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Born Again The Christian Right Globalized JENNIFER S. BUTLER P Pluto Press LONDON (cid:127) ANN ARBOR, MI BBuuttlleerr 0000 pprree iiiiii 2266//66//0066 1166::5522::4488 First published 2006 by Pluto Press 345 Archway Road, London N6 5AA and 839 Greene Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 www.plutobooks.com Copyright © Jennifer S. Butler 2006 The right of Jennifer S. Butler to be identifi ed as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-10 0 7453 2243 3 hardback ISBN-13 978 0 7453 2243 8 hardback ISBN-10 0 7453 2242 5 paperback ISBN-13 978 0 7453 2242 1 paperback Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data applied for 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Designed and produced for Pluto Press by Chase Publishing Services Ltd, Fortescue, Sidmouth, EX10 9QG, England Typeset from disk by Stanford DTP Services, Northampton, England Printed and bound in the United States of America by Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group BBuuttlleerr 0000 pprree iivv 2266//66//0066 1166::5522::4488 Contents Acknowledgements vii Introduction 1 Purposes of the Book 4 My Research Methods 5 Guiding Themes 6 Chapter Overview 18 1 Born Again: Three Reasons the Christian Right is Globalizing 20 Reason 1: Secularism (Despite Predictions) Never Completely Banished Religion 22 Reason 2: Demographic and Political Shifts Favor Conservative Religious Movements 27 Reason 3: The Rise of Global Civil Society as a Political Opportunity for Conservatives 42 2 The Christian Right’s Challenge to Global Democracy 50 Stage 1: Symbolic Protest (2000–01) – Arising to Fight for Faith and Family at Beijing+5 52 Stage 2: Insiders (2001-Present) – The “New Sheriff in Town” Comes to the Commission on the Status of Women 55 Stage 3: A Proactive Agenda on the Issue of Family 69 The Future of Global Civil Society 85 3 Assembling a Pro-Family Alliance 88 From Rome: The Conservative Catholic Network 89 From Salt Lake City, Utah: The Mormon Network 96 From the American Heartland: Conservative Evangelicals 106 Conclusion 113 BBuuttlleerr 0000 pprree vv 2266//66//0066 1166::5522::4488 vi BORN AGAIN 4 A Global Religious Right? The Prospects and Challenges of International Interfaith Alliances 115 Attack of the Clones: The Potential of Christian Right Global Partnerships 117 Neoconservatives and Evangelicals: Towards a Moralist Foreign Policy 135 Europe’s Problem 143 World Youth Alliance – Winning the Next Generation 146 Challenges Ahead 148 Conclusion 150 Conclusion: Six Strengths of the Christian Right’s Organizing Methods 153 1 Openness to New Strategic Alliances: Secular Conservatives Reached Out to Religious Communities, While Secular Progressives Ignored Them 158 2 Openness to New Organizing Techniques: The Contrast Between Conservative Innovation and Progressive Passivity 159 3 Openness to New Technology 160 4 Openness to Young People: Conservatives Mentor New Leaders, While Progressives Have Interns 161 5 Strategic Funding: Conservatives Fund Infrastructure, While Progressives Fund Causes and Education 164 6 Rhetoric: Conservatives Speak to People’s Passions, While Progressives Speak in Academic Abstractions 166 Conclusion 167 Notes 169 Bibliography 195 Index 207 BBuuttlleerr 0000 pprree vvii 2266//66//0066 1166::5522::4499 Acknowledgements I’d like to thank Jean Hardisty and Political Research Associates who fi rst encouraged me to write about this topic, as well as James Paul of the Global Policy Forum for publishing my fi rst article. I especially thank Roger van Zwanenberg at Pluto for his energetic support and enthusiasm. I am indebted to Kirstin Isgro and Glenn Zuber for their insights on early drafts and challenging my thinking on many of the issues in this book. I could not have fi nished this book without the support of dedicated research assistants: Christina Holder, Christie Brewer Boyd, Rachel Pederson and Ricarda Velez Negron, all of whom also brought unique insights to this work. I’m grateful to Sara Lisherness and the Peacemaking Program of the Presbyterian Church for faithfully supporting my work. I am also grateful to Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, who graciously opened doors for me to interview many of his colleagues. And to Max Café at 123rd and Amsterdam for coffee, croissants, and a place to focus. vii BBuuttlleerr 0000 pprree vviiii 2266//66//0066 1166::5522::4499 Introduction THE FIRST TIME MEMBERS OF the Christian Right appeared at a United Nations women’s conference in 2000, they planned their entrance to maximize their exposure. Like Jake and Elwood in the fi lm, The Blues Brothers (1980), they were on a mission from God and they wore the dark suits to prove it. In March 2000, I was sitting in the balcony of a United Nations