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StanisGlraovf Booofks the Dead ManuaflosLr i vianngdD ying wit1h4 8i ltlruasti1o6ni snc, o lour . �� Thameasn dH udsonT & H � ARTA NDI MAGINATION Anyc opoyft hbioso iks sbuyet dh peu bliassah er paperbisasoc kls due bcjttot hceo nditthiaiottn shanlolbt y w ayo ft raodroe t herbweli seen t, resohrliedod,u otro thercwriicsuel waittehdto huet publeirps'rshi coorn sienann tfy o romfb indoirn g covoetrh tehrat nh aitnw hiicithps u bliasnhde d withaos uitm iclonadri itnicolnut dhiewnsoger ds beiinmgp osonea ds ubseqpuurecnhta ser. © 1994S taniGsrloafv All RightNso p Raerostfte hrpivuseb adl.ti icmoany ber eprodourtc readn smiinatn tfyeo dro mrb ya ny meanesl,e ctorrmo encihca niinccallu,d ing photocroepcyo,ro drai nnoygt hiefnro rmation storaangdre e trsiyesvtawelim t,h poruito r permiisnswi rointf irnogm ptuhbel isher. BriLtiibsrhCa artoyag luing-in-DPautbal ication A Catalroegcuoefr otdrh bioso ikas v ailfarbotlmhe e BriLtiiabsrrhy ISB0N-5 00-81041-9 Prinatnebddo unidnS n igapboyrC e. GSr.a phics Contents TheA ncienBtoo kosf t heD ead Manifestaitnti hoeLn i ght7 TheE gyptBioaonk o ft heD ead LiberatTihorno ugHhe arin1g1 TheT ibetBaono ko ft heD ead TheB allgaimnte h eU nderworl1d7 TheM ayaB ooko ft heD ead TheM ysteorfyt heP lumeSde rpen2t0 TheN ahuaBtolo ko ft heD ead TheA rto fD ying2 3 TheC hristBioaonko ft heD ead TheP osthumoJuosu rnoefyt heS oul2 6 Mytha ndS cience Plate3s3 Themes6 5 EgyptiDaeni tioefts h e' FiTrismte '6 6 TheS un'Usn derworVlody age6 8 Visioonfts h eB ardToh odol7 0 TheS iRxe almosf E xisten7c4e Death, Reabnidrt thheM ayaU nderworl7d6 TheB allgaomfet heG ods 78 QuetzalcotahteRl e:d emptioofSn p irfirto mM atter8 0 Deatahn dt heS trateogfLy i fe8 2 TheV isionQaureys t8 4 Attitutdoet sh eH uman Body 86 TheS cenearny dI nhabitoafnt thseN etherwor8l8d Animaolfst heB eyond9 0 DeitiaesMs o dels9 2 Transcendeanncdte h eE mergenicnet Loi ght9 4 Biblipohgyra andS ourcoefsI llustrat96i ons TheA ncienBto okosf t heD ead One oft hem ajotro lmlosd ernh umanithya sh adt op ayf ort her apid technologdiecvaell opmefnotl lowtihnegs cientainfdii cn dustrreivaoll u­ tionissa progressailviee natfiroonmi tbsi ologincaatlu raen dl ososf connectwiiotnth h es piritual Dsuoruirntcghe ep. e riodr aopfie dv olution of materialsicsiteincac ned p recipitteocuhsn ologpircoaglr etshsr,e bea sic areatsh alti nhku mantso n atu-rbei rtshe,xa ,n dd eat-hw erse ubjecttoe d deepp sychologriecparle ssainoddn e niaAlt.t hes amet imet,h es piritual awarenetshsa hta dp rovidae ds ensoef m eaningfbuell ongitnogt he cosmosw asr eplacbeyd a theisomr,s uperfirceilailg iaocutsi viotfi es decreasviintga laintdry e levance. Att heb eginnoifnt gh icse ntudreyp,t phs ycholiongsyp ibryet dh es tudies ofS igmunFdr euidn itiaas teexdu raelv oluttihoahnta sg reatilnyc reaosuerd understanodfii nnsgt incltiuafaneld r adicatlrlayn sforcmueldt uartatli tudes andb ehavioIunrt.e riensn to n-ordisntaartyoe fsc onscioustnreisgsg,e red byp sychederleisce