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Book review: Ustad Ameer Khan jeevan aur rachnaen by Singh Tejpal and Arora Prerna PDF

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by  SaxenaS.K.
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Preview Book review: Ustad Ameer Khan jeevan aur rachnaen by Singh Tejpal and Arora Prerna

BOOKREVIEW Ameer Ustad Khan: and isfollowed by apartly similarpresentation JivanaurRachanaen of sevenTarartas in the chapter XUIwhkh has added substantially to my knowledge of this TejPalSingh,PrernaArora particulargenreofHindustanivocalmusic. KanishkaPublishers,Delhi, 2005 Tej Pal Singh is fervently devoted and ceremoniallyenrolled pupil(see the pictureon 226pages,16plates,As600 p.2J)ofUstadAmeerKhan.So,on[he"ho1elhe The lastfewyearshave seen the riseofa very work is very sympathetic to the maestro in welcome trend in the capital's musical scene. question.Yet'hereareatleastthreeplaceswhere Longtime pupilsofsome masterlyvocalistshave TejPalshowssomeindependenceofspirit.First, begunwritingwithbothdevotionandacuityonthe on p. 191, he ventures to offer his own lifeandanoftheirmentors;andhave.incidemally. interpretationofChe(CX(ofitD3fb<Jricompo.o,;irUm_ recorded for posterity quitea few Khayalsand Nextherefutestheview,airedbysomeoverfond Tamnasofrareexcellence,takingduecaretoprovide fansofAmeerKhan,thatevenduringhissleephe the full notations too ofthe compositions cited. wouldkeepmarkingtherhythmwithatoe(p.87)_ This can easily be an ideal way to preserve our Andfinally,onp.112, we see himobjectingto heritage of music unimpaired, provided the themaestro'suseafkomalgandttarinragaMegh, informationin priminreplenished with watchful and his (Ameer Khan's) acceptance of the listeningtothemaestros'recordedmusicwhichis protest-s-quietly, to be Sure; but so availableinplentytoday.atleastinthecaseofthe wholeheartedlythaithedevianceinquestionwas twovocalists[havepresentlyinmind:UstadsBade neverrepeatedbyhiminsubsequentrecitals. GhulamAliandAmeerKhan.OnGhuJamAliwe Asavocalisthimself.Imayadd.TejPalisby hadaverygoodbookin2003(editedbyM.Gilani no meansa non-entity.Along with his younger andQ.HJxJer);andnow.in2005.wehaveaneven brother(SurinderSinghj-c-thetwomakethewell betterbookonAmeerKhan,inHindi,towhichthe knownduo.SinghBandhu----hehaswonthe(1(X)..l) present review relates. SangeetNarakAkademiAwardforexcellence in ThisArneerKhanbookisjointlyauthoredby classical vocal music, The Brothers h:H'C~ been Tej Pal Singh and his leading pupil Dr,Prema singing together for years, and have won Arora:and Ihavenoreasontodoubttheveracity recognitionallalongasaduo.Soitisonlyproper ofthe two claimsmade (bytheseniorauthor.Tej that though he has not played any part in Pal)inthe veryprefaceofthebook:first,thatthe producingthebookunderreview,SurinderSingh bookissingularbecausethereisnootherbook(in hasreceivedduementioninif\4·here,-ermeror.texl thefieldofHindustanimusic)whichcouldfairly offactsdemandedit. claim to have been written with such an Fidelitytofactsisindeedthecrowningfeature unremitting concern for truth of facts and ofthiswork.Inthiscontextoneparticularinstance happenings.andbysomeonewhohashadsuch a of sheer academic integrity has impressed me long and close communion with an Ustad of specially,Nobody"oold(orcould)havecomplained ackncwledgedexcellence(asTejPalSinghhimself); hadthe(following)informationnotbeenpro..-ided; and second,thata major impulse in writing this buttheauthorshavedulytakenpainstodistinguish book has been the desire to make the maestro's (onp.xvi)thosecompositionsthetextandmelodic rich repertoire of traditional (and his own) planof"hichhaveboIhbeenprovidedbythemcesro compositions accessible to lovers of Khayal himselffromthe onesinrespect of \4hichheIus singing_Here Imayaddatoncethat chapterXII dooeonlytheswam-racnna.Tbereisacarefulmmtion oftheworkprovidesthetextandmelodicnotation e..'enofsuchminuscule,buttruthfuldetailsasthe of as many as fortythree Khayal compositions, following:Ameer Khan'svaryingchoices ofhis Sangeet ,"alo1 Vol.XXXIX, No.4. 