil-collecting bee, Centris nitida, in southern Florida April / Avril ARTICLES / ARTICLES L.K. Baldwin and G.E. Bradfield Resilience of bryophyte communities in regenerating matrix forests after logging in tempe- rate rainforests of coastal British Columbia Richard T. Caners, S. Ellen Macdonald, and René J. Belland Responses of boreal epiphytic bryophytes to different levels of partial canopy harvest Judith A. Harpel A history of bryology in the San Juan Islands, Washington State, USA Norton G. Miller and Sean C. Robinson Introduction and recent range expansion in the moss Ptychomitriwmn serratum (Pty- chomitriaceae) in the Southern and Eastern United States Trevor Goward, Teuvo Ahti, John A. Elix, and Toby Spribille Hypogymnia recurva and Hypogymnia wilfiana spp. nov., two new lichens from western North America Irwin M. Brode The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia, Canada. 5. A new species of Lecanora from shoreline rocks William R. Buck and Katia Cavalcanti Porto Schwetschkea (Brachytheciaceae) in Africa, and new to South America Stephen S. Talbot, Wilfred B. Schofield, Sandra L. Talbot, and Fred J.A. Daniéls Vegetation of eastern Unalaska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska Halina Bednarek-Ochyra, Rodney D. Seppelt, and Ryszard Ochyra_ Niphotrichum muticum (Musci, Grimmiaceae), an addi- tion to the moss flora of the Aleutian Islands Michele D. Piercey-Normore, Teuvo Ahti, and Trevor Goward Phylogenetic and haplotype analyses of four segregates within Cladonia arbuscula s.| Curtis R. Bjork Distribution patterns of disjunct and endemic vascular plants in the interior wetbelt of northwest North Amer- ICa Published by NRC Research Press Contents / Sommaire NOTES / NOTES Kella D. Sadler and Gary E. Bradfield Ecological facets of plant species rarity in rock outcrop ecosystems of the Gulf Islands, British Columbia Helen P. Ramsay Scanning electron microscope studies on four species of Ulota from Australia N. Salazar Allen and B.C. Tan Octoblepharum arthrocormoides (Calymperaceae) N. Salazar Allen & B.C. Tan, sp. nov., a new species from Tropical Asia May / Mai COMMENTARY / COMMENTAIRE Larry Fowke Creative young minds plus serendipity — a recipe for science ARTICLES / ARTICLES Song Mi Cho, Eun Young Kang, Mi Seong Kim, Seung Jin Yoo, Yang Ju Im, Young Cheol Kim, Kwang Yeol Yang, Kil Yong Kim, Kwang Sang Kim, Yong Soo Choi, and Baik Ho Cho Jasmonate-dependent expression of a galactinol synthase gene is involved in priming of systemic fungal resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana Keith Reinhardt, William K. Smith, and Gregory A. Carter Clouds and cloud immersion alter photosynthetic light quality in a temperate mountain cloud forest A. Tsuneda, M.L. Davey, I. Tsuneda, and R.S. Currah Two new dothideomycetous endoconidial genera from declining larch Ryan D. Haugo and Charles B. Halpern’ Tree age and tree species shape positive and negative interactions in a montane meadow Eswaranpillai Uma, Thangavelu Muthukumar, Kullaiyan Sathiyadash, and Vellaisamy Muniappan Mycorrhizal and dark septate fungal associations in gingers and spiral gingers Erik Oldrup, Jennifer McLain-Romero, Anna Padilla, Andrew Moya, Dale Gardner, and Rebecca Creamer Localization of endophytic Undifilum fungi in locoweed seed and influence of environmental parameters on a locoweed in vitro culture system NOTES / NOTES Jeffrey P. Simpson, Shawn M. Clark, Andrea Portt, Wendy L. Allan, Amina Makhmoudova, Amanda Rochon, and Barry J. Shelp y-Aminobutyrate transaminase limits the catabolism of y-aminobutyrate in cold-stressed Arabidopsis plants: insights from an overexpression mutant Denis Barabé, Laura Bourque, Xiaofeng Yin, and Christian Lacroix Phyllotaxis of the palm Euterpe oleracea Matt. at the level of the shoot apical meristem Yong-Bi Fu and Gregory W. Peterson Characterization of expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat markers for 17 Linum species June / Juin ARTICLES / ARTICLES Carolyn A. Copenheaver, Holger Gartner, Isabelle Schafer, Francesco P. Vaccari, and Paolo Cherubini Drought- triggered false ring formation in a Mediterranean shrub Rodger C. Evans and Sam P. Vander Kloet Comparative analysis of hypocotyl development in epiphytic, lignotuber-forming, and terrestrial Vaccinieae (Ericaceae) B. Shaun Bushman, Kishor Bhattarai, and