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Botanical PDF

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BOTANY, AND NEW-WORLD BOTANY And yet — in fact you need only draw a single thread at any point you choose out of the fabric of life and the run will make a pathway across the whole, and down that wider pathway each of the other threads will become successively visible, one by one. — Heimito von Doderer, DIE DÂIMONEN HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 300 BCE Theophrastus, the father of Greek Botany, taught about plants from his own working knowledge of them, experience reflected in the “Inquiry” (HISTORIA PLANTARUM) and “Causes.” This text covers 550 kinds of plants, including the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo), the date palm, figs, and water lilies. During the middle ages, these informative Theophrastan works would be generally unavailable, and 2nd-hand versions would be loaded with misinformation — thus the level of botanical knowledge available in writing actually would decline. The rediscovery and printing of his works beginning in 1483 would replace muddled interpretations of plants and help rekindle an interest in botany. For instance, here are amaranth and mandrake as depicted in a 1644 edition of HISTORIA PLANTARUM: PLANTS HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY Plant Name Place OTHERS Cherry Prunus avium Europe and Asia HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 50 CE Pedanius Dioscorides, a Roman army surgeon, was author of an ancient compilation of descriptions and medicinal uses for plants DE MATERIA MEDICA, which was the most widely known western botanical text during the middle ages. The earliest herbals were recapitulations of Dioscorides. With an expanding awareness of the natural world in the 16th-century, herbalists would begin to make their own descriptions of plants, and at last Dioscorides’s influence would wane. Dioscorides knew about 650 different species. PLANTS HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 70 CE At about this point Caius Plinius Secundus or Pliny the Elder, in his NATURAL HISTORY, was discussing approximately a thousand different plants. Well known throughout the middle ages, this book constituted a major source of information on botany. Primarily a storyteller and historian, Pliny edited uncritically. Once the original, rarer source documents were discovered, many errors in Pliny’s account would become all too obvious. NATURAL HISTORY, I PLANTS NATURAL HISTORY, II NATURAL HISTORY, III NATURAL HISTORY, IV NATURAL HISTORY, V NATURAL HISTORY, VI That doesn’t mean that Pliny was always wrong when he related a marvel. For instance, he reported that he had learned from certain monuments that milk and blood had rained from the lower part of the atmosphere not only during the consulship of Marcus Acilius Glabrio and Marcus Porcius Cato but also at other times, and that flesh had fallen from the sky in the consulship of Publius Volumnius and Servius Sulpicius, “and it is said that what was not devoured by the birds did not become putrid.” There is no reason to doubt this ancient account as similar events have been observed during the modern era — it seems that the power of dust devils and waterspouts and tornadoes is adroit to scoop schools of small fishes from the surface layers of water and drop them flopping on suburban lawns, and to raise even heavy bodies into the air and there shred them to bits and pieces, and then transport these objects a distance through the upper atmosphere and deposit them as a rain of fragments in a calmer atmosphere. HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY WALDEN: Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows which surround it. We need the tonic of wildness.... At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of Nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor, vast and Titanic features, the seacoast with its wrecks, the wilderness with its living and its decaying trees, the thunder cloud, and the rain which lasts three weeks and produces freshets. We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and some life pasturing freely where we never wander.... I love to see that Nature is so rife with life that myriads can be afforded to be sacrificed and suffered to prey on one another; that tender organizations can be so serenely squashed out of existence like pulp, — tadpoles which herons gobble up, and tortoises and toads run over in the road; and that sometimes it has rained flesh and blood! RAINS OF BLOOD, &C. It is through Pliny that we know the exact costs of many products, and that farmers alternated crops of beans with spelt. He commented on the growing trend of farm land consolidation to create slave-maintained plantations. BOTANIZING Pliny’s description of the manner of constructing mosaics makes us confident that Marcus Vitruvius Pollio’s DE ARCHITECTVRA was known to him — despite the fact that his name appears merely in the Table of Contents. The betrothal ring originated earlier than the wedding band. The giving of an iron ring to mark a betrothal was a Roman custom. It was presumably a marker of the pledge, pignus, the contract between families that was to be fulfilled (such rings found in Christian burials in the catacombs of Rome appear to have been more commonly of bronze than of iron). At this point conservative custom still required a plain ring of iron, but the gold band would be becoming usual in the course of the 2d Century. “Even now,” according to Pliny’s NATURAL HISTORY, “the bridal ring is made of iron and without jewels.” Pliny commended the ancient Romans for teaching women “modesty and sobriety” by condemning the wearing of gold “save on the finger, which, with the bridal ring, her husband had sacredly pledged to himself.” At about this point Hero of Alexandria was demonstrating by means of geometry, in CATOPTRICA, that a ray of light in reflecting from a plane mirror will follow the shortest path that it can possibly follow, between its source and the point of its observation. (OK, how does it know to do that?) HISTORY OF OPTICS HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 500 CE The 1st botanical drawing of cannabis appeared in Constantinopolitanus (Constantinople). HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 512 CE Townspeople in a district of Constantinople presented an illuminated manuscript of the 1st-Century DE MATERIA MEDICA of Pedanius Dioscorides of Anazarbus Πεδάνιος Διοσκουρίδης to their patron, Princess Anicia Juliana, daughter of puppet emperor Flavius Anicius Olybrius, as a “coffee-table” book. For a millennium “Juliana’s codex” would be recognized as the best compilation of Western knowledge available about botany — and this illuminated manuscript, slightly the worse for wear in a hospital over the years, happens to be still in existence at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna. PLANTS HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 1483 The plant descriptions of Theophrastus, such as his HISTORIA PLANTARUM, had during the middle ages been generally unavailable, and 2d-hand versions had been loaded with misinformation, but the rediscovery and printing of his works by Teodoro of Gaza in the Latin language began at this point — and would help to rekindle a Western interest in botany. BOTANIZING Here, for instance, are amaranth and mandrake: HDT WHAT? INDEX BOTANY BOTANY 1484 One of the 1st vernacular herbals, Johan Veldener’s HERBARIUS IN DIETSCHE (Würzburg).

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