2005 64 S.K.SAXENA adharaswararatdifferentstagesofhiscareerasa and,whatismore.with aneffective employment performer(59--60);arareindulgenceonthepartof ofthe de.."ice known as Kanbhama,- adevice A.I.R.(NewDelhi)authoritiesinallowingtheUstad which Saves the singer from thepossiblecharge toslightlyoverrun,becauseofhissheerengrossment that.astheveryanchorofawholerecital.asthayi insinging.theallottedtimelength.invirtueofwhich shouldnotlookbrokenontheinside.(Ihastento the immediately following news broadcast was add that the authors themselves ascribe the delayedbytwominutes(117):hiscommissioning renewalofthe use ofjhoomratala in singing to of aTanpura withsit strings (61);the occasions Ustad AbdulWaheed Khan p.45). when.intimeswhichhadyettobeginlooking on Anyway,alongwitha fairlyanalytic-butall musicasarespectablepursuit.AmeerKhanhadto along sympathetic-account of the major stay in houses of ill repute (71); and the quite excellence ofAmeer Khan's gayaki,the authors spontaneous changing.ofthe text of a Darbari (ofthebookunderreview)havealsotakencareto compositionbyhimashisdevotionalfervourswelled highlighthisl'iewsonmusic.themoreacceptable duringthewrycourseofsinging(71).Yetanother ofwhich maybepUI as follows: index.oftheauthors'penchantfortruthandaccuracy Our music belongs to a tradition which is isprovidedbythefactthattheyhavetakenduecare distinguishedbycontributionsfrom such saintly todeterminetheexactpronunciationand esoteric/ figures as Surdas andAmir Khusro. So what is mysticalsignificanceofthe Persiancouplets used here paramount is bhakti bhava; and merely byAmeerKhaninhisTaranasbytakingthehelpof frolicsome turns and twists (or words of vulgar a DelhiUniversity professorofPersian(200).At import) are quiteout oforder(90).Ameer Khan the: same time.more thanonce, they have rightly would in fact insist thar the paramount aim of emphasizedtheinabilityofnotation tocaptureall music is not justto entertain but to tranquillize thatisthereinactualmusic, andelevateourminus(Ibid).Tadatmyaorintense However, from the viewpoint of sheer attunernent with the melodic run is quire as technique the (ollowing details deserve to be necessery for the musician I'll work as for his mentionedspecially:avery educativeaccountof audience (Ibid);and the relish ofgood music is mrrkhandandpaltas employingdifferenrjensof equally open tomen ofdifferent faiths (90--91). laya(8-1~);aquicklistingofsuchcompositions Musicisindeedagreatunifyingforce.Aboveall, inAmeerKhan's repertoireasplacethe samaat the essentials of mean ofmusic make such an the 3D sound,andsomake the focalbeatacquire intensesinglenessthat thepartitionofIndiacould the requisite distinctness (51); lhe information donothingtoruffle it.Onecannoteven visualize thatAmeer Khanwould revelinusingsegments thepossibilitythatfourofthesevenswarascould ofdifferentjatis in the run ofthe selfsame lana stay barkinIndiaandtheremainthreecrossover (p,39) and that he is (he first to popularizethe toand settlein Pakistan(90-91) unusually reposeful use ofjhoomra tala (45) in ThereishoweveroneparticularviewofAmeer dealingwith whichthevocalisthastobespecially Khanwhichhasbeencited(quiteunquestioningly) waryinbearinginmind thedifferentplacements by the authors as follows and which I find it ofthetwotitkits(~6). Ihavethought itnecessary difficult to swallow: to italicize the word popularizebecause Ameer Look!agood voice has to modelitselfafter Khan is surely not the first to use thisrhythm. the shape ofapyramid;that is,it should be AsJsa)'so,JhaveinmindaVilambitKhayal, broad at the base (or lower notes) and set in raga todi and jhoomra tala, which was increasingly thin and pointeda..il traverses recorded by Sangeet Natak Akademi about the the higher notes, (48). year 1966.The singer was Ustad Altaf Hussain Now,Isubmit,ifthis viewisaccepted wewill Khan (of Khurja gharana): and I distinctly have to withdraw the very wide acclaim which rememberthathesangitwiththerequisitemeasure hassofarbeenaccordedtothelegendary Rehmat ofpoise,quitewithoutdnatonal turnsand twists; Khan whose tanas were admired essentially BOOK REVIEW 65 becausetheyappearedtoboomandsparkleatthe tanas