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May 12-18, 2017 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, VAN NEST, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL POLICE BUST DRUG CARTEL 14 arrested in fed heroin gang roundup BY ARTHUR CUSANO nue, were charged with oper- executed a search warrant. A Bronx resident was ar- ating as a major traffi cker, a The 159-count indictment rested and charged with al- class A-1 felony. names 10 Bronx residents as legedly selling potent her- They and other defen- defendants, with another four oin laced with fentanyl out dants also face various other facing a 32-count indictment of his Lurting Avenue home charges, such as criminal pos- in Manhattan and New Jer- just down the road from session of a controlled sub- sey. Westchester Square, accord- stance and criminal sale of a Another resident of 1517 ing to the Bronx District At- controlled substance. Lurting Avenue, 39-year-old torney’s Offi ce. The 14 defendants were ar- Denia Hernandez, was among Ramon Walters, 42, worked rested Wednesday, May 3, fol- those arrested. with 13 co-defendants to have lowing a lengthy investigation It was not immediately the drugs shipped from Mex- by the Bronx D.A.’s offi ce and known if she was related to ico, and then mixed and stored the NYPD’s Bronx Narcotics Walters. at his home at 1517 Lurting Av- unit that began in May 2016. Seven other Bronx resi- enue, off East Tremont Ave- The DEA Strike Force dents were arrested as part of nue. then joined the investigation the bust: Earl Williams Sr., 39, Other defendants would in August to help identify the of 1032 Aldus Street; Roberto visit the home to pick up the group’s supply and distribu- Davila, 42, of 3124 Country drugs they later sold, accord- tion network. Club Road; Luis Padro, 45, of ing to police. Investigators found a high- 2523 University Avenue; Jason Buried Treasure Found Walters and Troy Call- tech security system and fl ood- Ruiz, 30, 906 Simpson Street; wood, 45, of 2714 Gifford Ave- lights at the home when they Continued on Page 65 Hundreds of divers enjoyed a fun-fi lled beach adventure at the Borough tour of stained glass artifacts eighth annual Orchard Beach Clean-Up and Clam Bake on Sunday, May 7. Divers took to the water to help restore the Long Island Sound and the beach’s natural beauty. Scuba divers Doreen Do- herty and coach Stevan Lynn discovered a refrigerator door hid- BY PATRICK ROCCHIO the theme of this year’s open “With the Tiffany win- den beneath the Bronx Riviera’s waters. Three borough religious houses ‘Stained Glass: Win- dows, they range from fl owers Photo by Miriam Quin sites that are home to historic dows on this World and the to landscapes,” said Susan Ol- stained glass windows and Next.’ sen, Woodlawn Conservancy mosaics are holding upcom- “Don’t miss the wonderful director of historical services, ing open houses. opportunity the Conservan- adding “We have lots of inte- Woodlawn Cemetery, St. cy’s Sacred Sites Open House rior mosaics at Woodlawn.” James Episcopal Church in presents to explore the art, ar- The mosaics and stained Fordham and Christ Church chitecture and history these glass windows feature bibli- Riverdale will open their religious institutions offer,” cal scenes as well as those that doors on Saturday, May 20 and said Peg Breen, NYLC presi- were custom built and have Sunday, May 21 as part of the dent. more of a personal connection New York Landmarks Con- Woodlawn Cemetery, to the deceased in terms of servancy’s Sacred Sites Open which is home to 1,300 family what they depict, she said. House Weekend. mausoleums, has many differ- Additionally, glass was Over 150 institutions state- ent types of stained glass, in- used in mosaics of star con- wide will allow the public to cluding those created by Louis stellations that frequently glimpse their artistic trea- Comfort Tiffany and John La- sures over the weekend, with Farge. Continued on Page 65 A CNG Publication • Vol. 37 No. 19 www.bxtimes.com GFoo Tro M Oourr eB lIong fToor Smeea Otiuorn W Veeiksliyt SUpse cAiatls ! Visit Our NEW Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com