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~ ~ C N (Books, Booklets, and Manuscripts) 1. Abele, Paul. Publication in Honor of the Jubilee Celebration of the Founding of St. Paul's Rman Catholic Parish in Vibank, Saskatchewan, 12 June, 1929. Translated by A. Becker and B. Kletzel. n.p., 1929? 2. Aberle, George P, Anecdotes of the Prairies. Bismarck, North Dakota: Quality Printing Service, n.d. 3. Aberle, George P. Fran the Steppes to the Prairies. Bismarck, North Dakota: Bismarck Tribune Co., 1963. 4. Aberle, George P. Pioneers and Their Sons: One Hundred Sixty-Five Family Histories. 2 vols. Bismarck, North Dakota: Bismarck Tribune Co.; Dickinson, North Dakota: North Dakota Herald, n.d. 5. Allan, Saskatchewan. Public School. Allan Tales and Trails, 1903-1955. 6. Andersen, Ludwig. Mein Heimatland. Mainz: B. Schott's Sohne, 1955. Anuta, Michael J. East Prussians £ran Russia. Menaninee, Michigan, 1979. F 589 .P77A58 160. Anuta, Michael J. Supplement to East Prussians from Russia. n,p., 1979(?) 7. Assumption Abbey: Yesterday and Today. Richardton, N.D.: Assumption Abbey Press. n.d. (cover title: Life Wether). 231. Bachman, Peter. Mennoni ten in kleinpolen. Lemberg : Lemberger Mennonitengemeinde, 1934. Reprint, 1980. 8. Bahl, Franz. Die Donau von der Quelle bis zur Mundung: ein Strom der Volker. 2d ed. Freilassing: Pannonia-Verlag, 1966. 9. Ballensky, J.J. Die Wga-Deutschen an der unteren Wolga und in Nord-Amerika. Denver: Colorado Herold, 1924. (Photocopy bound in . folder ) 186. Barth, Frederick H. A Transylvanian Legacy. The Life of a Transylvanian Saxon. Salt Lake City, Utah: Transylvania, 1979. 209. Bartlett, Roger P. Human Capital. The settlement of foreigners in Russia 1762-1804. New York, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. C - 187. Basyrjamka eine deutsche Gemeinde am Schwarzen Meer, 1891-1940. Eichorn-Druckerei: Ludwigsburg, 1966. 10. Bauer, Peter, Erxperiences from my Missionary Life in the Dakotas. Translated by Armand Bauer and Elaine Bauer. Cleveland: Central Publishing House, n.d. 11. Bauer, Reuben A. One of Many. FElmnton, Alberta: Imprimerie la . , Survivance 1965. (Bound photocopy) 12. Beck, Erich. Bukawina: Land zwischen Orient und Okzident, Freilassing: Pannonia-Verlag, 1963. 232. Becker, A. Vignettes. Collection of publications by A. Becker, Barbara Ives, ed. n.p.:, 1983. 13, Becker, A. Germans from Russia in Saskatchewan and Alberta, The. Offprint from German-Canadian Yearbook. vol. 3. 1976. 14, Becker, A. Germans in Western Canada, The: a Vanishing People. Canadian Catholic Historical Association, 1975. (Extract from a larger unnamed work, p.29-49). 15. Becker, A, Life and Custcms on the Hanesteads of the Germans from Wssia in the Colonies of Rastadt, Katharinental, Speyer and St. Joseph, Balgonie and Kronau, Saskatchewan. (Typed manuscript; outline of presentation), n.d. , 16. Becker A. Russian-Germans, The. n.p., 1978? Typed manuscript of article for Fbtar ian (?) , 17. Becker David J. Rev. Heinrich Benjamin Becker Trek to America, The: a Venture in Faith, n.p., nod. 188. Becker, J. Zwei Pionere der Bessarabiendeutschen, Lindl, Ignaz und Christian Friedrich Werner. Eichhorn-Druckerei und Verlag: Ludwigsburg. . [I9531 , 18. Becker Jakob. Beresina: eine bessarabiendeutsche Gemeinde. Bietigheim: Verlag Eduard Krug, 1967. (Photocopy) 161. Becker, Jakob. Bessarabien und sein Deutschtum. Bietigheim: Verlag Eduard Krug, 1966. 19. Beratz, Gottlieb. Die deutschen Kolonien an der unteren Wolga in ihrer entstehung und ersten Entwickelung. Berlin, 1923. (Bound photocopy). $89. Bessarabien: Heimat im Bild. Bildkalender, 1982. . 