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Boston Logan International Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Project Final Environmental Assessment Environmental Impact Report PDF

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Preview Boston Logan International Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Project Final Environmental Assessment Environmental Impact Report

FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EOEEA #14442 JANUARY 2011 BOSTON-LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Runway Safety Area IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY Massachusetts Port Authority Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. East Boston, Massachusetts January 31, 2011 Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Director Alicia Barton McDevitt Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Richard Doucette Federal Aviation Administration New England Region ANE-600 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803 Re: Boston-Logan International Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Project Final Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report (EEA File #14442) Dear Secretary Sullivan, Director McDevitt and Mr. Doucette: On behalf of the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport), I am pleased to submit the Final Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report (Draft EA/EIR) for the Boston-Logan International Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Project for public review in accordance with the MEPA regulations. This document responds to all of the requirements of the Certificate issued after MEPA review of the Draft Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report (EA/EIR). As was outlined in the ENF and the Draft EA/EIR, Massport has a continuing program of improving airfield safety at all of its airports. One of the major Boston-Logan International Airport (“Logan”) initiatives is the enhancement of the runway safety areas (RSAs) at the ends of Runway 33L and Runway 22R. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) policy requires that Massport modify the RSAs, to the extent feasible, to be consistent with the current FAA airport design criteria for RSAs and to improve rescue access in the event of an emergency. RSAs are safety features and do not extend runways or have any effect on normal runway operations, runway capacity, or types of aircraft that can use the existing runways. Because of Logan’s location on Boston Harbor, the runway-end safety improvement at these runway end locations requires work in the intertidal and subtidal areas. Massport has worked closely with FAA to advance a design of the proposed safety improvements that avoids and minimizes impacts to the maximum extent practicable. However, there are no feasible alternatives that both meet FAA safety requirements and fully avoid marine resource impacts. The Draft EA/EIR fully described the purpose of and need for the proposed safety improvements, the alternatives considered, the potential environmental impacts and outlined mitigation concepts for the proposed safety enhancements at both runway-ends. The Draft EA/EIR is provided on the enclosed CD. Through the efforts of interagency working groups composed of local, state and federal environmental resource agencies specially convened for this project, the Final EA/EIR is able to present detailed mitigation plans for the unavoidable impacts to salt marsh, eelgrass and shellfish. As the project proceeds through final design and permitting, with FAA input, Massport will continue to look for opportunities to further reduce construction-phase and long-tem impacts to project area coastal resources. At Runway-End 22R, a graded transition to mean low water, known as an Inclined Safety Area (ISA), is proposed. The ISA design will closely mirror the ISA permitted and constructed at Runway-End 22L in the early 1990s. The 22R ISA will affect salt marsh and a coastal beach/mud flat area supporting shellfish. These impacts will be offset by restoring nearly 3 acres of salt marsh and mudflat at Rumney Marsh in Saugus. As part of the project review Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Director Alicia Barton McDevitt Richard Doucette January 31, 2011 Page 2     with the MA Division of Marine Fisheries, Massport has also committed to funding of enhancements to local shellfish resources. Shellfishers that are authorized to harvest regulated areas at Logan Airport will have the opportunity to provide additional input into this program before it is finalized. At Runway-End 33L, an extension to the existing Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) is proposed. The design criteria of the safety improvements included careful consideration of avoidance and minimization of environmental impacts. Notably, to avoid harbor filling, the RSA extension at 33L is proposed as a 470-foot pile-supported deck incorporating EMAS, rather than the construction of FAA’s more conventional 1,000-foot long filled structure. Furthermore, because of the unique environmental setting and the extraordinary cost of the type of structure proposed, the FAA has approved narrowing the RSA from 500-feet wide to no less than 300-feet wide. Even with these significant steps to avoid and minimize impacts, the project will affect an area of eelgrass at this runway-end. As outlined in Chapter 5 of the Final EA/EIR, to mitigate this impact, Massport will harvest existing eelgrass from within the project footprint and relocate those plants to two areas in Boston Harbor to reestablish eelgrass in those areas. This effort is expected to be another significant step in re-establishing eelgrass in Boston Harbor. Massport has worked with the FAA and the MEPA Office to develop a concurrent MEPA and NEPA review for the Final EA/EIR. The 30-day public comment period for the Final EA/EIR would begin on February 9, 2011, with the publication of the next Environmental Monitor, and would conclude on March 11, 2011. This coordinated review will also serve as the