Vist Our Nweww Wweb.b-itreo: nwxwdwe.nretliisatbnleyb.rcoonmxdentist.com XT S S NEU NT DO A O E PL T TE M HAS OT I W WE G NOM K T N’O O D C (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 BTR Starlight Park’s future looking even brighter BY ROBERT WIRSING mid-1900s and its namesake The Bronx River’s newest amusement park in the 1920s. gem will shine even brighter. The project will extend According to Bronx River Starlight Park and close a ma- Alliance and NYC Parks, con- jor 2/3-mile gap in the 23-mile struction will soon begin on Greenway. restoring Starlight Park as NYC Department of Parks part of the Bronx River Green- and Recreation will institute way’s $40 million multi-phase shoreline restoration efforts to restoration project improving improve the river’s recovery the river’s ecology and provid- and increase community resil- ing residents additional green iency against coastal storms. space and recreational facili- The fi rst stage will revital- ties. ize fl oodplain functions for 1.7 “Starlight Park is a ‘miss- acres, re-naturalize 740 feet of ing piece’ of the park’s puzzle armored shoreline and restore A detailed rendering of the Bronx River Greenway - Starlight Park project’s second phase. that needs to be restored,” ex- native salt marsh grasses on Photo by Malcolm Pinckney/NYC Parks pressed Claudia Ibaven, Bronx half an acre of new wetland River Alliance Greenway coor- habitat. enue. The Amazing Bronx River dinator. Eleven acres of parkland This connection will pro- Bronx River Alliance and Flotilla, a 5-mile paddle down The 13-acre park which will be enhanced using storm- vide thousands of Bronxites ac- Parks will select a contractor the Bronx River, will be held on opened in 2013 will connect the water best management prac- cess to Starlight Park, Bronx to complete the work. Saturday, May 13 at 9 a.m. The Greenway allowing park-goers tices and have reduced toxic River House and the improved Starlight Park’s restoration rain date is Sunday, May 14. to walk, run and bike along the substance exposure by remov- waterway. is funded by a Department of Starting at Shoelace Park, Bronx River, NYC’s only fresh- ing contaminated fi ll. It will incorporate restored the Interior’s $4.4 million Hur- canoers can paddle through water river. The second stage will con- parcels completed in the fi rst ricane Sandy Restoration Fund such diverse landscapes as The project will remove struct a link between Star- stage. grant from the National Fish the New York Botanical Gar- abandoned industrial infra- light Park and Concrete Plant NYC Department of Design and Wildlife Foundation. den, the Bronx Zoo and the wa- structure on the river’s banks Park via trails and pedestrian and Construction will manage “This new phase of the terway’s southern urbanized to create more usable space bridges. the project on behalf of Parks Bronx River Greenway will stretches before docking at for an overlook, a dog run and One link will cross Amtrak while RBA Group will serve as only add additional opportu- Hunts Point Riverside Park. some seating areas. lines at East 172nd Street while design consultant. nities for our families to enjoy To be added to the wait Starlight Park formerly another will cross the Bronx Starlight Park’s reconstruc- their Bronx River and that is list, contact Tahai Addae at housed a manufactured gas River extending Starlight Park tion will be completed by June incredibly exciting,” said Coun- (718) 430-4602 or tahai.addae@ plant between the 1800s and south toward Westchester Av- 2018. cilman Rafael Salamanca. bronxriver.org. Marina Del Rey CATERERS N O O -P C OW FFERING FF REMISE ATERING Catering For Communions, Confirmations, Graduations, Birthday Parties, Anniversary Parties, And All Your Special Occasions From Our House To Yours All the delicious food that has made Marina del Rey a premier spot for your private event is now available for delivery or pickup 718-931-6500 Marina Del Rey One Marina Drive Throgs Neck, NY 10465 www.marinadelreyny.com CATERERS BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 3 around Middle Eastern studies, will