20. Bier, Fr iedr ich Aus den Leidenstagen der deutschen Wolgakolonien hrsg , K. Esselborn. Darmstadt, 1922. (Photocopy) , , Billigmeier Fbkrt Henry. Americans from Germany. Belmont California: Wadsworth, 1974. E 184 .G3B38 21. Boechler, Franz. My Memories. (Copy of a story from his larger work entitled My Memories, p.67-107), 1950. 210. Bornhauser, Christoph. Leben und Lehre Menno Simon's. Ein Kampf urn das Fundament des Glaubens (etwa 1496-1561). Neukirchener Verlag, 1973. 22. Bran.d t., Henry. Untitled typed manuscript [History of Peter Brandt Family] n d (Photocopy) 23, Brautigam, Otto. So hat es sich zugetragen: ein Leben als Soldat und Diplanat. Wurzburg: Holzner, 1968. 24, Bray, Thcnnas Harold. Of Years Gone By. Regina, Saskatchewan: Banting, n.d. , 25. Breitmeier Ede and Breitmeier, Stella. Schock Family Album: Yesterday and Today. Visalia, California: Josten's American Yearbook Co., 1977. 26. Brendel, Johannes. Aus deutschen Kolonien im Kutschurganer Gebeit. , S tuttgar t 1930. (Bound photocopy) 27. Brunanski, Jean and Brunanski, Ed. 80 Years in Wakaw, 1898-1978. Wakaw, Saskatchewan: Wakaw Fkcorder, 1978. 28. Brunau, M. The German Settlements along the Volga. Translated by A.E. Flegel. (Typed manuscript with photocopy of G e m e dition.) 207. Bruntz, George G. Children of the Volga. Dorrance & Co.: Ardmore, Penn., 1981. Buenting, J. A Brief History of the German-kssians (with: Christ Lutheran Church, Kipling, Saskatchewan. 65th Anniversary Programne.) inc. with #31 Christ Lutheran Church, Kipling, Saskatchewan and St. John's Lutheran Church, Wapella, Saskatchewan. Report 1973. inc. in #30 Christ Lutheran Church, Kipling, Saskatchewan. 65th Anniversary Programne, July 19, 1970. (2 copies) inc. in #30 30. Christ Lutheran Church, Kipling, Saskatchewan. Report 1972 with: St. John's Lutheran Church, Wapella, Saskatchewan. Report 1972. 211. Chronik und Familienbuch der Gemeinde Mannsburg. 1863-1964. Muhlacker: Heimatsnuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien, 1981. 33. Conquest, Robert. Nation-Killers, The: the Soviet Deportation of Nationalities. New York: Macmillan, 1970. .... 34. Currie, M. Olive. So Much to Remember and to Look Forward to Strasbourg, Saskatchewan, 1905-1955. Strasbourg, Saskatchewan: S trasbourg and Cmunity Booster Club [I9551 212. Derksen, Seymour A. My Father's House, Langham, Sask.: the author, 1980, 35. Deutsches Liederbuch, n.p., nod. (Bound photocopy). Deyneka, Anita and Deyneka, Peter. A Song in Siberia. Elgin, Illinois: David C. Cook, 1977. BR 1608 .R85D49 36, Diamond Jubilee: Assumption Church, Holdfast, Saskatchewan, 1906-1966. Marian Press? : 1966. (Photocopy) 162. Dolgun, Alexander. Alexander Dolgun' s Story: An American in the Gulag. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1975. 163, Dolker, Johannes. 125 Jahre Landwirtschaft in Bessarabien. Oldentrup: Eigenverlag des Verfassers, 1974. 37. Dreiling, B.M. Golden Jubilee of the German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas. Hays, Kansas: Ellis County News, 1926. Dreiling, Norbert R. Official Centennial History of the Volga-German Settlements in Ellis and Rush Counties in Kansas, 1876-1976. Hays, Kansas: Volga-German Centennial Association, 1976. F 687 .E3D73 Ehman, Daniel. The Joseph Ehmann Family Tree, 1823-1968. n.p., 1968. CS 90 .E4 38. Ehrlich, Clara Hilderman. My Prairie Childhood, Fort Collins: Colorado State University, 1977. 