Douglas A. Johnson Population structures of Astragalus filipes collections from western North America Xiben Wang, Guus Bakkeren, and Brent McCallum Virulence and molecular polymorphisms of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in Canada from 1997 to 2007 NOTES / NOTES Qin Wang and Liang-Dong Guo Ectomycorrhizal community composition of Pinus tabulaeformis assessed by ITS-RFLP and ITS sequences E. Ann Ellis, George Ray McEachern, Samantha Clark, and B. Greg Cobb Ultrastructure of pit membrane dissolution and movement of Xylella fastidiosa through pit membranes in petioles of Vitis vinifera Andrew C. McCall Does dose-dependent petal damage affect pollen limitation in an annual plant? Hugues B. Massicotte, R. Larry Peterson, Lewis H. Melville, and Linda E. Tackaberry Hudsonia ericoides and Hudsonia tomentosa: Anatomy of mycorrhizas of two members in the Cistaceae from Eastern Canada Yolande Dalpé and Syivie Seguin A “paper bridge” system to improve in-vitro propagation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Published by NRC Research Press C-4 Botany Vol. 88, 2010 July / Juillet ARTICLES / ARTICLES Helena Gil Azinheira, Maria do Céu Silva, Pedro Talhinhas, Clara Medeira, Isabel Maia, Anne-Sophie Petitot, and Diana Fernandez Non-host resistance responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to the coffee leaf rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix) Alena BartuSkova and Jitka KlimeSova Reiteration in the short lived root-sprouting herb Rorippa palustris: does the origin of buds matter? Gary W. Saunders and Brian McDonald DNA barcoding reveals multiple overlooked Australian species of the red algal order Rhodymeniales (Florideophyceae), with resurrection of Halopeltis J. Agardh and description of Pseudohalopeltis gen. nov. Leonid V. Kurepin, Linda J. Walton, David M. Reid, and C.C. Chinnappa Light regulation of endogenous salicylic acid levels in hypocotyls of Helianthus annuus seedlings A. Tsuneda, S. Hambleton, and R.S. Currah Endoconidioma populi from aspen and alder: phylogeny, and variations in cleistopycnidial morphology and their ecological implications NOTES / NOTES Olesya A. Kharenko and Michele C. Loewen Characterization of the ATP-translocating properties of the predicted Arabidop- sis thaliana mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocator 2 Martin Musche, Josef Settele, and Walter Durka Performance and response to defoliation of Sanguisorba officinalis (Rosa- ceae) seedlings from mown and successional habitats August / Aoit ARTICLES / ARTICLES Marina Stecconi, Javier G. Puntieri, and Daniel Barthélémy An architectural approach to the growth forms of Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae) along an altitudinal gradient Julie Kang and Neelima R. Sinha Leaflet initiation is temporally and spatially separated in simple and complex tomato (So- lanum lycopersicum) \eaf mutants: a developmental analysis R.C. Johnson, Vicky J. Erickson, Nancy L. Mandel, J. Bradley St Clair, and Kenneth W. Vance-Borland Mapping ge- netic variation and seed zones for Bromus carinatus in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon, USA Justin Ancheta, Stephen B. Heard, and Jeremy W. Lyons Impacts of salinity and simulated herbivory on survival and re- production of the threatened Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum Kiwako Araki, Kenichiro Shimatani, Miyuki Nishizawa, Tomoko Yoshizane, and Masashi Ohara Growth and survival patterns of Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii (Liliaceae) based on a 13-year monitoring study: Life history characteristics of a monocarpic perennial herb Michael A. Treberg and Roy Turkington Density dependence in an experimental boreal forest understory community Ivandilson Pessoa Pinto de Menezes, Paulo Augusto Vianna Barroso, Licia Vieira Hoffmann, Valeska Silva Lucena, and Marc Giband Genetic diversity of moc6 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum race marie-galante) from the northeast of Brazil: im- plications for conservation September / Septembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Hyeok Jae Choi and J. Hugo Cota-Sanchez A taxonomic revision of Allium (Alliaceae) in the Canadian prairie provinces Jeanne A. Robert, Lufiani L. Madilao, Rick White, Alvin Yanchuk, John King, and Jérg Bohlmann_ Terpenoid