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BOREAS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY RESEARCH EDITORS: CHRISTIAN HJORT KARSTIN MALMBERG PERSSON VOLUME 2|2 .- 1993 SCANDINAVIAN UNIVERSITY PRESS, OSLO —- STOCKHOLM BOREAS An International Journal - of Quaternary Research ISSUED QUARTERLY BY COOPERATION OF THE GEOLOGISTS IN NORDEN SPONSORS The National Councils for Scientific Research in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Boreas is supported financially by the Nordic Publishing Board in Science (NOP-N). EDITORS Christian Hjort (Editor) and Karstin Malmberg Persson (Assistant Editor), Department of Quaternary Geology, University of Lund, Sweden. ADMINISTRATIVE AND EDITORIAL BOARD Denmark: Karen Luise Knudsen (Michael Houmark-Nielsen). Finland: Matti Eronen (Veli-Pekka Salonen). Iceland: Jon Eiriksson (Hreggvidur Norddahl). Norway: Sylvi Haldorsen (Tore Vorren). Sweden: Svante Bjérck (Urve Miller). Editors: Christian Hjort and Kirstin Malmberg Persson. Publisher’s representative: Terje Sorlie. PROGRAMME Boreas accepts manuscripts from all branches of Quaternary research. Aspects of the Quaternary environment, in both glaciated and non-glaciated areas, are dealt with: Climate, shore displacement, glacial features, land forms, sediments, organisms and their habitat, and stratigraphical and chronological relationships. Anticipated international interest is a main criterion for the acceptance of papers. The maximum acceptable length of a paper is 12 printed pages, unless the author is willing to pay a page charge for pages exceeding this number. As well as articles, Boreas includes book reviews, INQUA news, letters to the editor, discussions, and announce- ments of meetings, etc. The language is English. MANUSCRIPT ADDRESS Manuscripts, conforming with the rules on page 3 of this cover, should be addressed to Dr. Christian Hjort, Department of Quaternary Geology, Sélvegatan 13, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden. Telephone +46 46 107881. Telefax +46 46 104419. BUSINESS ADDRESS Communications regarding accepted manuscripts, proofs, orders for reprints, subscriptions, etc., should be sent to the Publisher’s office in Oslo (see below). OFFPRINTS Authors will receive 100 offprints free of charge. Further reprints for non-commercial circulation may be ordered by fifties or hundreds according to average prices set by the publisher on a non-profit basis. PUBLISHER Scandinavian University Press, P.O. Box 2959, Toyen, 0608 Oslo 6, Norway. American office: c/o Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003, U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE per volume, payable in advance (four copies): Jn the Nordic countries Institutions NOK 795,— (approx. USD 137.00). Individuals NOK 445,— (approx. USD 77.00). Rest of the world Institutions NOK 870,— (approx. USD 150.00). Individuals NOK 470, (approx. USD 81.00). Airmailed to subscribers worldwide. In Japan, all subscriptions should be ordered through the Maruzen Co. Ltd., 3-10 Nihonbashi 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103, Japan. Boreas is indexed in ASTIS Bibliography, ASTIS Current Awareness Bulletin (1978—), Biological Abstracts, British Archaeological Abstracts, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Ecological Abstracts, Geographical Abstracts Physical Geography, Geological Abstracts, Geological Abstracts Palaeontology & Stratigraphy, Geological Abstracts Sedimentary Geology, GeoRef (Online database for Bibliography and Index of Geology), Life Sciences Collection, Norske Tidsskriftartikler, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Soils and Fertilizers. This journal can be ordered in microform from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Dept. P.R. Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106, USA. ©1993 Scandinavian University Press. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Scandinavian University Press for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $5.00 per copy is paid directly to CCC, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970. 