39. Eightieth (80th) Anniversary of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Cross Church, 1892-1972: and 85th Anniversary of Arrival of the First Inmigrants, 1887-1972. Fresno, California: 1972? 213. Epp, D.B. Die Chorititzer Mennoniten. Winnipeg, Man.: Buchhandlung Nordwesten, n.d. (bound photocopy) Epp, Frank H. Eaennonite Exodus: the Rescue and Resettlement of the Russian Mennonites since the Cammist Revolution. Altona, Manitoba: D.W. Friesen, 1966. BX 8119 .R8E64 Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920: the History of a Separate People. Toronto: Mamillan, 1974. BX 8116 ,E63 40. Epp, Margaret. The Earth is Round. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press, 1974. 41. Festschrift zur 25-jahrigen Jubilaumsfeier der Grundung der St. Paul ' s-Kirchengemeinde in Vibank , Saskatchewan. 12 June 1929. 42. Fiechtner, Friedrich, ed. Fateful Danube Journey: a True Account of an Emigration to Russia, 1816-1817. Translated by Theodore C. Wenzlaff, Bisnarck, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1973. . . , 164, Fiechtner Fr iedr ich Heimat in der Steppe S tuttgar t : Eigenver lag des Verfassers, 1964. 165. Fiechtner, Friedrich. Ich bin das ganze Jahr vergnugt. Liederbuch der - Bessarabien Deutschen. Stuttgar t : Landsmannschaft der Bessarabiendeutschen Referat Schrifttum, 1968. 43. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Carbon Baptist Church, 1910-1960. n.p., 1960. 44. Fifty Golden Years: Ccarmemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Mary's Church, Grayson, Saskatchewan. Battleford, Saskatchewan: Marian Press [I9571 45. Fischer, Karl. Die Deutschen im Kaukasus, insbesondre in Transkaukasien. Berlin, 1919. (Photocopy) Francis, E.K. In Search of Utopia: the Mennonites in Manitoba. Altona, mitobat D.W. Friesen, 1955. BX 8117 .M27F8.1.3 46. Frankenhauser, Victor John. Frankenhauser Family History. Richardton, North Dakota, 1969. 47. Fratautz und die Fratautzer. Heidelberg, 1957. (Bound photocopy) 48. Frey, Theresa. Land Settlement on the Saskatchewan Prairies up to 1930. n.p., 1971. (Photocopy of typed manuscript) 49. Frith, B.M. A Short History of the Wakaw District. Wakaw, Saskatchewan: Wakaw Recorder, 1932. (Photocopy) 50. Gauss, Adalbert Karl. Die Donauschwaben: Bild eines Kolonistenvolkes. Freilassing: Pannonia-Verlag, 1961. 190. Gerbrandt, Henry J. Adventure In Faith. Berthaler Mennonite Church of Manibba: 1970. 51. Gerein, Frank. History of Odessa: To Camnemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Advent of Odessa's First Settlers. .a.n d the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the Holy Family Parish 1901-1954. Regina, Saskatchewan: Western Printers, 1954. Gerein, Frank. Outline History of the Archdiocese of Regina. Regina, Saskatchewan: Peerless Printers, 1961. (Cover title: Golden Jubilee: Archdiocese of Regina, 1911-1961). BX 1423 .R33A2 52. Germans frm Russia in Western Canada, The. n.d. (Typed outline of presentation) 53. Germans in Western Canada, The: a Vanishing Race. n.d. 54. Gerwing, Thomas, amp. St. Peter's Colony, 1903-1978. Muenster, Saskatchewan: St. Peter's Colony Jubilee Steering Camnittee, 1978. . (Calendar. Tm capies) 191. Geschichte der ersten deutschen Siedlung und ihrer Menschen auf , emrbener Die. Gemar kung im Kreise Akkerman-Bessarabien. Ed. Wilhelm Hoffman: Eigenverlag des Verfassers, 1979. 