Donna Dechiaro has the spend the next year in Mo- following message to send to rocco, teaching English. her Aunt Jeanne. town Notable Passing I love opening the Bronx Florence Criscuolo, Times week after week and see- Your Neighborhood — Your News by Patrick Rocchio 99-years-old, who spent most ing my fabulous Aunt Jeanne, of her life in the borough the smiling ‘Cover Girl’ in the passed away on Tuesday, advertisement for Providence Mail: Bronx Times 3604 E. Tremont Ave., The Bronx Times Reporter May 2. Rest where she resides. Bronx, NY 10465 will publish your announce- She was waked at John My Aunt Jeanne is cele- To Subscribe: ments. Send announcements Dormi and Sons Funeral brating her 97th Birthday on (718) 260-4595 along with photo, to: Bronx Home, according to her fam- Wednesday, May 17. Times Reporter, 3604 E. Trem- ily. A loving family, laughter, General Phone: (718) 260-4595 ont Avenue, Bronx NY 10465 She was proceeded into great conversation and lots or e-mail Bronxtimes@aol. death by her husband, Sal- of books to discuss and cross- General Fax: com. Please include a phone vatore Criscuolo and her son word puzzles to solve most (718) 518-0038 number or a way to contact Vincent Criscuolo. surely are a good recipe for News Phone: you in case of questions. She is survived by two longevity. (718) 260-4597 Hello readers and wel- daughters, Helen Coyle and How blessed we are to News E-Mail: come to another edition of June Carol Kittel, as well as have such a wonderful aunt, [email protected] Around Town. seven grand children and 18 mother, grandmother and sis- Sports Phone: Birth Announcements great grandchildren. ter. (718) 260-4597 White Plains Hospital an- She did many things Much like her siblings-- Sports E-Mail: nounced the birth of the fol- throughout the course of her Uncle Stan, Aunt Marie, my [email protected] lowing new Bronxites: long life. She was a cashier mother, Jo Jo, Uncle Teddy, Display Phone: Twins Jax Jordan Ras- at Alexander’s on Fordham Aunt Dotti, and Uncle Nealie, (718) 260-4593 tello and Devin Ace Ras- Road. she also possessed the ‘gift of Classified Phone: tello were born to parents She founded a PTA at gab.’ (718) 260-2500 Frank Rastello and Erica P.S. 108 in Morris Park and She had perfect comedic Display/Classified E-Mail: Ahern on Monday, March helped publish its newsletter timing and entertained us [email protected] 13. Jax weighed six pounds, Devyn Greenber called PTA Thoughts. time and again with stories six ounces. Devin weight six She was a legal secretary, that made us laugh until we Bronx Times Reporter (USPS #730390) is published weekly by Bronx Times pounds, seven ounces. Fulbright is a program worked with the NYC Board cried. Reporter, Inc., a subsidiary of News Fullbright Scholar that provides grants for in- of Education and was a com- God Bless You and Happy Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. Darthmouth College se- ternational exchange stu- munity board member. Birthday, Aunt Jeanne. On Copyright © 2017. Periodicals postage rate is being paid at the Bronx, N.Y. nior and graduate of Ethi- dents, scholars, teachers, sci- Florence was a member of your special day, here’s tons of Post Offi ce. Subscriptions $15.00 per cal Culture Fieldston School entists and artists. the senior club at St. Bene- love coming your way! year. Postmaster, Send address changes to Bronx Times Reporter, 3604 East in Riverdale Deyvn Green- Devyn, a government ma- dict’s Church and was re- From your loving niece Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465. berg has been named a Ful- jor and double minor in hu- cently elected to their board. and nephew, Donna D, Alan, ISSN #8750-4499. bright Scholar. man-centered design and Happy Birthday and all the family. WE PUT THE APP BACK IN H A P P Y H O U R ! COMPLIMENTARY APPETIZERS* SUNDAY-TUESDAY • 5PM-8PM • BAR AREA ONLY METRO CENTER ATRIUM Find Us On Sign up for emails 1776 EASTCHESTER ROAD • BRONX, NY at applebees.com (718) 792-5000 * For guests enjoying Happy Hour drink specials at the bar only. Must purchase 1 drink per visit to receive offer. Offered on select