whichareallalikecollocationsofdifferent taarswaras, like ananarthat isconunonlyused swaras-andwherethesingingisamanlikeAmcer in a display offireworks; and to UstadPaiyaz Khanwhohas(ontheauthors'ownview)devoted Khanwhosesingingoftaarnotes inraga Jogiya, a fair part of his early life to the practice of as energized with the formal devices known as sargam-singing-verygreat care hasstobetaken laag-daant, used to thunder, so to say. with to keep the swarus mutually and identifiably poignantfeeling. Surprisingly, the authordo not distinct (see, here, theauthors' own remark on look askance at the view in question, and I can p.54, that the discreteness or ~ ofswaras in only wonderhowthis indifference squares with Arneer Khan's tanas would have the clarity of the claimmade(byTejPal Singh) inthe preface pearls);andthattheactofdistinguishing,however that 'we, (the co-authors) will analyze, quite subdued it be,is necessarily some reflectionor impartially, every aspect of (Ameer Khan's) thinking which is precisely what nirvikatpa personallifeandgayaki'(xi).True,thewordvim's samadhijustcannotbrook. doesnotfigureinthisclaim;buteveryaspectofa At this point, I may also refer (0 what is a musician'sindividuallifesurelydoes notexclude plainandpersistent,ifinadvertentdiscrepancyin theviewsthatheexpressesonanartwhichisina the authors' way of writing. On p.xTej Pal wayhisvery life,And,totumtoactualsinging,if blazons out his resolve to avoid mere verbiage the maestro abstained from singing the taar studiously.Yetthisavowal isatoncefollowedby notes-a-say.ITor If-in open akara (p.51) is it aSanskritquotationfromvivekadhudamaniwhich not to be regarded as a limitation ofhis voice doesnotmakeanynewpoint.Whalismore,quite ratherthan as apassable accordance ofpractice afewsuchanalogiesaboundinthebookasarenot with an acceptable view about the variation of only needless and merely ornate, but too akarainits passagefrommadyatoraarsaptak? exaggeratedtocarryconviction.Thus, on p.47, Above all, Ijustfeel bewilderedby the remark, AmcerKhan'sgayakihasbeenlikedtotheupsurge made with implicit approval, that Ameer Khan ofjivatma to become one with its verysource, lookedon sargamsas the mostsuitablemedium thatis,Paramatma.Ontheverynextpage,aparallel ofexpressing bhava (52) if the word bhava is hasbeendrawnbetweenthe maestro'ssingingin taken to mean emotion? Sargams can surely the mandra and (a diver's?) attempt to collect appear to frisk or weave intricatedesigns; but precious stones from the very bed of an ocean; theircapacitytoexpressdesignableemotionshas and afew pageslater---onep.53tobeprecisec got tobearguedfor, ratherthanquietlyaccepted. AmeerKhan's toying with swaras (inthe act of However, these are not the only occasions singingsargams) has been said to be similarto where the book looks deficient in restraint and MotherParwati's tasyadance. Here, inplace of objectivity.Somesuchanalogiesdisfigureitasare mere rhetoric,what aseriousreaderwouldhave a bit too indulgent to carry conviction. Thus, preferred from the authors, who are both well Ameer Khan's musical utterance in generaland versedintheartofmusic,isafewactual(notated) the unusually long pauses that appear to divide instancesofsuchcollocationsofswarasandformal his singing of sthayi have been likened. devices.includingthevaryingmodulationofvoice, respectively,toattunementwithGodandthestate asmaylooklikecleartonalanaloguesofelevated ofquiet worship. Further, ifonly in passing, a longing,explorationofdepths,and tatlgentiality, parallelhasalsobeenhintedbetweenthevarying as against robustness and directness ofdealing tenorofAmeerKhan's singingand apassagein withswaras.Wheretheauthorsdolooklikemoving samadhifromthesavikalpatothenirvikalpastate a littleinthis needfuldirection, theyfall short of (58). phenomenologicalexactness.Thus,insuggesting Such glib writing shows scant awareness of thatifthesarna-letterischosentobe&I,thesthavi thefactthatwhere,asinKhayal-singinggenerally, will dearly look like opening up (~ p.51). amajorsegmentofthetotalrecitalisprovidedby theyforgetthat the suggestedsemblance(ofthe 66 