aracnhdw idesprseealdf -experimeinntt hae1t 9i6o0ns , hasa ttracattetde nttioot nh ep roblermesl atteodb irtahn dd eathT.h is resultientd h es tudoyf t hep sychologiimcpaalco tf t heb irtthr auma, developmoefnp tr ea-ndp erinaptsaylc holoagnydt, h ei ntroducotfni eown obstetprriacc tiScyesst.e masttiucd oyf n on-ordisntaartyoe fsc onscious­ nesst ogethweirt ht hep ioneerwionrgk w ithp atienstusf ferfirnogm incuradbilsee acsoensd uctbeydD rK ubler-aRnodso st hetrhse lne dt oa n unprecedenrteenda issoafni cnet erients htep sycholoofgd yy inagn dn ear­ deatehx periences. Iti sn ote asy utnod erstawhnydt hep ublsiucd denbleyc ameo pent o issureesl atteodd e atEhv.e ant t het imoef t hed eepecsutl tudreanli tahle re werei solarteesde archpearrst,i cuplaarralpys ycholwohgoiw setrses, t udy­ ingva rioaussp ecotfds e atahn dd yinagn dp ublishpianpge rasn db ookosn theifri nidngsS.p ecipaulb licatsiuocnhas s,J esEs.W eisseT'hse V estibule, Jean-BapDteilsatceo uGrl'ism psoefts h eB eyonodr,K arlOissi sD'esa th-Bed ObservatoifoP nhsy siciaanndNs u rsedse,s cribaenddd iscusssetdr ange experienrceepso rtbeydp eoplweh oh adc omec losteod eatahn dl ivetdo teltlh eisrt oriFeosrs. o mer easotnh,ep rofessicoinraclal ensdt heg eneral publpiaci vde rlyi tattltee nttioot hne sree porutnst Rialy monMdo ody'Lsi fe AfteLri fbee cameo verniagnhi tn ternatbieosnta-ls eller. Moody'bso okw asa s tudoyfn ear-deeaxtphe riebnacseesod n i nterviews with1 50i ndividwuhaolh sa dh ada closber uswhi tdhe athR.a thetrh an makinag breathtankeiwn gd iscoveMroyo,d yb asicaclolnyf irmtehde 5 findionfgm sa nyo fh isp redecessHoer ssh.o wetdh apte oplweh oc ome closteo d eatehx periean csee rioefsm oste xtraordiandavreyn tuirne s conscioustnheasdtse serve serious ofap trtoefnetsisoinao snw aellsal s laymenA.s Meodyh imseplofi nteodu ts,i mileaxrp erienhcaedsb een reportneodt o nlyi ne arlier debcuatdt ehsr,o ughocuetn turiTehse. literaotfau nrcei ecnutl turwehsoh, a da r emarkasbhlayr apw areneosfts h e spiriatnudap lh ilosopihmipcoarlt aonfcd ee ath, aboiunen sdcsh atological passages. Thea ncietnetx tthsa atr es pecifidceadlilcya ttoet dh ep robleomfds e ath andd yinagr eu sualrleyf ertroea ds' bookofst hed eadT'h.e o ldeosftt hese textisst hes o-calElgeydp tiBaono ko ft heD eadi;ti sa c ollecotfia onnc ient Egyptipaanp yrbia seodn a bodyo fl iteractaulrlePe edr etm hruu,s ually translaatsMe adn ifestaitnti hoeLn i ghotrC, o minFgo rtBhy D ay.P robably them ostf amouosf t hesdeo cumentisst heT ibetBaono ko ft heD ead, knownu ndetrh en ameB ardToh odoolr,L iberatbiyo Hne arionng the AfterdePaltahn Mee.s oameriecxaanm plaerset heM ayaB ooko ft heD ead, whiccha nb er econstrufcrtoetmdh ep ictuarnedst exotnst hef unervaals es oft hes o-calCleerda miCco dexa,n dc omparabTloel taencd A ztemca terial fromt hep reservsecdr eenfcoolddi ceTsot. h escea nb ea ddead rangoef medievEaulr opeeasnc hatolomgaitcearlik anlo wna sA rsm orien-dTih e Arto fD ying. When thea ncient 'obfot ohkeds e adf'i rcsatm et ot hea ttentoifo n