THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2001 49(2): 379-384 ©National UniversityofSingapore BOOK REVIEW The Natural History karyologicalandallozymicstudies),andhistologicalstudies, Journal of while synopses and species checklists are published under Chulalongkorn "Reviews". Studysubjectsinthisfirstissueincludeinsects, University. TheNatural molluscs, herptiles and fishes, mostly from Thailand. History Museum of Chulalongkorn For now, the journal appears to primarily focus on University, Department biodiversity-relatedstudiesinThailand,whichisveryuseful of Biology, Faculty of indeed, consideringthe significantamountofsuchresearch Science, Chulalongkorn beingconductedthere. However,thisscopecanandprobably University, Bangkok, willexpandtoincludetherestofIndochina,thusaddressing Thailand. ISSN 1513 theneedforwiderdisseminationoftheresultsofbiodiversity 9700. studiesconductedinneighbouringIndochinesecountries,and perhaps even from southern China. Coupled with the This new journal is the forthcomingadditionofmorescientiststoitseditorialboard, official publication of andthesettingupofitsownwebsite(S.Panha,pers.comm.), the Natural History the journal will surely grow in importance and stature. MuseumofChulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand. Itboastsastrongeditorialboardconsistingofmembersfrom Annual cost ofoverseas membership and subscription are Chulalongkorn and Mahidol Universities, and National US$30 (individual), US$20 (student) or US$40 (institute). ScienceMuseuminThailand,aswellasoverseasinstitutions Requestsforapplicationforms orauthorinstructionscanbe such as Field Museum of Natural History, University of sent to: "The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn Michigan (both USA), National University of Singapore University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, (Singapore), and Universityofthe Rykyus (Japan), mostof ChulalongkornUniversity, Bangkok 10330,THAILAND"; whom have been actively researching and publishing on Tel. +(662)218-5258-9; Fax. +(662)218-5386. variousaspectsofnaturalhistoryinThailandformanyyears. The Editor is Somsak Panha ([email protected]) of the Chulalongkorn University. Darren C. J. Yeo Raffles Museum ofBiodiversity Research The inaugural issue (August2001, volume 1, number 1) of Department ofBiological Sciences this biannualpublicationfeatures 11 papers dividedamong The National University of Singapore three sections: "Original Articles", "Reviews" and "Short Blk S6, Science Drive 2 Notes". "Original Articles"coverstaxonomyanddiversity Singapore 117600, Republic ofSingapore (e.g. newspeciesdescriptions; newrecords; morphological, 379