federal public review for the FAA’s draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) which is included as Attachment 1 of the document. All parties on the distribution list are being sent a copy of the Final EA/EIR or notice of availability and the document will be available for inspection at a number of public libraries and on Massport’s website (www.massport.com). We continue to appreciate that the schedule for the permitting of the Runway 33L critical safety improvements by 2013, and the Runway 22R ISA by 2015, is an aggressive one, but this is a very important project that must meet FAA’s timetable for funding, commencement and completion. We greatly appreciate the time and attention that local, state and federal members of our Eelgrass and Salt Marsh Working Group(s) have provided. Their technical input and strategic guidance has significantly helped advance this safety project while at the same time developing a valuable mitigation program. Together with the FAA, Massport hopes that you and other reviewers of the Final EA/EIR find that the document answers the questions raised during the Draft EA/EIR review and provides the basis for streamlining final permitting. We look forward to your review and to close consultation with you and other reviewers in the coming weeks. Please feel free to contact me at (617) 568-3524 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Massachusetts Port Authority Stewart Dalzell, Deputy Director Environmental Planning and Permitting cc: A. Canaday/MEPA L. Richards/Massport Boston-Logan International Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Project Final Environmental Assessment/ Environmental Impact Report EOEEA No. 14442 Prepared for Massachusetts Port Authority Prepared by January 2011 This Environmental Assessment becomes a Federal document when evaluated, signed, and dated by the Responsible FAA Official. January 31, 2011 Responsible FAA Official Date Printed on recycled paper Table of Contents Summary ...................................................................................................................... S-1  S.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... S-1 S.2 Purpose and Need ................................................................................................... S-4  S.3 Project Description ................................................................................................. S-4  S.4 Environmental Impacts ............................................................................................. S-9  S.5 Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................... S-21  S.6 Permits and Approvals ............................................................................................ S-27  S.7 DEIR Certificate Requirements .................................................................................. S-28  1 Purpose and Need ...................................................................................................... 1-1   1.1  Purpose of the Project ........................................................................................... 1-3  1.2  FAA Design Criteria for Runway Safety Areas ................................................................. 1-3  1.3 Need for the Project ............................................................................................. 1-6 2 Alternatives ............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 No-Action/No-Build Alternative ................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Runway 33L ........................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 Runway 22R ...................................................................................................... 2-22 2.4 Summary .......................................................................................................... 2-32 3 Affected Environment ................................................................................................. 3-1  3.1  Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3-1  3.2  Resources Categories Not Considered in the Analysis ....................................................... 3-1  3.3  Environmental Setting ............................................................................................ 3-3  3.4  Runway 33L Existing Environmental Conditions .............................................................. 3-8  3.5  Runway 22R Existing Environmental Conditions ............................................................ 3-13  4 Environmental Consequences ....................................................................................... 4-1  4.1  Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4-1  4.2  Runway 33L ........................................................................................................ 4-7  4.3  Runway 22R ...................................................................................................... 4-53  4.4  Cumulative Impacts ............................................................................................. 4-75  4.5  Summary .......................................................................................................... 4-76  Table of Contents i Final EA/EIR 5  Proposed Mitigation and Section 61 Findings .................................................................... 5-1  5.1  Introduction ........................................................................................................ 5-1  5.2  Project Mitigation Commitments ............................................................................... 5-2  5.3  Construction-Period Mitigation Measures ................................................................... 5-38  5.4  Proposed Section 61 Findings ................................................................................. 5-42  6 Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................................... 6-1  6.1  Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6-1  6.2  Department of the Army Permit (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act) ............................................................... 