westersnc holatrhse yw erec onsidetroeb de fictitious actchoeu nts of posthumojuosu rnoefyt hes oualn,d a ss uchw,i shffualb ricaotfip oenosp le whow ereu nablteoa cceptth eg rim reoafld ietayt Thh.e yw erep uti nt he samec ategoarsyf aitrayl e-sc reatioofnh su manf antaosfyu ndoubted beautbyu,tn or elevafnocerev erydraeya liHtoyw.e vear d,e epesrt udoyf thestee xtrse vealtehda tth eyh adb eenu seda sg uideisnt hec onteoxft sacremdy steriaensd s piritpuraalc tiacned,v eryl ikely destchrei bed experienocfte hse i nitiaantdep sr actitioFnreormts h.in se wp erspective, presenttihnebg o okosf t hed eada sm anualfsot rh ed yinmga yb es eeans a clevedri sguitsooe b scurteh eisre crerti tufauln ctiaonnd p rotetchte ir esotemreiscs agfer omt heu ninitiated. Modernr esearfcohc usionng n on-ordinsatrayt eofsc onsciousness brouguhnte xpectneedwi nsigihnttsto h ipsr obleamr eaS.y stemasttiucd y oft hee xperienicnpe ssy chedesleiscs iopnosw,e rfnuoln -drfuogr mosf psychotheraanpdy ,s pontaneouosclcyu rripnsgy chospircirtiusaels , showedt hati na llt hessei tuatipoenosp,l cea ne ncountaenr e ntire spectrum of euxnpuesruiaeln icnecsl,u dsienqgu encoefas g onayn dd ying, passing through hell,j udfgamceinnbtge, i ndgi virneerb eoranc,h itnhge celestial arnedca olnmfsr,o ntmienmgo riefsr omp revioiunsc arnations. Thesset ataerses trikisnigmliytl oat rh osdee scriibnet dh ee schatological textosf a ncieanntd p re-induscturlitaulrS eusc.h e xperiensceeesm t o originiantt heec ollecutnicvoen sciaosud se scribbyeC d. GJ.u ng, tahnedi r specisfyimcb olicsamnb ed rawfnr omma nyd ifferceunltt uorfet sh ew orld, notn ecessatrhiesl uyb jecotw'ns.M oreovetrh,a natolosgtiucdaiolef ns e ar­ deatsht atsehso wetdh atth ee xperienacsesso ciawtietdlh i fe-threatening situatiboenasrd eepr esemblatnoct eh ed escriptfiroonmts h ea ncient bookosf t hed eada,s w elals t ot hosree portbeyds ubjecitnps s ychedelic sessiaonndsm oderenx periepnstyicahlo therIathp aysb. e comec leatrh at 6 thestee xtasr ea ctualmlayp so ft hei nnetre rritoorfit ehsep syche encounteirnep dr ofounnodn -ordisntaartyoe fsc onsciousness. Iti sp ossibtlose p enodn e'esn tilrief etwiimteh oeuvt ere xperiencing thesree almosre, v enb einagw aroef t heeixri steunncteoi,nl e i sc atapulted inttoh ema tt het imoe fb iologdiecaatlh H.o wevefro,rs omep eoplteh is experienatrieaoalp enusp d urintgh eilri fetiinma e v arieotfys ituations, includpisnygc hedesleiscs ioorno st hepro werffuolr mosf s elf-exploration, seriosupsi ritpuraalc tipcaer,t icipaitnsi hoanm anirci tuaolrs d,u ring spontaneopussy chospircirtiusaeTlsh .i so fferuss thep ossibiolfi ty experieenxtpilaolr aotfit ohne stee rritortiheeps s yocfho en o uro wnt erms, beforieti si mposeodn u sb yb iologdiecaatlh . Thee xperienptriaaclt iocfed yingo,r ' dyinbge fordey ingh'a,s t wo importacnotn sequenIctel si.b erattheeis n divifdruoamlt hef eaorf d eath andc hangheisos r h era ttittuodwea rddy inagn,d s op reparheismo rh erf or thee xperienactte hset imoef b iologdiecmails aen,d b ye