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BOOK REVIEW. Chen X.-S., Zhang Z.-G. & Chang Z.-M. Issidae and Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, 2014. 242 p. ISNB 978-7-80662-979-6 PDF

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Preview BOOK REVIEW. Chen X.-S., Zhang Z.-G. & Chang Z.-M. Issidae and Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, 2014. 242 p. ISNB 978-7-80662-979-6

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 24(1): 138–139 25 JUNE 2015 BOOK REVIEW Chen X.-S., Zhang Z.-G. & Chang Z.-M. Issidae and Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, 2014. 242 p. ISNB 978-7-80662-979-6 The families Issidae Spinola and Calis- cluded subfamilies, tribes, genera, and spe- celidae Amyot et Serville belong to the cies and long English summary. For every ”higher Fulgoroidea” sensu Shcherbakov species, a description, material examined, (2006), which have attracted the atten- data on distribution (with maps for genera), tion of many taxonomists during last 20 remarks and notes (if necessary), etymol- years because of controversies over family ogy (for new taxa), color photos of external relationships among this group (Gnezdilov, views and drawings of male genitalia (some- 2013a). From this aspect, the inventory of times female genitalia as well) are provided. regional faunas is very important, and par- The main positive aspect of this book is ticularly the revision of our knowledge on comprehensive illustrative material – every Eastern Palaearctic and Indo-Malayan bio- species is illustrated by five photos of high diversity. In recent years, much has been quality: total dorsal and lateral views, and discovered concerning the Chinese fauna of three aspects of the head (dorsal, ventral, Issidae and Caliscelidae thanks to the pub- lateral), thus the book is particularly useful lications of Chinese taxonomists. as a field guide. However, I have to mention The current monograph by Chen with several important critical points as follows: coauthors is the second published book on 1. In the general taxonomic part (pages Chinese Issidae and Caliscelidae, after the 6–9) the tribe Colpopterini Gnezdilov, excellent monograph by Chan and Yang 2003 is treated as the member of the family (1994) on the fauna of Taiwan. This new Issidae. However this taxon was upgraded monograph is entitled “Issidae and Calis- to subfamily rank and transferred from the celidae from China”, but it does not review Issidae to the family Nogodinidae Melichar Chinese fauna of these planthopper fami- (Gnezdilov, 2012). On the other hand the lies. Instead it is a guide to the collection subfamily Caliscelinae Amyot et Serville is of Issidae and Caliscelidae deposited in the treated as including just the tribe Calisceli- Institute of Entomology of Guizhou Uni- ni despite of the work by Emeljanov (2008) versity. This monograph considers 26 gen- who erected the tribe Peltonotellini and era and 61 species of Issidae, and 5 genera recently the modern classification for the and 13 species of Caliscelidae. Among these, family Caliscelidae including this tribe was four genera and 20 species are described as published by Gnezdilov (2013b). new and one genus and one species are re- 2. The drawings of male genitalia are not corded for the first time from China. This detailed. They may be useful for identifi- number of taxa included is far from covering cation of the species, but hardly useful for Chinese fauna in totality. Thus, the table in morphological and phylogenetic studies. the introduction of the book lists 143 spe- 3. The authors did not explain their cies of Issidae and 20 species of Caliscelidae opinion on the validity of Hemisphaerius known from China before this publication. testaceus Distant, 1906 and ignored the The monograph is supplied with chap- synonymy of this species with Hemisphaeri- ters on general taxonomy, morphology and us rufovarius Walker, 1858 proposed by Li- ecology of the families, with keys to the in- ang (2001). © 2015 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes V.M. GNEZDILOV. BOOK REVIEW: CHEN X.