0300-9483/93/$5.00. All other rights, including microfilm, reserved. Published quarterly by Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget AS), Oslo, Norway. Annual subscription price USD 140.00. Second Class Postage rate is paid at Jamaica, NY 11431. Printed in the UK. U.S. Postmaster; Send address changes to Boreas, Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003. Air freight and mailing in the U.S. by Publications Expediting Services. Contents Forman, S. L., Lehman, S. J. & Briggs, W. M.: Sejrup, H. P. & Knudsen, K. L.: Paleoenvironments Assessing the completeness of the deglacial-marine and correlations of interglacial sediments in the North stratigraphic record on west Spitsbergen by accelerator Sea mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating Hammarlund, D.: A distinct 5'°C decline in organic Payette, S. & Filion, L.: Holocene water-level fluctua- lake sediments at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition tions of a subarctic lake at the tree line in northern in southern Sweden Québec Tessier, L., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Couteaux, M., Edouard, Bluemle, J. P., Lord, M. L. & Hunke, N. T.: Excep- J.-L., Ponel, P., Rolando, C., Thinon, M., Thomas, A. tionally long, narrow drumlins formed in subglacial & Tobolski, K.: Holocene palaeoenvironments at the cavities, North Dakota timberline in the French Alps a multidisciplinary LaSalle, P. & Shilts, W. W.: Younger Dryas-age re- approach advance of Laurentide ice into the Champlain Sea McCarroll, D. & Nesje, A.: The vertical extent of ice Singh, A., Bhardwaj, B. D. & Ahmad, A. H. M.: sheets in Nordfjord, western Norway: measuring de- Tectonic setting and sedimentology of Ganga River gree of rock surface weathering sediments, India Lykke-Andersen, H., Knudsen, K. L. & Christiansen, Gataullin, V., Polyak, L., Epstein, O. & Romanyuk, C.: The Geokat project a study of the Late Quater- B.: Glacigenic deposits of the Central Deep: a key to nary evolution of the Kattegat Sea the Late Quaternary evolution of the eastern Barents Lykke-Andersen, H., Knudsen, K. L. & Christiansen, Sea C.: The Quaternary of the Kattegat area, Scandinavia: Lonne, I.: Physical signatures of ice advance in a a review Younger Dryas ice-contact delta, Troms, northern Seidendrantz, M.-S.: Foraminifera from the Quater- Norway: implications for glacier-terminus history nary sequence in the Anholt boring, Denmark Lefebvre, D.: Different types of ending to the last two Lykke-Andersen, H., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. & Knudsen, interglacials in western Europe K. S.: Quaternary sequences and their relations to the Holmlund, P. & Fastook, J.: Numerical modelling pre-Quaternary in the vicinity of Anholt, Kattegat, provides evidence of a Baltic Ice Stream during the Scandinavia Younger Dryas Seidenkrantz, M.-S. & Knudsen, K. L.: Middle Weich- Benedict, J. B.: Influence of snow upon rates of gran- selian to Holocene palaeoecology in the eastern Katte- odiorite weathering, Colorado Front Range, USA gat, Scandinavia: foraminifera, ostracods and Merkt, J., Miller, H., Knabe, W., Miller, P. & Weiser, measurements T.: The early Holocene Saksunarvatn tephra found in Bergsten, H. & Nordberg, K.: Middle Weichselian lake sediments in NW Germany marine sediments from eastern Kattegat, Scandinavia Kriger, J.: Moraine-ridge formation along a station- Gyldenholm, K. G., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Lind, G.: ary ice front in Iceland Seismic stratigraphy of the Quaternary and its substra- Dreimanis, A.: Water-eroded crescentic scours and tum in southeastern Kattegat, Scandinavia furrows associated with subglacial flutes at Breida- Vangkilde-Pedersen, T., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Lind, merkurjOkull, Iceland G.: Dislocated Quaternary deposits in southeastern Wohlfarth, B., Bjorck, S., Possnert, G., Lemdahl, G., Kattegat — a glacial or gravitational phenomenon? Brunnberg, L., Ising, J., Olsson, S. & Svensson, Lagerlund, E. & Houmark-Nielsen, M.: Timing and N.