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Perry D. Hoffman, PhD Penny Steiner-Grossman, EdD, MPH Editors Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment BorderlinePersonalityDisorder:MeetingtheChallengesto SuccessfulTreatmenthas beenco-publishedsimultaneously as Social Work in Mental Health, Volume 6, Numbers 1/2 2008. Pre-publication “T his book’s goals to bring REVIEWS, knowledge about borderline COMMENTARIES, personalitydisordertosocialworkers EVALUATIONS . . . andencouragesocialworkerstoas- sume a more central place in their carearecomplementaryandtimely. ...Thesehighlysignificantpublic health goals are served admirably bythisbook’scollectionofchapters byourforemostclinicalexperts.” JohnG.Gunderson,MD Professor,Psychiatry HarvardMedicalSchool Director BorderlineTreatment andResearchCenter McLeanHospital Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment BorderlinePersonalityDisorder:MeetingtheChallengestoSuccess- fulTreatmenthasbeenco-publishedsimultaneouslyasSocialWorkin MentalHealth,Volume6,Numbers1/22008. Monographic Separates from theSocial Work in Mental Health ForadditionalinformationontheseandotherHaworthPresstitles,including descriptions, tables of contents, reviews, and prices, use the QuickSearch catalog at http://www.HaworthPress.com. Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment,edited by Perry D. Hoffman, PhD, and Penny Steiner-Grossman, EdD, MPH (Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 2008)A unique resource offering social work clinicians access to the knowledge neede for effective treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Community Collaborative Partnerships: The Foundation for HIV Prevention Research Efforts,edited by Mary M. McKay, PhD, and Roberta L. Paikoff, PhD (Vol. 5, Nos. 1/2 and 3/4, 2007).Explo- ration of ways to develop, design, and evaluate strong community partnerships to support youth health prevention efforts in the United States and around the world. Clinical and Research Uses of an Adolescent Mental Health Intake Questionnaire: What Kids Need to Talk About,edited by Ken Peake, DSW, Irwin Epstein, PhD, and Daniel Mederios, MD (Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 2004, and Vol. 3, No. 3, 2005).“Clinical and Research Uses of an Adolescent Mental Health Intake Questionnaire: What Kids Need to Talk About” explores the research on adolsecent behavior culled from the answers to a clinician-designed intake questionnaire given to adolescent clients asking how they view their own risks, what they worry about, and what theywish to talk about. Respected authorities discuss the enlightening findings and present ways to reshape services, taking into account customer preference, risk and worry, and youth development (YD) perspectives while presenting practical clinical strategies to engage at-risk adolescents in mental health treatment. Social Work Approaches in Health and Mental Health from Around the Globe,edited by Anna Metteri, MSocSc, Teppo Kröger, PhD, Anneli Pohjola, PhD, and Pirkko-Liisa Rauhala, PhD (Vol. 2, No. 2/3, 2004).“BROAD-BASED AND UNIQUE . . . . A much-needed publication for training and practice.” (Charlene Laurence Carbonatto, DPhil, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, University of Prestoria, South Africa) Psychiatric Medication Issues for Social Workers, Counselors, and Psychiatrists,edited by Kia J. Bentley, PhD, LCSW (Vol. 1, No. 4, 2003).“OUTSTANDING . . . . All social workers, counselors, and psychologists working in the mental health field would benefit from reading this outstanding book.” (Deborah P. Valentine, PhD, MSSW, Professor and Director, School of Social Work, Colorado State University) Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment Perry D. Hoffman, PhD Penny Steiner-Grossman, EdD, MPH Editors Gary Rosenberg, PhD Andrew Weissman, PhD Series Editors BorderlinePersonalityDisorder:MeetingtheChallengestoSuccessful Treatmenthas been co-published simultaneouslyasSocialWorkin MentalHealth,Volume6,Numbers1/22008. TheHaworthPress www.HaworthPress.com Published by TheHaworthPress, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580 USA. Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Suc- cessfulTreatmenthasbeenco-publishedsimultaneouslyasJournalof SocialWorkinMentalHealthVolume6,Numbers1/22008. ©2008byTheHaworthPress.Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisworkmaybereproducedorutilizedin anyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,microfilmandrecording, orbyanyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Printed in the United States of America. Thedevelopment,preparation,andpublicationofthisworkhasbeenundertakenwithgreatcare.How- ever, the publisher,employees,editors, and agents of The Haworth Press and all imprintsof The HaworthPress,includingTheHaworthMedicalPress®andThePharmaceuticalProductsPress®,are notresponsibleforanyerrorscontainedhereinorforconsequencesthatmayensuefromuseofmateri- alsorinformationcontainedinthiswork.Opinionsexpressedbytheauthor(s)arenotnecessarilythose ofTheHaworthPress.Withregardtocasestudies,identitiesandcircumstancesofindividualsdis- cussedhereinhavebeenchangedtoprotectconfidentialty.Anyresemblancetoactualpersons,livingor dead, is entirely coincidental. TheHaworthPressiscommittedtothedisseminationofideasandinformationaccordingtothehighest standardsofintellectualfreedomandthefreeexchangeofideas.Statementsmadeandopinionsex- pressedinthispublicationdonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsofthePublisher,Directors,management, or staff of The Haworth Press, or an endorsement by them. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Borderlinepersonalitydisorder:meetingthechallengestosuccessfultreatment/PerryD.Hoffman,and Penny Steiner-Grossman, editors. p. cm. “Co-published simultaneously as social work in mental health, vol. 6, no. 1/2 2008.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 978-0-7890-3233-2 (hard cover :alk. paper) ISBN: 978-0-7890-3234-8 (soft cover :alk. paper) 1.Borderlinepersonalitydisorter–TreatmentI.Hoffman,PerryD.,1944-II.Steiner-Grossman, Penny. [DNLM:1.BorderlinePersonalityDisorder–therapy.W1S0135Qv.6no.1-2.2008/WM190 B666 2008 RC569.5.B67B6892 2008 616.85(cid:1)85206–dc22 2007035365 Thissectionprovidesyouwithalistofmajorindexing&abstracting services and other tools for bibliographic access. That is to say, each service began covering this periodical during the year noted in the right column. 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