appetizers. © 2017 Apple-Metro, Inc. 4 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 BTR Why Won’t Phipps Commit to Good Jobs in the Bronx? Phipps Houses, New York City’s largest nonprofit developer of affordable housing, says it’s “creating a better community for us all.” But while it gets millions in tax breaks, some of its contracted workers in the Bronx make so little they have to rely on Medicaid for health care. The head porter at its Courtlandt Corners development and his kids are forced to live in a homeless shelter despite the fact that he works full-time. While workers are struggling with poverty jobs, over the last decade Phipps Houses’ President and CEO has seen his compensation increase by fifty percent to $760,000. This is not the kind of development our community needs. Before Phipps develops more housing in the Bronx, it must make a commitment to good jobs for workers in all of its projects in the five boroughs. Sign the petition at www.PhippsCanDoBetter.org 32BJ SEIU This ad is paid for by 32BJSEIU 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country. 25 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011 • www.seiu32bj.org BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 5 Chase Auto Group removes irksome vehicles BY STEVEN GOODSTEIN have to respect his effort.” The situation in front of Torres expressed more con- a local car dealership has cern with another condition greatly improved. irking CB12 - the 18-wheeler Used car dealer Chase Auto semis frequently parked on Group, Inc., located at 1733 E. nearby Edson Avenue. Gun Hill Road, has agreed to “I usually give businesses the community’s request to re- the benefi t of the doubt and move its parked cars off the don’t give them a hard time sidewalk in front of their busi- for minor inconveniences, but ness and remove their cars these businesses must also without license plates from comply with regulations,” nearby parking spaces. Torres added. “I am optimis- According to sources, the tic that this issue has been dealership was also double resolved, or, at the very least, parking vehicles as well as drastically improved.” Chase Auto Group has not parked any cars illegally since Monday, May 1, according to CB11. parking cars without license Councilman Andy King’s plates on East Gun Hill Road, Steven Goodstein / Community News Group offi ce did not return request for usually concealing them be- comment, but at last month’s tween cars belonging to em- seen any illegally parked vehi- had received at their respec- cles. He claims that they have Community Board 11 meet- ployees of the car seller. cles in front of the dealership. tive boards. been parked there for years ing, a representative of King’s “I drive by (Chase Auto Jeremy Warneke, CB11’s In response to the situ- with no complaints. offi ce said that the ongoing Group) almost everyday on my district manager, confi rmed ation, LeCompte gave both CB11 said that they have problem in front of Chase Auto way to work and, for years, the that the board visited the Warneke and Torres his per- since contacted the 49th Pre- Group was “a disgrace.” front of the property was al- site on the morning of Mon- sonal cell phone number, just cinct and were assured these According to LeCompte, ways congested with cars, es- day, May 1, and saw no double in case either board receives vehicles will be removed im- who also attended an CB11 pecially on the sidewalk,” said parked vehicles or cars on the any more complaints about mediately, if they have not meeting earlier this year to Tony Vitaliano, chairman of sidewalk. the business. been already. address the community com- Community Board 11. “Hope- That morning, Warneke, During their visit, CB11 “Going forward, I think plaints, the only day of the fully this reprieve is not tem- along with CB12’s district also discovered numerous Chase Auto Group has a bet- week when cars are stored on porary - but at least the sce- manager George Torres met cars without license plates ter understanding of the situ- the sidewalk in front of his nario is improving.” with Chase Auto Group owner angle-parked on