56. Giesinger, Adam et al. Bibliography of the AHSGR Archives and Historical Librarv. Greelev*.. Colorado: American Historical Societv of Germans from * _Ru_s_siija_, 1976. Giesinger, Adam. From Catherine to Krushchev: the Story of Russia's Germans. Winnipeg, Manitoba: A. Giesinger, 1974. DK 34 .G3G5 55. Giesinger, Adam. Reports of 1942-43 from German Villages in the Ukraine: a Key to a Microfilm of Materials in Boxes 146-154 of the Captured German Dxmmnts at the Librarv of Conaress. Washinaton. D.C. Lincoln. Nebraska: American Historical Society & Gerkns fr& Russia- , - 1977. 57. Glaubensbekenntnis der Vereinigten Christlichen Taufgesinnten Mennonitischen Bruderuemeinde in Russland. 1902. photoc cow^ Goertzen, Peter. Goertzen. Calgary, Alberta: D.W. Friesen, 1976. CS 90 .G63 58. Golden Jubilee and History of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Sedley, Saskatchewan, 1906-1956. Yorkton, Saskatchewan: Redeemer's Voice Press, 1956. 59. Gorz, H. Die Molotschnaer' Ansiedlung. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1950-51. (Bound photocopy) 60. Graefe, Iris Barbara. Zur Volkskunde der Russlanddeutschen in Argentinien. Wien: Verlag A. Schendl, 1971. 61. Griess, James Ruben. The German-Russians: Those Who Came to Sutton. Hastings, Nebraska: 1968. Gross, Fred W. The Pastor: the Life of an Imnigrant. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1973. BX 7260 .G785A3 Gross, Paul S. The Hutterite Way. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Freeman, 1965. BX 8129 .H9G87 192. Haefner, Hugo. Eichendorf in Bessarabien Die Geschichte einer deutschen Siedlung und ihr.er Menschen. Baden-Wuerttemburg: Eigenverlag des Verf assers: [I9671 166. Hahn, Gottlieb. Die deutschen Bauernsiedlungen am Schwarzen Meere. Stuttqart, Muhlacker: Heimatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien, 1969. kiss. 167. Hale, The Germans frm Russia in Oklahcnna. university of Oklahma Press, 1980. 62. Hall, Helen L. Grandfather's Story. Hutchinson, Kansas, 1973. 2 copies. (Includes translation of Russland: Die Deutschen am Karman by Joseph M. - Linenberger.) 2 copies. . , 63. Har tmann Hugo. 266 Volks-Karmers-und Vaterlandslieder f< r Klavier New York: Edward B. Marks Music Corp., n.d. 233. Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Stephan Thernstrom (editor). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980. 193. Her, Erwin. Die Vogelwelt Sued-Bessarabiens. vornehmlich des Budschak: Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Bessarabien-deutschen: 1971. 168. Heer, Erwin. Geschichte der Geminde Neu-Borodino. Stuttgart, Muhlacker: Hehatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien, 1967. 67. Height, Joseph S., ed. Die Muddersproch der Kutschurganer, Beresaner und Liebedaler. Bismarck, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans fran Russia, 1975. 64. Height, Joseph S., ed. Folksongs of our Forefathers in Russia, America and Canada. Bismarck, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of G e m f rom Russia, 1978. 65. Height, Joseph S., ed. Hanesteaders on the Steppe: Cultural History of the Evangelical-Lutheran Colonies in the Region of Odessa, 1804-1945. Bisnarck, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans fran Russia, 1975. 66. Height, Joseph S., ed. Memories of the Black Sea Germans. Chelsea, Michigan: Associated German-Russian Sponsors, 1979. 68. Height, Joseph S., ed. Paradise on the Steppe: a Cultural History of the Kutschurgan, Beresan and Liebental Colonists, 1804-1944. Bismarck, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1972. 194. Heimatbuch Borodino und Friedrichsfeld. ed. Ernst Hoeger (mit Erwin Heer, . Wilhelm Schaupp und Artur Schock) Arbeitskreis Heimatbuch Borodim und Friedrichsfeld: 1982. 195. Heimatbuch der Geminde Kulm. Arbeitskreises. , 69. Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Neu-Posttal Kreis Akkerman, Bessarabien. 1963. (Bound ph0t-p~) 214. Heimatbuch Sarata, 1822-1940. Muhlacker: Heimatsmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien, 1979. 70. Herman, Esther Dirks. As a Mennonite of Pioneer Ancestry. Superior, Nebraska: Superior Publishing, 1976. 71. Hildebrand, J.J. Chromlogische Zeittafel. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1945. (Cover title: Hildebrand's Zeittafel) Hildebrand, J.J. Sibirien. Erster Teil: Allgemeine Ubersicht uber Sibirien und die Grundung der Mennonitensiedlungen in Sibirien. Zweiter Teil: Geschichte der Evangelischen Mennonitenaottesgemeinde in Sibierien. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1952. Hofer, Arnold M. and Kenneth J. Walter. History of the Hutterite ~ennonites.H utterite Centennial Steering Committee: Freeman, S. Dakota, 1975. Hommel, Emil. Die Bessarabischen Bruedergemeinschafien. Offenbach-Main, 1953. (Bound photocopy) Horst, John C. Real Life. Denver, Colorado, 1972. Hostetler, John A. Hutterite Life. Scottdale, Pennsylvania; Kitchener, Ontario: Herald Press, 1976, c. 1965. Hostetler, John A. and Huntington, Gertrude Enders. The Hutterites in North America. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. (2 copies) BX 8129 .H9H83 Huether, Elsie Louise. Huether. Dickinson, North Dakota, 1970. Huether, Mrs. Reuben, et. al., comp. Songs We Love to Sing. Bismark, North Dakota: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1977. Hunt, Ruth. East Wind: the Story of Maria Zeitner Linke. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976. Isely, Bliss. Earlv Days in Kansas. Wichita: Eagle Printing and Lithograph, 1967, c.1927. Jeschke, Ernest A. Memoirs of Ernest A. Jeschke, Waldheim, Saskatchewan. Goshen, Indiana, 1966. Jundt, Paul. Friedensfeld: Gedenken an ein Schwabendorff in der Steppe Sud- Bessarabiens. Melsungen: A. Bernecker, n.d. Kaempchen, Erich. In the Countw of Progress. Freeman, South Dakota: Pine Hill Press, 1975. Kalmbach, Paul. An Angel on my Shoulder. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1977. Karasek-Strzygowski, Hertha. Wolhynisches Tanebuch. Marburg: N.G. Elwert, 1979. Kauhan, P.R. Our People and their History. Trans. By Reuben Peterson. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Augustana College Press, 1979. Keller, Conrad. Die deutschen Kolonien in Sudrussland. Odessa, 1905-1 9 14. (Bound photocopy) - I Band. Keller, Conrad. Die deutschen Kolonien in Sudrussland. Odessa, 1905-1 91 4. (Bound photocopy) - 11 Band. 82. Keller, Conrad. The German Colonies in South Russia 1804 to 1904. 2 vols. Translated by A. Becker. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1968-1973. 197. Keller, Konarad. Articles: 1. Die Kutschurganer deutschen Kolonien in suedrussland. 2. Das Selzer Wolostgebiet. 3. Das Rastadter Wlostgebiet. 4. Statistik der Deutschen: Deutsche Wolgakolonien. 172. Keller, P. Conrad. Die deutschen Kolonien in Sudrussland. Odessa: Verlag von Stadelmeier, 1905. 173. Kern, Albert. Heimatbuch der Bessarabiendeutschen. Hannover: Hilfskmitee - der evangelisch lutherischen Kirche aus Bessarabien (1976). 83. Kessler, Joseph. Geschichte der Diozese Tyraspol. Dickinson, North Dakota, 1930. 84. Kessler, Joseph. Reiseerlebnisse. Dickinson, North Dakota, 1930. 217. Klassen, Is. P. Die Insel Chortitza. Winnipeg, Man.: the author, 1979. 85. Klaus, Aleksandr Augustovich. Nashi kolonii. Cambridge, England: Oriental Research Partners, 1972. 