conference hall with other leaders in the global women’s movement listening intently to the opening speeches of the Beijing+5 conference, given by government representatives. U.N. staff and NGO leaders (representatives of non-profi t or activist organizations) sat below us in the plenary hall. As I listened to a speech by Charlotte Bunch, a leader in the women’s movement, a crowd of men from Mormon and Catholic groups suddenly began streaming through the backdoors of the conference hall as if on cue. They represented a contrast in every way from the traditional crowd of activists that attended this kind of conference to observe and lobby governments. The newcomers were mostly male, white, young, conservative, and religious, while we were female, (mostly) middle-aged, racially diverse, liberal, and (mostly) secular, or at least private about our religious beliefs. It’s worth mentioning how the young group of men and women stood out visually in the crowd in almost every way, because it gives you an appreciation of how their mere presence at fi rst unnerved the old-timers like myself. Many of the American women at the conference favored colorful, free-fl owing dresses and carried book bags picked up at previous U.N. world conferences. The book bags were covered with the symbols and slogans of women’s empowerment, and were stuffed full of conference fl yers. Their hair was often graying; many had joined the global women’s movement in the 1960s and 1970s. When a group of young, conservatively dressed men suddenly enters this arena, they can easily cause a stir. The men had a contrasting look refl ecting their emergence from a very different culture. They wore professional 1 BBuuttlleerr 0011 iinnttrroo 11 2266//66//0066 1166::5511::4488 2 BORN AGAIN business suits like the ones bankers and lawyers prefer. Their hair was short and clean-cut. The few women among them wore power suits and perfectly coifed hair. All of them wore bright campaign buttons emblazoned with a single word: “motherhood.” One of the young men on the ground fl oor approached the platform and just glowered at Charlotte Bunch, as if the intensity of his gaze might silence her. He and his compatriots had come to stop, or at least register a protest against, the women they believed had attacked motherhood. They planned to do so through symbolic protests and infi ltrating U.N. conferences. This dramatic entrance proved to be only the fi rst of a series of unusual spectacles that we saw during that conference. The men employed religious practices and symbols to defeat the feminist threat and that choice of tactics only exacerbated the underlying tensions. If they had asked the women they now opposed about their background, the men would have learned that many had actually grown up in religious households, but they remembered when all the mainstream options (Jewish, Catholic, and mainline Protestant) had prohibited women leaders. Many of the women who stayed in those communities often felt estranged and at odds with the leadership. The aggressive use of religious symbols only made a diffi cult situation worse. After one meeting concluded, the women streaming out of a conference room found themselves surrounded by robed monks with full, long beards. There was no warmth in their face as they softly prayed for the soul of their captured conference participant. One woman told me she only managed to get away by slipping into a bathroom. The experience proved so unnerving that she sought counseling afterward. The monks also made their presence known in subtler, but no less unnerving ways. In some meetings, the monks sat in the back of the room silently moving their lips in prayer while others made sure to arrive early to that they could sit in the chairs in the form of a cross. When conference participants witnessed these scenes, submerged anxieties developed into apocalyptic fears for the future. A committed feminist who has read her history will tell you that she often wonders if Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) will become reality in her own time. In Atwood’s harrowing story, a nuclear cataclysm leads to a militaristic society where women and their aspirations are violently suppressed. Advocates of women’s rights often wonder if the gains of this generation might be reversed – and when chanting monks BBuuttlleerr 0011 iinnttrroo 22 2266//66//0066 1166::5511::4488 INTRODUCTION 3 pray to save your feminist soul such fears are heightened. When I fi rst told people I was going to write an essay on the origins of these groups, and interview their leaders, the question that many women asked me – “Do you fear for your life?” – came from this deep fear of what the future might hold. Christian Right groups are also targeting NGO caucuses for takeover. When government representatives met to