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by  MaxwellJ F
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Notes NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM S凹.54(1): 155-157,2 006 , Botanical Notes on the Flora of Northern Thailand7: New Records1 J. F. MaxwetP Abs.か'act.一心nenew genreric re∞叫Pyrularia(Santalaceae)飢 dfour new species records,viz . Eriobo町四 salwinensis Hand.-Mazz.(Rosaceae),W endlandia ternifolia Cow. (Rubiaceae),T risepalum prazeri Burtt (Gesneria印l 刷,and Dendrobium eriiflorum Griff. (Orchidaceae)蹴 notedfor恥 floraThailand. 1. Eriobotrya salwinensis Hand.-Mazz. (Rosaceae) 百lereare 3s pecies of Eriobotrya noted也百lailand,E. bengalensis (Roxb.) Hk. f. (with 2f orms) being the most common (VIDAL,1 970). Eriobo.tηas alwinensis H d.- 佃 M位 z.is now the fourth. It was described by Handel-Mazzetti泊 1933and is known from NWY unnan,In dia,a nd Burma (Lu ETA L.,2003). 1f ound ap opulation of this evergr田 n treelet or tree up to 6m tall on the open,ru gged limestone summit of Pah Hoong at Doi (mt.) Dωng (Tung),M ae Sai Ditrict,Ch iang Rai Province,1 425-1450 m. Flowering material was collected on 30 November 2005 (M well05-680) and fruits on 3F ebruary 2006 杭 (Maxwell 06-116). Pooma,M auric,G reijmans 1469,co llected at 1250 m from the same area on 1M arch 1997,is post flowering. 百lIsspecies c釦 bedistinguished from the other Thai species of Eriobotrya by having lanceolate leaf blades which are coriaceous,vi llous undemeath,wi th fme serrulations in the upper p t,and areι-9 x3 -4.25 cm; petioles 7-12 mml ong; and emginatepetals 紅 紅 c. 3m mlong.官levegetation on the summit of Pah Hoong is mixed evergreen +d eciduous, seasonal,ha rdwood,es sentially scrub forest. Thes pecific epithet refers to白eSalwin River which flows出roughYunnan and Burma. 2. Wendlandia ternifolia Cow. (Rubiaceae) CRAIB (1932) followed COWAN (1932) by including 7 taxa泊 the2 species of Wendlandia known forT hailand. Wendlandia ternifolia Cow. w槌 de明 bedby J. M. Cowan from material collected by the French botanist B. Balansa in Tonkin,V ietnam,加 1886and 1887. 1f ound flowering (Maxwell 0ι126)佃 d仕uiting(Maxwell 05-150) material of this re,epilithic,ev ergreen treelet-slenderly scandent species on the west slope of Pah Hoong 訂 limestone cli首s'at Doi Dωng (Tung),M ae Sai Dis住ict,Chiang Rai Province at 1375 m in shaded,pr imy,evergreen,se asonal,ha rdwood forest on 18 February 2005 (合uits)and 3 ぽ February 2006 (flowers). It is readily distinguished from other taxa of官laiWendlandia by its slender,ep ilithic habit and temate leaves-to which the specific epithet refers. .Continued仕omNat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 46: 149-154 (1998). 2CMU Herbarium,De partment of Biology,Fa culty of Science,Ch iang Mai University,Ch iang Mai 50200, Thailand Received 1M 創-ch2006; acα,pted 1M ay 2006. 155 156 NOTES 3. Trisepalum prazeri Burtt (Gesneriaceae) BURTI (2001) lists 11 species of Trisepalum for 百lailand,T. birmanicum (Craib) Burtt being the most common one in northern Thailand. Trisepalum prazeri Burtt was described in1984 from material collected by Prazer from northern Burma in 1894 (BUR'π,1984). It is distinguished by having glabrous,co riaceous bracts 5-8 mmd iameter, glabrous,co riaceous calyx; glabrous,pi nkish-red corollas; and spira11y twisted capsules 15-20 mml ong which 'esubtended by the persistent bracts and ca1yx. It is ar obust, 紅 deciduous,e pi1ithic herb-shrub up to c. 50 cm ta1l. CMUH erbarium has 4c ollections of 血isspecies,al l from Doi Dtung (Tung),M ae Sai District,Ch iang Rai Province on rugged limestone te汀泊n,1100-1450 m (the summit ofPah Hoong).百lesesp即imensare: Banzinger 1051 (flowers,30 ctober 1992),1 072 (fruits,16 December 1992),Ma xwell 05-688 (fruits, December 2005),a nd Pa1ee 1016 日(owers,2S eptember 2006). 4. Pyrularia edulis (Wall.) A. DC. (Santalaceaeトーnewgeneric record Pyrularia Mich. w部 notincluded加 Santa1aceaefor 百ai1and(MACKL町 &PARNELL, 2005),b ut is present泊 theChinese flora (XIA & GILBERT,2 003). Theo n1y Asiatic representative of血istwo-specied genus is P. edulis (Wall.) A. DC.