liminatthiefn ega r ofd eathi,tt ransfotrhmeis n dividwuaaylo 'fsb einign t hew orldF.o rt his reasotnh,e riesn o fundamendtiaflf erebnectew eetnh ep reparatfioorn deatbhy exploratoifdo yni ngo,n the ohnaen da,n ds piritual practice leaditnoge nlightenomentn hte,o theTrh.i isst her easownh yt hea ncient bookosf t hed eadc oulbde u sedi nb oths ituations. Thanktsot hef indionfmg osd ercno nsciousrneessesa racmha sseddu ring thel asfte wd ecadewse, c ana ttempitnt hibso okt od om oret hanj ust presetnhtea ctuhails tormiactaelr ioaftl h eb ookosf t hed eada,n dr eview thei nformataimoans sebdy s cholawrhso h aves ubjecttehde stee xttso experptr ofessiaonnaally sWies c.a nc omparteh iisn formatwiiotnht he observatfiroonmts h anatolaongdoy t hearr eaosfm odercno nsciousness researscuhc,ha sp sychedesltiucd ieexsp,e riepnstyicahlo theraanptyh,r o­ pologcyo,m paratrievlei gainodnm ytholoagnyd,s howt her elevanocfe thesaen cietnetx tfso cro ntemporraerayd ers. ManifestatOinoeo nft hem ostf amoufsu neratreyx itsst hes oc allEegdy ptiBaono ko ft he int heL ightD:e ado,r P eretm hruT.h eE nglinsahm ei sm isleadsiinngc,ie ts uggesat s TheE gyptiBaono k comprehensainvdce o herewnotr ka ssociawtietdah s peciafuitch oorr,a t leawsitt ah d efinhiitset oricalI npa ecrtiuoadlP.ie tryet,m hrui sa vasatn d oft heD ead heterogenecooulsl ectoifto enx tsso,m eo fw hicha res pelalnsd i ncan­ tations, phryamyneslr,is t,a nainedms a gical foromtuhleamreys,t hological sequencoersp ,r ocedufroetrsr eattihnedg eceaseTdh.e stee xtosr iginated ind ifferheinstt oreircaaasln, d i nt hetiort altihteysy p ana perioodfa lmost fivmei llennia. Thet itElgey ptiBaono ko ft heD eadi sd erivferdo mt hen ameg ivebny Egyptitaonm b-robbteoer vse rryo lolfi nscripbaepdy rtuhse yf ounwdi th mummies- Kitaabl -Mayiotru' nb,o ookf t hed eadp ersonT'h.eo riginal EgyptitaintP leere tm hrui su sualtlrya nslaats' emda nifestiant itlohineg ht', 'comifnogr tbhyd ayo'r,' chaptoefer vse rydaaryr ivFarlo'mt. h ilsa rgbeo dy off uneratreyx ttsh,ea nciesnctr ibmeasd es pecisfeilce ctfiootrnh seb enefit ofa particiunldairv idburaolu,g thht emt ogethienar c omprehenswiavye, andp rovidtehde mw itrhi cihl lustraItnisotneosafa.d s tandaarnddu niform texwte,t huhsa vem anyi naividuaalniduz neidq uceo llecttihoabntse atrh e 7 nameosf t hed eceasseudc,th h ep apyorfiA niH,u nefeorrA, n hanio,w i nt he BritMiusshe umi nL ondon. Thef uneratreyx twse reo riginwarliltyt oennl yf ork ingasn,d w ere inscriobnet dh ew allosfc ertapiynr amidssu,c ha st hoseer ectiendt he honouorft hep haraoChhse opCsh,e phraennd M ykerinionSs a kkaBroa.t h thep yramiadnsdt hep haraofhoswr h omt hewye reb uiwletr ree latteotd h e sung odR,a .T hesseo -cal'lPeydr amTiedx twse'r ep roducbeedt wee2n35 0 and2 157 BC,a nd aarmeo ngt heo ldewsrti ttreenc orndost,o nliyn E gypt, buti nt hew holoe fh umanh istoHroyw.e vetrh,e m ateritahle yc ontain pointtsos ourctehsa atr ee venm orea rchaiTch.ep reoccupawtiitohn afteralnidfb ee liientf h eb eyontdh alte tdo t hep ractoifcm