218. Klippenstein, Lawrence and Laverne. Mennonites in Manitoba. Their Background and Early Settlement. Morris, Man.: Morris-Macdonald School Division and Dept. of Education in Manitoba, 1976. Klippenstein, Lawrence and Toews, Julius G., eds. Mennonite Memories: Settling in Western Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Centennial, 1977. FC 3400 .M45M27 1977 86. Kloberdanz, Timothy J. The Volga Germans in Old Ftussia and in Western North America: Their Changing World View. Washington, D.C. : Catholic University Press, 1976. (&printed from Anthrapoligical Quarterly, vo1.48, no.4, Oct. 1975) Koch, Fred C. The Volga Germans in Russia and the Americas, frm 1763 to the Present. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977. DK 34 .G3K62 87. Kohl, J.G. A Visit to the German Colonies near Odessa in 1838. Translated by J.S. Height. n.p., n.d. (Extract from Kohl's book Reisen in Sudrussland, Dresden & Leipzig, 1841) . Krahn, Cornelius, ed. Frm the Steppes to the Prairies (1874-1949) Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Publication Office, 1949. (Photocopy) BX 8129 .G44 219. Kroeker, N.J. Erste Mennoniten. Doerfer Russlands, 1789-1943. Vancouver, B.C. : the author, 1981. 88. Laturnus, Lambert and Laturnus, Anna. Across Two Continents: the Family History of L&rt and Anna Laturnus. n.p., nod. (Photocopy) 89. Lehmann, Heinz. Das Deutschtum in Westkanada. Berlin: Junker & Dunnhaupt, 1939. (Bound photocopy) 198. Lehmann, Otto (Senior). Alt-El.f t, Hehat in Wort und Bild. Arbeitskreis der Gemeide Alt-Elft: [I9661 90. Leibbrandt, Georg. Die Auswanderung aus Schwaben nach Russland 1816-1823. , S tuttgar t 1928. (Bound photocopy) 91. Leibbrandt, Georg. Die deutschen Kolonien in Cherson und Bessarabien. , S tuttgart 1926. (Bound photocopy) b 199. LeiBrandt, Georg. Hoffnungstal und Seine Schwaben. Bonn: Selbstverlag Dr. Georg Leibrandt: 1980. - 92. Leiker, Victor. Obermonjou Then and Now. nap., n.d. (Photocopy of typescript. Extract £ran unnamed larger work, p. 41-46.) 93. Lichtenthal (1848); Glucksthal (1848); The Colony Mrbach and its Sister Colonv. Worms. (n.d.1 (Remrts. Bound tosether.) 94. Lindeman, Karl. Von den deutschen Kolonisten in Russland. Stuttgart: Ausland und Heimat, 1924. 96. Lindsay, Mela Meisner. A Windaw into the Iron Curtain: a Series of Interviews with Russian4erman Displaced Persons Who Fled Russia During World War 11, 1941. Titan Publishing, 1972. 95. Lindsay, Mela Meisner. Story of Evaliz Shukar Balan, The: the White Lamb. Lincoln, Nebraska: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 220. Loewen, Abram J. Imner Weiter Nach Osten. SudrusslandGina-Kanada. Ein siebzehnjahriger mennonitischer Leidensweg. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1981. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Heritage Remembered: a Pictorial Survey of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia. Rev. and enl. ed. Winnipeg, Manitoba: CMBC Publications, 1977. BX 8119 .R8L83 1977 Lohrenz, Gerhard. The Mennonites of Western Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba: 1974. FC 106 .M45L83 Long, James W. Russian-Language Sources Relating to the Germans frm Russia. Fort Collins: Colorado State University, 1976. Z 2517 .G4L652 98. Macklin Hane and School Association. A Short History 99. Malinowsky, J.A. Die deutschen katholischen Kolonien am Schwarzen Meere. , Stuttgart 1927.

13, Becker, A. Germans from Russia in Saskatchewan and Alberta, The. Offprint .. Koch, Fred C. The Volga Germans in Russia and the Americas, frm 1763 to.
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