S.K. SAXENA sthayi'sopening up. not merely the sama-point's answerwas:'"A 'defeat' inafilm isnorealindex looking open) will not come about unless the ofactualinferiority;and,afterall.he(D.V.)isthe immediately preceding TIm-up 10 Ihe 'sama' son of(no less a person than) the lion-hearted pmc'eetlsinaslightly subduedakara. Vishnudigambarji"(128). However.theseareallbutminorandoccasional What, however, seem to bemost directly irritantsin the book and are clearly outweighed relatedtothesingularqualityofhismusicisAmeer byitsmanypositivefeatures.Ihavepointedthem Khan's personal equanimity in life. In spite of outsimplybecauseIwouldbehappytoseethem many inhibiting factors-such as the loss of his remediedinthesecondeditionwhichthebookis motherwhenhe was just achild, a moreor less "t',)'likely10nulinto.Otherwise.thework'soverall unsettledmarriedlife,andrejectionbytheaudience valueisimmense.The•verydivisionofitschapters at his very first important concert (Mirzapur isanindexofitscomprehensiveconcern.Twoof Conference;p.72)--hestruckgamelytothetask these (nos.4.5) relate10 Ameer Khan'sgayat;; of bending public taste towards his uncommon no.7isdevoted 10 his life.and another.no.8 to gayaki,Asaresult,theultimaterecognitionofhis his personality. The maestro as a teacher is the meritwassorich andmanifoldthatitcouldbethe subject ofthe chapter 9;and chapters 10and 11 envy ofthe bestofourmusicians:So it is only relate. respectively, 10 some of Ameer Khan's properIhaltheauthorshavetakencaretoprovide recitals, the many accolades that he deservedly aquicklistofthemanyaccoladeswonbyAmeer won,andhiscontributionasaplaybacksinger. Khan (p.121-122).culminating in the awardof Suchamany-sidedandmeticulousapproachhas PadmaBhushan in 1971. naturallyenabledthe authorsto revealsomevery For those,however, who wish to enrich and interestingandnotwidelyknownfactsaboutAmccr improvetheirownsingingthemostrelevantpartof Khan'slife.personality.andwork;andltakepleasure thebookisprovidedbypp.130---214.Here.Indeed, incitingsomeoflheseasgiveninthebook: wehaveavirtualtreae..uryofcompositions-inboth Onthececa..ionofBaqr-IdAmeerKhanwould Khayal andTaranasgenres-alldulynotated;and amidresortingtothecustomaryanimalsacrifice so it is not without reason that a superstar like and preferinsteaddistributingthemoneyneeded PanditBhimscnJoshihascondescendedtoprovide for buying agoat as alms among the poor(90). the first meaningful page of the book with some BasicaJly,AmeerKhanwasnotonlyhumane,but kindly words by way of blessing the venture.As simpleinhislifeand tastes,andalsodulyaliveto foritsfinalchapter,quite intunewith iLS running the meritsofothervocalists.Thisisborneoulby care for details. it provides a graphic account of thefollowingevidenceorfacts.Whileparticipating Ameer Khan's death by accident and the post inthe5-dayEast-WeslMusicEncounteratAzad mortemencomiashoweredonhimbyluminariesin Bhawan (196t) be had 10 stay at Asoka Hotel the music world. withtheotherparticipants;butinsteadofexulting Infine.thebookisnotonlyasuperbpresentation in the regality of the place, where he had to ofAmeerKhan'slife,art,andcreativity.butaclear. conform toits formal living style throughoutthe ifincidentalindexoftheauthors'owncommitment. day,he wouldprefer10 spend a relaxedevening It abounds in authentic photographs. the more (inalungi}atthe homelyresidence ofhispupil. strikingofwhicharethetwothatappearsonp.21, TejPalSingh(86).Further.ItwasatAmeerKhan's showing the maestro's baitbak and mukhmudra expressinsistencethatD.V.Pafuskarwaschosen whilesinging(thoughonlythelatterisclearlyseen (by Naushad Sahib) to provide Baiju Bawara's here);and isacceptablealsoinrespectofprinting voiceinthefilm namedafterTansen'svanquisher. andcoverdesign.Iam thereforeconfidentthatthe What ismore,when (after seeing the film)some bookwillgetaplaceineverymusiclibraryandthe ofthe Ustad'sclose pupilsasked him as to why attention of all thosewho are wedded to serious hehadcondescended toappear 'defeated' in the Khayal-gayaki. filmbyayoungerartist.AmeerKhan'sforthright S.K.SAXL"A

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