Allerton Av- ation,” said Torres. “It seems business is when it receives a Vitaliano said that the situ- Ira LeCompte to discuss the enue between East Gun Hill like he (Ira) is genuinely inter- new delivery of cars. ation has gotten much better many complaints and address Road and Mace Avenue, which ested in making effort to im- LeCompte did not return in the last week - as he has not concerns that the two DMs LeCompte denies are his vehi- prove this scenario - and you calls requesting comment. SUNDAY, MAY 14TH (cid:73)(cid:107)(cid:112)(cid:100)(cid:97)(cid:110)(cid:208)(cid:111)(cid:28)(cid:64)(cid:93)(cid:117) ALL YOU CAN EAT MEDITERRANEAN CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH BUFFET 6 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 BTR BRONX BABY BOOMER HEALTH FAIR Jacobi Celebrates Bronx Week! Join us for an afternoon of music, refreshments, and important health education and screenings for Bronx Baby Boomers! Wednesday, May 17 11 am – 2 pm 1400 Pelham Parkway South Building 8 - Atrium (cid:2) Educational Info: Heart Health, Dental Health, Mental Health, Diabetes, Cancer Awareness, Mammography Scheduling, Smoking Cessation, Fall Prevention, and more! (cid:2) Health Screenings: High Blood Pressure, Hepatitis C, and HIV For more information please call (718) 918-3272. BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 7 49th Precinct breakfast honors cops, civilians BY PATRICK ROCCHIO $85 for a table of fi ve or $175 for a table of T The 49th Precinct Community Coun- ten, he said. he breakfast brings cil’s annual fellowship breakfast is ap- According to Thompson, the po- proaching. lice department selected the personnel together [a] whole The council’s 29th Annual Fellow- from the precinct to honor, and this is assortment of people. We ship Breakfast and Awards is set to likely based on metrics like arrests and take place at Maestro’s on Friday, May number of hours. all celebrate the police 19, honoring several police offi cers, as A committee of 49th Precinct Com- well as a funeral director, an educator munity Council board members based and the community and community leaders. on recommendations and discussion “The breakfast brings together (a) selects the civilian awards winners, he involvement with the whole assortment of people,” said Joe said. police together. Thompson, 49th Precinct Community “The people we have honored have Council president. “We all celebrate the done an exceptional job in their commu- police and the community involvement nities,” said the precinct council presi- Joe Thompson with the police together.” dent, adding “They don’t take photo ops Non-precinct honorees are Citizens and they don’t grandstand; they just do of the Year Lori Solano, P.S. 108 as- what they feel is right.” Photo by Silvio J. Pacifi co sistant principal and Tony Vitaliano, Vitaliano was selected primarily for Community Board 11 chairman; and his good work as a community board Civilian of the Year and Business Fel- chairman, said Thompson, but he also forts to raise money from her family for lowship Award honoree Crescenzo Di had a 38-year NYPD career, retiring the precinct council’s annual holiday to Saturday, May 20, his work with an Costanzo Jr. of John Dormi and Sons as a lieutenant after a quarter century food drive, usually between $900 and organization that places a wreath an- Funeral Home. working as a detective, including lead- $1200 a year, said Thompson. nually at a police 9/11 memorial and Law enforcement personnel from ing a precinct squad. Solano explained that her father was for providing fl ags for the Peace Memo- the four-nine being honored are Cop of “I am overwhelmed, I am honored a caterer who had a soft spot in his heart rial Plaza Memorial Day remembrance the Year, Manuel Vargas; Charita Da- and I cannot believe it,” said Vitaliano for feeding the hungry, especially the el- each year. vis, Police Administrative Aide of the when he fi rst heard of the recognition derly through Meals on Wheels, and she “I do try to support in every way Year and Patrick Campbell an auxil- he would receive. said she would accept the award