-O.: AMS dating Swedish varved clay. of the last pattern of the last deglaciation in the Kattegat region, glacial/interglacial transition and the potential/ southwest Scandinavia difficulties of calibrating Late Weichselian ‘absolute’ Christiansen, C., Conradsen, K., Emelyanov, E., Tri- chronologies monis, E., Heinemeier, J. & Rud, N.: Hydrographic Tornqvist, T. E. & Van Dijk, G. J.: Optimizing sam- changes in the southern Kattegat (Scandinavia) during pling strategy for radiocarbon dating of Holocene the early Holocene transgression fluvial systems in a vertically aggrading setting Christiansen, C., Kunzendorf, H., Otto, C. & Senstius, Sveinbjérnsdottir, A. E., Eiriksson, J., Geirsdottir, A.. J.: Recent and subrecent sedimentary conditions in the Heinemeier, J. & Rud, N.: The Fossvogur marine southern part of the North Sea Baltic Sea transition sediments in SW Iceland — confined to the Alleréd/ Conradsen, K.: Recent benthic foraminifera in the Younger Dryas transition by AMS '4C dating southern Kattegat, Scandinavia: distribution pattern Zale, R. & Brydsten, L.: The pre-Holocene marine and controlling parameters limit on Hopen, Svalbard Seidenkrantz, M.-S.: Subrecent changes in Mycielska-Dowgiallo, E.: Estimates of Late Glacial foraminiferal distribution in the Kattegat and the and Holocene aeolian activity in Belgium, Poland and Skagerrak, Scandinavia: anthropogenic influence and Sweden natural causes Alm, T.: Ovre AZrasvatn — palynostratigraphy of a 22,000 to 10,000 BP lacustrine record on Andoya, northern Norway Boreas Book Reviews Ekberg, M. P., Lowell, T. V. & Stuckenrath, R.: Late 146 Mattsson, Jan O.: European climates Wisconsin glacial advance and retreat patterns in 158 Lemdahl, G.: The British Isles during the Pleistocene southwestern Ohio, USA 328 Berglund, B. E.: European palaeoclimate and man Vaikmie, R., Michel, F. A. & Solomatin, V. I.: Mor- phology, stratigraphy and oxygen isotope composition Boreas News of fossil glacier ice at Ledyanaya Gora, Northwest 347 Ringberg, B.: A clay varve chronology workshop Siberia, Russia Raukas, A. & Gaigalas, A.: Pleistocene glacial deposits along the eastern periphery of the Scandinavian ice Boreas Acknowledgements sheets — an overview 348 Boreas referees, vol. 22 Index of Contributors Ahmad, A. H. M. 38 Houmark-Nielsen, M. 337 Polyak, L. 47 Alm, T. 171 Hunke, N. T. 15 Ponel, P. 244 Benedict, J. B. 87 Ising, J. 113 Possnert, G. 113 Berglund, B. E. 328 Knabe, W. 93 Raukas, A. 214 Bergsten, H. 311 Knudsen, K. L. 223, 267, 291, 299, Ringberg, B. 347 Bhardwaj, B. D. 38 371 Rolando, C. 244 Bjorck, S. 113 Krier, J. 101 Romanyuk, B. 47 Bluemle, J. P. 15 Kunzendorf, H. 357 Rud, N. 147, 349 Briggs, W. M. 1 Lagerlund, E. 337 Seidenkrantz, M.-S. 283, 291, 299, 383 Brunnberg, L. 113 LaSalle, P. 25 Sejrup, H. P. 223 Brydsten, L. 159 Lefebvre, D. 71 Senstius, J. 357 Christiansen, C. 269, 349, 357 Lehman, S. J. 1 Shilts, W. W. 25 Conradsen, K. 349, 367 Lemdahl, G. 113, 158 Singh, A. 38 Couteaux, M. 244 Lind, G. 319, 329 Solomatin, V. I. 205 de Beaulieu, J.-L. 244 Lonne, I. 59 Stuckenrath, R. 189 Dreimanis, A. 110 Lord, M. L. 15 Sveinbjérnsdottir, A. E. 147 Edouard, J.-L. 244 Lowell, T. V. 189 Svensson, N.-O. 113 Eiriksson, J. 147 Lykke-Andersen, H. 267, 269, 291, Tessier, L. 244 Ekberg, M. P. 189 319, 329 Thinon, M. 244 Emelyanov, E. 349 Mattsson, J. O. 146 Thomas, A. 244 Epstein, O. 47 McCarroll, D. 255 Tobolski, K. 244 Fastook, J. 77 Merkt, J. 93 Tornqvist, T. E. 129 Filion, L. Michel, F. A. 205 Trimonis, E. 349 Forman, S. L. 1 Miller, H. 93 Vaikmiae, R. 205 Gaigalas, A. 214 Miller, P. 93 Van Dijk, G. J. 129 Gataullin, V. 47 Mycielska-Dowgiallo, E. 165 Vangkilde-Pedersen, T. 329 Geirsdottir, A. 147 Nesje, A. 255 Weiser, T. 93 Gyldenholm, K. G. 319 Nordberg, K. 311 Wohlfarth, B. 113 Hammarlund, D. 236 Olsson, S. 113 Zale, R. 159 Heinemeier, J. 147, 349 tte. C. 357 Holmlund, P. 77 Payette, S. 7

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