eu mmificaitsi on knowni nE gypftr oma bou3t1 00B C. Aftearb out1 700B C,t hep ractiocfeb uriwailt hf uneratreyx twsa s extendefdr omt hep haraohtso m emberso ft hen obiliatnyd o ther prominefnitg urTehse.s o-cal'lCeodif nfT exttso'o kt hef ormo fs crololrs , werep aintoend t he siodfew so oden cofTfhienm so.s tf amouosf t hese funeratreyx tcsa mef romt hec itoyfT hebelsi,kt eh ep apyorfiA niH,u nefer andA nhamie,n tionaebdo veO.n eo ft hep rincifpiaglu orfeP se retm h rut,h e sung odR a,w ast hes tate doefTi hteyb es. 8 Fromt hef irtsott hel astth,et extosfP eretm hrur evetahle u nalterable belioeftf heE gyptiiannt sh ei mmortaloiftt hyes oulr,e surrecatnidol ni,f e aftedre athH.o wevetrh,e m essagoef t hestee xtissn otc onsistaenndt coherentt hlaiotkf te h eTiirb etcaonu nterptahreBt a,r dToh odoFlr.o mt he oldetsott hey oungetshte,E ygptifaunn eratreyx tssp ana perioodfa lmost fivteh ousayneda rEsv.e na conservactuilvteu sruec ha sa ncieEngty pt undergoseisg nifcihcaanngtie nst hec oursoefm illenInnia ad.d itivoanr,i ous citiheasd t heiprr eferenicnre esg artdop rincidpeailt iaensd,t herwee re differecnocnefsl,i acntdps o,w esrt ruggbleetsw eetnh ep rieosftH se liopolis, MemphiTsh,e beasn,d H ermopholNieswd. e itiweesr ea dopteadn do ften worshippaeldo ngstihdeeo ld. Ins piotfet heg reacto mplexoiftt hye f uneratreyx tosn,ec and iscetrwno majoird eologsitcraela mOsn. t heo neh andg,r eaetm phaswiass p uto nt he sung odR a,h isd ivinree tinuaen,dt heiarr chetynpoaclt urnal-diurnal journeIynt. h em ytholougnyd erlytihnibgse litehfes, u ng oda ccompanied byh isc rewo fa ssistdienigt itersa velilnea d s plendsiodl abro atI.n t he daytimteh,e pyr oceedienad l argaer ca crotshse E gyptisaknyT .o wartdh e endo ft hed aya,ts unsetth,eb argdei sappeairnte hdeo peniinngm ountains oft heW esta nde ntertehdeu nderworTul adt,a, d ismaanld t errifryeignigo n fulolft reacherpoluasc edse,m onsa ndo thedra ngerocurse aturTehsi.s 'unsepelna cceo'n tainaebdy smadle pthosfd arkneasnsdf irepiinwt hsi ch thed amnedt,h ee nemieosf R a,w erec onsumeTdh.e s ung oda ndh is retinhuaedt oo vercome daaltilhl eyc hallenogfte hsi osm inous realm. Thosweh ow orshippReada st heiprr incidpeailtb ye lievtehda atf ter physidceaalt thh ewyo uljdo ihni ma ndh icsr ewa ndt ravweilt thh emi nt he solbaarr gTeh.e iprr incitpeaxwlta sA m Tuaotr,' ThBeo oko fW hati si nt he Tuat', wrbiyt ttheepn r iesotfsA men-Rat op roclatihme s ung od's supremacTyh.e A m Tuaptr ovidfeodr t hef ollowoefrA sm en-Ra the informaatbioountt h ed ivisiooftn hseT uatt,h ek nowledogfte h eH alalnsd Thgeo dR ai n stohleba arr que.G ateasn dt hen ameso ft heb eingwsh og uardetdh ema,n dt hen ecessary Thdee icthya nhgiefsso rm magifco rmulaanedp ower-wofrodtrsh es afpea ssaogfet hes olbaarr gaen d accoirntdgot hset aogfte h e itcsr ew. journey On theo thehra nda,n o ldetrr aditoifto hnea nciemnotr tuagroyd O siris alspoe rmeattehdet extosfP eretm hruO.s iroinse,o ff oudri visnieb lings, wask illaenddd ismemberbeydh iesv iblr othSeert