in his I can,” he said. “If that means I get an iary sergeant, who is the Auxiliary Offi - He said that as a detective he always memory. award, I am glad to accept it.” cer of the Year, said Thompson. The Ex- tried to empathize in an appropriate “It is obviously a privilege and I was To purchase tickets, call 49th Pre- plorer of the Year is Juan Jose Aracena, way with crime victims, and this empa- so touched by it,” she said. cinct Community Affairs Offi ce at (718) he said. thy helped him later to “put himself in Di Costanzo was selected for his fu- 918-2032 or Silvio Mazzella at (917) 763- Tickets are still available for the others’ shoes” as CB 11 chairman. neral home’s involvement in National 4392. Tickets may not be available at the event, he said. They cost $20 per person, Solano is being recognized for her ef- Police Week 2017 from Sunday, May 14 door. Grand Opening May 19th, 20th, and 21st Friday, May 19th FREE $5 GIFTCARD (with purchase of any bowl, pie or sub) Saturday, May 20th FREE PIE topped with Mutz (with the purchase of 2 bowls) Sunday, May 21st FREE MEATBALL (with the purchase of any bowl, pie or sub) 815 Hutchinson River Parkway Bronx NY 10465 www.themutz.com Tel. 917-708-9006 8 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 BTR THE MOTHER OF ALL SALES EVENTS 3 DAYS ONLY 2017 2017 Mazda LEASE FOR LEASE FOR Mazda6 169 CX-5 199 $ $ /MO. /MO. Sport SSppoorrtt AAWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD for for 36 mooss 36 mos $2495 due at signing plus $$2299995 due at signing plus tax, tags and mv fees ttaaxx, tags and mv fees OR OR FINANCE WITH FFIINNANCE WITH 0% 1.9% APR APR Financingg Financing for up to 63 Months†† for up to 63 Months† #M17-1106, 4DR, 4 cyl., auto, MSRP: $23,830. *$2995 down pymt+ $0 1st mo. pymt+$0 sec depp SSttkk ##MM11177-11333555999, 444DDDRRR, 444 ccyylll., aauuttoo, MMMSSSRRRPP: $$$2266,228855. **$$22999955 ddoowwnn ppyymmtt++ $$00 1st mo. pymt+$0 sec dep = $2995 due at signing + tax, tags & mv fees. $595 bank fee included in lease. Ttl pymts/residual: = $2995 due at signing + tax, tags & mv fees. $595 bank fee included in lease. Ttl pymts/residual: $6,084/$12,629.90. Includes 10K mi/year w/15¢/mile thereafter. Offers exclude tax, tags and MV fees. $7,164/$16,559.55. Includes 10K mi/year w/15¢/mile thereafter. Offers exclude tax, tags and MV fees. Just a Sample of Our Value-packed Quality Pre-owned Vehicles 2015 Chrysler 2014 2015 GMC 2014 Jeep Wrangler 200 C Mazda6 i Touring Acadia SLE-1 Unlimited Sport 4x4 $12,495 $14,495 $22,995 $26,965 Stk# MU2858A, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2741A, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2960, V6, auto, Stk# MU2939, V6, auto, 44,711 mi 37,130 mi 45,715 mi 50,045 mi 2014 Chevrolet 2014 Ford 2013 Acura 2014 Dodge Equinox LT w/2LT Edge Limited TL SH-AWD Challenger SXT $17,395 $18,795 $21,195 $19,495 Stk# MU2844A, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2829A, V-6 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2877A, V6, auto, Stk# MU2974A, V-6 cyl, auto, 39,514 mi 50,061 mi 27,017 mi 32,227 mi 2013 2015 Mazda 2014 Mercedes-Benz 2014 Nissan TSX Special Edition CX-5 Touring C300 Luxury 4-Matic Pathfinder $16,495 $18,695 $21,295 $22,595 Stk# MU2670, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2568, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2929A, 4 cyl, auto, Stk# MU2900A, V-6 cyl, auto, 22,158 mi 27,027 mi 30,941 mi 37,873 mi 3 YEARS IN A ROW! Volume Mazda Dealer in the Bronx and Westchester^ 149 EAST MAIN STREET, NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10801 • 914-595-1472 SALES HOURS: MON-THURS 9AM-9PM, FRI-SAT 9AM-6PM, SUNDAY 12PM-5PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8AM-6PM, SAT 8AM-4PM, SUNDAY CLOSED MazdaofNewRochelle.com Offers exclude tax, tags and MV fees. Advertised offers are valid on in-stock inventory and may not be available at the time of selection. Vehicles are available on a first come first serve basis. ^Based on Mazda data for 2014-2016 New Car sales. Offers expire 5/31/17. BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 9 P K D B V