metabolite profiling in Sitka spruce identifies association of dehydroabietic acid, (+)-3-carene, and terpinolene with resistance against white pine weevil Shixiang Yao, Shasha Chen, Juan Zhao, Dongsheng Xu, Haiyan Lan, and Fuchun Zhang _ Effect of three salts on germina- tion and seedling survival of dimorphic seeds of Chenopodium album Serge Sokolski, Yolande Dalpé, Sylvie Séguin, Damase Khasa, C. André Lévesque, and Yves Piché Conspecificity of DAOM 197198, the model arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, with Glomus irregulare: molecular evidence with three protein- encoding genes P. Labrousse, D. Delmail, M.C. Arnaud, and P. Thalouarn Mineral nutrient concentration influences sunflower infection by broomrape (Orobanche cumana) Matthew G. Letts, Davin R.E. Johnson, and Craig A. Coburn Drought stress ecophysiology of shrub and grass functional groups on opposing slope aspects of a temperate grassland valley Published by NRC Research Press Contents / Sommaire MINIREVIEW / MINI - SYNTHESE Athena D. McKown and Nancy G. Dengler Vein patterning and evolution in C, plants October / Octobre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Shuhei Matsuyama and Michinori Sakimoto Sexual dimorphism of reproductive allocation at shoot and tree levels in Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, a pioneer dioecious tree Angela Maria Schafer, Martin Kemler, Robert Bauer, and Dominik Begerow The illustrated life cycle of Microbotryum on the host plant Silene latifolia Fan Liu, Shu-Ying Zhao, Wei Li, Jin-Ming Chen, and Qing-Feng Wang Population genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns in the Chinese endemic species Sagittaria lichuanensis, inferred from cpDNA atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers Hamrouni Lamia, Hanana Mohsen, and Khouja Mohamed Larbi_ Evaluation de la tolérance 4 la salinité du myrte (Myrtus communis) aux stades germinatif et plantule Hnia Yaakoubi, Guy Samson, Mustapha Ksontini, and Wided Chaibi Localized increases of polyphenol concentration and antioxidant capacity in relation to the differential accumulations of copper and cadmium in roots and in shoots of sunflower Virginia Chavez and S. Ellen Macdonald Understory species interactions in mature boreal mixedwood forests Michele D. Piercey-Normore Lichens from the Hudson Bay Lowlands: northwestern interior treeline peatlands of Wapusk National Park in Manitoba NOTE / NOTE Laura L. Beaton and Susan A. Dudley Maternal effects and drought tolerance determine seedling establishment success in a common roadside plant, Dipsacus fullonum subsp sylvestris ERRATUM / ERRATUM Jeanne A. Robert, Lufiani L. Madilao, Rick White, Alvin Yanchuk, John King, and Jorg Bohlmann Erratum: Terpenoid metabolite profiling in Sitka spruce identifies association of dehydroabietic acid, (+)-3-carene and terpinolene with resistance against white pine weevil November / Novembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES Mark C. Bilton, Raj Whitlock, J. Philip Grime, Glenn Marion, and Robin J. Pakeman Intraspecific trait variation in grassland plant species reveals fine-scale strategy trade-offs and size differentiation that underpins performance in ecological communities Na Qu, Wenjian Gan, Dongling Bi, Shitou Xia, Xin Li, and Yuelin Zhang Two BTB proteins function redundantly as negative regulators of defense against pathogens in Arabidopsis Kai Rite, Martin Zobel, and Kristjan Zobel Different factors govern the performance of three closely related and ecologi- cally similar Dryopteris species with contrastingly different abundance in a transplant experiment J. Reid, M. Iranpour, S.M. Rudski, P.C. Loewen, and G. Hausner A new conifer-inhabiting species of Ceratocystis from Norway Elzbieta Myskow Procambium—cambium transition during vascular meristem development in Diospyros lotus Kenichi Yoshimura Spatial distribution and morphology of shoots in the variant crown form of Rhododendron reticulatum NOTE / NOTE Christine M. Ingersoll, Richard A. Niesenbaum, Caitlin E. Weigle, and Julia H. Lehman _ Total phenolics and individual phenolic acids vary with light environment in Lindera benzoin 1007 December / Decembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES D.B. Strongman Trichomycetes from Newfoundland, including Gros Morne National Park Yinbo Gan, Zhongjing