ha,n dt hep artosfh is bodyw erdei sperasleoldv etrh eN ildee ltRae.a ssembalneddr esurrebcyt ed hitsw od ivisnies teIrsasin,sd N ephthyhseb, e camteh eg oda ndr uloefrt he Egyptiuannd erworHlidsf. o lloweexrpse ctteodj oihni ma ftedre atihn SekheHte tepeotrH, a ppyF ieladp sa,r adisreeapnl iocfta h eN ilVea lleayn,d enjoeyt ernlailcf reu isoinnt gh ec elesrtiivaelwr o,r shipping deities, feasting one xquisfiotoeda ,n de ngagiinngj oyfauglr iculatcutriavli ties. Thep rincitpeaxoltf t hef ollowoefOr ssi rwiass t heB ooko ft heG ateist; Thfeu neprraolc eosfsA inoin, c.1 520Bc ,i ssh owinnh is wasc ompilteodp rove tdheastp,it theep retensoifot nhsep rieosftA sm en­ papyorfu st he Book ofR at,t hheea nciegnotd o ft hed eadO,s iriwsa,s s titlhle o verloorfdt he DeaIdit.l s rltautCehsa ptIe,r underworalndd t haht isk ingdowma se verlastTihnigts.e xtt,h em ost with wtoobr esd pso koentn h e completvee rsioonf whichw as foundi nscriboend t hea labaster daoyf b urwihaeltn,h e deities sarcophaogfuP sh araoShe tI(i a rou1n3d57 BC),c onsisotfet dw op artTsh.e ThotHho,r uRsaa, n Odr isis are invofkoetrdh j eo nueriyn ot the firissat s erioefst extasn dp ictuwrheisc dhe scritbheep rogreosfts h es un undweorralndtd h 'ec oming godt ot hek ingdoomf O sirtihse,J udgmenotft heD eadt,h el ifoeft he forbtydh a y' beatifiinSe edk heHte tepeafn,dt hep unishmeonftt h ew ickeadn dt hef oes 9 oft hes ung oda ndO sirTihse.s econpda rcto nsiosfta s s erioefts e xtasn d picturwehsic rhe prestehnet magcicearle monitehsaw te rep erformiend verayn cietnitm etsor econsttrhuec tb oodfty h es ung oda nd mahkiem r ise everdya y. The stooftr hye d eatahn dr ebirotfOh s iris psluacyahen di mportraonlte inE gyptieasnc hatolomgyitchaoll otghya ittd eservteobs e b rietfollyTd h.e foudri visnieb liInsgiOsss ,i rNiesp,h thaynsd S etwhe ret hec hildorfeG ne b, theg odo ft hee artahn,d N utt,h eg oddesosft hes kyO.s irwiass a lstoh e husbanodf h iss istIesri asn,d N ephthytsh ew ifoe fh erb rothSeert h. Accorditnotg h el egenOds,i rwiass a ne nlighteknienwdgh oc iviltihzee d Egyptiatnasu,g htth emt hea rotf a griculatnudrp er,o hibictaendn ibalism. Hisb rothSeert hh atehdi m,a ndw ithhi sf ellow-consppilroatttoheridss death. Setihn vitOesdi rtioas b anquewth erhee s howehdi ma r ichdleyc orated chesmta des peciaflohlriy m a,n di nvitheidmt ot riyt O.n ceO sirliasiy n side, Setshl ammetdh el iadn ds ecurietwd i tnha ilTsh.ec heswta st .hrowni nto ther iveNri laen df loatdeodw nt ot hes eaI.t d riftteodB ybloosn, t he Phoeniccioaans wth,e rietc amet or esotn t hes horaen,d a l ovetlrye ger ew upa nde nclosietdT. h et rees'isz aen db eautcya pturtehdea ttentoifo n MalacandtehreK, i nogf B yblowsh,o h adi tcu td ownt ob eu seads a p illar of hips alace. Isiins theo faf k oi,rt me begetHtoirnbugyst hdee ad Osiarni(dsb ,e /oAwn)u bis reocnstitthubeto idnygO sorifi s, dierctbeydt he Tghoodat nhd helpbeytd h fer oggo ddess Heqe(tA.fb taersre flsai tPe hei)l a 10

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