EDESTRIAN NOCKED OWN Y AN 45 Precinct before taking his gym bag and fleeing the scene. The victim sustained minor injuries to his face and was treated at Saturday, April 29 at 2:09 a.m. -- Cops St. Barnabas Hospital. He was later re- responded to a motor vehicle accident on leased. the Bruckner Expressway at East Trem- The two individuals are described ont Avenue near exit #8. When they ar- both as Hispanic men who are about rived on the scene, they found a 35-year- 25-years-old, five feet and ten inches tall old man from Mt. Vernon lying on the and 190 pounds. roadway with severe body trauma. EMS responded and pronounced the man. A further investigation revealed 49 Precinct that he was riding his BMW motorcycle northbound on the expressway when he Sunday, April 9 at 12:37 p.m. -- Two collided with a vehicle, a 1999 Nissan Al- people approached a victim, an 18-year- tima, driven by a 49-year-old man. old man, as they were traveling on a city The collision’s force ejected the mo- bus on East Tremont Avenue. They took torcycle rider and the bike hit a guardrail. out box cutters, and proceeded to physi- The car’s driver remained on the scene. cally assault the man while taken a wom- There were no arrests. an’s iPhone. A third person entered the bus and Police are investigating a man who was knocked down while crossing a road in 46 Precinct was in the company of the first two while Soundview. The incident occurred at Cross Bronx Expressway North Bronx Service they assaulted and robbed. They fled the Road and Ellis Avenue on Sunday, April 30 at 5:30 p.m. Police said the pedestrian, bus when it reached near East Tremont Tuesday, April 4 at 12:30 p.m. -- Two whose name has not been released, was crossing the intersection when he was Avenue and East 180th Street. individuals entered the vestibule of a struck by the van’s side view mirror. He was felled by the impact and struck his head Friday, April 28 at 12:45 p.m. -- A building at 2396 Morris Avenue and wait- on the street. He was taken to Jacobi Medical Center in critical condition. The van’s 33-year-old woman was the victim of an- ed for the victim, a 51-year-old man, to driver, Stevenson Lora, remained at the scene. Police stated the investigation is on- open the door. They then tailed the vic- ti-Muslim bias incident as she was ap- proached near Unionport Road and East going. Photo by Edwin Soto tim to the lobby where they threw him Tremont Avenue by a 50-year-old white on the ground and began punching him, woman who began to shout anti-Muslim E G A F M -C C O A VERGREEN ARDENS PARTMENT IRE ULTI AR OLLISION N LLERTON Police responded to a multi-car collision in Allerton over the weekend. According to a NYPD spokesman, 49th Precinct police responded to a vehicle collision at the intersection of Burke and Laconia avenues on Saturday, May 6 at 10:03 a.m. A 37-year- old man stated to police that he was driving his 2007 Chevrolet Sedan eastbound on Burke Avenue when a pedestrian ran in front causing him to swerve and strike a parked vehicle. The impact caused the parked car to strike two other parked cars. Firefi ghters battled an apartment fi re at the Evergreen Gardens. According to the A total of four vehicles were damaged in the collision. Police confi rmed the parked FDNY, the fi re started around 1:40 p.m. on Sunday, April 30 inside the 19-story build- vehicles were unoccupied at the time of the incident. The driver, whose name was not ing’s Apartment 14C. No injuries were reported and the fi re’s cause remains under released, was transported by EMS to Jacobi Medical Center and is in stable condition investigation. Photo by Edwin Soto after complaining of chest and ankle injuries. Photo by Edwin Soto 10 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MAY 12-18, 2017 BTR

All the delicious food that has made Marina del Rey a premier spot for your private event . Middle Eastern studies, will spend the surely are a good recipe for .. C300 Luxury 4-Matic . The incident occurred at Cross Bronx Expressway North Bronx Service .. African Advisory Council, the residents.
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