Zhou, Lijun An, Shengjie Bao, Qing Liu, Murali Srinivasan, and Peter Goddard The effects of fluctuations in the nutrient supply on the expression of ANR/ and 11 other MADS box genes in shoots and roots of Arabi- dopsis thaliana Yit Kheng Goh and Vladimir Vujanovic Ascospore germination patterns revealed ascomycetous biotrophic mycoparasite specificity to Fusarium hosts Published by NRC Research Press C-6 Botany Vol. 88, 2010 J.T. Lundholm Relative importance of available energy, environmental heterogeneity, and seed availability for seedling emer- gence on a limestone pavement 1045 Kazuaki Tanaka, Vadim A. Mel’nik, Maasa Kamiyama, Kazuyuki Hirayama, and Takashi Shirouzu Molecular phylo- geny of two coelomycetous fungal genera with stellate conidia, Prosthemium and Asterosporium, on Fagales trees 1057 Joanna R. Freeland, Joy Gillespie, Claudia Ciotir, and Marcel E. Dorken Conservation genetics of Hill’s thistle (Cirsium hillii) 1073 ERRATA/ ERRATA Erratum: Inside back cover of the October 2010 issue of Botany / Plat inferieur interieur du numero de octobre 2010 de Botanique Fan Liu, Shu-Ying Zhao, Wei Li, Jin-Ming Chen, and Qing-Feng Wang Erratum: Population genetic structure and phylo- geographic patterns in the Chinese endemic species Sagittaria lichuanensis, inferred from cpDNA atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers Author index for Volume 88 / Index des auteurs pour le volume 88 Contents for Volume 88 / Sommaire pour le volume 88 Published by NRC Research Press | Contents (continued) / Table des matiéres (suite) Systematics Systematique ARTICLE ARTICLE D.B. Strongman 1011-1022 lrichomycetes from Newfoundland, including Gros Morne National Park ERRATUM ERRATUM 1081 Erratum: Inside back cover of the October 2010 issue of Botany / Plat inférieur intérieur du numéro de octobre 2010 de Botanique Author Index for Volume 88 Index des auteurs pour le volume 88 Contents for Volume 88 Sommaire pour le volume 88 Date of issue for the November 2010 issue: Date de publication pour le numéro novembre 2010 : 19 November 2010 19 november 2010 Postage paid at Ottawa Port payé a Ottawa Publications mail Poste-publication Registration No. 40062591 Enregistrement n8 40062591 USPS periodical postage paid at Plattsourgh, NY 12901, USA BOTANY BOTANIQUE Volume 88, Number 12, December 2010 Volume 88, numéro 12, décembre 2010 Announcement: NRC Research Press transiiion to Canadian Science Publishing Communique : Transition de NRC Research Press vers les Editions Sciences Canada Cell and molecular biology Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire ERRATUM ERRATUM Fan Liu, Shu-Ying Zhao, Wei Li, 1083 Erratum: Population genetic structure and phylogeographic Jin-Ming Chen, and Qing-Feng Wang patterns in the Chinese endemic species Sagittaria lichua- nensis, inferred from cpDNA atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers Ecology Ecologie ARTICLE ARTICLE J.T. Lundholm 1045-1056 Relative importance of available energy, environmental heterogeneity, and seed availability for seedling emergence on a limestone pavement Genetics Genétique ARTICLES ARTICLES Yinbo Gan, Zhongjing Zhou, Lijun An, 1023-1031 The effects of fluctuations in the nutrient supply on the Shengijie Bao, Qing Liu, expression of ANR/ and 11 other MADS box genes in Murali Srinivasan, and Peter Goddard shoots and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana Joanna R. Freeland, Joy Gillespie, 1073-1080 Conservation genetics of Hill’s thistle (Cirsium hillii) Claudia Ciotir, and Marcel E. Dorken Mycology and plant-microbe interactions Mycologie et interactions plantes- microorganismes ARTICLES ARTICLES Yit Kheng Goh and Vladimir Vujanovic 1033-1043 Ascospore germination patterns revealed ascomycetous biotrophic mycoparasite specificity to Fusarium hosts Kazuaki Tanaka, Vadim A. Mel’nik, 1057-1071 Molecular phylogeny of two coelomycetous fungal genera Maasa Kamiyama, with stellate conidia, Prosthemium and Asterosporium, on Kazuyuki Hirayama, and Fagales trees Takashi Shirouzu Continued on inside back cover/ Suite au verso Printed in Canada by / imprimé au Canada par NAC Reprographic Services / Service de reprographie CNRC lage production by / Mise en page par NRC Research Press / Presses scientifiques du CNRC 1916-2790(201012)88:12;1-K

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