6-3  6.3  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit ................................................... 6-5  6.4  Federal Consistency Review ..................................................................................... 6-5  6.5  Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act – Order of Conditions ............................................ 6-8 6.6  Massachusetts Water Quality Certification (Section 401 of the Clean Water Act) .................... 6-23  6.6  Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act - Chapter 91 ........................................................ 6-25  6.7  Massachusetts Public Benefits Determination .............................................................. 6-30  7 Public and Agency Involvement ..................................................................................... 7-1  7.1  Introduction ........................................................................................................ 7-1  7.2  Public Involvement ............................................................................................... 7-2  7.3  Agency Consultation and Coordination ........................................................................ 7-4  8 Distribution List ........................................................................................................ 8-1  Appendices Appendix 1 Draft Finding of No Significant Impact Appendix 2 MEPA Documentation Appendix 3 Response to Comments on the Draft EA/EIR Appendix 4 Agency Correspondence Table of Contents ii Final EA/EIR Tables Table No. Description Page S-1 Runway 33L RSA Construction Options .....................................S-8 S-2 Proposed Massport Project Mitigation Commitments ................ S-22 S-3 Proposed Construction Mitigation Commitments ....................... S-25 S-4 Required Permits and Approvals .......................................... S-28 S-5 Draft EIR Certificate Requirements ...................................... S-28 1.2-1 FAA Design Criteria for Runway 33L and Runway 22R RSAs ............ 1-6 2.2-1 Runway 33L Construction Options ........................................ 2-10 2.2-2 Runway 33L Proposed Action: Estimated Construction Costs ........ 2-22 2.3-1 Runway 22R Proposed Action: Estimated Construction Costs ....... 2-32 3.4-1 Results of Water Quality Sampling Analysis, Runway 33L ............. 3-12 3.5-1 Results of Water Quality Sampling Analysis, Runway 22R ............ 3-16 4.1-1 FAA Order 1050.1E Impact Thresholds for Significant Adverse Effects ............................................. 4-6 4.2-1 Runway 33L RSA Direct Wetland Impacts to State-Regulated Wetland Resources ..................................... 4-23 4.2-2 Runway 33L RSA Direct Wetland Impacts to Federally Regulated Wetland Resources ................................. 4-25 4.2-3 Runway 33L RSA Scour Impact (square feet) ............................ 4-28 4.2-4 Runway 33L RSA Modeled Sediment Deposition from Construction ........................................................... 4-32 4.2-5 Runway 33L Impacts to Mussel Habitat .................................. 4-37 4.2-6 Proposed Runway 33L RSA Stormwater Management .................. 4-42 4.2-7 Runway 33L Sediment Sampling Physical Results ...................... 4-47 4.2-8 Runway 33L Sediment Sampling Chemical Results ..................... 4-47 4.2-7 Runway 33L RSA Predicted Suspended Sediment Plumes ............. 4-53 4.3-1 Runway 22R ISA Direct Wetland Impacts to State-Regulated Wetland Resources ..................................... 4-59 4.3-2 Runway 22R ISA Direct Wetland Impacts to Federally Regulated Wetland Resources ................................. 4-60 Table of Contents iii Final EA/EIR Table No. Description Page 4.3-3 Runway 22R ISA Sediment Deposition .................................... 4-63 4.3-4 Runway 22R Sediment Sampling Physical Results ...................... 4-74 4.3-5 Runway 22R Sediment Sampling Chemical Results ..................... 4-74 4.4-1 Cumulative Direct and Indirect Impacts to Wetland Resources (Loss or Impairment due to Project) ........................ 4-76 4.5-1 Runway 33L RSA Significant Impacts ..................................... 4-77 4.5-2 Runway 22R ISA Significant Impacts ...................................... 4-78 5.2-1 Runway 33L RSA Eelgrass Minimization Alternatives ................... 5-22 5.2-2 Runway 33L RSA Land Containing Shellfish Minimization ............ 5-35 5.2-3 Runway 22R ISA Land Containing Shellfish Minimization ............. 5-36 5.4-1 Required Permits and Approvals .......................................... 5-45 5.4-2 Proposed Massport Project Mitigation Commitments .................. 5-47 6.1-1 Required Permits and Approvals ........................................... 6-2 7.3-1 Agency Coordination Meetings ............................................. 7-6 Table of Contents iv Final EA/EIR Figures Figure No. Description Page S-1 Location of Proposed Safety Improvements S-2 S-2 Existing Runway 33L End S-5 S-3 Existing Runway 22R End S-5 S-4 Runway 33L Proposed Action S-6 S-5 Runway 22R Proposed Action S-9 S-6 Existing Eelgrass Beds and Light Pier at the Runway 33L End S-13 S-7 Salt Marsh at the Runway 22R End S-18 1-1 Location of Proposed Safety Improvements 1-2 2-1 Existing Runway 33L RSA 2-4 2-2 Runway 33L Alternatives Screening Process 2-6 2-3 Runway 33L Proposed Runway Safety Area 2-7 2-4 Runway 33L Construction Options 2-11 2-5 Runway 33L Construction Options Cross Sections 2-13 2-6 Taxiway C1 Connector and Relocated Perimeter Road 2-17 2-7 Existing Runway 22R RSA 2-24 2-8 Runway 22R Proposed Inclined Safety Area 2-26 2-9 Runway 22R Inclined Safety Area Cross Section 2-29 3-1 Logan Airport Project Study Area 3-1 3-2 Priority and Estimated Habitat of State-listed Rare Species 3-2 3-3 Runway 33L Coastal Wetlands 3-9 3-4 Runway 33L Eelgrass Survey 3-11 3-5 Runway 22R Coastal Wetlands 3-14 Table of Contents v Final EA/EIR

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