百leother species is found泊 NorthAmerica. Pyrularia edulis is known 合omIndia,M yanmar,出eH耐la1ayan coun佐iesNep ,1aBhutan,a nd Siは加, as well as southern and SE China. It was originally described by N. Wa1lich in 1824出 Sphaerocaryaedulis Wa1l. and佐ansferredto Pyrularia by A. De Candolle in 1857. 1f ound flowering materia1 of血isspecies slight1yb elow the western summit of Doi (mt.) Lo加 (Lahn),Mae AwnD is凶ct,Chiang Mai Prov泊ce,at 1725 m on 3M arch 2005 泊 openm釘ginsof prim釘y,evergreen,s eason ,1ahardwood forest on gr創泊tebedrock. 官邸 taxonis distinguished by being a住eewith a1ternate,p innately-ve加edleaves; axi11ary,t hyrsoid-umbellate,p ubescent inflorescences which are shorter th姐 theleaves, and some details of the flowers which 'ec. 5m ml ong. Thep erianth is yellow-green and 紅 has 5凶佃gul紅, reflexed lobes which are as long as出eperianthωbe.百ledisc is th加, similarly pigmented,a nd wi由 5剖angul釘"sca1e-like lobes a1ternating with the perianth lobes. The5 st創nensare inserted at the base of,o pposite to,a nd half剖 longas血e perian出lobesand have anthers which釘'elongitud卸a11ydehiscent.百lestigma is minutely 5・lobed佃 d血eov紅yis泊ferior. 百lisgenus can be added to the generic key by MAc阻 町 &P組 NELL(2005) with the d following ammendment: 2. Plants glabrous,le aves opposite,fl owers hermaphroditic・ ..・.....・ ・-…5.Santalum H H 2. Plants variously hairy; leaves a1ternate,f lowers unisexua1 a. Inflorescence a catkin,p lant often with spines,a nthers transversely dehiscent …....................................・ ・-…........…........…………・…6.Scleropyrum H a. Inflorescences thyrsoid-umbellate,p lant inermous,a nthers longitudinally dehiscent・ ..・・・......・ ・..… ・・...… ・・...・ ・....・ ・...・ ・....・ ・.......・ ・-…・ 8.Pyrularia H H H H H H H H H H H H H 百lespecific epithet means“edible"泊 Latin,which probably refers to白e仕uits. NOTES 157 5. Dendrobium eriiflorum GritT. (Orchidaceae) SEIDENFADEN (1985) included this species in his revision of Dendrobium for Thailand a1though no authentic materia1 had been found in the coun佐y.τoisspecies is known from NWH imalayas in Nepal,S ikkim,B hutan,a nd Beng ,1aIndia. It w foundby Dr. Pranee 槌 Pa1ee (CMU) (Pa1ee 728) on the westem summit slope of Doi (mt.) Lo加1(Lahn),M ae Awn Dis住ict,Chiang Mai Province,at 1550 m on 28 September 2004.官邸 isar are epiphyte found in primary,ev ergreen,se asonal,ha rdwood forest with planted Pinus kesiya Roy. ex Gord. (Pinaceae),a n ative species. Dendrobium eriifLorum is in sect. Stitchylobium Lindl. and is distinguished by having tri釦 gularside lobes on血elip and lacerate epichile margins.百lespecific epithet alludes to the resemblance of the flowers to those of Eria (Orchidaceae). It was described by Wm. Griffith (1810-1845) in 1851 from materia1 he collected in Assam. Acknowledgments.-I am very appreciative of the Doi Tung Development Project, Mae Fa Luang Foundation at Doi Dtung (Tung),C hiang Rai Province,fo r their generous and continuing support of myr esearch there. MS.Sumonta Korkaew is thanked for c'efully 紅 retyping my origina1 draft on compu町.Field assistance was provided by C町 ot. REFERENCES BUR ,TI'B. L. 1984. Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the old World: XLVII,Re vised Generic Concepts for 80ea and its Allies. Not. Roy. 80t. Gard. Edinb. 41(3): 447-448. BUR'π,B. L. 2001. Flora of Thailand: Annotated Checklist of Gesneriaceae. Thai For. 8ull. (Bot.) 29: 108-109. COWAN,J. M. 1932. TheG enus Wendlandia. Not. Roy. 80t. Gard. Edinb. XIV (LXXX): 279-280. CRAIB,W. G. 1932. Florae Siamensis Enumeratio,11. 百eSiam Society,Ba nkok,Th ailand,22 -24. Lu,L. ,C. Gu,T. Ku,E T (10) AL. 2003. Rosac関.e.Flora of China 9: 139. MACKLIN,J. AND J. PA剛 ELL.2005. Santa1aceae. Flora ofThailand 9(1): 58-83. SElDENFADEN,G. 1985. Orchid Genera in百ailand.XII. Dendrobium Sw. Opera 80ωnica 83: 149・150and Fig. 101 (p. 150). VIDAL,J. F. 1970. Rosaceae. Flora of Thailand 2(1): 42-44. 泊A,N. AND M. G. G払BE灯.2003. Santa1aceae. Flora of China 5: 208-210.

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