debate new treaties and agreements, NGO caucuses or subcommittees often met simultaneously. Over the next two years the Christian Right coalition grew larger, more confi dent and more professional. By 2001 their man George W. Bush was in the White House. There was clearly a complete change in conservative organizing tactics by the time the U.N. Special Session on Children was held in the spring of 2001. Christian Right NGOs became more strategic and more understated. For example, at the second preparatory meeting for the Special Session on Children, Christian Right youths actually took over the leadership of the Youth Caucus. These young leaders had fi rst trained at a conference in Alberta, Canada organized by the World Family Policy Center and World Youth Alliance. The NGO Organizing Committee for the Special Session had originally organized the Youth Caucus to provide a discussion forum for young people to share ideas and discuss how to best express their views at government meetings. Seeing this as a strategic opportunity, “pro-family” NGOs allocated most of their NGO slots to register youths for the meeting. The right-wing youths, many of whom had trained together prior to the conference, attended the caucus but sat in different seats around the room. Unbeknownst to the other young participants, who came from different NGOs, they were outnumbered by a well-trained voting bloc. Adult right- wing leaders sat around the periphery of the room, monitoring their protégées and occasionally coaching them. Hoping to address this problem, caucus members and leadership raised the issue of whether or not people over 18 years of age should remain in the caucus. Conservative youths opposed the removal of participants who were over 18 (which would have removed many of their members) and easily outmaneuvered the other participants on this issue. Frustrated, and feeling they were being manipulated, the chair of the caucus and many others abandoned the caucus in a walkout demonstration. The conservative young people quickly engineered the election of a new BBuuttlleerr 0011 iinnttrroo 33 2266//66//0066 1166::5511::4488 4 BORN AGAIN leader and took over the caucus. Once they assumed control, they walked through a well-rehearsed procedure and outlined their agenda to submit a statement representing the voice of the world’s youth to the world’s governments. These stories graphically illustrate how dramatically the usually staid NGO conferences at the U.N. have to adjust to the new activism of Christian Right groups. Moreover, these events show how Christian Right groups are experimenting with their organizing tactics. In order to fully tell this story, this book traces the changing Christian Right presence at the U.N. between the 2000 U.N. Beijing+5 Conference and the U.N. Declaration on Human Cloning adopted in 2005. It investigates the organizing strategies of the Christian Right at the U.N., and assesses its potential as a global movement as well as its potential impact on international law and the effort among nongovernmental organizations to build a global democracy and civil society. Purposes of the Book The story of how the Christian Right is globalizing has not received the attention it deserved; it remains under-researched both by those who study the Christian Right and the political scientists who study international movements. The Christian Right is building a global, interfaith coalition, advocating policies at the United Nations through government allies, establishing offi ces around the world, catalyzing regional networks and holding international conferences. It has had the support of powerful religious and political leaders from Pope John Paul II to President George W. Bush. Its pro-family message in many ways resonates with deeply religious evangelical, Catholic, and Muslim communities around the world who hold traditional social values, particularly on the subject of homosexuality. The goal of strengthening the family resonates all the more among communities in the developing world because family life struggles to survive the immense poverty, urbanization, confl ict and cultural disintegration wrought in great part by globalization. Even though the Christian Right does not directly seek to address these obstacles to family life, their stated support for family connects with those who struggle to survive with their families’ dignity intact. BBuuttlleerr 0011 iinnttrroo 44 2266//66//0066 1166::5511::4488

Religion has continued to have an impact on international concerns in the modern era. While Islam has been under the microscope in recent years, Christianity has also been influential in ways that often fly  This book is a gripping expos? of the power of the Christian Right worldwide—and in parti
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