-S. ET AL. ISSIDAE AND CALISCELIDAE FROM CHINA 139 4. Hemisphaerius signifer Walker is ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS missed in the Index and the paper by Gnez- I am glad to thank Dr Charles Bartlett (New- dilov (2011) cited in the text is missed in ark, DE, USA) for language editing and Prof. the References. Dr. Alexandr F. Emeljanov (Saint Petersburg, 5. The species incorrectly identified by Russia) for his comments on the genus Caliscelis. the authors as Caliscelis affinis (Fieber, 1876) apparently is Caliscelis zarudnyi Mit- REFERENCES jaev, 1971. 6. The Index does not include the pages Chan Mei-Ling & Yang Chung-Tu. 1994. Issi- for the English summary. dae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Tai- 7. There are several misprints: page 1 chung, Taiwan: Chen Chung Book. 188 pp. (introduction) – Caliscelides should be Emeljanov A. F. 2008. New species of the genus Peltonotellus Puton (Homoptera, Calisceli- changed to Caloscelides; p. 1 – Fitehiella dae) from Kazakhstan, Middle, and Cen- should be changed to Fitchiella; p. 1 – Di- tral Asia. Tethys Entomological Research, 16: etyobia should be changed to Dictyobia; 5–12. p. 2 – Malenovsky should be changed to Gnezdilov V.M. 2012. Revision of the tribe Malenovský; p. 2 – Parahiracinae should Colpopterini Gnezdilov, 2003 (Homoptera, be changed to Parahiraciinae; p. 6 – Nenasa Fulgoroidea, Nogodinidae). Entomologiches- oblique should be changed to N. obliqua; koe obozrenie, 91(4): 757–774 + 4 photo p. 30 and 184 – Servill should be changed plates. [In Russian. English translation pub- to Serville; p. 67, 69, and 193 – Mongoliana lished in Entomological Review, 2013, 93(3): 337–353]. chilochorides should be changed to Mongoli- Gnezdilov V.M. 2013a. Issidisation of fulgoroid ana chilocorides (same misprint in the Index, planthoppers (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) as p. 240); p. 76 – Gergithus triangularis should an evidence of parallel adaptive radiation. be changed to Mongoliana triangularis Entomologicheskoe obozrenie, 92(1): 62–69. (same misprint in the Index, p. 242); p. 80 – [In Russian. English translation published Hemisphaerius sinifer should be changed to in Entomological Review, 2013, 93(7): 825– H. signifer; p. 85 – Neotericodes should be 830]. changed to Neotetricodes; p. 123 – Pesudo- Gnezdilov V.M. 2013b. Modern system of the family Caliscelidae Amyot et Serville (Ho- choutagus should be changed to Pseudo- moptera, Fulgoroidea). Zoologichesky Zhur- choutagus; p. 159 and 221 – Bambusicalis- nal, 92(10): 1309–1311. [In Russian. English celis fanjingshanensis should be changed translation published in Entomological Re- to B. fanjingensis; p. 161 – Bambusicalis- view, 2014, 94(2): 211–214]. celis fanjingshanensis should be changed Liang Ai-Ping. 2001. Taxonomic notes on Ori- to B. dentis; p. 204 – Neodurius hamatus ental and Eastern Palaearctic Fulgoroidea should be changed to Neodurium hamatum; (Hemiptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomo- p. 1 and 235 – O’brien should be changed logical Society, 73(4): 235–237. to O’Brien; p. 1 and 236 – Soos should be Shcherbakov D.E. 2006. The earliest find of changed to Soós. Tropiduchidae (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyn- cha), representing a new tribe, from the Eo- Despite of mentioned of the above mis- cene of Green River, USA, with notes on the takes, this monograph should be treated as a fossil record of higher Fulgoroidea. Russian good first attempt to provide an illustrative Entomological Journal, 15(3): 315–322. and identification guide to planthoppers of the families Caliscelidae and Issidae of V.M. Gnezdilov China, a country with very rich and diverse fauna, and I hope that next time the authors Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 will be more careful and critical with the Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] material they are studying and pay more at- tention to the quality of their publication. Received April 11, 2015 / Accepted April 24, 2015 © 2015 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 24(1): 138–139

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